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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THURSD.SY, AUGUST 5th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Nestieton Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hazoldon and Shirley vith hier sister. Mrs. David Johns. . . Mrs. G. Panke. Barbara, Marilyn and Raymond, with Mrs. Gea. Johns ..Mrs. Frank Joblin. Janetville, Mc. and Mcs. Jas. Lowkes, Mcs. Smart, Toronto, at Mr. L. Joblin's ..Mc. and Mrs. Harold Wheelec and family with friends in Port Perry. . . Miss Noceen Cook, Brooklin, with Miss Jean Malcolm ... Mc. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey with hec daughtec, Mrs. Dan Black... Mc. and Mcs. L. Joblin with Mrs. David Johns. Service next Sunday at 11.16. Mc. Frank Johhin, .ianetville, u'ill have charge of service; Rev. Har- rison is on hoiidays. Sympathy is extended to Mcs. W. Campbell and famiiy in Mr. Campbell's sudden passing. Glad ta hoar the Emerson bra- thers acrived safely in England. Eniiskillen Visitors: Mc. and Mrs. W. Oke, Mrs. E. Strutt and Mrs. C. Pethick at Mr. E. Cain's, Pontypool... N.S. Gladys Page, Trenton, Myrtle Page, Oshawa, with their mother, Mrs. Page. . . Miss Nora Wercy, Kedron, with hec brother, Jas. A. Wercy. . . Mc. and Mrs. H. J. Siemon and Miss Greta Siemon, Toronto. at Mc. H. Annis'... Mr. and Mcs. E. C. Ashton and Mc. and Mrs. O. Ashton at S. Rod- man's, Port Prry... Mc. and Mrs. K. Byecs, Jimmy, Ronald and Allen. Toconto, at Mc. E. C. Ash- ton's.. . Mc. and Mrs. C. A. Stain- ton and Kathcyn at O. C. Ash- ton's.. . Mc. and Mrs. Frank Me- Gill and Donald, Toronto, are hol- idaying. .. Mrs. Harry Strutt and Phyllis. Oshawa, at C. Pethick's ...Mr. Melville Griffin, Cart- wright, at Mc. Walter Rahm's.. Mc. and Mcs. G. E. Bcadley, Sr., Toronto, at Mrs. M. Giffin's. Several from hece attended the holiday races at Port Perry. Mrs. E. Stcutt has sold hec facm. Rev. J. A. Plant gave a vecy intecesting sermon Sunday on "True Citizenship".. Solina Young People presented their play, "Aunt Betsy Beats the Band" in the church shed August 2nd, which was a great success. Solina Sincece sympathy is extended ta Mrs. H. E. Tink and family on the death of Mc. Tink. C.G.I.T. and leader, Mcs. I. Hardy, conducted the chucch ser- vice, Sunday, on the theme, "Mis- sions" which was the basis for a good addcess by Mcs. Jack Baker. Evelyn Taylor told a suitable stocy and Margaret Pcescott read the Scripture. A vocal solo by Betty Smales and duet by Mary and Hazel Cryderman wore muchi appreciated. Mrs. R. J. McKessock is improv- îng from hec sudden illness. Visitors: Mc. Mac Penfound,1 Oshawa, at W. T. Bakec's. . . Mr.j and Mcs. Ernest Debarr, Violet,1 Grace and Georgo, Columbus, with Frank and Charles Short- ridge. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alan White,i Forest Hill, at Mc. Geo. White's. ..Mc. Alan McKessock, Thames-1 ford, with his mother, Mcs. R. J. McKessock. .. Mcs. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Bucketon. at Mr. R.1 C. Scott*s. . . Clinton Whetter. R.C.O.C., Barriefield, at Bryce Brown's. Mrs. Whietter and David rcturned ta Toronto with him after holidaying at hier brother's ...Mr. Thos. Brookham and Irene, Mrs. Russell Baison and Carolyn, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boutillier, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blewett, New Toronto. at A. J. Balson's... Mr. Ernest Fish- er and Miss Vera Bishop, Oshawa, with Mrs. S. Bush. . . Mrs. Ida Wilcox. Peterboro, with Mrs. H. E. Tink. . . Miss Helen Baker at Bala, Muskoka Lakes. . . Mrs. A. L. Pascoe with Mrs. Jas. Garfat, Brooklin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair and Joan, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Will Pierson and Leta, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, Thornton's Corners, with Mrs. J. T. Rundle. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott. Peterboro. at N. C. Yel- lowlees'. . . Jean and Olive Cry- derman at Mr. Ernest Larmcr's. Biackstock. Blackstock Visitors: Roy and Harry Sand- erson, Toronto, with their uncle, Herb. Swain. . . Misses Pauline and Eleanor Gourd, Beaverton, with Mrs. Herman Hooey... Misses Kathleen Taylor, Mabel VanCamp and Hazel Mountjoy are at Oak Lake Sommer Camp. Mrs. Ivan Shook and Marjorie Anne, Toronto, with Mrs. John Marlow. .. Misses Jean and Olive Cryderman, Enniskillen, at Ernest Larmer's. .. Fred and Jack Wal- don and Lorne Bradburn at the Smith brothers'. .. L Bdr. Stanley Rahm ieft Saturday for Sydney, ..... Miss Marie Lamb ,Lindsay, at the Smith Brothers'. A family gathering of the clan xvas held at the home of Mr. Earl Dorrell un Sunday, in honour of Pilot Officer Arnold Johnston. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wesley Campbell and family and also to Mrs. Cecil Downey and Family in their bereavements. A party given by the Young People's Union and neighbours was held in the Community Hall on Friday evening, for Walter Wright. Dalton Dorreil was chairman and the foliowing pro- gram was given: Pearl Wright and Marjorie Galbraith, readings; vocal duet, Beryl Larmer and Jean Cryderman. A presentation of a Parker pen and pencil was made by Ralph Larmer. Danc- ing foilowed with music by Mrs. David Wilson. Tuesday evening, Juiy 27, Unit- ed Church W.A. met at Mrs. T. Samelîs with President Mrs. C. Marlow in charge. Devotional was taken by Mrs. Cecil Hill. Par- sonage committee reported that they are going to decorate three rooms at the parsonage. Mrs. Percy VanCamp was in charge of the program: Mrs. W. Archer gave a reading and Mrs. Fred Riding an interesting address. Miss Jean Wright read "Grand- mother's Quilt". Ebenezer Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Henry and family were Sunday guests with Dr. and Mrs. H. M. MacDonald at their cottage, Osh- awa-on-the-Lake. . . Mrs. Morley1 Worden and daughters, Manitoba, with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rundie ...Sgt. Byron Worden, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Worden, Osh-1 awa, with Mr. and Mrs. T. C.' Worden. . . Pte. Gordon Brown,1 Kingston. with Mr. and Mrs., J.. Brown. . . Pte. William Marsh, Kingston. with Mrs. Marsh and 1childrcn. .. Trooper Robert Muir. iCamp Borden. withi Mr. and Mrs. Archie Muir, Sr. . . Trooper M. Vetzcl, Camp Borden, xvith Mr. and Mrs. George Vetzel. . . Pte. 1Cari Adams, Camp Borden, and .Mrs. Adams, Oshawa, with Mr. band Mrs. Cecil Adams... Mr. Gor- don Pickei, Detroit, wîth relatives ..Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne, tDetroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne. . . Pte. Gordon Vinson, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Vinson. .. Miss Judy Yoke, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Worden... Miss Wilma Down and Ralph Found and Clarence Higgins are at Young People's Camp at Oak Lake. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rook, Toronto. at Mr. F. Swal- iow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mor- ton with friends in Cobourg... Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Cath- armnes; Mrs. Fred Wright, Har- mony; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and two daughters, Enniskiilen; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence; Miss Nora Werry, Kedron. at Mr. Nor- man Wright's. . . Mrs. T. Power at William's Point. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castle. Peterboro, Misses Eunice Nenby, Pauline Lever, Margaret Turnbull and Beverly Shea. Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight, Harold, Mari- lyn and Alvin, Mrs. Wmn. Hug- gins, Oshawa, with. the former's sister, Mrs. Keith Ormiston. Mrs. Huggins remained for a visit... Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Mr. Thos. Snowden, Mr. Noble Met- caif at Mr. Sam Snowden's at Tait's Beach, Rice Lake. Noble Metcalf remained tili the end of week. . . Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. Mr. Evans, Port Perry. at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. . . Miss Theima Freeman at her uncle's, Mr. E. Freeman. St. Catharines ...Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C .H. Snowden. There was a good turn-out on Sunday at the Church School ser- vice. Mr. Sam. Castie, Peterboro, sang a solo; Misses Lenore Colla- cut and Doris Stevens a duet which was appreciated. Hanmpton Visitors: Mr. C. J. Kerslake, Nora and George, Miss Ruth Lander, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey, town, at Mr. Henry Burton's, Brooklin. .. Miss Ethel Gilbert, Toronto, with hier brother, Mr. Geo. Gilbert. .. Mr.. and Mrs. E. Smirthwaite, Con- cord, at Mr. L. Cryderman's... Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Osh- awa, at T. Wray's. .. Mrs. Gert- rude Stephens dnd sons, Beveriy and Arthur, Toronto, and Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrone, with her mother, Mrs. E. Stevens, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muir and baby, Frankie, Mrs. Lesiie Jones, Caledonia, Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe and daughter, Hamilton, , LAC Gordon Hills Lachine, Que., at F. Rogers'... Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, To- ronto. with Miss Beatrice Colwill ...Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett, Orono, with relatives. _. Mr. and Mrs. J. Salisbury. Evansville, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. O. Chapman, Orono,'1 Mr. Wilbur Thompsoii, Strong'- f ield, Sask., at Mr. Elmer Wilbur's ...Miss Barbara Reynolds, To-1 Arrives Here August i 3th Obituaries WILLIAM1 COLVILLE William Colville, after being in poor hoalth for several months, passed away at his home in Clarke on June 3Oth in his 8Oth year. He was son of Alexander and Catherine Colville, pioneers of the township, on the farmn where the deceased was a life- long resident. He was a member of the former Orono Presbytërian Church. His wife, Effa May Thompson, predeceased hi m twelve years ago. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. C. H. Watson (Marjorie), and one sister, Miss Catherine Colville, Toronto. Rex'. J. E. Griffith, pastor of Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, had charge of the service, July 2nd, at F. F. Morris' funeral parlours. Interment was in Bow- manville Cemetery. Palibear- ors were Howard Gibson, Fred Blackburn, Percy Patton, Hector Bowen, Glenn Pollard, George Fogg. Frank Pyke. MRS. THOMAS E. HARDY Following a lingoring illness. the death on July 29, claimed Nancy Jeffecy, Whitby, widow of the late Thomas E. Hardy. De-1 ceased was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jeffery and had lived in Whitby for 35 years. She went ta Whitby from. Dar- lington township following thoir macciage in Bowmanville. De- ceased was a member of the Unit- ed Chucch, and of the Methodist Tabernacle before union, and had a wide circle of friends. She is survived by two bro- thers, Solomon H. Jeffery of To- ronto, and Rev. Charles B. Jef- fery of Willowdale. Mrs. G. B. Whitfielq, Whitby, is a niece. The funecal took place from her late residence, Saturday, to Bow- I manville Cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. A. Man- seil Irwin, B.A., B.D., Whitby. The bearers were A. M. Hardy, Harvey Hardy and Flight-Ser- geant Mark Cornish, Bowman- ville, and G. B. Whitfieid, AC2 John B. Whitfield. of the R.C.A.F., and J. M. Hicks, Whitby. MARY SMITH COLVILLE There passed to rest, July 16, in Bowmanville Hospital, M a r y Smith Colville, wife of Robt. A. S. Colville and daughter of the late James and Janet Colville, in her 65th year. Born July 22, 1878, on the old homestead in Clarke Township, she lived her iife in, a quiet and retiring manner. Until the past few years flower gardening and coilecting antique furniture have engaged much of her leisure hours. The deceased was a mem- ber of the Church of England. In her early life she was greatly in- terested in wiceless telegraphy and in 1941 was one of the first local citizens to obtain a iicensel fromn the Naval Service at Ottawa,j which enabled her to own a wire less radio. On August 5, 1922, she became the bride of Robt. A. S. Colville, whom she beaves to mourn her loss, aiso two brothers, Colin Col- ville of Clarke Township and Dr. James Coiville of Northwood, 'Ont. The funeral was held at the Morris' funeral parlours with Rev. D. R. Dewdney, Newcastle, conducting the service. Paîl- bearers were Colville Evans, Roy McDonald, Colin Smith, J. Smith, Wmn. Smith, Colin Colviiie and Jas. Nixon. Interment was in Bowmanvilie Cemetery. FREDERICK ARTHUR BAILEY Blackstock lost one of its most highly respected citizens on Juiy 22, with the sudden passing of Frederick Arthur Bailey, at his summer home in Caesarea, after a week's illness. He was born 78 years ago on Juiy 7, 1865, on a farm in Egypt, just west of Blackstock, a son of the late James and Harriet Bailey. January 1, 1895, he married Mary Maude McLaughlin. Ail his life was lived around and in Black- stock, and for 62 years did thresh- ing and carpentering in Cart- wright Township. Deçeased was a faithful mem- ber of St. John's Anglican Church, where for many years he fulfilled creditably the double office of Church Wvrden and Treasurer. ronto, at F. J. Groat's. ..Mc. ai Mcs. Toyne and son, Toronto, Mr. E. Adamson's... Mr. and Mi Fred Billett and children, Toro to, AC2 Keith Billett, Tororl at A. E. Billett's. . . Mrs. J Chant, Sultan, at Mc. Ted Chari . . . Mr. and Mrs. Clive Clemer Oshawa, at Mrs. H. Cole's.. eage to ly.Miss Louise Goodman and M Roya Can dian Air orce InGirls with experience who on- Chas. Burrows at Mr. Alan Par) -- -lis mayconinuein heirownReynolds and Miss Kay Hewiso Itype of work, if they so desire. Toronto, at J. R. Reynolds'.. Urgent Need of M en and W omen Anyone trained in driving, typing, Mr. L. Pascoe and Mc. and Mr stenography, bookkeeping, tele- John McDermid, Toronto, w.l Itig Schol ducaionNo Longer Necessary phone operating, stockkeeping Mrs A. Trenouth and Mcs. Mali HighSchol duc9io Taylor. . . Mc. and Mrs. Ge For Air Crew and general office work can find Armour with hec parents, Mr. an il - the equivalent duty to perform Mrs. R. Wood, Orono, on the "The air war is just hitting its mon foc interosting courses." in the Women's Division. 59th wedding anniversary. M stride" is the dlaim of Flight ENLISTMENT MADE EASI' Girls with no specific qualifica- extend congratulations ta Mr. an Lietennt hoas ryd, ffier he istin Moil Unt iations may learn to become cks Mrs. Wood. . . Misses Ann an Lieuenat Toma Prde, ff cer ThevistingMoble nitis- (operations room), wireless op- Marion Barrabal, Orono, at Mt commanding tho Air Force recruiting office in itself. Cm erators (gcound), photographers, Harold Salter's. . . Mrs. Nett Mobile Recruiting Unit which plete with intorviewing officers dental assistants, typists, oquip- Wright, Nestieton, and Miss Eti will visit here shortly. and doctors, it can commit appli - ment assistants, etc. Gilbort, Toronto, at Mrs. C.V "'To keep pace with the ovor- cants x',hile quarterod here at the Apouabrnh fthsc-ioc's .Ms.Bd.aml growing production of planes, the Town Hall. Those accoptod are Avco theDietetchCourhse.Grl souan c. and Mrs.Brd arrct Air Force requiros additional1 furnished with travelling war- \ithout any praviaus experionce Kindersley, Sask., are accupyin thousands of ablo-bodiod Can- rants ta Manning Depots. quickîy loarn the value of nutri- the Mountjay home and visitin adians ta train foc Aircrew. A The Mobile Unit also accepts tion, how ta cook and conserve fcionds in this vicinity. .. Mr. a. vast increaso in Air personnel is applications for enlistment in precious calories and vitamins, Mrs. Raymond Burns and Bai imperativo if we are ta continue ground duties, such as Airframe, aiso the art of serving food at- bara, Oshawa, at S. Kecsey's. kiiling U-boats, blasting Nazi! Acro E ng i n and Wireless tractivcly. This course is con- The chucch service next Sui factories, and pcaviding adoquate I Mechanies, Metal Workers and dcicted by the R.C.A.F. School of day ovoning will bc ini charge( protection f o c o o r invasion Carpenters. Those cnlisting as okratheOaioAiclM.Go BakfteBrnd forces" he ads. ou rses of trainin itcom- tural Collage, Guelph. Successful Home, Toronto, who pceache "Education," Flight Lieutenant platecoreoftang ihul graduates are known in the Air here very accoptably last suir Pryde went on ta say, l"is no long- Air Force pay andl allowance. Force as Chefs, and roceive fu mec. er a bar to enlistment. Mentally WOMEN LET MEN FLY trade pay. We oxtend sympathy ta Mr alert men, 17 1-2 ta 32 years of According ta Flight Lieutenant Women between 18 and 45 H.* Tink and family in the lossc age, with only the new Grade' Pryde, women are playing an im- years of age, with a minimum ed- husband and father. VIII minimum are now eligible portant part in the present air ucation of High School Entrance. Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams a ta, apply for Aircrew. Suitable wac by taking avec the ground are eligible for enlistment in the tended the funeral of a relativei R.C.A.F. schooling soon fits 'such jobs of mon who are able and Women's Division of the R.C.A.F.IPort Hope. He was quiet, kindly and oblig- iing. Harshness, uncharitablness and quarrelsomeness were foreign to his nature. Ho is survived by his wife, txvo daughters, Olive (Mrs. Nasmyth Henry of Janetville), Laura (Mrs. W. A. Dawson of Windsor), one son, Arthur, Blackstock, (another son, Howard, predeceased him three years ago). There are also nine grandchildren, one brother, James, North Battieford, Sask., also surviving. The funeral service was held in St. Jobn's Anglican Church on July 24, conducted by Archdeacon Simpson. Palîbearers were - Wesley Pearce, Fred Hamilton, Roy Reynolds, Jos. Forder, Wm. Taylor, Malcolm Bailey. Fiower bearers were - Anson Taylor, Reg. Middleton, Bob Middleton, Gordon Barker, A. H. Sturrock, Bill Moffatt, Bert McMullen, Cecil Hamilton. The interment was at St. John's Cemetery. PROV4NCIAL CONSTABLE NORMAN CAIN PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY Suddenly at Sudbury, Pro- vincial Constable Norman Cain passed away in his 35th year. Mr. Cain was enjoying the best of health and had been swimming with friends during the day. He was sitting on the verandah of his rooming house when suddenly stricken with a heart attack. The landlady called medical assistance and about 35 minutes after the doctor arrived Mr. Cain passed away. Mr. Cain was born at Pontypool He was always active in athletic sports. Ho graduated fromn Mill- brook High School and worked with the National Cash Register, Toronto, for several years. From there he became a member of the Ontario Provincial Police. He xvas one of the force sent from Toronto to Kirkland Lake during the m ining strike. ýater he went to Sault Ste Màrie and was sta- tioned there until last January when he was transferred to Sud- bury. During his stay in Sauit Ste Marie he became a member of I.O.O.F., Arthur Lodge. The higil esteemn which Mr. Cain had won for himself during1 his stay in Sudbury and Northern Ontario was deeply expressed by the large attendance at the Jack-« son & Barnard Funeral Chapel, Sudbury. The funeral was con-j ducted by Rev. Cragg of St. And-i in l L rew's United Church and attend- ed by members of Ontario Pro- vincial Police, C.P.R. Police, Sud- bury City Police, Incorporated police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and his many friends. The remains were sent to his parents' h o me at Pontypool, where a funeral service conducted by Rev. James Harvey was large- ly attended at Pontypool United Church. Beautiful floral tributes and letters of sympathy were received from the Commissioner and mem- bers of Ontario Provincial Police, Sudbury City Police, C.P.R. Police, members of Ontario Pro- vincial Police, District No. 11, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Court House Staff, and his many personai friends and relatives. He leaves to mourn his loss his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cain, Pontypool, one brother Aubrey of Pontypool, and one sister (Ber- nice), Mrs. George Vaughan of Toronto. Palîbearers were: Prov. Con- stables W. F. Thompson, Bow- manville; Douglas W. Wilson, Col- borne; B. Kitney, Newcastle; James McKenzie, Robt. O'Brien, Robt. Duncan, Belleville. Hon- ourary bearers were. Sr. Staff Inspector W. C. Killing, Toronto; Sergt. John Kay, Belleville. In- terment was in Pontypool United Cemetery. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cain, Bernice and Aubrey, famîly of the late Provincial Constable Norman Cain, wish to express their sincere appreciation to the Commissioner and members of The Ontario Provincial Poliie. C.P.R. Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Court House, Staff, Sudbury City Police, In- corporated Police, Dr. G. W. Mac- Neil and their many friends and neighbours for the many kind ex- pressions of sympathy during their sad bereavement. 31-1 Rural Merchants Hold Picnic At Elliott Park A very successful picnic was heid by the Darlington and Cart-1 wright Rural Business Men on1 Monday, July 19, at Hampton1 Memorial Park. 4-Following an exciting bal game, tug-of-war, and sports con- ducted by Alex Gilbert, overj Eyes Tested- Glasses Fîtted Saisation Un Fit and Price Guaranteed KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE For Beets and Cucumbers NO SUGAR needed Long bar - - 15e 20e - 35e 1Soft as a fleecy cloud! f 12 pads 2 5c _in box i CASTILE SOAP 6 cakes - --- 1 lb. bar -- - 10Logca .2 -, --- 5e eý 23e ------- 19C SPECIALS - Lux or Lifebuoy 2 fur 11e' 25e Noxzema ------- 19e $1.00 D. & R. Coid Cream - ---- ---7 4 1 Mb. Cold Cream ---69e Pinkham's Comp --- -87C TOOTII BRUSHES- Tek -,-29c, Colgates Dr. West*s Royal Windsor --------pt - -- 5--- - - CLEANING FLUID Waxed Paper --15c, 25e FOR DRESSES and SUITS Paper Serviette ------- 15C 1 gai. --------- ------- 60ec Picnie Kit -- --------15C MOTH FRUIT TAT FLY KILLER KEPE ANT TRAPS! PADS 39e 25e 35e 10e SPECIAL ENLARGEMENT MOUNTED------- 2 FOR 29e Phone d~'CflIfl~We fit 695 F'J INGS IITOETuM ý2 for 49e -- ---- 25e - -.50C r ---- 25e seventy members, their staffs and families sat down to tables that were overflowing with g o o d things to eat. Ice cream was kindly donated by Geo. Barcon, Hampton. During the supper, owing to the absence of Presi- dent Hap. Gi, Alex Gilbert con- ducted the distribution of numerous prizes. The tine they usually wind up an estte is when evecyone thinks he ha. secured about all the fees available. Mûre than 1,200 steel furnaces in ii U.S. were either in pro- duction or undergoing routine mvimtenance work 99.7 per cent Mason and Dale are pleased to announce they have been appointed local 1 dealers for i Find lay Ranges The famous line of Findlay coal and wood Ranges needs no introduction to the majority of people in Bowmanville and district. You find them,' giving satisfaction in every home because Findlay Ranges are efficient and economical. Place YOUR Order NOW For A FINDLAY RANGE We invite you to eal at our store and sce the fine display of Findlay Ranges which we expect this week. There is a model to meet the needs of every home. Condor"A ALL PORCELAIN WHITE FINISH 18" oven - with or without reservoir. Supplied witb high eloset, high sheif or low baekguard. The CONDOR "A" is the wartlme model of the famous streamiined Condor - thse most beautiful and efficient range ever offered the publie. Thse Condor "A" retains praeticaliy al of the features whieh made the Condor so popular with Canadian housewlves. Read ibis list of speciai advantages. Oniy 50 per cent of the Condor "A" ranges we make are to be availabie wlth higis eloset or high sheif. The other 50 per cent must be equlpped with iow backguard only. Findlay 40-14 F WHITE ENAMELLED FRONT FINISH ONLY Wood firebox is 21"1 long - a feature flot often found in ranges of this size. Waterfront is of ample cap- acity for kitchen or bath. Modern flue construction with sliding aven damper, gives perfect contrai of oven heat for baking. Cookcing top is machine po- lished. It is large and free fram obstruction so that the whole surface may be utilized for cooking, Reservoir is made of hea.vy copper, and heated by contact. Approximately 41/2 gallons. Findlay Vega In Two Finishes JSTANDARD AND ALL WHITE PORCELAIN 16" aven - supplied with or without reservoir - with higli sheif or low backguard. A compact meditun priced range designed to take up very littie floor space and yet f urnish capacity for a large family. Ail Models and Prices To Suit Every Purse MASON PHONE 408 (1 DAL HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS BOWMANVI LLE I 'I THURSDA-Y, AUGUST 5th, 1943

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