PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, î94r Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Geor McCullough and Laureen at IV Hubbard's. Millbrook. .. Wm. M~ Cullough, Bethany, with Geor McCullough. . . Miss Beti Stapleton, accompanied by Pý Lennox Vasey, Peterboro, at ME edith Vasey's, Port McNichol. Mr. and Mrs. Max Stapieton, Ev lyn and Thelma at Alvin Jone Port Hope.., . Mr. and Mrs. Ern Dixon and friends, Toronto. w: Mrs. Arnott. .. Mr. and Mrs.) C. Lane at Harry Lane's, Coibori ...AC2 MeGregor Jones ar friend, AC2 Alden Robinson,.RR AF., Manning Depot. ToronI with Mrs. W. D. Jones... Mr. ar Mrs. Willis Jones, Bud and Fa at Warkworth. . . Ronald Tow, ley. Peterboro. with Leland Mi] son. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cal( 1 Flossie's MOOdrà THOUGHTFUL BECAUSE she knows her re- sponsibility te ail those growing eilîdren who want te be healthy. There are a number ef grewn-ups, tee, who depend upon milk for steady nerves and resistance against disease. Order It Today Froin - Bowm a ovile Dairy PHONE 446 Simmons' cribs Complete with sofit cotton mat- tress and steel springs. Walnut or svory with decorated panels and drop sides. As 10w las - ---- -- ---------- 27.50 F. F. Mlorris Co. Ladites Purses. IAil klnds, sizes and colours. I fro m - - - - - - --- - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - Large cloth purses with wooc iSeveral prices. Imitation nee, tram es ------------- -- Summner IC IAnotiier shipment of sommner fro m - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - Men's Pans Shipment of men's pants, cett F rom -- ý ----- ------ ----- Curtain M 1Sido drape yardage inw from ---- SPRING COATS, LA[ AT SUBSTANTIAI THIS STORE CLOSES AT 10 0' Gouch, Johnston Phone 836 Doad. and Mrs. Ernest Halse. Pt/aple G~.rove - - - Toronto, at George Stapletons... ____ ge Robt. Martin, Lakc Shore. at Cccil Visitors: Mrs. J. R. Young, Ur. Staplcton's. . . Mrs. Hassen bias Winnipeg, witbhclir ncice, Mrs. H. vlreturned from Cbatham. . . Mn. R. Folcy. . . Mr. and Mrs. How- geand Mrs. W. J. Lancaster and Mr. ard Folcy, Miss Louise Foley at OK tve and Mrs. Sid Lancaster at 1. Mun- E. Hall's, Lond:n and Part Stan- OK t y day's. Maple Grave. . . Mr. and lev.. Miss Muîriel Hall, London, 'te Mrs. E. A. Wcrry, Allan. Cark. bas returned home after visitng er- rantand Bert, Enniskilhen. at at H. R. Foley's. . . Miss Made- ..S. J. Lancaster's. line Metcalf, Oshawa, witb bier of Rev J McLacblan tok charge parents. . . Mns. A. Trenauth, e' circte services on the Welcome Hampton, with bier daughter, Mrs. nitbicut Sunday. as Rev. C. C. Oke j. R. Metcaf... Mr. and Mrs. R. it preacbed anniversars- services at L. Worden attended the Silver ne Shi]ob. Wedding celebration for Mr. and ýnd lVomen's Institute Mrs. Ross Pearce, Ebenezer, Sat- o Newtonville WlI. met June 16. urday evening. . . Mrs. Lawrence itat Mrs. Stanley Rowý,e's. Mrs. L. Staples, son Barry, Bethany, at nd Hughes. president. opened the J o h n Snowden's and R. D. îe, meeting.. Mrs. George Kimbali Trimble's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- For Summer Reading e-was appointcd reporter for the Neil. Phyllis. Oshawa, at Keith IMPROVE VOUR VACATION SCansumer*s News. Current events Ormiston's... Mr. and Mrs. Mor-___ Id- were given b,,, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. ley Flintoff and family at Deibert RaIl caîl w-as answcvrcd by "My Flintoff's, Kedron. Hungry Hill, by Daphne du Favourite Christmas Gift". Mrs. Anniversary Visitors Maurier Frank Gilmer bad charge of tbe Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton, Journey Among Warriers, by program. Reading, 'History O~f Lloyd Hamilton, Town, at H. Eve Curie Ouitliincs". Mrs. W. Holmes: musi- Wright's... Mn. and Mrs. Puhlian, cal selection on mandolin harp, Mimico, at A. J. Campbell's. .. OU.r Hearts were Young and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton: report on Mn. and Mrs. Archie McDonald, Gay District Annual at Blackstock, Oshawa, at Mrs. J. D. Stevens', Rebecca - New Voyager - Mrs. W. Milligan: reading, Mrs. Enniskîlien.. . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar -DiptdPs GardonMarti n: vegetable contest Wright, daughters Gloria and Th iae -Dsptd a- condcted b, Mrs. Gilmer. Crl isMrurt rgt sage and many ether favorites St. Catharines, Miss Nora Kers- lake, Hampton, Mrs. Allan Marsh- AN aIl, neice Marilyn, Tharnton Hill, ANW SHIPMENT 0F POP- Solina Man., Mr. and Mrs.Rusl L EPIT _______Wright, daugbter Marion, Tyrone, 59e te $1.25 Visitons: Miss Jean Leach at N. E. Wrigbt's. .. Mr. and Mrs. ____ Bowanvh]e atJ. . Kveh' John Happs, Lorraine, Toronto, Bowanill, t . R Kvel's..Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Law, Miss Ina Poeket Nevels - ----- 39c Mr' and Mrs. Nelson Fîce and Law, Whitby, at L. Hockin's. . __________.____ famiiy. Taunton; Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Welsb, sons Leslie McGee, Oshawa; Mr. and Donny and Keitb, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Union; Mrs. Mrs. Sid Lancaster, Newtonvihle, Harold Moore, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery, Doris, J. I . JW* Mrs Ivn lliott Pteror...Jams inday Mr. S T Bat- Phone 556 Bowmanvillo Mm. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and lett. Toronto, Mrs. Everett Hall, - - - - - Patricia at Walter Davis', Kedron, London, at H. R. Faley's. .. Mrs. i________________ and attended Kedron anniversary L. Twist, Mm. and Mrs. Fred ..Mn. and Mrs. Norman Reyn- Twist, Miss Eileen Twist, Whitby, olds and Joan, Toronto, at j. at E. Twist's. . . Mm. and Mns. Blackstock Yellowhces'. . . Miss Vemna Miii- Earl Houck, Town, Miss Aura Os- son, Western Hospital, AC2 How- borne, Ebenezer, Miss Velma ard Milîson, Toronto, with their Crago, Base Line, at C. Jcffery's St. John's W.A. met at Mrs. parents. . . Mm. and Mrs. Percy . .. Miss Blanche Taylor, Oshawa, Fred Willan's, June 17. Presi- Cann and daughtcrs, Salem, at witb Miss Marion Snowden.. dent Mrs. Wm. Simpson taak tbe Neil Yellowlces'. .. Miss Barbara Mm. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Mm.WAli Sterling, Mm. and Mrs. W. Dun- and Mrs. Orval Osborne, Helen W.A. lany and prayers. Scrîp- bar, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. and Lilian, Providence, Mm. and ture was read by Mrs. E. P. Wood. Davidson, Mrs. Slcep, Wbitby; Mrs. Les. Anderson, Mm. Dcnztel Roll cail was answcred by a Mrs. Oliver, Bright, at Jas. Anderson, Base Line, at Lloyd "Tbought on Peace". Cammitte Smales'. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Snowden's. .. Mm. and Mrs. Sam- pone oseta h etr Wbitnell, June and Lorraine, Mm. uel Snowden, Mr. and Mms. Lloyd~apitdt ecta b etr and Mrs. Charles Carrick, To- Metcalf, son Larry, Mrs. Cyril was painted reportcd the job onta; Miss Bessie Reynolds, R.N. Luke, Oshawa, at N. I. Metcalf's donc. Mrs. Jas. Farder sbowed Wclland, at Jack Reynolds'. .. . . Mm. and Mrs. Esli Oke, Miss) thc quilt top she put tagether A. L. Pascoe was in Port Hope Elsie Oke, Mm. and Mrs. J. R. from blocks brougbt by the mcmn- Tuesday. . . N.S. Munie] Baker, Knox, Hampton, Mm. and Mrs. bers for a Red Cross quilt. An- Kingston, is spending furlough at Lloyd Richards, Donald a nd nual Cburch Cleaning Bee was home. . . Mm. and Mrs. Walter Doreen, Salem, at R. L. Wodcn's named for June 24. Program was Parrinden, Evelyn and Helen, at.. . Mm. and Mrs. Ted Bagneil,lin Charge of Mrs. Fred Willan's Chas. Howsam's. Port Penny. Patsy and Donald, Town, at H. graup. Mrs. V. M. Archer gave Mm. and Mrs. W. T. Baker have J. Brooks'. .. Mm. and Mns. Tam chapter fram the Study Book, received word that their son, Baker, Soina, Walter Ormiston "Life and Work of John Ante- John, bias arrived in England. Toronto, Miss Ella Hoskin, Osb- Missionamy". Mrs. Wm. Simpsop LAC Robent Scott, Edmonton. awa, at Edwin Onmiston's. . . told sevenal items of interest, me- is spending furlough at R. C. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur BeIlman, lated ta hem by Archbishop Owen, Scott's. and with Mrs. Charles Don Hannah, son Babby, Town, concernîng bis trip ta Enghand, Scott, Southampton. at Leslie Collacutt's. . . Mm. and on the same sbip as Winston Mm. and Mrs. C. McBride and Mrs. Jim Abernethy. Ray, Ruth Churchhi. Mrs. Florence Craw- Mary, Peterboro: AC2 Burton Mc- and Harold, Town, Mm. and Mrs. fard read fromn the Living Mes- Bride. Toronto-; Marion and Marg- Hilton Peters, Rahph, Hampton, sage, 'Work Done by Indian and aret Tink, Hampton, at Mr. Gea. at C. H. Greenbam's. .. Mm. and Eskimo Children in the Arctic White's. Mrs. Alf. Laird, Jr., Vivian, Ta- Diocese'. Miss Janet Watson ne- Mrs. R. Gilbert had charge of onta, Vernon Timble, Oshawa, cited a poem, "Laugh". Mrs. How- the Missionary pragram at Sun- Mms. Allan Clarke, Jimmy, Mrs. ard Baihey read an article about day Scbooh when Betty Smahes L. J. Barton, Town, at R. D. Madame Chiang Kai Sbek. Mrs. tohd the stary and Mary, Hazel Trîmble's. .. Mm. and Mms. Chaire Harry McLaugblin read extracts and Jean Cryderman sang. Adden, son Robent, Mm. and Mrs. from Miss Laura Hambhy's letters A pIeasant e-union taok place Earl Osborne, Providence, Miss fram China. Rail cali next meet- at the home of C. J. Kersiake, Vivian Bunner, Town, at S. J. ing wili be a patriotic thougbt. Saturday night, wben Miss Nora Martan's. . . Mm. and Mrs. E. W. Cartwright Red Cross met at Kersiake and Mrs. C. W. Downey Foley, Base Line, Mm. and Mms. Nestieton, June 15tb. entertained a number of girl as- Lorenzo Truil, Franklin, Mrs. Officiai word was rcccived Sat- sociates of Sauina Schaal In bion- Austin Barman, Hampton, Miss urday, that Ralpb VanCamp, aur of Mrs. Alan Marshall, Thorn- Ruby Clatworthy, Mm. and Mrs. Navigator in R.C.A.F., is missing hilh. Man., and Miss Marguerite Len Richards, Town, Mm. and aftcr air opérations. Wright, St. Catharines. Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Arcbbishop and Mrs. Owen Lamne, Town, Miss Ada Pascoe, spent tbree days at the rectory. Onebudne ad fft blndToronto, Milford Wilkins, Osh- Visitons: Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, Onehunredandfify bindawa at Wallace Munday's. . - Toronto, visited Mms. Wm. Van persans are doing efficient womk Mn. 'and Mms. Ed. White, Eiza- Camp. . . Rev. and Mms. M. R. in Australia munition factories. bethvihle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Sanderson and family, Toronto, White, Helen, Port Hope, at Law- brought Mns. Stanford Swain rence Wbite's. . . Rev. and Mrs. home after spending a montb in Linstead, Paul and Lois, Court- Toronto. . . Mn. and Mrs. Lamne ice, Mm. and Mrs. Howard Cny- Bradburn and son, Toronto, witb derman, Shirley, Carlos a n d relatives. . . Miss Skuce is visit- *Jimmv, Ebenezen. Miss Chnissie ing friends in Toronto. .. Mr. and Freeman, Mrs. Bertha Bailey, Mrs. R. Heaslip and family, To- Town, Ross Aiin, Newcastle, at ronto, witb W. Mariow's... Sergt. H a t s H. G. Fneeman's. .. Mm. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lawrence Mountjoy and Wmn. Wotton, Miss Blanche Wot- son, Peteiboro, at Mervin Gra- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henning, bam's. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cymil A successfui sale was held on Avery, Joyce and Lawrence, at Friday, of thé estate of the late J. McGnegor's. .. Dr. and Mrs. C. John Wright. GR EA TLYW. Siemon, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dick Metcalf, Toronto, at J. R. Murray Byers (nec Aileen Mount- Metcalf's. . . Mm. and Mrs. F. C. joy) an their manriage on June Davidson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mms. 19, at Blackstock United Church. rono, r. nd rs.Wm. Stewart, the funcral of Mms. Bert Tbomp- Dark Straws In Miss Marguaret Stewart, Birch son, Meafard, an Friday. Mms. Cliff, at Mms. L. C. Snawden's. .. Thompson was a sistcr of Wesley Many lattring Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Welh, Ron- Bmadburn.e Styles aid and Donald, Salem, Mm. and Sympathy is extended to Mrs . Mrs. Eber Snowden, Miss Marg- James Henry and Gertrude an thea uaret Snowden, Oshawa, at W. J. passing of Mn. Jamcs Henry, anJ Snowden's. .. Mm. and Mrs. Kyle Tuesday marning. Squain, Mary Joan, Sbaw's, at R. Sympathy is extendcd ta the R. Stevens'. .. Mm. and Mrs. Fred famîly of John Rutledge, Ban- StvesDois and Harald, Mss rof wb pas-daway agd.8 i'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT Sullphurice acid is naw being Carr at Richard Giffin's, Union j. pra ddn Eh Salvador ta, meet.. Bruce Garrard, Miss Lillian M% ÀIdomnestic equimoments. Bowins, Taunton, at C. Garramd's W ______Mms. H. J. Wcmry at Rcv. Alfred D; i& C y em n A p p raox imately 197,00,00 Lousely's, Long Banch and Gor- Gi CQdr a onso deadecs opr o Werry's, Mimico. . . Mms. B. an Ring t. dcto ndor coher.S. covcmyr B.Ashton, R.C.O.C.. ConwahPt.. M: King t. dutionBoardcoppe recvery . wston er. hush Crnandl.Pt. fir _____________________pogram, bave been put ta wan Mms. T. Cawling and Vivian at W. Gi uses. Blackburn's. Maple Grave, re Burketon Visitons: Mn. and Mms. D. Sling enîand, Oshawa, witb Mrs. B Hubband. . . Messis. Harold anc Henry Memille with Alden Hub bard. .. Mms. F. Caugbilh and C Hoskin visited in Bowmanville.. Mms. Gtomge Marhow and family Miss Dorothy Cook, Nestheton Misses Sadie and Winifred Lamb Fred Cook, Petembano, at F. R Cook's. .. Mr. and Mns. J. Rahn7 and Allen, Blackstock, J. Ashton Toronto, Lea Moffatt, Oshawa Misses Betty Harper and EffiE Avery, Toronto, witb S. Maffati ...Mn. Arland and Miss Ruby Bailey, Toronto, Norman Wil- liams, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, witli Tom Baîley. . . Mm. and Mrs Lamne Dean, Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. A. Lunn, Orono, with C. Dean. . . Mm. and Mms. Oscar Adams and famihy, New Park, Mr. and Mns. Sid Barabhh with E. Adams. . . Mm. and Mrs. W. Glennie and Nomma, Toronto, Mms. G. Ashton and Roy, at T. Trick's ... Milton Sanderson, Roy, Harry and Betb, Mm. and Mms. W. Sand- erson, Enniskilhen, Mm. and Mrs. L. Bycrs, Blackstock, with Mms. C. Sandcrson. . . Mn. and Mms. A. Dean and Bcth, Oshawa, witb Mmii. L. J. Gatcheil. .. Miss Ruth Hoîmes and J. Sinclair, Oshawa, with Mns. F. Caugbil... W. Hos- kmn, Oshawa, at home . .. D. Hall with Mr. Parr, Enficîd. Mms. E. P. Wood, Toronto; Mrs. Gardon Long, Souris, Man., Mms. E. Adamson and Dorothy, Hamp- ton, at Mrs. Camtcm's. Miss Isabelle Carter vîsited hem sister, Mns. R. Rowan, Enniskihlcn. Starkville Good congregations attended bath services at Shiloh an Sun- day. June is fast shipping by and soon wc will be thinking of the fali season. Ross Haliowell bas improved bis residence by new brick posts in the fence in front of bis home. Victor Farrow celebrated bis bitdY on Fatben's Day, by bis faiycomiüng home ta enjoy thc day witbhlhm. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Laurence White and family, Maplc Grave, Mr. and Mns. E. White, Elizabeth- ville, at Ross Hailowell's. . . Mr. and Mns. Lionel Hughes, Port Granby, at H. B. Gihmer's... Mms. Jacob Hailowehi with hem daugh- ter, Mrs. L. Jamieson, Cold Springs. . . Mms M. Sbutka and LCDany Shutka, Miss Sophia Sbutka in Oshawa. .. Wcs. Ben- san's brother from Port Hope, vis- ited himn at Ross Halloweii's... Miss I. Wray, Peterboro, witb Miss Norma Hahiowell. . . Miss Beuiah Haliowhh, Toronto, was home. . . Mns. Hugb Stapietan, Oshawa, at W. A. Haliowell's.. Miss Gwen Gihmer and friend were home... -Mms. Thos. Staple- tan, Newtonvihc, wîth hem daugh- ter, Mms. Gea. Smith. Zion Visitons: Miss Ada Pascae, To- monta, at Luther Pascoe's, and at- tended the family picnic at Hamp- tan. . . Miss Marguerite Martin, Toronto, at Thos. Mamtin's..- -Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce, Mns. Harvey Balson and Glen, Mrs. Robt. Kihien at Dchbert Flintoff's, Kedron... Mn. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe. Ruth and Loran, Miss Ada Pascoe at Wallace Mun- day's, Maple Grave. . . Mm. and Mrs. Bernard McEwen and Faye, Dunbartan, at Russell Stainton's R. W. BaIl, Miss Dora BaIl, Mm. and Mns. Leonard Bahl and family at Uxbridge. . . August Geissbcmger and family, Harmony, at Hans Geissbergem's..- -Mn. and Mrs. John Cnuickshanks, Isabel and Douglas, Mn. and Mrs. Ahf Ayrc at Ross Lee's, Kedron... Mm. and Mrs. F. B. Ghaspehl at George Scott's, Maxwl's... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins and Isa- bel, Mn. and Mns. Mel Morgan and Joan at Harvey Pascoe's, Kedmon. . . Miss Margaret Mc- Cleur at Toronto. .. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Camenon at Alfred Sonlcy's, Whitby. . . Misses Pearl Leach, Sauina, Jean Leach, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mms. Douglas Fhett and Murray, Columbus, at Norman Leach's. .. Mn. and Mms. Murray Morgan, Toronto, at Mcl Morgan's .- Miss Norma Glaspeli, Mrs. W. 1 Glaspeh at Caesanea. . . Mms. J. i W. McMaster, Alex McMastm andI Richard Tnewin, at John Ghaven's, Kedron. . . Miss Kathleen Cam-I cran witb hem gmandparcnts, Mr.< and Mrs. S .G. Chant, Toronto... Mm. and Mrs. Hanry Fisher and i Joyce, Oshawa, at Ray Cameman's ..Mms. Refond Cameman, Kath- leen and Jean, attended the birthday party of litthc Miss Canal Chant an Tuesday. .. Miss Eilcen Stainton, Mrs. A. T. Stainton wenc tea guests of Mrs. Cyril Mumfond 1 Wright and family spent Father's IV Day at N. E. Wright's, Maple Jt Grove. .. Mn. and Mrs. A. Harris NV and Miss Mary Harris, Omana, at nt Mrs. Wm. Oke's.. . Mms. M. Grîf- 'A n is home from Toronto. Master K :;conge Edward Bradley, Toronto, K cturned home with ber. b Eyes Tested GlMasses Fîtted Stsation In Fit and Price Guaranteed TONE-RAY SUN GLASSES are optically perfect, with temples $3.00, witlout temples --- ------ ------- 25 POLAROID GLASSES - --1.95 - OTHERS ý i19 to 59c Clarke Union One of the worst storms ever *experienced bere passed tbrough i this section last week. It wreck- -ed two barns and took the roaf off a third barn. Lightning struck Milford Sherwin's house and up- roated trees and levelled fences. 1, Miss Ireland, who has been >teaching at aur schaol for twa years, has resigned and will teach i at Leskard tbe coming year. 1, Gardon Power, James Nixon ïand H. J. South wcre at Lindsay edeliverinig waol. t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey and son ayne, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. *Soucb visited friends in Harmony iand Oshawa, Brown's 1, Vîsitors: Mrs. Henry Reichrath in Hamilton with ber sister, Miss Bessie Law. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Ourson and Jimmy with friends in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Well- ington Farrow and Wylma at Mr. L a w r e n c e Jamieson's, Coid Springs. . . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodlock and family, Newcastle, at Mrs. C. Brown's. . . Mrs. C. ITurner and M. Graham in Toron- ,j ta. . . Mrs. William Brunt and son, Newcastle, at D. Henderson's. Hampton Mrs. Bonyun, Mrs. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Chequers, Toronto, at Mr. Gea. Burtt's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burtt visit- ed Mm. and Mrs. Ritter, Bowman- ville. Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Howard Allin and son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Aluin and son. Belleville, at Mr. Harold Allin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Aluin, Toronto, with bis parents. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker, Bowmanvilhe, witb Mrs. Bessie Rabbins. . . Miss Marion Jobnston, Toronto, witb Mrs. H. Cle.. . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jen- nings, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Wray's ..Mr. and Wilbur Black- burn and son, Maple Grave, Mm. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and cbildren, Salem, and Pte. Walter Blackburn, Clinton, at Mr. Mark Blackburn's. .. Mrs. H. Cale and Miss Elsie Macmillan wîtb friends in Bawmanville on Sunday... Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin and sons, Tyrone, at Mr. Chas. War- ren's. . . LICpI. Freddie Payne, Brampton, and Miss I sa beli Tbompson, Bowmanville, al W. Greenaway's. .. Pte. Ted Kersey, Kingston, with bis parents... Keitb Billett, R.C.A.F., Toronto, borne. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn at Port Hope. Bruce Ferguson lost a valuable horse. I Rev. Alinut visited Hamptont British and Foreign Bible Society on Monday evening and gave anc interesting taik an the work, il- lustrating with lantern siides on the wark in Africa. Citizens bave been busy dlean-f ing up the debris from failen 1 trees caused by the tornado ofe Tuesday evening. Telephone andr bydro men aiso have bad plenty 1 ta do in this lacality remavingV trees, repairing broken and dam-, aged wires, etc. Telephone andr bydro service was disrupted forv severai days. Orono News.p R- vio----------65 Soft as a fleecy cloud!i 2 5c ,2pabds scoTTs EMULSION A Botter Way - to fake . - Cod Liver OU1 op Contains -Vitamine A and D 590tand 980t Duratien Leg De -------- 49e Silk-Like ---------------25e IT for white shoes --15e, 25e Shu-M ilk ------- - ---------- 19e Cinderelia ----- --------- 50e Anti-Mosquito Cr.------35e Citrenella Candies 2 for 35e Skeeter-Scatter ---------- 35e Fly-Tox -------- 24c, 43c, 73e D. T. ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS --- ----------- 25e, 59e Phone fWIIlCfDIlCfD We fit COWINGS DUG TORTruse Wedding BYERS-MOUNTJOY Blackstock United Cbunch was the scene of an intcresting wcd- ding, Satunday, June 19, when Miss Aileen Annie Mauntjoy, R.N, daughten of Mm. and Mns. Norman Mauntjoy, was unîtcd in îMarriage ta Ja m es Franklin Murray Byers, son of Mm. and Mns. Leitb Byers. Rev. D. M. Stinson officiated, the cenemony taking place at 3.30 a'clock. Mixcd flowens decorated th e churcb. Miss Evelyn Sandenson phaycd the wedding music and Dalton Dorreil was the soloist. Given in marriage by ber fathen, the bride wome a floon- length two-piecc gawn of white cyclet cmbmaidered pique trim- mcd with ruching and buttons. Hen long tulle veil was caugbt with orange biossoms, and she carried a nasegay of sweetheart roses and fonget-me-nots. She was attcnded by ber two sisters, Hazel acting as bridesmaid and Audrey as junior bridesmaid. Bath wore strcet-iengtb twa- piece frocks of turquoise cyciet -mhroidpmp1 tîîpe frimeci ~l ,ini Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn ruching and buttons. They wore were guests of Mr. Cryderman at sprays of orange blossoms in their the Rayai York, Toronto. harr. The bridesmaid carried bronze carnations and the junior Mrs. Grady and Nancy Jamie- bridesmaid pink carnations. Ivan son are visiting Mrs. C. G. Arm- Mountjoy, brother of the bride, strong. was best man and the ushers Mrs. 1. Winter visited in To- were Herb Swain and Bruce ronto. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn at- At the receptian beld at the tended the funeral of a relative home of the bride's parents, Mrs. at Lindsay. Mountjoy received wearing a two- John Lowery was home on piece navy dress with a corsage leave. of talisman roses. Mrs. Byers Mrs. Jas. Richards is inl St. wore a two-piece powder blue Catharines attending the Hender- frock with a corsage of swcet- son-Hicks wedding. heart roses. For a trip taoOt- Miss Bertha Cain was on the tawa and points east the bride sick list but has resumed teacb- chose a navy triple sheer suit ing. Miss Cain is remaining here with white bat and accessories.ý for another year. . They will live on the groam's Mr. L. McGinnis, new princi- farm near Blackstock. pal at O.C.S., was in the village The bride is a graduate of To- [ast week.rot eeaHspal Miss M. Roy visited in Toronto.rntGeraHopa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster and VIrs. C. Tamblyn, Port Hape, vis- ited at Mr. Fred Brimacombe's, Bob Hall; girls 10 and 11, Shirley Kirby. 'Fiintoff, Doreen Fowier; boys 10 Mrs. Dean Carscadden has re- and 11, Raye West, George Jones; turned froffo Toronto, Thornhill grs1 ad1,J arainy, and Unionville. Joyce Cornis; boys 12 ad3ý Miss R. Lowden, Toronto, vis Raye West, Gerald Rainey; wheel-, ted Mrs. C. M. Lowden. barrow race, girls, Shirley Flint- Horticuitural Society Meeting off and Joyce Cornish, DoreenI Orono Horticuitural Society Fowler and Lorna Clarke; wheel- vas entertained at the îoveîy barrow race, boys, Keith West and home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamb- Marvin Lunn, Denny Lynch and lyn, Monday evening. Piano solos Bob Hall; kick the bahl, Kay Mc- by Glen Tamblyn and Carol Kenna, Joyce Cornish; kick the ;taples were enjoyed. Members ball, Raye West, Chas. Armstrong, valked about the garden and ad- The children brought their nired the many lovely peonies lunches wbile the W.M.S., with and roses. Mrs. O. W. Rolpb read Mrs. Staples, Mrs. Littlewood and the minutes. Mrs. F. Tamblyn Mrs. Logan in charge, served milk gave the trcasurer's report. The which the W.M.S. donated. Mrs. Royal Oak was pianted in the Littlewood spoke to the Mission emetery on 24tb of May and a Band complimenting tbem on vote of tbanks was extended to their attendance, faithfulness and FJ. Hall for his work. Three voluntary giving tbrougbout the dollars was granted to the Lind- year, stating that the Orono Mis- say Flower and Vegetabie Show. sion Band was rated as the third Votes of tbanks ta Mr. and Mrs. bighest in the Bay of Quinte Con- F.Tamblyn for their work at the ference. She also expressed ap- fower beds were given. Barbara preciation of the faithfulness of Ann Rolpb played a splendid the Mission Band leaders and iano solo and Mr. Staples show- Mrs. Staples presented Miss Mc- ed slides on "Canadian Homes" Dowell with a beautiful leather with Glen Tamblyn manipulating photograpb album and Mrs. Arm- te machine. Vote of thanks ta strong with a dainty blue enamel- Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn was ex- led tray. Joyce Cornish repre- tnded by M. H. Staples who in- senting the Sr. Mission Band, pre- ited the members ta attend the sented Miss McDowell witb a rext meeting at his home. lovely box of Apple Blossom dust- [ission Band Leaders Presented ing powder. With Gift Mrs. Armstrong announced Orono Mission Band beld a pic- names of children wha had at- ice in the park on Monday. The tended Mission Band every meet- youngsters enjoyed swimming ing and gave the boys tie pins id races before tbey had their and the girls hair bows. They ;pper. were Bill Armstrong, Harold Race winners were: Running, Moffat, Keith Gibbs, Ross Lewis, larie Lewis, Mary Ann Arm- Harry Lynch, Mary Ann Arm- rang; jumping, Doreen White, strong and Marlene Cantreli. The Wanie Lewis; running, Carolyn cbildren piayed hall, the captains rnes, Marlene Cantreli; jumping, being Jean Turner and Joyce [arjorie White, Ann Baraball; Cornisb. Jean Turner's team won înning, Keith Gibbs, Ronnie 15 ta 8. rest; jumping, Ronnie West, eitb Gibbs; girls 8 and 9 years, If a man doesn't use profanity, Çay McKenna, Lamna Clarke; we wonder what be says wben he îo's 8 and 9 years, Keith Gibbs, mnashes bis thumb? LIONS' LETTERS (Continued from page 1) and particulariy at this trne, as 1 was unlucky enough ta lose a thousand carton from home this month. That is the first thousand I have lost in. two and a balf years which is, I think, a very good record. Some of the boys have been less fortunate. It is useless for me ta try ta tell you how we ail appreciate the good things sent over by aur friends and the different organizations at home, but I arn sure there is always a warm spot for the Lions. We have had a wonderful winter here, but the weather at present is very windy and wet. The Tun- isian battle is ail but over (we hope) and the boys are very anxious to get going-where--we do not know. "I get The Statesman quite reg- ularly so arn able ta, keepWosted as to the doings of the toVfi." Cards and letters were reccived from Gnr. C. J. Hall, C18578, 2nd Field Battery, 4th Can. Fid. Regt., R.C.A., C.A.O.; Spr. A. F. Page, C33304, C.A.O.; Pte. R. T. Mc- Millan, No. 18 L.AD., Attached H.Q., 6th Can. Inf. Ede., C.A.O.; Sgt. A. B. Lobb, C63552, 5th L.A.A. Regt., R.C.A., C.A.O.; Denny; CpI. L. Cubbage, C5629, 32nd Cdn. Corps Tps., 1 Cdn. Corps, R.C.A.S.C., C.A.O.; Gnr. C. P. Cutier, B22399, 4tb Cdn. AIT Regt. R.C.A., C.AO.; Cpi. E. Dent, B25239, Ist C.E.R.U., R. C. E., C.AO.; L[Bdr. R. J. Hooper, C18648, 2nd (Ottawa) Fid. Bty., R.C.A., 4th Cdn. Fld. Regt., C.AO.; Gnr. J. M. Bird, C40262, 3rd A Tk. Bty., R.C.A., 5th Cdn. AlTk. Reg., (A.F.), C.A.O. Cobourg -Legion 133 EXCURSION, TO PORT DALHOUSIE AND NIAGARA FALLS JULY lut BY ONTARIO NO. 2 LEAVING COBOURG 7 a.m. Aduits $2.30 Children under 12 years $1.15 Children under 5 years FREE Tax included Tickets new available ai Le- gion Rooms after 7 p.m., and R.Jackson's, 509 George St., Co bourg. Tickets may be had on boat PORT DALHOUSIE TO NIA- GARA FALLS. A New D'AVENPORT Rieh new beauty and comfort for the Living Room wlth a beautiful weii eenstrueted Bed Davenport, easiiy eenverted Ini- to a eomfortable bed with spring-fiied mattress. Large storage box in the base. As 10w as $79.00 F. F. Morris Cou E I 'I mm-, M»"INwwýl imâwàlhmmd 1 M-lW-ýk THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 194- ý n SUMMER NEEDS Jergen 's Lotion -- 25c, 47c, 98e Noxzema - -19e, 39e, 59e Pond's Cream --34e, 59c Tangel fer sunburn 50e Arrid - ------ -39c, 59e Mum - -- -------39e, 59C Odorono Cream ------39e Noxzema Suntan 011 - -------- 30c, 60e Noxzema Cohd Cream --- ---17e, 55e Pend's Lipstiek 19c, 55e