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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1943, p. 2

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'PT.C!MTTT' qfU WWANTT O ATO HRDYAGS 1,14 Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEE Wlth whlch la Incorporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 88 Years' Continuons Service To The Town of Bowmanvllle and Durham County. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian *Weekly Newspaperse Association Class A Weeklles of Canada SUBSCRIPTIO14 RATES $2.00 a Year, strlctly in advance. $2.50 a Year ln the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Edîtor. Durham's Cabinet Minister (Georoe cI rew Premiier of Ou0110 ,uîad leil(irotf ua -u sProg ressiv e ( onser\ a- ti\ e partý- is (alled to bis C'abinet, as Minister of I calt h, P r. Il. 11. Vivianl, Port Hope, necîvy eleeted inenilier of l)urbiai Coiiiît.. lis chiveewas preordainied iii the col unîtîis of T1hee Statosnîaîîi. Weeks ago -\ve nioiîated Di-. Viviani for this post as read- crs- -wcll know. But it is niot what tibis paper bail to sav iii this mlalter. Neither dlid it re- <luire an.v local deputation to wait on the Pr'ieirci iii Di-. Vivian's bebiaif. The Pre- iniier used bis owivn good juidgînieint. in- fluenceed iiost probably bý- the fact of D)r. Vîvian 's oufstaiidiiig contributions to the party 's rebiabilitation, both at the Port Hope conference and the Winnipeg cou- vention andi to bis outstanding sponsorship of natioual liealth programmes. D)urhamu Countv now comnes b)a>l. into its own as one of Ilie leadîng conuites of Ou- tarîo. For decades we have elected rep- reseiitatives wvbo simiply did niot mneasure up lu ('abiiuet status. Our lnext important task is to nomninate anîd elect a represenfative whbo eau achieve recogniition at Ottawa. Thai will be the responsibilify of Jolin Bracken, leader of the national Prog-res- sive Conservative party of titis Dominion. With bis record as a tried and successful ad- ministrator of 21 years' standing-, and with the result of the recent test of publie opinion, there can be but littie doubt lie ill be Canada*s îîext Prime Minister. Durham, since Confederation, lias had these Federal members ini succession: Blake, Wood, Blake, Beilli, Thoriiton, Beitli, Ward, Thornitoni, Rowell (Unionist), Boweni, Riekard. For tbe (Ontario Legislature, we have liad. iii succession: iMcLeod, Blake, Mc- Leod, MieLaug-lilini, Loekhart. Reid, Riekard. Devitt, Bragg, Mercer. Vivian. Out of ail these contestants, e]eefed and defeated, only two were slated for Cabinet portfolits. *Who tbev were we shall leave to conjec- ture. We except. of course, Dr. Viviani. Durhamn, therefore. bias liad no Cabinet timber siucee tbe days of Canada 's greatest coiistjtutioiial a uthoritY, Edward Blake, save iin the sole inistance of Newton Wes- ley RowelI wbio was elected iii Diirham )as Borden 's Vuiioniist canididate iniibte war years. But Ro-%eli didiî t represeuit J)ur- halu. 1le iepreseutecd tbe governmeuit of tbe day aiffd(ii 't know 1Durhamnor TDurham people aiiy more than the politieal imiports wbo latei' souigbt. iîsiuccessfuill ' v,14 rcp- resetit tlie 'oinutv. Now, in Dr. Viviani. we have a real 1)urhamnite as a CabinietMiitr We eoigratulate Iiim and Mr. Drew and tbe people of Durhiam and we bave no doulit lie wil] fuilfil bis duties wvitli credit to ail fliree. -V The Quebec Conference I t oughit lot be m euinibenit upoiî tlhe weely pr'ess to coineiit. i ally pon international affairs. Buît tliese arc limies wlien the commuiin man, thie ile fellow" thie farier if you will, wlio is su treinen- dously bus,- huat ie1 is uniaware tbat lie is not otil., c eusidcied but treated as tbe "little fellow, ' should lie enflgbteicd on whaf goes on nii this world of coiiflict, blood. liattie, muitiliioiis, si irvatioii, iiieqîial sacrifiees, lineq ual coul ributioiîs, ai poî itica i inani- ipulationis thal cliaracterize thie wliole unu- hoit- scelle. 'Tble weeklv pr'ess, lîoN'ever, servýes the niost importanit, nîust pi'odlîctive, inost geimu iîîei unsel fishi. aitruistie, section .f II;,ti tlt a reae iite neessu grent ist hotel xias t o he I ahil overi' oni- p)Iel (*1v. iat ('anlad i ls (Xiisfor i.te con- fe re l ve. The lwntimate -oi t vill inu doubt l)C addî*uvdheficC.C.F. wbieil parliaîneut i-e- assvinhbles iii Jaimary. Buit the cusi is in- sigîîi'ic-al. The world political signifle- viio- is the tliing. No iai tel- 1mw liiief we tfIio inake our remiarks, Ilie setii ust lie a ssessc<l. Pimiie inister King met Mr. Clînreli. They weimt to flic Goverîmor General's î'esî- deiîec. diiîcd and falked. Togethier fbey calhed on Quiebec s pr'emier' aîd Qtie e's Lieitenaniit Govei'nor. l'ien Chuîrchill, Nvilli bis digitmlefi Qucbec, wiiNvest 10 Nia gai-a Falls, erossed Io the V ..on a i-esfful tour. Meantine, Mr'. King menain- in- iii Queliec City, di'essed ini ost inîticu- lois forialitv- rececixed togethem', -witli ?ulîs. C'huuî'c hil, as hiosi ess,Cada' party- ehoe nouiîitablcs. Meaniine. Quielie's înost imiîportiant pa pe'r itetd '\e rejoie iliat Stalin was umu iitvited fo this cou- fe'eiiee" or w-ordîs bto aI effeet. Theî'e tras nmo -word of priotest fron Caiîala 's Pime uîo Mjîistei-. 'ritîe conference xiii proeevd iinRoosevelt eau digest tliat anid caai coinie bhie place of mneeting. Wbiat the eonfeî'eîee mav liec eoncerned wifhi siîiks iîîto iîîsigniifiae.iiiich face of Quei\pî'otest. JIîst by w-,ýay of gentie sîîggesion ii ii îs lebec raly kuowiî: Sîalin. as, suipreine leadei' of 'Russianl forces, bias led lis peophe f0 fhese saeî'ifices ini the pî-csei-vatioiu of 1)enocracy. Ar'gue as yoli miav. tha is the siînuîiation. Five mnillioni Russians ai-e dead, five million w-oîmîded, fiv xc milion lhomie] ss. And (Canada amîd Qiieliee rejoices tlîat Staliî w-as îlot ~i- vited!1 whîe iheî is oui- national voiee as ex- pi'essed iii the Plebilseite? Whee lîcu stands h1ievUiited Nationîs? Wluere theîî stands -Mr. iuîiv hiose whiole wai'tiiuie course was su cI oquîentlv d issected ib- bis forîtier M.Niniistei' Mi'.(Cardin. wvlo i'esigned fron thte second %veakest Cabiniet siîîee Coifedei'alion? Tbe geneî'al eletornte navmot know- at the mtomtent, but thiev w-ilfi mi out, presently. \Vell what abouttIhie Qîîebec Conferemuce? Witlt w-bat liaslieeîm expressed, su far. we eau onlv conclude that the eoîning "îîeace" is ntierel- ait armistice and that lte 'b d'ed veaî-s' ivar" forecasl liv Japait. ivill puevail. Ruissia lias losI mor'e titan Cani- ada 's total population iin this ivar. Let 's gel that mbt ouri' iiîiids aîtd ineasîire il against Qiielîes response 10 the confereiîee. Tbei-e s one ofhier lhiîîg Ilat political oh- sei'vers iitusl have iuoted.* Quelice in lte liv- elections, lias iepudiated Mr. IKin,-. Taking Mi'. Chuurchill 10 caîl. pcrsoitally at the of- fice of Qeie' premier is sometliii tf o o- der. Is tHis tlie anteliorating-, coîtciliafiiug. appeasig prehuide lu impleenîtation of the aliniost forgotten Plebiscile? Tien w'ho cal- led thbecoîîfereîîcc and w'hîy? -V Play The Gamne Merchants of Bowntanville are experiene- iiitg difficult limes. Wartime restrictions af- fect alîîtost every commodity but w'atei' and lihe air Nve breathe, as a malter uf fact eveit waler lias feit Ilie pull of war requiremelits. so ive are actual ly down to tlie onîe item that is unaffecled - air. The merebaitt is oit a quota basis witlt many liîtes extreinely diffi- cuit 10 procure. On lte othier ltaîîdiîtreas- ed population means iicreascd demauids 01, lus sinu stocks. The iercliait lias tîied f0 play flic gaine. lie xaits f0 lie loyal 10 lus old customers anud. sometinies indei' difficuît circum- sfanvtes. is doiî a good joli of if. It order tii p'otevt the inlei'ests of citizens, lie lias tu lic vai'v of the siîoppe' w-ho folloîvs tite practie of visitiiig different tuxx-is iiiain efforît liistock nup fhli baideu whtlias nu î-ega'd for bis fellownieitaîid does iiot kuîoxv théie iiiig uof fait-îplay. lie tr'ies to spread lus nmei'ciau(hise oveî' the six shioppinig days ot cadi xxeek. Tf is a diffeî'ent pi-obleni lbaiu lie lias evel- faced hefoîîe. On thie -whle thie niele-ia uts of Bownuaiiville ai-e a îepitable g1111101pptuf felloxv-citizeuîs \wio have lived licre îîîanx veaî's aiid expeet f0 do businîess wlien norimnal conditions ai-e 'cstou'ed. Al lie asks is tlîaf customtei's have patielîce, ac- ccittIe th iffieilt situtationîs causeti througli the war efforts. Raioiiiing, is liol after al a sacrifice, it is a deînd lîpon our palî-iot- isin tii forego inany of the thi.îgs we have îîeeîî accuîstîîed tu su that the energy tif ouiri' naiufaclurers anîd the labor of oir mtenu and woîen nax' lie tievoted tu suppiy- in-gthie îeeds <ofthie men w-e hav-e sent across thie-seas lu fil-lt oui' battles and the mci. and wxxoinen ini unr trainintg camps preparin- ibeutuselx-es to folîow. Diplomnats And Outside Markets If you hîaxe read Haiisard, as wxe have. \-on wiîll liax-e oticedti lat, uîndeî Pr'enmier Kiiig's pulicy aiid at lus persuîîal direefion as Miniisîci' ot Exter'îaî Affairs, we have WVai-Ser'vices he Ii-uuizt I'imniiiy lu Ottawva as lis assistant 'ihi<'ili' xvuîs aiîpiiue<lti Austral la Tîat is theî< Ottaxv'a îruceduii'î. Nuw'Pt iIus t uîîuî thie question of ouf- side markets. Fa riieiis herahouts wxere lid bt1lionuie of l)uî îiuîîî's mîosî silcccssfiîh fam'nieî-s fluai the suîcuess of agî'icuture tic- îiended înost particnlarly ipon thie weafber i-e proînpted I o ieclare tlizit appoiimeîît of diploiiiats won 't secere uiitside muarkets. If we are Io secure thiose muarkets iii dread post-waî' da.vs, w-e onglil f0 sulistituite stri-ped-l 1-iisers for overal led, liard-sbieill stra igbft-talkiîîg. primary pi-oducers. wvitil vleai--cuit vision of Càiaada's, needs. In otbier vords C'anadla needs ri-iht îow agents m-bio (do11t k il w a cocktail f-oi a eondi- mient.- We onihî to, xxitbioît dclay-. sentI coin- mo01 nmen auinated witli a coniînoî purpose. f0 tw-o toiniiries we ean mm rl 'heyare, ('Uiîîa ani Russia. And w-e ouiglit to lie pîe- paî-ed 10 deal 011 flicsanie haîs itlî apaî oncee w'e bave siîaslied bier siîidal. iniililai-is- tic reginie. Let*, get men over Ibere ri-lit 110W wlîo con I)ai-gain and ai-iange dusposal of Canada's, posf-wir suirplises. lt's about liie %we got busy aloîîg thesc lhues. China, î)artivillarlv. at hast is a fi-ce ageîittlianks to belated ' extraterriforalifi- v resignatioîîs. Farieî's mill biave to comipete wîtil the weatlieri-ni pei'petuit.v, but fblev don*t have lu anîdwif pull up with liei policy of hI- letaute dipfloînafs xvbcn coi-u-fed. lanid-li)rcd. ti-ade ageuts ouglif 10 lbe the order of the C. C. F. In The News Fi-oui "lie OshaNva Tiins-Ciazette of Augusit 10, %v-e get tbis front page item. Tt reports fbiat the ineinler-eleet for' Ontario Riding. Artbur Williams, C.C.F.. wi-o de- feated bofbi Geoi'ge Hart and Ex-Mayor Ander-soni iii tlie late provincial eleclions. nmust app)ear ini Gaît police court. Thursday, to answei- a charg-e of olisfricting a police officer inithue disebiarge of bis dufy. E. B. .Tolliffe. laîvyer leader of Ontario's C.C.F. andi leader of Oitario 's officiai Opposition, wvill defend lîinti in police court. Gi. R.obin- .son, CC.F. menier eleet for Waterloo Sontbi, aecording lu The Tiies-Gazette. put up the ibail f0 gel Mr. Williamns, temporarily ont of the lbauds of thie police. Fai-neî's of Ibis wliole section of Ontario will nîo doubt lie initerested iin this îîew-s, par- ticularly lihe enliglitened agrarians of oui' sister ('ounfy of Ontario. Iltîmust be re- inenbered tliai NMr. Xiliamns, anînmport candtidate tînknow'u to farmem's geitcrallv. is itoN- theur official spokesmanitnu Ontario 's Leg-islature. Far'ners, tlièrefore, no doulit, will hiope tliat their representative tvill be oit baud iin the ncw- parliantent to defend fhîir interesîs, rather than langnuisli else- whiere witboîît liis voiee bein-g liard in. be- haif of bis constituents. By Capt. Elmore Philpott GUESSES SPOT FOR SECOND FRONT Where Will The Second Front be opened? That is a question which will soon be answered by action, and flot by newspaper dis- cussion. But meanwhile if is in- teresting for us Canadians 10 think about il. For if us a ten-to- one bel that when the long-ex- pected landing is made our main Canadian overseas force will lie in if. If may be that now that oui' First Division is in the Medi- terranean area il will be kept there for awhile. But what has happened ini several weeks of fierce fighfing in Sicily has shown that our Canadian troops are trained, fit and equipped f0 meet the pick of Hifler's men as were their fathers and eider brothers able 10 meet and beat the Kaiser's best. For there is no reason 10 be- lieve thaf oui' fine First Division is to any marked degree superior as a fighting entity 10 the other simitar Canadian formations now poised in Britain ahi set to strike. General Giraud Has Stated flatly that a large-scale Allied in- vasion is possible froin the west- ern coast of France. Thaf might well be coupled with a simultan- eous attack from the Mediter- ranean coast. Il la no secret fhat the systemalic devastafion of rail- ways by the R.A.F. has not been applued un these districts, but rather concentrated between Ger- may and France. This would give our invading troopa an advaulage -and impose a greater handicap on the Germans than if the at- tack were made across the Eng- tish Channel or North Sea. I think Norway can be safely ruled ouf in this respect. The riaks and probable loases in an attack on Norway would be juat about as great as un an attack on Hitler's so-called muner fortress. But even if completely succesaful the possible later advantages would be minor as compared with a successful landing in Denmark, G e rm any, the Lowlands or France. For once an Allied army, however sinail, has landed and consolidated an adequate bridge- head on the Confinent itseif. Ger- many's defeat becomes only a matter of months. And until sucli a landing is made and consolidaI- ed, there is no sure and final proof, f0 the Germans or anybody else, that they cannot hold ont for years. The Ideal Spot For Landing would be in Denmark. If thi6 could be extcnded to include a spearhead across the Kiel Canal the whole war might well eî'id in a matler of weeks. The Daruish site has other obviaus advantages. Even if only successful lu spots there la reason 10 believe that a foothold could lie maintained. Denmark is ringed about with islands. Once firmly on any one of these we have an excellent chance f0 cnt Germany's supply hunes 10 Norway. But the disadvaufage of the Danish invasion plan is that Den- mark is too far from Britain Ici provide that overwhelming um- The By-Elections "If iever i'aiis luit if poîu's is a <'011- mmonî saîiug. \Vithi thiat as a hasis foi' coinu- imenut, TIhc Sîafesuianii n-ugs tu flue mîîtit'cof ifs rcadcm-s xx-lîî hax-e een i h uhsv f0 keehi inlu e Ioîl wxitlu politii-al ft'ends, tluuse sig- lifieantiffacîs: On Weiluiestiay, Auguisl 411î. Ontar'io votetiand titlrexx- <ut ithvlli îxu'xIi ehluuii ig m'cuuoistm'anlce the Lliah Cox-ciuîieîit xiic houd appealc<1 to the electum'afe for a re'ex-- cd mndate. T'fl u 'gîessivc Cuuseu'at ivxes unuter (lei-ge J)ew' w-re ciuosei to ii eeed tIie Libeu'als. Prinite Miuisfeî' Kiiîg had cen- doî'set Mi'. Nixon, i, mixx-x- hisei'Iiîeu'ah leader' i Ontar'io. 'flic esuhl xvas a siruilfi- <'an t ul iticiil i'ebuie. Ouithfolloxviig MNoliciay, four'Doiunuuion liv-elei'tioiis took place dîme fu leatlîs andt m'siguafioiis-. 'lxxo w-cie iii Quebee. onie in MVaunitobia xIiere Grimihi gm'uft xxas cliam'g-ed hthue ollein u Saskatcewxxau iii a puu'cîY fiuî -uuiiiitfv. AIl]xxeue former Liîeî'ah stu-omg- hiohls. Thiese wcrc flic uesîîfs : Quîehicc ie- tîuînetia ahi -uoiesxeamnd a ' Bloc- l'iiIa uc. - -whidli is'a mcx-" muîi "party of ilofesf iii the Iouise. BiitiuManitobua aîid Saskafclucw miii ut-uruuti (.('.F. uîîcuuîlîeîs. Tihe î-esuilixxas a iicb îmorîe sigîiifieant f i'euikc for Mi. Kinig* Johnbu Brackeuu. Domiîîiouî leatder of flic Pmogressix-e ('<iusrvafivc part ' . stuî<îtiali<f frommi tie contests. 1-e ignoî'ct Mr-.Kigs c vical suîgestiouu flaI lue uilil î'nter flue louse xxerc eh o coutesi Itie 'iiinli Guaf" etînstitumeicy>.1No thouihîfliclbaduiiijid thr fact thîaf Mi'. Kiuig 's coîioi-sls had joincti foi-ces w-lit flice('.C.F. lu tiefemut Hou. Ar'thurm Meiglien. Brackeu. fhuercfom-e, foî'edtte is- sie nii ese iîy-clecliomus. He Ici the people tiecide whiethier or' no0Mir. Kimng still lîehd their confidence. Brackeit lias liad 21 y'ears as uîudefcated leader anud PreinSer of onte of Canada 's fiuîesf province-. Mi». Kiigl lias lad sixteemi yeau's of sporadie, hre- varionus, poxxer at Ottaxxa. Il secîmîs Ihiat Brackemî out-foxcdi, om-utatocutvred, onI- thouglit, Canatia 'salleg-et i aster îuoifieai faetmcmami. Onte xxeek ago we îîîiuîted aîn edifuuiai line Iuaf mas- have escaped geîîeral eoiui- lrebenrsioli. It xvas luis: "Miteli w'on 't kick a mnu draped ouithue ropes, listeuîiîg to tlîe coiint." Tha. w-as liefore time bv-ehectioius. Il scems tolhav'e heen propiiefie. We uieed iot hem-e suggest to readers the namne of the mani"iisteniiigr to thme coumit." The votem's tliemselves have îîamed hîimn. His follow'ers. partieuîlarhy lime ton-desciipi modders an(] tuil-thumpers noxv inmthe Homise. 1n0douilt have noted the trend. Tue people have Spoken. Rotenone, an important insect- icide, la obtained from the derris plant which is now grown in Middle America 10 replace the supply formerly obtained froin the Far East, inciuding the Phil- ippines. brella of air protection which la s0 desirable-and probably vitally necessary for successful invasion. There Ils No Such Thing As complete surprise in an attack such as will be necessary in the second front. The Germans know very well thaf in spite of the great Soviet drives at Orel, Bryansk and Kharkov, the greatest of ahl Soviet offensives is sf111 10 come. They know if wilt come near Smolensk-that is on the shorteat and most direct line 10 Berlin. My own guess is that the saine principle will surely apply on the Western front. Our' Canadian boys wiil be back int Europe, wifh their British and American feammafes, nof far fromn where Churchill's distinguished ances- for, Marlborough, entered the Continent; not far fromn where Wellington landed 10 lieat Na- poleon; not far fromn where most Canadians went in f0 fîghf World War I-not far from where the British came out aI Duukirk. For the shortest distance lie- tween fwô points is -sf111 the sfraight line. And the beaf way to knock out an already visibly wobbling prizefighler is to hif humn with everything but the kitchen sink on the point of the jaw. Il doesn't always work-but if neyer works until if's tried. JAPAN HAS ACE 0F TRUMPS UP SLEEVE Italy Is Out of The War AIready for practical purposea. The Allies can knock her ouf whenever they feel like if, by doing 10 ah Ifalian cilles what thcy did 10 Hamburg. Even the most conservative mil- itary men now admit that the de- feat of Germany is but a matter of montha away. But only a minor- ity of Allied leaders believe that Japan can be beaten before the end of 1944. The most cautions say if will fake till 1949. But the others base optimisrn on the saine premise as does Senator Pepper of Florida. That la, that once Germany la beaten the Soviet will declare war on Japan, and s0 provide the Allies with conveni- ent bases froin which Japan can lie attacked by air, sea and land aI close quartera. That seema 10, me like the moat dangerous of wlshful thinking. If violates the oid cowboy rule, based on horse-sense, which says "neyer bet on another man's trick". It seema especially un- wise tri expeet the Soviet people to volunteer 10 make part of their country fhe bafflefield lu Asia, afler several years of liloody war lu Europe. Moreover, lu main- taiuing neutrality lu the war on the Finnish front the United States herself la now setting a poor precedent. Suppose the Allies beat Germany by the end of this year and then say 10 Stalin, joiniug for oui' knockout of Japan?" la not the auswer likely 10 be, "We thînk oui' policy f0- ward Japan will lie the saine as that of the United States towards Finland?" Once Germany Is Beaten Vast Allied naval and air forces will (ContInued on Page 7) DRINK ICE eRëz COLD TRADE-MARI< ORO Redtc'ey1arvest drOP! H FRE is a sure and simple means of keeping apples on the trees-PARMO0NE, a specially compounided hormone spray tbat makes them cling longer, more closely until picking time. This means improved quality and col- i our-gives longer time for pick- ing. The effects of PARMONE are noticeable within a day or two of application. One 40 oz. bottle14 PARMONE Concentrate makes MW gallons of spray. One application is AsA your dealer or send usually sufficient. Order from your direct 1er FREXE boohiet local C-I-L agent . .. and order early. onARMONEN CONCENTRATE Hormone spray for apples ALORCO CRYOLITE SULFORON PERENOX 1NICOTINE SULPHATE 40% hlnstaow Arsenate Paris Green Calcium Art.réad. CANADUAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FERTILIZER DIVISION Halifax - Monfreal - Toronto Chatham, Ont. * New Westminster, B C. CIF-iffl oeil THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ipAr.r. Twn 1

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