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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1943 Popular Teacher At Shaw's School Given Walnut Seirving Table Friday evening the cast of Shaw's Home and School Club play "A Ready Made Family", to- gether with their families gather- cd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Prout, "Kilcolman Farma", to do honour to their director, Miss Eleanor Cronk, who is leav- ing the section, having accepted a position on the Oshawa Public School staff. By means of a short address read by Mrs. Kennet4 Werry the appreciation of the cas% was expressed to Miss Cronk for the time and excellent leadership which she had given in the pro- duction and fine presentations of the play. Arthur Clemence and Arthur Sharman presented Miss Cronk with a walnut serving table. Miss Cronk replied cx- pressing her appreciation of the gift and of the co-operation of the cast in the production of the play. A few speeches, both serious and humorous. were made by mcm- bers of the cast. A social time was enjoyed followed by a delicious lunch. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevear, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Joncs, Mr. and Mrs. Maur- ice Joncs, Marilyn, Eleanor and Heather Jones, Toronto, at Mr. Gunie Rosevear's; Marilyn is re- maining. . . Mrs. R. H. Hatherly, Hampton, at home. . . Mr. Harry Hooey, Toronto. at Mr. R. Hather- ley's. .. Pte. Herb. Burgess, Mim- ico, at home. . . Howard Philp. R.C.A.F., Toronto, at home... Miss Marion Mutton, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Violet Smith. Sunday School and Church at the regular hour next Sunday. TYRONE SUHOOL REPORT Grade VIl te Grade VIl - Vic- toria Sytnyk (R), Marlon Joncs, Keith Davey. Grade VI te Grade Vil-Doris Park, Velma Collacutt, Marion Hayward, Bruce Macdonald, Ray Davey, Jean Dudley, Dorothy Skinner, Maurice Jebson, Eileen Burgess. Grade V te Grade VI-Harvey Jones, Helen Hall, Allyn Taylor. Grade IV to Grade V-Marie Taylor, Laura Burgess, Ray Bur- gess, Muriel Burgess (R). Grade 111 to Grade IV - Gwen Davey, Muriel Jones. Grade Il te Grade II-Eileen Jebson, Karin Schade, Velma Taylor, Bobby Burgess, Clifford Byam, Ronnie hilp, Grace Hay- ward, Billie Hrll, Stewart Hall. Grade I to Grade il1 - Betty Burgess, Murray Hoskin, Larry Rosevear. Grade I, A Class - Bernice Hall, Grenville Byam. Entrance CLass-Donald Dud- ley, Clayton Brown. Grade IX-Gregor Freundf Mrs. H. Philp. Teacher Brown's The school children sang at a concert at Port Hope, in aid of the Greek War Relief Fund. Mrs. H. Ruckrath, Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Mr. Walter Farrow also attended the concert. . . Miss Wylma Farrow visited Miss P. McNeil, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffat and family, Dundas, are holidaying at Geo. Stephen- son's. .. Mr. Melvin Graham vis- ited at Mr. Leonard Heard's, Port Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner at Mr. R. McNeil's, Oshawa... Lieut. Ken Stephenson, Camp Borden. at home. . . Red Cross met at Miss Jean Perrin's for a quilting. B3ASE LUNE On Friday evening, at Base Line No. 3 School. Mrs. Leslie Ander- son and Mrs. Grant Bennett were WHITE SHOE CLEANERS N yal ----------------- --- 25c ilt ---------------- 15c, 25e Shu M ik -------- -- ---- 19e Palm Beach -----------25e Cinderella -- ------ -50c co-hostesses at a mescellaneous shower of the Base Line neigh- bours in honour of Miss Florence Bennett whose marriage takes place July 3rd. The school was appropriately decorated with pink and white streamers and baskets of peonies and iris. Vernon Henry. master of ceremonies, opened the program with a sîng- song led by Madeline Metcalfe with Grace Trull at the piano. Ross Metcalfe playcd a couple of piano solos that were much en- joyed. Jean Metcalfe ended this part of the program with humor- ous readings. Mr. Henry called Miss Bennett forward. As Mrs. Roy Metcalfe played the weddng march. Muriel and Walter Tink. dressed as a bride and groom. came to the front drawing a large basketful of gifts on a wagon. As they sat down. Mrs. Ken. Hopkins read a humorous address about the "Do's and Don't's' of a bride. The bride assisted by Grace TruIl, untied the many useful gifts for which Miss Bennett. in a few well- chosen words. thanked exeryone. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses. Maple Grove Sunday School Anniversary Proves Great Success The anniversary of the Maple Grove Sunday School, on June 2th and 2lst, was a decided suc- cess. Two large congregations greeted the guest speaker, Rev. James M. Findlay, pastor of Carlton St. United Church, To- ronto, who held the attention of both young and old as he spoke in the afternoon on "A Treasure Hunt for the Worthwhile Things In Life" and in the evening a masterly, thought-provoking ser- mon on "God's Other Children"., The singing by the school, under the able direction of Mr. Leslie Collacutt. with Miss Edna Swal- low as pianist, was of its usual high order, ably and acceptablyl assisted in the evening by Mr. Alex McGregor of Bowmanville. Rev. H. C. Linstcad assistcd in the services. Monday arternoon several base- baîl games were played by teams organized in the public school, fol- lowed by a picnic supper and sports, races and a game between marricd and single men, aIl of which helped to make an interest- ing time for both players and fans. In the evening the Home and School Club from Shaw's present- cd their celebrated play, "A Ready-Made Family' , which was rendered in a manner that re- flccted much credit to players. trainer and manager. Excellent solos contributed between acta by Miss Arline Northcutt and ac- companied by Miss Helen Wil- liams, Bowmanvillc, rounded out a fine program. Total proceeds $260.00. Visitors: NS. Muriel Baker, Kingston Military Hospital, with Mrs . L. C . Snowden. . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bollons, Miss Jean Bol- Ions, Mrs. Scott, Willowdale, Mrs. Donald Geer, Newtonbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Toronto, at Mr. C. H. Snowden's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Denis Pickard and fam- ily. Town. at Mrs. Morley Flint- off's. . . Miss Thelma Freeman with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pascoe, Greenwood. .. Mr. and J. R. Met- caif, Miss Madeline Metcalf, Master Ross Metcalf, Base Line, at Mrs. A. Trenouth's, Hampton. Mrs. James Wood, Town, is vis- iting relatives. Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thompson and Art, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McNicol, Tyrone, at J. Yellowlees-'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Marilyn and Peter, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Mrs. Ncsbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Davis, Kedron, at R. Davis'... Mr. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White and family, Maple Grove, at Geo. White's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, at Mr. FOR SUNBURN Velvetta Cream --------39c Tangel -------.---- -----50e Ungwentine ---- ------44e Noxzema----- 17e, 39c, 59c Noxzema Suntan Oul ----------- .. 30c, 60e Soft as a fleocy cloud! BABY NEEDS 25:12 pads SUN GOGGLES 19c, 35c, 59c, $2.50, $3.00 ýkeeter Skatter . 35e P. & M. Mosquito Cr. 35e Fly Tox 24e, 43c, 73e Sheli Tox 24e, 43e, 73e Sprayers --------20c, 60e Kkovah Salta- - 29c, 79e SEnos Saits ---- 59c, 98e D.T. Health Saits -. -ý59c Pablum ---- -- Lactegen----- Nutrem.... Dextri Maltose Rigo Botties .... Pyrex Bottles Nipples -------- Mennens O011 J. & J. Powder Z.B.T. Powder -- ------ -- 45e 69c, $1.59 29e, 49c -65e 3 for 25e .-25c 5e, 10e 59e, $1.19 28e, 55C 28e, 55C SCOTT'S EMULSION A Botter Way bta k. - Cod Livar 011 Contains - Vitamins A and D 59tand98 Eyes _Tes ted - Trusses Fitted Phone PfWILI CfDIlCfDEPrompt COWUIVLING'S UGIIU OUI1Delivery Joe Chapman's, Hampton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Will Cation, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benham, Harry and Linda, Brampton; Mr. Archie Cation, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and Grant, Bow- manville. at N. C. Yellowlces'... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White with Mr. Whitc's sister, Mrs. Harry Law- rence, Toronto. . . Gordon Scott, R.C.A.F., Toronto, is home on leave. . . Miss Florence Lander, Toronto, at A. J. Balson's. .. Mrs. W. J. Warner, Mr. Wm. Wills, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, Enfield; Mr. Percy Rogers, Brooklin, at H. E. Tink's. .. Thos. Baker, Sr., sold a 3-year-old Shorthorn heifer and caîf to Earl Robhins, Indiana, US.A, for $400. Enfield Our church services which were held in the mornings during the annîversary scason, will be held at 2.30 in the aftcrnoon. starting next Sunday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. Billy, and Mrs. A. McRae, To- ronto, at the Niddcry cottage- and were tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe. Billy will reniain as farm helper. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nicholson, Mount Forest. at the Bowman homes... Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston and family, at Hay- 'I. don. .. Miss Jean Taylor, Toronto, holidaying at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton, Ian, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Messrs. John, WiIl, and Billy Alexander, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. Pascoe. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wcrry and family, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and family, Maple Grove; Mr. Allin Stainton, at Mr. C. Avcry's. HAYDON SCHOOL REPORT Grade VI te Vil-Joyce Hend- Enniskillen Visitors: Mrs. J. Avery, Burke- ton, Mr. J. Glennie, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Pethick's... Mrs. J. Henry, Mrs. James Henry and Gertie, Mr. M. Grif fin and Doris Griffin, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. L. Grif- fin and Jean, Purple Hill, at Mrs. ricks 57. Grade V to VI-Ronald Ashton 52, Vivian Cowling 71. Grade IV to V-Clayton Reac. 69. Mrs. Elma Hendricks, Teacher M. Griffin's and Mr. W. Rahm's ..Mr. and Mrs. H. Oke, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Oke's. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. May and Bill, Mr. Gordon May, Toronto, Mrs. G. Beech and Jan- ice, Bowmnanville, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ashton and Larry, Cartwright, at E. C. Ashton's. .. Misses June Ashton and Evelyn Virtue and Harold Ashton at S, Rodman's, Port Perry. . . Mrs. G. Egginton and daughter Patricia, Uxbridge, with Mr. D. Lewis. Ebenezer Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Packell with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundle, Hampton. . . Mr. James Hancock, S.B.A., Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. H. j. Hancock. .. Pte. Gordon Vinson, Brampton, with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Found with relatives in Windsor. .. Mr. Herb Potter, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mr&s K. E. Courtice. . . MIrs. Wilfred Brown, Nancy and Virginia, Mrs. Harry Gay, Miss Mary -Wilkins and Miss josepline Courtice with Mr. and Mrs. Gcrald Balson, Mona Mills. Plastic buckets are being used in England to replace rubber containers for carrying acids in electroplatiflg and other indus- tries. DO WMAN VLL ENTIRE PROCEEDS Col of the Carnival for COMUNITY WELFARE and WAR WORK How Your Money Was Spent Last Year This is Flow The Lions Club Administered Its Funds Last Year. SIGHT CONSERVATION . .. SENT $101.76 for glasses for needy people with defective vis- , Ion; educating a blind boy; sup- pnsttute otheCBlain Ntina pottt othe BCand.a atoa HEALTH'and WELFARE. .. SPENT $44.59 - Sponsored blood donations to Red Cross Blood Clinic and provided transportation for donors. HOBBY SHOW ... SPENT $40.80 - Sponsored the Victory Garden competi- tion for sehool cblîdren. CQMMUNITY BETERMENT ... SPENT $71.68 - Made grant to Salvation Army Red Shield and continued support of the Lions Ward at the Bowman- ville Hospital. BO0YS' and GIRLS' WORK ... SPENT $104.50 - Made Public Library available, free, to ail children of Public Sehool age; donated several school prizes; made grant to Boy Scouts and belped entertain High School Basketball Team and made contribution towards windbreakers. WAR SERVICES ... SPENT $874.99 - Sent 222,000 cigarettes te our boys in the arnied forces overseas; sponsored entertainment for the Veterans' Guard at Camp 30; supportedl the Red Cross and Russian Relief Fund; contributedl towards Soldiers' Rest Room; supported British Child War Victims' Fund and sponsored the organization of a local branch of the Navy League. Every Dollar You Spend at The Lions Car- nival Will Be Used for Similar Purposes AT THE PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS FUN and EXCITEMENT FOR EVERYONE Booths - Fruit, Children's Fish Pond, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Etc., Etc. ROUTE 0F PARADE West from Liberty St. on King St. to Silver St.., North on Silver St. to Public Sehool Grounds. PARADE PRIZES---- Will be presented on the grounds at the Sound Truck, fimmed- iately after the parade. TICKETS -25c, In Case of Bain the Carnival Will De Held the Following Evening MONSTER CALITHUMPIAN PARADE Wili form at King & Liberty Sts. 7.30 p.m. BANDSj: FLOATS FLAGS Parade' Prizes N. ,Chil1dren's Classes 1. Best Decorated Doîl Carniage, Girls $1-00 $ .65 $ .35 2. Best Decorated Wagon, Boys ---- --1.oo( .65 .35 3. Best Decorated Tricycle, Boy or Girl 1.00( .65 .35 4. Best Pet Outfit ---------------- -- 1.50 1.00 .75 5. Best Pony Outfit - .ý---- ---- 1.50 1.00 .75 6. Best Character Group of at least three ------- --- -- - ---- ------ -- 1.50 1.00 .75 7. Best Clown or Comie Costume -.-_ 1.00 .65 .35 8. Best Patriotie Costume -. ---- - 1.00o .65 .35 Open Classes 9. Best Merchant's Decorated Motor Float $5.00 $3.00 10. Best Merchant's Deeorated Horse-Drawn Float --- -- --- -- ------------- 5.00 3.00 11. Best Patriotie Float --.------------ --- 5.00 3.00 12. Most Unique Vehîcle with Operator ----- 3.00 2.00 13. Best Deeorated Car-,--------------- 5.00 3.00 14. Best Adoît Character Group of at least three 1.50 î.oo 15. Best Adult Clown or Comic Costume - î-- .50 1.00 16. Best Adult Individual Patriotie Costume 1.50 1.00 FREE ICE CREAM CONE OR POP TO EVERY CHILD IN THE PARADE i THURSDAY, JULY Ist, 1943 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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