THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Miss Muriel Henderson visited friends in Lindsay. Miss Jean Living is visiting friends at Toronto. :Mi ss Margaret Cole is vsiting friends in Chatham. Master Gary Dilling is visiting Bobby Allun in Lindsay. 2nd Lieut. John Jury, Kingston, was guest of Mrs. J. H.H. Jury. Miss Alnme Northcutt spent the week-end with relatives in Port HO.ý*a Richards is holidaying with her cousin, Mrs. Clarence Yeo. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Bradd, Long Branch, were guests of Mrs. W. J, Dudley. Mrs. John M. James spent the week-end in Ottawa with her hus- band. Mr. and Mns. Maitland Gould and son, North Bay, are visiting relatives here. Misses Marion Hooper and Joyce Richards are hohidaying at Wasaga Beach. Marie and Colleen Clark are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Amy Vanson, Oshawa. Chief S. Venton and family are holidaying at Four Mile Lake, near Fenelon Falls. Lieut. Stan Dunn and Mrs. Dunn are bolidaying at Ernscliff Lodge, Thurstonia Park. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Wood and Jack, Detroit, Mich., are guests Evangelistic TABERNACLE SUNDAY, 7.30 p.m. Beginning a seies of special messages on "Those Things Most Sureiy Beiieved Among Us.", FIRST - "He shahl save His people from their sins." Mat!. 1:21. HAS HE SAVED YOU? Everyone cordially invited to attend PASTOR CARMAN LYNN o! Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Chartran. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Dr. J. C. Devitt are holidaying a! Baptiste Lake, Hastings County. Mrs. Ernest Hufit visited Mn.. and Mns. Nelson Jackman, St. Catharines. Mn. and Mrs. W. Oke and Mn. and Mrs. Clark are holidaying at Gananoque. Misses Edytb Carter and Betty Betties are enjoying a vacation a! Lake o! Bays, Muskoka. Mn. T. Harry (Whitey) Robin- son, Rochester, NY., is visiting bis sister, Mrs. George Barton. Mrs. Annie Gay, Harmony, vis- ited ber daugbten, "Mrs. Edith Black, and other friends. Mn. Bob Clarke, Toronto, is bol- idaying witb bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Clarke. Mr. W. Kelvin Bunner, Lucan, spent the week-end with bis mother, Mrs. W. A. Bunner. Mns. Henry Rodd and cildren, Kingston, spent two weeks bere visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. K. Buckley and tbree daughters, Toronto, wepe guests o! ber mothen, Mns. J. Baird. Pilot Officen Bill Hutchinson, Trenton, spent the week-end witb bis mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett o! the staff o! Shaw Business Scboobs, To- ronto, is home on a rnontb's holi- day. Pilo! Officer Donald Mcîlveen, Osbawa E.F.T.S., was gues! o! bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mc- Ilveen. Cpi. Lucy Lyle, C.W.A.C., Ot- tawa, is home on !urlougb witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Lyle. Mrs. C. Gatcheil and Mrs. W. P. Hall are holidaying witb Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey, T.H. E.C., Toronto. Mrs. Muriel Dunn and Mrs. Bernice Spencer have returned from a pleasant vacation a! Wind- sor and Detroit, Micb. George Underbill, Sid Cas- boumn, Ber! Jobnston and Jack Dunn have been holidaying a! Ernsclif! Lodge, Thunstonia Park, Miss Jean H. Cosens o! the Mc- Gregor Drug Store staff bas ne- turned to duty after holidaying a! ber borne in Coborne. Lieut. Bruce Willson and Mrs. Wiilson, Edmonton, Aita., bave been visiting bis aunt, Mrs. How- ard Coucb, Beecb Ave. Miss Charlotte Hoffman bas ne- YOU'D BE SURPRISED 1 -at the many homes <4 $~Ž4destroyed by tires! K~"" A dozen little household acci- dents can be the cause of a big- fine. Your home is precious. Invest iii Fine Iîisunance with us today! Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Successon to J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681, 493, Bowinanville Ladies'H Lai j Rang -AT- 7, Pur ses.. AUl kinds, sizes and colours. Blaek and eolourei fo ------------------------------ --- - -- 98 to $ LaW~e cioth purses with wooden frames, assortec Severai prices. Imitation neediepoint purses wlt] frames ---------------------- -~---------- -- Sunîmer Dresses another shipment of summer dresses lias arrived from- ------ - ------ -------- -- - Seersuclker L Checks, stripes and patterns ln a number of colouri r t - ------ ----------- 79c, 90e - AGENT FOR MeCALL PATT~ERNS - Bathlng Suits ~ew stock of ladies and ehildren's bathing suits. SPRING COATS, LADIES' CLOTH AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIOI 1 THIS STOR Couch, Johoston & Cryder Phone 836 d ~leather $7.50 jeaeh ýd colours. th wooden ------ $259 d. Prleed .$3.50 up s. PrieedI and $1,10 COATS NS Y NIGHT rma n King st.i a SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 showerec i wtn iiowers tnese 1111e dactiv1îy. days. The latest bouquet was The question o! wbetber Can-0 brougiht in outtDingEW.Sisson, adians were to be c ronm i t turists. The genial doctor in ne- mentation" was not mercly a VI5 cent years bas been experiment- 8 0 ing in hyberdizing sonne o! bis own gladioli seedlings and he stocks, absoultely straight and the brougbt in some remarkable flowers are beautifully ru!! led specimens of bis efforts. He bas witb petals of a delicate greenish 9 named them "Green Mantle" white shade-a picture to bebold gladioli. They gnow on huge o! loveliness and beauty. >=-=.==MEM MM turned to Toronto, having spent her vacation with ber mother, Mns. Bert Curtis, Lake Road. ..toration of Free Enterprise Miss Alene Nortbcutt is filling rjb 1Iiuimiàam4 Sfu 7ipROB the position recently vacated by BeIAI Co m m entI II D BI7 SAAfer W a A A Miss Glenna Reade in the Bank __________Mtc of Montreal. Walter Zeller Warns Against Post scholastic dispute for political passe AC2 Alan Ferguson, Belleville War Regimientation economists, he said, but "is a very rest I.T.S., spent the week-end with practical issue that concernis the don, bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. Fer- Sound appraisal of the merits life of every individual." endi guson.~ of free enterprise and a warning In conclusion he told the edi- beer 'Mr. E M.Mithenn ad Mss hatwarimeconrol mut b re ~ S: 'Few, however, bear heavier wee: Mrs Et M.Mithenr an Mis tat artme cntrls ustbe es eponsibilities than you gentie- Dei Cruickshank, Niagara Falls, Ont., îaxed as soion as possible after men. Your relation to the people Edwî are visiting her sister, Mrs. A. L. the war, were included in an ad- you serve is most intimate. You was Nichlls CocesionSt.dress by Walter P. Zeller, of survive because you are trusted.To Breon slad, s wth is aretsMonrea, gvenat he penngYour influence in the moulding years M r toke r Il B udP . P ingle, o sCape M c onea , gi e n da t e o e ning of publi c opinion as long been B ow , Mrav. an r.B .Pige nsc y Newspapers Association Con- appraisedi. I firmnly believe that with lev.vention in Toronto, Aug. 12. Mn. 1upon you will rest, in large mea- pred( CpI.Heln Coton R..A.F Zeleris pesientof Zeller's sure, the final attitude of a bost estab Cpi Heen ottn, .C..F.Zeler s pesientof danadians who ponder the cani, (W.D.) Camp Borden, spent the limited, and bas' servedi vol un- otwrCndin hi he inl week-end with ber mother, Mrs. tarily with the department of Na-ps-arCndaiI.ihtey~ R. M. Cotton. tional War Services and tbe Wa- ive. Osha Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James re- time Prices and Trade Board. neph ceived a cable last week fromn The neal cause for tbe present SIMILAR POLITICAL tinue their son, Lieut Wm. G. James, wartime prosperity, with jobs for SITUATION IN 1919 estab stating he was "weli and fit". everyone and bigb earnings, was nl Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Cole and not, he said, the resuit 'of govern- United Farmers and Labour Siive Donny have returned borne from ment control, but rather the re- United to Form Govennment nurr two weeks' holidays at their cot- suit of government spending. The was tage on Hawk Lake. products of our war industries (Fergus News-Record) fratei Cpi GrceHal, R C A.F.and of f ield, forest and mine com- Many people seem to think that ber Cpl.Grae HllR. . A F.mand an unlimited market, a the situation after our iatest pro- Oran (W.D.) Toronto, is spending ber market dictated by the uniimited vincial election is unique in On- were furlough with ber parents, Mr. demands of war, a market largeiy tario. It isn't. Tbe mix-up after biess and Mrs. C. J. Hall, Westmount. heedless of costs, a mnarket un- the genenai election in 1919 was ity Miss Donny Creasser of Mc- paraiieiied in peacetime. very similar, but in that year, the loyal Gregor's Drug Store is bolidaying Mr. Zelien lauded the acbieve- langeit group did not belong to at h with relatives in The United ments of Canadian troops over- either of the oid groups, but to the His1 States. seas and said "If you want to United Farmers of Ontario, a whol Mn. Charles Bagneli is again in find National Unity, you wiii f md brand-new party. story charge of the C.P.R. Express de- it in the firing line". Like to Conservatives today, had liveny service after reapvering Our fighting men, he said, the United Farmers lacked a clear be from a serlous operation. wouid not let us clown and we majority, though not far from it. man3 Mr. Donald Venton is up in must not fail tbem. Our task is Tbey were not popular with He Nortbern Ontario taking a six- to do our very best to help win either of the old parties -and had Lillb weeks' course at a Sunveyons' the war. defeated a Conservative govern- ters, Scbool. Speaking of the kind of a coun- ment. They soived their pnoblemn Osba Mn ad rs JhnShwtry we would want after the war, by uniting with the Labour party R.N. Manra and Lynnona awen Mr. Zelier said that freedom, as whicb had eight or nine seats. It Winé Saa ek'nhdy Owithbe ar the indispensable condition of ail was not a happy union. The J. Cc aents Mn. andr.W. JH endear- progress, would be a unanimous aims of Farmer and Labour were T! tteMr.akeMr.W.J ed demand.' The opportunity for different, and this was one of tbe cutt son, a h ae wonk for ahl men was flot pos- things which wrecked the chances Sund Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Pingle, Ot- sible otbenwise. "Finally we o! the panty when it retunned to H.J tawa, have been visiting his want a land wbere, without loss the people in 1923. Like the Unit fathen, Mn. Thos. Pingle. Mrs. «Df freedom or the restriction o! C.C.F., the United Farmer party servi Sam Glanville returned to Ottawa opportunity, the weak and tbe un- grew up as a nesuit o! discontent stock with themn for a visit. fortunate will not f ail to secune over wartime restrictions to a Mu]l The OBA. Juvenile basebaîl the arm of protection." large extent. The party had a and play-offs stant in Oshawa Satur- He quoted Winston Churchiil's number o! fine neen, including Mz day at 3 p.m. when a Toronto warning, "We must beware of Premier Dnuny, but the inexpeni- bank club is matched with Oshawa. trying to buiid a society in which ence of the members was a sevene utes Bowmanville fans have more than nobody counts for anything ex- handicap. T h e Conservatives ton1 a passing interes! in this event cept the politician or official, a came back in 1923 to gain a sub- Metr as Eric Mcllveen is a member o! society where enterpnise gains no stantial majority, tbough the and the Motor City team. rewand and thrift no pivileges." UFO. had the second largest Iri Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Haliman, Defining " pnivate enterprise," gnoup. After that, the party tery, Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Bur- the speaker said it meant the dwindiedi away and disappeaned, Fr rows, Pickering, visited the fonm- "freedomn accorded to pivate the Hon. Farquhar Oliver, now a dista e's brother, Mn. C. S. Haliman, at pensons, either singly, in partner- Libenal, being the last nepresenta- awa Cottage Fivie, West Beach. . ships or in groups, to engage in tive.1 to, Nigbt Constable WalterHali any business undertaking that In the present instance, one o! doig ayduy hie Haieo they may choose, within the limit the old parties will have to try to Police S. Venton is on bolidays, of the laws gnd regulations en- carry on without a majofity, and and John Mohun is acting night acted in the general welfare, on the resait remains to be seen. Th constable. the expectation tbat if the under- held Mis race JwelMr. .taking prospers they may reap the E ns Augi Mis Fanes ewll Mr. .newards o! their initiative, and E ns illen Te Clark Bell and Mrs. Geo. W. on the understanding that if the Ther James were guests o! Mrs. Hanna undertaking faîls, they will bear AC2 Roy Trewin and Mrs. Tre- gues at "Choreacres," Corbett's Point, the consequent losses... It means win, Brantford, Mn. Victor York, Pont on Friday. a society free from those artificiai Miss Vera Mowatt, Toronto, Mr. guso Miss Glenna Reade, who bas restrictions, either by the state Elmer Farmer, Greenbank, Miss Dmn been transferred !nom the local or by monopoly, whicb prevent Minnie Banton, Uxbridge, Miss atter branch of Bank o! Montreal to a any person who dares to take the Jean Wright, Blackstock, at Mn. Sask Toronto brancb, is now living risk, fromn setting forth on new Sidney Trewin's. Oshi with ber mother, Mns. K. P. economnic voyages o! discovery. It Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin Hay( Reade. means a society whose future is visited friends in Cartwright. I3BoW Recently Mrs. J. A. Tait ne- not limited to the course charted ceived a card from LAC J. E. by some fuebrer at the top." Tait, R165090, R.C.A.F., acknow- He stressed, too, that "private . .. ... ledging the cigarettes and re- enterprise does not mnean the marking upon the coincidence same thing as laissez-faire, any that a person with the same namne more than liberty means licence. should receive' the cigarettes. There is no need to deny the P "Truth is stranger than fiction." blessings o! liberty to al in order Mns. Mina Colwell visited bier to restrain the licence o! a !ew." P daughten, Mrs. Arthur Lre, Pivate enterprise, he asserted, Oshaa. n Tbrsd y enngwas essentiai for political free- neigwabOsadin rds et at gdom- and in support he outlined teihe or Lyme homeandspreeted the resuits o! econornic regimen- the ymerhomeand toseted ir e descnibed t heimtoaind them with a beautiful D atin Sgothstr n Phyf e co!!ee table prior Duncani paticularly in the world o! today. movngto rue Sret.o! German Naziism and Italian Your I.D.A.1 In an overseas despatch froin Faseismn under which a citizen LOWEST ing supplies England datedi August 16, report- was reduced toi the level o! aPRC S buhfon ing the third Overseas Canadian slave, deprivedi even o! the right kepE bugt Note Army track and field titie meet, to think for himsel!. The Russian -__ ---__ ----__________ Note_ we notice Lieut W. J. (Bill) Communist system, he stated, was Brown came in 2nd in the l00-yd. more honest in its approach, but u4 dlash and Lieut. Lanry O'Connor, its economnic dictatorship left no 000 son o! the late Judge O'Connor, roomn for political !reedom. "We LL TE B A S Cobourg, was 3rd in the same can admire the Russian people A LT EB D S 1event. for their constancy and courage in your Gillette Razor Mn. and Mrs.Len Bullied, Jean in the defense o! their' native and Peaches, Mr. and Mrs. Joe land, witbout admiring theirdo Taylor and Gary, Messrs. James politico-economic s ys t em," he éojlt and Ennie Bullied, Miss Patricia said, adding that the Russian peo- Bullied and Miss Marilyn Wilson, pie had good cause also to admire emot ~ ' Toronto, Mrs. Ferguson, Conn, us as loyal and staunch Allies. ft 1Mn. and Mns. Ai!. Randle and He indicated that Russian Copi- !amily, Mrs. Ellie Adams, Hamp- munisma was soion !orced to de-0 1ton, were visitors with Mn. and part from orthodox Marxism 1Mrs. Zack Adams. principles in rewarding the in- St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the dividual on the basis o! bis pro- 1 hoe o Mr. S Melistr o dutivty."No society can es- August l7th. President Mrs. W. cape the ai atta aiu H. Carruthers called on Mrs. H. productivity can neyer be achiev- 1Laymnan and Mrs. F. Joblin to ed without the time-honoured in-5fo2o 1take charge o! the devotional per- ducement o! a greater profit for 10 for 509 bod and a temperance question- bim wbo produces more." aire. An instructive temperance Comparing these '-to our own 1questionaire was conducted and system Mr. Zeller said: "No one a discussion period followed. planned the Dominion: o! Canada. -* * ElenorJohsto an LoiseIt gnew from the untrammelled helpirJon to bo oste commanded!th i r unbounde Obituary 3ERT MILTON JAMIESON Jter six years iii healtb Robert on Jamieson, Bowmanviile, cd pea0eully to bis eternal in Byron Sanatorium, Lon- on August 13. Realizing the was near Mrs. Jamieson had nin London for the pas! three ks with ber husband. sceased was son o! the late vard and Maria Jamieson and ;born in Kendal, Clarke vnsbip, 65 ycans ago. For rnany rs be was a moulder at the mvranville Foundry and later h bis brother Herbent, wbo deccased him f ive years ago, iblished one o! the fins! yul- izing and tire repairing shops this district, witb plants in iawa and Bowmanville. His hexv, G. F. Jamieson, con- ies carrying on the business ablished by bis fathen and de, at the corner o! King and ;er Sts., Bowmanviiie. For a iber o! years Mn. Jamieson 3Division Court Bailif!. In Lrnal circies be was a mcm- o! the Masonic and Loyal ige Lodges. His chie! hobbies re !ishing and bunting. He was ssed witb a pleasing personal- wbich made for him many il friends as was demonstrated his largely attended funeral. genial smile and heanty and olesome laugh as be told a ry or quoted poetry, for he 1a remrnakable memory, wîll a cherisbed memory witb ny who knew him best. le is sunvived by bis wi!e, [an Ida Jamieson, two daugh- sMrs. D. Cameron (Doris), -awa, and Gladys Jamieson, Metropolitan Hospital, ndsor, and one sisten, Mrs. S. ýonlin, Oshawa. 7he funeral was held a! North- t& Smitb's Funeral Chapel, day afternoon, witb Rev. F. Joblin, minister o! St. Paui's ted Chuncb, conducting the vice. Bearers were M. Com- ck, Melburne Wight, Geo. Mc- len, W. H. Yeo, T. H. Knight 1Rd. Patterson. Vany beautiful floral tnibutes iked the casket including trib- ýfnom the staff o! Metropoli- Hospital, Board o! Governors, nopolitan Hospital, Windsor, 1local Order of Eastern Star. iterment was in Orono Cerne- niends and relatives from a tance were present frorn Osh- a, Millbrook, Windsor, Toron- Bethany, Kendal and Tara. ADAMS PICNIC, bhe first Adamns family picnic 1 at Cnearn o! Barley Camp on ýust 7, was a grand success. nre were over 135 relatives in endancc. T h n e e bonoured sts were Wm. Robent Adamns, ntypool, age 80; Davy Fer- 3on,, Enniskiilen, 82; Mrs. ah Adams, Conn, 76. Those ending came !rom Eyebrow, 3k., Coon, Toronto, Pontypool, .awa, Bunketon, Enniskilien, ,don, Hampton, Newcastle and wmanville. - ORDER NOW - PHONE 792 - SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE - Contains spice, ois, sweetner and preserva- tive sufficient for 1 gai. of vinegar 25c PAROWAX,1i111..........13c JAR RINGS, 121s ..................5Sc CASSIA BUDS, ALLSPICE, oz.....5 Diii Pickle M ixture ----25c Certo -------------------25C Preserving Powder, oz. 20e Cento Crystais ----------15e Memba Seais ----- --- c 0 Memba Peetin------ 15c Celery Seed, oz.--------- c0 Parke's Preservine -- - 25e Parke's Catsup Flaveur 35e Corks ----- ------Ail Sizes Tumerie, oz.------ ------5c Whole Mixed Spice, oz. 5c BARGAINS- 50c Milk of Magnesia, 16 oz. . 27c Oxydol, 2 sizes..... 23c, 63c Lifebuoy Soap .......... 6c, 2 for lic "Afenbrys Keen's 1Mustard, AI. bu y " 4 ozs.------------27e sprhdBasic Soap Princess Flakes -- 14c, supr atedcram uop-fr» from Lux Soap --- 2 for lie adulteata-wlil ut Iure moot tme ki.. 20e Tincture of per cake 25c lodine ------ 14c BARGAINS - $2.25 Lactogen - $1.50 Estivin --- $1.25 Pinkham's Compound 35e Corega $1.59 $1.19 -87c 24e ihe Lucky New Way Io .40Afl MleanetIleetb, Brighter Smiles Hay Fever Remedies - Ailergitabs ----- -- 1.00, $2.50 Haytone -- - ------- -- 25c, 50e Razmah Capsules ---- 50e, $1.00 I.D.A. Nose Drops -- --25e KILL FLIES - Whiz Insee! Kilier - ---24e, 43c Fly Coilis ----------- - 3 for 5e Wiison's Fiy Pads -------1---- eo Shelitox ------------- - 24c, 43e Soft as a fleecy cloud! 25C Inboxj PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER India is reported to be produc- Mrs. Clarence Osborne and son, ing potassium permang an a te Donald, visited ber parents, Mn. !rom local chrome ore. and Mrs. Wm. Henning, Oshawa, last week. A success!ul politician is the one who knows bow to pour cold A rogue usually takes things as waten on a burning issue. they corne. IK ING SOAH 9 Ç Drug Store carnies a complete line of pickling and preserv- TABLETS -spices, corks, seals, etc. It is a proven fac! that spicesL ndrug sources are stronger because they are more carefuily 5 the pnices below. RE CLOSES AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAý MOK 4m PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVJMANVILLE, ONTARIO mâ-M