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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1943, p. 4

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i. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY, AUGUST l2th, 1943 Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Sam Staples and Mr. and Mrs. King. Lindsay, paid a visit to our village Thursday. Mr. Staples used to be a teach- er here some 30 years ago. Orono Girl Guides go on their annual camping trip ncxt week. Miss Jean Wilson is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. H. Smith has returned from a pleàsant holiday at Col- lingwood. Mrs. D. Myles is visiting rela- tives in Manitoba. Miss Betty Stapleton and friend were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris. Orono Womcn's Institute have decided - owing to dearness of fruit and scarcity of sugar-not to go into the jam-making pro- ject. Instead about $50 worth of honey wîll be given for ovenscas shipment. The election is over witb more excitement in this burg than for years past. Our oldest resident, C. J. Hugbson, 96, and stili vitally concerned about political matters, was the first to vote. Syd Rutherford is here for a month's holiday. Mrs. Marsball, Toronto, was a guest of ber father, Mr. George Cooper. Mrs. Andrus and Mrs. Limbert are -guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown. Biss is expected for his holidays next week. Paul Rutherford had his tonsils removed. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlcwood are holidaying at their cottage. Mrs. George Couvier has been guest of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. N. Couvier. Ann and Marion Barrabal were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter, Hampton. Mrs. Paul Snodgrass, Roches- ter, N.Y., is guest of her mothen, Mrs. Robt. Rainey. Paul is ex- pected this week-end. Miss Ola Kirk is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fuller. Mrs. J. Henry visited at Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper's. Grant Moffat, R.C.A.F., was home on leave. Miss Ethel Davidson and bro- ther were guests of Mr. W. J. Stark. Mrs. D. Carscadden left Monday for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Hynes and son visited Mrs. E. Evans. Miss Grace Warren, Whi±by, WHEN YOU PLAN GOOD MEALS ....g Don't Forget Milk! ' Mllk is more than just a beve- rage; it is a nouishing food that wili give added goodness bo your meals. The same vita- mins that build strong teeth and bones for your ehldren will help you keep the energy you need to carry on with your war activities, and miscellan- cous duties whlch make your days so full. Serve it wjth every meal! Bowm a nvîiIe Daîry PHONE 446 ENGLISH CHINA FOR GIFTS AND HOME USE CUPS AND SAUCERS- CREAMS AND SUGARS- CAKE PLATES. DINNERWARE In service for 6, 8 and 12. Open stock eups and saucers and Plates. GLASSWARE Attractive and practieal tumn- blers 5e and up. Sherbets and plates - Fruit juice glasses, goblets, salad bowls, fruit bowls, cake plates and bon bons. VISIT OUR GIFT DEPARTMENT je Wu JEWELL Phonme 556 BowmaflvilIC was guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Miss Enid Bowen was homne. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bebee will hol- iday at Bewdley. Congratulations to Mrs. D. Noble who will celebrate ber 83rd birthday next Wednesday. Young People's Union members had a mixed-teamn ball game in the park with score 12 to 7. M. H. Staples took charge of the Park St. Chuncb service, Sun- day, delivering a splendid ser- mon. Mrs.,A. A. Drummond also rendered a solo. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allen have rented the former Morton bouse, and expect to move in Oc- tober. Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., is holidaying here. Township Council CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Clarke Township Councîl met August 3rd. Tax anrears was dis- cussed and the treasurer was ask- ed to present a fuîll report of al anrears at September meeting. By-law was passed fixing the rates for taxation as follows: County rate 1?.3 mills( High and Continuation School 3.64, County purposes 8.66); General School rate 6.9 milis; Townsbip rate 4 milîs; Orono Police Trustee rate 6 milîs. There was considerable debate about dogs roaming at large and destroying sheep. In July $228 was paid out in sheep damages and in August $357. Unless botter care of dogs is given, drastic steps will have to be taken. These bills were ordered paid: County Treas. 50 per cent Mtce. Hospitalization $14.00; Mrs. H. Morris S5.00; Mrs. E. J. Randal $32.00; J. J. Mellor, salary, etc.. $69.41; Jack Reid, 3 sheep killed, $48.50; B. T. Elliott, 1 sheep kili- ed, $10.00; James Rutherford, 8 sheep killed, $104.00; Hector Mill- son. 9 sbeep killed, $130.00; Archie Hoy, 1 sbeep killed, $18.00; Wal- ter Farrow, 1 sheep killed, $12.00; Clarence J. Allin, 1 sheep killed, $l5.00;Clarence J. Allen, 8 trips as valuer, $20.00; Wmi. E. Davey, 2 trips to Oshawa, B.O.H., $6.50; R. H. Wood, care of town hall, $21.25; Onono Times, July min- utes, $2.50; Dr. Stanley, Oshawa, B.O.H., $9.00; Road Voucher No.. 7, $905.46. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENI NGS FROM THE ORONO NEWS August 9th, 1928 Tax rate for Clarke is an in- crease of 2 1-2 milîs over 1927. Police Trustee rate remairs tbe same, 5.7 milîs. J. W. Maxwell bas retuin, à to Chicago. Jack renews bis youth by these annual trips visiting old scenes of his boyhood. No othen place has the spe e earin for hum. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Gamsby, Uplands. Calif., and Mrs. Evelyn Willoughby, Toronto, are guests of Orme Gamsby. Tbey are spending an enjoyable time vis- iting childbood friends and scenes of their childbood days. A meeting of the Forestry coin- mittee of the United Counties of Northumberland and D u r h a m was held in Cobourg and John Fisk, Pontypool, was recommcnd- éed as superintendent of the Coun- tics' Forestry Reserve in Clarke Township. This reserve consists of 742 acres. Miss Mildned Cule, Columbus, bas been engaged as teacher of the High School here. C. G. and William Armstrong called to sec Dr. Ross Lang and his mother when coming tbrougb Chicago. g Nestieton Nestîcton W.I. met at tbc home of Mrs. Shepard, Caesarea, Aug. 3rd. It was the grandmothers' meeting in charge of Mrs. D. Davidson. Roll Caîl: One of my superstitions. There were 20 ladies present and some children. There was an exhibit of old books. Mrs. Shepard was given a hearty vote of tbanks for use of ber home and a pleasant afternoon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doake (nec Mabel Nesbitt), Orillia, on the anrival of a young daughter. Visitors: Mrs. Allison, Mr. George Towner and Mr. Don Mairs, Kitchener, at Mrs. Alex Mairs'. . . Mrs. Jas. Williamson witb ber sister, Mrs. Byers, Janet- ville, on ber 88tb birthday... Miss A. Taylor and Miss E. Jay, Toronto, with the former's niece, Mrs. David Johns. .. Mr. and Mrs. George Cornish witb their son, Wilfred Cornisb, Bowmanville... Miss Jean Malcolmn witb Miss îVerna McNally, Coîborne. . . Mr. 32-3 For Sale ROCK Apply phone 32-1 Burketon Visitons: Rev. Milton Sander- son and Roy. Toronto. with MVrs. C. Sanderson. . . Miss Betty Mof- fatt with Mns. Robent Wilson, Oshawa. . . Mn. Orland Bailey. Miss Ruby McDonald, Mn. Donald Hall, Miss Helen Rice, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Roy McDonald and Melene, Bowmanville, with Mn. T. Bailey. . . Mns. Harny Galley, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawson, Miss Bernice Banker, To- ronto, with Mrs. F. Caughill and attendod the Sinclain-Roblin wed- ding at Cobourg... Mn. and Mrs. H. Adams at Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon... Mn. and Mns. Gor- don Hudson, Peterbono, with Mn. A. N. Hudson. . . Mn. and Mrs. Allie Graham, Mn. and Mns. Ed. Adamns, Mns. Dinab Adamns, Mrs. Stan Adams and Clifford with Mn. H. Adams. .. Mns. Andy Monison and Clarence, Mrs. Fred Adams and Evelyn, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Stephenson, Vaugban and Beven- ly, Mrs. Stan Heniott, Mns. E. Patterson witb Mns. M arnthba Adams and attended the Adams picnic at Cream of Barley Camp ...Mn. and Mns. Clare Avery, Miss Vera Tnewin, Haydon, Mns. C. Gage, Toronto, with Mr. W. H. ....... Mn. and Mrs. John Can- ton and Robent attended the Wings Panade in London, wben their son, Roy, received bis wings and commission as Pilot Officer ...Mrs. Ivan Cook, Miss Betty Harper, Miss E. Avery, Miss B. Scott, Toronto, with the Moffatt's ]Brown's Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Law- ronce Jamieson and family, Cold Springs, at Mn. Wellington Fan- row's. .. Mn. and Mrs. T. Gimblett, Maplo Grove, Mn. and Mns. E. Burrus, Oshawa, at Mn. Les. All- dred's. .. Mrs. J. Hillier, Mn. Geo. Stephenson and Bobby w it h friends in Kingston. . . Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne and family, Ebenezer, at Mn. Clarence Tunn- er's. .. Mrs. W. Brunt, Lockant's, at ber motber's, Mrs. Clifford Brown... Miss Peggy Stephenson with ber aunt, Mrs. LloXd Steph- enson, Newcastle. Enfield Visitons: Miss Merle Ashton, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. C. Childen- hose and Beverly, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mns. James Connons and Mn. and Mrs. Morley Sîceman and Jimmie, Kinsale, at Harold On- miston's. .. Miss Evelyn Cunning- ham, Brantford, Mns. D. Cunning- ham, Brussels, and Miss M. Potts, Guelph, at Wallace Pascoe's... Miss Durothea Hall, Oshawa, at home. . . Mrs. A. E. Niddery, To- ronto, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Osh- awa, wîtb Mns. L. Pascoe. .. Allan Niddeny, Mn. and Mrs. A. McRae and family, Toronto, at the McRae cottage. .. Mr. and Mns. H. Wir and Beverley, London, at the Bowman homes. .. Mn. and Mns. F. Gilbert, Solina, at Hosken Smith's. .. Mns. O. J. McCulloch is recovering fron an oporation in Oshawa hospital. . . Harvest bas commencod with the possibilities of a ligbt yield of poon grain. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Councillon S. E. White neported on the Mns. Agnes Shortt propen- ty and gravel stating that Road Suporintendent and ho had come te the conclusion that no action would be taken at present. Treasuror acknowledged ne- cipt of $100 .00 fnom Oshawa Wood Products for calcium cblor- ide and frein C .Found $1500 for haif-ton of calcium chlonide for private use. Road Superintendent accountsI wene read, ordered paid, f0 the amount of $3,634-89. By-Law was passed setting rates for taxation for the year as follows: County rate 12.05 milîs; general school rate 6.01 milîs; Township rate 4 milîs. Council adjourned te meet on Sept. 4th. Accounts passed: Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $30.00; T. M. Sîcinon & Son, relief, $800; Miss E. A. Hoît, relief, $4.00; F. L. Byam, relief, $400; J. D. Hogarth, July salany, $100.00; J. D. Ho- garth, excise and postage, $300; Bell Telephone Co., service chgs., $3.16; Steward Ontario Hospital, hospitalization, $4600; Dr. W. H. Stanley, pneumo thorax nef ilîs, $1800; Countios Treasurer, hos- pitalization, $6900; L esl1 i e Coombes, killing dog, $500, C. A. Wight, killing dog, $500; Hydre Electric Coin., service chgs., $3.10; C. A. Wight, sheep damages, $25.00; B. Glaspoîl, sheop inspec- tion, $470; Hanny R. Deyinan, ne- vised votons' list, $600. Gardner who is on vacation, we are holding a unitcd meeting of the' congregation and the Sunday1 School af I1) o'clock. Augtist th( xvas in charge of Mrs. R. Wright.1 Dcx'otionaî was taken by Mrs.1 Wright. Mns. Gordon Brent told the children's story. Miss Doro-1 thy Wright sang the solo, "The1 Lord Will Take Cane of You".I Reading by Ross Pooley and a1 reading by Douglas Barr. PianoE Hampton Visitors Mns. James Adams, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Adains, Mr. Stanley Adains and son, Clifford, Mrs. Andrew Morrison and son, Clarence, Mns. Stanley Harriot, Conn.. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mrs. Clif- ford Pothick, Enniskillcn, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, Burketon, at Mr. Alf. Randle's and Mrs. F. Adams'. .. Miss Carol Craig with relatives in Tononto. . . Miss Eleanor Hayes, Toronto, with Mrs. Joe Chapman. . . Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Black and daughter, Toronto, at Mn. H. Peters'... Mrs. Gertrude Pinie and niece, Miss Dorothy Smith, Mrs. E. Cbnistie and daughter Dianne, Toronto, at W. Cnaig's. .. Stocker II Bud Pingle of the R.C.N., Cape Breton Isle, N.S., is on 28 days' tîcave and is with bis par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Baden Pingle, while recuperating from an oper- ation. .. Mn. and Mrs. E. Howard, Miss Betty Howard and Mrs. Han- old Woods, Oshawa, with Mrs. S. G. Niddery. . . Howard Sewell, Clarence Sinale and daughter, Barbara ,Toronto, at Mns. Ida Smale's and Wilfred Smale's... Lieut. and Mrs. C. J. Wray, King- ston, at T. Wnay's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono, at Mrs. Elmina Johns'. .. Mrs. Emma Bennett, Bowmanville, with rel- atives. .. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Bul- lett at Mn. Howard Pnice's, To- ronto. .. Miss Madeline Truli and Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, Toronto, with their mothen, Mms. A. Truil... Mns. E. Clarke, Wbitby, at Mn. B. Pingle's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Perey Cowling and twins, Bowmanville, at Jno. Cowling's. . . Mn. and Mrs. T. Salter, Miss Sharp, Mrs. Jane Raitt and Mrs. Ida Tennant, Toronto, Miss Reta Kcnslake, Bowmanville, at T. Salter's and H. Potens'. .. Miss Elena Niddery witb ber sisten Mrs. R. Widdi- combe and mother, Mrs. S. G. Niddery. . . Mrs. M. Goodman, Mn. C. H. Burnows and Miss Louise Goodman witb relatives at Leamington. . . Mn. and Mns. Everett Allin, Toronto, Mrs. Stan- ley Lake, Misses Ellen and Analle Green, Hamilton, at Harold Al- lin's. .. Mrs. J. W. Chapman and daughter, Gail, Toronto, at Mr. Joe Chapman's. . . LjCp1 Beulah Hutchinson, No. 21 C.D.C. Clinie, No. 24 C.A.(B.)T.C., Brampton, and Rfmn. Clifford Hutchinson, Dartmouth, N.S., with their par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson. Visitons: Miss Madeline Trul bas returned to Toronto after bol- idaying at home. . . LAC Ralph Taylor, Wireless School, Guelph, at Mns. A. C. Trull's. Hampton Women's Institute met at the Park Bungalow, Aug. th, for their annual picnic. A short bisness meeting was con- ducted with the president, Miss Lulu Reynolds, in the chair. Thé sports committee then t o o k charge and the following were winners: Race. 3 yrs. and under -Patsy Ann Pingle, Betty Lou Westlake; girls' race, 4 t0 7 ys.- Gertrude Cnaig, Bea Cnaig; boys' race, 4 t0 7 yrs.-Fnanklin Truil, Brian Damant; girls' race, 7 to 10 yrs.-Joan Craig, Grace Kersey and Evelyn Sinale tied; boys' race, 7 to 10 yns. - Bruce Caverly, Ralph Petens; timo race-N. Horn; bean guessing contest-Mrs. W. G. Doidge. Gamps followed and a very pleasant evening %ýas spent. Mn. Geo. Black, Toronto, gave a splendid message at the Sun- d ay evening Church service which was in charge of the Young People. Those who were privi- ledged to bean him appreciated bis services in coming. Mn. T. Salt- or and Mns. Ida Tennant, Tononto, Mn. Theo. Salten and Mrs. H. Petons formed a quartette. The service nexct Sunday evening will be in change of oun pastor. Centre Gnoup met for scwing at Mrs. T. Wray's, Wednesday, when a social timo was enjoyed. The group bas reccived word that thein ditty bags have been receiv- cd and mucb appreciated. Mn. and Mns. Gilbert Adcock received a letton fnomn their son, Donald, infonming them of bis safe anival in England and of bis meeting Hampton boys who have been there for some tino. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Chapman also received word fnomn Gnr. Ray- mond Petit who bas also arrived safely in England. Ermiskillen Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. O. Ash- ton with Mn. and Mrs. I. Trevail, Oshawa. .. Mns. T. Rodman, Mrs. S. Rodman, Pont Penny, Mrs. I. Trevail and Bruce, Oshawa, at E. C. Asbton's. .. Mrs. George Brad- ley and Mary Adeline, Toronto, at Mrs. Wm. Griffin's. C.G.I.T. met at the home of solo by Bessie Hilîs. Reading given by Mrs. A. Wood and one by Helen Werry. Mn. and Mrs. Archie Virtue ac- companied by Mn. and Mrs. L. Brooks, Bowmanville, attended the funeral of Mrs. Virtue's father, George Carn of Gilford, on Monday. Mn. and Mns. T. H. Richards, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Richards and Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Bigelow attended the funeral of Mns. Charles Richards, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mrs. Henb Burgess received word that hon husband, Pte. Herb. Burgess, Mimico, was stnuck by a car, while walking along the road ta the camp. Ho is suf fer- ing froin broken ribs and bruises I and is in Chorley Park Hospital, Toronto. Congratulations t0 Howard Me- Roberts and bride on their mar- niage. Visitons: Mn. Fred Farrell, Kin- dersley, Sask., with friends... Mn. C. J. Kersiake, Nona and George Kenslake, Hampton, with Mrs. B. Moore. .. Mn. and Mns. F. L. Byam, Clifford and Gnon- ville, witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. 1. Lillicrapp, Cannington... Mn. and Mrs. James Tomlin and Larry, and Mn. Bruce Tomlin and Kathnyn, Roseneath, at Mn. Willis Stewart's. Haydon Visitons Mns. Thomas Brown, Onono, Miss Lily Collins, Mn. Bill Page, Toronto, at Mn. A. E. Mc- Nouls... Mn. and Mns. R. Griffin, Union, Mn. and Mns. Walter Smith, Bowmanville, Mrs. Ella Smnith, Mn. Claude Smith, Ennis- killen, at Mn. Don Carr's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Eugeno Beech and fain- ily, Ripley, Gladys Beech, Port Hope, at Mn. Alymen Beech's... Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and family, Mns. Russell Crossinan at Mrs. Stanley Byam's, Goodwood ...Mrs. W. Tbompson, Mrs. F. Osmond and Connie witb rela- tives in Toronto. . . Mrs. Harry Milîs and Patsy, Montreal, at Mn. T. Mountjoy's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Adams, Conn, at Mn. E. Stephonson's. .. Mn. and Mns. E. Stephenson and family attended the Adams family picnic at the Creamn of Barley Camp on Satur- day. . . Mrs. J. D. Brown, Miss Olive Brown, Onono, L eRo y Brown, R.C.A.F., Windsor, at Mn. Lloyd Ashton's. .. Manie and Ray Ashton at Mn. W. Brownlee's, Leaside. . . Ronald Ashton with Allan Wenny, Enniskillen. . . Mn. and Mrs. A. Morgan, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Bnadley's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and Lloyd attend- ed a picnic at Cobourg. . . Mr. and Mns. E. Stephenson and fam- ily at Mn. Henry Adamns, Burke- ton.. . Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian at Mn. W. Blackburn's, Maple Grove. . . Mrs. Will Smith, Whit- by. Mn. and Mns. Ray Smith, Mrs. Lennox, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Frank Rundle, Miss H e 1 e n Rundle,, Bowmanville, at Mn. W. Trcwin's. Word bas been received by bis parents of the safe arrival in Eng- ]and of Gnr. Arthur Trewin, L.A.A. AC2 Clifford Trewin bas been tnansferred to the Fingal Airpont Scbool. Zion Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isabel at Orville Os- borne's, Bowmanville. .. Mn. and Mns. Joseph Ellins, Mn. B. Abaîl, Brampton, at Norman Leach's.. Richard Tnewin with his parents at Lansing. .. Mrs. Jas. McMasten, Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's. . . Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro, with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. When We Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Stainton. .. Mrs. Russell Perkinsl and Margaret at Toronto... Mrs. Perfect Satisfaction ln Fit and Price Ray Cameron, Beverly an d Janeen, have returned f r o ni Osaca. Inez is staying with hier LUX FALMOLIVE1 JERGEN'S ODEX grandmother, Mrs. P. J. Gifford, SOAF OF I OFSA Osaca, Mrs. Lucy Short, Max- IOPSAPSA well's, at Russell Stainton's. .. 2 for lic i 2 for lc i 4 for 19e 2 for lic Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and __________________________ Helen attended the wedding of Miss Amber Sonley and Mr. Percy FOR THE HAIE - Bryce, at Oshawa, on Saturday der, Myrtie Station, at Alex Fish- 011, 5 oz.-----------59e and Glenna at Toronto. . . Miss -TISU Eiîcen Stainton with her brother, Kreml ------ 59c, 98e -àpte ffp Lloyd Stainton at Niagara Re- Fich onl . 9e 00 heE serve Camp. .. Sebert Armstrong, Fic Tn4 ---------- 5e 70 HET Oshawa, at Russell Perkins'. . . Brylcreem ---------- 49e )to the roll Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chant and Mt ,u family, St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Rassian Bear 011 4-e----r49e Ted Chant and famnily, Hampton, OlieooBiliati e 30 at Reford Cameron's. .. Mr. and lvoBrlinne_30 Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Orono. . . Master Brian Lee, Pio v eeyPio l as--- 0 Kedron, has returned home after Pion8 ee oz.-2c HironBrusheas ------ --to .5 holidaying with bis grandparents, 8oz-----------------2e Hi rss---6ct$.5 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton..., Fruit Kepe, no sugar, n0 Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Jack eooklng ------ - ---- 25e Bill folds -- --- 35e to $4.50 and Joyce, at Bernard McEwen's, Tat Ant Traps -------- 35e Money Belts,--, $1.75 to $1.98 Dunbarton. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 lb. Moth Killer -------- 39c Shaving Brushes 39e to $4.50 Knopsel, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter and Charles, Max- well's, Mr. H. Schmid, Osbawa, FLY-TOX SHELL-TOX SHELL-TOX FLY at Hans Gcissberger's. . . Jas. 2e2e ISRYE OL Killen at Niagara-on-the-Lake... 2o2o SRYR OL Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Killen and 43e - 73e 43c- 73c 60e 4 for 10ce' family at Mervin Knapp's, Brook- lin... Mr. and Mrs. John Cruick- shanks and family, Aif. Ayre, Boyd and Lloyd Ayrc, Lloyd Met- KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE- No Sugar, No caif, M r. and Mrs. N. M etcalf, Cooking ------------------------- ----------- 20c, 35e Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Gad and daughtcr, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Luke and family, Osh- awa, went on a picnic to Orono... Poe<' ~~" BoyAr, r.Af.Ar nd PoeWe fit Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf at Niagara 69 W LINGS D U STORETrse Fals... Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Met- calf and Larry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Luke and family, Osh -_____________________________ awa, at Alf. Ayre's. Mrs. Met- caîf and Larry are staying for a JmBso n obOhw, H htpreee ae vr few days. .. AIf. Ayrc at Sarnia JmBso n obOhw, H htpreee ae vr and Watford. . . Bert Hoskin, at Frank Pascoe's. . . Miss June difficulty an advancement and Burketon, at Reford Cameron's.. Brunt with Jean Montgomery, every conquest a victory. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, Whit- Solina.CleC.otn by, at Frank Pascoe's. .. Mr. and _____ C.___to Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith attended the funeral Conscience tells us that we Mankind is not disposed to look of their uncle, Herbert Tink, ought to do right, but it does not narrowly into the conduct of Solina. . . Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, tell us what right is-that we are great victors when their victory Hampton, Mr. Wilbur Thompson, taught by God's word. is on the side of right. Strongfield, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. -H. C. Trumbaîl -George Eliot G 'CAN NED FOODS ARE ASIMPORTANT A AMNITIO WOMEOF ONTARIO youý*4týURGENLYNEEDED i XVJITH more and more Canadian Troops going lY into active service as the Allied Forces press -- the attack, Canned Foods become as vitally essential ~i ~asbuls - 5,000 Ontrio Women and Girls wil bave to replace tixe - workers wbo usually man tbe Canning Factories each season. I'F'- Ci :anadian Armei Forces are to be woperly fed on th battie une. 0 aonadian Homes ore te have sufficient Canned Fruits and Vegetables this Winter. 0 YOU wiII have Io 'Lend a Hand" in Canadion C.anning Factories within the next Y 0 weeks. bd 'e These workers are now almost entirely employed on year- round war jobs, but the canning crops of Ontrio stili must he saved for Victory. Ontario's youth has volunteered and bas been organized to harvest tbe abundant crops of tommeos, corn, peacbes and grapes from fields and orchards of Ontario. Ontario's Mot1hers and Sisters -housewives and unemployed girls, from 16 to 60 - most of whom have neyer seen the inside of a canning factory before, are URGENTLY NEEDED in rthe canning factories of rbis province to save every ounce of precious food in tbe next 12 weeks. NO WORKING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FROM EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE FOR THIS WORK. Current wages will be paid. The work is flot hard and good living quarters wil be arranged for if you are employed away from home. Do YOUR Part: Act NOW! Today, before you forget. Apply at once ro the superintendent of the nearest canning factory, if you live near one, or see thxe Agricultural Advison at your nearest Employment and Selective Service Office, for full information. If TUNE IN "HELP WANTED'e KVieIy WIDIS DAY 7.30 P.M. CBC N!IWOB% s- , wl; ,- , PAGE FOUR FOR SALE- BARRED1 pullets, started f0 lay. Victor Szold, Hampton, Bowmanville 2173. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1943

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