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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1943, p. 4

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Solina I Enniskillen ell Mrs. Alan McKèssock and Elma, Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Strutt and rt Miss Muriel Smnith, Tharnesford. Phyllis. Oshawa, at Clifford with Mrs. R. J. McKessdJck. who is Petbick's. 'a. îrnproving slowly. Mrs. F. E. Page and Miss Clama nd L.-Cpl. Archie Archie Wood, Page, N.S. Gladys Page. Trenton: rie Camp Borden, and Mrs. Wood. Pte. W. E. Linzey. Cam odn Oshawa, at Mm. J. R. Kivell's. visited at Mrs. Page's t. Mrs. Chris. Cook, Mary. Phyllis L.«-Cpl. G. H. Stevens, Carleton and Billy, Hamnilton, at Mr. Wal- Place, witb bis parents. nte- Pmidms Alvini Boyd with bis uncle, L. t-Misses Verna Glebe and Cary Ponter, Gravenhurst. tbCowan, Ajax; Mrs. Harry Waters, Mrs. T. Carter, Mm. and Mrs. [hHighland Ceek; Mrs. Howard E. Miller and son, John, Consecon, Couch. Mamiorie and Eileen, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. G. Hubbamd and Hon- ir- manville, at Mm. Jack Baker's. ald; Cecil Hubbard, Raglan: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hallett and Mrs. H. Oke, Oshawa, at W. ?r- and children, Seagrave, at Ralph Oke's. Davis'. Kay rernained for a visit. Mrs. Verna Wood, Floyd Pc- ry Miss Verna Milîson and Mm. tbick. at S. R. PIbthick's. onRaymond Anthes, Toronto, at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin and A. E. Millson's. Jean at R. Griffin's. at Mm. and Mrs. G. R. Boyle, Mm. Mrs. J. V. Hannant, Ornee, Johnston. Toronto; Roscoe Baker, with Mms. D. Lewis. R. CAF.. and Mms. Baker, Ot- Ennisillen C.G.I.T. met at the tawa, at Mr. W. T. Bakem's. home of Mrs. H. McGill on Satur- Mm. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, day witb 15 present. Ruth Jeani and Fac at Mr. Reg. Mm. and Mrs. E. Trewin, at Mr. Summemville's. Cherrywood. S. Moore's, Bethel. Mrs. Russell Balson and Caro- Mrs. T. Slernon is on a trip to lyn. Mr. Thos. Brookbarn ai-d the West to visit ber brothers and le, Irene, Bowmanville: Mm. and sister. n- Mrs. Clarence Vice, Murray and Master Allan, Clark and Grant an Donna. at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Werry are spending a week's boli- Mrs. Fombes. Toronto. w'as guest days with their aunt, Miss Winni- speaker at churcb, Sunday, and fred Cole, Toronto. ip resented a vivid account of the Mm. Albert Oke and Mrs. F. onwomk being done by Christian Doland attended the funeral of ne Missionl at borne and in China. their aunt, Mrs. Fred Gourlie, at Mm. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, Toronto on Tuesday. an Oshawa, bave nented the Argue r- property. We welcome thern to the rig community. Lake Shore, Clarke Cadmus Mm. and Mrs. T. Nobes, Toronto, _______Gnm. and Mrs. E. A. Tonkin, Osh- ce- awa, at B. Jaynes'. W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. A. Wade, Mms. M. rs. W. G. Philp Aug. 17th with 16 Wade, Newtonville, at Mms. E. ier present. Meeting was opened by Jaynes'. n- President Mrs. H. Philip with caîl Mr. and Mrs. L. Heard and fa- to prayer. Devotional was take. mily, Port Hope; Mm. and Mrs. L. te, by Miss A. Mountjoy. topic Alldmead and family, Brown's, at ýhe 'Prayer" and losing ber talk by C. Bown's. reading "Other Hands Than Mrs. E. Wicks, Tomonto, E., a, Mine." the testimony of Lieut. Wicks, Orono, at S. Powell's. )r. Jim Whittaker-wbho drifted with Mm. and Mms. G. Clarke and at six others on the Pacific Ocean 51 girls, Toronto; Mrs. J. Basker- days without any supplies - a ville, Newcastle, at W. Baskem- ith stomy of faitb, courage and endur- viîîe's. a, ance and prayer. How he found Mm. and Mrs. G. Rickard and God in bis extreme need. An ap- babe, Sbaw's, Mm. and Mms. J. ,ne peal for boney to send our boys McMýinn, Oshawa. at John Hen- is- overseas was made. Society donat- dmy's. ed $10 towards it. Program was A. Hendmy accornpanied Jack er, in charge of Mrs. Pbayne. Mms. H. Weese to Kingston. 'o- A. Galbraith gave a humomous Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor and er, reading on "Opening a bank ac- Doris, Courtice, at A. Bedwin 's. count," and Mrs. Les Beachcock Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldread motor- o; on "Mothers Pocketbook,' Mrs. ed to Bancroft. es, Claire Fallis endered a solo "He Mr.. and Mrs. B. Whitney and ,u Knows,' very effectively whicb girls, Port Granby, at W. Adams'. 's. added greatly to the program. Mms. Hotson with Mms. N. Allin, an Miss Marion Phayn conducted a Newcastle. ith vegetable contest. Mrs. Philip Pte. S. Brown, Camp Borden, at served a delicious lunch. A hearty home. )n, vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Miss Jean Brown in Toronto. Ir. Philp for ber kind bospitality. Mrs. D. Brown, Mr. and Mms. C. D. Service on Sunday morning Brown, Olive and Bemnice, L. AI- w-as conducted by C. R. Fallis in lin, Mm. and Mrs. R. Alldred at- =absence of oui pastor on vaca- tended the Crueff-Brown nuptials Stion. Miss Leab MeQuade led in in Glenmount United Church, To- the responsive eading and Miss ronto, August 21. IEvelyn Pbilp read the Scripture. Mm. Fallis's remarks were inspir- ing and w'eme hased on 'Why we attend cbumch and what our church means and could mean to e tn il us." A pleasing duet hy Mrs. Clame Fallis and Miss Birdie Fallis with Mm. George Kiemnan and f a-, Mm. Frank Waltems at the organ, ther, Mr. Kiernan, Sm., at Mr. added much to the service. Chas. Dix. Mm. Norman Lathangue is home W. J. Ruckwood, Cochrane, with frorn Toronto General Hospital bis sister, Mns. C. Dix. rnuch improved after undemgoing AC2. Vernon Stacey, Mountain a major operation. View and Co. Sergt.-Major Ed- Clarenîce Parr bas sold bis farîn ward Thomas, with Mrs. R. Stacey. wbicb bas been in the family for Mm. and Mrs. Raymnond Gibbs 60 years. to George Jobnston, and John, Bowmanville, with whose farm is the next one soutb. Mrs. Ronald Gibbs. Miss Marion Bruce home fnorn Blackstock Mr. da Mrs. W. Marvin, Mr rish. at George Henderson's. Harold Hamilton, Richard Van Miss Marion Samis, Bowman- Camp and Merle Henry spent ville, at borne. last w'eek at the Scout camp at Mm. and Mrs. J. Hadden, Oak- Crooked Ceek. ville, and the Misses Thompson, Mm. and Mms. Alex Gilbert and Toronto, with their cousins, Mm. Mr. nd rs.Joh Venin atand Mrs. George Thompson. Mm.and o Mmas. Jh enn t Mrs. Holdawav, Mrs. Mahel Mrs. Oakley Canley. Cavan. Langstaff and Mrs. Hattie Lang- with Mrs. C. Marlow. staff, Mrs. S. Gilmer and Mrs. Sympathy of the cornmunity is Clinton Bunley, in Cewam Valley, extended to Mm. and Mrs. Robt.« noth of Markham. Sadler in the death of Mms. Sad- Mrs. W. N. Stevens in Roseneatb 1er, Sm., at Kinsale. and Peterboro. Miss Annie Moffatt, Frobisher, Mrs. Mark Weldon, Uxbridge, Sask., with ber cousin, Mrs. Geo. wvith Mrs. Roht. Parr and Miss Walkey. Eva Parr. M.adMs odnLkn n Charlie Venning bas been dec- Mrarn, ewsteodon aGege oating the inside of the parson- Mall'sNecste. eog age while Rev. and Mrs. Harrison Vimacl ooe, ..AF, n are on bolidays. acCoprR.AFan Mm. and Mns. Taylor, Doreen Mrs. Cooper and babe, Toronto, and Mamyln, Weston, at Mm. PercyW.M.Godo, Sm. Welcome, at Pbayre's.W.cays Mrs HrtlyAgincoAnt. with Miss Margaret Ovens returned Ms. Jha Fre. from boîidaying in Toronto, ac- M r.Jhn Fcon adr Smpo companied by Mm. and Mns. Dolpb at Barrie witb relatives.Pafead RDkngaps saa.a Mrs. John Hamilton bad flowers home ekaOhwa on the altar at St John's Angli- hme.J.takndauhesi >_ can Church Sunday in memory Cast..Sakndauhesi of bier brother, L.-Cpl. A. H. Hall,. eaesnytols r.C Feneon Failîs. A ilex Gý Il bert's store looks very Mn. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe and nice with its new green trirn- family with Miss Ada Pasccoe, To- ming.ronto. Mrs. James Henry bas sold ber Mm. and Mrs. Bernard MeEwen farm. and Faye, Diiobarton, at Russel Mm. and Mrs. George Joîl and Stainton's. niece, Miss June Mowat, To- Mm. and Mms. Stanley Coverly pronto, with Mr. S. Jeffery. and sons, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintof f and f amily, Maple 1 Grove: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flin- of f and Honnie, Courtice, at Wcs Cameron's. Miss Ruth Robbins with her grandmother, Mrs. H. Allun, Bow- manville. James Killen at Niagara-on-the- Lake. Ptes. Bill Chinnery, Jack Ohin- nery, Jas. MeMaster. Barriefield, Mrs. Jas. McMaster, Mrs. Ingram, Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's. Mr. and Mrs. K. Sidier, Thorn- ton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Haskin and Alan, Harrnony, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morgén, Toronto, at Mel Morgan's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Misses Helen Cameron, Joan Gywer, and Helen Laugmaid, So- lino, at Geneva Park. Ivor Gerry at F. B. Glaspel's. Wm. Clarke in Oshawa. Mrs. W. Glaspel with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Geo. Hilts, at Oshawa. Miss Isabel Cruickshank at Lloyd Metcalfe's, Oshawa. Aif. Ayre at Pricevale. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen at Mr. Adam Hawley's, William's Point. Eileen is staying for a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cruicksbank and family at Newcastle. One of the communities oldest residents, Joe- Welsb, passed away Saturday night at Oshawa Hospital. Nine weeks ago he was badly burned when a gasoline stove exploded and his home was burned down. 1 Misses Eileen and Lois Glaspel at Toronto. Mrs. Tracy Glaspel visited ber brother, Earl Gifford, in the hos- pital, Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. A. E. Cook, To-i ronto, at Thos. Martin's. Hampton Miss Doreen Perrett visited friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Robson, Osh- awa, at G. Farncomb's. Mrs. Harvey Curtis and Mrs. Delve, Orono, at Mrs. H. Cole's. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sbaw and children, Toronto, at Geo. Farn- contib's. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn were in Toronto. Miss Pearl Gilbert, Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, with her parents prior to continuing ber studies at Western Hospital, Toronto. Miss Ethel Gilbert in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Jack and Anna, witb ber father, Mr. Walter Cryderman, Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. John Milis and son, Clifford, Ajax, ai S. Kersey's. L.-Cp]. Freddie Payne, Bramp- ton, at home. Mr. and Mrs. T. Chant visited Mrs. Chas. Vîvian at Western Hos- pital, Toronto. Miss Phyliss Niddery at To- ronto. Morley Hastings, Toronto, atl Mr. F. J. Groat's. Mrs. G. Ernest Forbes, Toronto, with Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham, at the parsonage. Mrs. Wrn. Chapman witb friends at Bowmanville Beach. Mrs. T. Chant and cbildren with her parents, near Oak Lake. Mrs. F. A. Cole, Toronto, and Mrs. C. Clemens, Oshawa, with Mrs. H. Cole. Miss Eleanor Vivian, Toronto, at home. Mrs. Walter Lawson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barrow. Mrs. A. Trenouth witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and son. Douglas, Toronto, at C. E. Horn's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Toronto, witb Mrs. Sarah Allin. Mrs. Wil- son who is rernaining for a longer visit, though 80 years of age, bas tbe proud record of baving knit Iover 900 pairs of socks since the Iwar began. Sgt. Lewis Trull, who bas re- ceived bis wings and graduated as an air gunner at Montjoli, Que., is with bis parents, Mr. anid Mrs. L . Trull. The Young ladies met for war work at the parsonage Wednes- day evening. W. M. S. met aithte borne of Mrs. A. Allun August 17, with a good attendance. While ai the borne of bis grand- m otber, Mrs. A. Trenonth, Ross jMetcaîf, Base Line, met with a serious accident wbile crossing the road, being bit by a car, caus- ing a compound fracture of the rigbt leg, besides had bruises. Mrs. G. Ernest Fores, Toronto, wbo occupied the pulpit on Sun- day evening, gave a rousing mis- sionary address, and also spoke in tbe interest of the reduction of tbe United Church .debt. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, Pte. Ted Please do flot ask for credit DERRY'S BOOK STORE PHONE 807 Mr. William Davidson, Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cochrane, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and farnily, Taunton, at Mr. Tom Westlake's. Starkville Farmers are about through bar- vest, and report a very light crop. Wonder wbat our next out corne wîll be? Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, at Alf Dobson's. A number of our younger people attended a birtbday party for El- enor Dunn at Arthur Dunn's. Rev. Wmagg preached a fine sermon in Shilph (his old home church), on Sunday morning, to a large congregation. Service next Sunday at 10 a.m., which is likely to be bis last sermon be- fore returning to bis own charge in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hallowell and family with Mrs. Harold Lyttle, Campbellford. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and family at Mr. Wm. Savemy's. Miss Norma Hallowell home from Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Cloughcliffe, To- ropito, with their daughtem, Mrs. Gordon Trim. A number of folk chivareed Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer and welcomed them home. A few from here attended another sucb party for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin at Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family at Mr. H. Rusk's, Port Hope. Mrs. Hallowell attended two church weddings in Port Hope. Salem Rev. Gardner bas meturned from vacation and the afternoon service was resumed Sunday when he de- livered a very fine sermon. The S. S. also resumed its work. Mrs. Bruce and cbildren in To- ronto with friends. Neil Stewart, Kingston camp, guest at "The Maples." A community gathering took place Friday evening at Mr. B. Darcb's when bis Salem friends gatbered to congratulate hlm on bis marriage, and to, welcomne bis bride. A short program of read- ings and music was given and an address read to the couple when they were presented witb an oc- casional chair and an end table witb magazine rack.1 The bride and groom each thanked their frienda very kindly and said for the guests to enjoy games and a social time. A bountiful luncheon was served. Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, iwith ber sister, Mrs. C. Pollard. Salemn friends are glad to know that G. Lane, Providence, is borne again after undergoing a critical operation in Toronto Hospital and is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. John Cator, with M r. and Mrs. F. Cator, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. William Par- naîl, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. John Cator, To- ronto, at Mr. F. Cator's. Haydon (Intended for last-,week) W.A. met at Mrs. W. Trewin's on Thursday. Bible reading was read by Mrs. A. Beech and the de- votional by Mrs. Fred Ashton. Pro- gram was in charge of Mrs. H. Ashton. Piano duet was given by Mrs. Harvey McGill and Mrs. E. Wemry. Mms. C. Gerrard gave a reading and Miss Winnifred Tre- win a solo. Mrs. Hendricks gave a meading and Mms. A. Read an instrumental. Eacb one was ask- ed to tell a humorous incident. Billie Ashton had a birthday on 1 Wednesday. Mrs. J. Kennedy bas meturned to Toronto after spending a couple months at L. Graham's and Mr. H. Ashton's. Pte. Bert Ashton, R.C.O.C., Huntingdon, Que., at home. On Sunday rnorning a few young men, on behaîf of the community, pre- sented birn with a service kit and writing case. Pte. Sulas Trewin, R.C.A.M.C., Simcoe; AC2. Clifford Trewin, R. C.A.F., Fingal; Miss Aura Prout, Bowmanville, at W. Trewin's. Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, with ber parents. Baby Karen Tbornpson witb ber grandmother. Somry to hear Mrs. Ronald Thornpson is in the bos- pîtal. Mm. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lou bolidaying at A. Read's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Head and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. Cochrane and farnily, McRae's, at C amýeron , w nvil1le, at T. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beecb and Lloyd took a trip to Niagara. Alfred Grace, Miss Florence Rabrn, Union, at Don Carr's. Miss Marie Ashton with Joyce McGill, Enniskillen. Ray Ashton with Bert Wemmy, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery, Little Britain, at C. Avery's. Mrs. F. Asbton, Billie and Mar- lene bave returned to Toronto after being at E. Bradley's. Sergt. Fred Stannard, R.C.A.F., Trenton; Ray McConnell, Sutton; Joe McGill, Enniskillen, at L. Asbton's. Mrs. B. Ashton and Bradley holidaying at Wapoose. Ebenezer Mr. W. J. Henry, Miss Helen Henry, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henry and Barbara, King- ston; Mr. and Mrs. Von Pulis and Barbara, Bokar Farm, Wbitby; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. F'ound and Fay, Mr. F. W. Moody, Toronto,I were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Henry. Master Bob Henry eturned to Petemboro witb bis grandfatber. Clarke Union Several farmers bave tbreshed. The yield is very poor. Gordon Power bas opened a gravel pit on bis farm from wbich the gravel is to be taken to surface the road fromn Orono to Clarke Union. Miss Catherine Power had ber tonsils emoved in Oshawa hos- pital. Harry Bailey made a business trip to Toronto. Miss Thomah Peters, Kingston; Archie Watson, Three Rivers, Que.; at Alex Watson's. Mrs. Alex Watson and Miss~ Agnes'Ferguson in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Art Black, Osh- awa, with Miss Eileen Souch. Mrs. Burns left Monday tovit ber son, Alfred Dawson, in the West. Wm. Watson, Orono, bas taken over our mail route owing to the illness of R. H. Brown. Orono News Orono Girl Guides returned home Monday evening and report an enjoyable camping trip. Bever- ley Payne and Reta MeKenna re- ceived prizes for keeping their domain the rjeatest. Several of the girls received badges. Gordon Bruton is visiting bis mother, Mrs. L. Bruton. Mrs. J. Moffat visited in To- ronto. Doreen Cornisb visited friends here. «Greta Mercer visited relatives in Elizabetbville. Mrs. Smith went to Toronto to join her busband wbo is r.ow on leave. Later Mr. and Mrs. Smith will visit ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Myles. Mr. Watson is the new mail- man replacing R. H. Brown who is on tbe sick list. Hydro and Police Committees met Monday evening. At the Hydro meeting the bills were or- dered paid: H.E.P.C. $277.92; B. P. U., $174.20; debenture interest, $41.90. Bank balance is $2,341.86, A number of Oronoites went to tbe last campfire of the Girl Guides. Tbe main features were the awarding of prizes and bad- ges and an address by J. J. Mel- lor. Mrs. Armstrong and Carol Staples are Girl Guide leaders until new ones are appointed. Mr. and Mrs. Piper and son,1 Bert, Mr. Clifford Johnson and Miss Eunice Middleton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Middle- ton. Mrs. J. Middleton and Enid were in Toronto. Miss Strickland and friend visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson, Jr. Miss Jean Sutherland visited Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McPberson. The fair grounds are being graded and put in shape for horse racing on fair day. Tonigbt (Thursday) a new flag pole is to be erected. The pole is tbe gift of the president, Os. Cowan, tbe erection and painting done free of charge by John Morris, and the paint was donated by O. W. Rolpb. The Middle Sebool results have been mailed to Mr. Rosborough, according to word received bere Tuesday. They will arrive for next issue. The McKenna's have moved in- to tbe apartment vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham. Mrs. G. Winter and Tommy bave returned from Windsor and De- troit. Tyrone Sulnda eho ssio una MVrs. Jas. Storie with -f-riendàs in the village. Womnen's Institute Tyrone Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Pbilp with a large attendance. Devotional period was taken by Mrs. Hodgson ber therne "Faith Followed By Prayer." It being the grand- mothers meeting, President Mrs. Rosevear gave the welcome to the grandmothers. Roll caîl was answered by an incident of your honeymoon, which proved vemy interesting and amusing. Communications weme read fromn the sick, also a letter of thanks for a donation sent to the Institute for the Blind. Jam committee reported 160 pounds of jam with honey to be purchased later. Mrs. R. Scott, group leader, took charge of this program: com- munity singing led lby Mms. An- nis; Mrs. Gardiner gave the cur- ent events; facts about Russia were given by Mrs. Philp. The remainder of the program was given in bonor of the grand- mothers. Children sang "Grand- papa and Grandmama" in the "second Minuette." Reading "In great grandrnother's Day," by Dorothy Wright. Reading "In praise of the Pioneers," by Shir- ley Parke; and a ecitation by Dorothy Skinner entitled "Grand- ma Glasses." Mrs. N. Woodîey and Mrs. H. Skinner' provided gladioli bou- quets for the oldest grandmotber present, Mrs. H. Hilîs; also to three gandmotbens wbo were un- able to be present owing to ill- ness. Mrs. Scott's group served a dainty lunch of salad, ice cream and cake. Mrs. Hatberly, on behalf of the grandmotbers, moved a vote of thanks to the Institute for the pleasant afternoon. Burketon Mrs. George Carter, Miss Mary Stamps, Peterbono, at Mrs. J. Carter's. P.O. Roy Carter spent two weeks' leave with bis parents and is visiting relatives at Moncton, N. B. A good actor is the man who can act pleasant while being hothered by artbnitis. Ile S ..z~ jzz. .. WCONTW B Prepare your home now for adequate warmth with sma-ller fuel consumption TO SAVE COAL CHECK THESE POINTS HOW TO GET MORE HEAT - Pipes 1ind furnaces must be dlean, and grates in good order. If one or two rooms are bard to heat, Ibyou are wasting fuel. A minor adjustment can probably remedy this. Have a competent mnan O jeck your heating system, and make necéssary -. repairs. Insulitte your furnace and pipes when necessary. -HOW TO AVOID HEAT LOSSES Storm windows and doors must fit snugly and - be weatherstripped. Lack of stormn windows can cause as much as 20%/ heat loss. Caulking should e bc done around windows, doors and in cracks in - brick work (some hardware stores have caulking guns for rent). Broken glass should be replaced, and loose panes puttied. Small expenditures on such work will save much fuel. VHOW TO SAVE STILL MORE You cao save fuel and money by having your - home properly insulated. It is a proven fact that in many homes lack of adequate insulation (in- - cluding storm windows) resuits in unnecessary - * e-- consuimption of fuel-up to as much as 50%. WVatch for later instructions on how to fire your furnace properly. HAVE YOUR HOME INSPECTE» FOR HEATINO AND INSULATION DEFPECTS Get advice now! Slilled workmen and supplies are scarce. If you delay in getting your home ready for, winter you may nal be able to get the services you need. MsIow TH DP.. M NTOFMU ITON A D U.L HON . . OE ins -. Il We Test Eyes and Fit Glassés Satisfaction in Style and Price Guaranteed Razmah --------- 50c, $1.00 Wash Cloths ----------- c0 Estvin---- ---------- $123 First Aid Dressing 10c, 25c Estivn . 1.23 Lunch Kits wlth Nya Noe rop - ------- 5e Thermos ------------ $2.25 NyalNoseDrop 35e Quart size Ephazone ----- $1.50, $2.50 Thermos ----- $2.75, $3.25 Take Vitamins Now Sot as a fleecy Cloud! Calcium A. cap. $1.10, $2.00 Nyal Multiple Capsules 50 $1.75, 10' Vita Vim caps. $1.00, $3*W Hlbut Liver Oul caps -- 50 69e, 100 94e Vi-Mi caps. --- $1.85, $3.25 KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE 25c ads20e -3e -T:% ý IIII Fruit-Kepe ------- 25e Tat Ant traps --------- 35e ENO'S ALKA ANDREW'S1 GRAPE SALTS SELTZER SALTS SALTS 59e - 98C 29c - 57e 44e - 77c 50e - $1.00 BILL FOLDS -------------- -- 39c, 75e, $1.25 up to $3.25 SHAVING BRUSHES -------------39e, 89e, $1.25 up to $4.00 Phone 695 C OWLIN G'S DRUG STORETwusset HE CATI ~1

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