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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1943, p. 4

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-- -.. . - - ~'*rsflw. - PAGE FOUR THE CANAUXAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THRDY UN 7h14 THURSDAY, JUNE l7th ,i943 Haydon Congr atulations to Mir and M\rs. Don Carr (nec Blanche Beech t on their niarriage.A large numben charivaried ther FridaN evening when a social time was had by ail. Mrs. Wesley Thompson had the honour of being grandparents to two small boys in one week. The: were sons of Pte. and 'Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and Mr. and vIrs. Earl Thompson. W.A. was entertained at the home of Mrs. E. A. Werry. Thurs- day. The Seripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Read and the devotional by Mcs. B. Ashtor. Mrs. A. F. Gardner lead in prayer. The pregram w,%as in charge of Mrs. C. Siemon. Each grand- mother -as presenled w îth a cor- sage and several grancimothers wece arnong those takîng part in the prograin. A v.ocal trio vas rendered b\ rs E. Bradlev. 'Mrs. W. Thompson and NIrs. H. As.h ton: a reading \vas enen n rs T. Covw-ling: M.\rs. H. J. Werry sang a solo: Mrs. W. Martin gave a readiniz: Miss Marie Aslion sans4 a solo and a reaclîng %vas; ,i-en bv Mr.H. Ashfon. Each gan mother present vas a5IKed te de- scribe lherc -edding day%. Two more of our local bovs are in uniform. Silas Tr-ewîn hiaving! joined the R.C. A.M.C. and DýonalId Thompson the Can. Naval Force. Visitors: Mrs. Leslie Lanclon. Jerseyvville. 11I.. at Llo'vd Ashton*s id e nii il e to ie - s ie in. of r- ...Rev. Haroldi Stainten and Beverley. Guelph. Pte. Sulas Tîe- e tn il win, R.C.A.MC.. Miss Grace Tre-wtn ilt %vin. Toronto. Miss Helen Rkindle. Visitors Mr. and Mcs. R. Beee Bowmanville, at Wm. Tcewýiin s...M ih M. Gerg Hndr- Mrs. Wallace Stainton. Toronto. son s..M r. and Mc. Heid Mr. and Mcs. Ross Richards and Stapleton. Oshaw-a. ai Mcr. Max faniily. BoNvmnanville. ai Ayinier Stap)leon*s. . . Mrs. Laking and Beech's. . . Spc. Jack Polis .\ Marlenie. -Newcastle. with Mcs. Debert, N.S.. Mc. and Mcs. Lloyd George Kimbal. . . Miss Evelyn Richards. Mc. and Mrs. Alfred Bellamy. R.N.. and Miss Ruth Richards. Salem, at Mr. Wni. Mac- sIurkely-. R.N.. Isolation Hospital, tin's. . . Mn. and Mrs. C Av-ery. Tocante. and Mr. Everett Bell- Miss Verna .Trewin. attended Cad- amyv. Tarante. at Mr. Loftus Bell- mus annivensary and calîci ai amny's.. - .Mrs. Thes. Stapleton the Ellioti home..-. Mc. and Mrs. ih lhec daughtec. Mca. George Ceci] Siemon ai Mc. Hacry Brook- Smith. Starkville, vho is caring ing's. Wesleyville. .. Mcr. and Mcrs. for hiec. . . Mn. and Mca. Chas. Don MacKenzie. Ajax. at A. E.,Behee. Oceno: Mc. and Mrs. Cynîl McNeil's. . Rev. H. Staintan. French. Oshaw-a: LAC Jas. Wood, Mc. Allun Stauntan. Mc\I. and Mrs. R.A.F.. Manning Pool. Tocante, at W. Trewin attended Zien anni Mr. Bruce Whitney's... -Mr. Bruce versary ai-d called ai Arthurc Whitnev. Misses Olive and Giadys Stainton's. . . Mc. and Mc\Is. Wl- 1. Whitnlev and Mrs. Ray- Burley in bon Blackburn and 'ayne, Maple Oshawa.- Mis;s Gladv's remained Grex-e. at Mrs. T. Cew.-lings.. ......Iiss Laurna Pearce. Mont- Mc. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and ceai, ai home befoce beginning hiec fainillv- Toronto. et . E ca-nexv dsties in Tocnt. .. Miss Mc- .Ista Ashlo . Toi z \ Jea Capbell. Port Hope. ai c IclaAshoii-To -nio J. T. Peacce's. --Mr. and Mrs. oiic Mrs. Roy Thomipson and tain- Eanl Walkey and Joan at Mr. l en Thounp\sn. Toande.anr.dIGeorge Beare's. Gceenbank. .- Gien TomponTornto 'M. 'Mc. and Mcs. Cecil Bucley. Mca. ansi Mrs. Walter Bridgett and D. Denauît and Edna. Miss Marg- faiix - Eownianville. at '.\I. W. acet Deniault. LAC Renald Bun- Thompsonis. . . Mcs. T hi o ni a s lev. 'Miss Mary Denault and Mn. Gree,.-anîd Roald. Gardon Greer Ra-y Berry in Terenteo... Pte. cnU ijjîîgbters with fcieods here. Lennox Vasey. Peterbeco. at Mr. Wm. Stapleton's... AC2 Raymond Gilmer. Belleville, ai home. . . Solina Mr. andi Mcs. E. Ruthven ai-d Mc. and .Mcs. Mac Icwlvn. Zion: Mc. and Mns. Gagecix-. Newcastle. at Many friends met at the home Mr. Frank Gilmers... Mns. R. J. of Mc. and 'Mcs. Jas. Smales. Mon- Rexve. Mn. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. ' da.- evening. te honeur LAC ani c and Mr,. F. Gilmer in Onono. Mýrs. James Smales oni their mac- niage. Mr. S. E. Werry capably Miss Hi]]. Kendial. accupied the intraduced the ceremenies. Mcs. pulpit in the United Chunch. Sun- Bryce Bcown-i read an apt addcess day evening. and delivered an in- expressing the fond wishes of all teresting address. the cemmunity and church ergan- Rex. J. McLachlan pneached ie iztosand the presentation ofa Trinitv UnitdCucBwa-i sum of meney fcom the commun- ville. Sunday evenicg. as Rex. j. T. ity. pictuce fcom the C.G.I.T. and E. Griffith w-as cenducting S.S. si crystal salad set fcon- the Y.P.U.. annivecsary services ai Kendal. dE ,vas made bv Charles Langmaid. oefnileI.MS Eelen Langmaîd and Harvey W.M.S. met June 8 with Pces. sm Yellowlees. Jim and Kathleen Mcs. J. MeLachian in the chair. la .eave tonight (Thunsday) foc Supplies for the bale xvere dis- t' hei ce hoe t Clgay. cussed and a request for every Hi Mc. and Mca. A. L. Pascoe ai- thing to be le by end of next of ended Memocial services ai week. Decided ta purchase study M Erskine United Church, Dunbar- book. "Foc Al af Life'. Scipture 1, on, Sunday. and visited Mrs. reading, Mcs. C. Robinson: solo, HF Bray, Pickering. Mary Lace. "My Task". Mrs. W. gi Young People present their P. Rogers, Bowmacville, gave an E. dcama, "Aunt Bessie Beats the enlightening article on the Japan- j. Band", ai Blackstock and Oshawa ese in Canada, then a paper on a. this week. aur responsibility (i.e. of our wa- Mý Mcs. Wes. Wercy is slightly im- mec) as they have the training of proved and has returned home the children le their hands; what sa fier spending sevecal weeks with the children leacn today will G, er parents at Maple Grave. make our country of tomorcaw. N(. The "aid gray mare" is back Mrs. McLachlac thanked Mrs. c:( vhere she used ta bel This was Rogers for hiec timely paper. A videcced in a unique sequel te Lunch was secved. The collec- itý the Smales-Baker wedding, Sat- tions for the W.M.S. Thank-Offec- ed irday. Followicg the cenemocy ing amounted ta appcoiatl Lt the Chucch, the bride and $ 30. g ooNwreecorted te a two- '1Il seated phaeton proudly drawn by two gray horses and piloted hy !~p7i/r, Wecry. T7his vehicle of ancient J/il ,J/I 1 vintage is possessed bý, E. Mill- il // ii s on and xvas used bv his father. C4 V/ý,The tiny tornade Tuesday eve- ning left a disocderly path, with Pel 1' trees uprooted, telephene and Mohv xdro wires severed and many 4 cOnO buildings damaged. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Passmone, Toronto, at Mc. Bryce Brown's. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor and family, Miss Lena Just day Taylor, at Mr. E. Larmer's. Black- stock. . . Mc. and Mrs. Everett -- Elliott, Mary and Barbara, at Rev. ensues s eet, C. H. Elliotts cottage. Williams' Point. .. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Bou- ta ty bra tillier, Mrs. A. Blewett, Mn. Leon- ard Blewett. New Toronto; Mr. WRPE ARIH Thos. Brookham and Irene. Mrs. Russell Balson and Carolyn, Bow- TO PR TECTSTREGTH. manville; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bal- * * son, Cataraqui, at Mr. A. J. Bal- PUREDEPEN ABLE. son's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Marilyn, Hampton, at Mr. E. Elliott's. SLadlies' Hiatsj Orono News Junior Red Cross met Monday with these items being enjoyed: A play by Grade IV; story by Miss E. Truil; riddles by Joyce Sutton: recitations by Margaret Yorke, and Douglas White; cead- ings by Jean Wilson, Graceý Gamsby. and Eileec Jones; vocal trio by Jean Wilson, Joyce Sut- ton and Patsy Moffat; and a vocal quartette hy Lorca Clarke, Jean Mo f f a t, Joyce Sutton and Maureen McKenna. Mr. and Mcs. Wesley Lageer visited relatives in Toronto. Union met Monday evening. Stella Best and Betty Chapman read the Scriptuces which xvene expiained by Kay Smith. A dis- cussion was held on vacieus ques- tions which might confrent the yeung people of today. Games followed. Miss Jean Lageer has compieted hlec business course in Toronto and bas accepted a position. Miss Marion Brown, R.N.. vis- ited with hec parents. Mc. and Mrs. L. McGee are vis- iting here. Orono W.C.T.U. Orono W.C.T.U. met Tuesday. Worship pecied was conducted by Mrs. Robt. Rainey. Vote of thanks was extended te the Good- will Bible class for catering te the banquet and Mrs. R. Rainey gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. F. Kelly gave a reading on *Peace", and Stella Best favoured with a vocal solo. Em-riskillen Visitons: Mc. and Mrs. S. Rod- man, Mc. and Mns. C. Graham, Port Perry, at Mc. O. C. Ashton's ...Mc. and Mrs. D. Lewis, Joan and Donna, at Mc. Wm. Taylor's, Biackstock. .. Misses Clara Page, Toronto, Myrtle Page and Giadys Page, Oshawa, Pte. Bill Linzay, Camp Bonden, with Mrs. E. Page ...Mc. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Doneen, Mc. and Mns. G. Rahm and family, Union, visited fiends in Weston. On Wednesday, June 9th, Mrs. E. A. Werry opened hec home te Enniskillen Women's Association, and the Woman's Missionary Sa- ciety, and aise extended an in- vitation to the membens of the Baby Band. The W.A. president, Mrs. J. A. Wenry, conducted a s h e r t wonship service.. The W.M.S. president, Mrs. R. Oc- misten, then took change. Mrs. Harvey McGill spoke for a few minutes on the importance and purpose of the baby bands, and welcomed bath babies and meth- IThe program consisted of a ceading, "I Confess My Faith", by Mrs. J. Stevenson, followed by a vocal solo, "In the Garden" by Reta Dickie. Mcs. Orval Ashton nead a very fine papen, entitled, "Our Mission-Let Us Fulfil It". Mrs. Ormiston gave a list of the most coxnmon excuses given for failune to work for the Missionary cause and answered these ex- cuses from God's own Word. Marie Ashton favoured with a vocal solo, 'Sweet Hour of Prayen". Mrs. L. Lamb read a good Missionany stony. Rev. J. A. Plant sang a children's hymn in honour of the babies. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Weccy foc hec kind hospi- taiity. A deliclous lunch was senved by Mrs. L. Lamb's group and a social heur enjoyed. Flossie's MOOds THOUGHTFUL BECAUSE she knows her re- sponsibility to ail those growing eildren who want to be healthy. There are a nuniber of grown-ups, ton, w~ho depend upon milk for steady nerves and resistance against disease 0 Order Bt Today From - Bowm anvîiIe Dairy PHONE 446 ]Blackstock The W.M.S. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. TSamells. Mrs. Cecil Hill pre- sided in the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Jabez Wright. Some f the Cadmus ladies were present s guests. The roll cail was an- swered with a donation for the laette for the bale. The Scrip- ire lesson was taken by Mrs. Hill. The program was in charge :f Mrs. Harry Philp, Cadmus, and Mrs. Carl Wright. A short play. "Asleep or Awake to Our New [omne Missionary Task", was liven with Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. ý.Dorrell, Mrs. A. Johnston, Mrs. JElliott, Miss Kathleen Wright ànd Mrs. A. Gilbert taking part. Iiss Annie Mountjoy read a story, 'Holy Bread". Mrs. Harry Philp mng "Close to Thee"; Mrs. H. ialbraith a reading, "Next Door reighbours". Rev. D. M. Stinson [osed the meeting with a prayer. Adelicious lunch was served dur- àg which a social time was enjoy- ýd. Church service was withdrawn it the United Church on Sunday ývening, owing to Cadmus anni- ersary. Mr. Fred Hamilton had charge )f the service at St. John~s Angli- mn Church, Sunday morning, in te absence of Archdeacon Simp- mn. Sympathy is extended to Mr. nd Mrs. Percy Phayre and fam- y on the death of his mother, tirs. Phayre, Sr., aged 84 years. The annual Institute convention was held in the United Church. une 9. Visitors: Mrs. Harry Vincent, roronto. spent a few days with Mrs. V. M. Archer. . . Mrs. E. P. W~ood, Toronto, visited with Mrs. FCrawford and other friends... tirs. Mark Weldron, Uxbridge, vith Mrs. Robt. Parr. . . Miss 3wenyth Marlow, Toronto, with er parents. . . Roger Dorreli, RC.AF., with his parents . Bishop Owen, Toronto, visited .rchdeacon and Mrs. Simpson. Ebenezer Annivecsary visitors: Mr. and Irs. Fred Thompsen; Mr. and Irs. Harry Smith; Miss Kath- rine Soanes, Oshawva: Misses [argaret and Joyce Hill, Bow- nanville; Mr. and Mrs. Foster 3nowden, Kedron, with Mr. and [rs. R. C. Pearce. . . Mr. and Urs. Kenneth Werry, Newcastle; Ir. and Mrs. W. Werry, Salem; fiss Thelma Werry and Mr. Ross lichards, Salem, with Mr. and Irs. Elton Werry. .. Miss Norma ;exsmith, Oshawa; Mrs. Bernice crul], Toronto; Bruce and Ronald 'illens. Whitby; Misses Hazel CrulI and Patricia Pearce, Osh- ia General Hospital; Fît. Sgt. ýeorge Dobbins, R.C.A.F., Osh- ta, with Mr. J. Truil. .. Mr. and Irs. R. L. Worden, Maple Grove, vith Mr. and Mrs. Esli Oke. Irs. W. Patte, Mr. and Mrs. H. agerman; Mr. and Mrs. Albert undie, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. erb R un dl1e and Florence, ampton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. ýPickell. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. tose, Ajax, with Mr. L. J. Court- e. . . Mr. and Mrs. Orville Os- )rne and daughters with Mr. 'a Dow.... Mr. and Mrs. Mark [unday; Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens; iss Doreen Jeffery, with Mr. and Ers. Bert Wilkins. .. Misses Flor- ýce and Letta Jackson; Mr. Les. rackson; Misses Betty Rice and 3ernice Gay, Bowmanville, with ir. and Mrs. R. R. Gay. . . Dr. id Mrs. R. Davies and family; at eV Ca an il3 ji Ju F. wi G, he Bi Ai eîi Sn Mi Mi Mi mi Ri Mi Se Tr Ki Tr arh GE aw Mi wi Mi He Ru HE Ha R. Ro icE bo Ca Mi mi Mi et, Jui Be Mi ai Mi Os Ge Ro By pi Mi Sg dei Ga A. Br ani R. ma Ne ElE BI Cei Mr Mr Ru Mr an( Loi ma M7hitby: Mc. and Mns. Gordon Os- bonne and Linda. Ajax; Jack Ar- nati. R.C.A.F.. St. Thomas, witlz Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Osborne... Mýiss Lyla Osborne. Torante: Mns. Jesse Arnati. Maxwell's, with Miss Auna Osborne. . . Mn. and Mns. Eber Snowden and Margaret. Oshawa: Mr. and Mcs. E. Sum- mens. Bow.,-manville; Rev. C. G. Park, Whitby; Mc. and Mca. Ne]- sac Osborne, with Mc. and Mns. Chas. Osborne. . - Mr. George Gore, Oshawa, with Mc. and Mrs. F. Rucdle..-. Mc. and Mcs. R. E. Osborne with Mc. Albert Rundie -... Gnn. Alan Trevail visited his parents over the week-end. . . Petty Officer George Shocit with his parents, Mc. and Mcs. J. Shot ... Mc. and Mrs. Hacny Wondec xith Mn. and Mcs. Alex Young, Cobourg. .. Sunday guests ai Mn. V. A. Hency's wece: Mrs. J. C. Andrew-s and Joan, Minneapolis, U.S.A.; Miss Helen Henry, Mc. W. J. Henry-. Peterboco; Mc. Ted Hut- ton. Toronto: Mc. and Mns. F. Black, Oshaw-a. Congratulations ta Miss Hazel Truil, w-ha gcaduated fcgm Osh- awa Hospital Fciday. Those ai- tending the graduation execcises w-ene Mrs. Mabel Bennett, Mcs. E. Pnice. Mrs. Leslie Acdersoh and Grace Tru. Ebenezer Anniversary Ebenezen annivecsary services w-ere held Sucday with a large attendance ai bath services. Rev. C. Parka, Whitby, was guest speaker and deiiveced two very inspicicg and thought-pnovoking sermons. The members of the Sonday School were aIl seated on the platform for the afieccoon service and sang two levely an- thems with Miss Eileen Piekel ai the piano. Miss Louise Pearce sang a lovely solo accomparfled by Miss Hazel Rundie. The Supi., Chas. Osborne, assîsted in the afieccoon senvices. In the eve- cicg the Junior Choir sang two beautiful anthems with M is s Louise Pearce taking the solo part. Mrs. G. F. Annis favoured with a solo accompanied by Miss Ada Annis. Total collections foc the day amounted to 3$195.00. W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. held uts monthly meeting on Tuesday aftecnoon, with Mrs. G. F. Annis in the chair. Mca. H. Linstead and Miss Marg- aret Pollock wece in charge. It was decided ta secd boxes to the boys that have gene overseas from this community. Proceeds from the salvage drive conducted ce- cently was $11.00. The Bible reading was given by Mca. Walter Scider. The wonship peciod was canducted by Mns. H. Linstead. A piano solo waas played by Louise Osbonne and a skit was given by Mca. A. J. Gay, Miss Margaret Pollock and Mca. R. R. Gay on Japanese Canadians. Mission Circle The Mission Ciccle met Wed- cesday evening ai Mca. Harny Gay's. The meeting opened with prayer by the president. Miss A. Hoît. The devotionai was taken by Mca. A. Muir. A layette was packed by the Mission Circie girls foc the W.M.S. bale. Reading by Mca. H. Nichols and playette "Asleep or Awake ta Our New Home Mission Task", by Mca. C. Wade, Mcs. W. Brown, Mca. E. Countice, Mca. H. Gay, Miss F. Couctice and Miss Beth Gay. Study book wvas taken by Mns. L. Cauntice. Thece wece 23 present. Fcom an idie lead-zinc mine le Oklahoma sevecal h undrce d million gallons of waten are being pumped ai the rate of 3,500 gal- lons per minute so that the mine may be wocked again ta obtain wac metals. SWING! Zion Visitons: Miss Leah MeQodde. Cadmus, with Miss Jayce Guffend ..Mn. Leslie Hoakin. Thoritaiifs Corners, Mc. and Mca. Hacry Fish- en and Joyce, Mc. Bob Hey. Osh- awa, Mr. and Mca. E. Rype, North Oshawa, ai Ray Cameron's... Miss Veca Leach, Ashbuce, at Alan Fiahec's. .. Mc. and Mrs. Ed. Hoskin, Harmony, ai Hans Geisa- bergec's. . . Miss Jean McMastec, Torante, ai Mca. J. W. MeMaster's Pie. Cliffard Johns, Kingston, Mca. Johns. Oshawa, ai Wea Cam- eran s. .. Mc. and Mca. Ivor Gerry, Mn. and Mca. John , Gerry and sans, Toronto. ai F. B. Glaspel's ..Mc. Wm. Clarke ai Oshawa... Miss Margaret McCleuc with hec parents ai Toronto. . Miss Shir- ley Martie spent a few days in Tarante. . . Mr. and Mca. Chas. Bencet and baby, Ray, North Oshawa. ai Fred Camenon's... Mc. and Mca. Wm. Hawkins and Mcs. H. Allie, Boxvmanville, ai Russell Rabbin's..Mc. and Mca. Wes Camecon and Joyce ai Stan- ley Covecly's. Ebeceze. .. Mn. and Mca. Fred Rabbins and Isa- bel, ai Harold Hayes', Columbus ..Misses Giadys King and Mary Jexveli, Bowmanville. wene wiîek- end guesis of Eileen Staintan... Mc. and Mns. Clarence Happa, Mn. and Mca. Lloyd Meicaîf and Lacry, Oshawa, ai Aif. Ayre's... Mca. Alan Fisher and Forbes vis- ited hec brather, Roy Leach, Mycile. . . Mca. Elias Ashton, Enniakillen, Miss Benice Chap- mac, Taooto, Rev. and Mca. Job- lin, Bowmacville, Rev. Harold Siainion, Guelph, Mc. and Mca. W. Trewin, Mr. Alan Stainton, Haydon, at A. T. Stainton's... Pie. Michael Nemia, Niagara-an- the-Lake, ai Rabi. Killen's. Mns. Nemis and Bobby retucned ta Niagara xvith hlm. Mc. and Mca. A. T. Stainton ceceived a cable fnom their son, Sgt. Pilot John Stainton, annaunc- ing his safe arrivai in England. The Young People pcesented their play, 'Datiy and Daffy". Wednesday night, ta a good ccowd. The players iook their parts well and foc mosi of icuem A was their firat appeacance on a stage. Mc. Victor Bowins was especialiy good as "Judkins" the butier. Proceeda over $50.00. Sevecai from Zion attended the Rotary parade and fair ai Oshawa. Mca. Harvey Balson and Glen, Oshawa, are visiting ai Wes. Camecon's. Maple Grove The sympathy af thîs commun- iiy la exiended ta the family of the laie Rev. Jas. Barnes, wha was a former pasior here. Quite a number framn hece ai- tecded E be ne ze c annivecsary Sunday. Fer full pacticulara concercing Maple Grove acnivecsary, see ware, Hardware thing You Need. When We Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Perfect Satisfaction In Fit and Price White Shoe Soap Specials Cleaners CASTILE, 6 cakes -----23e IT-------------- 15c, 25e MANY FLOIVERS, 4 for 19e NYAL - ------- -- 25e LUX ----------- 2 for lic SHU MILK --- --------19e CINDERELLA -- -- - 50e PALMOLIVE 2 for lic Wake up your iver;q c<oanie your systêm> feel flghtlng fit by toklngi ENOIS "FRUIT SALT" 1 %41% k5 Fiy Couls --- Fly Tox Sheli Tox Sheil Tox Sprayers -----5 for 10e 24c, 43c, 73e 24c, 43c, 73e -----29c, 60e ARRID --------- 39c, 59e MUM --------- 39c, 59c ODORONO ----- 39c, 65e QUEST -------------- 33e NEET --------69e, $1,13 LIQITOTCINGS' Duration Leg Do ----49e SiIk-L ike ----------25e Ho-Saver ----------- 15e SHAVING BRUSHES 49c, 98c, 82-00, $4.00 Banish Mosquitoes with Skeeter Scatter ----- 35e Potter & Moore Mosquito C r. - ----------- ---- 35e Citronelia Candies 2 for ----------- --35c Shaving Bowls 39c, $1.25 h Shaving Creams 19 to 59ce Shaving Lotions 25 to 98e cNn Pipes 20e, 55e, 75c, $1.25 iLr~~ AtOUHSm Tobacco Pouch ---------- 69 Ciloas. $ig 85ette CiIoand Cigarette------- 1.5 I , 109 ç4 7 TONE RAY Sun Goggles are optically Perfect ---- $2.50, $3.00 POLAROID GOGGLES --- $1.95 - OTHERS --- 19c to 59e PhoeIP. flIfl~ flF We fit 695 PJJ1VI.IIIS RIWM TI E Trusses Starkville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn wene in Oshawa.. . Miss Sophia Shutka, Osaca, was home Sunday. . . Miss Edna Farrow, Lotus, was home. .. LAC Danny Shutka, Halifax, is home. .. Mr. and Ross Hallowe1l and son, and Mc. and Mrs. Brock Pethick, New- .uIAhhiS 1 V CItsc Visitera: Miss Edith Horion, holding a mack entracce exam "Oshawa, spent Sunday with Misa Thucaday and Fciday. Miss H-. Mlldced Scawden... Miss Louise Williams will preaide as w'ell as Foley. nurse-in-tcainieg ai Osh- caccying an wock for the Juniors awa Hospital, la specding hec hel- . . . We have a amail bouquet of idaysata hec father'a, Mc. H. R. iris le aur achool coom. . . Grade Feley. . . Miss Muriel Hall, Lac- III and IV have wcitten seme dan, visiting Misa Louise Faley... inierestîeg and talatozies which Mca. Wea. Wercy, Sauina, who has aupplied many laughs..-. Now thai been spendîng a couple weeks the weaiher has begun to get with hec parents, has retuceed te better and the gcumbiing and hec hame. .. LAC Howard Ormis- gcouching avec, the Seniors' ceom tan. Trenton, viaied aI. home, la acganized le sports. We have facmed four bail teama. The Sec- MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS lac teama are "The Rangers", cap- _______ ained by Hacry Snawdee: "The By Harry and Bert Snowden Marines", captained hy Morley Maple Grave Mission Band met Staîker; iciermediate teama: 'The Friday. with Teddy Koas' gcaup Maaquitoes", under central ofj le charge. A good prograni waa George Skelding, wlth their op-g given. . . As a final prepacatian ponents, "The Fleas", captaieed1 foc exama Grade VII and VIII are by Ted Kosa.- 1 CHRI$TIAN'S Il SIMCOE St. N., OSHAWA - PHONE 1000 THIS BIG tonvilie, took a motor trip east Sunday. . . Mc. and Mca. Warren Carson and family visited ai Mc. Fred Wilaon'a, Perrytown. . . Mr. and Mca. H. Ruak, Port Hope, vis- ied ai Mc. and Mca. Sid Hallo- well's. . . Mca. Hugh Siapleton, Oshawa, visited Mca. W. A. Hallo- weli. Thece was a gaod attendance ai W..,Wednesday, ai Mra. Lorne Todd's, ai which iwo quilta were quiited foc the Red Cross. They decided te hold a congregatianal picnic on the lawc of Mr. S. G. Hallowell, June 3Oth. Thece waa a good congregation ai Shileh, Sunday. A Junior Sun- day Sehoal clasa la being held le the marninga, iaught by rs. A. Dobson. 4' During a cecent heavy eleciricai atecm, a tcee close to Shiloh Church, ai the nonth, was struck by iightning, shattecing it badly. Mc. and Mca. Harold Lytile and sac, Campbellfand, wece ai Mc. Thos. Fail's. Ie Belgium a subatitute for tea la made of ficely chopped leaves of stcawbercy, caspberry an d bluebecry plants mixed wlth hazel and muliberry leaves. ELECTRIC AND HARDWARE UmIn Fact Every- GREATLY REDUCED ýNý,-'Aà Many Flattering styles Purses ..0 Ail kinds, sizes and colours. Black and coloured leather from ----------------------- ------- 98C to $7.50 each Large eloth purses with wooden frames, assorted colours. Several priees. Imitation needlepoint purses with wooden fra m es ---- - - ------ -- --- ---- - - - - ---- --- --- -- ---$2.59 Sumnner Dresses Another shipment of summer dresses bas arrived. Prieed fro m --- --- -- -- - - -- --- --- ---.-- -- --- - -- --- $3.50 u p Menm's Pants Shipment of men's pants, cotton tweed in worsted effects. From -------- ---- $2.25 a pair up Curtai'n bMateroil Side drape yardage in several materials. Priced from---------- 49c to $1.95 a yard SPRRING COATS, LADIES' CLOTH COATS AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phono 836 King St. MODERN DIFI IDEAS FOR TODAY'S NEWLYWEDS JUNE- the rnonth of Brides... and Christian's June Bride Event" goes into full swing.. . in this array of "thingsý for showers or wedding gifts,, you wilI find reason for arnazernent * that such a comPlete stock of rnerchandise should be availabie * rlght here in Oshawa, especialiy during these days when stores are saylng "Sorry, Madarn - we can't suppiy your needs." This stock is truly unique In spiendour and the prices are strlctly standard . . . corne In arid look around - no one is under any obligation to, purehase. Corne in the rnorning if you wish and shop when the crowds are flot so large. Thousands o f0Gi f t Suggestions fo r the--June Bride Umm There Are Items SELLING EVENT I oshl US UN FULL I oshl Supplies, China, Sîlverm %nom dm ï , , -"ý .ý, ý, ý 1 Z, ààýw.

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