THURSDAY, AUGUST l2tb. l1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mrs. Bud Hay, Toronto, was guest of Miss Louise Cox. AW2 Jean Davoy, Trenton, vis- ited relatives and friends hero. Mr . and Mrs. Sam Mason and son, Toronto, vîsited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Mason. Miss Harriet Bartleff, Toronto, is spending bier vacation wifh lher aunt, Miss Eva Hellyar. Mrs. J. H. Jobnsfon bas return- ed fromvisiting relatives in Mge E. Walden and LAC R. Armritrong wore week-end guesfs of ber mother, Mrs, C. H. Mason. Mrs. A. G. Casselman, Richard, Agnes and Emma, Morrisburg, are guests of Mrs. W. R. Strike. AC1 Jim Clark, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark. Misses Helen Gunn and Eleanor O'Neill, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Mr. and Mrs. John Black, Paris, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Cochran. Rev. C. W. Lynn bas returned to bis duties as pastor of the Evangelistic Tabernacle. Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker bas bought the Elias Sfrutf farm near Tyrone. Miss Edna Bottreil, Toronto, is holidaying witbh ler father, Mr. Tbos. Bottrell. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Living re- ceived a cable Tuesday from their. son, Pte.. Arthur (Bud) Living, a former member of The States- Do YOU Lead A Double Life? ARE YQUR DAYS DIVIDED BETWEEN DEFENSE WORK AND YOUR FAMILY? Your day has been cram- med full. You haven't had a chance to prepare a des- sert for tonight 's dinner. The solution lies in our de- licious baking. Stop in on your way home. -EAT MORE BREAD- Carter 's bread is made in Bowmanville. Fresh from oven to you. luH' foC u, ATEZaoz man staff, who is 00w in North Africa, stafing ho was well. Mrs. May Pearce, West Orange, N.J., is visifing ber cousin, Miss Florence Werry. Miss Grace Quigg, Gaît, was guosf o! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swin- delîs. Miss Carnie Painfon is visiting ber sister, Mrs. F. A. Fifcbett, Mont real. Miss Collette Ferguson is boli- daying at C.G.I.T. camp on Moira Lake. Miss Helen Cox is bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Wight, Cobourg. Gnr. George Sellers, Halifax, is spending turlough with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sellers. A C 2 Helen Tait, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), Toronto, spont the week- end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tait. Mr. P. R. Cowling, druggist, bas purchased the late F. H. Mason rosidonco on Temperance Street. Adjt. and Mrs. Cyril Smitb and family, Toronto, have heen visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant. Lieut. Leon Gunn, Canadian In- fantry Training Centre, Camp Borden, was guest of bis father, Mr. J. A. Gunn. Miss Irene Roblin and ber sis- fer, Mrs. George Davison, Hamil- ton, -are guesf s o! Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Pope, But- falo, N.Y., are visiting Mrs. Pope's sistors, Mrs. Jack Pointen and Mrs. Chris. Robinson. Sgt. Eileen O'Connor, C.W. A.C., Kingston; Mr. Jack Stewart, Hamilton, were guosfs o! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes, To- ronto, are spending their vaca- tion witb ber mother, Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. Leslie Hancock, a former man- ager o!fbe Brookdale Nurseries, was elecfed in South Wellington as the C.C.F. candidate. Miss Dorofhy Richards, Toron- fo, spont the week-end at home and Joyce refurned witb ber for holidays. Mrs. R. Dumas bas rofurned afttr spending ton monfbs witb ber daughter, Mrs. James Milli- gan af North Bay. Mrs. Iva McManus, Miss Rose Bate, Mrs. E. S. Harnden and Billie spont a delighfful fime fisb- ing in the Ofonobee River. Miss Evelyn Harnden is spend- ing a woek at homo before re- turning fo Grove Park Lodge, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Maplo Grave, and Mn. and Mrs. Bort Colwell and Teddy are boli- daying af Rustic Bay, Sturgoon Lake. The editor is gneatly indebtod fo Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, New- castle, for a buge bouquet o! gorgoous gladioli !rom thoir prize winning gardon. Word bas been received thaf John Ireland,' nepbew o! Mrs. Jack Poinfon and Mrs. Chris. Robinson, bas been wounded at Sicily. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Williams and twocb ildren, Mn. John Palmen, Niagara Falls, NY., wero guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Green!ield. Mrs. C. R. Locke, Dartmouth, N.S. (neo Betty McLean) was guesf o! ber 'aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, on route f0 Irnia, Alfa., f0 visif ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Colin MeLean. Mr. John A. Stiles, O.B.E., Chie! Execufive Commissioner o! the Boy Scouts Association, Ottawa, who addressed the Rotary Club on Friday was guest o! Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugblin wbile in fown. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meadows, Elona, Francis Jose, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Mrs. Douglas Barnes and David, Oshawa, and Mrs. Howard Cole, Hampt on, visîfed Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cryderman. Mrs. Emily Roach, Ontario Sf., celebrafed bher 9th birfbday on Augusf 6fb when a number o! friends called f0 offer congratula- fions. If wili ho recalied that Mrs. Roacb was for over 50 years a taifbfui and valued employe as seamstress wifh Coucb, John- sf00 & Cryderman. She is on- joying good health and can still wield the needle witb anyone bal! ber years. In bis weokly crop report fo the Ont ario Dopant mont o! Agricul- ture E. A. Summers makes these comments about Durham County: Early sown spring grains, even o! the early vaiefies, bave shown considerable rusf. This, along YOU'D BE SURPRISED 1 -at the many homes destroyed by tires! A doyen littie bouse hold aci denits vaui be the cause of a big, f ire. Your hoie îs preeious. Iix est in ir îe Ilsuiranve Nitlî lis to(d ! Stuart R. lamesi Insurance and Real Estate Successor to J. J.. Masoil & Son JPhono 681, 493ý )Bowmnalville M ~- - - - - - - - - - - -- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Gilmer, Bowmanvillo, at homo missionary sfory road by iss . .. Mrs. Silver, Ajax, at home... Susie Laird; vocal solos by Mlts. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jamieson E. Twist and Mrs. L. White; Mrs. and Evelyn and Allan, Cold- L. C. Snowden gave a reading and springs, at Mrs. Jacob Hallowell's. Mrs. C. Avery and Mrs. J. Mun- Allan and Evlyn Jamieson day led in prayer. Bible reading bave joined the Air Force. was given by Mrs. Ralph Ormis- Congratulations f0 Mr. Clarence ton. Cookies and fea were sorved Gilmor wbo was united in mar- and a social time enjoyed. A niage f0 Miss Audrey Bunley on ehearty vote o! tbanks was tender- Saturday, at the parsonage in ed Mrs. Snowden for opening ber Newtonville by Rev. McLachlan. home for tbe occasion. 0a f Tomorrow BEACH NEWS (Continued from page 1) _____ wind. Truth is the solid rock upon EAST SIDE which personality. dopendable personality is built. Honour is a Mr. and Mrs. Blackley, Mr. migbty word and mon who are Campbell, and Mr. Borkleyshire, men are willing to die for it. Toronto, with Mrs. Blake Short, Every young man should learn "Lakeside Cottage Farm". Y to think before be speaks. Too Mr. Stanley Gorham, Mrs. Ger- i many people begin to ftalk ,af aid Gorham and children, Toron-t once, witbout rolling the thing to, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Gorham. over in their minds. Your boy M0 must not blurt. Tell him it takes Mr. and Mrs. J. GueruseyM- a man two years f0 learn to falk Clellan and son John, Toronto,e and fifty years to keep bis moutb are holidaying at their cottage. shut. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bowden,d Give your boy something f0 do Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. E.a wbich he likes, or he will do Rehdor.J somefbing you dont like. Mrs. D. Deas, Toronto, witb Talk to him some day about the Mrs. C. R. Baker.b three main qualifies of a Lead- Miss Nancy Duncan, Toronto,f er. Ail great leaders have ideal- with Mrs. F. S. Vanstone.0 ity, magnetism and the power to MrilMs re llnM command. Lord Byng of Vimy Mran s.FeClad'Mrp told me once he had met many and Mrs. Frank Cashmore, To: i people who had two, but lacked ronto, Pte. Margaret Cashmore, 1 the third of these three essential C.W.A.C. Station, Simcoe, andc things. 1mrS. Ott Virtue, Tyrono,1 with1 Revoal to your son that he wiîî Mr. andtMrs. N. Byers, "Idelby., nover know what is in him until MIr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, To- s ho has been through the flame of ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. advorsity. That is the invisible Grant, "Bothondeane".t flame, the one that is the hottest S__________ and hurfs the most. The manV passing fhrougb it either turnsS yellow and squeals, or turns true Obituar blue and utters not a word. 1 r have seen mon, great mon, o HRERp.TN fhrougb the flame and have notxc- EBR .TN ed thomn smile as their friends fouch them, absorbing some of There passod away at bis homer the heat, and taking away some near Solina, on July 3'1, affer an 1 of the hurt. 1 have even found illness of several monfhs, Herberta such men lifting their eyes to E. Tink. For some woeks ho had heaven, claiming strengfh came to suffered much but ho endured it 1 tbemn from that source. with great fortitude and patience. t Speak frequently of the groat He was a good farmer and wasE men in history, especially mon a bard working industrious manS who did things for their fellow and was much beloved by ahl whor men. Anthony Asbley Cooper, came in contact with him. HeE the Seventb Earl of Shaftsbury, loved his home and family and by a long life of service changed neyer sought public lit e. In early the wbole social outlook of the life ho connected himself with the British people. Those who have Church and was a good supporter read about him wîll realize how and was an elder for many years much ho owed f0 bis old nurse and held other responsible posi- Maria Millis, who repeatodly tions in the Church and was a reg- whispored in bis ear: "You can ular attendant. Ho was a kindE do ahl things through Christ wbo triend and good neighbour and1 strengtheneth you." was a great help in community Every man ought f0 realize that lite. bis son may have inhorited not Ho was born in Cornwall, Eng-t only certain of HIS characteris- land, in 1877 and at the age of tics, but the wisdom of bis grand- five years came to Canada and father, or of someone else among shorfly afterwards was bereaved the people o! yesterday in bis of botb bis parents. Ho was taken family. by Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pascoe and The Four Demnands: lived on tbe 7th Concession of As I soe if, the Man of To- Darlington and attended Brad- morrow is making four demands ley's School. on tbis generafion. He feels ho In 1903 he married Adeline bas a right f0 fertile soil, at leasf Elva Pascoe, daughter of the late as fertile as when we received Thomas and Margaret Pascoe and itftrom our fathers. He asks that commenced farming in the com- we do not burn the forests, nor mi un. nAgut2n as« use up aIl the minerals, and ho ie uea nAgs n a sbudders at the tbougbt of in- largely aftended, bundreds being berifing old debts which ho teels present from every walk o! life were no concern o! bis. f0 pay their last tribute of respect f0 the deceased. Rev. Walter The Door ]En The Wall: Rackham, bis pastor, came back1 Father and Mother and their from bis vacation f0 conduct thej son bave reached the door in the service and spoko words of cheerj greaf wall whicb runs acruss the and comfort fo fthe bereaved Mountain of Lite. The boy is mourners. Rev. Walter Tink, a wearing a knapsack. As tbey cousin from Hamilton, assisfed reach the door, ho drops if from at the service. The romains were bis shouldors f0 seo wbaf bas been lot erred in the family plot at1 put in if by bis parents f0 pro- Hampton Cemetery. pare him for bis journey. Can The caskef was banked with you blame him for feeling sad flowers fromn loving friends, rela- over the contents? There is no tives and neigbbours, the Church, map, no money and no guide. In- Women's Institufe and the Dur- sfead, ho finds only a sharp knite, barn County Holstein Club. representing bis education, and a Ho beaves f0 mourn bis passing Bible info whicb have beon thrusf bis bereaved widow, tbree sons, some loose shoots. There is also a Hilton, Clarence and Bruce, and a key f0 the door. The boy wants daughter, Evolyn (Mrs. Percy bis father and mother fo accom- Dewell) and nino grandchildren, pany bim fbrough the door, but two sisters in England, one bro they explain if is impossible. His ther in Australia, and a brother in worid bolongs fo him and not f0 South Africa. them. When ho asks fhemn for Those presont from a distance advice, tbey wbisper gently: "Son wore Alan McKessock, Thames- give the Sermon on the Mount ford; Mr. and Mrs. Will Tremeer, another try. We did not do as Misses Lily and Lena Tremeer, weli with if as we should, but we Lindsay; M i s s Katec Hortop, stili believe if will work."~ Georgetown; Rev. Walter Tink Where Are You Going? and wife, Hamilton; Geo. Walters, Just bof oro the boy stops Wili Horfop and Miss Nellie Heys,1 tbrougb the door ho turns and Toronto; Will Wiils and Mrs. Will asks o! bis parents: "And wbero Warner, Hastings; Orme Cruick- . ?',sbanks and wîfe and Mrs. Ida Wil- arnstoad o! relyig hy pint eterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Instead offollowing e on Couch and Mrs. Samis and Mrs. f0 a long lino of people olwn Norman Allin and Miss Marion, the wall up bill and down andNecsl; r.Stny1 !înally, over the iast knoli andNecse; r.adMsSfny into the sunsof. Just before some Miller, Sunderland; Mr. and Mrs.1 of he dsapea, be trn and Artbur Taylor and Earl, Cherry-1 wavthe ir ands at the !otou -wood; and many others from inge tbem, indicatingthat the ow Bowmanville, Oshawa, Brooklin, joutrn, tbough ard tand soe-Pickering and Columbus. timre ftuli o!an bansol enBearers were Alan McKessock, woresfbwble.fpin sal e Harold and Frank P as c oe, And thon the boy stops tbrougb nepbews, and Stanley Webber,1 the door into bis world to face Earl Taylor and Orme Cruick- new dangers, f0 build new roads, sbanks, cousins. and f0 live bis life as different f0 Ho bas left an bonoured name your asyour ba bee f0thefor integrity and uprigbtness and world of your fathers. At sucb a bis posterity may well !ollow in time the most important tbing you bis foofsteps. can band bîmn is your conception The family bave the sincere o! the versifies o! life. sympatby of the entire commun- _________________ ity in their bereavement. Starkville Wake up your iv«erq cleanse your systomi seel flghtlng fit by ENO' "FRUIT SAI Wedding MIONROE-WIGHT Tiify United Church, Bow- rnamîý,lle was the sconeofo a pretty all-wh0ite wedding on August 7th, ATbCn Rev. J. E. Griffith united in marriage Bornico, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight, and John Forbes Monroe, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MIonroe, Ottawa, in a double ring cerernony. The churcb was beautitully decorated witb standards ot pink and white gladioli and ferns. Mrs. John Gunn presided at the organ. The bride, given in marriago bY hcr tather, looked lovely in a floor longth gown ot Velva ray orgonza, Empire style with sweet- heart neckline and wrist longfh poinied sleeves. Her fingertip Veil was gathered f0 a sweetheart halo of matching organza. She carricýd a cascade bouquet of red Briarhlift roses and stephanatis, and her only ornam-ent was three ;trandls o! pearîs. Mrs. Harry Collacutt, cousin ot tho bride, was ber only attendant. She chose a floor longth gown o! whbite chiffon, tashioned with long sleeves, round neckline with em- broidery on yoko and skirt. She wvore a Juliet cap with shoulder- length veil and carriod Dreamn of Killarney roses. Mr. Fred Prasso, Ajax, was best moan and the ushers woro Mr. EIarrY Collacuf t, Bowmanville, and Mr. Warren Mowaf, Whitby. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The brnde's mother receivod in a flow- ered silk gown with black acces- sories and corsage o! Talisman roses. She was assisted by the groom's mofher in turquoise lace Brig. Gertie Holland Gives Stirring Address Brigadier Gorfie Holland who enfered the Salvation Army work !romn Bowmanville many years ago and is n0w refired, paid a visit f0 ber home town on Sunday f0 conducf the services at the Sal- vafion Army. She was assisted by Majors M. and N. Robinson. In the ovening af the united ser- vice the Cifadel was crowded f0 capacity. The Brigadier based ber ad- dress on."The toucb o! the Mas- fer's Hand". She bogan by re- ferring f0 ber own experionco and what a difference thaf touch made in hor own lite, thus creaf- ing ini ber heart a desiro fo go ouf and bring others to Hlm. Thon sbe weht on f0 speak o! the pow- or of Christ's toucb when Ho was bore on eartb, especially ompha- sizing Chrisf's intorest in the cbildren when Ho said, "Suffer tbe little children f0 como unfo Me". The Brigadier made a spec- il appeal f0 those who had got outf otfouch with the Master f0 refurn f0 Hlm and re-ereetthfe !amilv altar in the homo. Brigadier Holland returned f0 ber homo at Fenelon Falls on Monday morning. wltb dusty rose accossories wifh corsage o! roses. Following the reception the happy couple left on a wodding trip tri Muskoka. The bride travelled in a boige ensemble with beige and fanbark acces- sories. Thoy wili neside in Wind- sor. Before bon marriago, the bride was givon a miscellanoous showor at the home of Mrs. Melbourne Wight and a linon showor at the home o! Miss Mahel Clemence, Kingston Road, Bowmanville. 1 Th ho tie ma lea su. Ladies' Rats MOU NTJOY PIC NIC The twenticth annual Mouintjoy picnic was held in Hampton Park on Wednesday. Ju1y 28th. A very interesting and enjoyable pro- gram of sports was carried out by Mrs. Harvey Pascoe for which suitable prizes were given. Winners of the various races were as follows: children 6 yrs.- Douglas Pascoe, Eleanor Mount- joy; girls 12 yrs.-Gladys Mount- joy, Beryl Mountjoy; boys 12 yrs. - Lawrence Mountjoy, Grant Pascoe; girls 15 yrs. - Willa Mountjoy, Marion Mountjoy, Mae Hepburn; boys 15 yrs.-Donald Mountjoy, Grant Pascoe; un- married women-Margaret Hep- burn, Velma Gilbert; unmarried men - Donald Mountjoy, Lloyd Siemon; married women's stunt race - Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Mrs. Russell Gilbert; married men's race-Hugh Gannon, Rus- sell Gilbert; paper race-Grant Pascoe and Gladys Mountjoy, Willa Mountjoy and Evelyn Hep- burn; oldest man presont - Mr. Frank Crossman; oldcst lady present-Mrs. Henry Mountjoy; youngest person presont-Bonnie Gannon. At six o'clock ail sat down to partake of a delicious picnic sup- per. At the close of the supper hour Mrs. Everett Mountjoy caîl- ed the gathering to order for a short business session. Most of the officers were re-olected as follows: President-Mrs. Evorett Mountjoy; Secrtary-Treasurer- Miss Velma Gilbert; Leader of Sports - Miss Lorraine Pascoe, Miss Irene Crossman; . Supper Committee - Mrs. Tennyson Sameils, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Mrs. Luther Mountjoy; Repre- sentativos - Toronto, Mr. Bob Mountjoy; Whitby, Mr. Everett Mountjoy; Cartwright, Mr. Luth- or Mountjoy: Darlington, Mr. Theron Mountjoy. It was decided to hold the 1944 picnic in Hampton Park on the last Wednesday in July. It was movod by Miss Annie Mountjoy that we donate five dollars from our funds to the British War Vic- tims' Fund. As the shadows bogan to fal people began to scatter to their various homes after a very pleas- ant afternoon spent with their Mountjoy cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cator, Bruce and Betty, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and.children, Toronto, have returned to their homes- after spending their holidays with- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Full-D erCator, Salem. D Purses.. Ail kinds, sizes and colours. Black and coloured leather f rom ---------------------- -------- - - 98c f0 $7.50 each Large cloth purses with wooden frames, assorted colours. Several prices. Imitation neediepoint purses with wooden fra m e s -- -- - --- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - --- - - ---.----.-- - - - -- -- --- $2 .59 Suanaer Dresses Another shipment of sununer dresses has arrived. Priced from -----------------------------------------------------$3.50 Up Seersuecer Checks, stripes and patterns in a number of colours. Prieed at - ------------------------- ---------- --- 79e, 90e and $1.10 - AGENT FOR MeCALL PATTERNS - Bathl'ing Suits New stock of ladies and children's bathing suits. SPRING COATS, LADIES' CLOTH COATS AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS THIS STORE CLOSES AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Phone 836 Ring st. )octor's Office gours Afternoons-2.00 f0 4.00 except Vednosday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 f0 9.00 Tuesday, 'ursday and Safurday ONLY. Patients wili ho seen at other ours by appointmenf. In case o! an emergoncy, if their von doctor is flot available, pa- ieots may toiephone the Bow- anville Hospital. 9-ti Only the countrios wbicb can earn f0 serve wili ho worfhy f0 irvive. GET QUICK RELIEF FROM HAY FEVER We iist below many products which have been test- cd and approved by many hay fever sufferers. Why endure diseomforts of this malady longer. - PHONE 792 NOW - ALLERGITABS - Anti-poîlin vaccine tab- lets with vitamin C - guaran- teed ................. $1.00, $2.50 HAYTONE tablets and Iiquid .. 25c, 50c RAZ-MAH CAPSULES 50c, $1.00, $5.00 Ephedrine Inhalant,' 1 OZ. 59c Estivin - ---------------- $1 *19 Gluco-fedrin, 1 oz. 85e Frosst's Allersol, 6 oz. $1.00 Norwich Nose Drops 25c, 49e Resperin Wampole's -----50e I.D.A. Nose Drops - -------25e1 Vick's Vatronol --------- 43e PALM BEACH WHITE SHOE CLEANER --------- ------25e DiUI &.iDu - PABLUM, Meads, 1 lb.--- -- - LACTOGEN, 1 lb. and 21/ lbs. Castoria -----33c, 63e Johnson's Baby Powder ----- 28c, 55c TREE.JPO 29 SFACE POWOER 2c 6 Fatering Shodes 9 UIPSTICK 3 4 LovoIy, oaring finie 0C 'ROUGE30 3 Thrilling ton@& 0, LTIV of1 Eco PRESERVING SUPPLIES - Sweet Pickle Mixture, 1 gal size Parowax, 1 lb......... Jar Rings, standard size. .. Fruit-Kepe ------ - 25e Certo ------------ -- Memba Seais ------- 10e Alum, 2 oz.- ------ Celery Seed, oz.------ Cassia Buds, oz.------ NED QALITY Whole Allspice, oz. ICerto Crystals---- CAKES-CORKS - ALL Best Quality at »nomical Prices 45e ----------- 9c 1.59 Baby's Owvn Tablets -- Baby Botties, 4 oz. & 89 General Healtb Nipples Nutrim Dentri-Maltose, 1 lb. --- --- 23C oz. 5e 3 for 25e 29c, 49e -- 65c 25e 13c Sc ----- - 25e -- - -- - e- 5 ------- 0-eo -- - - - e-- - 5 -- - -- - -- 5 ---15e SIZES- ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, eaeh insertion <minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra lu made when advertlsement is flot paid same .yeek as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. lIn Memoriams, 50C for notice plus 10e per lune for verse. Classified adver- tîsements aeeepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. KILL FLUES - Whiz Insect Killer 24c, 43c, 73e Fly Coils -------- ---- 5 for 10e Shelitox - ------- ---- 24e, 43e Wilson's Fly Pads - ---- -----10e Fly Tox --------------- 24c, 43e Tat Ant Traps - ----------35e Black Leaf "40" ------ --33e, 95e Beacon Mouse Killer --------25e KOL PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER - ..... =. = --- .... Large Range -AT- 79e .......rnrnM~MM~MMUM~UMMUUUUUMUMM~ -'.4. t q. mmbbM.. 'NOS Dental Creum c Mrdiiim 129' 471c M 1 1