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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1943 Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. J Ferguson and Miss Wi]ma Wotter at George Ferguson's, Oshawa.'. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hannant o! Omenice visited at D. Lewis'.. Misses Joan and Donna Lewiý spent a pleasant holiday with Mrs Wm. Taylor, Blackstock. . . Misý Lorna Rahm, Bowmanville, Mr Melville Griffin, Blackstock, ai Mr. W. A. Rahm's. . . Miss M. E Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. H~ Stevens'. . . Mr. and Mrs.I Traveli, Beth and Bruce, Osh. awa, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's.. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry witli relatives in Oshawa. . . Dr. anc Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Mrs. C. R Slemon, Patsy and David, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. H Annis... Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash- ton at C. Graham's, Port Perry.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutti Miss Georgina Phare. Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yec and Morley, Oshawa, at Gordon Yeo's. . . Master Ivan Ormiston, Enfield, spent Sunday with his uncle, Claude Smith, also Walter Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Carsor Childerbose, Bowmanville, callec on Mrs. Ella Smith. .. Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Patsy, Toronto, at Mr. John Slemon's. Mrs. Ella Smith has electrie ]ights installed in her home. Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Trewin at- tended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at the St, George's Anglican Church, Osh- awa. Wedding belîs are ringing. There are several around whc have had severe solds and have been confined to bed. We wish themn a speedy recovery. Mrs. E. Strutt spent a few days at Mr. Ed. Cain's, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Orr and Charlotte, Larder Lake, Rex'. and Mrs. Albert Lousley. Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, Boyd and June, Mimico, Mrs. H. J. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton and family, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bird and Nancy, Brooklin, at J. R. Ormis- ton's. Hampton Visitors: Roy Brown, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Blan- chard. .. Sergt. C. Clifford Horn, London, visited the Horn family ...Lieut. and Mrs. C. Jackson Wray, Kingston, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Niddery and baby, Bow- manville, at Mrs. L. Niddery's.. Miss Beatrice Craig visited rela- tives in Toronto, . . Miss Mary Niddery is holidaying at Graven- hurst and Toronto. . . Mrs. Mc- Farland, Napanee, visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Winters. .. LAC Reg. Rackham, St. John, Que., and Mrs. Rackham, Bowmanville, at home for the week-end. . . Miss Marion Warder, Bowmanville, was a guest of Miss Mary Peters ...Miss Dorothy Adamson is visiting relatives in Toronto... Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and son and Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, at Mrs. Percy Dewell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Donald and Douglas, Orono, at Mrs. C. Johns'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Boyd, New- castle - on - the - Lake, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb. . . Gerald Win- ters, James Moore, Francis Palm- er and Dorothy McKee were tea guesis of Mr. and Mrs. J. Winters. The Sunday School session will be held at 2.15 p.m. next Sunday and from now on will be held in the afternoon instead of morn- ing. Women's Institute will meet this Thursday afternoon. West group met for sewing and quilting at the home of Mrs. T. Westlake on Wednesday afternoon. Centre group at Mrs. Gilbert Adcock's, and Mrs. J. Crawford was the bos- tess for the north group on Thurs- day afternoon when there was a good attendance, and various kinds of sewing were done and a short social hour enjoyed. Mrs. A. E. Macnab and Frances. Regina, with ber son, J. Macnab. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilbur, Marjorie, June and Junior, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, at S. Kersey's. Loose talk will get you in a tight place. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. We . Cameron, Jack and Joyce ai Star- ii ley Coverley's. Ebenezer. . , Mr .and Mr.3. Tom Samson. Toronto, )f at Russell Perkins'. . . Mr. and .Mrs. John Knox and daughter, is Toronto, Mrs. Melville CoolidgE . and family, Osbawa, Mrs. Harvey ;s Balson and Glen, Oshawa, Pt(. rPeggy Killen, Toronto, at Robt, it Killen's. . . r. and Mrs. Russell kPerkins a n d Margaret. Mns 1. Crampton, Mr. and Mrs. Russe.l I. Stainton, Jim and Grace. Mns k- Jas. Stainton, Mrs. Jas. McMullen .at Lakeview Park. .. Mr. August h Geissberger and son, Harmony, d Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor, To- tronto, at Hans Geissberger's... -Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, 1Peterboro. Sergt. Grant Smed- -more, R.C.A.F.. Toronto. Misses Eleanor and Lyle Stainton, Osh- tawa, at A. T. Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopps. Osh- * awva, Mrs. McCullougb and Mabel, *Saskatchewan, at Alf. Ayre's... iMr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and sHelen at George Sonley's, Toron- r to. Helen is staying for a weel ri...Misses Pearl Leach, Solina, d and Jean Leach. Bowmanville. at I Norman Leach's. . . Pte. Jas. Sutherland, R.C.O.C., Petawawa, ai Alex Fisher's. .. Mr. and Mrs. cCarl Wilbur at Jas. Hewson's, Thornton's Corners. . . Mrs. Ray Cameron and Children at Mrs. P. J. Gifford's, Osaca. . . Mr. anc Mrs. Jas. Trewin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colwill and farn ily, Lansing, at Mrs. J. W. Mvc- Master's. . . Mr. Ray Cameror visited bis wife and family ai Osaca. Mr. J. Palluson, Newcastle, Mrs. E. Tamblyn, Mrs. T. J. Carscad. den,' Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones, Orono, visiting ai Mr. H.Galbraith's. Blackstock Mission Bai-d entertained the W.M.S. and the mothers in the 1church Saturday afternoon witlc 20 children and 12 ladies present. Program was in charge of the ladies: piano solo-Lois Larmer: story about Madame Chiang by Miss Hazel Mountjoy; vocal solo by Mrs. Jabez Wright; contesi conducted by Mrs. Herman Hooey; Bible quiz-Mrs. Roy Tay- lor. Mrs. Harrison spoke a few words. Benediction was pro- nounced by Grace Graham. Then the children had a game called "Poor House" and served lunch. Mrs. Roy Ferguson moved a hearty vote of thanks to the child- ren. Visitors: Mrs. G. Rapley, To- ronto, with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Steele. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson and Audrey, Yelverton, at Niagara Falls. .. Several from here attended the funeral of Carl Graham, aged 3, who lived with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mill- brook. . . Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy at Barrie. .. Miss Reta Swain, Aima College, St. Thomas, with Mrs. W. A. Van Camp... Mr. Weir Swain, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones, and Mrs. Hemming, Timmins, with friends. . . Mrs. Mervin Graham attended the funeral of ber aunt. Mrs. Flett, Fenelon Falls. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mountjoy, Toronto, at Mr. Luther Mountjoy's... Mrs. Frank Stinson deserves a hearty vote of thanks from the community for giving freely of ber time to write out our new ration books, and also to Reeve Creighton Devitt. Red Cross Street Fair was a huge success Friday evening (a report will follow next week). Cartwright hearts were sadden- ed by the death of Jos. Forder on August 28, after a short illness. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Forder and family. .1 Solina Visitors: Miss Pearl Leach at ber home, Taunton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Burketon, at Mr. B. G. Stevens' ...Gordon Scott, R.C.A.F., Mal- ton, at Mr. R. C. Scott's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnell, Toronto, at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. .. Mrs. S. Ramohr, Claremont; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin and Glen, Oshawa, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's.. Janice Baker with Mrs. Howard Couch, Bowmanville. - . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder, Evelyn and Helen, at Mr. W. Brummel's, Bowmanville. .. Mr. Frank Bran- Ston, Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. Baker' **1Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and r. Barbara, attended a birthday 0, party for Diane O'Brien, Oshawa id.. . Mary Elliott at Mr. W. L. r, Pierson's, Oshawa. .. Miss Betty ýe Smales withreais at Toron- ýy to. .. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle eand Florence, Hampton; Donald ,t Thompson, Columbus; Walter Or- ,, miston, R.C.A.F., Malton; Miss 'Ella Hoskin, Oshawa; Mr. and ~Mrs. Frank Wright and Grant, SBowmanville, at Mr. N. C. ýn Yellowlees'. . . Mrs. Jack Mac- ,t Arthur, Mrs. Pete Mac- Arthur, Billy and Marie, Hartley; Mrs. Percy Dewell and Marilyr, Hampton, at Bryce Brown's... Mr. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. C. McBride, ýs Peterboro; Burton McBride, R.C. 1-A.F., Montreal; Mr. and Mrs.Wm. to; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence TinI and family, Hampton, at Mr. Gec. White's. In conjuniction with the regula' -church service Sunday, Rev. W. c Rackhamn held a special baptismal 1service for Carol Mary Yellow- ,lees and Donald Grant Wright. Newtonville Visitors: Mrs. Ed. Hoar anc Miss June Allin, Newcastle, a' Mrs. J. A. Barrie's. . . Misses Wilma Prouse and Marion Bruce inBellevie .. Elgin and Ji McKay. .. Mrs. Vance Cooper and tbabe, Toronto, at Mr. W. McKay's ...Miss Laurna Pearce, Toronto, ahome. . . Pte. Harold Burley, R.C.O.C., Camp Borden, and Mrs. tBurley, Toronto, at Mr. Cecil Bur. ley's. . . Miss Betty Stapleton in Toronto. . . Mrs. Humphrey and Helen, Toronto, at Mr. Willis Far- row's. .. Mrs. J. W. Lancaster ai Mr. S. Buttery's, Salem. . . Miss Florence Burley in Toronto... cMr. and Mrs. Jack Q7lover, Ajax, Eat Mr. Stan Glover's, enroute tc itheir cottage at Lake Baptiste, north of Belleville. .. Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Misses Laurna Pearce and Deane Slemon at Niagara Falls 7..Miss Fae Jones at Warkworth ) . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lang- tstaff and babe, Toronto, with his imother, Mrs. Mabel Langstaff.. LAC Earl Gilchrist, Cambridge, N.B., and LAC R. F. Gilmer, Oshawa, at Frank Gilmer's.... LMrs. George Broach and Helen, 1Mrs. Skemues and Richard, Ham- ilton; Mrs. W. Cowle, Mis. Ray- mond Gibbs and John,- Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Roy Stacey. IMscellaneaus Shawer A happy gathering was held on Friday evenîng in Newtonville Hall when the communities of Newtonville and Shiloh joined to honor Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer (formerly Audrey Bur- ley) on their marriage. Mr. Wm. Laing, was master of ceremonies and presented this program. Piano duet-Jimmie and Philp Gilmer; recitation - Dorothy Stapleton; solo-Mrs. Chas. Cowan, New- castle, accompanied by Margaret Denault; two solos - Wilma Prouse accompanied by Mrs. George Campbell; two violin sel- ections-Mr. George Campbell, accompanied by Mrs. Campbell. The bride and groom were then called to the platform and Mrs. Lionel Hughes read an address which showed the high esteem in wbicb the young couple are held in botb communities. Clarence and Audrey both tbanked their many friends very sincerely for their beautiful gifts and good wishes. This portion of the eve- ning ended witb a f ew words of congratulations from Warden Prouse and Wm. Laing. Many took the opportunity of seeing the display of gifts before lunich was served. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the music provided by Mr. and Mis. Cowan and A. Bandy of Cowanville and Pte. Edgar Mill- son. Lloyd Clysdale and Sidney Lockhart called off. Everyone ex- pressed their satisfaction at the enjoyable time they had had to- gether. Women's Association Women's Association met Wed- nesday evening with the president in the chair. The committee for the Honor Roll has the list par- tially ready to be inscribed. Plans for our bazaar in December were discussed and a committee ap- pointed: Mrs. McLachlan, Mrs. Hassen and Mrs. Redknap. Mrs. Geo. Kimbaîl and Mrs. S. Lan- caster are to arrange menu, etc., for the Presbytery dinner in Sep- tember. Mis. W. H. Jones pie- sented this program: Roll Caîl, "My Pet Extravagance:" solo by Miss Mary Lane, "Sweeter Every Moment;" reading by Mrs. Burley "Cities of the Future." Next month's committee: Mrs. Hender- day morning, taking as ber sub- ject "The Life of Fanny Crosby." Dorothy Wright sang a solo after which a Bible quiz was conducted by Mrs. Gardner. There will be no Sunday Scbool on Sunday, owing to anniversary services. Mrs. Floyd Dudley bas purchas-j ed the Byam property in Bow- manville and will move to townj as soon as possible.1 TO WED SEPTEMBER 25th Miss Verna Beatrice Milîson Mr. Raymond Gardon Anthes Miss Verna Beatrice Milîson killen, Ontario. Her fiance, a and Mr. Raymond Gordon Anthes graduate and lecturer in Elec- are to be married September 25, trical Engineering, in the Faculty in Eldad United Church, Solina, of Applied Science and Engineer- Ontario. The bride-to-be, a grad- ing, University of Toronto, is the uate of Toronto Western Hospital, only sonl of Mr. Arthur L. Anthes is the second daughter of Mr. and and the late Mrs. Anthes, Port Col- Mrs. Edward 0. Milîson, Ennis- borne, Ontario. S e Starkville Rev. Robt. Wragg, wife and cfamily, have returned to their Shome in Alberta after having a splendid holiday bere with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wragg and ber parents at Belle- Visitors: LAC Danny Sbutka, University of Toronto, where be is taking military education, at thome . . . Mrs. Silver, Ajax, at shome .. . Misses Annie Andree and Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, at M. Shutka's. . . Mr. Keith Henry, Alberta, in training at Brantford Military Camp, at bis aunt's, Mrs. S. G. Hallowell. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson and family, Osh- awa, witb ber brothers, the Trimi brothers. . . Miss Beulab and Norma Hallowell and Mrs. I. Stark at Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn's, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and family at Mr. Fred Wilson's. Holidays are over and our school will re-open with Mis. Ross, Toronto, as our new teacb- er. Rev. J. McLaugblin will preach at Sbilob next Sunday at 10 a.m. Haydon The community was sbocked at the sudden passing of Miss Maggie McLaughlin, a life long resident. Mrs. E. Stephenson attended the funeral of ber great uncle, William Robert Adams. Little Garth Olesen felI, when climbing, breaking bis armi and dislocating bis elbow. Zion Dramatic Club presented their play, "Dotty and Daffy," wbicb was well given, to an ap- preciative audience bere on Wed- nesday evening. Between acts, Miss Ruby McLaugblin entertain- ed with piano selections and J. Slemon and Mrs. G. Beecb a hum- orous vocal duet. The proceeds went to our Soldiers' Fune. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Brid- gett and family, Bowmanville, Donald Thompson, R.C.N.V.R., Kingston, Miss Lucille Rochette, Peterboro, at Mr. W. Thompson's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osmond, Bowmanville, spent a few days at Mrs. F. Osmond's... Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage and family, Mrs. E. Gage, Toronto, at Mr. C. Avery's ...Mr. Hilliard Pruscott, To- ronto, at Mr. C. Slemon's. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and Joan, En- niskillen, Mr. Wilbur Marks at Mr. W. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mis. L. Ashton and family, Mrs. H. J. Werry at Mr. R. Ormiston's, En- niskillen . . Mrs. Ben Gardiner, Carol Pbillips, Bowmanville, at Mrs. E. Hendrick's. .. AC2 Clif- ford Trewin, R.C.A.F., Fingal, Pte. Silas Trewin, R.C.A.M.C., Simcoe, Hiss Helen Rundle, Bow- manville, at Mr. W. Trewin's... Mi. and Mrs. Don Cari at Mr. Walter Carr's, Codrington. Courtice Courtice W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Johnston on August 19. President Mrs. C. Adams led in prayer. Mrs. C. Shutrun read the Scripture lesson. A reading entitled "My Pilot" was given by Miss Margaret Burrows and was much enjoyed. A pleasant num- ber on the programi was the pre- sentation of a china tea set to Mrs. Geo. Lowe who bas since moved to Oshawa. Refresbments were served by tbe hostess, as- sisted by ber mother, Mrs. Gear- ing. Burketon Sunday School and Church ser- vices were fairly well attended, Rev. Plant gave a fine sermon. Our young people took in the bingo at Blackstock and returned home with some very nice gifts. Mrs. Henry Adams and little son, Bruce Alvin, came from the bhospital Wednesday, with nurse in attendance, Mrs. Patterson. Many friends and neigbbors made their way to the friendly home bringing their gifts and good wisbes. Mr. and Mrs. James McLaugh- lin attended the funeral of Wil- liam Robert Adams wbo suffered a beart attack and passed away suddenly. There were many in attendance from Cobourg, Balti- more, Conn, Toronto, Oshawa, Orono, Leskard, Hampton, Burke- ton, Pontypool and Bowmanville., Mrs. Martha Adams is at Lotus. Mrs. Stan Moffat bas been on the sick list. Tom Bailey is repairing bis tbreshing machine to start thresb- ing soon. Salem Sunday service was well at- tended and Rev. Gardner gave a splendid sermon on "Thou Art Near to The Kingdom."l Visitors: Rev. and- Mrs. A. S. Rogers, their daugbter and bus- band, Toronto, and Miss Stephens, town, at the Squair home. .. Mr. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pallord ...Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis and children, Toronto, with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cann re- turned with them to enjoy a motor trip. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud witb friends in Toronto... Mrs. T. H. Knigbt, town, was a guest at "The Maples" on Mon- day. .. Mis. A. Annis witb Mis. E. Silver. Hampton W. I., East Group, met for their sewing at the home of Mrs. H. Rundle. TODAY AS IN VICTORIAN ERA Extra good to have on band when youi're travelling. . . now that you don't board crack trains as often as you once did. And for a reviving trick that is neyer fail- ing. . . at the end of a particularly trying day, try slipping into your softest negligee. . . tossing an afghan on your feet if the roomn is coolish. . . then lie down with your feet up and take a wbiff of the reviving smelling saîts. Makes you feel ahl new and good again! Any one may do a casual act of goodnature; but a continuation of them shows it a part of the temperament.-Sterne. Ebenezer Visitors. Pte. Gordon Vinson, Camp Borden, with Mrs. Vinson and other relatives. . . Tpr. Bob Muir, Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mis. Archie Muir. . . LICpl. Bob Rundle, Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundie. . . Mr. Walter Snider, Jarvis, with bis wife and family. . . Mr. Jack Pickel, Jr., Detroit, with relatives ..Miss Velma Gay, town, with Mr. and Mis. R. R. Gay. Mrs. Sid. Worden, Mrs. Charles Peaker and Miss June Marshall attended the Sterne-England nup- tials in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown on- tertajned several of their friends at a wiener roast Saturday nigbt. Orono News Mis, C. Moon is on the sick list. Mr. and Mis. Norman Allen and daughteî have moved to tbeir new home. Miss Edith Sherwin is expected home from the west this week. Mrs. C. Hamm bas returned to ber home. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Ginis and family who are settling in the Billings' bouse vacated by Mi. and Mrs. Rosborougb. Tbe Rutherfords beave for their home Saturday. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mis. John Armstrong Tuesday afternoon in bonor of Mrs. Wm. Armstrong's and Nellie Wright's birthdays. A meeting in connection with the fair was beld at Mis. O. W. Rolpb's Tuesday afternoon. Len tamsby and party were in Orono Tuesday. Mrs. S. Payne visited in To- ronto. Misses Carol Staples and Mar- jorie McLaren are attending the scbool for leaders at O.L.C., Wbit- by. Mrs. Staples, Mrs. Delve andj Mrs. McLaren attended one of the sessions. 1 Maple Grove Visitors: Mis. M.' S. Thuiston, son Douglas, ber mother, Mrs. Cole, Dunsford, with Mrs. Ross Stevens. . . Mi. and Mis. Noble Metcalf, Mr. and Mis. Roy Van Camp, Miss Joyce VanCamp, ACI, L. VanCamp, Dartmouth, N.S., at Mi. Lloyd Motcalf's, Osh- awa. . . Mr. Ray Snowden, To- ronto, witb bis parents. Mis. Snowden, Misses Helen, Mary, Donna and Master Billie Snowden returned home witb tbem... Mis. Henry Peikins, Moorefield, with ber brother, Mi. R. L. Wor- den... Dr. and Mis. L. H. Coates, Master Denis Guay, Brantford, at Mis. L. C. Snowden's. Master Danny Coates, wbo bas been down for several weeks, returned home with bis parents. . . Mr. and Mis. Russel Robbins, Miss Ruth Robins, Zion, at Mi. Cecil Jeffeîy's. . . Mis. J. D. Stevens, Miss Jean Stevens at Kilworthy, Delmonte, in the Pines. . . Miss Doreen Jeffery with her cousin, Miss Velma Crago, Base Line.. Mi. and Mis. Charlie White, Misses Gertrude, Madeline, Mas- ter Eddie White, witb their uncle, Fred B. Foley, St. Catharines... Mi. and Mis. T. H. Everson, Miss Iva Everson, Oshawa, at Mi. W. J. Snowden's. .. Mr. W. J. Snow- don is confined to bis bed with a very severe cold but is somewhat improved. Miss Mildred Snowden is at- tending the Scbool for Leaders at Whitby. Church services on Sunday will go back to usual time: S.S. at 2 p.m.; Churcb service 3 p.m. Oui pastor will be in the pulpit. Mi. John Snowden, Mi. and Mis. Lew Hockin with the form- er's brother, Mi. Ricbard Snow- den, Oshawa. Brown's Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Stephenson and Nancy, New- castle, and Lieut. Ken. Stephen- son, Camp Bordon, at Mi. Geo. Stephenson's... Miss Barbara Os- borne, Lockbart, with Miss Beryl Reichrath. .. Miss Wylmna Farrow at Mi. Howard Crydorman's, Ebenezer. .. Mi. and Mis. Arnold McMurray, Newtonville, at Mi. J. Curson's. . . Mi. and Mis. R. Graham and Melvin at Port Dal- housie with relatives. Several from bore attendod Miss E. Anderson's sale on Satur- day. P. Brown and A. Clarke, New- castle, are erecting a new shed at the scbool. Officer: "How long did it take you to leain to drive a motor- car?" Private: "Oh, tbree or foui." Officer: "Weeks?" Private: "No, sir-motor cars!" COMING EVENT Loyal Orange Lodge, 2384, are having a Cbuîch Parade at St. John's Cburch, Sun., Sept. 5, at 7 p.m. All members are cordially invited. 35-1 rd Plan to Meet Your Friends at Under auspices of Durham Central Agricultural Society FRI. SAT.JSEPT. 10M11, Soine of This Year's Features: EXPANDED PRIZE LIST REARRANGED INDOOR DISPLAY With lnereased money for carniage and roadster horses With the usual graup of exhibits by the surrounding JUNIOR FARMERS' FOAL CLUB BIG DISPLAY BEEF CATTLE FIEL DAYPOULTRY JUDGING CONTEST SPECIAL BLACK & WHITE EXHIBIT OPEN TO ALL Special Features Before the Granistani HORS RACS TWO BICYCLE RACES HORSE RACEFOR GIRLS AND BOYS UNDER 16 YEARS Rusçs Creilghton and Ris Entertainers FROM 3 TO S P.M. ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS ...25e----------DANCE........Soc CONCERT---------ADULTS..... 35e »- -CHILDREN...25e When We Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Perfect Satisfaction In Fit and Price ODORONOj ARRID QUEST MUM CREAM CREAM POWDER CREAM 39e 1 39e - 59e 33e 1 39e - 59C KLEENEX SWEET PICKLE New Size Sheets MIXTURE l3c - 2for 25e 20e - 35e CASTILE SOAF - 6 cakes -------------23c CASHM EIRE Long Bar ------------15c 11lb. Bar...........- ----19e TISSUE - .- CoMPLtey ta»ed FOR HAY FEVER - Soft Pure White Razmah ----- --50e, $1.00 700 SHEETS f à ý Ephazale --- $1.50, $2.50 )to the rail CAH ,1 Estivin --------------$1.25 Nyal Nose Drops ----- 35e 3for25PýFelsol Powders --- $1.25 mm-ý ý Aliurgi-Tabs $1.00, $2.50 SPECIAL PRICES TOILET PAPERS Jar Rings --------------- 5c Snow Cap ------ 4 rails 25e Lux Soap -, - --- 2 for lic Interlake ------- 3 rails 25e Lactogen ------ 69c, $1.59 White Cross ---- 3 rails 25c Pinex ----------------- 32c Velva Tissue --- 2 for 25e START YOUR VITAMINS NOW - Cale. A Caps --- $1.10, $2.00 Vi Mi Caps-- $1.85, $3.25 Wampale's Ext.------- $1.001 100 Cod Liver Oil Caps 98e Nyal Multiple Caps.----- - --------------- 50, $1.75; 100, $3.00 Phane ffW IIlC fDIlV fD We fit 095 VLIIIM DR GST R Trse I See Our Comple te Line of School Supplies and Text- books for Public and High Schools Pullli ne of sundry supplies, loose-leaf notebooks, pens and pencils, mathematicai sets, water colora, art sup- plies of al kinds. - Prompt Attention Given To Telephone Orders - STORE OPEN TUESDAY EVENING J. W. JEWELL BIG "20" - - - PHONE 556 GRAND DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER lOth NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL RUSS. CREIGHTON'S ORCHESTRA CONCERT IN ORONO TOWN HALL SATURDAY NIGHT - Featuring- RUSS. CREIGHTON'S VERSATILE ENTERTAINERS PAbE FOUR THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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