THURSDAY, AUGUST 51h, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THREE tistics while showing that the cost of living index went up a littie from 118.1 to 118.5 in June, says the physical volume of business, *~climbing sharply since war broke * out, showed signs of levelling off in that month. You might be interested, house- ¶ 4wives. The other day at the Prices Board information branch P - Ihad a look at the new ration __ iifr book you will '-e getting betwcen August 23-28. Twelve million are bcing printed, weighing 270 A WEEKLYEDITOR tons, enough to fi nine box cars. Piled singly they would reach il LOOKS AT miles in the air and their 144 million pages would form a nib- bon 3 1-2 inches wide five times across Canada. Colour changes in O tta w a the ration book: grey cover, green for tea and coffee, red for sugar, Wrtffon spectaI1,prl o utr etbon e ok newpapors of Canada an four spare series. They tell u hta man would necd to live BY JEU GREFNBLAT until he is 2000 years old if hie Thet ws adynmic exec-stanted counting coupons Can- tanear, aout the House f C- adians spend, at the rate of 4000 mons lat,ý Saturday night as mem- yper Awonkindy. Byte way, bers wai'ýed for the exodus to the yourAuuos adrepebe ncan Senate chiamber to hear Royal ningcounts argben usabe ow, assent givmn to bills passed. They ercthanotshving benau ftiz were just like youngsters at e ohnu hmaedo ae school gettng ready for summer While it is definitely good news holidays, gl'ýefully sang songs in that a new farm machinery order varying chords from tenor to pro- increases quotas, it should be re- fundo basso. They ail trooped to membered that you won't get the Senate and heard Chief much benefit from it until the Justice Sir Lymaun Duff give as- rpyaof14 frobiu sen, sonretrtid o har r.reasons, because many of the King move adjournment until items can't be completed until late January 27, 1944, ending a six faîl. With allotment to zones as month session. Meibers broke off, needed, machines will be increas- party lines vanished while they ed to tonnage equal to 77 per cent shook hands, said good-byes, of the 1940-41 output, that of ne- cleared desks. Sunéay I watched pairs 156 per cent. The total will the usual visitors wander around be 90 per cent of the average the buildings, but the vaulted cor- weight of machines produced in ridons seemed to ' miss those the basic period. hurrying, familiar figures. Par-*** liament is usually prerogued, but Any of you folks who visit this time only adjouriled because Ottawa should really make it a the war might necc:ssitate a point to wander over to Parlia- I hurry-up caîl to con,.ene mem- ment buildings in the lowering bers. At the hotel, Siinday, a eventide, and sit on one of the depatîng M.P. said: 'There's benches of the bnoad and beauti- neally no connection betwecn Par- fui walk facing the buildings. liament adjourning and shortly Silhouette of the stately House of after, Mussolini resigning.- Commons with the odd windows As *e n oMheSsso* lilghted up, gleaming like a ship at As te ed o th Sesioni-lck-sea; the iregular shape and spires ered into view, the milîs cf Par- of the East and West blocks, liament started to grind faster but makes an unforgettable picture got caught in the whirl of some gisthdakngsy.Jt long distance debate. One sub- ait the orarkhengk. ust ject was the Farmer's Creditors sit here or u wil. oul1b Arrangement Act, a bill bringing ga o i. Manitoba into the system of farmn With increased raising of live- debt legislation with her two sis- stock and poultry in Eastern Can- ter provinces. Highlights: Lim- ada as against an indicated short iting date of May 1, 1935 stays. If grain crop, the department of two-thirds of a farmer's debts agriculture here has set up a were incurred before that date, subsidy on a sliding scale for hie may seek adjustment on ahl his eastern farmers to buy western debts, even those incurred after. feed grain for storage against next opposition members from the winter's feeding needs. It starts West took the stand that legisla- with a three-cent subsidy per tion didn't go far enough for the bushel for grains bought in July, farmen. Mr. Ilsley, who piloted 2 1-2 cents in August, recediîng the bill thought it unwise at this 12cn ahmnht usd timeto r-ope funamenal0f 1-2 cent per bushel in Decem- issues of western debt problems ber. and just couldn't sce eye to eye*** with the three-province plea for When it is ncalized that our permanent debt legislation, some- Canadian producers have got the thing which no othen country has. job this year of supplying 85 per He stressed courts have power to cent of Great Britain's bacon re- stay foreclosure. quiremnents to maintain thein 4 oz. * *weekly ration, it emphasizes the Grist fnom the House: Opposi- tremendous war job being done tion members also took consider- on the f arms from ocean to ocean. able time in a front asking for To hit this high mark in 1943 liftingstof the ban against Comn- means that a greater percentage munistl' in Canada and Jehovah of hogs offcred for slaughter in Witnesses. Minister of Justice Canada wvill have to be diverted St. Laurent said to do so învolved for expont. It won't reduce the an order by Governor-in-Council; amount of pork for our own con- he also pointed out that a recom- sumers mnuch, however, as can- mendation by a parliamentary ning pork for export is also ne- commiittec last session had not duced, mostly fresh and smoked been implemented by majority being used now. Last year our House vote. As to Witnesses hie shipments of bacon and hami to said in view of certain evidence the Old Land was 5,249,519 cwt., their recognition would be a in moncy $99723.878. detriment of the war effort. . .* A special committee of 24 mem- The editors of "Wings,'" maga- bers namned to scrutinize war ex- zinc of the Royal Canadian Air penditures. . . Further study of Force. tell me they're starting a the draft health insurance bill by new idea which should go over the Dominion and provinces, re- bi with the lads and lassies in commended in final report of blues h ailing lrom towns, vil- Social Security Committee. lages and farms. A page will be * * *devoted to 'homne town ncws' of A percentage of Army person- an earthly nature. Each month nel from operational units and awel esae dtrwl depos i Candawithb dea . be given space to address a newsy ed up to 30 days, wt provision littîe letter to one of the home for extension, to help with the towners in some remote place harvest and help relieve man- on the continent, with ail the spice power shortage in agriculture..- and gossip of the period. the men will benefit from extra pay from the farmer employer ...further details will be avail- able in your own home front. T rn *yon The important Agricultural Committee tabled final reports in Tyrone Womens Institute met the House, main recommenda- at Mrs. Harold Skinner's with tions summarized, being: Consid- rsdn r.G oeeri er advisability of paying farrnPeietMs.G oeeri storage on grain. . . Whethcr to charge. Arrangements were made bonus marketed dairy butter and to make jam again this year. if eggs should be sold by weight Devotional was taken by Mrs. N. ...that precautions should be Woodley and Mrs. Harold Skinner taken by the Meat Board to kec eoted current events. Roll cal live cattle prices in proper rela-wsawedbycnight. tionship to beef carcass floor Mrs. Arthur Richards, group pricesq and also a measure be-1 leader, took charge of this pro- Whether waltzing the waves in boumne, with Mrs. Howard Philp the Mediterrancan, North At- . . . Mn. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser, lantic or the Aleutians, youn lad Bethesda, at Mn. R. McCullough's in the Royal Canadian Navy is and Mrs. Mina Hughson's... goîng to sec on board ship cach Mr. and Mrs. Tom Paul, Toronto, week froin now on, at least one called on friends. . . Mrs. A. B. current up-to-date movie with bis Stephens, Mn. Bihl Stephens, To- favourite screcn star. Plans have ronto, Mn. Arthur Stephens, already been onganized hene' y Brantford, at Mn. R. Burgess'... the Navy Film Society. Miss Mary Young, Toronto, Mn. * * *George Young, Bowmanville, at The Dominion Bureau of Sta- Mn. L. Hoope's. .. Mrs. Don Cam- s 3 BO PUBLIC Proceeds of FAIR F'ORP CRIPPLED CHILDREN AN D COMMUNITY SERVICE During the past year the club bas made these expenditures: Crippled Children .... ... . $542.76 War Work . .................... $1817.27 Community Service................. $318.09 Victory Bond PRIZES Membership receipts will be selected at the Fair and the following prîzes drawn for: lst Selection ... ..... 2nd Selection. 3rd Selection. 4, 5, 6 and 7th Selections $500.00 ........$200.00 $100.00 ......$ 50.00 Bonds will be sold to the purchaser for iiMIli the sum of One Dollar. TICKETS 25c HeIp Us To HeIp Others All xnoney raised by Fair and sale of tickets will be spent on Crippled Child- ren, War Work and benevolent donations. NEARLY 20 BOOTHS FUN FOR EVERY MEMBER 0F CR TH-E FAMILY CR cr00, Bowmanville, with Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Herb Cameron... Arthur Richards. . . Miss Nina Marilyn and Eileen Spicer, town, Hodgson, Toronto, at Mr. Robt. with their grandmother, Mrs.1 Hodgson,'5 . . Mn. and Mrs. Clan- Laura Virtue. . . Mn. and Mns. ence Hatherlcy and Diana, Mn. Norman Woodley, Miss May and Mns. W. Pratt, Harold and Woodlcy, Saskatoon, and'Dorothy Raymnoný Pnatt Dixie, Mn. Hanny Skinncr wîth Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hooey, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, Harniston, and Mns. Sciena Jack l-atherly and family, New- Stephens, Gorrie; Miss May tonvîhle, Mn. and Mrs. Louis Wil- Woodley emaining. .. Mn. and liamson, Pontypool, at Mr~. R. Mrs. Thomas Goodman and David Hathenly's. .Mn. and Mrs. Lonne Burleigh, Brooklin, at Mn. L. J. Hoskin attendcd the 59th wed- Goodmnans. .. Mn. and Mrs. Edgan ding anniversai.v of lus grand- Rosevear, Port Hope, Mn. and parents, Mn. alid Mrs. Richard Mns. I. W. Larmar, Mn. and Mrs. Wood,' Onono. . . Master Murray Melville BaIl, Leona and Donothy, Hoskin with his grandpanents, Millbnook, at Mn. Gussie Rose- Mn. and Mns. Tennyson Peremnan, vear's, Lanry andi Anlene Rose- Columbus. .. Mn. and Mns. George vean returned home. .. Miss Wilson and John, Oshawa, at Mn. Madill, Pont Arthur, with Mn. and L. Hoskin s. Maste,' All,n Hoskin Mns. Lonne Annis... Mrs. Archie went home with thc ifoi- a holi- Virtue accompanied Mn. and Mrs. day. . . Mn. and Mrs. Lonne I-bs- Chas. Shaw, Bowmanville, to Gil- kmn at Mnden with Mn. and Mns. fond te visit thein fathen, Gcorge Earl Innes and Judith of Man- Cann, who is veny ill. . . Mn. chester. . . Bob Camneron, R.C. Archie Virtue and John and Mns. A.F., Halifax, with his parents, Laura Virtue with Mns. Arthur SCHOOL OROUNDSI MONSTER PARADE at 7.30 p.m., D.S.T. Assembling at Hodgson's Ser- vice Station, Sharp on Time GOOD PARADE PRIZES The Kiddies Parade 1. Best Character Group, Any Nunber -. $1.00 2. Best Decorated Bicycle, Girls.........50 3. Best Decorated Bicycle, Boys . - ... ..... .50 4. Best Decorated Carniage, Girls ....50 5. Best Decorated Wagon, Boys .. ............ .50 6. Best Boy .50 7. Best Costumed Girl .50 8. Best Decorated Tricycle .50 9. Best Pony Outfit.. $1.00 10. Best Pet Turnout 1.00 11, Best Clown or Comic Qharacter ....50 .50 .25 .25 .10 .25 .10 .25 .10 S.25 .10 Parade Prizewinners will be announced immediately following the Parade and .* Prizes will be awarded at the Sound Truck in the Public School Grounds. IN THE EVENT 0F RAIN MIVAL WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, AUG. 12 ROUTE 0F PARADE Assembling at Hodgson's Service Station Cor. Liberty and King Sts., up King to Silver, up Silver to Public School Grounds where the fair will be held this year. Spicen, Bowmanville.iscnnd Glaspeli was a guest at Murnay Sak il Mrs. R. McCullough scnie William's, Port Penny. .. Mn. Wil- S a k il to her bcd; also Harold Skinner bur Thompson, Moose Jaw, Sask.,____ who had an accident whilc un- and Mns. Carl Wilbun with friends People of thîs district are fin-1 loading hay on Friday. in Oshawa. .. Mn. and Mrs. Doug- las Flett and Munray, Columbus, ished haying and grain hanvest Mn. Van Theobald, Saskatchewvan, is well under way. Zionat Norman LeaciVs. . . Mn. and Visitons: Rev. and Mns. Bob Mns. H. Wcideman, Carol and Wragg and daughten, Sask., at his Glen, Islington, at Mcl. Morgan's father's, Mr. Albert Wnagg, and Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Roberts, . .. Mns. Harvey Balson and Glen, will have charge of the service at Oshawa, at Fned Robbin's. . . Oshawva, at Robt. Killen's. .. Miss Shiloh the last thnee Sundays in Mns. Robt. Killen, Mns. Wes. Cam- Jean Leach, Bowmanville, is August. Services at 10 ar... enon with Pte. Michael Nemiis and home. . . Pte. Peggy Killen, To- Miss Helena Hallowell has netunn- Mrs. Nemis, Niagara -on -the- Lake.-moto, at Robt. Killens. .. Mrs. cd to Toronto . . . Mrs. Silver, Delmer Killen rturned home Ray Cameron, Inez, Beverley and Ajax, at home ... Mi-S. F. Bennett wxith them. .. Miss Nancy Varcoe, Janeen with hier mother, Mn. P. and Joan, Toronto, at Mrs. Jacob Bowmanville, Mn. andi Mrs. Pey J. Gifford, Osaca. . . Mn. Fred Hallowell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stainton and fainily, Wingham, Martin, Toronto, at Thos Mar- Hallow, el and son at Mn. E. Mn. and Mns. J. Stainton and fam- tini's... Mn. Jas. Killen at Niagara- Whits Elizabethville. They also ily, Toronto, Mns. Ross Lee. Diane on-the-Lake. atte.tded the funenal of Mn. R. and Bian, Kedron, at A. T. Stain- _____________ Baty..» Miss Loneen Stark, ton's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Ernie- Hanoven, Mns. G. Power and fam- Strickland, Columbus, at Clifford Morale is stnength of chanactenl ily, Clark Union, at Mrs. I. Stark's Martin's. . . Misses Marguerite to meet ahl conditionsplsthe. . Farrow sisters, Toronto, at Martin, Lorraine Davis- have ne- spirit and initiative f o 'out n hm;aloPt.Rymn Fro turned to Toronto affer holidaying deal with those conditosee from Niagara... Mn. and Mns. Sid at Thos. Matns. .. Miss Norma befone they arise. Hallowcll and family at Mn. H. Rus's PrtHoe. .Mn. il fred Wood and family at Mn. Lew Hallowell's. .. Mrs. Bill Cooper and daughter in Newcastle... Reeve Bert Reid and Wm. Hallo- well attended the funenal of R. Beatty, at Elizabethville, Sunday ..Mn. and Mrs. Russell Loweny and family. Toronto, at Mn. A. Dobson's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Ross Halloxvell and Mn. and Mns. W. A. H-allowell in Port Hope. . . Mn. and Mrs. Warren Carson and famn- ily attendcd the funenal of R. Beatty and visited Mn. Fred Wil- son's, Elizabethville. . . Mn. and Mrs. A. Dobson in Port Hope. Mns. Win. Robinson lias been on the sick list but is impnoving. People seldomn tread on a snake, on a man who knows how to give a snappy come-back. A smooth lian is the man who says he enjoys having guests in his horne even if they don't bring along their ration books. m -.l PILLE DO WMAN VILLE 2 ë 0 a 0 m 0 a 0 a* a 0 a 0 a 0 aeaemeaed - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - 0 0-0-0 a-*-*- ma 3 MO