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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1943 Newcastle Miss Edythe Cook, daughter of Rev. E. M. Cook, Foxboro, is guest of Reita Cooke. Mrs. Frances Durden, Winnipeg, was guest of Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Mr. W. H. Anderson observed on August 2th the 40th annversary of his entry into the drug store ROYAL THEATRE PROGRAM FOR SEPTEMBER September 2, 3, 4 - SCATTERGOOD SURVIVES A MURDER DR. GILLESPIE'S NEW AS- SISTANT. September 6, 7, 8 _ TALES OF MANHATTAN September 9, 10, 11 - THREE HEARTS FOR JULIA TOUGH AS THEY COME September 13, 14, 15 BIG STREET THE GLASS KEY September 16. 17, 18 - ICELAND HENRY ALDRICH, EDITOR September 20, 21, 22 - HUMAN COMEDY September 23, 24, 25 - AIR RAID WARDEN BLUES IN THE NIGHT September 27, 28, 29 - MALTESE FALCON September 30, Oct. 1, 2 - 7 DAYS LEAVE NORTH OF THE KLON- DYKE. THEATRE BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fri., Sat., AUG. 26, 27, 28 ANDY HARDY'S DOUBLE LIFE With MICKEY ROONEY and LEWIS STONE Mon.,-Tues.,-Wed., AUG. 30, 31 - SEPT. 1 DOUBLE FEATURE INVISIBLE AGENT FEATURING PETER LORRE ILONA MASSEY JON HALL On the Same Bill HE HIRED THE BOSS With STUART IRWIN and1 EVELYN VENABLE NEWS - - business in Newcastle and has caried on ever since the business which was founded in New- castle's early days by Northup Lyman Co. His predecessors, dat- ing from over 60 years back, were Robt. Fothergill, Dr. Alfred Farn- comb, and Sid Scobell. Rev. W. P. Rogers. Bowman- ville, occupied the pulpitmo! the United Church Sunday moroing and preached on "The Inclusive- ness o! Jesus." A sextet o! young ladies, Betty Enright and Pauline Deline, Betty, June and Eileen Allin and Margaret Hoc- kin, sang "For All Thy Cares." At least one Newcastle young man, a member of the Rocky Mountain Rangers, was with the Canadian forces that helped drive the Japs from Kiska Island. Miss Helen Osborne is holiday- ing with ber cousin, Miss Doreen Selby. Kelvin Symons, Bowmanville, was one of the partyto! surveyors for the new. prejected highway, who have been working around here. Mrs. Alex Adair, who suffered a light stroke, is still confined to her bed. Miss Joan Brown observed her 7th birthday August 21st by mov- ing with her young brother and -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown ,into their new home, the former J. W. Bradley house, which they bodght some months ago. A pantry shel! shower held for the bride-to-be, Miss MuriellPed- well, at the home of Mrs. G. B. Rickard, Shaw's, on Friday eve- ning. Ladies were present from Lake Shore, Newcastle, No. 9 and Shaw's. The shower brought to the bride-elect a wide assortment of initial supplies for kitchen, pantry and laundry use. Lunch was served by the hostess and an enjoyable social time spent. The circulation department of the public library re-opened again on August 18th. It had been clos- ed for two weeks while Librarian Miss Cora E. Butler was vacation- ing at the Butler cottage, New- castle-on-the-Lake. Mr. J. W. Bradley's auction sale, August 18, passed off very success- fully with ladies predominating in numbers present. Miss Muriel Bradley was down from Toronto superintending affairs. This sale terminated Mr. Bradhey's realses- tate and economic interestsfin Newcastle. He came here from Newtonville in January 1900, with his wife and family to take over the principalship of Newcastle Public School, succeeding the late L. B. Davidson. He taught until June 30, 1922, when he was suc- ceeded by Principal C. F. Can- non. He contimued, however, until ast faîl to be an active and in- fluential citizen, iiling many positions of trust and responsi- bility in church, lodge and public i! e. Chas. Bonathan, Canadian Army, visited his sister, Mrs. Mor- ley Sallows. Frank Hoar, R.C.A.F., visited his mother, Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Cadet Jas. P. Lovekin, Toronto, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mms. Jos. Ceulson. Bandsman H. C. Allin, R.C.O.C., Kingston, and Bandsman Brenton Rickard, Cornwall, were home. Misses Elsie and Eva Clark, Na- panee, visited their cousins, Mrs. Merkley Clark and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Mr. Arthur Clark and nephew Donald Burley, went on a fishing trip to Bay of Quinte, and visited Mr. Jas. and Miss Hattie Broad, at Rossmore. Mrs. S. C. Scuthorpe, Toronto, has been visiting Mms. W. H. Pearce. A.C. Glenn Brooks, R.C.A.F., was here from Western Canada. Mrs. Paul B. Adams, Toronto, is holidaying with her father, Mr. W. VanDusen. Lieut. Jack Hare, M.D., and Mrs. Hare, Kingston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hare. M . J. H. Smith. manager Bank of Commerce, and Mrs. Smith, re- turned from their holiday Thurs- day. Ms. MarionMRichards,PPeter- bore, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Panthill were guests at Mrs. M. Alldread's. Mrs. John Hayes and two chil- dren, Sharbot Lake, visited at B. Cotter's. Mrs. Bruce Cotter accompanied ier son, Harry, and wife, to To- BIRTH ronto. ________________ Rev. and Mrs. Cunningham, Long Branch, visited Mr. and Mrs. JACQUES - At Vancouver Gen- H. S. Britton. eral Hospital, B.C., August 23, Mrs. James Start and son Jlm- 1943, to LAC. and Mrs. Edgar my, Toronto, visited E. Alldread's. Jacques (nee Grace Sellers), a Miss Grace Cotter, Toronto, gift of a son-James Ernest. was home. DEATIHS MARTYN - In Bowmanville, Wedding August 22, 1943, William John "Casey" Martyn, aged 63 years.c Interment Bowmanville Ceme- McROBERTS-ALLDREAD tery. The marriage took place on ADAMS - In Clarke, August 23, August 7 at Tyrone parsonage, by 1943. William Robert Adams, in Rev. M. Gardner, when Reta his 84th year. Funeral will be Viola Alldread, third daughter of from the Northcutt and Mrs. and the late Mathew All- Smith Funeral Chapel, Thurs- dread, Newcastle, became the day, August 26, at 2 p.m. In- bride of Howard Elmer Mc- terment Pontypool Cemetery. Roberts, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts. The bride, dres- JAMES McDONALD - At To- sed in white chiffon with hat to ronto on Aug. 20, 1943, James match, wore a corsage of orchids. McDonald, late of 46 Granby The bridesmaid, sister of the Ave., in his 88th year. Funeral groom, was dressed in powder service was held at F.F. Morris blue crepe with hat to match and Co. Funeral Chapel on Wednes- wore a corsage of orchids. John day, August 25. Interment Bow- Alldread, brother of the bride, manville Cemetery. 34-1 was bestman. A reception was FOLEY - At Edmonton, Thurs- held at the home of the bride's mo- ther, after which the happy day, August 19, 1943, Arthur couple left on their honeymoon to William Foley, beloved husband Fenelon Falls and Eastern points. of Annie Wood and brother of For traveling the bride chose a Rev. H. W. Foley, Scugog;1 navy blue two piece suit with Fred R. Foley, St. Catharines; matching hat. On their return Eber G. Foley, Calgary, Alta., theywill live athTyrone. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Bow- Previous te their marriage a mnil.3- miscellaneous shower was held in Tyrone Hall in honor of the bride Card of Thanks and groom. The family of the late J. W. Lancaster wish to thank al, who, NEW CANADIAN CHAMPION in any way, made easier his last FOR LIFETIME PRODUCTION days and passing, aise dfr the 0F MILK sympathy expressed through flowers or in any other way. 34-1*E A new Canadian Record for Lifetime Production of milk, over all breeds and regardless of times ENGAGEMENT milked daily, has just been set by Susie Korndyke Fayne Lass, a The engagement is announced of!1 purebred Holstein owned by Myrtle Sedella, daughter of Mrs.5 Eaton Hall Farm, King, Ontario. Page and the late Mr. Floyd Page, In eight lactations on official Re- Enniskillen, to Howard John cord of Performance test super- Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs.1 vised by the Federal Department Leonard Bradley, Enniskillen.1 of Agriculture, she has produced The marriage will take place the. a total of 208,744 lbs. of milk con- middle of September. 34-1*1 taining 6,879 lbs. of butterfat. She has been milked three times daily INM ORA durig all but her f irst yearly test IN MEMORIAM period when she was milked twice daily. For seven consecu- CREEPER - In loving memory of tive years this grand old cow has a dear wife and mother, Amelia had an average yearly production Ann Creeper, who passed away of 915 lbs. butterfat and 27,875 August 23, 1942. lbs. milk. Some idea of her phe- - Sadly missed by husband nomenal producing ability can be and family. 34-1* gained from the calculation that she has given enough milk to supply a typical Canadian !amiiy with two quarts Cmilk daily for TOMLINSON - In loving mem- 114 years or two lbs. of butter ory of our darling daughter, weekly for 82 years. Margory, who passed away wn addition tesher Lifetime August 14th, 1932, age 11 years. Championship "Susie" holds num- Gene is the face we loved so erous other Canadian production S dent the voice we loved te records. She is the champion for hear, both milk and butterfat for five. Te faraway for sight or six. seven and eight lactations on speech, three-times-a-day milking. Her But not too far for thoughts to latest yearly record of 924 lbs. reach. butterfat from 28,227 lbs. mlk, - Lovingly remembered by made as a twelve-year-old, has father, mother, sister and bro- been beaten only once in Canada thers. 341* by a cow of that age or older. Her conformation is also excellent, she having been the second prize Articles Wanted Aged Cow at the 1934 Canadian National Exhibition. Classified CHESTERFIELD AND DINING in Selective Registration at the ROOM SUITES - Your old liv- advanced age of 12 years, she was room or dining room suite ac- still good enough to receive an cepted as part payment on a official grade of "Very Good." new suite at F.F. MORRIS CO.1 Born in the herd of Christopher Select your new suite and we Cox, Bowmanviiie, she vas sold wi agive prompt appraisal te Eaten Hall Farm when four valuation on your old suite. years oid and has made ail but Large stock o! spring-!iiled one of her yearly tests there. She chesterfield suites and lovely is due to calve again shortly and, oak and walnut dining room as she is in excellent health, suites to choose from. Terms ac- should be good for another first cording to Wartime Prices & class record. Trade Board regulations. Arch. Muir, Courtice, has had a son of "Susie" at the head of his Business Opportunities herd for the past four years. This is Eaton Hall Chieftain Fayne, who was Reserve Grand Champ- MEN! IT'S A SELLERS' MAR- ion at Orono Championship Show ket. Here is your chance to cash last fall and was named All-Can- in. If you're aggressive, are adian three-year-old bull. military exempt and have a car or other means o! transpor- tation you can make real money as a Watkins Dealer. Due to THREE WAY SUBSIDY scarcity of materials and con- FOR EASTERN FARMERS tainers many established con- cerns are going out of business Western feed grain is subsi- to-day but Watkins men are dized three ways for the eastern setting all-time highs in sales farmer who buys it now. and profits. That's because of These three cash subsidies are this Company's international the Freight Assistance Policy, the buying power which makes it t Feed Wheat Payment Plan, and possible for Watkins represent- Plan B. The eastern farmer saves atives te offer a wide range o! only by placing an order with his Everyday Home and Farm Ne- feed dealer without delay. cessities and such outstanding The Dominion Department of values as a pound of PreparedF Agriculture began its Freight Mustard for 10c and 11.ounces Feed Assistance Policy in January of Menthol Camphor Liniment o! 1941. Through this policy the for a dime! Don't pass up this cost of transporting feed grain big opportunity. Established 1 from the head o! the lakes te rural routes available. For full farmers in the east is paid. The particulars write today te The I idea behind the policy was to en- J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. I courage eastern live stock produc- 0-B-9, Montreal, Que. 33-2 tien. There was a grain surplus _______________ in the West and the department wanted easternafarmersm t Obit ary to benefit by it. Then. te keep ____ the cost o! wheat at appropriate MRS. CHARLES WILMOT levels with other grains, the de- -___ partment introduced the Feed The death occurred at Belleville Wheat Payment Plan about a o uut8 fMs hre i- reduction abs'orbeda y the Des- mot, widow o! Charles Wilmot, 7 native o! Newcastle. Mrs. Wilmot partment and applies te ail pro- was a daughter o! the late Major vimces in Canada. Howden, who at one time was The effect o! freight assistance Inspecter o! Inland Revenue for and feed wheat payments has Port Hope, coming from Mill- been te help step up live stock brook, where he had formnerly production. But last winter been in business. Mrs. wilmot brought with it a new problem- was an accomplished musician, Railways, although hauling rnore and will be long remembered by grain eastward than in previous older residents for her beautiful years, were unable te keep up voice and charming manner. She with the increased demand. Other gave freely o! her talents and was essential freight and passenger always ready te assist in any good traffic had te be moved mi in- cause. She was a member ef St. creasing volume. But due te bad Mark's Church during the time weather conditions dehiveries she was in Port Hope and was were delayed. always a great worker, especially Feaning the grain deliveries in connection with the choir, may be even more irregular next where she rendered invaluable winter, the department asks assistance. Surviving her is one eastern farmers te order and store daughter, Mrs. Gwendolen Ruth- their feed grain now. To stimu- erford, now living in Belleville. late August buying, the depart- A son, Major C. Eardley Wilmot, ment offers a reduction of two was killed some little time ago at and a half cents from every Ottawa in an airplane accident, bushel of wheat, oats and barley and another daughter, Audrey, F bought in the month of August; a formerly Mrs. J. A. Coates of two-cent-per-bushel reduction in London, England, died in Nassau, October, one in November and recently. Burial took place at half a cent in December. Newcastle on August 10. Strayed STRAYED - Heifer strayed on my property, mile east of Black- stock. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Fred Middleton, Burketon, R.R. 1. 34-3* COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wednes- day, Sept. 1, at 9 p.m. Admission 35c. 34-1 SPITFIRE CLUB will hold their draw and euchre on Monday night, August 30th, at 8 o'clock in Sons of England Hall. Real good prizes. 34-1* Special meetings at the Salva- tion Army on Sunday, Aug. 29, conducted by Capt. Sybil Mutton and Capt. Mary Baker, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Dance at Bowmanville Armour- ies, Friday, Sept. 3. T. Langley's orchestra, Lindsay. Sponsored by Women's War Auxiliary. Ad- mission 50c each. Dancing from 9 - 1. 34-2 Moving pictures will be pre- sented by Dr. L. B. Williams, To- ronto, on "Durham's Treeless Folly" in - Enniskillen Church, Tues., Aug. 31, at 8 p.m. These pictures have been shown in Ot- tawa and reveal prevailing con- ditions in Durham. Admission 25c and 15c. 34-1 Harvest Home Services at Ty- rone Church will be held Sunday, Sept. 5, at 2.30, when Rev. George Telford, M.A., B.D., of St. An- drew's United Church, Oshawa, will conduct the service. In the evening at 7.30, the guest soeaker will be Rev. Tristram with Colum- bus Choir in attendance. On Mon- day, Sept. 6, Solina Dramatic Club will present their play "Aunt Bessie Beats the Band." Admis- sion 25c, 15c. 34-2* How to can fruits and vege- tables by various tested and ap- proved methods will be demon- strated by Miss Josephine Rogers in the school room at St. Paul's Church in Bowmanville, on Tues- day, August 3lst, at 2 p.m. The demonstration is sponsored by the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Ail interested women are urged to attend. There is no charge for admission. 34-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- c e s s o r i e s. Te'ephone our "C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - Pram, blue Gen- dron. Phone 427 Saturday.3 BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER. Apply Mrs. John Luxton at Mrs. Archie Tait's Apartments, Division St. 34-1* FOR SALE - Quebec Heater with oven and reservoir. Apply David Park, Bowmanville, R.R. No. 4, ce. Elmer Cox. 34.2* FOR SALE-BLANKETS, brand new, pure wool, good weight, natural colour. Apply Robt. Colville, Liberty St., Bowman- ville, phone 538. 33-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actuaily in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store. 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-M.H. Corn binder in Ai condition. Apply Norman Stinson, phone 2808. 34-1 FOR SALE - Yorkshire boar, a real stock producer. Apply H. Stirtzinger, Bowmanville. Phone 2406. 34-1* FOR SALE - A Grade Hereford cow, seven years old, due to freshen Sept. 1. George Staple- ton, phone Clarke A-3611. 34-if FOR SALE - Massey Harris dut- ting box, one set new knives, some pipes. Apply J. Archer, Burketon, phone Pt. Ferry 193r5. ..34-1* FOR SALE - Pigs and herse; 9 pigs, 6 weeks old, $6 each; black mare, aged, weighing 1500 lbs., a good worker, $60. Sid- ney Cornish, Enniskillen, phone 2818. 34-2 WANTED TO BUY - HEIFER calves, new born, from heavy breeds, either Holstein or Dur- ham, from accedîted or grade cows. Pone 26, Bowran- FOR SALE - 12 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply N. R. An- drews, Orono, phone 15r13. . 34-1* 15 COWS - All milking well, - some springers. Also 4 horses, 2 sows and 22 young pigs. Ap- ply Russell Cochrane. Phone 46 r11, Brooklin. 34-1* FOR SALE - 8 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old, also 3-year old colt and rubber tire buggy. Ap- ply Blake Short, phone Bow- manville 2479. 34-1 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - USED pianos may be exchanged for cash. Telephone Fred Mitchell, 492, Bowmanville. 33-1* WANTED TO BUY - Girl Guide uniform, size 14. Write Mrs. John Carter, Burketon P. O., Ont. 34-1* WANTED TO BUY - Baby's crib, high sîde, with or without mattress. Apply Mrs. Boyd, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. 34-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - Small farm. Write Box 232 States- man Office, Bowmanville. 34-1* WANTED TO RENT - 4 or 5 roomed house with hydro, in Bowmanville or vicinity. Write Box 229 Statesman office, Bow- manville. 34-1* WANTED TO RENT - By Octo- ber lst, self contained apart- ment by refined elderly couple, or would share part of owner's home. Must be warm. Refer- ences exchanged. Write Box 231 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 34-1* For Rent FOR RENT - Two or three fur- nished rooms for light house- keeping. Write P.O. Box 502, Bowmanville, or phone 2213. 34-1 TO LET - Furnished bed-sitting room, central location, in pri- vate home and without chil- dren. Gentleman preferred. Phone 2304. 34-1* FOR RENT-3 ROOMS with 3- piece bath, lights, heat and water, accommodation for car. Apply Robt. Colville, Liberty St., Bowmanville, phone 538. 33-1 Personal BETTER DIGESTION means greater pep. Use Page-Griffiths, BETAMIN (B-Complex) tab- lets once a day. ALEX McGREGOR, Drugs. KLEEREX - A QUICK HEAL- ING SALVE FOR SKIN AIL- MENTS. Sold in two strengths - Medium and Strong. Relieves Sunburn, Poison Ivy, Mosquito Bites, Burns, Cuts. A-lso heals Eczema, Psoriasis, Pimples, Im- petigo, Itch. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. Recommended and sold by - ALEX McGREGOR. Real Estate For Sale- FOR SALE - DOUBLE, BRICK house, 4 rooms and 6 rooms, double garage, garden. Will sell for $2500 on easy terms. Brown St., next to Red Indian1 Garage. Apply T. Lymer, phone 379, Box 51, Queen St., Bow- manville. 32-3* FARM FOR SALE - Lot 7, con. 2, Cartwright Township, 130 acres all under cultivation and in good heart, good buildings and well located, close to school, piowing possession Sept. 1, per- manent possession March 1st.1 Would consider renting to right party. Apply R. R. Byers, Bow- manville. 34-1* FARM FOR SALE-IN DURHAM County, adjoining the village of Blackstock on paved road; 121 acres never rented, soil and situation second tonone, good buildings, hydro and power, hardwood floors, churches, pub-1 lie and continuation schools,j doctor, stores, post office and garage. Apply to F. F. Willan, Blackstock. 33-2* Notice to Creditors In the Estate of ABSALOM ABRAHAM, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Absalom Abraham, late of the Village of Brooklin, in the County of On-1 tario, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1943,1 are hereby notified to send in to1 W. R. Strike, Solicitor, Bowman- ville, Ontario, Executor of the Estate of the said Absalom Abra- ham, deceased, on or before the lSth day of September, 1943, full particulars of their laims. f IMMEDIATELY AFTER the said 15th day of September, 1943, the assets o! the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled 4thereto, having regard only to claims of which the said Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 9th day of August, 1943. -W. ROSS STRIKE, Executor o! Estate of Absalorn Abraham, Bowmanville, Ontario. 32-3 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having any cdaim against the Estate of the late Jane E. Martin, who died on or about the 27th day of July, 1943, at the Town o! Bowman-' vi:le, in the County o! Durham, are required to file the same with proof thereof with the under- signed Executor not later than September 10th, 1943, after which date the Estate will be distributed and aIl claims o! which the Executor has not received notice will be barred as against him. DATED at Bowmanville this 16th day o! August, 1943.' M. G. V. GOULD, t Barrister, Etc., 1 Bowmanville, Ontario, Executor. 33-3 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD - Board accommodation in Bowmanville for one on two High School girls.nPhone 2113. 34-1 H elp Wanted HELP WANTED - Woman with experience to care for child, re- liable, live in or out. Write Box 230, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 34-1* AUCTION SALES Complete household sale of furniture. The undersigned has received instructions from Mrs. Adolph Henry te seli by public auction at her former residence, Park St., Orono, on Saturday, Sept. 4, a complete list of house- hold effects including a quantity of antique furniture. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. Terms cash. A. E. MORTON, Clerk TED JACKSON, Auctioneer 34-2* I have been authorized by Ralph Davis to sell by public auc- tion at Lot 29, Con. 6, Darlington, on Friday, Sept. 3, the following valuable stock: 21 milkers and sprngers, many o! these with calves at foot; 10 two-yr.-old Hol- stein heifens due to freshen by Dec.; 9 yearlingDurham heifers, 1 yearling Durham Steer; 2 year- ling dairy heifers, 2-year-oid Hol- stein bull; 2 yearling bulls; 3,sows, 2nd litter due Oct.; 18 pigs, 8 wks. old; 12 shoats, 100 lb.; 8 Cheviot ewes. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms, cash. JACK BAKER, Clerk ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 34-2* I have received instructions from Miss Eleanor Anderson (corner o! Miii and Edward St., Village of Newcastle) to sell by public auction on Sat., Aug. 28, at 1 o'clock, the !ollowing articles: chairs and settee, solid mahogany, hand carved Louis XIV pattern; 4 walnut tables; rosewood case piano; oak china cabinet; Bridal Wreath Lamoge dinner plates, tea plates, cups and saucers, veg- etable dishes, platter, gravy boat and butter dish; numerousshand painted cups and saucers; dut glass tumblers; 6 cake plates; numerous other dishes; 5 diners and table; 4 rockers; chest of drawers; sectional book-caseand books; walnut highboy, 3 other highboys; antique cherry wood secretary; antique beds; dresser; wash stands; 2 sliding camp beds; sideboard kitchen cabinet; phono- graph and records; mattresses; sewing machine, good; oil ourner stove; Quebec cook stove; vacuum cleaner, electric; crokinole board; electric radio; sanitary closet; lawn mower; garden t oo1s; screens; and many other articles too numerous to mention. House and lot will be offered for sale at 3 o'clock, subject to a reserve bid. Terms: Cash. ELMER WILBUR Auctioneer. 33-1 Gigantic auction sale. Enti e contents o! 40-noomn Richelieu Hotel, to be held on the premises, Bowmanville, Fri., Aug. 27, at 10 a.m. sharp. Including 48-Simplex electric . mangle, large Beatty electric washer almost new, show- cases, desks,· cash registers, fur- nacettes, heaters, large John Bull hotel range, small hotel range, 7 ft. oak office tables, large side- board with bevel glass, Mason & Risch piano, large electric fan, large wall mirrors, sitting room chairs, dining room tables and chairs, curtains and drapes, win- dow blinds, kitchen tables, com- plete set of cooking utensils, large ice box, kitchen cupboards, large quantity hotel dishes and glass- ware, silverware, table linen, ser- viettes, clocks, electric radios, floor lamps, linoleum rugs and floor covering, hall racks, book cases, office chairs, beds, springs, mattresses, several spring mat- tresses, dressers, washstands, to- let sets, chesterfields and chairs, pillows, sheets, blankets, com- forters, towels, pillow cases, rugs and scatter rugs, chest of drawers, sewing machine, large amber glass electric light fixtures, elec- tric iron, lawn mower, garden hose, garden tools, wheelbarrow, large rubber plant, quantity of house plants, stair treads and wicker suite and numerous other articles. Positively no reserve as the owner is giving up business. Terms, cash. JOE CALLAHAN, Clerk CHAS. LAMB, Auctioneer MONEY IN YOUR POCKET Rse o r .: Is worth more than old fur- t.ittet et."d sud ,W niture in your attic. Used fur- et niture Is In demand today. Thereeare lots of people ln eBowmanville who are looking e.0 for just the things you want to Set, sell.You can reach these peo- pe quickly and inexpensively e. ','. lthrough the WANT-AD page f The Canadian Statesme a m Why not place a "Home F' - z t,. nishings and Appliances" ad In . Wnext week's Statesman. lut ceu48ce .c ! 44- 41 t 4 1i . - PHONE 663 - YOU'LL HAVE 14nm. MONEY IN YOUR POCKET IN NO TIME! ONE CENT PER WORD CASH - MINIMUM CHARGE 25e IF AD IS CHARGED, 50c - PAY CASH AND SAVE 25e THE STATESMAN Wanted WANTED - Couple to share home in return for caresof girl 3 years. Apply 196 Clarke St., Oshawa, phone 2098-J, evenings. 34-2* Seed Grain SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices for Timothy, Clover, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Lost LOST - Brooch, sterling silver maple leaf with veteran's crest. Reward. Soldier's wife, phone 2587. 34-1* DOMdESTId ASSISTANTS Required for boys' boarding school in Port Hope area. Good wages, attractive working con- ditions. Duties to commence September lst. Tiose interest- ed apply without delay to nearest Selective Service Of- fice. Refer to C.R. 34. NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. -..Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handle it here. G. . JAMESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of 'Post Office P WANTED MALE and. ý4 FEMALE FEMALE from 19 to 45 years of age. MALE from 19 to 70 years of age. Work in war plant in Bowman- ville district. - APPLY - NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Oshawa File 2670 Applicants now on war work not accepted. 30-tf v Hay FeverRelief AT THE REXALL DRUG STORE Rexall Nose apd Throat Relief........... 50c Raz-Mah ....................... 50c, $1.00 Ephazone................$1.50, $2.50 Estivin ...............................$ .23 Gluco-Fedrin ........................... 85c Allergi-Tabs ............... $1.00, $2.50 Ephedrine Tabs ½ grs........... 25c doz. Endephedrine..... ............. 50C Endrine ............................69e H aytone................25c, 50c, $ 1.00 Feisol......................... $1.25 J. & L. Famous Sweet Pickle Mixture................35c 1 gal. JuryLoveli When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS PAGE EIGHT a- THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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