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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1943 TeNewcastle Independent The Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay are now at their ten-acre fruit farm after spending the winter in Florida, where Mr. Kay and two other Ontario men won a trebles championship ini iawn bowling. Among the former and present Newcastle friends, in addition to the relatives. who were in attend- ance at the Buxton-Rickard nup- tials in Trinity United Church. Toronto, on June i9th. were: J. W. Bradley, Mrs. Alex McLeod and Miss Audrey, Mrs. Wallace Holmes and Miss Jean. Miss Tuck- er Couch and friend, and among the guests: Miss Jean Bonathan. and Miss Muriel Pedweli. Relatives from east of Bow- LTHEATRE- BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fri., Sat, JUNE 24, 25, 26 DOUBLE FEATURE INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON Featuring RONALD REAGAN OLYMPE BRANDA JAMES STEPHENSON - ON SAME BELL - MOONLIGHT IN HAWAII With JOHNNY DOWNS and JANE FRAZEE M on.-Tues.-Wed. JUNE 28, 29, 330 JEANETTE MACDONALD and ROBERT YOUNG In CAIRO NEWS - SHORTS manville attending the Silver Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R. C.Pearce, Ebenezer, June 19th. inciuded Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Bragg and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Rickard, Shaw's: Mrs. Nor- man Allun, Miss Marion Allun and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun, Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Mr. ai-d Mrs. H. R. and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pearce and Larry. Miss Patricia Pearce and Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Sami Brooks, Providence. whose wvedding an- niversary xvas on this exact date. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce were married on June 2Oth. 1918. and it xvas probably June 20th this year before ail the guests got away. Thos. Spencer. Jr., and sons Ernie and Rollie, are pleased to have their littie terrier. which they iost and for which they ad- vertised, home again. A number of North St. and George St. citi7ens are not enjoy- ing good health. notably Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Laking. Mr. Wm. Ken- efick. Mr. Wm. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Casweli, although Mrs. Caswvel is much better than she vras and able to go to church.1 Mr. Geo. H. Joli and a few others( Royal Theatre - PROGRAMS - For The Month 0f July 9 1 2 Wing"s For The Eagle The Great Gildersieeve JULY 5, 6, 7 Pride 0f The Yankees JULY 8, 9, 10 Desert Victory Meiody Lane JULY 12, 13, 14 Proprieties On Parade (Lacking one feature) JULY 15, 16, 17 Random Harvest JULY 19, 20, 21 White Cargo JULY 22, 23, 24 SevenSweethearts Berlin Correspondent JULY 26, 27, 28 Broadway JULY 29, 30, 31 Whistling In Dixie Cabbage Patch FILLECihest e rfield Suites LARGEST STOCK 0F SPRING-FILLED CHESTERFIELD SUITES IN THIS PART 0F ONTARIO AT F. F. MORRIS CO. 3-PIECE SUITE AS SHOWN ABOVE R E P P -- - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN NOVELTY ----------- $89.00 F. F. Morris Co. The Rexali Drug Store SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS SUMMER SALINES Enos Sait---.- 59e, 98c Kkovah Salts . 29c, 79e Aika Seltzer --- ---29e, 57c English Style Saîts and Tumbler .. 43e Bromo Seltzer\ 25c. 49c, 95e Andrew's Liver Salis----- 44c, 77e Sal Hepatica 30c, 59c, $1.15 Gla.nt Kruschen Salts- 69c FOR HAY FEVER Vicks Vatronal . .43e Rinex - --- 50c, $1.00 Rexaîl Nose and Throat Drops --- 25c, 50e Ephazone ---- 1.50, $2.50 R m a h ------ --.-50c, $1,00 Vapex ---------25c, 50c, $1,00 Actephedrin -- - Oc0 itexaU Catarrh Jelly SOc0 FOOT REMEDIES Scholl's Callous ýPads ---35e Foot Elm ---------------35e Blue Jay Corn Pads ---25e Rexall Corn Solvent -- -25e Cress Corn Salve ------50e OlYmpene 50c, $1,00 SchoW's Foot Balm INSECTICIDES Moth Tox - --- --49e Moth Crystals, 1 lb. --39e Larvex - ---- ý83e, $1,98 Blaeck Leaf --33e, 95e Eikays Moth Spray ---75c SPECIAL CEDARIZED MOTH CRYSTALS Jury (& Lovel »eWhn We Test Eyes t I. Don. Properly Phone 778 C. N. R. Tickets in Ihat section of the village aren't s0 active as tbey once were cither. Rob't Martin accompanied his son, Inspector A. A. Marin, Brighton, and R. R. Stevens, Bow- manville, to, Woodstock. June 14. where they got some facîs on the operation of sebool health ser- vices in Oxford County. j Many bouquets o f t ul1i ps, columbines. bridal wreath and other spring flowers adorned "Mcdowark Farm" residence, Shaw's, for the pre-nuptial tea given by Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard in honour of bier younger daughter, IMiss Helen Lorraine Rickard, on June l6th. Mrs. G. B. Rickard weicomied guests and Mrs. W. J. ceived. Mrs. Kennetb Werry escorted guesls to tbe dining room where they were semved by Mrs. F. H. Joblin, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Jno. Rickard, Newcastle. Mrs. F. B3. Lovekin and Mrs. A. O. Parker, and Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mrs. Kyle Squair poured tea. Mrs. E. G. Clemence, Oshawa, superintended the tea service. A misceilaneous sbower for Miss Helen Rickard was held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Cooke and Miss Reita, on Thursday evening, when the bride of Saturday me- ceived a lovely assortment of gifts from a large group of friends. George Patterson, father of Mrs. Albert W. Pearce, died at New Park, June 2lst, in bis 68th year. Uppem Canada Bible Society met Wednesday evening. Rev. F. B. Allnutt, Field Secretamy, show- ed motion pidtures and gave an address. Laurence Morton, who was in- jured when a scantling felu on him as be was engaged at forrn work, was incapaciîated for about a week. There bave been some pickings of early strawberries. M os t patches in this locality show promise of a heavy crop. Miss Jean Rickard, Toronto, visited W. F. Rickard's, M.P. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Pearce, Midland, visited Mm. and Mrs. A. W. Pearce, Saturday, and attend- ed Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce's Silver Wedding anniversary. Isobel Clemence of the C.W. A.C., and Pte. Carl Fisher, Kings- .on, were home. 2nd Lieut. Gordon Tetley, me- cnt graduate at Brockville, and vlrs. Tetley, visiîed Mrs. Jno. Garrod prior to going to Brandon, Mlan. Wednesday, June 3Otb, Thos. .Ioffatt, Beaver St., will celebrate his 89th anniversary of bis birth. Seeding of spring grain is still in progress on some farms at the beginning of Ibis week. Some recently sown grain that is nowi up looks as if it bad the jaundice. Miss Frances Toms and Mrs. Isobel Lewis, Monîreal, are holi-4 aying at Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard's. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Bow- manville. called on Misses Ada an Elizabeth Allin and Mrs. Geo. P.Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Collacutt nUl daughter, Salem, were guests It Geo. H. Joll's. A group of six young farmers an their wives went away on a oliday trip lasI week-end. Mrs. Seiby Spencer bas return- ýd tempomarily from Br it is h olumbia and is wiîb ber motbem, ms. A. N. McEvoy. SALEM W.A. Salem Women's Association met 'hursday evening, at the home of Irs. F. Blackburn with 23 pres- nIt. Mrs. R. Winter bad charge )f the devotional assisted by Mrs. 1-Welsh. Mrs. Coombes had ,arge of the following program: Readings. Mrs. D. Fraser; vocal uet. D. Winter and R. Coombes; iano solo, Mrs. S. Buîtery; read- îg. Marie Collacutt. Mrs. Gard- ýer invited the ladies to the par- 3oage for tbe next meeting. A 3cial haîf-hour was enjoyed aI ýe close of the meeting. Il depends on how you use your heaU. The woodpecker doesn't3 get anywbcre despile the fact be - ilways uses bis head. - f Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.LB. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowrnanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notamy Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanviile, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DjEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldg., Bowmanviîîe. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiiy, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modemn Motor Equipment, Arn bulance and Invalid Car. Tele phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573 Licenscd Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Ennlskillen Phone Bowrnanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Furniture Sales. Consult me for terms and dates. 50-tf BIRTHS MTLLS-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, June l6th, e 1943, to, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milis, Enniskillen, a son, Bruce Douglas. 25-1 SJEFFERY - At Bowmanvjlle d Hospital, on June 2lst, 1943, to, d Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery C, (nee Marjorie Plummer) a son, a Gary Stephen. 25-1 DEATHS PATTERSON-At New Park, on June 2ist, 1943, George A. Pat- terson, in his 67th year. 25-1 LEWARS - In Darlington, on Tues., June 22, 1943, Adrian John Lewars, *aged 49 years. L Funeral from his late residence, Lot 22, Broken Front, Darling- ton, on June 24, at 4 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. MARRIAGES HOAR-WERRY - Miss Marion Isobel Werry, daughîer of Mr-. andi Mrs. F. A. Werry, Betbedsa, and LAC Aldin John Hoar, R.C. A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar, took place in Tyrone United Church, Saturday, June 19. 25-1* FAGAN-COOPER - In Toron- to, Saturday, June 5, 1943, 2nd Lieut. Owen M. J. Fagan, son of Mm. and Mrs. Owen D. Fagan, Bowrnanville, and Marion G. Cooper, Orono, were united in marriage by Rt. Rev. Mon- signor Coyle of the Holy Fam- ily Roman Catholic Church. 25-1 BUXTON-RICKARD - The marriage of Helen Lorraine Riekard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Bow- manville, and Herbert Max- well Buxton, son of Mrs. Bux- ton, Yorkshire, Eng., and the laIe Mm. John Buxton, took place in Trinity United Cburch, Toronto, with Rev. Arthur Or- gan officiating, assisteti by Rev. Roy H. Rickard, undle of the bride. 25-1 Card of Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swancott, Orono wisb to thank ail friends and neighbours for their kind- ness and messages of sympathy and the beautiful expressions con- tained in the lovely flowers sent during the passing of bis mother. 25-1 IN MEMORIAM COLE-In ioving memory of a dear husband, E. Howard Cole, wbo passed away June 27th, 1942. Those wbom we love go out of sight But neyer out of mmnd; They are cberished in the bearts 0f those they leave behind. --Sadly missed by Wife and Sister. 25-1* WATCHORN-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Rosan Watcborn., who passed away June 27, 1941. In our home she is fondiy remembered, Sweet memoéries dling to ber narne; Those who loved ber in life sincerely, Still love ber in death just the sarne. -Ever remembered by bus- band, John Wesle'y, and son Henry. 25-1* NOTICE Dr. Stomey's office will be dlosed Juiy 6 to August 1. 25-2* Dr. Birks' office wil be dlosed from July lst to July 18 inclusive. 25-4 We are making sorne repairs and will be unable ta, do any grinding for a few days but we will have masb and chop for sale. F. C. Vanstone. 25-1 There will be no collection of fats, by the Girl Guides, during July and Auegust. If anyone can send it in we will be glad to take care of it. 25-1 For Sale FOR SALE-MOWER, Oul-Bath; dump rake; baying toois of alu kinds; aIl reconditioned and in perfect working order. W. S. Staples, Massey-Hamris dealer. 25-1 Seed Grain For Sale FOR SALE - SEED BUCK- WHEAT, about 40 busheis, first grade, cleaned at Rickard's Mili. Apply Edward Beck. Pbone 2206. 25-1* SEED CORN-We have in stock the leading varieties of bybrid seed corn. Also open-pollinat- cd, Geiion Dent's Wis No. 7. miliett, rape seed, etc. A limited quantity of seed buck- wheat. Also Western feed oats, barley and wheat. Have a car of sait coming in soon, special prices on tbis at the car. Tele- phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney. 25-1 Combining FARMERS WANTING TIMO- THY, clover and other seed crops combined should place contracts early. Phone 2186, Bowmanvilie, any time except from sunset Friday to sunget Saturday. H. Chamberlain, En- field. 23-tf Mussolini used to appear on a balcony. But thc old boy is now out on a limb.1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-TWO SIX-ROOM- ER HOUSES in Bowmanville. Both fitted for gas and one wired for eiectric stove. Write Box 199, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 22-4* Personal BETAMIN MAKES THE DIF- FERENCE in vigor and vitality. Take Page-Griffiths, Betamin (B-Compiex) tablets once a day. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 25-1 Stallion For Service H-aving purchased a young Clydesdale Stallion, Ivory King, 29764, sired by Destiny (Import- ed), dam Ivory Neli, this horse wiil be for service at my home or on call. Arthur Nichols, Solina Road. 24-3 Baby Chicks TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Quahity Cfficks now at Stewart's Seed Store and get your Caf eteria ChIck Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this year for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf lIelp Wanted HELP WANTED - GIRL for light work. Phone 577. 25-1 HELP WANTED - BOYS AND girls for berry picking. Apply Archie Tbompson, R.R. 5, Bow- manville. 25-1 WANTED - YOUNG GIRL to look after child during July and August. Phone 413, Bow- manville. 24-f WANTED-RELIABLE WOMAN to care for year-old boy in smail apartment, live in or out. Write Box 205, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 25-1* Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - SMALL furnished bouse or apartment wanted by July lst. Write Box 206, Statesman Office, Bow- manvilie. 25-1* WANTED TO RENT-MIDDLE aged lady requires 2 unfurn- ished moims centrally located, at once. Write Box 204, States- man Office, Bowmanvîlle. 25-1* WANTED - MIDDLE 4 AGED lady would like 2 or 3 unfurn- ished mooms in respectable home. North end of town pre- ferred. Write Box 202, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 25-1* For Rent FOR RENT-SLEEPING CABIN with double bcd. Meals if de- sired. Phone 2562. 25-1 ROOMS FOR RENT-GENTLE- MAN desires one or two men to shba re furnished apartment, centrally iocated in Bowman- ville. Moderate termis. Appiy Giove Factory, Bowmanville, phone 896. 25-1* FOR RENT-FURNISTED COT- TAGE, on lake front, East Bow- manville Beach. Six rooms, screened verandah, electricity, telephone. Available for sum- mer season. M. J. Cole, P.O. Box 302, or phone 2318. 25-1 AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from E. A. Werry, Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darlington, to seli by public auction, on Thursday, July 1, the foilowing: 20 milkers and springers, 25 spring calves, 50 stockers, 10 sows, 25 suckers, 5 horses and a full uine of farm macbinery. See bis for furtber particulars. Sale at 12.30. J. A. Werry, Clerk; Ted, Jackson, Auctioneer. 25-1 OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 Free Parking AIR CONDITIONED THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 24, 25, 26 Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn In KEEPER 0F THE FLAME With Richard Wborf, Frank Craven, Horace McNally A thrilling mystery drama MON., TUES., WED., JUNE 28 - 30 THE MOON IS DOWN Starrmng Sir Cederic Hardwicke, Henry Travers, Doris Bowden, Mar- garet Wycheriy Throbbing with the fury of emotions beyond words. - COMING - JULY 1 - 3 TARZAN TRIUMPHS Starring Johnny Weissmuller, Frances Gifford, Johnny Sheffield... CHETA, the chimpanzee. New thrills by the thousand Articles For Sale FOR SALE - STOVE, electric, 4 plates, heavy duty, McClary, oven below, excellent condition. Apply S. Blackweil. (Mrs. Gerry's, Queen St.) FOR SALE - ONE CHILD'S pram and one folding buggy. Appiy Mrs. Ross Richards, Queen St., phone 2565. 25-1 FOR SALE-OFFICE DESK, flat top, oak; aiso leather covered oak davenport. J. J. Gilfillan, Orono. 25-1* FOR SALE - BERRY BOXES, crates, baskets and hampers. Get your supply at once while I have them in stock. N. S. Plummer, Liberty St., Bow- manvilie. 25-2* FO0R S AL E -TYPEWRITER, Royal portable with carrying case, practicaliy new. May be seen at Statesman office. Phone 2273. 23-1* FOR SALE-EARLY AND LATE cabbage; early and late cauli- flower; Brussel sprouts; red cabbage. S. J. Jackman & Son, Bowmanville. 25-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actualiy in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf' FOR SALE - MOTORCYCLE, 1930 Harley Davidson, in good condition and excellent tires. Best offer received. Apply to Jack Hately, Queen St., Bow- manville, Ontario. 25-1 OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in mo.dern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf COMINO EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed., June 30, at 9 p.m. Music by Cuth Burt's orchestra. Admission 35c. 25-1 Sale of home cooking, aprons, etc., at St. Paul's Church, Friday, June 25th. Supper served from four p.m.. 25-1* The Women's War Auxiliary are sponsoring a "Mile of Money Day", Sat., June 26. Proceeds for soldiers' boxes. Please help this worthy cause. 25-1 Newtonvîlie United Sunday Scbool Anniversary, June 27, at 7.30. Speaker, Rev. J. McLachlan. Children's choir. Picnic follow- ing Monday, Scbool Grounds. All the cornmunity welcome. Clarke District L.O.L. will hold their annual Cburch Parade ini Kendal United Church, on Sun- day, July 4tb, at 3 o'clock. Dis- trict Chaplain Rev. Bro. Mc- Lachlan will be the preacher. Kendal Fife and Drurn Band wil be in attendance. Brethren are asked to meet in the Orange Hall at 2.30 p.m. Ail are cordiallyin vited to attend this service. 25-1 Bowmanville Lions Club wili bold its Annual Carnival at the Public School Grounds, on Wed- nesday, July l4th. Monster par- ade will start proceedings at 7.30 p.m. Six valuable and useful prizes given away in draw. Fun and excitement galore for old and young. See next week's States- man for large ad. giving ful details of this great community event. 25-1, Anniversary services of Hamnp- ton Sunday Scbool will be beld next Sunday, June 27tb, aI 2 and 7.30 p.rn., wben Rev. John C. Cochrane, D.D., of Toronto, will1 be the speaker. Special singing by the school under the leadership of Mr. T. Salter, assisted by Mr-. W. Rae of Toronto. Miss Norab Horn, pianist. Offering in aid of sehool funds. Thursday, July lst a picnic in the park will lake place. Bring own provisions, also tea and sugar. Dishes provided.' All welcome. Races commencing at 4 p.m. and supper at 6 p.m. At 8 p.m. a play by Blackstock Dramaîic Club, "Sunbonneî Jane of Sycamore Lane". Music be- tween acts. Admission 10 concert: adults 25c; cbildren 15é. 25-1 The Anniversary Services of Haydon Sunday Scbool will be held as follows: On Sunday, June 27, sermons will be preached aI 2.30 p.m., by Rev. F. H. Joblin of St. Paul's Church, Bowrnanvilie, and at 7.30 p.m., by J. J. Mellor, Orono. Music will be provided by the sebool under the leadership of E. E. Staples, assisted by Ty- rone Male Quartette. On Thurs- day, Dominion Day, at 8 p.m., a concert will be given by thc John- son Entertainers, Blackwater, as- sisted by Miss Iva Fallowdown, Sunderland, in a varied program of solos, duets, trios, monologues and musical noveities. A good two hours of fun and entertain- ment. An entirely new program from any previously given. Ad- mission: Adulîs 30c; Cbildren 20c. C. H. Avery, SupI.; Rev. A. F. Gardner, Pastor; Mrs. R. Cross- man, Sec'y. 25-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- lion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and aIl other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- S e sso r ie s. Te'ephone our "1C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Teacher Wanted TEACHER WANTED-FOR S.S. NO. 9, Clarke. Weil equipped school with hydro. Duties to commence Sept. 7. S alar y $1,000. Apply E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle, Sec'y-Treas. 25-1 Wantèd To Buy WANTED TO BUY-COAL OIL stove, in good condition. Apply Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, phone 2218. 25-1* WANTED TO BUY-BUGGIES, driving harness, saddies and ponies, any size. Apply 156 Gambie Ave., Toronto. 24-4* WANTED TO) BUY-ICEBOýX in good condition. Phone Orono 73r4. 25-1* WANTED - PIANO, will pay cash. Telephone 492 or write P.O. Box 353, Bowmanville. 25-1* WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, electric or treadie. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf WANTED TO BUY - GOQU second-1hand honey extractor. Reversible preferred. Apply C. Robinson, Hampton, phone 2611. 25-1* WANTED TO BUY - STOVE, used coal oul, or Coleman gas plate, aiso a used hand power washing. machine, must be in good condition. Apply Mrs. D. R. Davey, Tyrone or phone Bowmanville 2806. 25-1* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-MOWER, new Case. Apply W. H. Brown, Case Deal- er. Phone 2610. 25-1 FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F Buckwheat. Apply Nor ma n Bairstow, Orono, phone 62r5. 25-1 FOR SALE - BOAR, Registered Yorkshire, of serviceable age. Apply Bull Rowland, Newcastle, Ont. Phone Clarke 1902. 25-1* FOR SALE-75 BUS. SILVER- bull buckwheat, $1,15 per bus. Apply Stanley Malcolm, Nestle- ton, phone Port Perry 194r21. 25-1* FOR SALE - MOWER, Deering New Ideal, bargain; take it away at $22. May be seen at Norman Metcalf's. Phone 2269. 25-1 F OR SALE - BUCKWHEAT, about 25 bushels, suitable for seed. Noble Meteaif, phone 2259. 25-1 FOR SALE - 35 ACRES HAY, cheap, one of the hest stands-in Durham County. Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. station. 25-1* FOR SALE - COW, a good Hol- stein, freshened. With or with- out caîf. Apply W. B. Ferguson, R.R. 1, Burketon (near Cad- mus). 25-1 FOR SALE-HAY, 18 acres stand- ing alfalfa. Buyer rnay have use of barn. Apply Mrs. Lillian Mountjoy. Phone 2313. 25-1* FOR SALE - BUCKWHEAT, 5 bags. Apply Austin Wood, Bow- manville, phone 2388. 25-l* FOR SALF-1931 CHEVROLET coach, in good condition; also quantity of buckwheat and purebred Yorkshire hog, fit for service. Apply Bruce Ashton, R.R. 3, Burketon, phone Bow- manville 2829. 25-1 FOR SALE-GREY PERCHER- ON mare, general purpose type, also two saddle horses and Eng- lisb and Western riding equip- ment; set of nearly new pony harness. Apply evenings at stables, Wilson Rr. and Athol St., Oshawa. 25-1* FOR SALE-NEW STEEL WAG- ON, channel harrows, steel wheels, wbeel barrows, scuf- fIers, and auto tracs on band. Also used combination orcbard and corn cultivator, recondi- tioned rnower, gang plow,' oil, grease and electric fende, bar- gains. Phone Carl Todd, C.ak 1520._25- 1 Work Wanted WORK WANTED - GIRL, 15 years old, desires empioyment for the summer. Write Box 203, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 25-1 Wanted WANTED - CAN ACCOMMO- DATE 4 passengers daiiy, Bow- manville to Oshawa, 6 days week. Hours 7 to 6. Phone Osh- awa 2209 or write 424 King West, Oshawa. 25-2 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having a"i dlaim against the Estate of IUM late Frank H. Mason, who died on or about the l2th day of June, 1943, at the Town of Bowman- ville, are required to file the same wilh proof thereof with the undersigned Executor, o r hi s Solicitor, not later than July lSth, 1943, after which date the Estate will be distributed and al daims of which the Executor has not re- ceived notice will be barred as againat him. DATED at Bowmanville this l9th day of June, 1943, LANCELOT L. MASON, 101 Braqt St., Orillia, Ontario, Ex- ecutor, by M. G. V. GOULU, Bow- manville, Ontario, His Solicitor. 25-2 Doctor's Office Rouis Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours by appointment. In case of an emergency, if their own doctor is not available, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hospital. 9-tf NOTICE ALL THOSE WHO BOUGHT HONEY Last season in drums please notify us by posteard when they could be picked Up. C. Re KNOX Orono Phone 42r2 NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Týrade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. .Why drive to Oshawjâ We are able to handie It herF. TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office STEWNART'S SEEDSTOREI SectCorn IHybrid and Open Pollinated Corn. Dent and Flint Varieties Sudan Grass, S o rgh um, Rape, Field Roots etc. *Cattie Spray, Bug KiIler,I Fertilizers BULK GARDEN SEED S J hone 577 B.wmanvtlle, ~'-1~~ 4k4IJ WANTED: A Nuise to Take Caîe of Mde O. K., Little Guy, Mommy Wil Put An Ad In The Classifieds The Want Ads are the place te get whatever you want: something to buy, or somethlng to seli, or to rent, or to trade, or to borrow - why, you cau even use them for messages. Cosi? Infant-sized. CASH RATE - Twenty-flve words or less - 25 cents an insertion. Each additlonal word one cent. Must be pald by Saturday of week it appeared. I[F CHARGED - 25 cents is added te cover book- keeping and collection costs. The Statesmau PHONE 663 LàÈýý PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BONMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1943

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