THURSDAY, JUNE 24ta, 1943 PAGE FIVF~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Miss Mabel Brooks, Toronto, spent the week-end with ber par- ents. Trinity United Sunday School picnic will be held this year on July 7. Sergt. Louis Dewell has re- turned to bis unit on the Pacifie Coast. Lieut. Stanley Dunn, Camp Borden, spent the week-end with Uis wife. Mrs. Hugh McLaren, Toronto, was week-end guest off Mrs. W. ~>Strike. rlwMiss Jean Hambly, Peterboro, was guest of her aunt, Miss Marg- aret Trebilcock. Rev. Thos. Dustan, Toronto, was guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dustan. Mrs. Bradley, Bond Head, was week-end guest with her sister, Mrs. Mina Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bateman, Toronto, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. H. Phillips. Mrs. Barton Mothersilis, (nee Helena Welch), Oshawa, was guest off Mrs. J. A. MeClelian. Miss Marion Scott, Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott. Miss Kathryn O'Neill, Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Major and Mrs. J. O'Neill. Miss Helen Gunn, Mrs. James b7 AND UP Large variety of attractive ar- ticles suitable for wedding gifts and for men and women lni the armed forces ahvays on band. Buy War Savings Certificates Sand Stamps MARRIS Jewelry BOWN NVILE YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR Rev. E. C. Williams OF SARNIA, ONT. SUNDAY - il a.m., 7.30 p.m. AT THE EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE ONTARIO ST., NORTH Alisop, Toronto, were week-end guests off Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Mrs. L. B. Nichois, Calabogie, spent fhe week-end in town and affended the Humpage-Hooper wedding. Misses Eleanor Jobnsfon and Louise Cole are farmereffes with the Onfario Farm Service Force at Forest. LAC Bill Hutchinson, Camp Borden, spent the week-end with bis mothen, Mrs. M. J. Hutchin- son. Give generously fo the Greek Waar Relief Fund. Subscripfions may be ieft with eifber off the local banks. The Public Library will be closed for two weeks beginning Tuesday, Juiy 6tb. Reopen Thurs- day, July 22nd. Mrs. C. Burgmasfer bas return- cd from visiting af Brookiin, To- ronto, Buffalo, Rochester, Fair- porf and Palymna, New York. Mrs. Jack Beatty, Misses Mar- jonce Joncs and Jessie MeIntyre, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mayor and Mrs. R. 0. Joncs. Misses June Lamson and Ursula Dale and Mrs. Sfewarf Ferguson, Toronto, were week-end guests wifb Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Joblin. Dominion Day wiil be observed in Bowmanvilie on Tbursday, July 1sf, wben a public holiday is proclaimed and stores wiil be closed. Mn. Elmer Hennings, Noble Grand off Florence Nightingale Lodge, wàs in Toronto iast week aftending the Oddffellows Grand Lodge. Misses Doris Dudley and Helen Prit chard attended the West Presbytery Young Peopie's picnic at Greenwood on Wednesday off last week. Miss Margaret Trebilcock ac- companied by ber guesf, Miss Lora Beileghem, Peterboro, bas been visifing Mrs. R. M. Mitchell, Belleville. Miss Dorothea Jeffrey off the higb scbool teacbing staff lef t for ber home in Toronto, Sunday. She wiil go to Bala later for part off the hoiidays. Brigadier Gentie Hollande, Fen- dlon Falls, us nenewing acquaint- ances in fown while guest off ber cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Sfacey, Liberty Sf. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Miss Evelyn Pickard, Mrs. S. R. James and sons, Norman and Ibouglas, are holidaying af Wil- liams' Point, Lake Scugog. Mrs. A. N. Fraser and Mn. C. H. Haddy, Toronto, and Mrs. C. H. Mason, Town, are visifing the newlyweds, Mn. and Mns. F. E. Walden (nec Helen Mason), in Muskoka. Mn. and Mrs. A. C. Wylie, Niagara Falls, Mn. and Mns. H. J. Danke, Toront o, and Pte. James Topiiss, Hamilton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Ray Brock and Mrs. Lucie Bnooking. W.O. Don Camenon, No. 1 Bombing and Gunnery Sehool, Jarvis, spent the week-end with bis mother, Mrs. Hugh Cameron, who bas been seriously ill. He left Tucsday for the East Coast. Mrs. A. Bradley, Mn. Gordon Bradley, Mrs. Wm. Sutherland, Margaret and Marion, Bond Head; Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Bill and Ray, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Albert ColweIl. Sf. Paul's United and Tinity United wil bold combined ser- vices during the summen montbs. Services during Juiy will be con- ducfcd by Rev. J. E. Griffith and during Augusf by Rev. F. H. Job- lin. According f0 word received from Fît. Lieut. G. H. Parliament, No. Il1 Recruifing Centre, R.C. A.F., Toronto, A.G.B. (Jerry) Tait, son off Mn. and Mrs. Jack Tait, Temperance Sfreet, bas en- Iisfed in the R.C.A.F. The Statesman joins with their many friends in Bowmanviile and Durham Counfy in extending congratulations f0 Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Pinch, 22 Gladstone Ave., Oshawa, formerly off Bowman- ville, on clebrating their 64ta wedding anniversary on June 22. Mrs. Owen D. Fagan, Nora and Mary were guests at the LaGrange-Cole wedding in To- ronto, June 19. Miss Nora Fagan was the soloist af ber cousin's wedding and one of ber sciections j Storm Caused Terrifie Damage The recent wlnd and llghtnlng 'stormn caused considerable damage lni this district.'- Chlmneys were struck by lightnlng; roofs were blown off; barns were flattened by wlnd. For- tunately no serious tires esulted, 'although considemable loss was reported fom otiier causes. Several dlaims have been adjusted satlsffactorily by this agency silice the storm. [s youm insurance policy wrltten to take came of these losses? The "Supplemental Contract" can bc added te youm regular tire poiicy at a low rate. The followlng additlonal perils are covered by it - WINDSTORM, HAlL, LIGHTNING, EX- PLOSION, RIOT, IMPACT BY AIRCRAFT OR VEHICLES, SMOKE DAMAGE and WATER ESCAPE. Merely phone or mail, and we wlll explain these addltlonal covemages to you. It is our desire to serve this communlty i the best way possible. Can we help you? STUART R. JAMES INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE - Successor To J. J. Mason & Son - 1PHONE 681, 493 BOWMAN VILLE was Ave Maria by Sbuberf. Miss Mary Fagan piayed piano selec- fions at the reception. Cifizens were sorry f0 iearn on* Safurday, that Ralph VanCamp, Navigafor in the R.C.A.F., was reporfed missing affter air opera- tions. Ralph was employed sev- eral yeans ago with Nortbcutt & Smith in town, and is son off the lafe Reeve W. A. VanCamp off Cartwright, and Mrs. VanCamp. Peter C. Kennedy, one of Can- ada's Icading pianofforte feachers, wiil conduct examinations for the Toronto Conservatory off Music in Bowmanville, July 1-2. Mr. Ken- nedy organized and was first director off the Canadian Academy off Music, wbîcb later became part off the Toronto Conservafory off Music. Plan now f0 spend part off your hoiidays at Camp Victory for Cubs and Scouts. The camp opens July 9th and will operate until the end off Augusf. Boys off Cub age, 8 f0 12 years, and older boys, 12 f0 17 years, wiil enjoy a week or more there. The Camp is located in the Scarborough dis- trict. Ask your leaders for in- formation. Do you want f0 . .. rent a room or an apartment? . . . Scîl a car, f a r m implements, livestock, piano, furnifure, or a bouse?... Swap something you don't need for something you do need? Then the simpiesf, quickest way is to use Statesman ciassiffied ads. A iow-cost want-ad in this news- paper will belp you solve a mag- nitude off probiems-it will carry ypur message into tbousands off homes wbere it is bound to get attention and action. Phone 663 and we will give you the cost off a want-ad covering anything you have to sell or other requirements. Every Issue off The Stafesman goes to press withouf one or more items that have been banded in for publication at the lasf minute. Whcn everybody waits until press day to turn in copy a boftle neck is created at our fypc-sefting ma- chines thaf adds unnecessanily f0 the difficulty off getting the paper ouf on time. The result-items thaf cannof be set are held over. Many off these could have been sent in on Saturday, Monday or Tuesday jusf as easiiy as on Wed- nesday. Our machines are busy aIl week seffing copy for this issue. Our staff works every day -not on Wednesday only. More co-operafion from correspondents and others in sending in copy early wiil be appreciated. Obituary ORREN CLINTON PICKELL The deatb occurred af the home off his son-in-iaw, Frank Worden, Darlington Township on June 19, off Orren Clinton Pickell, beloved husband off the late Charlotte Matilda Stevens. Born in Darlingfon Township, a mile from wbere be died, on No- vember 24, 1850, Mn. Pickell was one off the eaniy pioneers in West- ern Canada and spent much off bis life in the Wesf. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Worden, and fbree sons, Orvilie off Dunharton; Irvine off Kingston, and Norman. The funeral was held from the home off bis son-in-law on June 21, followed by interment in the famiiy plot in Bowmanville Cem- efery. The services were con- ducted by Rev. H. C. Linstead, pastor off Ebenezer U n i t ed Cburcb. The palîbearers were C. Found, J. Brooks, H. Pickell, H. Osborne, H. Worden and K. Cour- tice. GREECE PAYS PENALTY If, fhrougb the misforfune off war, one person out off every five in Canada, died from starvation all off us would have reason f0 complain off the terrible f011 off war. But, Greece bas paid thaf penalty. But, perhaps because we are several fhousand miles away from that country we cannot visualise jusf what a ghasfiy pnice bas been paid by the gallant Greeks. Yef, if is a facf. And fbousands more are doomed f0 deafh, sîmply because there is nof suffficienf food f0 feed the Grceks unless the people off Canada sup- port fhe Greek War Relief Fund campaign for $500,000 generously. This Fund, recognized by the government, bas been sending food, medicines and supplies for fwo years. Over haîf a million dollars bas been spent on this humanitarian work. The treasury is now exhausted and the Fund is asking the people of Canada f0 provide more funds for this w -rfh wor.Greek men, wo- Visitons: Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Kirby, Mrs. James Bail, Leskard, witb their father, Wm. Virtue... Miss Nina Hodgson, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson . .Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Wright wifh Mrs. John Barrie, Newton- ville. . . Mn. and Mrs. Couiter, Toront o, at L. Drage's. . . How- ard Phiip, R.C.A.F., Toronto, with Mrs. Phiip and ffamiiy. . . Miss Grace Little, Toronto, wifh Mrs. L. Annis... G. Carr, Gilford, witb bis daughter, Mrs. Archie Virtue ...Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore at- fended the Humpage - Hooper wedding in Bowmanvile. Weddings The Olds United Church was By Capt. Elmore Philpoti the scene off a pretty wedding Saturday evening, June 5, wben WORLD ORDER BABY MAY have been promised their freedom Helen Christine, only daughter off BE ON THE WAY "immediateiy on the cessation off Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Hartman, be- 'No Modern Statesman ever said hostilities." Yet almost ail the came the bride off Corporai l nything more timely or true than real politicai leaders off India are Thomas Smith, R.A.F., sonr onoPrmeMr. . . atkept in jili! and Mrs. W. Smith ofWgn1i u w rm iitra Lancashire, England. Rev. . L. London in 1941. This: "If that What Our Bachelor Premier Eiliott offfîciated. new order is not aiready on the may have overiooked is that the Given in marriage by her way before the war is over we new worid order baby requires father, the bride was lovely in a mnay look for it in vain. A new care even before birth; and that floor-length gown off white sheer worid order cannot be worked out the most advanced nations now and lace. and a chapel veil. She at sanme given moment, and re- provide the most skiiful profes- wore white lace mitts and carried duced ta writ- sional assistance at the birth itself. a shower bouquet off pink roses. ing at aco She was attended by Miss Isiay ference table. It Th ere Is No Other CountrY id Henson, who wore blue sheer and is s o met h in g better able ta assist so well in the at carried pink carnations. Sgt. Ed- that is born, not birth off the world-order baby ward Dickens, RA.F., off Leeds, made."' than Canada. For, in spite of al Yorkshire, England, was best If we appîy the progress made, there is no man. The ushers were Cpi. Mock t h a t statement guarantee yet that the British- and CpI. Ashurst ffrom the RA.F. off wisdom and American partnership wiil carry station at Bowden, to which sta- truth as a yard- over into peace. There couid be, tion the groom is attached. s t i c k ta~ the either in Britain or in the States,- For the ceremony, the aitar off worid as it is a reversion ta exploitative imper- the church was banked with n ow a c t ually ialism on the one hand, or to AU4 apple blossoms and honeysuckie. evolving, what . mind-our-own business isolation- The guest pews were marked with do we see? ism. There couid hardiy again sel bows off white tulle and appie F i r sta n d be two personalities in power who Isi blossoms. most hop;eful off hit things off together sa well as Miss Mary Kirker played the ail, we certainîy do* Mr. Churchill and Roosevelt. B wedding music. During the sugn- see coming into There might be men who were an ing off the register Miss Beryl being that Brit- just naturaliy antagonistic to eacb n Scott sang "Until". ish-American partnership which other. by1 A reception for 45 guests was Mr. King sa correctly said must That is why this platonic part- a jcl held at the home off the bride's he "the foundation off unity and nership between the British peo- cnt] parents. To receive Mrs. Hart- purpose and effort off ail free ple and the people off the United chan man wore a mid-biue ensemble peoples." States shouid be put on a more ity with white accessories and cor- Secondly, we sec a two-way permanent, formal, and practicai Chul sage off roses. The bride's table movement between the Western basis. If the United States agrees seli was centred by the three-tiered democracies and the Soviet Union to an out-and-out wedding with time wedding cake set in a bed off white to work out-not yet a friendiy the wbole British Commonwealth hei tuile and pink cornflowers. Jas. partnership-but at least a modus we should tell them now that this knov Wrgtpopsdtetos ote ied-t es n gemn t Swa0 w at o fte Ar bride. Telegrams off congratula- live and-let-live, and to co-oper- United States prefers a more îim- hg tions were received by the bridal ste against international aggres- ited contract - a mere world whic couple from relatives off the sors. peace-police contract that wiîî $19.5 groom. Thirdly, we see a plain inten- suit us fine aiso. hem For travelling the bride chose a tion off the Western World to give There are only two provisions not queen's blue dress, navy coat and China, as a nation, a future place which realIy matter-so far as ta0b( white accessories. The boney- of equaiity and dignity up filMost British subjects are concern- whil moon was spent at Banfff. now denied. ed. That is, that whatever is T Mrs. C. C. Harfman was form- In a nutsbell, thereffore, we ac- fformed shouid bc sooner or later we.l eriy Miss Mabel Cox off Bowman- tually sce coming into plain sight Open f0 ail humanity. tion ville. Two brothers, Elmer and saine off thc more important Aiso that whatever is donc is wsti Kenneth Cox, reside here today. possible "makings" off real worid permanent - companionafe mar- civ HOA-WERYpeace. * ** ages are ouf. saev Unfortunately, The Remainder CARTWRIGHT RELIGIOUS Tyrone United Cburch was the off the world picture is by no EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL Wa setfing for a pretty afternoon means sa bright. HELD 4lst CONVENTION Tr wedding, June l9tb, when Rev. Continental Europe-both thaf r A. F. Gardner united in marniage part-inside and outside off the so- The forty-first Annual Conven- BuI Marion Isobel, daughter of Mr. cailed Nazi ffortress-looms as a tion off Cartwright Reiigious Edu- and Mrs. F. A. Werry, Betbesda, sort off future no-man's-land. cational Council was held in St. and LAC Aldin J. Hoar, R.C.A.F., There is no indication as yct that John's Anglican Church, Black- W* son off Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar, the Allies have any cicar idea stock, June 16. Rev. C. G. Park, Bctbesda. Mrs. V. A. Hooper, To- as to what kind off government Whitby, was the main speaker V'i ronto, aunt off the bride, played they wish to help set up in the and Dr. R. P. Bowles, Nestîcton, and the wedding music and during capitals now ruled by gangsters. Rev. P. Jamieson, Janefviile, time the signing off tac register, Miss Hence there is no certainty that Archdeacon Simpson and Rev. D. noun Betty Haines, Toronto, sang "Be- fhcy will prevent the setting-up M. Stinson also took part. Re- 221t cause". Standards off spring flow- of regimes which will start ail ports from the Sunday Schoois ingr ers in shades off pink, mauve and over again the business off war were given Supper was served 12 tr wbite formed a background for glorification, armament - making at the Rectory. b the ceremony. and power-politics by intrigues, Ntew officers elected arc: Presi- as 0 The bride, given in marriage conspiracies, b 1 a c k mn a i 1 and dent,'Lawrence Malcolm; Vice- by ber father, was lovely in a fhreats off force. Pres ident, Miss Vera Forder; SEEl triple sheer white gown with But far more ominous than the Sec'y-Treasurer, E a r 1 Dorreli: bodice and long full sîceves off compiete failure as yet to indicate isonrConvenor. Mrs. Wm. Se Swiss embroidcry, sbirred waist- any plan for dealing witb Europe Simpson; Temperance Convenor. cmi line and bouffant skirf. Rer is the unrepentant practice of Mrs. A. J. Johnston: Christian latio ffingertip veil off illusion was beld imperialism, and the clash of race Leadership, Archdeacon Simpson. pota in place by a halo off gardenias. and color. The people off India Rev. P. Jamieson, Rcv. Harrison. ary She carried a bouquet off Killar- ney roses and gypsophila. The bride's only attendanf was * M M M M M M M M m m m m . . . n ber sister, Helen, gowned in powdcr blue triple-sheer fash- ioned on tbe same lines as the bridc's. Her sbouider-length veil off matcbing net was held in place by a wreath off fiowers and she V C T O carried a bouquet off Talisman VCT O roses and baby breatb. Lloyd S. Hoar, No. 7, E.F.T.S., Windsor, was bis brotber's besf man and tac ushers werc Percy Vacation stili lies ahead for most off us and ho H. Wcrry, brother off the bride, and Gordyn Brent, Bowmanville. and, ivhether Yeu plan te go away or stay at h( The reception was held at the LOWEST off the produets iisted heme. Check over your n4 borne off the bride's parents. Mrs. Werry received in a flowered silk PRICES this week-end at money-saving I.DA. prices. crepe ffrock witb maize accessories and corsage off cornflowers and sweet peas. She was assisted' y NOXZEMA CREAM the groom's mother who wore a goid shadow clotb. frock withI black accessories and corsage off' . ENGLISH HEALTH SAL' pansies and bouvardia. Pink and white sweet peas decorated the * * * . * E BUQET "UTr" WHITE SHOE CLI living room wbere a buffet lunch- 6. * 'MRAL MKEU LUX SOAP. . . . eon wvas served by girl friends off the bride. MTO SUN GLASSES, Crookei Foliowing the reception the ý happy couple iefft for a mofor trip L...41Jflme1oa/e ta points north. The bride travel- THftEE-PURPOS led in a printed Nule green siik CREAM sm li1llebuyl jersey witb tan accessories. LAC- FACE POWDER d an r.A. J. Hoar will reside at 6 Fettering Shodes 29c .~. ai 267 Russell Hill Rd., Toronto. UIPSTICK sprfte rmsp-fe rm Guests were present from Wind- 4LVI.Drn 0 ueft.cemopfefo soToronto, Guelph, Bethany.4 olyDrigfnsO adulterant-wlflnet injure moat Orono and Bowmanville. ROUGE tender akin. Previous to ber marriage, the 3 rhriffinq font$ 30e per cake 25e bride was honoured at a iien ________________ shower given by Toronto gi.rl friends at the United Churchl uainLgD 9 House. The nde was also pre- Oi off Citronella ---------15e, 25e Duaton LegDo-4Eu senfed with an eiectric Silex bv1 NoH-o.Z 40e the feliow members off the staff Velvetta Sun-Burn Lotion 39c Silk-Lîke LegM off the Discount and Loan Co. Sun Glasses----- - 19e te $3.00 Tint ------ 15e, 25e 1MM BLOOD DONORS June 16: Mrs. Mabel McAlis- ter, Courtice, (3rd donation); Mrs. Althea Laking, Newcastle; Mrs. Kafe Newman, Mrs. W. P. Hall, Joan Buttonshaw, Bowmanvilc, (2nd donation); At D.I.L., Ajax: William B. Hoar, Orono; Archie Masters, Bowmanvile, (2nd dona- tion); Margaret Moffatt, Bow- manville, (1sf donation). June 18: Lieut. Robt. C. Hayes, Bowmanville, (l3tb donation); Ross Stevens, Bowmanviile, (6th donation); Fred Lockett, Brook- lin; J. Forbes Heyiand, Rev. Car- man Lynn, Bowmanviiie, (5th donation); Charles P. Smith. Hampton; Orville L. Hooper, Bowmanville, (3rd donation); 'Donald S. Lewis, Enniskilcn. (2nd donation); LICpi. D. Malone, Capf. Walter Waddeii, Pte. M. Villeneuve, Pte. F. L. McGuire, Bowmanviile, (1sf donation). June 21: Eanl Stephenson, Bow- manville, (5th donation); Orval Jackson, Brookiin; D. Lawrence Goddard, Howard Cowle, Bow- manvilie, (4th donation); Russell Wray, E. 0. Roach, Bowmanville: Donald R. Davey, Tynone. (3rd donation); Pte. Fred Shuant. Roy P o r f e r, Bowmanvilc; Pcrcy Hawksiey, Brookiin, (2nd dona- tion); Pte. George Watson, Cpi. Ross Taylor, Pte. J. Larviere, Pte. Carl Fry, Pte. G. A. Knighf, and Pt e. Roy Zimmerman, Bowman- Iville, (lst donation). Tops White Shoe Cleaner 25e Arrid Cream ------- ---39c, 59 BUY RADIO LICENCES HERE We have been appointed soie is- suer off radio licences for the Town off Bowmanville. AMAZING NEW DENTAL LIQUID 2 ci 3 drops pet brushing keeps your dazzllng white. Keeps your mouth < 1 fresh, brecth sweet. LARGE 3 MEDUM 9Ç On the ar-"Share the Wealtb' every Sanrd ight. Lots of big cash pr zes. îe C nadastations-C.B.C- See vaur radio listing; for time and atation. « Spend Your Vacation at Grove Park Lodge1 LAKE 0F BAYS, MUSKOKA ideally situated for a happy, carefrec and at moderate cost. Centrally locat- cd on beautiful south shore off Lake off Bays, i tlic midst off fragrant pi ne s a nd spruce - directly opposite Bigwin Inn, Canada's largest summer hotel - excellent paved highway, 23 miles east off B r a c ebmldge - beneficial holiday - Write for folder and rates to owner - W. H. FLAHERTY, The Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, Or Lake of Bays, Muuskoka1 Lictioneer Bill Chaîlis ails Everytliing That i't Naiîed Down 3ilI Chailis, vetenan auctuoneer Jauto dealer, neyer does fhings haives. Wheneven be tackles ob he enfers into bhis work with rsusiasm. Nothing is left f0 ince. But at a recent commun- auction sale at wbich Mn. alls was wieiding fthe hammer ing off the goods in record le and at above ceiling prices, ran into a snag and didn't w it till laten. .mong the chatteis soid f0 the -test bidder was a bicycle ch Bill had knocked down at 50. Later, f0 bis asfonisbmenf, was informed the bicycle was bincluded among the articles be soId but had been put there le a citizen had gone shopping. Co those of you who know Bill, Il Icave if f0 your imagina-. nas f0 the language he used .n he found bis mistake. He 1thinks he should bave ne- 'cd bis commission on the artime Prices And -ade Board Weekly Illetin 0f Regulations VIRE SCREENING TO BE PRODUCED Vith black flics on the loose 1mosquitoes singing, the War- ie Prices and Trade Board an-' inced today that an additionai tons of profective wire screen- may be made during the nexf months. Types and widtbs f0 nanufacfured nemain the same outlined in previous ordens. :, * :k ED POTATOES NOW UNDER CEILING ceed potatoes are no longer cx- pt from maximum pnice regu- Jons. Henceforfh, this type off tato is to be cIassified as ondin- ytable stock and subjected f0 MEEDS loliday week-ends for ail, horne you will uueed many needs NOW and get them .17c, 39c, 59c .TS, 16 oz. 59e .EANER 15c, 25e 1..6c, 2for lic bs enses 19C Noxzema Sun-Tan Oil-- ------ 30e, 60e Skeeter-Skatter 25, 35e Bland-Oil, 4 oz. ---25e Gaby Sun-Tan Lotion ._-35c, 65e GIN PULLS 39c469c the same grading and pnice regu- lations. The order was timed to coincide noughiy wifh the end off the potafo pianting scason. CANADA CONTRIBUTES ALLIED FOOD POOL How cao Canada be short off food when the country is pro- ducing more than ever before? A large part off the answer f0 this question was suppiied by J. M. Sinclair, director off retail and wbolesaie foods, W.P.T.B., when he revealed that Canada is a large contributor f0 the Unitecd Nations food pool which beîps ffecd troops off all the Allies in the European war theafre. FAILURE NOT INDICATED BY VEGETABLE PRICES "The recent upward trend in the pnices off fresh fruits and veg- etables is not indicative that pnice control does not wonk, but rather is suggestive off whaf wouid bnp- pen f0 the prices off other com- modifies if they were not held under a ceiiing confrol." This statement bas been issued by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board in answer f0 questions relative f0 prices off these commodities which do not come under the ceiîng regulatuons. In the fresh fruit and vegetable group, only potafoes, onions, oranges and ban- anas are under the ceiiing. REQUEST CANADIANS EAT FEWER EGOS Agriculture Minister Gardiner bas asked the people off Canada t. reduce their consumption off eggs f0 ensure a reasonable sup- ply off this ssential food to Great Bnitain and other United Nations. He said th present rate off con- sumption off eggs in Canada is the highest ever recorded, probably because off substitution off eggs for meat. Egg producers wouid not suffer by the reduction, because the British Ministry off Food would continue f0 buy ail avail- able supplies. ANACIN TA BLETS FOR THE RELIEF 0F COLDS, PAIN, ETC. 22c- 43c 69C - 98C Tangel for Sunburn ---- 50e Mentholatum - 29e, 55e Mecca.. 23e, 45c, 79e Chase's Ointment 60e Mum -----. ------ 39e, 59C Non-Spi ------ -----_ _44c, 77e Odomono ---- - -- --- 39e, 65e Amolin Cmeam _.----------- 39e 25C In box PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREOOR DRUGS PHIONE 792 - WE DELIVER - - - - . - - . - - - - -. -~ =..=.u.= .u.uuUUrnuUu.urnurnrnurnK-~~ q - a THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO êt