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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1943, p. 7

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-i Mi Mi THURSDAY, JULY 15!, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PG EE b CO Dted te send and take messages, us- Gay, a daughter; Dudley- At I CO. LIMITEDing the army equipment. Al bad Whicb o! these mec wiihll U WSelina, June 7, te Mn. acd Mrs. I FREOOYa chance te nrelay messages and at rule when tbe wan is even? Albert E. Dudley, a daughter I Fed OuR cECOiNgwt oMrldY 9.30 the final message was sent ChurchillO4oi (Doris Lilian). Sed or lenngwlhyor andythus: "Lunch will be neady at Ilitlen I r e M Mn'ae EletMoeA h GARTON'S GARAG thHAONuieEnw4"a9 teRe-oosevelt TIÂTsPI IIEThome e! the bnide's parents. AI-26 owavl PH NI-4 9 A s Pe ck m u p".s the local a-Sai bion, Ont., Jue 12, by Rev. E. W. Pho e 2 66 * em n AtcitnheArme unch Snd-Tgon MeBrien. Bertha Giadys, Young -_________i_______________________ secatenhai lncho!saci Tgeest daugbter o! Mn. and Mrs. W. 2PL% ....A -~ *MUMMMM~MMMMMM M.mmmmmmmm~. IR. Moore, and William Leonard ing carriedonaAthraie' T Elliott, Bowmanville, son of Mr. is growing b ep n onsa xlii flIU flICTA liT fiand Mrs. Samuel Elliott, Albion. the farmers idothwwl XIN THE DIM AND >DISTAN PASHampton: Dr. Mark Pascoe, they work. y Taft, Calif., visited his parents, IJFrom The Statesman Files Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pascoe... ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Mr. J. B. Horn and daughter, C u t c Peterboro, at his father's, Mr. C.c FIFTY YEARS AGO bert College, BelEVille, J. Horn.____ Nue28 8NEeryadIsaWCSh Btesaoena Everett Vice has been Courtice WA e ttehm _____28,893_BeryandIaac_________ ______hom on last leave, returning of Mrs. C.M.PnodJn 17 ..... =*MUMM = Powers received his wings at attended the funeral of her moth- wiches and chocolate milk ready. The Salvation Army hallelujah nsklen n o e. Pte a udyt igr ap. .J hnapci inrwssre MnnisHlen ooer, MsNom rMrs. James H. English, Lind- When ail were seated in a circle, wedding, Monday evening, at- Hampton rn aoMcKessock will take charge of folIovied bysprsutobyM. MisHlnHoeMs om a.Marjorie McLaren asked the cap- tracted a large gathering. Capt. Hampton: Fnk Ms, Entrance Exams at Blackstock Penfound andMs uhrBra Socialan P rsoananeBodtr.anrMr.nTaRb- Mr.aRoMr.hoodsadeabytan, isrMay nDoek, f se elkr ormrl ofthsacrpda Roheter.Fr an Trbicok, ndF.b.croainllcehnacaree ell Pize wre onby rs B cinson and Eleanor, Torontovis have moved into the R. H. Allen would be seated in the middle of lieutenýnt, and Capt. Rebecca L. Town, with C. E. Brown... Frank here. Barber, MrsGe.Jhon Mr Phone 40rl6 ited at Mr. D. Hooper's. house.1 the circle. Marjorie McLaren then Bboss, Whitby, were duly made Parr, cheese maker, employed a Enniskillen: Miss Lily Gilbert McClean, :r.C dmMs ** M mm m School's Out! Roy Winter underwent an oper- read a charming tribute to the mari and wife by Brigadier Scott. second young man from Ennis- bas resigned her school at Burke- Linstead an Mr. .Wot. M.H.ation for tonsils and adenoids. captain, recalling happy tîmes at Capt. Burroughs, Bowmanvilie, killen, who graduated in two ton. . . Francis Werry is League Program follwdwt ign Owing to a pole being down at Mto H.Staples visited in Toron- M&s. F. Hall vlsited in Toronto. camp, special events at Guide Miss dav u etwtoî i ilma umrShnyeeae adhyn r.B eldi ryr Pontypool, hydro power was off to. ~~~~~~~~~actcd as groomnsman and Missbu etwho isdpmaSmercoldlgt ndyn;M. Pontpoo, hyro owerwasoffNo. 9 pupils enjoyed a picnic in meetings, incidents on Guide Jennie Bloss, sister of the bride, Haydon: W. Trewin, R. Wood- Rena Bentham from the Sunday Mrs. Deanredteeso;M. KryUinenjoyed a camp- the park, Saturday, when they hikes, Morse code and after Taps, rendered whatliteastnc ley and Dr. J. C. Mitchell are wild School. belTlread s e m Ms .H Saturday. ~~fire service June 23rd. presented their teacher, Miss R. the captain's "Remember girls, was necessary on behaîf of the wt nhsamoe h ucs .&Pie Knoxs are now at their Miss Ruth Goode has been en- Cooke, who has resigned, with a straight home". The girls pre- bride. Staphles gaveCoaveveony fine talk onga suPier cottage. gaged by Orono school board to lovely scrap book. sented Miss McDoweîî with a bou- tawes ura by ave at wic he er dl- Durkt flow ~ecre nraneeto Mr. and Mrs. F. Lorriman vis- take Miss McDowell's place. LeRoy Brown was home on quet o! red roses and a white and diTw Wies t Durbam bosaveAI ited his'father. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour' leave. gold leather indexed address and dNîgîbdtemevsa l aes. ae:M.Mngmr, Vsios p.Hrl acel Toronto, visited at Mr. W. Sey- Mr. and Mrs. L. Beal and memorandum book. To Mrs. Coîborne, has been appointed Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean, The insurance company bas or- mour's. daugbter and Mr. James Wood, Armstrong, their lieutenant, they agent at Darlington Station. .uo. dered the hydro to remove the Chrissie Jordan is holidaying LondonEgad iie rnsgveabu etopnkndwte DM A D is AN ay sg tree that smashed Dawes' ver- at Pickering.r. roses for ber untiring faithfulness.H T. A. Wrigbt's, Cartwrigbt. Mr. H. Trick and Mrs. Tashir with ih d c to andab. The post office will take a holi- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clougb Miss McDowell expressed her HAPPENINGS Mr. T. Trick. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. C. Powers and day July 5th as well as the busi- visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Major. tbanks and appreciation to the TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO Stevenson witb Mr. Jas. Steven- Mr. and Mrs. R. Powers attended nes4 places, but there will be mail Miss Beatrice Hamm, Toronto, Guide Company, stating that ai- FROM THE ORONO NEWS .Efcec graduation exercises wben James Thursday, (to-day). vîsited ber ways she would cherish a very June 21st, 1928 June 27, 1918 son, Bethany. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. _______________________ r. nd rs.McKezieMr.and rs.H. wdeAbbott, Tyrone, with Mr. 3. Dr._nd____________anMr.and_____._____an warm spot in her beart for ber -babe are on vacation. an family, Toronto, visited at C. F. Girl Guides. Mrs. Armstrong Scholars o! High Scbool, Thurs- The immeidiate descendants o! Gatcheil. . . Mrs. R. Laird, Niag- June 23rd the Girl Guide com- Awde's. very fittingly tbanked the girls day morning, took charge of pro- the late William and Maria Philp ara Falls, witb Mrs. F. Caugbill mitte ad to lades wre e- M. ad Ms. ilbr an Mis fr hr gft.ceccings. Miss Buchanan and Mr. o! "The Willows", Cartwright, . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cochrane, tertained at the home o! Mrs. M. Lenora Wood visited at Mr. F. After lunch tbe captain moved l;iv;ntbis ea the a f orme tafompte fattm e-in. e rOaeandrfanMiArt Advamsch Business Directory H. Staples, where social chat was Woos. EdCbl*k i-avtltakeeBw a atisyath omr nacmpeefmiyrcr a ae n ailAbrtAas enjye. Sapesvlleosignes fo their demon- afe service of seven years as Two young men, Neil McEach- Blackstock, with Mr. E. Adas. __________________________acknd_____ Ibldickvis erle 17nayearsorteandemRussrnciplSedlteylaterfsr wD.enKay yand, ndiRssel Toronto,.D. .y anlBilyTrBldtg. ------- ~~the comrmittee's appreciation o! ited their parents. stration. One o! the signaliers 1 ersno sa ebNw ihMs .Snesn r the work o! the leaders and pre- Mr. and Mrs. Randaîl and fam- replied, expressing their wiîîing- ycars as assistant, were invited 1 ersno sa ebNw ihMs .Snesn r op .. Legalsetd Ms M Do el wt as- ily visited at Mr. H. Murray's. nes t co prae gi. Th by Miss Gladys Cobbledick w o castle, were drowned in the lake, and Mrs. S. Moffatt and Betty in .O h w vrnapkinrig and Mrs. Arm- Mr.rand rs. Suggttaand Llu Samon Evan MacDonald and Clarence Sid Pedlar and Aileeii Rabm, To- Poe11 cre m w re ser ed er M r . . S y m ur.G ui e ong , ndi g i T ps nd presented to M iss B uch anan a leaky pun t w hic b they all piled m anville, w ith M r. H . R a bm . . . Phone 351 JmyGmb a i tonsils At Park St. Church, Sunday the Guâde prayer.beuiu Mocolatrbt into and drifted eut. They had Mr. and Mrs. H. Gi and Mrs. J BowanvlleMay Smmevile s vsitng n ussanvislshftinngip.R.E.ussian-Englisronbradan rfrshendshiphe.un b-R.inE.e Toot.Loa n Ms .Wodfvurd OOOPUBLIC SCHOOL address and Miss Dorotby Hoar from sb oe entheytde- BREO COLo! te mn Mr.J oft teddPonty- wt oa ut PROMOTION REPORT presented te Mr. Ellis a hand- cm ae ogdadte e UKTNSHO product ofsile wrkasp W._.______oo ________Dy ervcean some kodak. A. J. Staples, sec'y- cided to swim back. MacDonald ________ly Barrister, Slicitor, Noary visitedSenioreRo, mstrCasrlespaidRbighN tributeATtSntoe and Hennîng pasucceederibbutttheir aJunenPromotionedRe buttthWorkmansPriptimustebelperfectanor Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Taylor. OOOUMTR To Grade VM-Helen Clarke teachers, and Miss Ferrier o! the companions were net te be seen. GaeVI-letAas7,teedt Money te Loan - Phone 791 A fermer Oronoite, Daye South, O _______TER (Hon.), Elmer Gr e en, Wilda teacbing staff aise speke express- Pupils o! Mrs. D. R. Morrison Hazel Aldred. 68. eird . Bowmanville, Ontario ihteamdfre nSub odynme !pol t Hooey, Grace Hudson, Henry ing regret at their îeaving. Who passed music exams were: Grade VH-Eff le Glennie 68, dsge ilb eetd with theLeamen HeleneLewisoNehl Mar- A n emergency meeting o fElementary, Ella Cellacutt; Prim- Glenna Chatterton 64. Teei Africa, is married and bas two tended the decoration service _ a . eni, Miden iî iMatt-Orono LodgenAF& m .,in ofary, Sybil Burk, Lorne Jackman; GaeV-uhAde 8 lustration o!fhsta bto h LWENECMA NBAchildren. Orone Cemetery, Sunday after- in Ei ideoBl oftOooLde .&AM, was J u n i o r, Rhea Deyman, Edna Grade V - Isobel Carter 76, ens sein teecitionate Barrister, Solicitor, Netary Public. Miss Ida Stevens visited at W. noon. Orono band, witb M. J. Dean West. beld with W. Bro. G. M. Linton Fletcher, Doris Foster; Intermed- Helen Glennie 72. Jack Olesen 63, fraction basbenpiedtte King Street W., Bewmanvile S. Moffatt's and Mrs. W. S. Roy's. Tamblyn leadmng, paraded te tbe To Grade Vil-Kathleien Gafns- in the chair. A farewell was iate, Velma Staples, Tyrone, Helen Hantborn 59*. Phone. Office 688 Residence 553 The Goodwill Bible class was cemetery, in wbicb the graves by (Hon.), Reid Harness, Reta given te Bro. Ralpb C. Ellis, for Helen B. Yellewlees. Grade III-Marjorie Hantborn discredit e! terorcins entertained at tbe borne of Mr. were most beautifully decorated, McKenna, Connie Mitchell, Brian two years past on the teaching Ebenezer: Hy Balson, Road 69, Joan Aldred 68, Alber tvn-threugb infeor uaiylns D titM. H. Staples on Friday. The and played twe selections ro O'Boyle, Beverley Payne (Hon.), staff o! the Orono High School. Commissiener, is repairing Kings- son 66, David Kendrick 59* ~ and improperyfle rsrp - meeting opened with a wersbîp te tbe service, wbîcb was presided Gerald Rainey, Jean Rainey, Bar- A Yorkshire sow owned by ton Road, filling up boles, etc., Grade fl-Lois Davey 74, Jean tes h DR. J. C. DEVITT period conducted by the president ever by H. J. Soucb. J. J. Mellor bara Rolph (Hon.), Marguerite Walter Sherwin is a record break- and putting it in good shape. Gatchell 74, George Chatterton 71, comfortablean itoebee- Asisat:D. .W.Sssn in wbich Mrs. Clarke gave a read- gave the address. Taking as bis Rutherford, Donald White (Hon.), er, it baving given birtb te and Maple Grove: Fred Stevens is Christina Gatchell 63. ing te unprepc erdlnss Assstat: r. . W Sison ing "I Con!ess My Fait4' told by theme "All is Well'" be compared Howard Wood. raised 65 pigs in five litters, ber at Valcartier Camp, Que., assist- Grade I - Martin Olesen 68, The refractoitwopoel Graduate o! Royal Dental Col. Madame Cbiang Kai hek whicb life on earth te a sea voyage and Names in alpbabetical order. last litter being 16 pigs, and the ing Fred R. Foley in the Y.M.C.A. Camneron Olesen 67, Glenn Aldred pretects bisprfsinadbis lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilec proved most interesting. Rev. S. the watchman's caîl "Ail is Well" K. Fester, Principal combined weight o! this litter at Camp... Rev. F. G. Joblin. Sea- 63, Billy Dean 62, Ruth Carne- a future succesu( ndi ep Bldg., Bewmanville. Office heurs Littlewood toek the topic "The te our calls from God (1) te re- Intermediate Room seven weeks being 456 pounds. grave, preached bere Sunday. chan 61, Lovica Hanthore 55". ing with whattepbi ead 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily, Organization o! t b e U n it e d sponsibility; (2) te consciousness A - Excellent; B-Good; C- Enniskillen: Miss Marion Vir- 'Maurice E. Williams, B.A., Ps.D., cannot affordtsupyatin except Sunday Cburch in Canada". This was o! sins committed and later for- Fair; D-Poor. FRMTEOOONW ue and Miss Florence Annis arePrniabutebst Pne70 -Heuse phone 325 followed by a deligbt!ul twO- given; (3) te death with con- To Grade VI-Joan Cooper C, June 28th, 1928 home from Normal. Pass 60 per cent; heneurs 75 per The goedssodabrgicun X-Ray Equipment in Office piano selection by Mrs. Staples scieusness o! sins fergiven and (4) June Cooper C, Carole Cornisb B, Tyrene: Missionary pregram, cent. The grade under which the ters or by ilaentofis and daughter Anna, and a spien- te duty toward our forefathers Lois Dean A, Shirley Flintof! B, A pleasant social gatberîng o! Sunday, was prepared by Lorne names of pupils are listed is the quality. No poel ildpe Funeral Direetors did piano sole by Anna Staples. wbose graves had just been 50 Anna Marie Hall B, Eleanor Han- Centre St. Church congregation McCoy and Clarence Woodley. one from which they were pro- scription is lee o nete ________________Refresbments were served, after beautifully decorated and wbo cock B, George Jones C, Maureen was beld Monday evening. The Harold Macklin gave a talk on moted. The pupils a!ter whose o! these metbos FUNERAL DIRECTOIIS wbicb the president extended te bave !lung us a torch wbich we McKenna B, Patsy Moffat A, real object o! the meeting was re- "Capabilities o! a foreigner and names the asterisk (*) is placed (To BeCniud Servce.any eur anyday the hestess and ahl who had taken sbould net let faîl or go eut. Joyce Sutton B, Raye West B, vealed when twe valued members the hindrance e! the good work were promoted on basis of factors________________ Sevcayhuaydy part, a vote of tbanks on bebal! In connection wîtb tbe latter Jean Wilson A: o! the choir, Mr. Wyven Reid wbe by the missienary because e! the other than scholastic ability. F. F MorisCo. of the eo taitenTohe pointed eut tbat the best bau- T Grd V-CreAr- was recently married and Miss iack o! Christian living on the _________ F. F.Morrs Co Mr.and rs. Go. Saintn, T- qut ofroses we can give te the oGaeV -C rlsAm Modemn Moter Equipment, Arn rente, attended the Decoration dear departed is the living o! strong B, Jim Bruten C, Betty Buchanan wbe bas resigned as home field". bulance and Invalid Car. Tele, service bere. if e e! good deeds and knns oprB oenFwe ,Jh ecewr rsne iha-B a k t c ls phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ardron and tewards others until kethinnes Forrester D, Grace Gamsby C, dresses and gifts. FIFTY YEARS Blc stc loses O d Mdsnvisited Mr. and Mrs. M. the well done, goddaitrnh Bobby Geede B, Eleanor Green C, Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Maguire June 21, 1893 StJhns ______rysevie Hall, fui servant" and "Ahl is Well" Elleen Jones C, Kay McKenna B, and !amily, and aunt, Mrs. Camp-StJensaivrryevcs Licensed Auctioneers LAC James Powers visited Mr. with our seuls. Donald McLaren A, Donald Mer- bell, returned by motor te, Cal- Tyrone: Jas. Walters, Grand were held on Sunday. Arch- and Mrs. C. Pewers. ____ cer C, Jean Moffat A, Betty Win- gary, Alta. Rapids, came home te accompany deacon Simpson took the service CLIFFORD PETHICK Miss McDowell received rnany ter B. Neariy eigbty members of the bis sister, Mrs. Moses and cbild- in tbe morning. The choir sang 0 tin ee -Enikle gifts Monday, frem students. OPEN HOUSE AT SCHOOL To Grade IV-Lorna Clarke B, United Cburcb, Oshawa, visited ren te their home over the line, an anthem. At the evening ser-G I~ee Bwmnillen3 Mrs. Dae*sejyn holi- ueGavleA o alC i the home o! Rev. and Mrs. R. A. New Haven: All are busy at vice, Rev. Masen, Bethany, was ne ' 0 r7ý il 5Oroo Pbli Schol eldI Whtta tocelbrat thir 5threadwork-trying te speil tbem in charge and Arcbdeacon Simp- Specs[izng in Fan, L_ estock, days. "Orn oublic Sch atool be 1d oeey B, Billy Hurst C, Marvin Whattam te ceeratethuer2th F. G. Trul bas purchased -un son went te Betbany. Imp lements and Furniture Sales. Ms aseland daughtervis- "Ope Hese" Mn da aeofnLunn A, Denny Lynch A, Gwenny M.Wedding aes afrmJuer a-ie 2Ot.b.r ndMs . Frdyeenn ongPol' Consult me for ternis and dates. ited Mrs. C. Jones. wt usstkn datg fPbasey A, Keith West B, Douglas tMr Wbnatam ws cfrcutodmer pais- inubar a ator rip anWesrs UnJ. nFridyeene in YoungPeSpn-sS H oUT9 50-f Mss .MTusswa pr.enedutlt sewwndefuldislasnotWhteitMrgretYore C to o Orno ircit ldMetodit TuiOarftaingattp iCWsten Uionpreened hei ply "u, Monday, by ber. pupils, witb a work in the Intermediate and Editb M. Trul Teacher Church. Ontarie. .. Some commenced hay- bonnet Jane o! Sycamore Lane, purse and boekends. Senior rooms and te aise enjey aJuorR m_______________ ing last week. under auspices o! A.Y.P.A. Miss RECAUSE sewnseey Sferers Ms cae iltaba rga given in the JuniorJuirRo Solina: We think our town Miriam Newell, Fenelon Falls, body to kno uthwrc ofbledngAniehs. cLaoen nexttem. oom Th program cnitde Grade I to Grade il - Ann ~sbould have electric lights se that and Mrs. Jabez Wright gave piano adcem OMNIL af nldipro- M. and s . W nx . iksan nmbes yThe oRbythm BantdofBarrabal A, Francis Bruten A, pedestrians weuld net tumble on ra a r- M.adMs .Wcsadnmesb h htmBnAdele Cooper B, Peter Dawe A, aur elevated sidewalks! . .. B.H.S. Visitors: Mrs. Tbos. Murphy, DAIRY mlis Its ace P I E S r uln gMiss Jean HamprTonteio sts couss ndaano t e bn-D BenarLYGibbs , Lra Lid~s C dy wi Soin otbaElGlPaco2reere.Tharno,'sit Mr.andMr. Prey fmilsfthe Wm. Long, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. titled "Tbree Little Pigs". Mi Brnr SLnc , oravi hsC, deeated solin ratfootball 2- Treto. .visitindatMr. PRcy filfthhathgvn vi- know 1unkr's Herbal il treat at Mr. W.Le'. numbers, little Mariene Cantreli A. Rennie West B, Marjorie WîeLecals: Ottawa correspondent Lough, Ida, at Archdeacon Simp- adsed the cause at its source. Money Mrs. J. Powers is ill. led the Rhythm Band and Miss A akWlo A. OSHAWA, ONTARIO o! the Globe says W. T. Lockhart, sen's. . . Mns. Alex Gilbert at- an stay erslacirn back If the first bottle does not Norman Allen was home on Truil played for the Intermediate radest ~ ron ,Jade I h oMP..eorWetDu0a11rrvdFenedaeren'swedig inkniaug satsfy AtArmstrgstreng A,.rooJeanuss.Bruton A, Poe11 rePrig Menday, accompanied by D. Sault Ste. Marie and Joan is in sa1iMissAtyourdrug torerieav.premchouses Marlene Cantreil B, Dick Clarke Burke Simpson, president et the Kitchener. . . Miss Lena Taylor, 19-i2* Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lageer briefly and Rev. Littleweod pre- B, Joanne Cornish B, Alex Drum- GALA MIDNITE SHOW West Durbam Liberal Associa- Bewmanville, Miss Joyce Scott, sented Jean Turner, Helen Wood mond A, Keitb Gibbs B, Edna WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th tien.1 Cobourg, at Ernest Larmer's... and Donna West with certi!icates, Goode B, Gary Hancock B, Caro- Ln unr oetYug Ail people I i ke favourable Miss Skuce bas gene te Winnipeg having passed their Entrance en lyn Jones B, Harry Lynch A, LaaTreRbtYun notice in Tbe Statesman. Take te live with ber sister. . *. Mr. and Order It TdyFo their year's work. Others te re- Harold Moffat A, Bruce Myles C. In this warning: "If yeu bave fre- Mrs. Mervin Graham and !amily ceive theirs but wbo were absent M. McDowell, Teacher SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS quent beadaches, dizziness and and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers were Joyce Cornisb and Junior With fainting spelîs, accempanied by witb Mrs. F. Thomson, Peterbero Walter Brennan, Dame May chilIs, cramps, corns, bunions, . . . Arcbdeacon Simpson attendRn LIV PO LTR W A TED West. weetete P 'ROMOTION RESULTS FOR Whi:ty, Eugene Pall:tte, Alan ch:îblainseilpy n jaundice ed a cburch meeting in Torento, Bovim il _____________W A 14TEDThe______________________________ CONTINUATION Mowbray it is a sign you are net well, but Friday. . . Miss Helen VanCamp PAR S. UIO CA PFRE Inendd er as Wek) ella. But oh baby, could she your subscription a year in ad- twe montbs. She accompanied Our truck is in the Bowmanville, Orono, and Newcastle DIst- PAKST _NON_____(ItnddFr at ek mix witb society. vance and thus make yeurself Miss Iniez Hickling. . . Tpr. Roy rit AH USDY - fyo av nyWoferpon emes !PakSt nin Names i re fmri.A MK PAPARTY solid for a good ebituary notice." Avery, Chatham, and Mrs. Roy rit AC UEDA -I yu av nytoofe pon Mmer o Pr S. ninsubject in brackets indicates in- Deors open at 11.30 p.m. Frank Pethick bas leased the. Avery, Windsor, at A. J. Johns- 'PHOEl4 Orono 34-R-i or Whitby 336 to make arrangements for crates. gatbered in the park Thursday sufficient standing in that sub- barber sbop and bas been "doicg ton's. evening, te say farewell te Union ject. Reports may be ebtained at TURFRSA. business on bis own acceunt" The "Buck Rake" business be- I meetings except for campfires, the school. HR.FISA, anutnonu JULY 1-3 since June 1. Young Roastinig Chickens-Hens-Broilers t eir pedernt d Mssthln To Grade X-Thomas Libou, Sammie Allin leads them ahl thi rsdnMs ahenPatricia Page, Ray Bryson, Grant TARZ.AN TRIIUMPHS this year fer early vegetabies, he_________________________________ MRE PR EASW SEL Smith, who will be teacbing in Malley, Victer Warner, Lloyd Starring sy ehsnwptte n WE CAN PAY HIGHESTMAKTPIE S EL Niagara Falls next faîl. Proceed- Syer. Heward Ceatbam (Geog.). Johncy Weissmuller, Frances sarsehe as nwptte n DIETT H OSMRings were in charge o! Dick Mer- Ress Boyd, Evelyn Gorden, Gifford, Jobnny Boy) She! - genpesthe______ Don:( On June 8, 100 years ago, te_________________ DIRECT TO TE CONSUMERtan and epened with a sing-song, aid Evans (Music), Arthur Mc- field !irst three white families landed____.- _____ -GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL - foliowed by contests. Stella Best Clanen (History, Music), Murrav New thriils for you as Tarzan at Port Hope and settled in Hope ___ iead an address te Kathieen ex- Pattersen. Joyce T e n n a n't meets Zandra township-the Harrises, Ash!ords, ________________________________________ pressing the appreciatien e! the (Math.), M1ont Richardson (Math. and Stephenses. __ members for ber werk as presi- .MOTU .,WD___ dent. Myrtle Tamblyn nesenited Fr., Hist.),JMO., 5 _____ED Pi k rn a m IITEDmvN 11- -1 fý berwt aMeneco-l-t-- r 1y- To Grade XI-Dawn Mofatt, 5- 74TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO __

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