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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ........-.-..-.-.-.-..-.-.---- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phonme 663 Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Stevens visited in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson are holidaying at Picton. Dr. R. E. Dinniweil, Kingston, was home for the week-end. MIrs. Joe Wight is visiting her son, Mr. Fred Wight, Cobourg. Miss Louila Workman is holi- daying with relatives in London. Miss Mari orie Bradt, Toronto, was guest o! Mrs. Wallace Braden. Dvr. Ralph Maynard, Windsor, ispending his furlough in tMr. Bob Clarke, Toronto, vis- ited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Clarke. Mr. Hugh Blair, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Blair and Richard. Mr. Sid Bond and son Jack, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ben- nett, Toronto. Miss Mina Fuller, Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Miss Fuller, Liberty Place. Mrs. Beatrice Hall, Toronto, was the guest o! her father, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Miss Mary Jury spent the week-end in Toronto with Miss Kathryn O'Neill. You are missing something if yau don't read the classi!ied ads. on the last page. Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman left last week for their cottage at Sturgeon Point. Miss Laura Wilson, Bank of Montreal staff, is enjoying two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Carson Hubbs, Pîcton, was guest of Mrs. Gea. Dickinson and Mrs. A. E. Devitt. Pte. Bill McNutt, Peterboro, was week-end guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Stevens. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. Neil Lathangue, !ormerly with Northcutt & Smith's, has le!t ta join the R.C.A.F. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Garfield, Toronto, were week-end guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick. Miss Glenna Reade spent the week-end in Wellington with her mother, Mrs. K. P. Reade. Misses Doris and Marian Dud- ley were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Lyon, Toronto. Miss Darothy Ellwoad is spend- ing her vacation with her mother, Mrs. D. Ellwood, Toronto. Mrs. I. McPherson, St. Cath- erines, was guest o! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Nichalis. Mrs. Gladys Murray, Kitchener; Mr. Roy Murray, Harrow, are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Stevens. Mr. Keith Siemon, Toronto, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Dm. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Mrs. C. J. Smaie spent the week-end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Peebies, Coiborne. Don't forget ta attend the Red Cross Bridge-Garden Party at Mrs. J. H. H. Jury's on Tuesday, July 6th. Mrs. John. L. Darch and Mrs. F. Traweii, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mms. A. Stacey and Mrs. John Darch. Mrs. A. Asquith has returned ta her home in Auburn after vis- itilng her daughter,. Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barrabal and Brian 'are holidaying at AI- cana Beach and Big Bay Point on Lake Simcoe. Mrs. F. E. Walden, Miss Betty Argue and Mr. Jack Haddy, To- ronto, were week-end guests o! Mrs. C. H. Masan. Pearl Breslin is spending a week with her cousins, Pearl and Pat Pattenick, at their summer home in Markham. 4 Miss Selma Barlett, Montreal, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barlett and with friends in Toronto. 2:Lieut. Jackson Wray, Kings- ton, spent his leave with Mrs. Wray. They le!t Sunday for Kingston where they will reside. Recruiting officer Jelva New- man is home on furlough, also her father, Pte. J. A. Newman is home on furlough with wif e and daugh- ters. Mrs. A. R. Meadows, Queen St., has received word that her hus- band in the R.C.A.F., bas been trans!erred from England ta Af- rica. Miss Marion Dudley, nurse-mn- tmaining, Belleville, is spending hem three weeks' vacation with her family, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.1 Dudley. Mrs. F. Mcllveen, Long Branch, is visiting her son, Mr. F. O. Me- Ilveen. Mr. Gilbert Mcllveen, Hamilton, was also home for the week-end. Miss Margaret Storey, nurse- in-training, Toronto General Hos- pital, was guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey, Satar- day atternoon. Mrs. Gardon Campbell and AC2 Alan Tamblyn, Toronto, vis- ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morice Tamblyn. Sgt. Wm. A. Clarke, R.C.E., ar- rived home from Prince Rupert, B.C., Monday, ta spend his fur- lough with his wife and family, Loyers' Lane. Congratulations ta W i n o n a Clarke on receiving 90 marks (first class honours) on her Grade II Theory. She is a pupil o! Mrs. John M. James. - 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Hamilton, are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cuiiy. LAC Arthur Cully, Toronto, also spent the week-end at home. Rev. C. W. Lynn, pastor of Evangelistic Tabernacle, has gone ta his home at Sunbury for the summer. Evangelist E. Russett, Arnprior, will suppiy during July. Mr. R. Cochran, Sec'y, Bow- manville Rotary'Club was in T, ronta, Friday, attending a Dis- trict Conference of Presidents and Secretaries of Rotary Clubs in District 168. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crawfofd, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. E. Riddolls, Chas. Carter and A. M. Thompson are at Niagara Falls attending a distriFt con- ference o! the Lions Clubs. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Fisher, (nee Florence Edsall) Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. S. S. Edsall, where on June 26th, they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. 21Lieut Emily Cox and Mr. Gardon Ashton, B.S.A., Macdon- aid Coilege, St. Annes Quebec, spent the week-end with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Carlisle Ave. You can heip make The States- man more interesting by sending in your list o! visitors or other news items aur staff may not know about. Phone 663 or drap a note in The Statesman letter box. Editor Gea. W. James was in Montreal Thursday attending a meeting o! the Canadian Publish- ers War Finance Publicity Com- mittee who were discussing plans w~.~pp pqpMa THE WATCHERS on the cijfs cheer their going and coming as - nigbt after night-R.C.A.F. bonibers deliver shattering blows. 0 ell itouaztqu -W Canadian attack teanis are faniaus for their skill and daring. As raw recruits, tbey entered R.C.A.F. Training Schools. Tbey emerged witin a few happy and exciûing montbs as trained specialists - clear-eyed and competent. Every meaiber of a bomber crew is an expert aths own job, yet at the sanie tinie part of a closely-knit, smooth-working team. Happily, toa, the air training and tecbnical knowledge passessed by these figbting comrades of the skies wil open Up golden apportunities ta tbem later in civil life, PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AIR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS (Air Gunoers) N.eded for Immedcte E.istiuo.t for the next War Loan which wil] take place in the fall. A miscellaneilus shower in hon- our of Miss Grace Childs wasI held at the home of Miss Giadys King, Monday evening. About 40 of her friends were present and t the evening was spent in playing games tifter which a light lunch r was served. C Several people in Occupied b Europe have been shot for listen- r ing ta the BBC news. But in this tj country no one attempts ta keep us fromn listening ta the Berlin radio if we wish ta do so. The sg surest way of making a thing de- h sirable is ta prohibit it.u In the Fourth Victory Loan,b Durham County was 51st out af 61 units in the province with a total of 100.25 per cent of its objective. Northumberland Coun- ty was 33rd with 106.69 per cent, and Ontario County 36th with 106.01 per cent. Mr. and Mrs. John Spry of 511- ver St., quietiy celebrated their s 59th wedding anniversary, June 26. They have four sons: William of Bowmanville; Robert of Ta- fi ronto; Frank of Rochester; James of Toronto; and one daughter, Mrs. E. Lengard of Bowmanville, g and ten grandchildren and two ti great grandchildren. one grand- k son, L[Cpl. Russell Spry is in Er.g-v land.d Miss Ruth Hutchinson, B.H.S. f student, has became a member of t the reporting and editorial staffv o! The Statesman for the summer months. She is following in the faatsteps af her father, the latee Melvin J. Hutchinson, whose first1 newspaper experience was New-1 castle correspondent t o Th e Statesman. Later he became onet of the best knawn and mast suc-1 cessful jaurnalists in Canada. Bowmanville Wamen's Institute1 met June 24, in St. John's Parish Hall, with Second Vice-President Mrs. L. Dumas in the chair. Fol- lowing business, a program con- vened by Mrs. G. Sommerscales' graup, was put an. It consisted of an interesting talk on "Flow- ers" by Mrs. F. Baker who divided her tapie under fallowing heads: decorative trees, f 1 o w e r i n g shrubs, plants and blaem, and rock gardens. The program was brought ta a close by a delightful piano sala by Miss Ruby Mc- Laughlin, Burketon. On June 26th Mr. anad Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Liberty St. en- tertained same twenty memb ers of their immediate families to supper, after which Rev. F. H. Joblin, St. Paul's Church, ancl Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, baptized their twa sans, Larry Grayson and Paul Edwin, alsa Jane Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marjerrison. Among the guests were three great grandparents, Mrs. Robt. Gray and Mr. Thos. Couch, Newcastle, and Mr. Thos. Pîngle, Bowman- ville, making four generations on each side o! the house. Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Randle and family, Hampton, at Mr. C. Crossman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Les Garrard and family, Tlo-1 ranta, at Mr. C. Garrard's... Mr. and Mrs. Woodlock, New- castle, at Mrs. F. Osmond's... Mrs. F. Adams, Hampton, at Mr. E. Stapleton's. . . Wesley and Ralph Hills, Tyrone, at Mr. Les- lie Graham's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent, Tyrane, at Mr. H. Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Wayne, Bill Gra- ham, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb and Lawrence, Tyrone, at Mrs. T. Cowling's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chaters, Mrs. Roland Thampson and Karen, Glenn1 Thampson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.1 Walter Bridgett and family, Bow- manville, at Mr. W. Thompson's Sergt. James Grant, Debert. N.S., spent his furlough, accomp- anied by his wife, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's... Mr. and Mrs. Mervini Mountjoy, Nestleton, called at Mr.1 M. Slemon's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmer and family, South Managhan, Mrs. Gardon Beech and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and family, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and famîly, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin, Union, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mrs. Harry Gregg, Ennjskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Miss Velma Gilbert, Miss Audrey Rab- ertson, Solina, Mr. Lloyd Slemon at Mr. Alymer Beech's. . . Mrs. R. Gibson, Miss Viola Bradley, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and Rannie, Bowmanville, at Mr., E. Bradley's. . . Mr. and Mrs.T Samelîs and Maurice, Mrs. J Elliott, Miss Annie Mounjy Cadmus, at Mr. C. Slemain's hardàware fomwrnou arness which is often found suitable for reuse ta the saddlery dealers when asking for replacement. Many o! the pieces are in short supply because of the need for the material contained in themn for war use. O!ten if usable parts of the harness are taken ta the deal- er, repaîrs can be effected and much o! this hardware put back into service. Bordeaux Mixture -'- 5c, $1.00 Arsenate of Lead -- - 23c, $1.00 Wax Paper, 100 fi. 25e D " Velvetta Sunburn aCream 39e t_________________Welch's Orape 2e 9 ODEX ANTISEPTIC BATH sOAP O YN SD na Cru Odex is madle with ti-tree oil, an exclusive, odour-free antiseptic il times more effective than carbolie as a germicide, yet mildY,1 and pleasant ta your skin. 2 CAKES__;___________ e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPI I More men than ever are needed for Aircrew ... join now! Apply at nearest R.C.A.F. Recuting Centre. 0 If you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 171/2 and not yel 33, you are eligible. You do isot need a Higb Scbool education. ROYAL CANADIAN AI R FORCE AI1R .Ç,ýR E W FIGHTING COMRADES 0F THE SKIES For illustrated bookiet giving full information, write: Director of Manning, R.C.A.F., Jackson Building, Ottawa, or the nearest of these R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centres: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, North Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quiebec, Moncton, Saint John, Halifax. THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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