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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1943 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Newcastle Red Cross met in the community hall on Wedniesday evening wýhen diplornas were pre- sented'to 22 ladies who passed examns which concluded the-short course in First Aid and Homne Nursing sponsored by Newcastle Red Cross. There were 60 ladies enrolled but rnanv were unable to conillte the courses. A fuiler îccoulnt w appear next %veek. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pearce and David Gray attended the funeral service for-.George A. Patterson at Morris' Funeral Parlours, Bow- glassware MAKE VOUR TABLE AT- TRACTIVE AND VOUR FOOD TEMPTING USE FIRE KING GLASS Cups and saucers, pflates, des- sert dishes, oatmeais, platters and bowls. Prices very prac- tical. Also a large assortment of reg- ular table glass. Tumblers, fruit juice glasses, sherbets, plates, pitchers and bowls. From 5c each upward. PICNIC SUPPLIES PAPER CUPS, PLATES, SER- VIETTES. BASKETS AND TOWELS i. W. J EW ELL Phone 556 Bowmianville ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fri., Sat., JULY 1,2, 3 DOUBLE FEATURE WfINGS FOR THE EAGLE With ANN SHERIDAN DENNIS MIORGAN -ON THE SAME BILL- THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE Featuring HAROLD 'PEARY FRED MERCER M on.-Tues.-Wed. JULY 5, 6, 7 PRIDE 0F THE YANKEES With GARY COOPER TERESA WRIGHT NEWS -SHORT i manville. on June 24th. Bey. S. Littlewood, Orono. conducted the service and the burial rites at Hampton Cemetery. A large num- bter of relatives froin Bowman- ville and Cartwright. Clarke and Darlington townships joined the bereaved widow and daughter, M\-rs. Albert Pearce. at the funeral rites. Deceased had not been in the best of health, but was up and around. Deatb oecurred June 21, while deceaseci xas sitting up with others in the bouse. before retiring. He had an asthmatic heart condition. A great deal of interest is being evinced on the part of the girls and the younger boys in the soft- hall practices going on almost nigbtly under the supervision of Manager Geo. Crowtber. Saturday xvas a iucky day for J. Alcbenbrack and Tbos. En- wrigbt. Together witb th e ir wives and George Crowther, Newcastle's softbali promoter, tbey attended tbe double beader basebaîl gaines between Jersey City and Toronto Maple Leafs. Out of three programs bought, two were lucky number ones en- titling tbe bolders to two free pass es each to some future game. Mr. Alchenbrack and Mr. En- wright were the lucky possessors. The party also took in the soft- bail double beader in the eve- ning at Sunnyside between De- troit Ladies and Simpson Ladies A.C. Geo. Robinson, teamster, wbo1 soid bis team of grays and bas since been using a team of Carl Seiby's, bas bougbt a new team from the Stapleton Bros., Orono.1 Tuesday be began cutting tbe1 grass on tbe sides of Newcastle streets. In tbe main residential part bowever, bouseholders keep tbeir boulevards close eut with lawn mowers. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd (formerly Mrs. Wallace) are staying at their summer bouse niear the lake. Rev. R. E. Morton presided at the Horticultural Societys meet- ing June 24th. Board of Education met June 24tb. to eonsider applications fori position of teacher of the junior room of the public sebool. Miss M. Bernice Smith having resigned, ai-d talk over adjustments to tbe present beating system or tbe in- stallation of a dîfferent system. Fred Cowan, Welland, Norton Cowan, Toronto, spent tbe xveek- end at Mrs. F. W. Cowan's. Miss Evelyn Aluin spent Sunday with Miss 'Helen Hooper. Bow- manville. NEWVCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL 1943 PROMOTION EXAMS Gfiade IX-Hugh Aiken; Arvilla Brunt; Shirley Brunt; Doreen Caswell; John Gibson; Archie Hendry; Balfour LeGresley, Jacqueline Smith. Grade X-(Subjects in brackets after a name indicates failure in those subjeets) Marie Allin; Ruth Bonatban; Pauline Branch; Joyce Eddy; Tracy Embley (Lat.); Gwen Hooper (Fr., Lat.); Francis Jose; Yvonne Megit; Betty Porter (Hist., Math., Fr., Lat.); Mary Purdy (Fr.). Middle Sehool Grades XI and XII - Allun, Ewart Glenn, Anc. and Med. Hist. C, Geom. 3, Agr., Pby. 3; Allin, Reta June, Eng. Comp. 2. Fr. 2: Asb. Agnes Margaret, Anc. and Med. Hist. C, Geom. 3, Agr.. Phy. C: Branton. Keîth Wesley, Eng. Comp. 3, Lit. C. Anc. and Med. Hist. C, Geom. C, Agr., Pby. 3, Fr. 3: Brown, Olive Velma, Anc. and Med. Hist. C, Geom. C; Far- row., Evelyn Eileen, Eng. Comp. 2. Eng. Lit. 2, Anc. and Med. Hist. i. Geom. 2, Agr., Pby. 2, Lat. 1, Fr. 1; Gibson, Charles Leslie, Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. 3, Anc. and Med. Hist. 2, Geom. 1, Agr., Pby. 1, Lat. C, Fr. C; Gray, Jean Ken- neati,, Anc. and Med. Hist. C, Geom. C, Agr., Pby. C; Hoar, George Edward, Anc. and Med. Hist. C, Geom. 2. Agr., Pby. C; LeGresiey, A. P. Farncomb, Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. 2, Anc. and Med. Hist. 1, Geoni. 1, Agr., Pby. 1, Lat. 3, Fr. 3. Academie Prize Winners Grade IX Prof iciency-Doreen Casweli; Grade X Proficiency- Marie Allin; Anderson Mathema- tics Prize-Lealie Gibson; Prof. Squair French Prize - Eileeni Farrow: Montague Scboiarships -Farncomb LeGresley, Eiieen Farrow; Wiimot Gold Medal Farncomb LeGresley; Intermedi- j Rot Weather Suggestions Noxzema Skin Cream-- 39c. 59e Noxzema Suntan Oil 30e Nivea Cream 50c, $1.00 Gypsy Cream . 60e Gaby Sun Tan Lotion, 2 oz. 35e Hiad's Honey and Almond Cream . .25c, 45c, 89e Noxzema Greaseless Sun Tdn Cream 30e Skol. 2 oz. 53C Steliman's Freekie Cream__ . 69e Frosst's Tan-gel 50e We have a new stock of ladies Nylon Hair Brushes from ---- - $1.50 - $6.95 Khaki and Air Force Blue Money Belts - -----$1.50 Sun Glasses 15e - $4.50 FLY PREPARATIONS Fly-Tox, S oz. - -------24e 16 oz.- -- ---- - -- .--- 43e Sheil Tox, S oz. bottie --24e 10 oz. bottle ----- -43c Fly-Kil --- -24e, 43e Wilson's Fly Pads 10e each Elkay's Fly Sprayers 25e complete WHITE SHOE CLEANERS Cinderella White Kid Polish Cleaner "IT" White Shoe Cleaner-, Shu-Milk, bottie Tops, bottle. Tilley's Shur-White 50e Jury C& Loveli When W. Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 778 C. N. R. Tickets Newcastle Citizens Victima of Accidents On The Home Front Laurence Morton was taken to Oshawa General Hospital for ex- amination and observation. He bas not been well since a plank fell and bit bim on the bead at J. H. Jose's on June l4th, al- tbough no visible sign of the in- jury remained. Glenn Allun, younger son of H. M. Allun, was thrown from a horse at Geo. Allin's and sustained a fractured leg near the ankle. Tbere was no one near, but when be was found about 40 minutes afterwards Mr. Ailin rusbed hlm to Bowmanville Hospital. Glenn bas been working by the day for bis father's cousin, George. This day lie lad been sowing turnips, and running out of seed, had un- hitebed the horse and, thinking to gain time, had essayed to ride it to the bouse. Althougb steady and quiet in every other way it didn't take well to being ridden. Tbis makes two local high school boys, wbo were belping on farms, casualties for the present. When a transport truck col- lided witb John Holubenko and bis bicycle on King St., Friday, the bicycle was badly smashed and Johnnie received minor in- juries necessitating some bandag- ing. Also on Friday when two cars collided on King St., it had a bad effect on Jas. Brancb's horse and democrat wbich were close to the scene, with the resuit that some of Jim's fine strawberries that he was delivering were spilled on the pavement. Thos. Spencer's lîttie black dog, and pet of Ernie and Rollie, that was loat and found again is gone for keeps. He was bit and killed by Eagleson's milk truck. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION REPORT Senior Room Grade VU te Grade VIHI-Betty Gray, Hon., A; Hazel Bowe, Pass, B; Jack Perrin, Pass, B; James Bennett, Pass, C; Norm Aldread, Becommended, C. Grade VI to Grade VIl-Claire Allin, Hion., A; Rodger Mellow, Hon., A; Ronnie Hockin, Hon., A; Mary Scbmid, Hon., A; Wallace Couch, Pass. B; Billie Holubenko, Pass. B: Viola Lambert, Pass. B; Donna Smith, Becommended, D. Thos. A. Rodger, Principal Room 2 Grade V te Grade VI-A-Ruth Aluin, Mary Margaret Bonatban, Hazel May Fisher, Mary Hager- man, Newton Selby, Marjory Toms; B- Christina Aildread, John Holubenko, Joan Neilson; Rec.-Stanley Powell. Grade IV to Grade V - A- Catberine Dewdney, Betty Lou Hagerman, Vivian Megit, Keith Meliow; B - Donald Alldread, Keith Aiken, Ida Rogerson, Ernest Spencer; Not Promoted-Velma Alldread (A. & S.S.), Ronald Gra- bam, out 5 mat., Evelyn Foster, out 3 1-2 mt. Grade 1H te IV-A-Ann Cry- derman, June Neilson; B-Helen AlWenbrack, Marilyn Hall, Ken- neh Yarrow; C-Row'land Spen- cer; Rec.-Douglas Gray; Not Promoted-Jack McManus, Ted Smith. Hattie A. Mason, Teacber Junior Room Names arranged alphabetically according to grading: A-75-100; B-66-74; C-55-65; D-below 55, f allure. Grade I - A-Gilbert Aldread, Joan Brown, Gordie Garrod, Nellie Holubenko, Seldon Parker, Jimmie Pollard, Leon Stoneberg, Jack Watson; B-Douglas Dewd- nov, Charles Gray, Billie Lake, George Noden, Bobbie Smith, Betty Smith; ICEarl Foster; D- Betty Aldread, Billie Coucb, Lyle Harris, Dannie Lake, Keitb Rog- erson. Grade Il - A-Norma Aluin, Jack Aluin, Connie Enwrigbt, Merle Fisher, Billie Fisher, Mary Holubenko, Doreen Selby, Jean Toms; B-Ralpb Gobeen, Jack Gray; D-Joyce Poliard, Eileen Bogerson, Ray Stoneberg. Helen Graham, absent Jan.- June. M. Bernice Smith, Teacher Starkville Visitors: Mrs. H. L. Trim of Oshawa, at Mr. Gordon Trim's... Mrs. Garnett Hallowell, ber moth- er and brother, Toronto, at Mr. William Hallowell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Perrytown, at Mr. Warren Carson's. .. Gnr. Les- lie Henry and Mr. Parker, Pet- awawa. at Mr. S. G. Hallowell's ... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn in Port Hope, Saturday, taking in the musical concert put on by the local sebool there. .. Ross Hailo- weil in Oshawa... Bert Stapleton, Newtonville, at H. B. Gilmer's... Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andree and family, Oshawa, at Mr. Sbutka's ...LAC Danny Shutka in Osb- awa.1 There was a good attendance and a good time at the congrega- tional picnic beld on the lawn of Mr. S. G. Hallowell on Wednes- day evening. Service at Shiloh at 10 o'ciock on Sunday. Our public sehool entertained the teacher and pupils of Crooked Creek Scbool to a weiner roast on Monday afternoon. People in this district are busy haying. Mrs. Lew. Hallowell and infant son have arrived home. The Tellico Wildlife Area in East Tennessee is the only area in the western bemisphere where there are genuine European wild boars; imported fromn Engiand in 1912, thcy escaped and multiplied rapidly. ate Certificates - Marie Allin, Pauline Branch, Joyce Eddy, Francis Jose; Secondary Sebool Graduation Dipiomas - Evelyn Eileen Farrow, Charles Leslie Gibson, Farncomb LeGresley. Cowanville Visitors: Mrs. A. Perrin, Bow- manville Hospital, visited at Mr. T. J. Simpson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Layton and Geo. Layton at Roy Burley's, Port Granby... Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Aidread and Lois, Mr. Les. Allin, Lake Shoje, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Aldread and family, Brown's, Mrs. Roy McKay and family, Bronte, bad their dinner in Orono park on Sunday. . . Miss Muriel Morton, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid and Joan, Miss Bernice Andrews at Mr. T. J. Simpson's ..Mr. and Mrs. R. Hollingswortb witb their daugbters, Phyllis and Violet, at Gravenbîirst. BAKERS SCHOOL Baker's School picnic was held in Hampton Park, June 26th, when a crowd of 55 sat down to partake of a very delicious din- ner. Wben tee array of pies, sand- wiches and ice cream had satis- f ied everyone, Russell Gilbert called the gathering to order. Donald Taylor read an address to the teacher, Miss Robertson, who is leaving. Milly Hilîs presented ber teacher with book ends and a picture. Miss Robertson replied tbanking everyone for the co- operation they bad given ber. Little Jewel Vivian made the lucky draw for the Balloon quilt made by the pupils of the school. Lucky winner was Mrs. Murray. The young people enjoyed base- bail while the older folk chatted under the trees. A programn of sports was enjoyed. AU reported a delightful afternoon spent with friends and neighbours. Zion Don't Put That Advt. In Again Mrs. Ross Richards is con- vinced the people read the "For Sale" and Want Advt. columns of The Statesman. Last wveek she advertised a child's pram and folding buggy and sold them both in no time. In fact she said she had so many inquiries she could have sold 15 more. G. Baker hail the same story about the typewriter he ad- vertised. As soon as the paper was out the inquiries came Pouring i, he said. He was so tickled with the qulck sale made he offered to treat the whole Statesman staff. Stan Blackwell was another satisfied advertlser. He sold his electrie stove Thursday night and received 9 other in- quiries. He commented the People sure do read the old Statesman. Many other ad- vertisers report similar ex- periences of quick and satis- factory results. So if you have anythlng lying around the house, farm or shop you don't need, turn it into money by putting a Classified advt. hréThe States- man. We'll advertise il,. for you at a minimum eost of 25e for 25 words, cash wlth the order. ________East. . . Mrs. S. Crawford, To- Vistor: M. Fankin wderonto, with ber daughter, Mrs. Visiors Mr Frnkln AdeRackbam. . . Ptes. Gladys Chap- Miss Peggy Burt, Windsor, at man, Kitchener, and Audrey Luther Pascoe's. . . Mrs. Reford Hamilton, Ottawa, and Cecile Cameron and Jean at Oak Lake... Petit, Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Misses Editb, Heidi, Margaret and Clarence, Woodley, T yr o ne, Doris Geissberger, Harmony, at George Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hans Geissberger's..Mr. and Gibbs and family, Oshawa, at W. Mrs. Willis Gladwell, Pilot Offîcer Cbapman's. . . LAC Reg. Rack- John Glàdwell and Mrs. Gladwell, bam and wife. at home. . . Pte. Lloyd Stainton, Miss Margaret Percy Aluin, Cornwall, at home... Palmer, Toronto, Tom Currell, Misses Helen and Betty Knox, To- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, ota oe r.Abr Diane and Brian, Kedron, at A rota.o e. r.Abr T. Stainton's. . . Mrs. Harvey Bal-I Cole and Donald, Bowmanville, son and Glenn. Miss Gladys Wood at C. W. Souch's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, Pte. Peggy Kilien, o-d Frank Cryderman, Bowmanville, ronto, at Bobt. Killen's. . . Mr. with relatives. . , Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe and fam-Wal Munda y n r.Jh ily at Mrs. George Wilbur's, Ked- udy, Maple Grove, at L. ron. .. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pas- Trull's. . . Miss Irene Brooks, coeRut an Loan t PreyHoward Carter, Mr. and Mrs. ce Rut H amnLorandat Prcy Everett Allin, Toronto, Mr. and F.eB.el' e iss, atn r aMs-Mrs. Clîfford Aluin and family, F.l B.asel.Missaes Nma lea-Courtice, at Harold Allin's. . . peliandMarare Mcleu atMr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman and George Armour's, Hampton. » Joan, Osbawa, Miss Doris Cry-1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron anddea Helen, Mr. Reford Cameron and manman, Courtice, at L. Cryder- Kathleen, Mrs. Russell Stainton mat .M. aHo rs. Af ye attended tbe lStb wedding anni- Zoa .E ons versary of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anniversary services on Sun- Ferguson, Tbornton's Corners, on day were well attended. Inspir- Saturday evening. . . Mrs. Carl ing messages in sermon and song Wilbur at Woodstock. . . Miss were given.. .Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ruby Gifford, Toronto, at Everett Warder, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Gifford's. .. Miss Jean McMaster, Mrs. R. Worden, Maple Grove, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ben- Miss Helen Knox, Howard Mili- bam and Henry, Peel County, at son, Toronto, at J. B. Knox's... Mrs. J. W. McMaster's... Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings and Mrs. Roy Leach and Franklin, family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns Myrtie, Mr. and Mrs. George and Barbara, Oshawa, Mr. and Leach, Columbus, at Alan Fisb- Mrs. John Slemon, Enniskiiien, at er's. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cassidy Laverne Clemens'. . . Mrs. S. and Frank, Asbburn, Mr. and Mrs. Hugbson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strickland and Gladys, Frank Rundle, Bowmanville, at Columbus, at Clifford Martin's. .. Mr. A. H. Clemens'. . . Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beath, Col- Mrs. Thos. Sykes and Judith, To- umbus, at Fred Robbins'. ronto, *Mrs. Gordyn Brent and The people who were in the Gloria, Tyrone, at Mr. L. D. Sykes' play at Zion went to Oshawa to Mrs. O. M. Alger, Oshawa, at Mr. the sbow on Monday evening and L. D. Sykes'. afterwards enjoyed ice cream, Miss Betty Knox had ber ton- cake and strawberries. sils removed at Bowmanviile Hos- Mrs. Alf. Ayre attended the lst pDital and is now bome. birtbday party of ber grandson, Master Larry Meteaife, Oshawa, on Tuesday. SOLD TWO-PANT SUITS Hampton E Vîsîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin1 Wood and Doreen, Mr. and Mrs.1 Ormiston, Bowmanville, at S. Williams'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eiliott and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pascoe, Solina, at Joe Chapm-an's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Theopholus Salter a nd M is s Sh a rp, Toronto, at Mr. T. Salter's . . . Lieut and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Kings4on, at T. Wray's. .. Mr. and Mrà. Boy Met- caîf, Boss and Madeline, Base Line. at Mrs. A. Trennîîth's... Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Balson and son, Caledon East, at J. Macnab's ...Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Oshawa, at A. Peters'. .. Mr.' and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Anna, Frayne and Dorotby, Lakcfield, Mrs. V/il- bur McMillan, Mrs. W. Young and Sylvia, Peterboro, at L. Trull's and H. Salter's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe and children, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Miss Helen Baker, Solina, at P. Deweii's. . . Miss Reta Kerslake, Bowmanviiie, at H. Peters' and T. Salter's. .. Mrs. Stanley Bate, Cobourg, at W. W. Horn's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cryderman and family,' Maple Grove, at M. Blackburn's ..Mr. and Mrs. John Milla and Clifford, Ajax, Pte. Ted Kersey, Kingston, at S. Kersey's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Orono, at W. Wilbur's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Doidge, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker, Bowmanville, Jack Cowiing, Toronto, at J. Cowiing's ..Mrs. Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, Morley Hastings, Toronto, Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa. at F. J. Groat's. . . Bey. J. C. Cochrane, Toronto, witb Bev. and Mrs. W. Backham. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bac, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nortbcutt and daughters, Bow- manville, at A. Blancbard's... Mrs. Thompson, M i ss Isabel Thompson, Bowmanvillc, L'Cpi. Freddie Payne, Brampton, at W. Greenaway's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Downey, Bowmanville, at C. J. Kerslake's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, witb rela- tives. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. White and sons, Orono, with Mrs. El- mina Johns. .. Miss Gladys Ker- sey at Geraid Balson's, Caledon Spain's chemical industry is ex- panding rapidly. Convicted of selling two-pant suits in violation of Wartime Prices and Trade Board regula- tions, a Hamilton, Ontario, tail- oring firm was fined a total of $1,000. The firm pleaded guilty to two charges of selling suits of clothing with two pants and was fined $500 on each charge. South Ward Bible School Hold Pienic At Tourist Camp The Bowmanville South Ward Bible Sebool held their annual picnic at the Cream of Barley Camp Saturday. Program dom- menced with races: Girls 2 te 4, Ruth Perfect, Hilda Edwards, Marie Hughes; Girls 5 to 9, Betty Hughes, Helen Perfect, Marlene Edwards; Boys 4 to 9, George Moore, Lyle Trimble, Jackie Hughes; Mrs. Dugan's girls, Ber- nice Qumnney, Betty Spencer, Shirley Piper; Mr. Dugan's boys, Teddy Bird, Barry Mason, John Bird; Three Legged Race, Betty Spencer, Bernice Quinney; Wheel- Barrow Race, Barry Mason, Con- nie Piper; Sr. Ladies' Race, Mrs. Perfect; Kick the Sboe, Betty Spencer; Needie and Tbread Race, Mrs. Jobnston, Mr. Dugan; Ob- stacle Race, Barry Mason, Robt. Spencer, Cyril Quinney. There was a treasure hunt for the cbildren and a sbort basebal game was played. A deliclou s pic- nid supper was served by the ladies. Personal TEN TO ONE YOUR FRIENDS use Page-Griffiths, Be ta mi n (B-Complex) tablets once a day for added pep. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 26-1 Stallion For Service Having purchased a young Clydesdale Stallion, Ivory King, 29764, sired by Destiny (Import- cd), dam Ivory Nell, this horse will be for service at my home or on cali. Arthur Nichols, Solina Road. 24-3 Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, eaeh Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisementlis flot paid same week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of loc when replies are dfrected to aStatesman box number. Brhs, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per uine for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTH JOSE-At Bowmanvilie Hospital on Monday, June 28, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose, New- castle, a son. 26-1 DEATI-IS OKE - In Darlington, June 24, 1943, Frances Rebecca Robbins, widow of the late Wesley Albert Oke, in her 78tb year. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetery. OKE - At Enniskillen, June 23, 1943, Emma Jane Oke, widow of William L. Oke, aged 69 years. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- tery. ARD-In Clarke, June 28tb, 1943, Mary Ann Ard, widow of Hugh Ard, in her 85th year. The fun- eral from her late residence, Lot 22, Con. 8, Clarke, on June 3Oth. Service at 2.30 p.m. In- terment Orono Cemetery. Card of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Wesley Oke wishes to express sin- cere thanks to neighbours and friends for the many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy and floral offerings, during their mother's ilîness and death. 26-1 IN MEMORIAM HEATH - in loving memory of our littie daughter. Evelyn, who lef t us twelve years ago today, age two years and four months. She was only a little white rosebud A sweet little flower from birth; God took ber home te heaven Before she was soiled on earth. -Ever remembered by Daddy, Mother, Sister and Brother. 26.1* BRANCH-In loving memory of Amanda Branch who passed away, July 9, 1936. I cannot say, and I will not say That she is dead-she is just away. With a cbeery prmile And a wave of a hand, She has wandered into an un- known land. -Ever remembered by ber sis- ters, Irene and Flora, grand- daughter Lois and grandchild- ren and relatives. 26-1* Lost LOST- WALLET containing sum 0of money and registration card. Reward. R. W. N-ewton. dlo Dr. H. Ferguson, Queen St.. phone 789. 26-i NOTICE Dr. Storcy's office wiil be closed July 6 tô August 1. 25-2* Dr. Birks' office will be closed fromn July lst to July 18 inclusive. 25-4 Combining FARMERS WANTING TIMO- THY, clover and other seed crops combined should place contracta early. Phone 2186, Bowmanville, any time except fromn sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. H. Chamberlain, En- field. 23-tf Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-100 ACRES dlay ioam, good buildings, well watered, bush; 85 acres suit- able for tractor. One mile South of Newtonville, No. 2 Highway. Appiy Mrs. James Laing, Clarke,or W. F. Ward, Bnwmanville. 26-2* FOR SALE - HOUSE, $1500.00 less 20¼/ for cash; 3-story brick, 18-roomn dwelling, large lot, Main Street (No. 2 Higbway, Newcastle, Ont. Suitable for Feed For Sale FOR SALE-HAY, 10 acres tim- otby hay. Apply Blake Short, Bowmanville, phone 2479. 26-1 FOR SALE - HAY, about 12 acres of standing hay, alfalfa and timothy mixed. Apply W. C. Ashton, Bowmanville. 26-1* FOR SALE-QUANTITY MIXED HAY, at tbe farm of Mrs. B. Parkin, Lot 22, Con. 10, Dar- lington. Will be sold by Public Auction on Friday, July 2, at 7 p.m. Clifford Petbick, Auc- tioneer. Terms: Cash. 26.1* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-BUGGIES, driving harncss, saddles and ponies, any size. Apply 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto. 24-4* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - YOUNG MARE. Apply W. H. Brown. phone 2610. 26-1 FOR SALE -TRUCK, 1941 Dodge, pejrfect condition. Phone Clarke i13D2. 26-2* FOR SALE-HORSE 12 years old, 1600 pounds. Apply Victor Szoid, Hampton, phone 2173. 26-1 FOR SALE - GOOD SOUND MARE, 8 years old. Apply B. Budai, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 26-1* FOR SALE - 40 PIGS, between 6 and 8 wceks old. Apply Har- old Milîs, Enniskiilen, phone 2575. 26-1 FOR SALE-BINDER, Deering, 6 ft. cut, bargain for quick sale. Apply L. R. Wood, Bowman- ville. 26-2* FOR SALE - HAY LOADER, Massey-Harris, $50. Apply J. Archer, Burketon, phone 193r5, Port Perry. 26-1* FOR SALE - GOOD STRONG TURKEY pouits, 2 to 4 weeks oid, cheap. Mrs. R. B. Dickie, Enniskillen. 26-1* FOR SALE-12 PIGS, Yorkshires, six weeks old. A really good bunch. Apply Mult Cornish, Orono, phone 51r18. 26-1* FOR SALE-2 ROYAL ENFIELD motorcycles in good condition. Apply Fred Griffin, Burketon, phone Bowmanville 2295. 26-1 FOR SALE - 8 PIGS, Yorkshire, 9 wceks old. Apply Mrs. A. Weinberger, R.R. 1,. Orono, phone Clarke 1624. 26-1 FOR SALE - HAY LOADER, Massey-Harris, in good condi- tion. Apply A. W. Prescott, Enniskiilen, phone 2151. 26-1 FOR SALE - 15 ACRES HAY, standing, 1 1-2 miles south of Maple Grove School. Evenings or on July lst, James Housego, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 26-1 FOR SALE - SADDLE HORSE, light chestnut, nine year old gelding. Broken to traffic and weli mannered. $75. J. A. Pat- erson, Oreno. Ont. 26-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-1937 CHEVROLE T coach, Master Deluxe. Good condition. Apply R. Robinson, King St., Bowmanville. 26-1* FOR SALE - BERRY BOXES, crates, baskets and bampers. Get your supply at once while I have them in stock. N. S. Plummer, Liberty St., Bow- manville. -25-2* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-CANOE, 16 ft., duck covered, in good condition. Ap- ply T. Lymner, Queen St., P.O. Box 51, Bowmanville, phone 379. 26.1* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store. 156 Sîmcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf COMING EVENT A Finger and Thumb Picnic sponsored by Ebenezer Sunday School will be held on Friday, July 2, at No. 4 school grounds, for the community and ail inter- ested in Sundaï School work. Bring your eats; hot and cold water provided. Sports, games and fun arranged for ail. Every- body come at 5 o'clock, prepared to enjoy a few hours witb others. 26-1* Vacuum Cîcaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ail other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- c es so r ies. Te'ephone our "1C. U. C. Sales and Service Brach" Bwmanville, 774, at Mr. and Mrs. R. Dusenbury wish to announce the engagement of their oldest daughter, Ada Marie, to Douglas George Har- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Har- man, Oshawa. The wedding wili take place on July lOth, at King St. United Church, Oshawa.2611q 'r Baby Chicks TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Quality Cnicks now at Stewart's Seed Store and get your Cafeteria Chick Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this year for Tweddle r Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf. For Rent FOR RENT-FURNISHED COT- TAGE, on lake front, Zast Bow- manvilie Beach. Six rooms, screened verandah, electricity, telephone. Available for sum- mer season. M. J. Cole, Box 302, or phone 2318. T fleiP Wanted HELP WANTED-GIRL to help in home where summer guests are taken. Apply Mrs. Biake S h o r t, Bowmanville, phone 2479. 26-1 HELP WANTED-GIRL or wo- man to help with housework on farm, by lake, where tourists are kept. Apply Mrs. Garrnet Symons, phone 2459. 26-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO REN T - HOUS9E wanted, Possession at any time, references if required. Phone 2405 after six-thirty p.m. 26-1* WANTED TO RENT - HOUSE, five-roomed, in Bowmanville, with conveniences. Write Box 207, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 26-1* ,WANTED TO RENT - ROOM, elderly woman desîres room, with home privileges and care, if needed. Quiet home in Bow- manville or'vicinity, near High- way. Mrs. N. E. Vanbee, Bow- manville P.O. 26-1* Wanted WILLING TO STORE upright piano in exehange for use, in a careful, private home. Write Box 209, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 26-1 .WANTED-RELIABLE WOMAN. of 60 will assist with light household duties in part pay- ment for unfurnished room. Write Box 208, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 26-1 tWANTED - CAN iACCOMMO- DATE 4 passengers daily, Bow- manville to Oshawa, 6 days week. Hours 7 to 6. Phone Osh- awa 2209 or write 424 King West, Oshawa. 25-2 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having any .dcaimn against the Estate of the late Frank H. Mason, who died on or about the l2th day of June, .1943, at the Town of Bowman- ville, are required to file the same .with proof thereof witb, the ,undersigned Executor, o rWis .Solicitor, flot later than Juiy îSth, .1943, after which date the Estate .will be distributed and aill daims of which the Executor has flot re- :ceived notice will be barred as against him. ; DATED at Bowmanville this jl9th day of June, 1943, LANCELOT L. MASON, loi »Brant St., Orillia, Ontario, Ex- 9ecutor, by M. G. V. GOULD, Bow- m ranville, Ontario, His Solicitor. 25-2 AUCTON SALE The undersigned bas received 1instructions from j. W. Lancaster, 1Lot 6, Broken Front, Clarke, to rseli by public auction on Monday, 1July 5. about 30 acres of standing 1hay. Sale at 7 p.m. Wilbert Han- .cock, Auctioneer. 26-1* 'Doctor's Office gours k. Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. . Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours by appointment. . In case of an emergency, if their .own doctor is not available, pa- .tients may telephone the Bow- 1manville Hospital. 9-tf I NOTICE I To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make appication to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. . Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handle lt here. GF. JAMESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office STE WART'S SEED STORE-~ DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS For Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds, etc. BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEIED CORN HYBRID AND OPEN POLLINATED CORN SUDAN GRASS. SORGHUM, RAPE, FIELD ROOTS FERTILIZERS, BUG KILLERS, CATTLE SPRAY PHONE 577 - - - -BOWMANVELLE - 1 THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT 19 -

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