- - PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1943 NThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Dr.H. B. Rickard, Port Col- and Miss Mary Henderson, daugh- bor ne, and daughter, Mrs. Fred ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hen- Davies, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. derson, R.R. 3, Ne'wcastle, were J. Smith, Toronto, Lieut. F. L. united in marriage by Rev. R. E. ____________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Dyson Phelps, Mrs. parsonage, Newcastle, on July 28. Phelps, Sr., and daughter. from A reception was later held at the________________ Saskatchewan, Mrs. W. H. Cooke, home of the bride's parents. One cent a word cash, each EDGAR - In loving memory of FOR RENT - FARM, 150 acres, FOR SALE - COLLIE PUPS. Misses Reita Cooke and Jean Bon- A group of United Church min- insrtion (minimum charge ou1ersse4r.Goge Cn ,Tp fCak. pl hn 11 11 athan, Newcastle, B a nl d s m a n isters called on Rev. R. E. Mor- 25c). Charge of 25e extra is uEdar hosised away Gorgey CM. 6E. G. oade. adiso hoe211.n1 Brenton Rickard, Cornwall, were ton, Chairman of the Oshawa imade when advertlsement is Ed30t h, 1942. Ave uly ., Toot. 31el,12*Md FoRAE-1 HNS0 guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Presbytery, at the Newcastle par- flot pald samne week as biser You 142lefTrotous il1s-quiklyORpiSAoL iE. A6 ply S.OFW. Rickard. soae uy2,i oncin tion. Extra charge of c o etu l oqikypg Yrsr.ApyS.W Pte. Charles Robinson of the with the vacancy at Northminster wben replies are dlrected teoee adgodbe O LT-FIE-ROE rospoe22. 3- New Wstinistersbas ben hoe Unied ChrchOshaw, cauedSomeatday weo nhope. toe meete apartment, parpartlyprt furnished,, onew Westmi nstebasbeenhomhe Unithe deCurOh awa, causW. E d ll- B tatsandbox lumber. You in that home on high. central location immediate pos- FOR SALE-i POLE TRAILER, onfulug dhepng wthtesython ah.fRe. .E.M 0e Brhs eah andem rriag5e --Sadly missed by lher sister, session. Write Box 222, States- heavy duty tires, 32x6, dual haying.son.e us 10 pem r»l 5e Mrs Amelia Vanstone, her bro- man Office, Bowmanville. 31-1 wheels, phone Clarke 1302.- Mis MaionRickard is spend- Miss Dawn Moffatt, Orono, bas for notice plus 10ed per un thers Frederick James Luxton31*r ing August at Ernscliffe, Mus- been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. tisements accepted up until ton.3W-1 mentm-plecebath, ccommo FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN COW, koka. Rickard. 6 p.m. Wednesday. ____3-_en,_ ic btacomo O SL -HLTINCW Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare vis- Flight Sergeant Sam Cowan, dation for car. Phone 538 or due August 9th. Apply N. -. , \ .AJ ited Lieut. Jack Hare, M.D., and Montreal, and Mr. Norton Cowan, WILLIAMS-In loving memory write P.O. Box 271, Bowman- Sherba, Lot 17, Con. 4, Hamp- Mrs. Hare in Kin!!ston. Toronto, visited relatives here. DEATHS of a dear Mother and Grand- ville. 31-1 ton. 31-1* Mr._nd____Eri______ae_____rie_______obet,_ari ma who departed this life Aug. -___________________________ Mrav nd MsTo r icto Wictks apresi Mrs. EricDoueas, Rort,Mari- th, 1942. FOR RENT.-VACUUM CLEAN- FOR SALE-BABY CARRIAGE leavein oth outontakeouprge Sti- lynandDug lsToronton,d HARDY-In Whitby, on July 29, Two dear bright eyes, a tender ers, Eureka DeLuxe model and in good condition. Apply W. *~ dnweoin thed house.ondeorge St.FitwLiie t A Mex alkngton, 1943, Nancy Jeffery, beloved smile, attachments, by the day, $1.00. Laird, R.R. 2, Maple Grove, nhow ocuped byMr. and s l .J . OwaRisited, with Mr. and s wife. of the late Thomas E. A loving heart that knew no Premier models, factory re- phone 2511. 31-1_____________ work at the Forestry Farm, Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mrs. W. H. Hrdy. Interment Bowman- guile, built, $29.50 or 75e per day. ________________ Orono. Pearce, Newcastle. Robert and manville Cemetery. Deep trust in God that ahl was Town delivery and pick-up. FOR SALE-HORSE, good work- MsJenHle shldyn aiy ar eann eefrright, Caîl 480. 31-1 er, 12 years old. Price $45. Ap- MissoeanHesi oidy tharlae re maininge hum ere o TINK - In Hampton, July 31, Her joy to make some other ply Victor Szold, Hampton, at om. te eog thesmer.oBre 1943, Herbert Edward Tink, be- bright. FOR RENT - FARM, 100 acres, phone 2173. 30-2 Articles For Sale Mr. Chas. Knox, Orono, who, Mr.GogPtesnBk- loved husband of Addie Pascoe, If sick or suffering one she Lot 20, North Half, Con. 5, with Mrs. Knox, is summering at ton, and Mrs. Richard Winch, in bis 67th year. Interment knew, Darlington. Good buildings FOR SALE-PIGS, 8 Yorkshires, FOR SALE-PRAM, IN GOOD one of Fred Wood's cottages at Eyebrow, Sask., are guests of Mr. Hampton Cemetery. Some gentle act of love she'd with stone foundations. Frame 6 weeks old. Apply Mrs. A. condition. Phone 2803. 31-1* the lake and whose nearest apiary and Mrs. Albert Pearce. do. bouse with good cellar. Good Weinberger, R.R. 1, Orono,________________ is at Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin's, is Members of the Baby Band of HOLMES - Suddenly in Port No thought of self, but of the soil and well water. One mile phone Clarke 1624. 31-1 FOR SALE - RABBITS, Belgian doing a big business among resi- the United Churcb and their Hope, July 28, 1943, Louise Jane other, from Hampton, school and hrs odbedn tcas dents and summer resorters in mothers were entertained at a Holmes, formerly of Bowman- I know He said, "Well done, church, 1-2 mile from highway. FOR SALE-1929 FORD Town hon aregodbreedng tck, sacso the selling of new honey. picnic on the church lawn on ville, beloved wife of the late dear Mother"'. Possession April 1, 1944. For Sedan in good running condi- yr grbisan ucesc Mr. Arnold Wade, Newtonville, Thursday afternoon b y t wo Robert W. Holmes. Interment -Sadly missed by Ada, Vertul more particulars, apply Mrs. E. tion, good tires. Apply Harold Mfc orrissKing St. 31-1l _________________groups of the W.M.S. under the Bowmanville Cemetery. and family; Alma, Tom and Winterburn, Hampton. 31-2 Murphy, Lot 2, Con. 10, Dar -__Morris,__KingSt. _ 31-1 supervision of Mrs. Ross Dickin- _________________ family, and Eva. 31-1 _________________ lington. 31-1 ________________ son and Mrs. Noray Goheen, lead-______________ FOR SALE - PRINCESS PAT ers of the Baby Band. Rev. R.E. ENGAGEMENT Lost FOR SALE - 1930 WHIPPET cook stove, all enamel, in good Morton and Mrs. Morton w~ere Cards of Thanks Coach. Four real good tires. condition. Write Box 221, NOTICE alstpreengan hlpd enter- SgtHerbert Goddard, R.C.A.,LOT END LA BLLos Apply Arthur Read, Haydon, Statesman Office, omn ToFries n unton ise ea onia adgilanonesteengagement obis Mrs. Milton J. Stainton wisbes on King :st., Bowmanville, îast er 7 .m.o Strdy 1fe- vle o rmers oban MNitiors ies Jeaorntonaiithe ad rl sister Evelyn Pauline, to John to thank all her frîends who sent Wed. or Thurs. morning. Find- FO-AE-3P.CETR RETREADED tires you Must dTrnovitetefrm William Herold, son of Mr. and messages of cheer in cards, flow- er please return to The States- FOR SALE - TRACTOR, Allis-FO SAE-3P.CETR make application to the War- er's parents. Mrs. J. W. Herold of Shakespeare, ers and fruit, also inquiries after man Office and receive liberal Chalmers, model "B", with rub- field suite, conventional design, time Prices and Trade Board. Misses Doris Allin and girl Ontario. The marriage will take bier recent operation, also to the reward. 31-1 ber wheels and plow. Apply inlled chestre and 2 clu Let us make ont your appl- frîend, Toronto, were guests of place in Windsor, Ontario, on doctors and to the nurses in Bow- Andrew Ponicky, Harmony, fildCha sefedad2cu cations. -Why drive ta Oshawva. the formers parents. August 7th. 31-l* manville Hospital for their splen- R..2 saa hsue $F.9.5Morrish Co. 31-1 We are able to handie it here. Misses Lois and Aresta Martin, _____attention._______________suite.__F._F._Morris__Co._31-1 E o Toronto, were guests of oe their ________________ F A Ifather and sister. PEDLAR'S VOTES UNION Mrs. Wesley Campbell and fam- WANTED TO BUY-PRACTISE AUCTION SALES FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD, TIRE SHOF Miss Minnie Pearce has return- ily wish ta thank their many Piano. Mrs. Schade, R.R. 6, full spring-filled construction, ed ta Toronto after a week's vaca- Under authority of the Labour rred h epdi r a eaveriberingmsear cons 1 Block West of ostnOfficeardon i frie worhbrdenln htewafor Bowmanville. 31-1* The undersigned bas receivec beveribsrowngsmo uhiover, _____________________Court of the Supreme Court of alI -floral tributes and kindex instructions from Mr. John W. showwood frame. A real buy _______________Gordon__ Laking, R.C. Ontario, canfarming with the Col- pressions of sympathy in th WANTED - 6-ROOMED HOUSE Bradley, Newcastle, ta sell by at $27.50. F. F. Morris Ca. Fni. A.T.C., is home with bis wif e and etv agiigAt 93 e-sde asn frblvd in Bowmanville with modemn public auction, on bis premises anStudyoy.31 lective Bargaiinconveniences.ecWilldpay $3,000 o(just northd ofdfourudcorners) bis ------little daughter. Gardon is the tion 2, Subsectian 2, a secret bal- husband and father. 31-1 cashnee. Wit Bx 17 Satesman00household e f forc rnceding igLNLUsN GLU first Newcastle soldier ta return clot.electiBon 17,ongaPedlar'suehworke-______________liing_________AND_______U from service overseas. le in bwa amok pelace wed- Office, Bowmanville. 30-2* room, dining roam, bedroom, kit- Rugs. Select yours from over tundfo rneRupert, B.C., whether a union wauld be ap- 4 ishîngs; upright Heintzman piano, You are invited ta view these is the latest Newcastle boy ta ar- proved under the bargaining H l Wanted in excellent condition; also at BRADLEY'S New Furniture [ OArieoesa.agency of the United Steelwork- qatte of books; dishes; kit- Store, 156 Simcoe Sauth, Osh- T E TE -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moise and ers, CI 0. H WANTED-WOMANfo chen utensils; gre tools; a- awa. 46-tf children, Toronto, were hoia e Vote wn 9 ys ocenn n a eky e furniture; odadlme. 13OWMAN VILLE viirsaMrBe.Moe'. t 167 "~no," a majarity of 124 or partatian arranged. Apply Mrs. This sale contains many pieces Of FOR SALE-SIDEBOARD, OAK Among the holiday visitars a 62.7 per cent for union. Eligible I Fergus E. Morrill, 'Willnw high value and should bc one of with 3 small drawers, 1 large - ~* .. ~MM ~Mrs. W. H. Cooke's were Rev. E. vaesnmeed54E Lhm46 ce" Bwmnil hn outstanding interest. Sale at 1 drawer, cupboard and bevel WV. Rowland, Peterboro; lber sis- votedrs 90 per centof he re5 2456". 31anill ponep.m. sharp, Wed., August 18. mirror, 42"x27". Also cherry 7 Thurs., Fr., Sat., ter, Mrs. J. Eagleson and Miss inainder presumabîy, were on the Terms: Cash. Wm. J. Challis bedroom suite. Apply Mary AGS 5,6-7AnsCoeToot.rcnl ntttdwe' oi II HEL? WANTED-COMPANION auctioneer. 31-2 Lumb, Temperance St., Bow- AUUT ,6,~Mrs. Alex Adair suffered a day granted with full pay. Three M housekeeper wanted for lady manville. 31-1* Dr OUBLE FEATURE stroke on M onday and lost con- w'ere challenged but allowed ta i i gi-t e-b r s of T - I h ve b e uh ri e o sl rDt. uieLaEomec by public auction for Mrs. George OSHAWtaNS NEW FUNTR THUNDER BIRDS sciousness far a while. She re- vote. Blank and void ballots, 7, AT B ut.Dte t omne UNT covered under the doctor's care. doubtful ballots, 6, which were etme. WieBx20RchrsOdlS.,owavl, Soe-Eeyhngnmdr, In Technicolor Mr. and Mrs. John Alkenbrack accepted. Statesman Office, Bowman- on Saturday, Aug. 14, bier bouse- chesterfield, bedroom, dining Featuring and Helen visited in Napanee. The ballot read: "In yaur deal- ville. 31-1 hold effects including kitchen, suites, and studios. Bedding and GENE TIERNEY and Mr. and Mrs. Enwright and ings with the management of the Y A L a dining and bedroom furniture, floar coverings a specialty. JOHN SUTTON family were in Strathroy. Pedlar People Limited, Oshawa, M ALE anded T chairs, tables, cbesterfield suite, Quality merchandise at com- Miss Helen Hoaper, Bawmran- do you wish ta bargain through atdT Buy electric washing m a c hl i nl e petitive prices. Before buying O th san rgai ville, visited with Evelyn Allin. the United Steel Workers of (Beatty), ice refrigerator, two visit Bradley's New Furniture HENRY ALDRICH CIVIC Holiday in Newcastle America (C.I.O.) Local 2784?" V A WANTED TO childYLE nmren's otwanls, irrad Sae iceS. S.,lesh- GE S G A O R For 21 years in successian New- J. Finkelman, Toronto, Reg- FEM ladies, in good BUY-iCYCLEPh numruthratces-aea awa. 46-tf With castle has observed the first Mon- istrar of the Labour Court, was ___ _60 .L aesn 1 .30bur.autier:C. l 31Wi- Wihday in August as Civic Holiday in charge, with scrutineers of 60Wantedaeron to Rentactoner 3- JIM'Y LYDON and and make it a gala day by a base- workers and management in at- FEMALE fromn 19 to 45 years of WANTED TO BUY - WELL _____________________ CHARLIE SMITH hall tournament. . tendance, and the two specially age. kept English saddle and com- W ne oR n On August 2 wvith a big crowd built baoths under guard of Harry MAL____19___0_____f__________Phoe_52._1___Wntd o en WANTED TO RENT - A TWO- an hand. including many Ncw- Gay, chief of plant police. MAEfo 9t 0yaso lt rde hn 53 11 omdfrîhdaatet castle folk home for the week-end Naý statement could be made by age. WANTED-USED SEWN MA- WATEoToEN- d furnished umm r ctmtao M on.-Tues.-Wed. from Torontoanard other centres, the Registrar but scrutineers un- Work in war plant i Bowman- chines, electric or treadle. Sîng- furnished roims for Sept. lst. a small furnished bouse, in or AUGUST 9, 10, il three baIl games were held in tie animausly agreed that tbe con- ville district. er Sewing Centre, 16 Ontario Permanent reliable tenants. near Bowmanville; available DOBEFAUE afternoon under the auspices of duct of the vating was fair in all St., Oshawa, phone 696. 27-tf -Phone 880, Customs. 31-1 not later than August lOth. Will DOULE EATRE Newcastle Basebaîl Club. First respects and the management co- - APPLY - WATD T U SD -pay $25 ta $30 a month, in ad- NAVY COMES game was played between New- operated fully. No statement WNE O BY -UE WANTED - TWO ROOMS O vancefrte igtpa. THROUGH castle and Orona Girls with New- from either management or shop NATIONAL SELECTIVE pianos, may be exchanged for one large roam, partly.furnish- Wrie fox 2he9,St aea castle winning 18 ta 5. Secondistewards was forthcoming and SERVICE cash. Telephone Fred Mitchell, ed for liht houoeee2ing; î- Office With was a hardball feature in which none is expected until Local 2784 Oshawa' File 2670 492, Bowmanville. 31-1 mediately. Phone 880. 31-l* 3- PAT OBRIEN Port Hope won by 5 ta 2 over a meets7 to decide upon any action _________________on_________ GEORGE MURPHY combîned Newcastle and New- that may be taken. Appuyants now on war wor JANE WYATT tonville assembly. In a softball ________________________ game Newcastle defeated Orono OTTAWA RELEASES NEW 3t GRAPHOLOGY IE GO N C LD N Also 10 ta 6. PAY LIST FOR C.W.A.C. _______________ Special visit of Brigadier Gertie "To know your character as re- HIYA CHUM 1 The early evening was devoted Holland an Sunday, August 8th, vealed by your handwriting is Page-Griffiths, Betamin (B- tBingo and Crown and Anchor Defense headquarters at Ot -_i___the____________sevice____________rslf __________________ Complex) tablets once a day. Featuring the Rltz Brothers games on the hall grounds. The tawa bas made public a schedule il a.m. and 7 p.m. <united ser- Tend writing in form ofoa jet- and Jane Frazee concluding feature was a dance in showing the new basic pay for A scientist states that a bee vice). The Brigadier will be as- ter to, 1e-nt NEWS the community hall with Russ members of the Canadian Wo- sisted by Majors Minnie and CRTRP.BX35, Alex McGregar Drugs. 31- Creighton's orchestra praviding men's Army Corps on the basis can't see red. But one bas a way NeSi Rbnsn.311OT, O. X3 the music. of inceases announced by Defense of making you feel blue. Analysis ----------50e and $1.00 _____________________________________________Minister Raîston which lift the _________________ Zion Dramatic Club will pre- 30-2*' pay of servicewamen ta 80 per sent their play, "Dotty and Daffy" ........- cent of men's pay from the exist- ________________ in the basement of Hampton .........._____._.......__ ing rate of 66 2-3 per cent. Churcb an Thurs., Aug. 12, at 8 Under tbe new schedule, a C.W. p.m., under auspices of the centreic A.C. prîvate receives $1.05 a day ..grup.o.th.W..for.ar..rk.... agaînst the old rate of 90 cents a Admission 25e and 15c. 31-1 day and hier pay may be increased _________________ DO YOU NEED ta $1.10 after four months' ef- ficient service and ta $ 1.20 after OSHAWA, ONTARIO Vacuum Cleaners YOUR ' B A B Y N E E D S trades pay' efficient service.~~o Phone 1011i- Free Parking 1 1re epie 71da, acc rding-ta grade, same rates and under the same Oakie. Lynn Bari expîrea for removrng wood, the after August 1Oth. conditions as app]y ta dependents In Technicolor public is notîfied not ta trespass Prvosodr Iib ed J u ry & L o v eli fmn Added-The latest release in 1,_nhe _______31_________ fom7 o 0 .m When W . Test Eyes t Us Done Properly Nearly 1,100 railroad oit tank the Canada Carnies On series.I C...TC E S bound from Norris City, ElI., with Its terrfic, pilots smash Ger- age witbout ever baving a corn IeR N THE REXALL DRUG STORE Oklahoma ail delivered ta that man ammunition trains on your foot. That is, pravided ORNO-PHN 4r 9w,7~ point by the new "big inch" ail you have bath feet amputated OOO-POE4r pipe line. wvhen young. IL FOR SALE-GENERAL STORE, gaod farming community, Dur- ham Caunty. Well established business. Reason for selling, death of owner. For particu- lars apply Mrs. E. G. Blanchard, Elizabethville. 29-3 FOR SAL-IN NEWCASTLE, opposite Town Hall, twa large brick homes, knawn as the AllUn Apts.; also large cement public garage. Reasonable termas. Ap- ply Mrs. M. E. Allin, 1826 East Second St., Las Angeles 33, Station B, Calif. 29-3* FARM FOR SALE-180 ACRES, 80 acres level, rich loam and 100 acres of bush and grazing land, watered by twa neyer failing trout streams. Good buildings, situated 1 mile from county road, United Cburcb and school, in Clarke Twp., 7th Con., Lot 9 and 10. Apply L. D. Bell, Kendal, Ont. 30-2* FOR SALE - FARM, baîf mile from Tyrone, seven miles north of Bowmanville, adjoining Mc- Laughlin Farms; 150 acres, large barn and bouse, cbicken bouse, pig pens, etc. Six acres bard wood timber, eight acres orchard, ever running traut creek. This farm bas ail ma- chinery, horses, etc., which may be purchased with farm if desired. Apply owner, E. S. Trimm, Bowmanville, R.R. 6. 30-2* STE WARrS SEED STORE Dependable Seed Headquarters BINDER TWUNE lst grade 500 f t.------------- $8.50 cwt. 550 f t. -------------- $9.25 cwt. 600 ft.- -------------- $10.00 cwt. 650 ft. -.----- ---- $11.00 cwt. Cattie Spray, Bug Killer, Fertilizers, Phone 577 etc. - Bowmanvile iese hot days when you can S BAKERY. Enjoy lfe and ADS