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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 5tb, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 6631 Miss Mary Jury is bolidaying at Camp Onowaw, near Huntsville. Mrs. Harvey Nivins, Toronto, visited friends in town Friday. Major F. Lycett, Prince Rupert, is on leave with his wife and sons in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Joncs, Fort William, visitcd bis aunt, Miss Raynes. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns are holidaying at their summer cot- tage on Lake Scugog. Wand Mrs. Mutton, Toronto, wcre guests of ber parents, Mr. I and Mrs. Wm. Barrett. Miss Diana Whcelcr, Toronto, spent tbe week-end with her motber, Mrs. A. D. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayes, Columbus, spent Sunday at Mrs. W. J. Richards'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bateman, Toronto, visited their daughter, Mrs. - H. Phillips. Miss Wilma Ricbards is holi- daying with ber aunt, Mrs, Alex Prout, Sbaw's. Miss Pat Clarke spent the holi- day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roacb, Toronto. Dr. J. C. Pevitt is on his annual fisbing trip and holiday at Algon- quin Park, Northern Ontario. Miss Joyce Farley, Brantford, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Earle Riddoll. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowling, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchird. Miss Eileen Coucb, Dcpt. of Ag- riculture office, is spending ber vacation at Bala, Muskoka Lakes. Mrs. Liscar Scott, Seagrave, is visiting Mrs. George Foster, Glenn -Larra, King St. East. Mrs. John McLauren, Toronto, is guest of ber sister, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Lieut. R. B. Murray is borne on sick leave from Tbree Rivers, Que. He is recovering from pneumonia. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Beach and family, Ripley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Fisher and family, St. Thomas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blackwell. Miss Mary Jewell is holidaying with Mayor and Mrs. D. H. Wight- man and Margaret at Cornwall. Capt. John M. James, Ottawa, spent the week-end witb bis wife and son. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackman, St. Catharines, visited their par- ents. Misses Anna Abaran and Joyce Grant arýe bolidaying at Camp Moira. Stoker Jim Hamm, H.M.C.S. York, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. A. R. Vîrgin and family. Mrs. R. W. Conklin, Kingsville, Swas guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt Mr.ýTed Johns, Toronto, bas been holîdaying with Mr. and Mrs. Aif Bickell, bis wife and son. Mr. Fred Gamble, Mrs. Ellen Gamble, Marcella and Richard, Detroit, Mich., are visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Willis and Mrs. McReynolds, Toronto, are visit- ing relatives and friends in town and Oshawa. Miss Ruby Aldworth is assist- ing Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Flaherty at their summer resort, "Grove Park Lodge," Muskoka. Jim Southey is bolidaying wlth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey at their summer home near Minden. LAC'Bob Evans, E.F.T.S., Osh- tawa, and LAC Stan Dixon, U.S.A., spent Sunday with Mr. and NIrs. E. C. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott have been holidaying at Lake Shore Hotel, Sandbank, Prince Edward County. Mrs. Wm. Veale, daughters Mary and Margaret, Harrow, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery Jobnston. Miss Ruth Lander, Oshawa,- Misses Mary Peters and Noa Kensleke, Hempton, visited Mn. and Mns. C. W. Dawneyv. Mrs. Aif. Nichails, Miss Fcrn Nicholis, Witby, and Miss Mer- ion Crego have been baiida'ying et Orillia. Mn. and Mns. Ress Wiliamsen and daughten, Rone, Peterbono, were guests of Mn. and Mns. Hanry Cryderman. V. J. Stecey, Bawmenviile, bas eniisted in the Royal Canadien Air Fonce this week et Na. il Recruit- ing Centre, Tenante. Cpi. G r a c e Hall, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), Toronto, spent the week- end with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Hall, Westmount. Miss Doris Evans, Welland Jonction visited hier cousins, Mrs. Mina Coiweli and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coiweii. Miss Mary Stewart bas return- cd te bier home in Kingston atter vacationing with Miss 'Edythe Carter. Miss Mary Emmet and Mn. Keitb Siemen, Toronto, wene guests of Dr. and Mns. C. W. Siemen. Miss Doris Evans, Welland Jonction, Mrs. Mina Colwell', Mn. and Mrs. Bert Coiweli and Teddy are visiting friends et Bond Head, Beaton and Tenante. Sgt. W. R. Joncs is spending his six weeks sick leave with bis wife and chiidren wha are spend îng the sommer with relatives in the country. Having spent twe weeks in Mos- keka, Miss Dorothy Bickeii and Miss Florence Macdonald, Taran- te, are hoiidaying with Mn. and Mrs. Aif. Biekeli. Cpi. and Mns. J. H. Beattie, Miss Marjary Joncs, Pte. and Mrs. W. McKay end son, Harold, Toronta, spent the week-end with Mayor and Mrs. R. O. Joncs. Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Caurtice, Leamington, Rev. andi Mns. Cen- man Armstrong and Roneid, Lon- don, wene guests of Mrs. T. G. Meson. Mrs. H. Haiwcli, Tenante visit- cd Mn. and Mns. Ceph. Rundie. Miss Don'thy Haiweli and Mn. Jey McCaughley, Tarante, visit- cd tbem aon the holiday. Miss Petsy Dusten bas rcsigncd fnam her position with Genel Matons, Oshawa, te jain the Wrens. Sbc reported ta H.M. C.S. Conestoge, Geit, lest manth. Rev. J. E. Griffith is attending the Young People's Executive Leadership Camp et Oak Lake and is cenducting one of the Bible Study and Method Courses. Mn. George N. Hoover and deughten, Mary A. Heover, R.N., Kingsviiie, have been visiting with Mn. and Mrs. George Foster, Glenn -Lamra, King St. East. Pte. George Mernison, C.A. MC., formeriy of Internment Camp 30, is visiting friends in town, on annuel furlough fnom Winwrigbt, Alte. Misses Beverley Shea, Eunice Denby, Pauline Lever and Mar- garet Tunnbuli, bolideying with M i ss Betty Snowden, Meple Grave, visited with Mn. A. L. Baker, Statesman staff. LAC Lamne Motson and Mns. Mortson spent the holiday witb Mn. and Mrs. Francis «Tbampson. Lamne hes been taking a radia technician's course et Tarante and Clinton, and passed witb high marks. Mrs. Al. Bickeil, Mn. and Mns. Ted Johns, Miss Donothy Bickeli and Mn. J. Knowies attended the marniege of their nicce and cous- in, Mis~s Giedys West of Beams- ville, te Mn. Howard McFarland, on Juiy 31st. Miss Daratby Bickeli wes bridesmeid. Mn. and Mrs. Jac Moore and Kenneth, Whitby, Mns. B iill Brooks and Shenan Joanne, New Tenante, Mns. Methe Lamb, Oak- wead, Mn. and Mns. Wiii Smeil, Mn. Arthur Brooks and Evelyn, St. Catharines, Mns. Geo. Breaks, Tyrane, were guests et Mn. Leslie Breaks. F. C. Preston, 10 Kcnnetb Ave., London, in nenewing bis subscrip- tien writes: We wouid not like ta be witheut the goad aid pepen with ail the news from the aid homne and look forward to seîng it arrive every Friday. We like London veny much, it is weli named "The Forest City," with its iovciy perks. Ceptein Arnold Brown wes guest speaker et the united ser- vice in the Saivatian Army Cita- del Sundey night. The Captain gave e very fervent and inspiring addness. His text was "The Son of Man is came ta seek and te save that which was lest". A very gaod cnawd ettended the service and the Captain had the picasune of rnewing oid acquaintanccs. ~r:r RICKARD PICNIC The Riekard family pienie took place et Cneam of Barley Park an July 24 with about 75 in attend- ence. Milton Wight, president, extended e hearty weicame to al especialiy Dr. Howard Riekard of Pont Coiborne. Mrs. Kenneth Wenry, secretary-treasuner, gave ber repart. Officers fan* 1944 are: President-Stanley Rickerd; Vice Pnesident-Jobn Rickand; Secre- tary-Tmeasure-Mrs. A. Glenney; Management Committee - Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Rickand, Mn. and~ Mrs. Jack Holmes, Mn. and Mrs. Ken. .Werry. Whiie the tables were being pnepared and aise after suppen e snappy softball game was en- jaycd. The few ciidren present teok part in a race and wenc pre- sented with ice cneam canes. Two wbo wenc especielly miss- cd this ycar through iilness wcre Mms. Georg ikran Hry Pearce. g ikr n ar t 1....UMmmMmm= BEACHNEWS EAST 'SIfl Mr. and Mrs. Sutheriands, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, Beth andq Nancy, Mn. and Mns. Wooiways, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Ciemence, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Stapleten, Niagara Falls, and Misses W. Pearson and Conneil, Guelph, with Mns. Blake Short, "Lakeside Cottage Fanm". Misses Doris Piphen end Edna Cherry, Toronto, with Mrs. Percy Cherry. Mn. Reid Pcarn, Toronto, wîth Mn. and Mrs. E. Gingeli and fem-i ily.1 Miss K. MeLeen and Mr. D. D'Esterre, Picton, with Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Grant, "Bothendeane".IPeM.DSmtner et Camp 30, with Lieut. and Mrs.1I Gorden Holtz. Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Alger, Osh- awa, Rev. J. W. Bunner, Grant Bunner and Mrs. A. Parker, tewn, with Mn. and Mrs. Dwight Bunner and Mn. and Mrs. J. Mimne. Mn. and Mrs. Alian McCombs and Keith, Cincinnati, Ohie, withi Mr. and Mrs. G. Colmer.1 Mn. Lucius Vans;ene, Toronto,1 with Mn. and Mr§. Frank Van-j stone. Mrs. B. Warren and John, Gait, with Mn. and Mrs. Morley Van- stone. WEST BEACH Mrs. A. McKenzie and Kennetb with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. S. Prog- ley at Grant Edwards'. Misses Gwen and Inene Paw- son, Toronto, with Mn. ahd Mrs. H. Pawsun, "Beach Haven". j Misses Mildred Doew n ey. Frankie Jeweil, Geraidine Gracey, tewn, witb Mn. and Mrs. Fred Pattinson. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Burgess and Thelme, Tononto, with Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Mathews, "Idyiwyld". Miss Evelyn Goddard and Mr. J. W. Heroid, Windsor, with Sgt. and Mrs. H. Goddard. Mrs. Chas. Baunsali and Mrs. H. Peence, Lindsay at "32". Robt. Saye and Gea. Yaunge, Tarante, at "29". Miss Mary Lindsay and Bert Shecrer, Tarante, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brand and Mrs. J. O'Rciily, "Cylant Phare". Mrs. M. Case, Derethy, Mns. Gea. Wikins and family and Biliy Morgan, Tenante, with Mrs. Royal Quinn. Mrs. Hugli Partridgc, Miss -Mary McPbee, Toronto, with Mn. end Mrs. Bert Lattimen, "Veld- Ette". Mn. end Mrs. P. Hayes, Merion, Margaret and Audrey, Harmony,j witb Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cale,] "Basky Deli".j Mrs. J. Irwin and femily et "Rendez-Vous". THE COVE Mn. and Mns. H. R. Smith, Miss Reta MeNeil, Mn. and Mrs. E. Heeiey witb Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Bell and Joyce, "Tbree Gables". John Dick, Toronto, with Ai- bert Simpson, "Summer Haven". Miss Audrey Pegendam, Tenan- te, with Mrs. James Gardon, "Rosemeny Cottage". On Civic Holiday strollers stop- pcd te wetch Geo. Brooks work- ing some 40 feet in the air on the fiag pale behind Cave Cottage. This pale is of interest ta, the Bowmanviile aid-timers wbo uscd te watch boats coming inta Dan- iington Harboun. Over 30 ycans ega the saiiing vessel, "Oliver Mowat," having met with an acci- dent left its bow-sprit with the herboun authonities ta be said. It was bought by the late John Fax and for a quarter of e century the Union Jack was seen for miles eround menking holiday times. 1 Chapel-on-the-Hill Sunday Scbool et Chapel-an- the-Hill under the leadership ofj Mrs. W. H. Carlton, bcld its an- nuel session. Fifty youngstcrs1 demonstneted in hymns, motion sangs end iiiustnated B i b'ie themes the work whicb is being1 covened this summer. A most1 interesting feeture of their pro- gram was the reading of letters of tbenks for the *gifts of lest yeer fnom the Red Cross, British1 War Victims' Fund, Kinsmen's Miik Fund, Fresb Air Fund and East London Mission for Chiid- ren. This Sunday's collection amounted te aven $2000 in money and chocniate bars. Welildone! The foliewing chiidren took part: Grace Sutherand-ergan- ist; Wiiie Simpson - soloist; David Barr and Albert Simpson- readers: Diane Weiken Red Wedding HANNAN-CALVER A quiet wedding took place in Sacred Heart Church at St. Hya- cinthe, Que., on July 17, with Rev. Plante, R.C.N., performing the ceremony, when Helen Medeline Caiven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calver, Bowmanviiie, be- came the bride of Acting Leading Telegraphist Norman Geraid Hannan, R.C.N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gereid Hannan, Oshawa. The bride wore a gown of white georgette with French lace and a fingertip tiana veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and bou- vardia. Driver Florence Caiver, R.C.A.S.C., was maid of honour for ber sister. The bridesmeids were Cpi. Frances Clarke, C.W. A.C., Helen Dunn, wearing pale pink gewn and accessories and Helen Norwick wearing a pale blue gown and accessories. Tbey carried nesegays of pastel pink and blue cornflowers and bou- vardia. Eani Hannan, brother of the groom, was best man. The reception was held at De La Salle Hotel, Montreai. The couple spent a few days in Mont- reai and later the groom returned te bis post on the East coest and the bride returned te ber home in Bowmanville. WERRY FAMIlLY PICNIC The Werry picnic was beld et Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, on Saturday afternoon, July 31st. Originated seventy years ago, as an ail-day reunion, an innovation was introduccd for the duration whereby people remained on duty in the forenoon and gave oniy part of the day te pleasure-mak- ing. Considereble in t er es.t wes evinced in the» races and centests wbich had been arranged, and for which soitable prizes were pro- vided by Mesdames M. Moffatt and H. Brown, Oshawa. Special prîzes were giveil littie Aileen Van. Camp, Bleckstock, youngest memben of the clan present, Mrs. Peter Wright (nec Nettie Veale, Nesticton) oldest member pres- cnt, Mr. Aidon Hoan and Mrs. Hoan (nee Marion Wenry, Toron- te) newest bride and groom, Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Cath- arines, member fnomn the greatest distance. There were several present nearing the eigbty-year mark and birthdey dates would have bad te, be compared had Mrs. Wright net gene over that age by idies' Hats Marîguerite Wright, St. Cathar MissScott had given somne help- me(-. , Misses Emma Werry and fuliscomments, Millbrook taking Oli% Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Aldon "Table Setting and Service for Hoar and Master Harry Sander-1 the Farm Family'. Audrey Armn- son. Toronto, Messrs. Will ancd streng anci Melba Bail did the!I John and Miss Katie Elferd, Oak- ta]king and demonstrating. ar-I woond and Mrs. Charles and ranging the linen, placing the Missns Esther and Lena Elferd, silver, floral centre, dishes and Isliaxv food. The correct manner of service, for the two courses, and the removal of the dishes in pro- Durham Girls HoId per rotation, concluded the ex- Achievement Day At hibition. Jean Toms, Blackstock, demon- Millbrook Town Hall strated the making of tea bis- ________cuits, giving the recipe and mix- Achievement Day, for the Girls' ing the ingredients, and the Maple Clubs of Durham County, mark- Grove c 1 u b, represented by inga smmay o te yar' wokLenore Collacutt, Doreen Jeffrey wnga suheld in the on all, Miii- and Audrey Greenham, chose the brookJly in2heTw nalinlandsame theme as tbe Millhronk girls afroon sess3, ins.MoisJan bad donc, making some variation Scott, coach for nine counties of i h anro al etnec the province, was in charge, with Fraises Girls Miss Verna Banbridge. Toronto, Miss Scott spoke on the record whose field is Kent and Water- book which she commended, and Ioo Counties, also assisting. also praised the girls for the way Owing to wartime restrictions they had signed up for the Farm the attendance was net as large Service again this year, badges as in previeus years. Six clubs and certificates heing promised. were well represented, these in- The highiight of the afternoon cluding: Millbrook, Mrs. W. H. was reached when the certificates Arnstrong, leader, assisted by for completing two or more units Mrs. W. H. Bell; Cavan, Mrs. Don- of study were presented, the list aid Tinney, leader, assisted by being: From the Bowmanville Mrs. Oakley Carley; Biackstock,, Eat Well Club," Doreen Jeffrey. Mrs. Arthur Barley, leader, as- Dorothy Snowden, Pearl Colla- sisied by Mrs. Albert Wright; cutt, Betty Stevens, Lenore Colla- Maple Grove, Miss Mildred Snow- cutt, Audrey Greenham, Marian den, leader; Newtonville, Mrs. S. Foley; from the Millbrook Supper J. Lancashire, leader; and "The Club, Mari orie and Ethelda Hub- Bliiebirds," Newtonville Junior beard, and Audrey Armstrong; club, which while net entered in from Cavan, Margaret Elson; and the day's competitions, had a nice from Blackstock, Mrs. Sandy exhibit of work. Moore (Irene Coates), pin and Discss Mnuscertificate for winning county Disess Mnushonours, baving completed six The morning session was given units; Jean Toms. over te a study of the Record The Newtonvillc girls, by re- Books, whîch were on display, quest, sang tbeir club theme song, and te "Menu Building," the lead- and Maple Grove also sang' its ers suggesting a sample menu for club song, with original verses. spring meals, and the girls con- Miss Scott urged tbc girls te give tinuing then with menus suitable centinued co-operation with tbeir for different seasons of the year. leaders, wbo, she said. bave given In the aftennoon Miss Banbridge freely of tbeir time, experience gave some constructive criticismn and ability for your improvement. on this theme, commending what The proect choscn for next fal the girls had done, and sbowing and winter is: "Bcing well drcss- where improvement might be cd, and wcll groomed," and thce made. training classes will be bcld asI In the aftcrnoon thrce clubs usual. badi exhibits anranged, with a lecturer to explain wbat was sbewn. Millbrook had been given More Blood Donors tea biscuits, and variations on the basic recipe. Jessie Dawson, the Visit Oshawa Clinic speaker, told what tempting To Aid War Effort changes couId he evolved from ____ ordinary tea biscuit to strawberry uy2s-.TFlthrE.R shotcaeallth vaieteson x-Bromell, K. Luxton, Gco. Forsey, hibition. The value of using W. E. Fîce, Bowmanville; R. B. n wholc wbeat, particularly in thesc Davis, Tom Bakcr, Jr., Hampton; war days, was especially stressed Mauricc Baker, Enniskillen; Ken-C in one variety of the.,biscuits dis- neth Holiday, Cecil Disney, Luth-n played. er Bradley, Broeklin; Fred Lanc, 1 Supper Dishes Bowmanville, R.R. 3, (5th dona-E Cavan Club. with Wilda Armi- tien); Francis Thompson, Lloydc tege as the speaker, had a supper Crago, Chas. E. Hene, Bewman-C menu displaycd, the main dish, ville; John E. Sycr, Frcd Yeo, a vegetable plate, rich in vita- Orono; Wm. White, Newcastle; mins, and looking tempting in its Thearn Kiveil, Roy L. Jackson, arrangement. Lloyd Stanley, F. Verle Wagg, A. Maple Grove, "Merry Menu C. Spencer, J. K. Wannen, Brook-c Makers," bad the third exhibit in lin, (4th donation); H. J. Brooks,c the form of a poster, showing the Mrs. Grace Murdock, Harry Wer- t supper menu in bright celours, den, Jack Bairstew, Orone; How-d Dorothy Snowden making the cx- ard J. Bradley, Enniskillen, R. t plenation. McLeughlin, Burketon, ( 3 r dn Demonstrations followed. after donation); Don Hamilton, Leslie, _a, Pur IAil kinds,s I from ---- ILarge cloti ISeveral prie I frames ---- :Sulm Another shi from - ----- Sleel Checks, strii I a t --- - --- - - - Batl INew stock iSPRING i AT I THIS SO iCoudh Phone 836 Coambes, Donald Venten, Bow- manvilie; Raymond Chepman, C. B. Tyrneil, Gien C. Henceck, Kenneth Bail, Norman Bairstow, Orono; T. R. Ferndaie, A. E. Cooper, Bnooklin, (2nd donation); Anne Emerson, Bowmenviiie, (lst donation). July 23rd - Herbent Rogers, Courtice, (6th donation); E. L. Oliver, Bowmenviiie, (4th dona- tien); Ralph Cole, Stanley Cor- den, Bowmenviile, (3rd dona- tion); Clifford Swellaw, Bow- manville, (2nd donation). July 26th - Cecil M. Hooper, Bawmenviile; F. Roy Ormisten, Matt. A. Agar, Bnooklin, (7th donation); Harold Belsen, Hamp- tan, (5th donation); Harold Web- ber, Bowmanviile, (4th danation); Wm. Robinson, Bowmenville; (3rd donation); Gardon Nichols, Courtice; Wm. Gilbert, Hampton, (lst donation); July 28 - Mrs. Rager Crook, Mrs. N. A. Hinds, Caurtice, (3rd donation); G. A. Beamish, Onono; Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Countice, (2nd donatian). * ..z.......q.....~.. MMMMMMMM mUpUU==~ ~mm~mUm=mmUmMM==mUUMUM== M... LOWEST PRICES PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring your prescriptions to us you can be assured of the finest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and accurately filled with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE 792. WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IT PROMFTLY BARGAINS I~o ce,~tcd4,~127e Wax Paper, 100 ft. ....22c ANACIN TA BLETS FOR THE RELIEF 0F COLDS, PAIN, ETC. 22c - 43c 69c - 98c Duration Leg-Do ------ ----49c No-Hoz -----40e Velvatex Hair Remover ------25e Jem Rings.............c Sot as a leecy cloud! 15c Epsom Sats ............... lic Parowax .......................13c AM 25e I.D.A. Corn Remedy Caseara Tablets, 100's A.S.A. Tablets, 100's Linseed Mccl, 12 oz. A.B.S. & C. Tablets 100's - - - - Sodium Bicarbonate 8 oz.- - --- -- - p PILLS 39c-69c FOR SUNBURN Tangel ---------- 50c, $1.25 Noxzema ----.--17c, 39c, 59e Mennen's 5kin Balm --- 5c IMecca Olntment ---23c, 45e FOR QUICK FURSI AID ADHESIVE BANDAGES 10ço 254 t wo years. Tables wcre set for anc hund- red and if the menu venicd same- whet fnam former yeens, there was an ebundance and the sing- ing of the Daxology wes sung in heerty eppreciation for the bless- ings we enjoy in these deys of strain and turmoil. President Wesley G. Wcrry pre- sided over a bnief business periad. Mrs. Elten Wenry, Scnetary, nca the minutes and Mrs. Russell Bragg presented e satîsfectory Treasuner's report. Naminating1 cammittce's repart was present- cd by Jas. A. Wenry, and edopted, these afficers bcing elected: Pres- ident-W. Cherles Werny, Osh- awe; Secreteny - Mrs. Eltan Werry, Ebenezen; Treesunen - Mns. Russell Bregg, Bawmenville; Cor. Secnetary-Miss Nana Wenny, Oshawa, R.R. 2; Management Committee-Mm. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry, Enniskilien; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wenny, Oshawa, R.R. 2; Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Oshawa. An expression of epprecietion wes extcnded the retiming presi- dent, Mn. W. G. Wenry and Mrs. Werry, fan thein untiring efforts in the intercst of the picnic in the past two yeers. The new presi- dent, Charles Wenny, was intro- duced and speke bricfiy. A vote was taken and a decisian made ta hald the picnic et the samne place the third Saturdey aftcnnoon in July, 1944. As the shedes of cvening feul gaad-byes were said and expres- sions of pleesure derived from felawship with cousins wha couid recail many happy gather- ings, some even being present et the first picnic in the 1870's, were heard. Due to meny wartime conditians thase in attendence were lergeiy fnam Durham and bondering townships and tawns, those from a distance being Miss Eyesight Education And By Optemetrist Eyes:ght Spectaliit Disney Bldg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 268 CONICAL CORNEA AND THE CONTACT LENS There ane many eye defects that cannot be connectcd by enyI simple rule of thumb method.I Wben an errer of this nature is discovened ail that science cen musten and the most that cen be donc by the best of skilled spec- ialists eppeers te be af littie bene- fit. Expcnicnced men in any given uine wili often develapI methods in their private practiceI that prove beneficiel te the case otherwise f o u n d difficuit to hendie. I am of the epinion that many of these serious conditions mekel mest of their progress in eariy life when the child is in its moreI formative stages and many of the muscles are oniy in the early I stages of their development. Whiie thein greetest effect is shown by the paon vision of the eyes it is genereiiy believed that malnutrition and pon deveiop- ment in eaniy life is an importantI causative factor end it cannat beI denicd that in the diegnosis of many seriaus conditions the eye pleys an important part. (To Be Continued) PRI ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES Camp.- ----- --- 87c Witch Hazel, 4 oz. 22e 25e Wild Strawberry Extract 19C 25e Silvo 19c Estivin- Talcum 12 oz. Men's Pocket Combs 35c Corega----- $1.23 60e Robinson's Barley .-33e REso'l ir s) CASHMERE TISSUE Two Grades 10c, 3 for 25e 15c, 2 for 25e 25C in box I.D.A. English Health Saits, 16 oz. -- .- -59c Eno's Fruit Saîts,--- 59c, 98e I W I i .0' ESCRIPTIONS A ýPECIALTY McOREOOR iDRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER il . M..........................-- Large Range -AT- 79c Colgate's Shaving ('ream 29c, 43c Bromo-Seltzer 25c. 49c, 95c BUY RADIO LICENCES HERE We have been appointed sole is- suer of radio licences for the Town of Bowmanville. SPODE Dinnerware Stode Dlnnerware represents a: Ietime enjoyment, beauti- fui and endurlng. It is known and appreclated the world over by loyers of the "flner thlngs7" It can be purchased a few pleces at a time and always added to. S P O D E NE VER DISCON- TINUES A PATTERN SEE OUR ASSORT31ENT J. W. JEWELL Phono 556 BIomnflll <4' PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ses..a sizes and colours. Black and coloured leather --------- --- --- ----- ---- -- 1 . 98c to $7.50 cach i purses with wooden frames, assorted colours. ices. Imitation neediepoint purses with wooden -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -. - -- -- -- - - - $ 2 .5 9 inter Dresses hipment of summer dresses has arrived. Priced -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- --- - - - - - -1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - $ 3 .5 0 U p rsuclker ipes and patterns in a number of colours. .Prlced ----------- - ------------------ 79c, 90e and $1 0 -AGENT FOR McCALL PATTERNS - baniig Suits of ladies and cbîldren's bathing suits. COATS, LADIES' CLOTH COATS SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS RE CLOSES AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT h, Johoston & Cryderman King st. 9

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