PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 Newcastle Miss Marion Allin and Miss Dorotby Trenwith, Toronto, spent the week-end at their homes. Mrs. George Hancock and Mr. Morley Hancock. Port Hope vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun. Softball program this week in- cluded first. a game between Newcastle girls and Newcastle boys, on Monday evening; next,i gam4 between Newcastle and Qiono boys on Tuesday evening. On Monday relievinrg manager, A. C. Collins, at Bank of Com- merce. pitched for the boys witb catcher Neil Britton on the re- ceiving end. Battery for the girls was Doreen Enwright, pitcher. and Margaret Hockin, catcher, with Umpire Ted boar officiating bebind the plate. The girls won. Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Walton, Mr. George Crowther and otbers at- A DISPLAY WINDOW FOR THE COUNTY!,@ THE CLA SËIFIED AD PAGE BRINGS YOUR AD TO AN ES- TIMATED AUDIENCE 0F OVER 12,000 CUSTOMERS ECH WEEK. If you have anything you want to seli or rent ... if there is anything you want to buy or trade . .. if you have an announcement to make ... if you have a service to off er ... if you have lost or found anything ... the Classified Page of The Statesman is yours. Use it! The Cost Is Remarkabiy -Low! One Cent per word CASH, each insertion. Minimum charge 25c, Cash with order. If Ad is charged minimum charge is 50c. - SO PAY CASH AND SAVE 25c - The Canadian Statesman UNIQUE -QUALITY PHOTO FUNISHING - Quality in Photo work is more in demand today than at any previous time. For years our Drug Store has featured the BE.ST in Photo Finishing. Leave YOUR films and negatives at our store for Unique Quality Prints or Enlargements. CARE 0F THE TEETH - PEPSODENT Tooth Paste ---------------------29c, 45c F O R H A N 'S ----------------- ------------------------- 29c, 49c K O LY N O S - -- -- ---- --- - ------------------- 29c, 49c CO LG A TE'S - ------ --------------------- ----- 25e, 40c M A CLEA N 'S --------- ----------------------- -- 29c, 47e LISTERIN E -------------------- --------- ---- - - 25c, 40e IP A N A _ _ ---- ----- -- --------- -- ------- --- 29c, 49e PEARL TOOTH POWDER ------------------ ------- 30e Mi 31 TOOTH PASTE ----------------_ . 23c, 43e KLENZO ------ 1-- ------ - -30c, 45e TAT Ant Traps 35e Studio Folder Speciai 3 for--- -- $1.00 Enlargement 15e Fruit Kepe --25c 2 for -----25C Preserves 25 ibs. J. & L. Famous Piekie Hui'sHoey& lmndMixture -. 35c 1 gai. Crds ea & 89e d Elizabeth Arden Leg Cran - ---8e Film ý $1.00 English Health Saits, lb. 49e Allergi-Tabs $1.00, $2.50 Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes t Us Done Properly PHONE 778 - -C.N.R. TICKETS tended a double header gamn twcen Toronto and Baltimor the Maple Leaf Stadium, Au I 2th. Mrs. Wm. Bannerman, Ton is visiting her brother, Mr. l ard Glenney. Mrs. Dunham, Toronto, vi her cousin, Mrs. N. L. Rickai Ted Hoar and Buddy Bon. spent the week-end in Toront Miss Betty Enwrlght spe week's holiday at Stratbroy. Rev. R. E. Morton and Morton and Laurence left1 day for a three weeks' vac, at Woodland Beach, Geor Bay. Miss Patricia Pearce ist from Oshawa General Hospilz vacation. Glenn Allun, who broke ankle at Geo. Allin's, is novi ting a ro u nd again wit crutches. Women's Association of Ut Churcb met in the S.S. hall president, Mrs. Harold Tor! the chair. Mrs. W. J. S. Rie ,led in prayer and Mrs. C. R. veth read the Scripture.F were completed for renov the preacber's vestry. Prog was in charge of Mrs. A. 0.P er's group. Miss Catherine TE played a piano solo and Teeple, Bowmanville, gave ar teresting and instructive ta]l 'Bees and Honey". Misses1 rey Turner and Reta Gibsonp ed a piano duet. Among vis: present were: Mrs. Dunbam, ronto, witb ber cousin, Mrs.D Rickard, and Mrs. Adsett anc lady friends visiting ber ai Adsett summer home on the shore. All were members of W.A. of Humbercrest Ur Churcb, Toronto. Mrs. Parl group served lunch. Mrs. W. Rickard moved a vote of thý to Mrs. Wilbert Teeple and tended a welcome to the visi ladies. Hubert Anderson wvasd from Toronto belping bis fa and sister in the store. Miss Evelyn Allin spent Sur with Miss Helen Hooper, Aja Miss Marie Allin is in Tor, visiting Mrs. Herbert Pooley. Rev. Thos. Wallace, Greeni and daughter, Mabel, ina uniform, visited bis daugi Mrs. Harold Coucb. Mrs. P. R. Langman contit in poor health. Miss Helen and Master K Spicer, Toronto, holidaying at W. J. S. Rickard's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roberts, Tyrone, visited mother, Mrs. M. Alldread, attended the Hall Manager Committee's dance Friday ri Rey. W. P. Rogers, Bown ville, will occupy the Un Churcb pulpit the last two days of August. Mrs. W. J. Hockin and Ro visited ber sister, Mrs. A. F.1 per, Wbitby. Mr. Stoneburg bad two fin badly injured in a factoryz dent on Monday. For Reit TO RENT - TWO FURNISI bedrooms. Pbone 2489. FOR RENT - SEWING1 chines. Phone 696 Oshawa. TO LET - FIVE - ROOA apartment, central local Apply Box 227, Statesman fice. FOR RENT - COTTAGE Wharf Road, electricity. AI Blake Short, phone Bown ville 2479. FOR RENT-SUITE 0F RO( over Jury & Lovelî's, t floor. light, water. Apply t C. Mason, Barrister, King FOR RENT-COTTAGE at]B manville Beach. Apply Town-Shop, King St. W., B manville, or pbone 439 betw 7 and 8 p.m. i FOR RENT-3 ROOMS with piece batb, lights, heat water, accommodation for Appy Robt. Colville, Libi St., Bowmanville, phone 538 OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 - Free Parkh MON., TUES., Two Great Features THE AVENGERS The bravest story the worl( bas ever known Starring Ralph Richardson, Desboral Kerr And MRS. WIGGS 0F THE CARBAGE PATCH With Fay Bainter, Hugh Herber Vera Vague For love, for laughs, for beart throbs COMING Aug. 25- 28 Mickey Rooney In THE HUMAN COMEDY With Frank Morgan, Fay Bainter, James Cmaig ie be- me at ýugust ronto, How- risited rd. ýathan ito. nt a Mrs. Tues- ation mgian home aI on b is * get- ithout nited .with is, in Dkard Car- Plans ating )gram Park- leeple Mrs. in in- Ik on Aud- play- ýsitors i, To- BIRTUIS Livestock and Articles Articles For Sale Repairs ADAMS-In Bowmanville bos- FOR SALE - ABOUT 20 PUL- FOR SALE-BLANKETS. brand REPAIRS - SEWING Machines pital, Monday, August l6th, to lets, 7 weeks old. T. Buttery. new, pure wool, good weight, repaired. Phone 696 Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. Henry Adams Scugog St., phone 2190. 33-l* natural colour. Apply Robt.- 32-2 (nec Verna Cochrane) Burke- Colville, Liberty St., Bowman -_______________ ton, a son, Bruce Alvin. 33-1* FOR SALE-CALVES, for veal- ville, phone 538. 33-1 WatdT Bu ing. Apply C. b. Robinson, atdT Bu REID-Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hampton, phone 2611. 33-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Reid, Clarke, are happy to an- WNE OBY-SRN nounce the arrival of a daughi- FOR SALE - 15 YORKKSHIRE Rugs. Select yours from over WANTED TeOwsBUY - PRINGBo ter at Bowmanville Hospital on pigs ready to wean. Apply L. 300 patterns actually in stock. tooth P.33-Bo Friday, August 13, 1943. A sis- E. Mountjoy, Burketon, phone You are invited to view these 195,Bomnie.31 ter for Jan. 33--l Port Perry 191r12. 33-l* at BRADLEY'S New Fumniture - Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- WANTED-USED SEWING MA- FOR SALE-la PIGS, 7 weeics awa. 46-tf chines. Phone 696 Oshawa. 3- DEATI-S old; also white pekin ducks. ______________ Apply Clarence Englisb, Hamp- FOR SALE - FINDLAY OVALj WANTED TO BUY-TRACTOR, JAMESN O Au. 3,193, ton, phone 2100. 33-l* small size range. nearly new: good used, and plough. Apply oeMitnJamiesoN n .1, 19v-FR4A3,OKSIE IS,.Jersey-Holstein cow, due to Wm. Riznick, Courtice. 32-2* Robet Mlto Jaiesn, elo- FO SAE-YRKSIREPIG, -freshen soon; black percheron ed busband of Lillian Ida 7 weeks old. Apply W. Craig, horse four years old, suitable WANTED-APPLES, any quan- Jamieson, aged 65 years. In- R.R. 1, bampton, phone 2365. for wagon horse, good single or tity, highest prices paid. Phone temment Omono Cemetery. 33-1 double. Phone 2197, H. S. Barrie Bowmanville 2208, evenings BICKLE-At Bowmanville, Aug. FOR SALE - 75 WHITE ROCK & Son. 33-1* 8.30 to 9 p.m. 33-2* 16, 1943, Charlotte Eva Bickle, pullets, 5 mos. old, started toOHA A NE FUNTR WANTED TO BUY-HOLSTEIN beloved wife of George B. lay. Apply Wilfred Richardson, OSAW' 3W mNIUR on hs. WilreshBox 228, Bickle, in ber 73rd year. In- Pontypool. 33-1 Stome - Everything in modern, c o hc wifeshenxwithi terment Bowmanville Ceme-1 chesterfield, bedmoom, dinîng Statesman Office. 33-1 temy. FOR SALE-7 PIGS, 6 weeks old su~ites, and studios. Bedding and ______________ Yorkshire-Berkshire cross. Ap- lo coveings a specialty. WANTED-BY THE BOWMAN- LANCASTER - At Bowmanville ply boward Gibson, phone 2482. Quality merchandise at comn- ville Band, a wardrobe $uitable Hospital, on Sunday, August 3ý3-1 petitive prices. Before buying for holding men's uniforms. lSth, 1943, John Wade Lancast- visIt Bradley's New Furniture Phone 2587. 33-2* em, beloved husband of Lizzie FOR SALE-PIGS, 10 SHOATS Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- Beighton, in bis 79th year. about 80 lbs. Apply Donald awa. 46-tf WANTED TO BUY - USED Funeral service was held at Carr, Tyrone, R.R. 1, or phone pas may be Fe Miangelfo Newtonville United Cburch, on 2292" Bowmanville. 33-1 COMcash. TS Mehn rd icel Tuesday, August l7th, at 3.30 _______________~~FYI'~ V iI 492, B n~ville. 33-1* p.m., followed by interment at FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SOW _____________ Lakeview Cemetery, Newton- iwt is ek u rnv A~.,i ~~- ~ - Personiia S M O O THER COMPLEXION! Greater vitality! Incmeased vigor! Take Page-Griffiths, Betamin (B-Complex) tablets once a day. Alex McGregor Drugs. 33-1 TAKE NOTICZ A. S. Baker, Weed Inspector, bas given the undersigned a list of lots, gardens and other places where citizens are allowing ob- noxious weeds to grow, contrary to the Weed Act. Unless these weeds are cut and destroyed at once the Municipality is empow- ered to cut the weeds and -cç.ge the expense of doing the %*ýt the property. The Roads and Streets Dept. bas done its part to keep the weeds cut along the roadside and the committee asks and expects citizens to co-operate on their own private property to avoid taking this expensive and embarrassing action. W. J. MARTYN, Chairman Roads and Streets Dept. 33-1 VOTERS' LISTS 1943 MUNICIPALITY 0F L. ville. 3- tipp.' -i ia wiiDegienatliycon eal istate roir aie 1 COUNTY 0F DURHAM Î,._vile._ 3 C1 ale.s ank, R.R. 5, Bow- Wed., Aug. 25, at 8 p.m., when Notice is hereby given that I àtbe manville, phone 2403. 33-1 Zion Dramatic Club will presenthaecmld i Ston8f GeorgeAW- G. la e ove hus FOR SALE- 919R43,RE heir comiedy, "Dotty and Daffy" FOR SALE-COTTAGE 8'x10', 7~ the Voters' Lists Act and that I lake Gog .Lw eoe u-FR SL OKHR in aid of the Soldier's fund. Music pieces, or move as is. May be bave posted up at my Office at )f the band of Emma Harris, in bis pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply J. A. between acts. Admission 25c, 15c. used for sleeping' or cbildren's Nestleton on the 6th day of Tnited 69tb year. Funeral fromn the Johnston, R.R. 1, Burketon. 33-1 play bouse. Phone 2460. 33-1* August,' 1943, the list of aIl per- ker's family residence, Lot 19, Con. Phone Port Perry 172-12. 33-1*sosetld veinhead j. S. 2, Clarke, Kingston Rd. East., - Newcastle Horticultural So- FOR SALE - FRAME HOUSE son entîleto oteMunth e sa îianks on Thurs., Aug. 19. Service at FOR SALE-YOUNG HOLSTEIN ciety's Flower and Vegetable desirably located on corner of Mueniciadityat uc ipal Elec- 1 ex- 3 p.m. Interment Lakeview cow, renew soon; quiet and Show in tbe Community Hall on Mill and Edward Sts., New- therfoinpco. iting Cemetery, Newtonville. right. Durham cows, renew Thursday, August 26th. Tea wiîî castle. Apply Miss Eleanor And I bereby cal] upon al vot- Officers and members of Dur- later. Apply Bruce Metcalf, be served from 5.30 to 7.30; price Anderson. 33-1 ers to take immediate proceedings down bam Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. phone 2469. 33-1* 35c. At 8 o:'clock Mr. Russell FRSL OBE RC to have any errors or omissions ather 66 .RCkidy etinte, Woodville, Horticultural bouse, 4 rooms and 6 rooms, corrected according to law, the Masonic Hall, Newcastle, at 2.15 FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE Diearidircowl iea d obegrggre.Wl atdyfrapasbigte2 inday p.m., to attend the funeral of pigs, 6 weeks old, also 3-year Diesrc Drcor3il3ie na- dul aaggre. iîlsay fra ppas begt9427t ýa. our late brother. old colt'and rubber tire buggy. s. sell for $2500 on easy termis. day teof August t, 1943. rorito________________ Apply Blake Short,phn Bow- 3-1 Brown St., next to Red Indian Nsltn uut9h 93 an7. M M RA manville 2479. 33-1 Vacuum Cleaners Garage. Apply T. Lymer, phone WM. BEACOCK, _____INM MORIM_37,_Bo_51,_____St. Bow- Clerk of Cartwright. arm MO NTJYInFOR SALE-PULLETS, Barred Repaired mille. 1,Qee 32-3* 33-1 ahr 1oigmmr Rock, 5 1-2 months old, started FAMFRSL-NDRA ,ilierMOUNJOYIn ovin meory to lay. Apply Victor Szold, AMFRSL-ND HM of Elgin b. Mountjoy who pass- Hampton, phone Bowmanville GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- .County, adjoining tbe village of Business Opportunities inues ed away August 20, 1935. 2173. 33-1 PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- Blackstock on paved road; 121 Ket In the garden of Memories we tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, acres neyer rented, soil and MN TSASLES A Ceitb meet every day." FOR SALE - 5 YORKSHIRE Goblin, Eurica, Apex, boover situation second to none, good MN TSASLES A t Mr. - Ever remembered by bis pigs, 6 weeks old. Appl and all other makes. New and buildings, bydro and power, kt eei orcac ocs M- wife, Lillian, and sons, Donald Schwarz Bros., R.R. 3, Bow- factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- hardwood floors, churches, pub- 111 If you'emptagressiea Mc-r and Fabian. 33-1 manville, phone 491wl1, Osh- ce s sorje s. Te'ephone our lic and continuation schools, miary tex etand h tave ar ber ~~~~awa. 33-1* "C. U. C. Sales and Service doctor, stores, post office and caorthrmnsftano- and MILLS - In loving memory of- Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at garage. Apply to F. F. Willan, tation you can make real money ýment Matt. Milîs who was killed ai WANTED TO ,BUY -,HEIFER MGeo' Hardware. 17-tf-6* Blackstock. 33-24 as a Watkins Dealer. Due to night.î Dieppe, August 19, 1942. calves, new born, from bheavy _________________ ______________ aiers f tbilh ad cn man- God took bimi home, it was His breeds, either Holstein or Dur-- tanr many esalshe con- nited will, ham, from accredited or grade AUCTION SALES Notice to Creditors cerns are going out of business Sun- But in our hearts lie liveth still. cows. Phone 2186, Bowman-________but__________menare -Ever remembered by Charlie ville. 33-tf-1* setting all-time highs in sales )nnie and Irene Cathmoir. 33-1 - 1 have received instructions In the Estate of ABSALOM and profits. That's because of Pep-____ F O R S A L E - McLAUGHLIN from Miss Eleanor Anderson ABRAHAM, deceased. this Company's international MOLLON-In memory of a dear double head grinder, 14" plate. (corner of Mill and Edward St., ALL PERSONS baving dlaims buying power which makes it ngers husband and father, Jo~h n Elevators and bin complete. Village of Newcastle) to,-seli by against the Estate of Absalom possible for Watkins represent- acci- Thomas Mollon, wbo passed Also Packard eight motor, belts public auction on Sat., Aug. 28, Abraham, late of the Village of atives to offer a wide range of away August 21, 1942. and pulleys. Ahl in good run- at 1 o'clock, the following articles: Brooklin, in the County of On- Everyday Home and Farm ze- We wbo loved you sadly miss ning condition. Write or phone chairs and settee, solid mahogany, tario, deceased, who died on or cessities and such outstanding yoCecil Brown, dlo Garton's Gar- band carved Louis XIV pattern; about the 27th day of April, 1943, values as a pound of Prepared As it dawns another year; age, Bowmanville. 33-1 4. walnut tables; rosewood case are hereby notified to send in to Mustard forlO and il ounces In urlonlyhous f tinin FO SLE MSSEHARI piano; oak china cabinet; Bridai W. R. Strike, Solicitor, Bowman- of Menthol Camphor Liniment In or lnelyhous o thikin FORSAL - ASSE-HARISWreath Lamoge dinner plates, ville, Ontario, Executor of the for a dime! Don't pass up this - Tboughts of you are ever near. ensilage cutting box; McCor- tea plates, cups and saucers, veg- Estate of the said Absalom Abra- big opportunity. Està4f01shed ;HD -Ever remembered by wife mick reaper; Massey - barris etable dishes, platter, gravy boat ham, deceased, on or before the rural routes available. F&r full 32-tf and family. 33.1* disc drill, 13M; Cocksbutt disc and butter lsh; numerous hand lSth day of September, 1943, full particulars write today to The - BOOTH - In fond and îoving drill, 13M; Deering disc drill, painted cus and saucers; cut particulars of their dlaims. J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. MA- memory of our onîy son, 11M; Massey gang plows; Kid glass tumblers; 6 cake plates; IMMEDIATELY AFTER the 0-B-9, Montreal, Que. 33-2 Maurie, wo die sudenl~ Kangaroo gang plow; MeCor- numerous other dishes; 5 diners said lSth day of September, 1943, ________________ 322 auus2ricwd, 937. en mick corn binder. L. R. Wood, and table; 4 rockers; chest of the Pssets of the testator wi11 be - Just of you to-day we're think- McCormick - Deering Dealer, drawers; sectional book-case and distributed amongst the parties ýMED ig phone 597-726. 32-2*1 books; walnut highboy, 3 other entitled thereto, having regard tion, But then my dear that's notbing FOR SALE-C-OWS, PIGS and highboay;atqecerywo nCEodiso wihtesi ,ertay antique beds; dresser; Executor shaîl then bave notice. NOT 0 f- new uyse- horses; young Durham cow ws stands; 2 sliding camp beds; DATED at Bowmanville, this ToT C wa1shtogh bu o yse- wt al ek ld 101 oFarmers and Munitions 3- We thought about c wit ees ld l$10 sideboard kitchen cabinet; phono- 9th day of August, 1943. Workers: To obtain NEW or* Son, And the day before that too. 3 weekq old $90; 9 pigs, 6 weeks grapb and records; mattresses; W. ROSS STRIKE, RETREADED tires you must .pply We will think of you to-morrow old, $6 each by taking the lot; sewing machine, good; oil humner Executor of Estate of inake application to the War- mnan- And eacb day ahl through the bay wagon mare, 7 years old, stove; Quebec cook stove; vacuum Absalom Abraham, time Prices and Trade Board. 33-1 year- $125; black mare, aged, 'egh cleaner, electric; crokinole board; deceased, , Let us make out your appli.- - Wewlthnofyufrvr in150lsago electric radio; sanitary closet; Bowmanville, Ontario. cations. _Why drive to Oshawa. )MS For t us of y u ou e5 rear g100ISidey Conihworker, îawn mower; garden t o ols;323 W arabet nd thr. OM, Frt syuwr eda. $60.SinyCrsh Ennis- screens; and many other articles323 W arabethndethee third j Dad and Mother. 33-1 killen, phone 2818. 33-2 tonmru omnin to L. ________________ bo eous nd mlo tibeoffrd.F.AM E O St-. KING-In loving memory of Pte.- osan ltwiIbofed 33-1 G. L. (Tommie) King, C.F.C., Wanted to Rent for sale at 3 o'clock, subject to a Notice to Creditors TIRE SHOP Bo- CEF., No. 2498023, wbo died at________________ reserve bid. Terms: Cash. 1_____iBlock West of Post Office 0W Christie Street Military Hospi- ELMER WILBUR Auctioneer. ALL PERSONS baving any The WNE f ET-TO3- 3ow- tal on August l9tb, 1925, age 25 WATDclRNT-TO3- aim against the Estate of the ________________ ween years and 3 months. Also bis rooms suitable for bachelors' late Jane E. Martin, who died on ]331* brother Pte. A. F. King, 2nd apartment. Write Box 225,- or about the 27th day of July, Bat. CF. N. 4509 klld Statesman Office, Bowman- R U hltrn 1943, at the Town of Bowman- ýh3, at Vimy Ridge on April l2th, ville. 33-1 ville, in the County of Durham, and 1917, age 21 years and 2 months. ______-_IF______are required to file the same with DOY UN E cRErPHOLSTERING - IF YOUR proof thereof wuth the under- Lead t O her nyrt , EgtmlinCi eaelv chesterfield suite needs re- signed Executor not later than YOUR I'hTo e inyet, E orvrbl; ightmlioinneeae i- covering or reupbolstering, it September lOth, 1943, after wbich B T h wthHimfoevr les; nginforeign lands; 80 per cent would be advisable to place date the Estate will be distributed 33-1 Lead tbem to Heaven that of this number are in Asia. your order early. Matexfials are and all dlaims o which the Joy forever there. becoming aade o o in Executor has not received notice ]o f]e a r d I- Fondly remembered by------- every day.I havea fair range will be barred as against hlm. IMother, Father, sisters and bro- of.samples to choose from at ahl DATED at Bowmanville this thers. 33-1* -prîces. Estimates Free. J. A. l6th day of August, 1943.We Seaie In bitu MLSI o PteandJohn (Mtt R D W phone 2648. 33-l* M. G. V. GOULD, roofs, Pitch and grave], repairs MILLS-ofIn e.lovigadhnoured .)Barrister, Etc., . to metal roof, and asphait coat- Mîlîs, B-67842, A Coy., Royal L epW ne Bowmanville, Ontario, lng of asphaît roof~s. Regîment of Canada, who gave epW n d Executor. 3- ing his life in freedom's cause, THEATRE -___________ WRITE OR PHONE- August 19, 1942, on the beach BO MA VU L HELP WANTED - WOMAN OR at Puys, Dieppe. B W IN IL girl over 18 for general nouse- Jî R- PIGDEN Neyer forgotten day by day, work on farm. Phone 2186, 54 WILLIAm ST. E. by Mother, Dad, brothers Jim Bowmanville. 33-1OSAW and Clifford. PoeOSHAWA 4 r45 Also Privates Larry Rowan, Thurs., Fri., Sat., W A N T E D - EXPERIENCED Phone____________________ Kiassen, Boy Walker, close R AUG. 19, 20, 21 butcher, steady job. Apply friends of the above who dîed Employment & Selective Ser- the Royal Regt. who gave their 61.33-1* - t lives. CIVE OUT rap our dead- 1 IT R woman to care for year-old boy c Fogiv thehan whih saysand small apartmnent. Good -its fellow man- Wt permanent home if satisfactory. We hate not other men, but that THE ANDREW SISTERS B e a s o n a b 1 e remuneration. VN- D S EA T S dakpwrAdWrite Box 22, Statesman SE T R Which forces men to do the A Office, Bowmanville. 33-1 -IDDS OR dthings they do. Amen. CHARLES ______________ M L h ~ Dpnai edHaqatr Id331I BUTTERWORH eNOTICE Sed eaduarer ih E NGAGEMENT MANILLA CALLING Mller's Beauty Shop will be BN E W N h Ms.Haol C PdwllAlocîoseci from Aug. 15 to Sept. 15. FEM A LE lstgrd Mr n r.Hrl .PdelFeaturlng 32-2* announce the engagement of their LLOYD NOLAN and The office of W. R. Strîke will FEMALE from 19 to 45 years of 500 ft.---------.---- - $8.50 cwt. daughter, Muriel Eva Grace, to CAROL LANDIS becodfrmnoA us2lt ae50t.$25Ct t Mr. SaneMrs. W. R J. sno c lsdfrmno, uut2S. îcar, AE. 50ft.-------- -----$.5c rt Mr. Saney J. W. J Ricksn f _______________ untîl September 6th, inclusive f 9 o7 yasof 600 f ------... 1 .00 vw. Bowmanville. The wedding wîlli .von.,-Tues '.,-Wed., 3 2 age. 650 ft -- ----------$11.00 Cwt. take place in the United Chui-ch, AUG. 23, 24, 25 Newcastle, on Saturday after- Wrinw patnBom - noon, Sept. 4th, at three foî ty-RO D T* LostWoknwaplt iBwm - five. 33-1* R A Ovledsrc.Cfl Spray,Bu MOROCCO LOST - 2 HEIFERS, 1 reddish - APPLY Cards of Thanks *etrn gray, 15 mos., 1 black and NATIONAL SELECTIVE Killer, Fertijizers, BIN Feturngwhite, 8 mos., strayed from pas- SERVICE BN CRSYture, 1 mile north of Preston- Oshawa File 2670 etc. Mrs. B. M. Jamieson and BOB HOPE ville. Phone 468. A. H. Bickell. daughters wish to sincerely thank DOROTHY LAMOUR Reward. 33-l* Applicants now on,- war work their many friends for kindnesses M not aeeepted.Phn57 shown during Mr. Jamieson's long1 NEWS -SHORTS 30-tf Pon 57 - Bwm vle ilnssad asig adfor sym- The wîse man is the one who 33h ,3npqp qR- 1 -1fe2tgeswis to hmseif PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO