THURSDAY, JIJ.NE l7th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phonme 663 Mr. Barry Hall, Pickering Col- lege, is visiting his grandfather, Dr. J. C. Devitt. AC2 Alan Tamblyn, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn. Pte. C. H. (Bud) Pethick, Pay Corps, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick. Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. M. G. Gould, North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bell, Atlanta, are guests of his mother, ~.J. Clark Bell. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, ha: been holidaying with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. S. Leggott spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ross and Mary. Toronto. AC2 James Clark, Toronto, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Dr. and Mrs, Robt. Clark. Mr. Sid Casbourn and Miss Pat H EA R REV. E. C. WILLIAMS 0F SARNIA, ONT. - AT THE - ROYAL THEATRE SUNDAY NIGHT 7.30 p.m. SUBJECT - "«GOD'S POST WAR PLAN!*' Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Harris, former pastor and founder, will assist at this service. -Speelal Music And Singing- 8 P.m. Thurs. - "lWilI Jesus Christ Return Again?", 8p.m. Fri - '1Mountain Mov- ing Faith." ý%VANGELlSTlC TABERNACLE ONTARIO STREET NORTH EVERVONE IS WELCOME I- Simpson, Toronto, were guests of rhis motber, Mrs. F. E. Casbourn. Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Dunlop and Judy spent the week-end witli b. er mother, Mrs. J. A. Gilhooly. Lieut M. Breslin, District Depot y' 3A, Fort Frontenac, Kingston, d spent the week-end witb bis fam- ily. Miss Dorotby Hildretb, Upper Darby, Penn., is guest of ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey. r, Messrs. Bill Edger and Bill Sbadgett, Peterboro, were week- ,S end guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger. Sgt.Reg. Coornbes, Guelph, vis- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hiideriey. Westmount. Mrs. S. Cuthbert, Oshawa, Mrs. S. Beckett, Town, motored to Orillia, Sunday, and visited Mrs. tGeo. Watson. LAC Charlie Huar, No. 3 I.T.S., Victoriaville, Que., is spending bis leave with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mrs. Roy Lunney bas accepted a position with the well known legal firm of W. E. N. Sinclair & J. C. Anderson, Oshawa. Mr. Arcbie Smale, Toronto; Mr. Hugh Smale, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Alian Balson, Cataraqui, vis- ited witb Mrs. C. J. Smale, Scugog St. Miss Eva Hellyar wbo spent the winter months witb ber brother, Mr.W. H. Heliyar, Clinton, re- turned to ber home several weeks ago. Mr. John Maynard, from the staff of the Toronto Hospital, Weston, is spending two weeks' vacation witb bis relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Aif D. Pennington and daugbter Lois, and Miss Ruth Cryderman, Toronto, were week- end guests witb Mrs. Fred Cry- derman. Dempsey Bros., wbo bought the hardware stock of the late Harry Rice bave about completed mov- ing the stock to their store at Lansing. Mrs. Fred G. Ellis, Meaford, and ber son, Pte. Grenfeli Ellis, Camp Borden, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Cramp, Man- ver's Road. Mr. Gordon New of the Connaught Laboratories, Toronto,ý and Mrs. New spent the week-endi at the home of Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Silver Street. LAC Clinton Barrett bas re- turned to Sidney, NS., after spending furlough with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Barrett, ýLiberty St. N. Mrs. C. W. Jacobs, wbo came home from Toronto General Hos- pital on account of ber busband's deatb, has returned to the bospi- tai for ber operation. Major A. R. Virgîn, Kingston, was home over the week-end and with Mrs. Virgin they were guests at the Pryson-Eaton wedding in Toronto, on Saturday. Signaller Derek A. Barnett, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnett, Providence. spent ten days' leave at home after a long sojourn in Newfoundland. Dominion Day tbis year will be Spend Your Vacation at Grave Park Lodge LAKE 0F BAYS, MUSKOKA ldeally situated for a happy, carefree and Centrally locat- ed on beautiful south shore of Lake of Bays, in the midst of fragrant p i n e s an d spruce - directly opposite Bigwin Inn, Canada's largest summer hotel - excellent paved hlghway, 23 miles east of B r acebridge - beneflelal holiday at moderate cost. - Write for folder and rates to owner - W. H. FLAHERTY, The Balmoral Hotel. Bowmanville, Or Lake of Bays, Muskoka A PROMISE THAT PAYS YOU neyer realize how valuable an in- surance policy can be until you have a loss. Until then it is sixnply a qualified promise to pay. But after a loss it definitely and tangibly proves its value. Ask this agency for adequate insurance to protect your property. STUART R, JAMES INSURANCE AGENT -Suecesslor To J. J. Mason & Son - Phone 681 - Bowmanville icelebrated Thursday, July 1, un- Ider an amended order-in-council Iapproved by cabinet council to- Iday. No reason was given. AC Samuel E. Downey, R.C. A.F., T.T.S., St. Thomas, former- ly fromn Moose Jaw, Sask., spent the week-end with his aunt and funcle, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gould. Miss Mary Jury is home from 1McMaster University for the holi- idays. Her roommate, Miss Y~ary Hamilton, who has been visiting ther, returned to Hamilton today. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell at- tended the graduation exercises at the Western Hospital, Toronto, last week, when their daughter, Miss Dorothy E. J. Mitchell, re- ceived her diploma. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Flaherty of The Balmoral Hotel, left this week for Lake of Bays, Muskoka, to open up their summer hotel at Grove Park Lodge, which they purchased last year. James A. Hancock, S.B.A., V44837, H.M.C.S. "York", Toron- to, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hancock, Ebenezer. Jimmy is on convalescent leave, having had scarlet fever. Mrs. Geo. Watson, sons David and Roy, Orillia, were guests of Mrs. S. Beckett. Miss Joan Beckett returning with them for a visit. Pte. Watson is an elec- trician at the Internment Camp. AC2 Brian Flaherty, wbo is tak- ing the Radio Direction Finders' c o ur se at Central Technical School, Toronto, spent the week- end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flaherty, Balmoral Hotel. Sgt. Wm. T. Pingle, R.C.A.F., son of Howard Pingle, Toronto, formerly of Bowmanville, is re- ported missing, according to word received, Tuesday, by bis grand- father, Mr. Thos. Pingle, of this toxvn. Mrs. Frank DeHart, Kelowna, B.C., Mr. Arthur Quick, Belle- ville, Miss Neli Burk, dietician, Soldiers' Memorial H o spi tal, Orillia, Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, were week-end guests with Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Miss Beryl Percy, secretary- treasurer of the John MacKay Co., manufacturers of "Creamn of Barley", bas been off duty for several weeks witb a heart at- tack. Her many friends are pleas- ed to learn sbe is now making sat- isfactory progress. Local citizens wbo attended the Lucas-Emmett wedding at King, Ontario, on Saturday, included Mrs. J. Clark Bell, Mrs. A. D. Wbeeler, Miss Diana Wbeeler, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Soutbey, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Cattran, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Varcoe and Mrs. J. Hyde. Mrs. J. A. McClellan and Mrs. John Hyde, Toronto, were in Port Hope Saturday, attending the Trinity Coliege Scbool prize-giv- ing ceremonies. Harry Hyde bad the bonour and distinction of be- ing, awarded the Junior School Scbýolarship as well as a beautiful bronze medal. Cpi. Helen Norton, Brandon, Man., of the Women'ý Division, R.C.A.F., was in town Friday, in- terviewing prospective recruits for tbe air force. Recruiting of- ficers of tbe R.C.A.F. plan to be in town one day a montb. Tbeir next visit will be Friday, Juiy l6tb, at tbe Town Hall. Mrs. Harry Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. James, Captain John M. and Mrs. James, Mrs. N. S. B. James, Mrs. C. H. Mason, Miss Helen Williams and Rev. J. E. Griffith, of Bowmanviile, were guests at the Walden-Mason wed- ding, Monday evening, in St. Clair United Cburcb, Toronto. According to word received from the Commanding Officer of No. Il Recruiting Centre, R.C. A.F., Toronto, W. A. N. Ormiston, Bowmanville, W. Polley, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, T. W. Mil11e r, Cburcb Street, Bowmanville, and Miss W. Jean Davey, Bowman- ville, bave enlisted in tbe R.C.A.F. Misses Dorotby E. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville, and Verna B. Miii- son, Enniskilien, were members of the 1943 class of the Scbool for Nurses, Toronto Western Hospi- tai, who received their diplomas at tbe commencement exercises beld in Convocation Hall Thurs- day afternoon. Forty-four nurses graduated at this ceremony. Mr. Jos. Maynard, Woodstock, is visiting bis brother, Mr. Wm. Maynard, Scugog St. Mr. May- nard left Bowmanviile over 50 years ago, going to Oshawa wbere be worked in the Willams' Piano factory for a wbiie, but the great- er part of bis life has been spent in Woodstock, wbcre he carried on a carpentry and roofing busi- ness. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. McIlveen Also Mrs. Ralph Douglas and son Neil, Toronto, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. N e i 1 Mutton. John Buchanan Barr, formerly of Tyrone, died in Brampton, on June l2th. He was born in Scot- land 81 years ago and came to Bowmanvilie in 1920, wbere be farmed until bis retirement to Brampton in 1930. A son, Capt.1 Sunday, June 20 Remember Father On His Day GIFTS BILLFOLDS - KEY RINGS - ASHI TRAYS - STATION- ERY - BOOKS - PENS AND PENCILS - DIARIES - MAGAZINE SUBSCRIP- TIONS CARDS COMPLETE SELECTION FOR ANY DAD J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 Bownmanville Ratepayers' -Meeting (Continued from page 1) Training, Home Economnies, etc., in the larger school unit. M. A. Campbell, who attended the Canadian Trustees' Associa- tion convention in Winnipeg, ex- plained some of the advanced ideas put forward there. Health was given special consideration. He said everybody should read the report of the convention. He envisioned a great future for Ag- riculture through the application of science in the use of farm pro- ducts for manufacturing and com- mercial purposes. One thing he mentioned was plastics f r o m straw, and another, rubber from alcobol, procluced from wheat. It was estimated that this rubber can be made at one-tenth the cost of rubber from the sources avail- able before the war, and which are now mostly in enemy hands. In regard to the state scholarships which Hon. Duncan McArthur has announced. will be inaugurat- eci this fali and which will be available to selected students throughout the province, Mr. Campbell suggested that perhaps the County Councils might like to supplement these scholarsbips in their respective counties. Inspectors T. R. McEwen and iW. H. Carlton both made belpful contributions during the discus- sion periods and it was brougbt out that some schools are saving the people of their areas a good deal of money by buying ail sup- plies for the pupils at wholesale prices. Shaw's School Rhythm Band provided further entertainment and presented two numbers witb Joyce Cox directing and Elizabeth Bragg at the piano. Tbey won en- thusiastic applause. The final address was given by Principal Wm. Lycett of Maple Grove, who spoke witb refresh- ing aplomb of his experiences as a school boy and a teacher and ex- plained his self-developed system of teaching whicb differs some- what from orthodox ideas. These officers were electeci: Past President, W. J. S. Rickard; President, Aif. Couiter, Miii1- brook; Vice President, Mrs. C. A. Wight, Providence; Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. R. J. Cooper, Orono; Direct- ors: Cartwright, E. Dorreil, Mrs. W. Mariow; Cavan, Mrs. R. S. Stapies, Mr. Winslow; Clarke, Herb Scott, Mrs. Geo. Stapleton; Hope, Mrs. W. E. Lewis, 0. Car- ruthers; Bowmanville, Mrs. Ar- thur Baker, A. M. Thompson: Newcastle, Mrs. Clarence Aluin, Irwin Colwill; Millbrook, P. Stin- son, Mr. Bal; Port Hope, Mrs.1 Browniee, W. H. Jordan; Darling- ton, Harold Skinner, Mrs. Ciare Allin. Roy Barr, predeceased bim in1 1937, and his wife, the former1 Sarah MacPherson, died in 1939. Surviving are three sons, Thomas, Bowmanville, and Allan and Jack, Brampton. Simmons' Cribs Complete wvth sot t cotton mat- tress and steel sprlngs. WaInut or ivory ivith deeorated panels and drop sides. As 10w as --------------- $27.50 F. . orris Co. south sidewaik and down over a deep embankment. No one was burt. Chief S. Venton and Night Constable Walter Hall investigat- ed but no charges were laid. Aýt Hampton residents claimed it was the worst storm of its kind ever known in the vicinity" and that it "swept the village from one end to the other". Dozens of trees were eitber crasbed to tbe ground or uproot- ed. many being extremely large maples on the main street, wbile others were willows in the Hamp- ton park section. The majority feul between bouses and buildings and littie property damage was done. It is reported that several doors and windows were smasbed and cbimneys blown down. Hydro and telephone service at Hampton was disrupted. About four o'clock, Wednesday morn- ing, Mrs. S. Kersey noticed a glare througb the window and woke ber busband. Tbey investi- gated and found that bydro wires hlown down by the storm, bad As tbey had no way of sending for help, they drove to Bowmian- ville to notify the Public Util- ities Commission. In Bowmanvilie several trees blown down and Horsey, Con- cession and Churcb Streets were the bardest bit in tbis respect. CARR-BEECH A quiet wedding was solem- nized at Tyrone parsonage by Rev. A. F. Gardner, June 5, wben Blanche Lucille. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beecb, Haydon, became the bride 0f Donald Eugene Carr, son 0f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr, Codrington. Tbe bride was becomingly gown- ed in a street-lengtb dress of beaven blue crepe witb rose ac- cessories andi wore the groom's gift. a gold locket and chain. Her corsage was of dark pink carna- tions, sweet peas and fern. Mrs. Carson Childerbose, cousin of the b r i d e, Bowmanville, wore a street-lengtb dress of salmon pink trimmed witb lace, witb blue ac- cessories and ber corsage xvas light pink carnations, sweet peas and fern. Mr. Frederick Griffin, Union, cousin of the bride, was grooms- man. After the wedding the happy couple lef t for Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls and otber points east. On their return tbey will reside on a farm at Haydon. Prior to the bride's marriage. she was given a shower at Ennis- killen Community Hall by tbree communities, Union, Enniskillen and Haydon, and also relatives.t Saturday evening. May 29th. 1 Nail Brushes ----- Eye Cups .--------- Pocket Combs----- Corega, 35e size - Lactogen --------- ----- ---- 5e -- -- - -- -- - 8c .--------4 c ------- 24e 69e, $1.59 And The League Proved It 1 nations. No autocratic govemn- A steadfast concert for peace1 ment could be trusted to keep can neyer be maintained exceptl faitb witbin or observe its coven- by a partnership of democratic1 ants. UUU UUU UUU UUUU-U - - - - - - -M .....U - - - -p m LOWEST PRICES DON'T FORDET OflO - FATHERS DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 2Oth - WE HAVE IN STOCK M3ANY ITEMS WHICH WILL MIAKE SUITABLE "GIFTS FOR DAD". HE'LL APPRECIATE A PRACTICAL GIFT OR PERHAPS HE ENJOYS CANDY. Laura Secord Candies, i lb.....70c * Alice Blue Chocolates 70c, $ 1.40 ~ Page & Shaw Chocolates, i lb. .. $1.15 BARGAINS Milk of Magnesia Tablets 100's - ---- - ------------ - 28e WiId Sirawberry Conip.------18e 49e Stomach Powder -- ----39e Blondex Shampoo ----. -- -23e ADHESIVE BANDAGES 1Oe ÀNie25e Calvert's Tooth Powder 2lc, 39e $1.25 Pinkham's Comp.---- -87r Soap Boxes --- -- -- 23e BUY RADIO LICENCES HERE We have been appointed sole is- suer of radio licences for the Town of Bowmanville. -- 1 F. *****"*mmmmm.Mm.- - M" mmuuu.:D ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES NOTHING BETTER FOIl 25Ç DRY, "d4 UNRULY À@\td 111*7H AI1R Faim Beach White Shoe Cleaner --------------------------- 25e Gaby Sun-Tan Lotion -- 35c, 65e Noxzemna ----------- 17c, 39c, 59c Wake Up yOU lbglver> cleanse your systemg fiel flghtlng fMtby UR sfuss, "FRUIT SALT" CASHMERE TISSUE Scgt9 C Two Grades 2 4 3 10c, 3 for 25e9 15c, 2 for 25e ;Yooé PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MCOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - IVEe Shaving Gift Sets..... 55c ta $4.00 Brush Sets . $2.50 ta $ 12.50 Cigarettes, 50's 80c, 95c Tobaccas, 1/2 lb. . ... - . .. Sic, 86c, 96c Pipes . ...$1.009 $1.25, $1.50, $2.0 Bill Folds . . $1.15, $1.50 ta $6.50 Lighters ------ 59c to $12.00 Shaving Lotions 25e to $1.45 Shaving Brushes 50e to $5.00 Yardley Shaving Boivi $1.25 Sun Glasses --- 29e to $3.00 Palmolive Shave Lighter Fluid -- -- 19c, 30ec Cream ----------33c, 49e grouinds were the centre of sport Ob./itucLy actîvities, be was a regular at- ________ tendant at the games, particuiariy FRANK HIENRY IMASON basebail. In later years hie fl- lowed bis favourite sport by be- Witb the passing of Frank . oming a radio fan. He always Hcnry Mason, on June l2tb, in bis~ took an active interest in muni- 87th year, Bowmanvulie îost on cipal affairs and for several of its oidest merchants and higb-f years was a member of the Town 1V respected citizens. He badî Council. In poiitics he was a been retired for a number of'1 Conservative and was a support years and altbougb in failing1 of the Metbodist and later the beaith for several years bad onîy United Churcb. been confined to bis bed for a few It is înteresting to note that das Mr. Mason was born near during the past tbree montbs [Solina, being tbe youngest son of tbree immediate neigbbours on Squîire John Mason. He farmed Temperance Street have passed on the bomestead for a wbile then away in the persons of Dr. G. C. brîd the desire for adventure and Bonnycastle, J. H. Haliowell and wxent te, the United States wbere1 now F. H. Mason. he cierked in a general store for 1 He marrieci Elizabeth Ann a t]me. Returning to Canada bie Gillard Libby wbo predeceased enlered i n to t he implement bim 25 years ago. Since ber ueath agclncy business in Bowmanvilie bis bousekeeper bas been MNrs. with the late James McLean, tbeirj Bertha Baîley, wbo bas given oflice being located on Silver St. bimi loyal and faitbful service Then lie bougbt out the May during bis declining years. He is hariiess business and later pre-I survived by one son, Lancelot L. viiled upon W. F. Dale of Brook- Mason, wbo bas been a prominent liii. to come to Bowmanvilie, footwear retailer in Orillia for w hiere tbey establisbed the firm 42 years. He was predeceased by of Mason and Dale wbicb is now one son, Frank Otho Mason, 22 carried on by M. S. Dale. years ago and one daugbter, Mr. Mason was a lover of flow- Audrey Violet at lu years of age. erý and for many years had one A private funerai was beid at of tbe best kept and most at- Morris' Funeral Parlors, Tues- tractive gardens in town. In the day afternoon, the service being olrlen days when the Drill Shed conducted by Rev. J. E. Griffith, ________________________pastor of Trinity United Church. Palibearers were M. S. Dale, Dr. V. H. Storey, A. S. Baker, F. C. Severe Stormi Petbick, Lawry Cryderman and E. S. Ferguson. (Conitinued from page 1) Out of town relatives attend- ing the funeral included Mr. and water iying on the bridge, the Mns. L. L. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. drivers dlaimi that the water Douglas Anderson, Mr. and Mîrs. splasbied over m~e windshieids and Ernest King, Orillia. and Mr. and tbe-Y were temporariiy blinded. Mrs. Frank Mason, Oshawa. Both steering rods were broken ___________ and the truck travelling east went Onto the north sidewalk. The e dn west-nun, rur- wiWeduingth THURSDAY, il;-NE 17th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE