F THRDY1UUS t,14 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO _______________ ent i Visitors: MrsNewto in.Harse ios: oliny aryaM. BIRTHS Livestock and Articles Articles For Sale Perta The Newcastle Independent BwaVirs: Mr. Wm redNs ris iitr: oh Hardy a r RABY - At Bowmanville Hospi- FOR SALE-35 ROCK PULLETS F OR S A LE - GLADIOLUS PROPER FOOCAE L Phone Clarke 1114owavlla r.Fe Ns re ad's, Toronto. . Mr., Mrs. tal, Wednesday, August 4, 1943, 7 weeks old. T. Woodlock, R. bloom. Mixed colours. Apply the differenc.Tk Pg-rl bitt's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Willard Richard Luke, Mvrs. Will Mount- ftiBt Lockhart, Florence and Bruce, joy, Misg Olive Luke, Kedron, to Pte. and Mrs. C. T. Raby R. 3, Newcastle. 32 1* J. H. Jose, Newcastle, phofle fts eai B-Cml N i ga a ai s, N Y , t r. J. W . w th M r . . m i h. . is es Li y (n ee L o u ise H o b b s) a d au g h ter C lark e 1121. 32-1* tab lets on c e d y George Crowther's Junior Boys' son in Newcastle, heiping her Lancaster's... Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson and Dorothy Falls, Oak- (tibrf) 2*FO SAE3PRBE OXiegg 31 Softball team outscored a similar father in the store and boarding Mitchell and, Vivian, Port Hope, wood, at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. .._______________ ford yearling sheep. R. Mount- FOR SALE - FAT CATTLE, CLD K age group from Orono on the at Mr. Robt. Duck's. Mrs. Hubert at Mr. C. J. Mitchel's... Rev. and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David MARRIAGE joy, Nestleton, Ont. 32-1* suitable for beef rîngers. Ap- FiCLUAdE LEE NY local diamond, Friday evening. Anderson and daughter al15o MW'. J. McLachian left Tuesday and Catherine, Orland, with Mrs. ply Albert His, Enniskillen, FrtAdKt eivssn Mr. W. H. Anderson, after 40 spent a holiday at Mr. and Mrs. for feir holidays at Bracebridge S. Bush... Mr. and Mrs. Royý Hunt FOR SALE-3 TURKEYS nd 1 phone 2496. 32-1 burn, poisniy msut years ~tom, good for breeders. Mrs. bites, cutsbrs ipeio yasin business at Newcastle, Duck's. Mr. Jack Anderson, To- . .. r. and Mrs. Jack Cowan and and son, Colbeck; Mr. and Mrs. SINCLAIR - R01BLIN - In Co- R. B. Dickie, Enniskillen. 32-1* FRSAEBLNETbrn eyhea, t. ieyo ok will be retiring because of con- ronto, visited his brother, Mr. w. Pauline and LAC Clifford Cowan Geo. Ferguson and son, Mr. and bourg, August 7, at the parson- FOARso heas eczemapsoriasis tinued iii health. H. Anderson. and Mrs. Cowan, Sixth Line, at Mrs. Leonard Ferguson and son, age, by Rev. McKenzie, Thelma FOR SALE - 13 YORKSHIRE new, ure ool o od weigh Rot, Éc $ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jackson and Miss Leona Tebble, head clerk Mr. Bruce Whitney's. . . Misses Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunt, Conn.; M. Roblin, daughter of Mr. and pigs, 6 weeks old. Appîy W. naturllou ibry.,Aply obn t. 0c; $.0;$..(Mdu an litledaghtrToont, reho- for some years at H. S. Britton's Marion Bruce and Wiîma Prouse Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith, Mrs. Kenith Roblin, Cobourg, Craig, R.R. 1, Hampton, phone Cville, hoerty3., Bwma-1 song)Rcomede an] litdagatte Jacsontoag Goe ry hs apna oîto i'n Peterboro . ..Mss Laureen Mc- Brampton; Mrs. Heard, Mt. For- became the bride of John H. 2365. 32-1 vle hn 3.3- odb lxMGeo.3- Nwst-n-h-Lake. Mrs. Mildred Purdy at Spruce Cuilough at Mr. Norman Mc- est, at Bruce Montgomery's.. Sinclair, son of Mrs. Florence Necsl-nteVil nWib.Cuilough's, Port Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mr. Alex Caughill, Burketon. After the FOR SALE-i PR. YORKSHIRE LINOLEM ANDCONGO EMR ea sa FrSl Mr. George Trewin, Toronto, VlaIn hty Mrs. Win. Chester, Oshawa, at McMaster, Zion; Miss Jean Mc- wdig eetina hehm pg,9 ek Id plyMs Ugs.ASelct os ro m v R eal E forerl ofKur In crne, vs- Mr. Jas. Broad and Miss Hattie Mr. A. Redknap's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Master and Mrs. James mc- of the bride's parents, which.E. o.,aAlChn, CHamptonvile, h Mr Mese2556roto300 r.patL.Pe nsensa htuaAlly inmptnstock.255.FOR SALErn - DOUBLEstok. FR SLEK ited oid friends here. rodRosrePE Coa-Ca.CwnCoavleatM.MseTotatr.AL.as- was largely attended by rela- 32-1 You are invited to view these Mr. and Mrs. Win. Neil. Toron- companied by' Miss Myrtle Clark. TLanson Millson's. . . Misses Jean coe's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sum- tives, the happy couple left for aI BRADLEY'S New Furniture house, 4 roosad6ros to, are holidaying at their New- visited a Mrs. Merkley Ciark's Gilmer and Betty Stapleton in mervilie, Eleanor and Joyce, Mr. a trip to points east. On their FOR SALE - 7-FT. MASSEY- Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osii- double garg, are.Wl castie home. Mrs. Maxwell and and Mr. J. H. Jose's. Orono. .. Mr. and Mrs. B. Whit- and Mrs. Barnes, Cherrywood; return they wîll reside in Osh- Harris binder with 3 carniage awa. B6t elro tnett edIda two children, Toronto, are aiso Mr. Elford Cobbledick and ney, Olive and Gladys, at Mr. A. Mr. Joe Reynolds and Gordon, awa. 32-1 trucks. Aply rthr oper,6 siBror $50 oSesytems with them, as well as Mrs. Nutt bride, wvho w'ere married in Bow- HunIers, Brooklin. . . Mr and Toronto; Mr. Jim Reynolds, David _______________ Kendal, phone Orono 16r6. Garage. Appi .Lmr hn and Miss Peggy Gales whýo are manvilie, Saturday, were axVay' on Mrs. Nelson Nesbitt. Lindsay, at and John, Hampton, at Jack 32-.î* FOR SALE-SIDEBOARD, OAK 379, Box51QueStB - spending most of the summer a honcymnoon trip. their farm. Lake Shore. . . Mrs. Reynolds'. . . Mary and Barbara DEATHS with 3 smail drawers, 1 large manville.32* here. Evening services in the United Chas. Reid and Hazel, Oshawa, at Eliott were guesîs at a birthday FOR______DUL____________________dand eve Miss Margaret Stacey bas re- Chuich are withdraWfl for the Mr. Wilfred Wood's... Mrs. Thos. party for Miss Eleanor Pierson, Shorthorns, 2 fresh, i springer; mirror, 42"x27". Also cherry Noiet Crd or turned la the city after a t'o - rcyalinder of August. Stapheton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oshawa. .. Mrs. Leslie Harris, IMTAthrhme el- Holstein springer; Holstein bedroom suite. Apply Mary _________________ weeks' vacation at the Neiýl sum- Miss Reta Alldred, a Newcastle Smith at Mr. W. W. Henderson's, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mark ville, on Augusî 7th, 1943, Anna yearling heifer; 2 red Durham Lumb, Temperance St., Bow- mer home. girl, daughter of Mrs. Alldread BowIanville. .. Mr. anid Mrs. C. Turner, M.Lwec rg, Hwen io fCalsWl buhîs; 4 yearling Durhams; 3 manville. 32~* I h sae~ BAO Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton and the ale Matthew Alhdread. Burley. Oshawa, and Mrs. Merk- Oshawa; Mrs. L. C. Snowden and mot. Interment Newcastle Cem- sows. Apply Ralph Davis, ABRAHAM, eesd were Sunday, guests of Mr~. and was married in Tyrone United ley~ Clark, Newcastle, at Mr. Miidred, Mapie Grove; Danny etery. Solina. Phone 2413. 32-1 OSH-AWANS NEW FURNITURE ALL PERS! Shvn am Mrs. Garnet B. Rickard. Shaw's Church on Saturday. Spencer Burleys. .. Frank Mc- Coates. Brantford, at Mr. Thos. - Sor~EvyhignmdrnaansteEste fAblm Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crderman. Playing memUérs of Geo. Crow- Muîen and Keith Burley are Baker's... Mr. and Mrs.,Norman Soe vrtigi oen gis h Bowvmanville. and niecc from thers new Junior Boys' Sofîbaîl home from Scoudouc, N.B... Mr. Brown and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. WTO-tteWlelyHs ensilage cutting box; McCor- chesterfield, bedroom, dining Bokii h onyo n Vernon. B. C.. wvere Sunday1 team xhichi outlassed Orono F ni- W m.- Sharpe and Misses Edna and Alex M Kessock, Shirle S' and pital, Toronto, on August 8th, . mick reaper; M assey - Harris fs oote coengstai s e ci aitand bo utthk2tb danf prl, 193 guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose. day eveîning were: Tracy Embly Ida. Toronto, at Mr. Wilbert Han- Keith, Lindsay, with Mrs. R. . Johasn frehyo a- disc drill, 13M; Cockshutt dise Qaiymrhniea on bu h 7 Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Tomlinson p. Neil Brillon c, Bob Purdy lb. cock's... Mrs. Melntyre, Toronto, McKessock and Mr. and Mrs. sarea), beioved husband of the drill, 13M; Deering dise drill, Quity erchds. eoeauIncom- hereby ntfedtren nt an o, omnvle nd Mr. Sani Powehl 2b, John Gibson 3h. at Mrs. Arnott's... Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Browni. . . Mrs. Jack Baker hate Ann Vincent, in his 98th 1IM; Massey gang plows; Kid pettv rce.Bfr byn r and Mrs. George Rainey. Trno Murray Walon ss, Bob Stephen- e. Sayes and famiy, Kirkland accompanied Mrs. Howard Couch, year. Interment at Caesarea Kangaroo gang plow; MCor- visit Bradley's New Furniture h.iR. tariE xctroth who wvere married on Saturday, son rf, Ted Hoar cf, Buddv Bona- Lake, at Mrs. C. Hoskin's... Rev. Eileen and Marjorie ta Bala, Mus- Ceeey cmick on iDerin DaL., aw.R6-f aWodoesd, on44or before the were Sunday guests of Mns. Merk- than f. Buddy is spencling the Robt. Wragg, Viking, Alla., will koka Lakes. Miss Helen Baker phoe 597-26. 32Deler2* 151-t. hdeay fSepebr 14,f ley Clark. summer with bis sister, Mrs. conduct services the next three returned with lhem.. . Mn. Sam phoneN97-72.EN2-S paticuarsof terdis Mrs. Jack Nesbitt bas neceiveH Monley Saliows. Sundays at 7.30 p.m. at the Unit- Deweii, De Winton, Alla., with CARR-AI Cilfard, Aug. 7, 1943, 1______________________________o - ___a hr ubadinth ed Church. friends whiie on leave from E.F. George Carr, beloved husband_______________ IMMEDIATL AFE th R.C.A.F. overseas, bas been pro- BAPTISMAL SERVICE AT Decoralion Day services were T.S. there. . . Fae Reynolds at of Winifred Orchard and dear Found ad1td: moted from PiloI Officer ta Fhy- UNITED CHURCH held in Lakeview Cemetery, New- Mr. Reg. Summenviile's, Cherry- father of Vera Carr, Toronto; Dance aI Tyrone Hall, Wed., the assels of h etto iib ing Officer. lonville, Sunday afternoon. A Wood. .. Ruth Reynolds with Miss Mrs. Hoaw a rd Wonnacott Air Comadera dMrs. x. R. E. Mron conducted a splendid gahering attended and Marion Watson, Whitby. . . Mr. (Mabe), Dixie; Mrs. C. Shaw F O U N D - BEAGLE HOUND Aug. 18. Admission 35c. 32-i distributed amnsth prie Cuthrie visited ber mother, Mrs. bapti.smal service at the United the graves were beautifully dec- and Mrs. Ephriam White, Orono, (Edna), Bowmanvihle; iVrs. E. wearin ethrbrness. Apply _______________ nildteeo aigrgr atA.J BIons..M. n Ms A iru (n),Troe ad Wilbert Mark, Tyrane, phone VcumCe er only ta dlaimso bchtesi Catherine Fidher. An R.C.A.F. Church on Sunday marning and orated. Reeve T. A. Reid was aVa.cJuBuso's.. r. nd rs A.Virue(In), yrnean pln rpe nothe 1akena adminisîered the rites of baptism chairman and Rev. J. McLachlan E. Ehiott, -Mary and Barbara, aI John and George aI hame, in 2414. 32-1 DTDa amnilti plane dropped.iota aeiear _____________________________ Teeaired 9h daysofeAugust, 1943 Newcastlhebeach Sunday afler- ta nine chihdren. Tbey wrecave the address. RvRev ev.WC.G . EPioisnt.ims is71har he us ,funeraislas __________________of_ nonadrmie o hr er oga oe o fM.ýae omniland Rev. Pit edAgsî fa i ae Wanted to Rent W.'RS TIE non nirmand orashrtHn r DouglasJse, Nn of r. Blho. ake, ceBowm anvil , ass- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor and residence with inlerment in ______________ GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- ExecorfEsaef lim. nd rs J H.Jae;Nany rae Tos WhhaeCrenbnk asis- veln ttnde te unre- Kox Presbyterian Cemetery, PAIRS, adjustmenls, lubrica- AbsamAbba, Mrs. Wihbert Teephe and daugh- Stephenson, daughler of Mr. and ed with the service. Mr. Camp-Eey tnd heM o- Agincourt. 32-i WANTED TO RENT-ROOM for tion, etc. ta Premier, Royal, deceaed ter, Catherine, Bowmanville, are Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson; James bell led the choir. Wight wedding aI Trinily Church, slaying wiîbh er parents. Mr. and Edward Scott, son of Aircrafî- ___________ Bowmanville, Saturday. eldenly persan, centrally local- Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover Bowv ienti. MsJ.C accwieMsmaJonSotadMrs. Sot Roy Langmaid canducled I ed. Apply Box 224, Stalesman and allber makes. New and 3- Ruth Hanco ck, R.N., is on a houi- James Garnet Rickand, son of Mr. e Mîssîonary pragram aI Sun- I MEMORIAM Office. 32-1* faclory rebuilt vacuums and ac -______________ dy r.'epei iigatlan r.GreB.Rkad e-Lake SCiore f111... lb aSchool and tld an inrest- WNE cT- R4 e sSa0r ie s. Te&ephone aur an the use of haney on Thursday eley Ann Gilkes, daughlen of ____ ing sîory. YEO-In hoving memory af aur furnished roins for Sept. isI. BCh."C.Bowmsanil erv774, a aflernoon, aI United Church W.A. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkesz Carol ypt iexnd oMr Mr. Roy Ormistan, Brooklin, sister and aunt, Emma A. Yeo Permanent reliabie tenants. Mracrego Hardwae,774tf 6* meeting Ann Gry, daugter of r. andand Mrs. Bob. Hendry in the was guesl speaker aI Cburch, wbo passed away four years CapI. Hardyman, phone 880. Grg'sHdwe.1tf* The Misses Painter, Toronto, Mrs. Da vi d Gnay; Margaret death of Iheir infant daughten in Sunday, and dealt ably with the ago, Augusl 12. 32-i h Rte formenhy a ecslvstda JaiaMraduhe of MrwcatBowmanvilhe HospitaMurra,, Augusî 9,Mr subjecî, "Christian Ciîizenship". Her memory is as dean today_____________ AU T NS LE Phone 5C .. o 2 Mrs. W. Paskuryk's. and Mrs. Jas. Murray; Wanda BwavleHsiaAgs .Sriewscnutdb h si h orsepse wy U TO A E MisiEs anrEA deronnWid-AaredH ger an and RoWrtied-MisMeanHimes bas reunndmSrvceaasdon ucodbberet- ist rs and brohesn ph wsanpa rsThe undrsgne ba rceied ngavi g, aPorain so , is sp en d in g th e h olid ay sea- v in H ag erm an , d au g h ter an d son t lal er d u ies in T oron to . _________iss P e rl L e chn________nd__________w R p a i s on m e ___________________________________________ Congratulations ta Mn. RobI. cMng. anddMs. Isac Hard2and Mchine intuindes frm n. John W.ve En Matnwoi 1yar on n M.adMr.IacHryadREPAIRS - SEWING Mci Bsisrdceyonewcaste, taseiJobh28-t argtn wh s8 yasyan nStanley atlended Decaratian Ser- MOUNTJOY-In iaving memony rpie.Poe66Ohw.pBalcaucas , os pemises ___________________________________________ Agut 01.vices aI Oakwood, Sunday. of Fred Mountjoy who passed rp32-2Phne69 (hwa jublicanonafu o rners) beis Visitons: L Cpi. Alan Clarke, away Augusl 10, 1935.322(utnrhofurcnes i Sidney, B.C., Miss Blanche Tay- Tbe deplh of sonrow we cannaI housebold effecîs including livingGRAPHOLOG on, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. 'F. t~mr elNIC roam, dining roam, bednoom, kil- GRA J U R O V L areCwavlea r A r0oN w f the loss of one we hoved so NOTICE____________ chen and hall furnitune and furn- "To knowyoreaatrsr- Bedwin's. . . Mn. and Mrs. H. weli,- isbings; upnight Heintzman piano, vealed byyuranwfigs HunIer, Mn. and r.P Ransan, Mrs H. Turley, Belleville, and And while hie sleeps a peaceful Miller's Beauty Shop will be in excellent condition; also tc, know yorel. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED Toronto, Mrs. L. McCargar from Mns. D. Maybee, Campbellfond, sleep, closed from Aug. 15 10 Sept. 15. quantities of books; dishes; kit- Send wtitiginomofaet the West, aI Mn. W. Hoimes'. . . were guests of Mrs. J. Dickson. His memory we shahl always 32-2* chen utensils; garden baols; gar- trt Mn. and Mrs. J. Mitchell and Mrs. Patterson, Montreal, is vis- keep. den furniture; wood and lumber. SCRIPTORC ..BX35 FO TN E SHAIR NEEDS Vivian, Part Hope, aI Mn. C. J. iling Mns. R. R. Wa&'dell. - Lovingly remembered by Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will This sale conlains many pieces of OTT AO . FO TN E SMichel's... Miss Doroîhy Brown Mrs. Edwards and daughter, wife and daughîers. 32-1* be ciosed fromn Augusl 10 ta high value and should be one of Analysis .50an$10 Za uk-------- --4e Dee-- --- ---- 5,6e aI Mn. L. Alldnead's, Bnawn's. .. Toronto, are visiting Mrs.* A. ____ August 31, inclusive. 31-2 outstanding interest. Sale aI 1302 ZamBuk 7e DrnelS, 7e Miss A. Jaynes, Tweed, with ber Chapmnan. p.m. sharp, Wed., August 18. Cono uinPads 20e Vaseline Hair mother and is naw holidaying in Same business places ciosed WOODWARD - In loving mem- Teofc fW .Snk ilTrs ah m .Cals____________ Corn or Bnion Toni 50e, 85e London. . .Mr. Alex MeNeil, Ot- Wdedyoigl h hme ory of a dean wife and mother, Tbe fiosedf W.oonAugstr 21s1, actner:C. 31-. Blue Jay --- ---- 25e Toawa,-wit-----s--C.-Ma50cin.5Noef omence fihing tnp.e hmbr Margaret Jane Lunn Wood e -________,Agut21t acioer.3- Vitali ----- ------ - _ 4c, 99 tawawith Ms. G. artin.Noel wardmmevhofipassedrpawayr AuguslsedunlilAuSeplemberSep61hr inclusive.ve Hanson's 15---Vi-a-i--54e, 99e and Lynn accompanied him home Johnny McNab was in Toronto Marpine Shamp------ 15e . . . M r Tos McNeiî and Mrs. Tuesday, having received bis caîl. 1,190y322 puvblic author iVIrs. G ereDlY UN E Carple's Corn Cream 25ee Hallowell, Bowmanville, at Mn. C. Archie Watson is now Ationed Neyer a moment, neven a day Te usnespsublisheinRc ards Odil S.,fo manviGeoreD Foot Elm ----35c Danderine .39c,e. Manlin's. aI Three Rivers, Que., and Neil Have we forgotten since you TNeasess85, y eslsrs. Non- oicsatrdy, Aug S. , ber bousle- O Titb'zSbmp 15, 3et____29e______________Wo d C.AF.,aI ainie, QueM. wet maway. il inero throp and Lyman, now wbolesale hold effects including kitchen, Tiu Taets 29e Glover's Rem. 59c, $1.10 o r adMs . .Hgra M e.rkes. Syd ok isîe aI Mn. Ofweety mem onie ller on.druggisîs in Toronto, is offered dining and bedroom furniture, Lovlon------ - ------- 5e-Ever remembered by buse for sale due ta iii healtb. Apply chairs, tables, chesterfield suile, i A Nu Feet 2ds 5e Luoao 5e Rof Mn . dMons. WEagean. Cd hiea ok~. Sdi epced 0bappyand amiy frev us-Miss E. M. Anderson, Newcastle. 1 electric washing ma c hin e Schil' Pas 3e Lxa 0e in the ceremonial rites by Elder Meeting of Girl Cuides was bn n fml.32 : 2- Bety)Rceofognaof w Cress Corn Salve 50c Kremyi ----- 59c, 98e J. E W.PhipClerk of the heîd Monday evening ta make __32-1___________ (B hien'),s wa rgonmrror and Session. plans for Ihein camping trip. E GA EMhiT "Tonueous won a rticls. aeda Rev. F. A. Lawson, Ph.B, Tro- PrkSINWMAGEetMueEaNT-" Vaflted T Duy 1.30. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wil- We sPecaiz in bi-u J. & L. SWEET PICKLE MIlXTURE 35c, 1 gai îly. nonto, occupied the pulpil and the main fealure being the enter---bauiner312 oosptcangrvrear -gave an address on observance of Iainment of the Baby Band and b________ b meta31i roofd aphat cat the Sabbath and the work of the their moîhers. Meeting opened Mn. and Mrs. E. C. We1sh, an- WANTED-USED SEWINC MA- omtlr Lond's Day Alliance. He made a with a sing-song led by Mrs. nounce the engagement of their chines. Phone 696 Oshawa. I bave received instructions ing of asphî ros Ju ry . L ov e il stining appeau ta the congrega- Dnummond with Mrs. M. H. eldesî daughten, Eva Joyce, ta 32-2 fnom Miss Eleanor Anderson, lion for ils moral support and Staples aI the piano. A bnief Ialk Harry A. Soucb, son of Mn. and , ewcaste asl ypbi o- -WIEO HN When We Test Eyes t s Done Properly fiaiaasstneAlrg num- was given by Mrs. Staples on Mrs. W. O. Souch, Bowmanviîîe. WANTED TO BUY - CHILDS lo nst, tAug. 28, ub lock, -WR PHONE778 - - - .N.R.TICK TS be of iaasilstwce. resenl. w a gvenBand". An eeriThe marniage will lake place at used steel crib. Apphy Mn. H. ber oueon ld effec 2, ts.1See lIof . . IG E PH NE77 CNR.TIKE S Misses Reita Cooke and BeIly agie by members of the SI. Paui's United Church on Camenon, Tyrone. 32l* articles nexî week. Terms: Cash. 54 WILIMS.E Allnwih rs E C Fshr t and cnsstngofreittinsbySeptember lSth. 32-1* WANTED TO BUY-TRACTOR, Elmer Wilbun, auclioneer. 32-1 the organ, sang a duel. itthe Misses York, Thompson, good used, and plougb. Appiy _______________ Phone 0saa34 r45 Davies, Lynch, Carleton and Pig- Mran r.KnehE o Wi.RzckCutc.32* gotl and Masîers Clarke, Wilson, M.adMs ent .Cx W.Rzik arie 22 _________________________________________________________________ ilson and Lynch and sang by all announce the engagement of their WANTED TO BUY-MLKNN u i_ _ _ _ _ _ plus Miss Thompson and Masters aidest daughter, Pauline Lous, mcieiModciin. _______________ Daws ndLyet. hechldenta Mr. Jahn Eric Wyiie, san of Phone 2430. 32-1 N T C Dwes enain yett Te hild ren Mrs. Wyiie, Bowmanviile, and the_______________ wre nlertained whilaMie. lae M. John Arthur Wylie. The- To Farmers and Munitions on "The Stewardship of 'rime". marriage will take place in Tnin- Combining WRkEREADED tisNEW ors Mns. C. Waad, Mrs. H. Walsh, îty United Church, on Saturday, maeTRaplictins to h muWsr Mrs. N. Parler and Miss Davey Septemben 41h, aI four thirty.maraplcto heW - gave answers ta searching ques- 32-1 * Harvest youi ttlmothy, oats and time Igrices and Trade Board. lions an the subi ect of Steward- - buckwheat the chèaper and easier Let us make out your appli- was enjoyed. of Montreal. Que., announce the combine man, 2186, Bawmanville, We are able te, handie it here. engagement of their only daugh- any lime except from sunset Fn. GF IMIilNUOE SL U teKathleen Leslie, ta, Second day ta sunset Saturday. Place con- 0. . BI*.WOU LV V IITle V IUL ;nnBlac sto k Liut.Keneîh aigStepensn, ract eaiy. 8-t TIE SHP D flo leveDontaner fo You wMi be in Air Force unform ight away. No more deiay WIRELESS fan the youngest. The formerFRRNT3ROSWTH2 5 i Ilupnize went la Mns. S. Swain who WANTED TO) BUY-BICYCLE, piece bath, lights, heal and getting ia aircrew. Basic training begins at once. Skiled OPERATORS neceived a green deif teapol and ginl's, in good condition. Phone waîer, accommodation for car. MALE frons 19 to 10 ' Yef Of 600 ft.i- -. s*.wt instructors are wauîang. Fast planes are waiting. (AIR GUNMRS> latter prize went ta Mns. N. 731. 32-1* Apply RobI. Colville, Liberty afe 650 ft. .- 1.0ct If vouanar physically fit, nientaliy aiert, over 17/ and flot yet 33, 1l Mountjoy who received a string S. omnilpoe58 VQea arp eligible. You do flot require a High School educatioti. of black jet beads. WANTED TO BUY - USED owav1ephn58. Work ini war plant fa' BowmUan- Black Preceplery held thein an- pianos, mnay be exchanged for 32-1 ville district,. nual Church service in Black- cash. Telephone Fred Mitchell, FOR RENT - FARM, 100 acres,-APL - Cattîe Sry u ý MÀ ý sock Anglican Chunch, Sunday 492, Bowmanville. 32-1 Lot 20, North Haîf, Con. 5,- PL - aftennoan with Kendal band in aI- _______________ Dalington. Gaod buildings NATIONAL SELECTIVE ile ________tendance._____ Archdeacon Simpson with stone faundations. Framne SERVICE preached a very ,fine sermon. The School.. Mns. Fred Bailey is hause with good cellar. Good Oshawa. File 2610 tc RecrutlngC~tr. arelocatd hi1h. pincitil cllesai Caada.service was weli altended, mem- visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Daw- sail and well water. One mile _____________ Recruiinq C tres ae locted inthe pincipa cbers of CaaaIer bfte arder came from many son, Windsor. . . Mn. and Mrs. from Hampton, schoal and Applicants M0W Ou war woi'k Mobile recruitinq units vieilt emaller centres regularly. other iodges. Frank Wright and baby, Bow- church, 1-2 mile from highway. not accepted. Phone 5771 o mil AC43w Visitons: Miss Hazel Mountjay manville visiîed Mn. and Mns. O. Possession Apnil 1, 1944. For :30-tf and Kathleen Taylor have returu- Wright. .. Mrs. Henry Mountjoy mare particulars, apply' Mrs. E. _______________ ed home framn Oak Lake Sommer is visiting ber son, Russell. Wintenburn, Hampton. 31-2 M