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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1943, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1943 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTCI of fosect - - - - - -= sermon was preached- by Rev. just when they are goîng away. CH its-McLachlan. Mrs. W. Sherwin, presideni O YlCH Otas r and Mrs. Pierrot Armstrong read a nicely worded address tA For qUlck relief from tching Of Inoetio, heat Socirelatives here. Mrs. Rsoog and Mrs. W. S Tub athiete's foteemâa nd Other externaly C<i edick presented hier withE caused skin troubles, use fast-aeting cool ng, anti-Phn401 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hamm areCbl zept e i qu cf D.1)D. Prescription. Greaseies. 1Poe4r visiting here. îttie Dnsald Swi resente< stainlesa soothes Irritation and quickystops intense M. . . isIaGmsyi oefo olitte a rwin pRsboroug itch oz 35e trial botti eproves itor money baok. Aok 1 Ms d asyi oef your druggisî today for D. D. D.PRESCIPTION. Antioch school enjoyed arythe hospital. twhite pur ana brceleta with ice cream etc., before school Mrs. J. Moffatt visited at Mr. C. necklace set. Mrs. Rosborougl closed. Shaw's, Bowmanville. responded fittingly, thanking the Mr. Chas. Hill dropped into M is s es Margaret McElroy, members for their gifts. dg» town Dominion Day,. He looks Peterboro, and Margaret Roy, Mrs. Eagleson then reada as f lfehasben uinghi wel.Orono, are to be bridesmaids at nicely worded address to Mrs. D. an ei as bfe hasben usingWhlmterl.Miss Helen Foster's wedding. Carscadden, with Mrs. F. Hal. sud Hobei rohrofMs Wle Mrs. Syd Rutherford and fam- making the presentation to hier #lIED Cobledck ily are here from Nakina. of a lovely umbrella. She as F EI [ Mis Evelyn Harnden, Bow- There were three weddings in expressed grateful appreciation. manville, has been engaged to Newark-Ponypool disrict, June Hearing that it was the Ros- teacb the Intermediate room Of 26tb. boroughs' wedding day thegro O 'the public school. Mrs. S. Hall enjoyed a visit of some years ago was called on Mrs W. Leaman is visiting in from hier sister. for a speech which was much en- Otawa. The first camping party came joyed. TmI Â TisIpTic LINIENT Mtiss Jo Armstrong visited Mrs. last week to the park. We Sing-song, social chat and lunch C. G. Armstrong. shouldn't be surprised if they made the remainder of the eve- ________________________ Gwen Tennant is working for found it cold at first. nîng pass bappily, after which ai] Armstrong's store for the summer. Just imagine 50 years ago po- sang 'Should Auld Acquaint- Correction-The name "Dave tatoes and green peas were ready ance" and "Goodnight Ladies" South" in last week's locals should in June. while standing in a friendship have read "Dave Harris". Calvin Dunn is on furlough. circle. CI The town dlock stili strikes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter __________ S L I R Iwrong. and two sons, Lakefield, Mr. and dow fr hewek-ed ro T- o.9, were guests of Mrs W. HAPPENINGS ronto. Cowan. Miss M. E. Rowe, Oshawa, spent H. A. Clarke is having improve- FROM THE ORONO NEWS Sunday at home. ments made to his home. John Corryell, R.C.N.V.R., bas Mr. and Mrs. J. Robertson, To- JuIy 5th, 1928 ATTENTION1 been promoted to lieutenant. ronto with their daughter, Mrs. S. There was the usual large at- Ray Carleton and Fosetta (Mrs. Payne. tendance, Sunday, at Decoration * STAND ~Piggott) have been visiting their Mrs. M. Smith visited in To-Dacemnyat rnoCn- STAND ~~parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Carie- ronto and Niagara. Dycrmna rn ee YOURFEETton.Joh Lowry i on urIg. tery. Music was led by Durham YO ASFET Ms. Cn ddniJwtohins Misniel Moron, ur.N.u, wthRegiment band and speeches AT U berdn s it find pasrie o, .Nwihgiven by Rev. Wm. Sterling and A AEin Durham befone leaving for tbe hrpret.Eev. George Mason. President of Wtb IL~ erson.resewillvew DR. MILTON TUCKER GIVES cemetery company, C. J. Hughi- a irsn r.Rsoog nd FN NMMR F son, presîded. Mrarlnd r.Rsoog n OTI E YO High School Entrance results- Mrlnleft for theiriiew home PARENTS Orono-Alexander, R.; Ard, G.; 1 A D S in Niagara. M iie e r ito ukr ... a Barraball, M. (Hon.); Barrabali, Mrs. John Mhson vstdhr D.MlonT eUSAhsR; Berenbaum, H.; Bostock, R.; M.and Mrs. Garnet Gamsby, baptismal font in memory of bis Crowns,B. (Hon.); Daven, M. LINIMEN and sn Bîlly, Kingston, visited parents, Dr. and Mrs. Milton Maîl- onsI (Hon.); Davey, M un .; relatives here, the latter two re- ory Tucker, wbo were valued Dunn, F.; Gamey, G.; Grice, M.; ______________________maîning. Cbldc members of the chtirch wbile liv- HawIke, F.; Hawke, E. (Aeg.); Hubert Cbldc called on ing in Orono and wbo gave gen- Henderson, K.; Henderson, Ken; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. erously of their time and money. Hh'E(o.;Kuisy . Cobbledick. This information will recal McRâlrs, E. (Hon.); McMulln,. Glori Richrdsonat C.j. pleasant memories of the Tucker F.Rtefr;S. usiC Hu rhson's. family to those wbom the father Ruth~ aerf, R.; Rauel, B. Marlow Hancock at home. had served as doctor for four gen- Hn) Sissons, M. (Hon.); Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock and fi eeration . h o, iwlfrM. (Hon.); Tamblyn, K.; Tamb- family, Toronto, with relatives. the itgeraon lyn, M.; Thompson, R.; Under- R. C. Rosborougb was presented Dr. M. M. Tucker was the son wo .(o.;Udrod . with a hymnary by the officiai of Joseph L. Tucker, a prominent Wannan, J.; White B. board of Park St. United Cburch businessman of Orono. J. L. Tuck- Havy inesunta at tbe Sunday morning service. er, who came to Orono in 1844, avy Wnesueta Sgt. Pilot Ron Patterson was was bonn in England in 1820. He Queen's University, Kingston, homeon eav. ded i 181 aterservng s pst-was promoted to Captain in thé homeon eav. ded i 181 aterservng s pst-university company. Neil Wood, Toronto, witb bis master, miller and general mer- Ms parnts Mr an Mr. Cas.Woo. cant M.M. uckr gadute Mnus Haw, who graduated as a paretsMr.andMrs Chs. ood chat. . M Tukergrauatd nrseat Nicholîs' Hospital, Peter- Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornish and as a doctor in 1870 and was also boro, with honours, is with ber son with relatives. township clerk for years, so bis At Park St. Churcb Sunday life was woven aroiVnd the com- parents. S morning Messrs. R. Sutton and C. munity in whicb bis children were Taylor sang the -duet, "He Was brougbt up. Starkville Nailed to The Cross". Communion The cbildren include Dr. Milton was administened. In the evening wbo is donating the baptismal Rev. Morton of Newcastle preacb- font; Dr. Bidwell now in the medi- Visitors: Miss Jane Tnimble of ed a fine sermon and Mesdames cal army corps; Bernice with the Oshawa, is with Miss Sophia Cobbedick and Littlewood fav- Civil Service at Ottawa, and Elva Sbutka. .. Mn. and Mrs. Wark and oured witb a duet. in Toronto. daugbter, Weston, at S. G. Hallo- MH. Staples took charge of the Tbe font will be dedicated well's. Miss Norma Hallowell and 1ML-aSunday Scbool session telling the shortly at a ceremony at whicblti isMayad Mse chi.ldnen the story of Josepb and tbe donor is not expected to be Maurice HalIbwell retunned to ______________________ is coat of many colours. Sunday present. W es t on w i th tbemn. . . Miss School picnic will take place next Laurane Stark, Hanover, with ufees week. MRS. ROS90OROUGH AND MRS. Mns. I. Stark. . . Mrs. Frank Sufres Kirby Sunday Scbool picnic was CARSCADDEN HONOURED Bennett and Joan, Paul Herring- of bleeding qt pleasant event on Saturday. tn oota r.JcbHlo a n il pro- 4.bout 35 enjoyed tbe facilities of Two valued members of Onono well's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hugli trudingthe park. Sports for the young- Womens Institute were bonoured Stapleton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. -tprs was a big feature and in- at a surprise party Saturday eve- Kimble, Lake Shore, at Mr. W. know Bunker's Herbai Pills treat Mrs. D. Carscadden's sale, Sat- at Mrs. F. Hall's and then quietîy Bill Cooper and daughter at Mr. the cause at its source. Money irday. was quite successful. slipped across the road to the Chas. Cooper's, Sixth Line. . . back if the first bottie does flot A fair crowd attended Kendal home of Mr. and Mrs. Rosborough Miss Alice B. Hallowell, Toronto, satisfy. At your drug store. Orange Walk, Sunday. Tbe fife to say farewell and good luck to holidaying at home. . . Mr. and 19-2* nddrum band officiated, the ber and to another member, Mrs. Mrs. Warren Carson and famlly _____D. Carscadden. Wben ahl were in Port Hope. . . Gnr. Calvin seated on the lovely lawn, Mrs. o. Dunn, Bedford, N.S., home on _________________________________________________W. Rolph, past president, spoke leave. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Patter- very fittingiy of the loss sustained son, Orono, at Bert Trim's. in tbe losing of these two mem- Mrs. Silven, Ajax, at home. bers empbasizing the fact that Al1though the farmens are busy one should, when possible, show baying, yet the sbowers on Sun- LIVEPOUL RY W NTED appreciation while the people day were welcome. Hallwells lwn ws areai suc- ceswith a good attendane Our ruc lsin te Bwmavile, Oono an Newaste DstRaces, games and bail games were Our ruc 15in te Bwmavile, Oono an Newaste Dst-enjoyed by old and young rict EACH TUESDA1Y - If you have any to offer phone us esDiectory Betad .dnTrim, A. Dob- Orona 34-R-i or Whitby 336 to make arrangements for crates. BuiesErsnniskiene . A er' ae 1 ROWN'skSCHOOL Young Roasting Chickens-Hens-Broilers Legal RW SSC0o Grade VH to yul-Lily Huska. WE CAN PAY HIIGHFEST MARKET PRICE AS WE SELL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Grade VI to VII-Arthun Price. DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Grade V t.o VI-Velma Pnice Phone 351 (H), Hazel Farrow (H), Helen Zmijowski (H), Sam Turner, Tom - GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL- Bank of Commerce Bldg. Kebick, Glie nn Aldned, Bob ________________________________________Bowmanville Stephenson. Grde 111 to IV-Norman Eddy W. R. STRIKE (H), Harry Hu s ka, P egg y Pick ring Farm LIM TEDBarrister Solicitor, Notary Stepenson.J Pickering___________E Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Grade 1 to II-Jimmy Curson. WHITBY - PHONE 336 NIGHT OR DAY Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA.,JUNE CANNING COUPONS GOOD TO SEPTEMBER 30 __________________________Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public. _____ King Street W., Bowmanville Canning sugar coupon hc Phoe: ffie 68 Rsience 5531 became valid June finst need not1 be cashed duringy the month of1 ORONO ÀAsA'rr lTIjf TRUTIrf *» il.7 - M NEWS t1o5r No. 7 OF Girr/we 14C[//4'6 a~v T//SE A4lCT/OW6' Obituaries foure Hobder, JCes of, and e hese days, wl ________Samuel of Toronto; Arthur of FRANCES REBECCA OKE Regina, Sask.; and William of ýt"' utmosti _______Renton, Wasb.- There passed away at the home Ofhe dugte, rs Fan Dr- ALONZO H. NIDDERY is of supreme imp( land, June 24, in bier 78th year, After a lingening illness of over Frances Rebecca Robbins, widow two and one haif years, Alonzo of the late Wesley Oke. Deceased H. Nîddery passed away, July 2, wva-, born in Markham Township at bis home, Reach Township. and came to Darlington when a The late Mn. Niddery, whose girl. Her busband predeceased 68th birthday would bave taken ber ast September. She had not place on the last day of this Cfew months. bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. John- a The funeral service, beld at stone Niddeny, were numbered d the home, Enniskillen, and con- among the finst settlers of the dis- - 2l6. was b Rev. J. A. Plant, June trict. His mother's namne was e ,ws largely attended by rela- Jane Heatlie. Prior to bis mar- tvsand friends. Interment was niage and for some years after- Flower, Bancroft, conducted the' ain Hmpton Cemetery. Pahîbear- wards, Mn. Niddery lived at En- service. ens were J. Dorland, J. A. Werry, field, moving to bis farm home at Mn. Rutledge died June 21, at E. E. Staples, S. L. Petbick, Wmn. Prospect Community, 33 years bis home, after a very short ihi- rTrewin and W. J. Ferguson. ago. Mrs. Niddery was formerly ness. He was 81 years old. Born Surviving are two sons, Albert Rosina Pereman. in Renfrew county, the son of the and Walter, Bunketon, Elsie, To- Surviving are bis wife and late Mn. and Mrs. William Rut- ronto, Gertrude (Mrs. Frank Don- tbree daughters Miss Winnifred ledge, lie went to Hybla when 11i land) Bunketon, and Winifred, Niddery teaches school at Scugog and lived there ever since. His (Mns. Stanley Turner), Oshawa, Island and the Misses Verna and Occupation was farming. He was and seven grandcbildren and two Mabel Niddery are hotb register- a member of Zion United Cburch, great grandchildren. Also sur- ed nurses of Oshawa. Two bro- and had heid the post of elder for viving are one sister, Mrs. Sarah thers surviving are Norman of the nearly 40 years. He was as well Gourhie, Toronto, and two bro- Yukon Territory, and Clarence, an honourary member of L.OL. thens, Thos. I., Pickering, and whose home is at Trenton. One No. 276, Monteagle Valley. Wcsley, Brandon, Man. sister, Mrs. Wiibert Lambe, ne- Surviving are bis wîfe, the sides at Portage la Prairie, Man. former Kitty Ann Sutherland, and EMMA JANE OKE The funenal was held from bis five sons and six daughters, late residence to Pine Grove David G. rcutledge, Hybla; Mrs. There passed to rest suddenly Cemetery, Prince Albert, on July N. S. McNally, Coîborne, Ont.; at ber late residence, Enniskillen, 5, with Rev. P. L. Juil taking the Mrs. Carl Wright, Blackstock, on June 23, Emma Jane Harris. services. Ont.; Mns. Water Kelusky, Gait; Deceased was born in Clarke William J. Rutledge, Detroit; Mrs. township, Sept. 3, 1873, eldest MRS. RICHARD HUGHES J. H. Fonder, Blackstock; Joseph, daughter of the late John and B. Rutledge, Toronto; John G. Mary Harris. The funeral of Amelia Russell Rutledge, Toronto; Wallace H. On April 4, 1893, deceased was Hughes, widow of the late Rich- Rutledge, Hybla; Mrs. W. Holmes, United in marriage to William L. ard Hughes, for many years resi- Ottawa; and Mrs. F. Sutherland, Oke of Darlîngton township. The dents of Bowmanvilie and later Bancroft. There are 21 grand- iearly part of ber marriage was of Toronto, took place Monday cbildren and one great grand- .spent on the seventh concession of afternoon from the Morris Fune- cbild. LDarlington, later moving to Ennis- raI Parlours. Mrs. Hughes, as. The pahîbearers were six sons- ;killen. She was a life-long mem- was bier custom each year, had in-law, Messrs. C. Wright, Wal- lber of the United Church and took eomne down from Toronto earîy ter Kelusky, N. S. McNally, W. a great interest in ail activities in the spring and was living in Holmes, F. Sutherland and J. H. connected witb the churcb. She bier summer cottage at Bowman- Fonder. also was a devoted wife and ville Beach. On June 30th she mothen to bier family. bad a heant attack and was ne- LOCAL HOLSTEIN QUALIFIES She leaves to mourn bier loss, moved to the local hospitai where FOR PRODUCTION tbree daugbters, Mrs. Wilfrýed she passed away later in the day, CERTIFICATE Sanderson (Aleta), Enniskillen; in bier 82nd year. She was born Mrs. Frank Spry (Alma), Roches- on Liberty St., just north of the Archie Muir, Courtice, bas ne- ter, N.Y., and Mrs. Edgar Wright G.T.R. tracks wbere the Russelli ceived a Red Seal Certificate of (Annie), Enniskillen, and eight home was located, many years Longtime Production from the grandchildren, also a brother, later the bouse was moved to the Hostein-Friesian Association of Silas, of Seattle, Washington. beach wbere deceased spent many Canada in recognition of the Deceased was predeceased by happy summers with ber famîly. exceptional producing- ability ber late busband and four child- Her busband, who predeceased of Eldersle B e t s y Pontiac, ren .Harold, Myrtle, and two died ber eigbt years aèo, was a band a memben of bis purebred Hol- at infancy. sawyen in the Dominion Organ stein berd. Started on officiah Tefuneral service was con- factory for many years along with Record of Performance test wben ducted hy Rev. J. A. Plant from S. J. Jackman and James Johns- she was two years old, she has ber residence, on June 26. The ton. qualified for an R.O.P. certificate palibearers, relatives of the de- Deceased is mourned by two for eigbt consecutive years and ceased. were: Walter Oke, Albert daughters, Mrs. H. G. Sbaw now bas a lifetime total produc- Oke, John Cowiing, Frank Cow- (Mildred), Toronto, Mns. Frank tion of 105,671 lbs. milk and 3,794 ling, Albert Harris, Sidney Hock- Baines (Vera), Sarnia, and f ive lhs. butterfat. Ailliber records iday. Interment was in Bowman- sons. Russell, Jr., Major Elton R., except one bave been made on ville Cemeteny. George W., Leslie R., and Gnr. twice-a-day milking and she bas Irwin J., ail of Toronto. Ai qualified for the 305-day division GEORGE A. BEACOCK were present at the funieral, Mon- during five of bier eigbt lactations. day, with the exception of Elton George A. Beacock, wbo died whose military duties on the At- What ever became of ail of the suddeniy on May 18th, was son of lantic coast preversted bim from efficiency experts? John and Sarah Beacock, and was being present. Miss Margaret ________________ born at Biackstock, Jan. 17, 1867. Hughes, Buffalo, N.Y., a grand- He married Sidney L. Roe of daugbter, also attended the fune -_______________ Newbridge, May 24, 1892. They rai. were the parents of two cbildren: The service was conducted by Fîsi' MO d .Ama Aleen wbo died when she Rev. J. E. Griffith in the absence Flsil id was four and Lee George, pastor of Rev. F. H. Joblin of St. Paul's at Greenvihle. Cbhu rchwich church deceased Before entering the ministry,l attended when a resident of this Mr. Beacock was a retail mer- town. Her sons and son-in-law, chant, owning stores at Toronto H. G. Sbaw and Wm. Quinn, and Myrtle. With bis family he acted as palîbearers. The ne- went to the United States in 1905. mains were interred in the fam- For a number of years wbile ily plot in Bowmanville Cerne- in business, lie served as a lay tery. preacher in the Metbodist Churcb. In the fail of 1906 be entered the MRS. LILLIE PERKINS HICKS S H 0 U T I N G Ministry of the Metbodist Epis- copal Churcb. He joined the De- Mrs. Lillie P. Hicks, 70, native BECAUSE she wants every- troit Conference in 1910 and in of Bowmanville, wbo went to body to know just how nich 1919 transferred to tbe Michigan Grand Rapids as a bride in 1893,an rryBO MNIL Conference a n d served these died June 17, at bier home , 236 adcem O MNIL charges: Reading, Frontier, On- Wellington-pl., S. E., G r a n d DAIRY milk is! It's packed leans, Sunfield and Hopkins. He Rapids, Mich. Her busband, full of the heahth givig vita- retired in 1933 and wîtb bis wife, Charles, died eight years ago. Mrs. istamketrn bos macle bis home with their son. Hicks was an active member of mnstamkesrgbos On the evening of May 18 he Westminster P r e s b y t e r i a n and steady nemi-es in children attended the quarterly conference Church. She is survived by three and adults. in bis son's churcb. After making daugbters, Mrs. F. E. Boyer, a brief but impressive address to Gladys and Marion, ail of Grand the conference bie collapsed. He Rapids; a son, Charles of Pitts- xvas removed to bis home and in burgh and five grandcbildren. 9b a short time died. Burial took place in Oak Hill The memorial service was held Cemetery. Order It Today From - in Greenville Churcb, May 21. Mrs. Hicks was a cousin of Mrs. Dr. L. T. Robinson of Centrai J. A. Wylie and the Misses L. and Church, Muskegon , r e a d the W. Bennett, Concession St. f Scripture and led in prayer. Rev. f Mayian Jones, supeintendent of JOHN P. RUTLEDGE B w i n il the Big Rapids district, preached the memonial sermon. His body The funeral of John P. Rutledge was laid to rest in Oak Grove of Hybla, Ont., took place June 24, Surnvivingarebs owi s buniai in Zithe n emretiery. Mn. P.Dairy Ceery vngae Hiî iwhsclae. rm the latnereienceMrwit. son, three sisters. Mrs. Wmn. C. Macaskill, assisted by Rev. T. PHONE 446 Ferguson and Mrs. Albert W. Wallace, Greenbank, Rev. I. C. Pickard, Bowmanvihle; Mrs. Clan- Wickwane, Toronto, and Mr. N. R. ME CANADI AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVlLLE, ONTARIO PA(lýr. C;F.vv.lq Fhen tea must yield in flavour, quality oortance. Ask for.. ,ADL

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