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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1943, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 Carter's bread is made in Bowmanville. Fresh from oven to you. I HE IIRTIZ ~j6fl"& -% I Tyrone V]sitors: Mrs. Jas. S t o r i e. Omono. ai Mr. Robt. Hodgson's... Gwen Davey with Diane Little, Oshawa. . . Mr. Ben. Stewart, Cenireton. Capt. Bert. Stewart. Calgary, Alta., ai Mm. Willis Stew- art's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Philp and son, Peterboro, with Mrs. H. Philp and Miss Jean Philp . . . Dm. and Mrs. Harold qýouch and son, John, Mrs. Elson, To- ronto, at Mr. Ronald Scott's... Mr. and Mrs. John Zurbrigg and son, Eaml, Sioux Lookout, Miss Grace Little, Toronto. ai Mr. Lorne Annis' and Mrs. A. Bleich's . . . Mr. and Mms. Henry Miller, Douglas. Marshall and Donna, Lindsay, with Mrs. Wallace Miller -... Mm. and Mrs. Earl Stephens. Don, Joan and Louise, Sutton, ai Mr. W. H. Taylor's, Mr. W. F. Pamk's and H. R. Burgess' ... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tennant, Osh- awa, ai Mr. Jas. Alldread's... Miss Jean Philp with her brother. Cyril Philp, Kitchener. .. Mrs. R. Haihemly with Mrs. Fleit, Bow- manville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Badd, Long Branch, with Mrs. Jas. Dudley. .. Mrs. C. Ieson and daughtem, Doreen, Markham, Mrs. R. J. Lister, Jack and Jean, Cleve- land, Ohio, with Mrs. Floyd Dud- ley. .. Mr. and Mms. F. L. Byam. Clifford and Grenville, ai Mr. Livingstone's, Toronto. .. Mm. and Mrs. G. Philp and son, Coîborne, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, Bow- manvîlle, with Mrs. H. Philp... Misses Kay Macdonald and Verna McRobemts have returned to Osh- awa. .. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Gard- ner, Doris and Gwenie, have re- turned frorn holidaying ai Lake Scugog. .. Mrs. Leslie Webb and daughter, Maureen, T o r o n i o, Shirley Moffati and Mrs. A. V. Milîson, Bowmanvîlle, ai Mr. Leon Moore's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore and John, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue ai Mr. Theo. Down's, Lakefield; Master Billie Down reiurned to his home wiih them.. . LAC Aldon Hoar, R.C. A.F., Brantford, and Mrs. Hoar. Toronto, and Lloyd Hoar, R.C. A.F., Windsor, and Mrs. Hoar wiih their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Sunday School ai 10 and Church ai the regular hour, il o'cdock, on Sunday. Service Sunday morning was under the leadership of Mr. A. H. Brent, Temperance Supi., and Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, gave a Iak on Temperance. Wesley Hilîs gave a violin selection, ac- companied by Bessie Hilîs ai the piano; reading by Mrs. A. Wood; piano Mms. H. Breni and Mrs. R. Pooley. Mm. H. Macklin gave a ialk on Tempemance: Bessie HuIs, piano solo; Mrs. G. Rosevear a reading. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flinioff and Ronnie, Courtice, ai Wes. Cameron's. . . Pie. Jas. Mc- Master, Barriefield, Mrs. J. Mc- Master, Mrs. Ingrarn, Toronto, ai Mrs. J. W. McMasier's. .. Mr. and Mms. Chas. Braden, Oshawa, ai Robt. Killen's. . . Master Larry Metcalfe, Mrs. Chas. Selby, Osh- awa, ai AIfL Ayre's. . . Miss Viola Goyne, Harmony, at Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. Herman Schmid, Merman and Mary, Newcastle, ai Hans Geissberger's. .. Miss Norma Glaspell has been holidaying ai William's Point. . . Mrs. Alan Lavis and Mary, Maxwell's, Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, Mrs. E. McMillan, Peter- boro, Miss Ruby Clatworihy, Mrs. Lorenzo Truli, Hampton, Mr. Adarn Hawley, Peterboro, Lloyd and Ralph Stainion, Miss Mar- I garet Palmer, Toronto, ai A. T. Siainton's. . . Pie. Peggy Killen, Toronto, Miss Gladys Wood, Osh- awa, ai Robi. Killen's. . . Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Mrs. Jas. Siain- ton and Grace ai Fred Harding's, Oshawa . . . Mrs. Carl Wilbur ai Toronto . . . Mrs. Wes. Cameron and Joyce wiih hem sisier, Mrs. Stanley Coverîy, Ebenezer,.,- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur,Do- ihy and Hillis, Utica, ai CarlWl bum's.1 Mrs. Sarah Allin's.. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa, Mrs. Lloyd Williams, Yvonne and Ross, Mrs. B. McMullen and Mrs. T. McMullen, Janetville, at Mr. S. Williams. . . Miss Bessie Black- humn, Miss Doris Caldwell, To- ronto, Walter Blackburn, R.C. A.F., Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Blackburn and son Wayne, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Fare- well Blackburn and f a m i 1 y, Salem, at Mm. Mark Blackburn's ...Pte. Lorne Bradley, Kings- ion, at home. .. AC2 Keith Billett, Toronto, at home. . .. Little Miss Grace Adams, Os hawa, at Mrs. Lorne Bradley 's. .-e We welcome to our village Mr. and Mrs. J. Winters and family, Oshawa, who have moved into the house vacated by Mrs. E. L. Wil- liamson. The North Group met for sew- ing and quilting at Miss Nora Kerslake's on Thursday, when re- freshments were served. Next meeting at Mrs. Crawford's on August 26. The West Group met ai Mrs. L. Cryderman's on Wed- nesday. Splendid work is being done by the various groups. Al ladies will be made welcome at these meetings. A picnic party was held in the park Saturday for Miss Hazell Cunningham, it being her bith- day. A number of her young friends were presenit to enjoy a jolly lime. The play "Dotty and Daffy' presented by the Zion Young People and sponsored by the Centre W.I. Sewing Group, was well attended and well receivcd. A sing-song precedcd the play and Misses Mary Niddery and Jean Balson favoured with a piano duet betw'een acts. Procecds werc for war work. Mr. Harold Caverly, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fennell, Barbara and Donald, Mr. Bert Fennell, New Toonto; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rogers, St. Anne's; Mr. Herb Johnston, Mr. Albert Stain- ton. Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Hampton Visitoms: Misses Hilda Cryder- man and Nancy Germyn, Vernon, B.C., with relatives. .. Mm. and Mms. Leslie Welsh and iwins, Salem, Mm. and Mrs. Fred Billet and childmen, Miss Marion Johns- ton. Scarboro Bluffs, ai A. E. Bul- leti's. . . Mms. F. J. Sanders, Mm. Gordon Sanders and Miss Beth Ewell, Toronto, ai Mr. Joe Chap- man's. . . Mrs. C. Cumberland, Toronto, a G. Famncomb's... Lloyd Kersey with relatives ai Janetille. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Jamieson and son, Elmer, Mms. A. Jamieson, Toronto, Mm. and Mms. R. E. Logan, Mm. and Mms. Chas. Wood, Omono, ai T. and H. Sali- er's. . . Mrs. H. E. Cole, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman with Pte. Cecile Petit ai Newrket... Mr. and Mms. F. M. Cryderman, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mm. and Mrs. Wilbur Bumneit, Orono, Mms. Percy Hilîs, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Pemcy Cow- ling and twins, Bowmanville, Jack Cowling, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. M. Crydemman and Joan, Oshawa, wiih relatives. . . Mrs. Ruth Clayton has reiumned frorn visiiing hem sister ai Huntsville ...Mr. H. Frise, Mm. and Mrs. L. Snider, Port Perry, Mms. C. Frise, Toronto, ai Mm. F. J. Gmoat's. Rev. and Mms. Rackharn have reiumned frmn heir holidays. A fairly good congregation greeied our new pastor on Sunday eve- ning and appmeciaied very much the fine solos and duet so well rendered by Miss H. Crydemman who sang "The Penitent" and Miss N. Gemymn who sang "Corne Unto Me," frmt he Sacmed Oma- toria, "The Messiah," and also a loveîy duet "I Love Thee Lord". Nexi Sunday nighi Mms. G. Emnest Fombes. formerly president of the Dominion Board of the W.M.S., will occupy the pulpit. Solina Vîsiiors: Lieut. Bruce Willson and Mrs. Willson, Edmonton, Alta., Mrs. Howard Couch, Mar- jonce and Eiîeen, Bowmanville, ai Mm. John Bakem's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Walter Rickard, Shaw's, Mrs. Jirn Spicer, Helen and Keith, Marilyn Peamce, Toronto, ai Mm. Thos. Bakem's. .. Mms. A. L. Pas- coe wih frîends ai Enniskillen... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescoti and farnily ai Mm. Geo. Gibson's, Taunton. . . June Bruni, Zion, wiih Jean Montgomery. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKenzie, Lor- raine and Kaihryn, Columbus, at Ralph Davis'. .. Miss Hilda Cry- demman, Miss Nancy German, Vernon, B.C.; Miss Merle His, Toronto; Mm. Lew Crydemman and Doris, Mms. Chas. Smith and Anna, Hampton, ai Mm. E. Cryder- man's. .. Mr. A. L. Pascoe was ai Port Hope, Tuesday. . . Mm. and Mrs. Norman Mution, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Les. Collacuit, Maple Grove, ai Mm. W. H. West- lake's. .. Gordon Scott, R.C.A.F., Malton, ai home. .. Eleanor Sum- merville, Chemmywood, wiih Fae Reynolds. . . LAC Walter Black- burn, Clinion, wiih Mrs. R. J. Mc-Kessock... Mr. and Mms. Jack Reynolds, Ruth, Art and Jean, with relatives ai Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Evemeit Ellioti, Mary and Barbara wiih his faiher ai Huntsville. . . Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, ai Mm. J. R. Kivell's ...Mms. Ernest Debamr, Violet, Grace and George with hem uncles, Messrs. Frank and Charles Shortridge, prior to leaving for Manitoba where they iniend to reside. . . Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Ellioti, Mrs. Elsie Campbell, Miss June McRoberis, Mm. Bill White, Toronto, ai Evemeti Elliott's... Nora Kersiake and Ileen Baîson wiih Marguerite Wright ai St. Catharines. The casi of the drama, "Aunt Bessie Beais the Band" and iheir dimector, Mrs. Roy Langmaid, en- joyed a iheatre pamiy ai Oshawa. W.I. met Thursday with Mms. S. E. Wemry and Mrs. Clifford Naylor presiding. Mrs. Edgar Prescoti was in charge of the pro- gram. Mm. E. A. Summers, Bow- manville, gave a comprehensive talk on weeds and weed seeds, illustrated by slides. Other pro- gram included a reading by Bar- bara Leask, piano solo, Margaret Prescoti and lunch. Maple Grove BOOKSI FOR OLD AND YOUNG NEW BOOKS - "Hungry Hill," "Journey Among Warriors," "The Robe," "Who Goes To The Woods?" and many others. REPRINTS - 39c and up - Mystery, Ad- venture, Romance. BOYS' and GIRLS' - "Dave Dawson," "Anne Books," and a wide range of other tities. JUVENILES - Story books, picture books, cloth books for the littie folks. Cut Outs and Picture Books. -VISIT OUR BOOK DEPT.- Ji . JEWELL "BIG 201, PHONE 556 Wedding BARTON-RUSSELL The marriage took place on August 14, at the Firsi Lutheran Church, Bond St., Toronto, of Viola Russell, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Russell, To- ronto, to Ronald Edward Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bar- ton, Bowmanville. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a street- lengih dress of blue silk jersey and maiching hat with shoulder- length veil. She wore white ac- cessories and a corsage of pink roses .and bouvardia. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Marjorie Russell, who wore a frock of pink silk jersey wiih matching hat. She wore a cor- sage of pale yellow roses and bouvardia. Pte. Tom Barton of Simcoe, Ont., was best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents after which the happy couple left on their honeymoon to points west. For travelling the bride chose a navy blue and white two-piece dress with matching hat and white accessories. On their re- turn they will live in Toronto. Blackstoc«k- The Girls Garden Brigade Club met at Mrs.. A. L. Bailey's on Augusi 16 with an atiendance of Il girls. Roll caîl was answered "One new vegetabIe I planted this year" and a discussion followed on how to cook them. Election of officers took place with Lois Larmer as President, and Gwen Wilson, Secreiary. Miss Jean Scott, Home Economics coach, gave a mosi instructive demon- stration on "Canning Tomatoes". Twenty-six ladies gaihered ai the Community Hall on Augusi lOth and quilied six quilts for the Red Cross Society. W.M.S. of United Church met at Mrs. Norman Mountjoy's, Thursday, wih a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and family, North Bay, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jobb. Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill are ai Sturgeon Point with Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson. Mr. Smallman, Port Perry, TIMETABLES Visiiors: Mr. R. R. Stevens and RAILWAYS and BUSES Bobby Stevens are holidaying ai AAIN AII Sparmow Lake Camp. .. Mm. and CNDA AII Mrs WrggOshwa;Mm. Gordon East Bound-12:33 Midnighi. Wmagg, Toronto; David Wragg, Wes_______2 .m R.C.A.F., Camp Borden; Ray CNDA 4TOA Smith, R.C.A.F., St. Thomnas, ai ENADat BoATNd Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. . Mm and Es ôn Mms. Richard Snowden, Oshawa, 10:30 arn. daily iat Mm. John Snowden's and Mr 2:45 p.m. daily excepi Sunday Lou Hockin's. . . Miss Madeline 1:3pm al xetSna Meicaîf, Mm. Bruce Stephenson, 10:42 p.rn. Sunday only Oshawa, with hem parents, Mr. * :12 s.m. dail and Mrs. Roy Meicaîf. . . Mms. 4:16 p.m. dail Wes. Wermy, Solina, with hem par- 4:6pm aly ents, Mm. and Mms. N. I. Met- 7:42 p.m. daily excepi Sat. caif. .. Mm. and Mms. Leslie Colla- C cuti ai Mr. Westlake's, Solina... COLLACUTT COACH LINES Mms. George Brown, town, with East Bound West Bound hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. M. 11:10 a.m. 10:05 a.rn. Munday. . . Miss Louise Foley, 3:15 p.m. 3:05 p.rn. nurse-in-tmaining ai Oshawa Gen- 8:15 p.m. 9:05 p.m. emal Hospital, ai home... Mm. and GROSBSSHDL Mrs. Lawrence Staples and son, _______BSCHEUL Barry, Mm. and Mrs. C. Staples, Beihany, ai Mr. R. D. Trimbles BowmanviUe-Oshawa-Whltby . . . Miss Phyllis Trimble wiih hem sister, Mms. A. Laird, Jr., To- WEEK DAYS ronto. .. Mm. and Mrs. R. L. Per- Leave Arrive kins, daughter Eleanor, Picton, ai Bowmanville Bowmanvile R. L. Womden's . . . Mr. and Mrs. 6.20 arn 7.15 am R. L. Worden have eiurned fmom 6.35 arn 8.15 am a pleasant visit with relatives in 7.20 am 9.20 am Western Ontario. . . ACl S. L. 8.20 arn 10.00 arn VanCamp, R.C.A.F., Dartmouth, 10.40 am 12.30 prn N.S., is honie on the harvesi leave 1.15 pm 2.30 pm bo help his father, Mm. Roy Van 2.35 pm 4.35 pn, Camp. 4.05 pm 5.30 pm Symnpathy is extended te Mrs. 4.35 pmn 6.30 pm Ivison Munday in the passing of 5.35 pm 8.40 pm hem father, Mm. J. W. Lancaster, 6.35 pm , 10.30 pm Newtonville. 8.45 pm 12.30 arn The many fiends of Master 10.35 prn 1.20 am Ross Meicaîf, Base Line, weme sorry to hear of his accident on SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS Monday cvening, whcn ho was Leave Arrive hit by a car, causing a compound Bowmanville Bowmanvillc fracture of the right leg besides 6.35 arn 9.20 am braises. 10.»40 arn 12.30 pm 2.»35 Pm 5.30 pm There is some victomy gained in 6.35 prn 8.40 pmn evemy gallani stmuggîe thai is 10.35 Pm 12.30 arn made-Charles Dickens. 1 1.20 arn Dy ANNE ALLA N Hydro Home Economlst 4 DEHYDRATED FOODS- OLD BUT NEW Hello Homemakers! Drying is the oldest known form of food preservation. But it took thel armed services' extensive use of dried foods to bring to the house- wife the_.improved meihods of dehydration which can be used in any kitchen. The big improve- ment is blanching before the fruit or vegetable is dried, which re- tards spoilage and avoids poor flavour and loss of food value. Many fruits may be sun dried, but controlled heai maintained In a dryer or an eleciric oven is best for Ontario district, as it is quick and more dependable. A number of dehydrators are now on the market-the thermostat-control- led eleciric ones may be con- structed from the instructions given in the Central Experimental Station, Ottawa, bulletin, or an inexpensive type may be purchas- ed or made. If you wish to, make a cheap one, no special equipment is necessary. A handy man can build a cabinet if extensive drying is going to be done. Three or four wooden frames with cheese- cloih or wire-mesh trays will work very well in a cabinet which is placed over an element or buili to fit in the oven. Food is dehydraied from 4 to 24 hours, emerges a tenth of its original size, and is stored in waxed cartons or jars. Before eating, it is soaked in water until plump, then cooked. TIFS ON DRYING When the cabinet dryer is used for cabbage: first trim the cab- bage, slice thin as for kraut, sieam 2 minutes, then spread on drying trays in a layer flot over one-haîf inch dedp. During the drying period interchange the shelves every haîf hour at the same time stir the food. When preparing apples: peel, quarter, core. Cut in 1-2 inch slices and blanch (or dip) in preached at the United Church Sunday evening. Mrs. George E ato n, New Brunswick, is visiiing her mother, Mrs. M. Fallis. Mrs. Alice Chapman, Phena and Kenneth, have returned to Win- nipeg after visiting her sister, Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy. SHORTENING DOMESTIC lb f or JEWEL IL KELLOGG'S or QUAKER COIN FLAKES 2oPkgs.15 là. CRISP GREEN Celery Fruit-kepe solution, ihen put on trays. Trays should not be as deep as the cabinet or oven so they may be unevenly placed in the oven to give air circulation. Tempera- ture during drying is important; a dairy or oven ihermometer is excellent for checking it. As the water evaporaies, the dangrf scorching increases and Eve slight scorching destroys f lavour. Less heai is needed during the latter stages of drying. Vegetables should be brittle afier dehydration, should raille when shaken, or be slightly leathery. Store the dried foods in jars wiih iighi-fiiiing covers, or seal waxed package with ad- hesive tape. Corn: Siearn husked cobs 20 minutes. Cut off kemnels. Use temperature of 160 degrees. Greens: Trim and wash leaves. Stearn 5 minutes. Use tempera-i turc of 150 degrees. Turnips, Carrots, Onions, Cab- bage: Peel, suice and shred. Siearn 10 minutes. Use temperature of 150 degrees. Apples, Peaches, Pears: Remove skin, core, or puts and blemishes. Cut in 1-4 inch slices. Hold in sali and water bath until ail have been prepared. Dip in Fruit-kepe solution. Use temperature of 150 degrees for drying. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. R. N. asks: Directions for saliing string beans. Answer: Beans in Brine Use one pound of coarse cook- ing sali to 4 pounds of beans. Wash beans and string, cut into desired lengths or leave whole. Place a layer of beans in a crock; sprinkle generously with sali. Re- peat until ahl beans are used. Place plate or board (cut in shape of crock) over beans -and put weight on top. Store crock in a cool place - no fermentation should take place. If liquid does not cover beans in 2 days, make a sirong sali and waier solution and add enough to cover. To rinse the beans, remove thern fromn the brine, wash thoroughly in several waters, then soak for two hours in wamrn water. They get tough if soaked overnight. Cook in boiling waier without sali until they are tender -25 10 30 minutes. Drain and serve as fresh beans. LOCAL Carrots BRAESIDE FIRST GRADE BUTTER 2 BCHS.9ç FOR15 FILMS DEVELOPED FREE FRUIT KEPE 25e FLY COILS 4 for 10e KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE 20e - 35e Eno's Salts........-----59c, 98e Sal Hepatica 30c, 59e, $1.15 Kkovah Saits ------ 29c, 79e Andrew's Saits -----44c, 77c Bromo Seltzer --- 25c, 49c HAY FEVER REMEDI ES Raz-Mah Caps ---- 50c, $1.00 Estivin ----------------$1.23 Allergi Tabs --- $1.00, $2.50 Ephazone Tabs $1.50, $2.50 Telsol Powders ------ $1.25 Nose Drops 25c, 35c, 43c Canadian Nasal Spray Outfit $1.00, refil 50e JAR RINGS 5c ANT TRAP 35e Ssft bs a fleocy cloud! 1 2 pads 2 C In box j Zambuk Oint.. ----------47c Bile Beans ----------------47e Gin PRIS - ---------- 39c, 69e Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ------ - --- 60c, $1.50 Feenamint ---- 19c, 33c, 69e Absorbine Jr.-----98c, $1.95 Mms. C. D. asks: For varieiy of ways to serve string beans. Answem: Spiced beans! Brown onion rings in fat, add a dash of cream, a sprinkle of nuimeg, sali; pour over cooked beans. Or serve them iný mustard sauce. Or cook beans; add browned cracker crumbs; toss together. W * * Anne Allan invites you to write to her dlo The Canadian Siaiesman. Send in your sugges- tions on homernaking problems and waich this column for replies. If whai shone afar so grand, Turn to noihing in thy hand, On again, the virtue lies In the siruggle, not in the prize. -R. M. Milnes 2 QUALITY CONSISTENTLY CONTROLLÉD CALIFORNIA 300 SIZE Lemons Classified_.Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra la made when advertisement is flot pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are directedl to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50c fôk notice pins 10c per line for verse. Ciassified adver- tlaements aeeepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. The annual harvesi of food in the United States frm game ani- mais, garne birds and game fishes toiais approxirnaieîy 435,000,000 pounds. VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AUG. 19-20-21 24-oz. Loaves 15 Eb. 33 o o I p I p '0 I Oo g g O n 'i .0 n w>. D eo -n DOZ. 45ç FRESH, CRISP Rid. Lettuce --2 FOR 13< GIANT, LOCAL _ Cabbage FOR 23< O WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCH ASES ACCORDING TO SUPPLY AVAILABLE oO.-NO TOE IIE WE TEST EYES AND FIT TRUSSES Perfect Satisfaction is Guaranteed Phone P ~u u Dlromp 695 C OWLING' RGSTORDPirom DOMINION QUALITY DD~EflWHITE, BROWN or BREADlh CRACKED WHEAT CANADIAN MILD LOAF CHEESE THESE RATION COUPONS MAY NOW BE USED Tea or Coffee - No. 1 to 13 Sugar - - - No. 1 to 13 Ail Special Canning Sugar Coupons Butter - - - No. 20 to 25 Meat - - - - No. 8 to 13 READY-CUT BULK MdACARONI SPAGHETTI 3 uîs* 14c EVAPO RATE D-1 RRAD IATED 1IL is1 DOMI NO DOMNOL BLACK TEA ½/Pk-"b. 35 c MOTOI GIL Gao 7 5 c HAND-E-WRAP PURITAN WAX PAPER Rll10 c- TOILET TISSUJE 5roi25 ILIPTON'S NOODLE NEILSONS 5011' MIX 2 pkgs. 25c JERSEY COCOA 19b lc NO. 1. ONT., COOKING - Onions 2Z LBS. j13Ç ffl- - M- 7r ýu THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO p- I-Z 1,

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