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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1943 OThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Eleanor Anderson, Windsor, out the farmers by working at Sgt. and Mrs. Fred Anderson. the canning factory. Reeve C. R. Dunnville. and Hubert Anderson, Carveth is helping out the farmn- Toronto. wvere week-end guests of ers again as usual. their father, W. H. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Mrs. Harrv McBain and Mr. Belleville, visited relatives here Stanley Allun. Ida, were Sund av after taking his mother, Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Allun. Harry Fisher, to Toronto. They Miss Reita Cooke is visiting in were accomipanicd to Belleville by Kington.Miss Barbara Fisher, Toronto. and KingsMiss Mrs. E. H. Joli and Mr. Wm. Joli. Mrs. W. J. Hockin. Jr.. and Ms Ajax, Kathleen Tomns are holidaying in Montreal. Mr. Walter Douglas, New York. and sister. Mrs. H. J. Ragen. To- A Victory Garden ronto. have been holidaying atý the Douglas homne. For nany of us today, long Mrs. Stanley Uglow. Chicago, hour_ t the business end of a is visiting lher sister-in-law. Mrs. spade, hoe and fork are taking the C, R. Carveth. place of sthose peaceful, fhough MrsJu Tuf.Toont. ndsometîmes e-xasperating, hours \Ir. no.TufTorntF ad wvelding a gl club or fishing Rey. .nd M.\rs. George Fennmng pole. Hangngfon a strap in a visitecî Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bran-J hv-e tetcryuha h ton.Rev.Geo.Fennng peacled ure cure for potato bugs, or earth in St. Georges Chiurch. Sunda~v that lias soured, all coming fromn evening. Jiuly 1l, and in St. the saine mcn who used to be Savýiir*s. Orono. in the afternoon. trouhiled -with -hooking their A gang of C.P.R. carpenters drive- or finding the right bait is shingling the Newcastle C.P.R. for bass in July. Worms, too, station and residence. sccm to have further functions Many loads of peas arc now' than just going on fish hooks. Be- ging to the canning factorv at lieve it or not many of us are Bowvmanville. and many people learning that potatoes don't just find delighit in raiding and doing come nicelv scrubbed in paper much damage to farmers' pea bags. for do carrots grow in fields. bunches with a rubber band Principals H. M. McColi and T. around their tops. And too many A. Rodger of Newcastle High and of us have baggy trousers and Public Sehools are both helping sore backs f0 fail toadmire ýall OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 - Free Parking THURS., FRI., SAT., JULY 22 - 24 Bob Hope. Dorothy Lamour In They Got Me Covered You'll be covered with laughs when you see if And on the samne programn CANADA CARRIES ON Presents The Gates Of Italy MON.. TUES., WED.. JULY 26 - 28 Lana Turner, Robert Young In Slightly Dangerous ]t's daring, it's dangerous THREE DAYS JULY 29 - 31 Forever And A Day The picture wifh $100,000,O0 cast, 78 Front rank players. un- forgeftably moving drama DON'T MISS IT that has gone into producing the choice vegetables thaf are goîng to be so scarce. Today wc dig for victomy. We may neyer produce a new kind of vegetable; we may neyer fully undcsfand the miracle of nature thaf gives us tomafoes from those tiny seeda, but there are many thinga we do know and othera that we are picking up quickly. We know thaf sunahîne and water are essential, thaf theme must be certain minerals in the carth if ifs fruit la f0 bc of eal value as food. Therefome we watem, drain and fertilise our patch of ground. Wc know now much f0 our sorrow, thaf wifh ahi the gond wil in the world we can't dispense with the simple laws of nature. Even fhough our garden is dedi- cated f0, victory if takes stiff doses of foui ameihing manures and many layera of akin to creafe the conditions in which planta will fhrive. This gardening givea us time f0 think too. If fakea awcaf f0 pro- duce a perfect hcad of lettuce, what about the Afantic Charter and the 'four freedoma'? We know that our pofafoes won'f be worth digging if we allow the po- tato bugs f0 look affer fhem, but do we expect vicfory and peace wiil be ours when the fighf stops. While our national soul is beîng poisoncd and sourcd by dif- ferencea of race, ciasa and ceed and is knee deep in weeds, there are stiih ton many who glibly go about their jobs juat waifing for the fruits of vicfory and the iast- ing peace f0 drop into their bas- kets. Wc who have scoffed at the dirf, the aches and the pains and have feit the glow of succeas in our gardens. We, who have tackled Mother Nature and won a partner are nof we the ones f0 tackie human nature and this fime win the peace? I~uality counts most - for that' I !drich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use.. pfft A va - AMI JURY C& LOVELL HOL IDAY SUGGESTIONS FOR HAY FEVER INSECTICIDES Rexaîl Nose and Throat Skeeter Skoot -- -----35e Draps -- 25c, 50e Skeetofax ---- -------25e Razmah --- -50c, $1.00 Estivin Draps $1,23 Fly Tox - . - --- -24c, 43e Vieks Nase Draps -. 43e Larvex ----------83c, $1.29 Allergi-Tabs. .$1.00 Math Crystals ----- 39e Catarrh Jelly . 25e, 50e Demof -- - -- - --25e Kelloggs-- 23c, 98e Fly Kil ------- --24c, 43c SUMMER TOILET REQUISITES - Jergen's Lotion 25c, 47c Duration ----- - -----49e Gypsy Lotion 30c, 60e Elizabeth Arden Leg Woodbury's Almond Film - . $1.00 Rase 39e Helena Rubenstpin $1.00 Hind's Cream 25c, 45c Sal Hepafica 30c, 59c, $1.15 Pond's Creams 34c, 59c Amolin 133, 59e Mum---- --- 39c, 59e Tangel 50c, $125 Odo-ro-no Cream ---.-- 39e Kkovak Health Arrid 39c, 59e Salis 29e, 79e jury U Lovel THE REXALL DRUG STORE PHfONIE778 -» -C.N.RSTICKETS BIRTHS DEATIIS Wanted Wanted to Rent P H ONE 66 3 WANTED-USED SEWING MA- WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE or HAYES-In BoIvmanville Hospi- CROOK-Af Hamilton, July 16, chines, electrie or treadie. Sinig- aparfmenf wanfed, approxi- ~ ~ tal, on July 16, 1943, f0 Mr. 1943, Harold Sydney Crook, be- er Sewing Centre, 16 Ontario mately Sept. 1sf. F0 Fallis, t jfr and Mrs. Russell Hayes, a son, loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- St., Oshawa, phone 696. 27-ff R.C.A.F., Guelph. 29-2 pp James Edward. 29-1* rice Crook, Bowmanville, in his ________________ BR WNOnSauda, ul 1, 23rd year. Interment Bowman- lepW n d WANTED TO RENT-MIDDLE l at WNwc ast f0 Flighf an ville Cemetery. _______________________ aged, quiet couple desire 3 or , Mrs. Stanley Brown (nee, Eliza- COLVILLE - In Bowmanville WANTED-GRADUATE NURSE 4 rooms in Bowmanviile. Write 0 beth Lawrie), a son, Stanley July 16, 1943, Mary Smith Col- for general duty in 10-bed hos- Box 215, Statesman Office, 0 Robert. 29-1* ville, dearly beloved wife of pifai. Salary $60 monfhly, plus Bowmanville. 9t MacMLLAN - AtEdmoton, Robert A. S. Coiville, in her full maintenance. Write BoxNN MacMLLA - t Emonon, 65th year. Interment Bowman- 214, Stafesman Office, Bow- WANTED TO RENT - A FARM ,~ Alfa., on July 14, 1943. f0 ville Cemetery. manville. 29-1 about 100 or 150 acres, prefer- jold. ~* Sugo iu.and Mrs. Angus ably in Newcastle or Bowman- A. MacMillan (nee L a ura PART TIME-MEN and WOMEN. ville district. Apply George Folcy) a daughter. Marion Eliz- MARRIAGE If you have been forced ouf of Glanville, Kendal. Phone 14r8, abet h. 29-1* _________________ business by restrictions or Orono. 27-3* *,eM.k shorfages of materiaIs - dis- ,' SWITZER-Mr. and Mrs. A. L. COUSINS-SHAW - Af Trinify charged from the armed forces 6 6 K. Switzer of Longlac. Ont., United Church parsonage, Bow- or-have spare time on your Livestock and Articles announce.the arrival of a son, manville, July 10, 1943, by Rev. hands, we can offer you pleas-6 Douglas, a brother for Bruce J. E. Griffith, Roland Cousins ant and very profitable part- FOR SALE - SPRINGERS and and Andy, born at Littfle Long- and Isabelle Shaw, bofh of time occupation calling on fresh cows, Durham and Hol- 6 lac Hospital, July l9th, 1943. Bowmanville. 29-1* established farm customers in sti3alosmegn3yaln Both well. 29-1* vour home section or elsewhere. Holstein heifers. Apply Ralph ______________________ Write f0 The J. R. Wafkins Davis, phone Bowmanville 2413. Cards of Thanks Company, Dept 0-B-9, 2177 29-1*........... Bowm nvile P perMasson Street, Monfreal, for FOR SALE - BINDER, MeCor- Bw nvle P er Mr. Brock Pefhick and Mr. and appointrýenf wifh our provin- mick-Deering, nearly new. Ap- P I . (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Clarence Turner wish to cial representafive who will be P H O N E 6. 6 3ephon ofbsns.takterfriends and neigh- in your district shortly. 29-' 125pyFe07b.Troe hne____________28-2_________________ of busness.bours for the expressions of sym- John Simpson offers a farm f0 pathy and kindness f0 fheni dur- Personal FOR SALE-ROCK CHICKENS, Wo let for a ycar or more, 120 acres ing the illness and death of a be- 8 weeks oId. Apply Clarence W o For Sale For Rent wif h excellent brick house fit for loved wife and aunt, Mrs. Brock FEELING TIRED? Run down?1 English, Hampton, phone 2100. the reception of a genteel family. Pefhick. 29-1 Take Page-Griffifhs' Betamin 1 29-1 FOR SALE-QUANTITY SOFT FOR RENT-4-ROOMED apart- W. Gimbletf also offers farmn for ____ (B-Complex) fablefs once a maple stove wood. Apply Mer- ment completely furnished and sale with valuable cedar on it, day. FOR SALE - RECONDITIONED lin Philp, Nesfleton. 2e-l* elecfrically equipped. Phone and a neyer failing creek running The family of the late Harold Alex McGregor Drugs. 29-1 cream separafor. large size. In -- 2209. 29-1 through if, vhich is well adapted Sidney Crook wish f0 express A-i condition. Also one mned- FOR SALE-SOFT WOOD, mix- for a Tannery or Brewery. sincere thanks and appreciation f0 KLEEREX CLEARS THE COM- ium sized machine. Apply Ethen ed, 4-foot lengths, $9.00 per FOR RENT-4-ROOMED house, Among the few familiar namnes friends and neighbours for the piexion. Summer skin ailments Jones, R.R. 3, Port Hope, phone cord delivered. Three cords f0 in Newcastle, on Augusf 1sf; ista fAaron Buckler adver- many acta of kindness, expres- respond quickly f0 fhis quick- Clarke 3112. 29-2 a load. H. Robifaille, Buirketon, bath and ail conveniences. Ap- fising at The Sign of the Villiage sions of sympafhy and befiu healing salve. Keep Kleerex R.R*,phn 291,Pr-1yt ethAkn NrhS. Clock, wedding ai-d other Gold floral fribufes extended urg handy for sunburn, poison îvy, FOR SALE-GOOD WORK horse Perry. 28-2* Newcast le. 2- Rings and a variety of Electro the illness and passing of a loving mosquito bites, Impetigo, cuts, 12 years nid. Wil1 work single ________________ Plate Goods. Also 8-day and 30- son and brother. 29-1* burns, etc. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. or double. Apply Taylor & Baby Chicks N TC hordckad h ubi s(Medium and sfrong). Recom- Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. OTC warned against purchasing Con- mended and sold by Alex Mc- hne20.. 9l'TWEDDLEC CK -BU necticut and ôther conîmon elocks IN M M RA Gregor. 29-1FO SAE1 PG,6wes Tweddle High Quaiity Cnicks Dr. Ferguson's office will be as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O ShyeeAalf iesfsa-M M RI M______________ LEio14acresTimofy hay. now af Sfewarf's Seed Store closed from Safurday, July 24, fo cste ee aut iestionsc- l10ae shTort a lnd get your Cafeteria Chîck Saturday, Augusf 14, inclusive. tin.Healo h eron OI0PER-In ioving memory of OUApiBo an Starter at whoiesale, we have 28-3* nwing him f0 cail on him forth- a dear huisband and father, Mel- LOST - BLUE TWEED COAT ville, phone 2479. 29-1 over fhirfy breeds f0 choose wifh, as short reckonings make boun Frederick Hooper, who bl oti ono audyFRSL IDRTIE from and the demand is greafer - We don'f know who originafed long friends. ourebl osantono Sfray FOR ALE22BINER9T4NE than ever this year for Tweddle the zoot suif, but we are sorry he Boots and Shoes are adverfised pse wyJl 2 92 night, July 17. Finder please Canada's Best, af last year's Chieks, price lisf on request. did if. by the Monfreal Store conducfed -Sadiy missed by wife, Eva, refurn f0 Mrs. Manford Robin- reasonabie prices, why pay SEATSSE TR ______________ by Thomas F. Bone, on King and daughters, Helen and son_________2___mre?____________nd____TWAR'SSEE SOR Stetad______ ln - Genoyn 9-*- ynur favourite iength and type Poe57 9t Bmo., Wellington Buildings. LOST - WILL THE PARTY of bail. R. E. Osborne. 28-2* "Cheap John" was evidenfly nof JACOBS-In ioving memory of seen pickîng up leather wind-- U O SALE-NERLYNEirn-ess_________________ th eihe o ppbrui ha t rekr nJuly 15, on road be- FOR SAUCTION SALE re theepthe o opobiu thf f ur dear son and, brother, f ween Mrs. Pankies' and Mrs. pairs for Deering New Ideal Furnifure Sale and Garden im- became later, as J. E. Tennery ad- Laurence Charles Jacobs, who Geo. Marlow's, please leave if binder, 6' cut. Harry Bailey, plemet aercie n vert ises his general store under leff us so suddenly, July l9th, afMsMao'sophnPrt R.3,Breo.21*imes-Ihveecve i- that namne, thusly: "Cheap John 1942. in his l3th year. a r.Mro' o hn ot RR 3 uktn 9p structions f0 seil by public auc- on Hand Again," and repeats af The memory of his dear kind Perry 193r15. 29-1 FRSL OKHR in o aeWlimoi h ea the botfom of his ad, "Remember, ways, is6 ek l.ApyFakVlgeoHmtnnStud, if you wanf cheap gonds calupon Will linger wifh us al our days. COMING EVENTS pigs6weeks p on ApOsyaFak Vilage of943Hapton, o sfurdy,.V.GUD B.L CHEAP JOHN at the Corner Dearesf Laddie, f00 sweef f0 The Mounfjoy family picnic will A4dsworfh,9p ho n e Oshawa J ly 24,1943 ailhe husodin M. G. V. Gr, oUlcto, NA. L. Store, King and Division Streets. sfay, 41j. 9 o* ffca ncding km riten, iin- Britr oiioN r Among, unusual ads in The God fook him home f0 show us be held in Hampton Park on Wed- FOR SALE-PURE BRED HOL- ectric washing machine (new), Phone 351 Messenger is one for CARPET the way. nesday afternoon, July 28th. st ein Man O War Bull, 10 elecfric rangette (new), bedding, Bank of Commerce Bldg. BAG LOST by John Weir of Ton dearly loved f0 ever be 29-1 monfhs oid, frorn herd tesfing dishes, cooking ufensils, fools of Bowrnanville Dariington, with a liberal reward forgnffen. Dnea oiaCrruiy over3.pecetfrya Fed l knsndgdnimeet. offered the finder. Another for -Sadiy missed by his mother HaeSatrdy Jly 24.Clarke's .6e e nt, f. , or y a Fre aillns. and g arden im leent. R TR apocketbook 10sf on board the Hl,. ura, RStves RR.3 Bwran4e.biî. ers csh Sl a W . TRK and brothers, Russell and Ernie. Orchestra. Admiso 25c. 9* ville. 29-1* 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, auc- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary steamner Magnef, and confainingý 29-1 . iso c - ioneer. 28-2 Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Prnmisory Notes againsf John FOR SALE - 9 THOROUGH-_______________ Money f0 Loan - Phone 791 Neily, f wo againsf John Reid and The Werry Family picnic will bred Yorkshire pigs, seven - Bowrnanville, Ontario one againsf Nathaniel Hill, for GLENNEY -In îoving mèmory be held af Hampton Park on the weeks nid; also one Yorkshire varinus amounts f rom F o u r of Sarah Jane Buckley, beloved affernoon of July 31. Sports af sow, due July 3th. ApplyEuefh Ed at n LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Pounds f0 Sixty-seven Pounds. wife of J. W. Glenney, who 3.30. Corne early. 27-1; 29-1 Keifh Johnstnn, Burkefon, R.R Jyeight Ed5IIL Barrister, Solicitor, Nofary Public. Silas Inch advertises a lighf passed away af her home, Mill 1 rpoePr er 7r2 King Street W., Bowmanville Fraser a small dog losf, and John God knew thaf she was suffer- August 2nd, when fhree basebaîl 29f1* An hn:Ofie68 Rsiec 5 Morgan, Orono, gives notice as ing, garnes will be piayed in the affer- Atce o aeiyD its follows: "I forbid any person or That the his were hard to noon as well as foot races. Russ Articles___For__Sale_________ persons, from and affer this date, clirnb, Creighfon's dance orchestra will U',LR..C.EVT f0 credif my wife, Elizabeth Mor- So He closed her weary eyelids provide music in the evening. FOR 'SALE - BABY PRAM in C.H T* D.J.C DVT gan, on any account, as she has And whispered peace be thine. 29-2 good condition. Apply J. H. Opt.nitrist Assistant: Dr. E. W. Slssqm leff my bed and board wifhouf Away in the beautiful hilîs of Hazelden, Scugog Sf. 29-1 * Eyesight Graduaf e of Royal Dentalix oI any just cause or provocation." God Corne fo the Garden Party at FO AEGO SDIO Speciofist lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Patent Medicines occupied as By the valley of resf 50o fair, The Elms, the residence of Mr' lse Bd.BIdg., Bowrnanville. Office hours greaf a share of the advertising Some fime, some day, I know Saxton Graham, Newcastle, Wed- Purnp, used sash doors and 9 arn.ta p.. dily space as fhey do today. Among nof when, nesday affernoon, July 28. Bridge, sorne building materials. Phone(opp. P.O.)>9 xce p Sunday, them were the sf111 existent Ayer's I will meef my lovednehre fashion parade, sports. Admission 2669. 29-1 Osaa Po ex90 - Husephne32 Pilîs, and many nof recognized - Lovingly remembered and 25c. Under auspices of Newcastle FOR SALE-MAHOGANY DIN- Phone 1516 X-Ray Equipment i Office now. McPherson's Oinfmenf was sadly missed by her husband. Red Cross Society. Proceeds for ing roorn table and 6 chairs. recomrnended f o r everyfhing 29-1 the Greek Relief. 29-1 Phone 636, Bnwmanville. 266 Funeral Directors from weak eyes f0 ringworn; Dr. ______ MresIndian Roof Pilîs, a comn- Raspberry Social wiil be held af Centreofforce,____________en- pound Sudorific, Catharfic, Ex- PIPER-Ii loving memory of our Burkefon under auspices of the FOR SALE - FOUR-BURNER ergy which may emanafe in any FUNERAL DIRECTORS pectorant and Diuretic that if darling daughtcr and sister, W.A., on Tuesday, Augusf 3rd, Moffat elecfric range, heavy direction or in ail directions. Service, any hour, any day taken regularly wili cure every- Joan Beverley, who passeci o be followed with a play "Sun- dufy, in good condition. Apply Lighf is the cause of color be- F .M ri o thing from impurity of the blood quiefly away, July 22, 1941, in bonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane", L. A. Parker's Store. 29-tf.1* ing entirely reflece d by white . MorsCo to old age, and will make a person her 8fh year. by the Young People of Black- surfaces and absorbed by black. Modemn Motor Equipment. Amn- of 90 or 95 years acf like a mere Fondly loved and deephy stock. Admission, aduits 5oc, LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM By complete combinations of lighf bulance and Invaiid Car. Tel&. youth of 65. mourned, children under 12 years 25c. Rugs. Select yours from over and different wave lengths we phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Dr. Wynkoop's Tonic, fever and Hearf of our hearf we miss you 29-2 3M1 patterns actuaily' in stock. gef whit e iight. ague exterminafor. Cali and gef so, You are invifed fo view these Light of longcsf wave iengfh isL free, a brief dissertation on the Offen dariing our fears will Vacuum Cleaners af BRADLEY'S New Furnifure slowesf f0 fravel, has longer fre- LiceIlsed Auctioneers cauesfrefmef, emey ad fowStore, 156 Simcoe South, Osh - quency or lesa vibrations per prevention of these diseases. The Dirnming your picture beforeReaedwa46t second. this is why red is coin- CLIFFORD PETHICK great American Medicinal 011, our eyes, GUARANTEED FACTORY BEÉ- FOR SALE-1-935 FORD COACH. monly used in signais. If can be Auctioneer - Ennlsklllen drawn from the bowls of the But neyer the one in our hearf PAIRS, adjustmenfs, lubrica- A p p i y H. Webber, Maple se afavgeafer dth ance. he Phoaizn ne Bowmviest536 earth, 185 feet deep, is naturels thaf lies. f ion, etc. f0 Premier, Royal, Grovei 29-1* s reaf wcaveng an eseahem rSIpeiaizng iand Farm, iv es.k own remnedy for every bodily ail- The stars seem dirn as we Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover feunyadcnb enfrIpennsadFriueSls ment, internai or extemnal. The whisper low, and ail other makes. New and FOR SALE - ELECTRIC FIX- shorfesf visible distance, this is Consulf me for ternis and dates. description of the origin or dis- "Our own darling Joan, we miss factory rebuilî vacuums and ac- fumes, commercial unifs and violet lighf, the wave lengfhs of covery of these marvelous prep- you so!" c eas or i es. Telephone our round globes suifed f0 business stili greater are invisible, travel- arations quoted af iengfh ini - Lovingly rcmembered by "IC. U. C. Sales and Service or residence. Fancy shuffers ling f00 fast f0 be perceptible. spaces from fhree inches f0 three Mummy, Daddy and sister, Branch", Bowmanville. 774, at for mullion or other WindowS, There are stili showem wave Monuments quarters of a cohumn, make very Faye. 29-1* McGregor's Hardware. l7-tf-6* 18"x38", would do for pnel- lengths than red lighf, rays con -________________ ____________________about_______ ling and doors of kitche up- sîsfing of invisible enemgy. Heaf lua n se nan dree noL N-nlvn eoy0 boards. Door 26x66". C . may be measumed in wave îengths The Rutter Granite Company lan an se an dep itoLAN -Inlovng emoy o aTuck, Box 59, Oshawa. 29-2 and as the tempemafure ises the Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 mother eamfh, are as engrossing dear mother, Mina Lane, wifc of Lfrcquency increases unfil we have as a dime novel, and brought Fred Lane, who passed away UN MHAWA*S NEW FURNITURE lighf. Porf Hope, Ont ario their discoverers (according f0 Juhy l9th, 1923. StM ore - Everyfhing in mo~dern. Withouf the sun the source of Monuments. Gavemarkers, the ada) fortunes unning into the You can only have one Mother, hesterfieid, bedoom, dining physical ighf of the whohe solar Engraving, Goldleafing Suhbobsiecamsrmndu N terfindi llte R DO Y A L floor coverings a speciaity. darkness. Life on camf h began T a:r uiin of the spcllbinding scient ific (?) worhd _________ merchandiseacon ite creation of ih.Lf oratýons of the purvcyers of the Wihl be as truc f0 ynu; THEATRE'- petitive prices. Befome buying wiil end wit h ifs extinction. Kickapoo Indian Remedies of For ahi hem loving kindncss i isiti Bradley's New Fumnifure Bindinessq the baos f vision, manvihie; Tuttie, Moses & North- ______________ Second St., Los Angeles 33, ttî rpad Mcîntosh & Co., New-WRKWNE-NGE anKU WA Station B, Calif. 29-3* Ctl Spray, Bug No orders accepted- under 24 cate .A. Gamaby & Co., and irquires position on farm. Write. FOR SALE - FARM, on Lot 21, Killer, Fertilizers, Hoemapuds W. Mcînfoah, Orono. Some of Box 216, Stafesman Office, Feafurmng Con. 7, Clarke, containing 100 Y aybe obtalned from 7 thosc names sound familiar. Bowmanvilhe. 29-l* GEORGE RAFT acres, more or leas, fair build- etc. ta 10 p.m. on Saturday, July 24. Even cosmef les wcre not for- - FAT O'BRIEN ings, ail covered wifh mefal. gotten nincty ycams ago, as Noble' s WORK WANTED - RELIABLE JANET BLAIR Good clay ioam. Haîf mile from C .K O H-air Glosa highly perfumed wifh woman f0 do any kind of church and achool. Three and Phone 577 - Bowmanville C eK O Rose, Geranium, Citronella ami housework. Live in. Apply NEWS - SHORTS a haîf miles fmnm Omonor pl ORONO- PHONE 42r2 other choice odors, was on the Mrs. M. Fraser, d!o James Fres- S. L. Berry, Orono, R.R. North, < w- w w. w market. 1cm, Bowmanvilie. 29-1* Ont. 28-3* THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1943 PAGE EIGI-IT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ï;---

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