THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE RATION NEWS Tea/Coffee and Sugar Coupons: Nos. 9 & 10 Valid june 24th Nos. il & 12 Valid july 22nd Butter Nos. 14 & 15 Valjd June lth Nos. 16 & 17 Valjd June 24th Coupons: Nos. 18 & 19 Valid july 8th Meat (Spare "A") Coupons: Pair Na. 1 Pair No. 2 Pair No. 3 Pair No. 4 Pair Na. 5 Pair No. 6 Valid May 27th Val id June .3rd Valid June lOth Valid june 1l7th V7alid June 24th Valid July lst Remain valid until declared invalid. Expire june 3th Expire july 3lst Expire july 3lst Expire june Sth Expire June 3th Expire june 3th Expire j uly 31st Expire July 31st Expire July 3lst Canning Sugar The 2 canning sugar Coupons mnarked "June' t* .oupons: are valid until September 3Od, 1943. Ment and butter Coupon@ beconing vnid before the iith of n month. expire et the end of that month. Met and butter Coupons becoming vaid on or alter the iith of a month. expire at the end of the foiowing month. Summer Travelling Persans travelling away f rom home and residing in a hotel, boarding house, or summer camp for one week or more are re- cuired by law ta surrender their ration books ta the propietor or management af the establish- ment so that the following Coupons may be detached: 2 vaiid meat Coupons and 1 valid butter Coupon for each week of residence; 1 valid sugar Coupon and 1 valid tea/coffee Coupon for each two weeks of residence. rÀdress on Ration Books For ynur own protection, leep the address on your ration book ,ap to date. In the event of lois, this will enable its prompt re- turn. You will also avoid the inconvenience of bcbng witbout a ration book or the necessary delay when making a Statutory Declaration for a new book. Dairy Butter Producers Dairy butter 'producers are required ta register and niake a montbly declaration of their sales and consumptian tai their Local Ration Board. Coupons must be collected and turned in for ail sales. If the producer's bousehold consumes butter at flhc nation rate or ini excess of it, ail butter Coupons valid for Uie month must be surrendered from the ration books of the household. If thec consumption is lower than the ration rate, only the apprapniate number of valid butter Couponis need be surrendered. A coin- bined declaration and return Coupon envelope (RB-61) can be secured f rom any Local Ration Board. RATION ADMINISTRATION Li . k >..:.g fll Raio Neive - Week of June 21et. 1943. 11 Soldiers like the Chocolate Coco4 Canada's Housoldiers know that custards and blanc- manges, quickly and easily made with pure, high quality ~ Canada Corn Starch, are a deight with any luncheon or dinner menu. At this time when Canadians are urged to "Et Right ta Feel Right-, these delicious desserts will prove a welcome addition ta the nutrition foods featured by I the National Food for Ftness Caznpaign. Follow Canadas Food Rules for Health and Fitness. ÇANADASTARCH Aproduef of lMe CANADA STARCII COMPANY LImited TRA DE-MARK1 BYER-3IA1000SORE M-USCL EGoodycas 5îrîch abon~~us ire pietty afternoon xedd ngan oc'ti-g xvas soieminized at Incian RoiAatefsKn tee.SRIS i r elîgîndbd1e 1rs Baptist Cburcb, Toronto, on Jule oder 19th, wben Marion Helen, o ily L W E Ego u daugbter of Mr. and Mis.* Gainet J. Mabood, Bowinanvilie, beam HE ANTI SEPT IC LIIwENT ______________ the bride of Huigb Gordon Byers, .~.B.A., son of Mn. Hugb Byers and ___________ .....** mm...mmmmm Wedigs Eyesight Education IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST WALDEN-MASON Fo TeSAtndnFie St. Clair United Church, To- Fo h ttsa ie ronto, was the setting, Monday Efcec evening, June l4th, for the mar- -By--- Mageof Miss Htelen Florence H.FIFTY YEARS AGO only lady to address the Methodist Mason, dowaught e rstas.rH.k- C. B. Tuck June l4th, 1893 Conference this year and was Masn, owmnvlle toFrak-Optometrist bighly complimented for her ef- lin Edward Walden, R.C.A.F., son Hampton: Our esteemned towns- fort.. . Lieut Roy H. Rickard, now of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Walden of JEycsght mn Mr. E. Trenouth, was reno- i in France, was ordained in Esrfthumelnd, B.C.f ReviJnSicaiy vatîng ahl the publie buildings in absentia. . . Pte. Clarence J. Hall E. rifih, instr o TintyDisney BIdg. Ennmskillen last week. .. Our (whose picture appears in this United Church, Bowmanville, of- t opp. P.)j bicycle brigade seems to be on issue) has been on the Headquart- ficiated, assisted by Dr. J. E. Todd, , the increase. . . Oshawa boys ers Staff in the Post Office in pastor of St. Clair United Churcb. ~ .Ohw seem to be in demand of îate, or France for two years and bis The wedding music was played by Phone 1516 at ],,st are filling a long feit many friends will be pleased to Miss Helen Williams, Bowman- - want in this community. .. A man know he is well and bas neyer ville. 262 who travels considerably over been woudd1~.Weaesryt Mr. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, Night blindness may be noticed that for neat, tidy, dlean and hear that Miss Elsie Rundie, wbo uncle of the bride, gave hier in in certain conditions. Some *ftsyhmsHmtnhsn a agtti colfranm maunriageadshcwrea frock of these conditions may show in- superior, and if be wanted to di- ber of years, has resigned. Besides coutry acreg acepe tal rmme flamation while others may show rect a young man to any place to ber scbool work, Miss Rundle bas wit mtcin lcesmllbrwnnone at ail and in the different seek for a worthy wife these evi- taken an active part in ahl churcb straw bat witb hyacintb blue danssacrankoldeo feathers, and carried a mufffdigosacetnkowde of dences of practical Christianity, and 'social work and bas been a roes MssKthee Wlsnphysical conditions and mode of aesthetic culture and advanced blessing to the community... NiagarMissFalîs, ebrisaid living is necessary. It is reason- civilization would be a sufficient A littie son arrived at Dr. Slem- wiagr printed grree adeswbit able to lofer that the remnoval of warrýant for the recommendation. on's on Monday. Solina Wo- crepe, small white and tan batgte causelisef.A ong masthf Score another for our Devon- men's Institute held its annual and carried a muff of ' gett pin ge eAs ogathe Cornish village. picnic at Boyne Water Milîs on roses. LAC Reginald yemstowg teinand agen ea nto th a- Solina: Mr. William Westlake the spacious grounds of Mr. and Toronto, was groomsman and the bas a mug teans ofthexh ua- bas moved into our village and Mrs. Jas. Moorey. usbers were Mr. John F. Haddy tbeion trouM the y fethedeyenmust Mr. W. Ashton bas moved into Tyrone: Friends here sympa- basrbeenfoundMthattbyrcorreting ouse lately vacated by bim thize with Mr. John Congdon and James, Bowmanville. bsbe on the phsica condtin oeverg . . Messrs. John Tremeer, T. family of Dubamel, Alta., re find- A reception was held at the rthe pyi ay appnarto m thwev Pascoe and T. Baker went ta ing the body of bis daugbter, Miss home of C. H. Haddy, uncle of the reye t ey conditio bas e Niagara last week f0 see the Mary Congdon of Edmonton, who bride, wben the bride's maother led antremai cnsithi s chec Hedge ferice. They speak very disappeared sa mysteriously last assisted, wearing a jacket frock ed condition. hîghly of it. . . Bowmanvîlle H.S. Faîl. .. Mr. Edgar Scott, who bas of black and whifte printed silk (To Be Continued) and Solina football teams play on been taking a course in felegrapby and pale pink roses and mauve Friday evening next. .. Mr. John is bolidaying at borne hefore tak- sweet peas. Reynolds is building a new driv- ing a position in New Ontario. thirth lteMagre Ber, bouse. Ebenezer: Among anniversary The happy couple spent hith aeMrrtBysTon. Maple Grave: Mr. Wm. Foley visitors were Dr. N. Allun, Ed- boneymaan among the Muskoka The ceremony was performed by had a successful raising Friday. monton; Pte. N. Allin, Kingston; Lakes. Rev. Caleb Harris against a back- The boys enjoyed a good game of Norman Found, Toronto. ground of white and pink peanies, football after. . . Mrs. W. Richie, Locals: Mr. Alfred Ayre, Hamp- BUXTON-RICKARD snapdragans and fernis. The Toronto, la visiting at Evergreen tan, won 47 prizes on 48 entries _____wedding music was played by Mr. Villa ... Mr. A. W. Foley and Mr. at Ormstown, Que. . . Mrs. L. A. On Saturday, June 19th, at four Hewitt and duing the signing Of J.D. Stevens look quite toney in Tale, Mrs. F. R. Foley, Mrs. A. E. o'clack, in Trinity United Cburch, the register Mrs. J. McDonald their new carniages. . . We con- McCready and Miss Olive Bell- Toronto, Miss Helen Lorraine sang "In the Dawning". gratulafe Mr. H. W. Foley on bis man attended the W.M.S. meet- Rickard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. The bride was given in mar- success at Toronto University, ing at Picton. . . Miss Jennie W. J. S. Rickard, R.R. 4, Bow- niage by ber father. She looked having passed with hanours. Rutherford, Coalboar ne, visited manville, was united in marriage charming in a flaor lengf b gawn Locals: Carniage Rugs at the friends bere. with Herbert Maxwell Buxton, of white frosted sheer patterned West End House. . . Mr. Norman son of Mrs. Buxton, Yorkshire, in spray motif, fashioned with Tilley bas made a Most creditable . . . . . . . Eng., and the late Mr. Buxtan. fitted bodice with sweetheart pass at the Law School examina- Rev. Arthur Organ officiated at neckline and long sleeves. Her fions, standing fourtb in a list of ~I L r Jîa tbe double ring ceremany, assist- fingertip veil of tulle illusion feul 140, and is entitled ta write fori FInlTe LUitors Mai ed by the bride's uncle, Rev. Roy fromn a wreatb of orange blossomns honours. .. The West End House XM H. Rickard, Palmerston. Mrs. W. and she carnied a sbawer bouquet knocks them aIl out on Hosiery _____________ - H. Bouck played the wedding Of white roses. Mns. George and Gioves. . . The tapic at bh music. The cburch was prettiy Matthews, Toronto, attended the League Monday evening in the Dear Sir: decorated witb bridai wreath and bride in a street length gown of Methodist Churcb - Our Young I suppose 1 bave read every one other June flowers. powder blue sheer wîth match- Lives for Christ-was led by Miss of Mr. Fred R. Foley's series of Given in marriage by ber ing sboes and gioves, and blue Tiiiey and Mr. J. Hellyar, Jr. articles on aid bymns and old father, tbe bride wore a gown of flowered bat witb shoulden lengtb J. J. Mason read a splendid paper. sangs and tbis is tbe first time I white slipper satin, with a Mary veil. Her sbawer bouquet was of Miss Kate Ellîott recited nicely; bave been able ta detect any real Queen of Scots headdress and red roses. AC2 Donald Byers, a chorus was pleasantly sung by error in bis admirably written fingertip veil, and cariried a bau- Ottawa, was best man for bis Misses Northcote, Tilley, James, stories. However in bis story of quet of sweetbeart roses. The brother and tbe ushers were Alan Hoskin, Eleanar; autoharp selec- "O Canada" be calis this sang bridesmaid, Miss Ethel Mackenzie, Mabood, brotber of tbe bride and tion followed by Mr. J. H. Eliiott Canada's "National Antbem". O Toronto, ware a gown of peacb AC1 Albert Coe. wifh piano accompaniment by Canada, according ta a statement sheer over taffeta, trimmed witb The neception was beld at the Miss Norfhcote. Mr. H. C. Brit- made by the Prime Minister in lace, and lace gloves. She wore a home of the graamn's parents, 431 tain eniivened the pragrami by a the House of Commans is a na- matching beaddress of lace and Armadale Avenue. Mrs. Mahood few words ta bis ald friends. tional sang only. God Save the net and caried roses and corn- chose for bier daugbter's wedding King is, and always bas been, the flowers. a rose beige crepe frack with TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO national antbemn of Canada as a2 The groom was attended by matcbing bat and brawn acces- June 13, 1918 British Dominion. Bandsman Br en toan Rickard, sories. Her corsage was red roses Yours very truly, C.C.S., Cornwall. Brian Wood, and lily of the valley. Mrs. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, B. H. MORTLOCK.1 * Toronto, and Stanley Rickard, For the wedding trip ta Mus- bad the distinction of being the Ottawa, Ont. R.C.A.F., London, were ushers. koka, the bride cbanged ta a beige Foliowing the ceremany Miss tailored suit wîtb brown acces- Helen Simmie sang, "O Promise sanies and fox furs, the gift of the Me" groom. On their retrtebap A reception and luncheon was couple will reside at 133 Glen-J beid at The Hearthstane, 80 Bloor garry Avenue, Toronto. St., wbere the bride's mother ne- ceived in a gown of rose crepe and BEHM--LYCETT wearing a corsage of yeliow roses. and air force blue accessories. A~ On Saturday, June 19th, in toast ta the bride was proposed Grace Lutheran Churcb, Oshawa, by Rev. R. H. Rickard and re- Olive May L y ce tt, youngest sponded ta by the groom. The daughfer of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. a groom's gift fa the bride was a Lycett, Orono, was given in mar- - tripie-loop pearl necklace. niage by her brother, W. L. For their wedding trip the Lycett, ta Robert Alexander couple j o ur ne ye d fa Lake Bebm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Behm, Temagami, the bride wearing a Renfrew. Rev. Knowles officiat- floral silk jersey, blue straw bat ed. wif h blue fiowers, and white ac- The bride wore long whifte cessories. They will live in York sheer with fingerfip veil and was Milis when their bouse, now attended by Miss Esther Manson, und'er construction, is completed. Toronto, who wore romance blue The groom is physical instructor sheer with shoulder iength veil at Upper Canada College and be- ta match. Eacb carnied a cascade S fore ber manriage the bride was in bouquet of mixed spring flowers., the office of the Roofers' Suppiy The groom was attended by bis Ca., Toronto. brother, Harold Behm, Oshawa. _______The choir accompanied by Mrs. Holden at the organ, rendered t wn HUMPAGE-HOOPER selections and Miss Leab Garrow sang Because" during the signing Trinity United Cburch, Bow- of the register. Wilfred Hawke manville, decorated with taîl and Wilfred Behm acted as standards of vari-coloured sum- ushers. mer flowers, formed a iovely Foilowing the ceremony about Ssetting for the marriage on June 50 guests attended tbe reception 19tb, of Gertrude Annie, daugh- wbicb was heid on the lawn of ter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Roy Hoop- the bride's parents in Orono. er and Charles Arthur Humpage, Lafer the young couple left by son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. motor for a honeymoon trip fa Humpage. The ceremony was Northern Ontario. performed by Rev. J. E. Griffith and Miss Hazel Rundle, A.T.C.M., LEE-FERGUSON P IR t ue r presided at the organ. The soloist,doSUS a Miss Dorotby Nichols, sang "For A quiet wedding was soîemn- your GOodYear demperetho You Alone" and "Because". nized at Enniskiiien parsonage by GoadYear acorYOPrt(< eai Given in marniage by bier fatb- Rev. J. A. Plant, June 5, when and Goody a eîauThot S #hY er, the bride looked charming Veima Jean, only daughter of ,tilantgunrande cOnby in a chenille taffeta gown fasb- Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fergusan, he con g yoUf mafloeYc",b ioned with tarso bodice and full Enfield, became thbid.ofDonUigthse be ob uri skirt with train. Her fingentip aid Edwand Lee, son of Mn. and veil of illusion net fell from a Mns. George Lee, Oshawa. fruit and may prove a for copper-compound A n e w synfhetic fungicide and stone1 known as fermite shows promise substitute af satisfactory resuits an apples sprays. coe low s 91-11 oiwcý Il .las THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIiýLE, ONTARIC) PAGE THREE THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1943