THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORONO A person has to be straight in U U m m m m order to acquire a large circle o!f friens. -Social and Personal Professional entertainers of the famous American USO. units are Phone 40r16 now providing amusement for ______________ Canadian troops in isolated areas. _____________________ Mrs. C. Tamblyn and Mrs. _______________________Cardwell, Port Hope, and Mr. and guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Business Directory Tamblyn. Gordon Winter was home on leave. Rob Roy and family, Bethesda, Legal called on Mrs. W. S. Roy en route from Trenton. M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Mr. J. Eagleson visited friends Barrister. Solicitor. Notary in Rochester and Knowlesville, Phone 351 N.Y., and in Toronto. Bank of Commerce Bldg. Mrs. D. Carscadden arrived in Bowmanville Winnipeg just a few days before her son was called overseas. W. R. TRIKEMrs. T. J. Carscadden, Oak- W. R. TRIKEland, visited Mrs. G. Jones. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary J. J. Mellor preached his last Solicitor for Bank of Montreal sermon as substitute for Rev. Money to Loan, - Phone 791 Littlewood, Sunday morning, Bowmanville, Ontario choosing as text, "Whither Shal -_I Go?" The soloist was Glenn LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Tamblyn. Next week church ser- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, vices and Sunday School resume King Street W., Bowmànville their usual formi after the long Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 holiday. Milton Morris is home on leave. Dentist Girl Guides collected fat Sat- - urday. DR. J. C. DEVITT Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock Assitant Dr E. . Sison and family, Toronto, visited here. Graduate of Royal Dental Col. Christie MKno wshm lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Mrs. J. Richardson visited in Mldg., Bowmanville. Office hours Toronto. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, Monday is a holiday - Labor except Sunday Day-and everything here will Phone 790 - House phone 325 be shut up tighter than a drum. X-Ray Equipmeni. ini Office Mr. Yorke is building an ad- dition te, his newly-purchased Funeral Directors home. _______________________ Mr. Ed. Thornton, Woodstock, FUNEAL IRECORS visited here. FUNEAL IRECORS The Dawes family has moved to Service, any hour, any day Newcastle. F. F.Morrs Co guevofCecil Allin, U.S.A., was Modern Motor Equipment, Amn. here. re 'bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell vis- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. ited in Peterboro and called on Mrs. D. Noble at the hospital. Licensed Auctioneers . Over 1300 ration books were __________________________issued here in the three after- CLIFFRD PEHICK noons and one evening. The ladies ActiFonerD- EnnIsKil were kept fairly busy all the Auctonee - Eniskllen time but the big rush was Thurs- Phone Bowmanville 2536 day and the fore part of Friday Specializing in Farm, Livestock, afternoon. Implements and Furniture Sales. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn Coiisult me for ternis and dates. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett at- 50-tf tended the Rotary dinner at Bow- manville Friday, at which Miss monuments Hilda Cryderman, Vernon, B.C., was guest speaker and she and The Rutter Granite Company Miss Jermyn rendered vocal solos. Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Little Mildred Holdaway has returned to her home in Cochrane Port Hope, Ontario after spending the past year with Monuments, Gravemarkers, lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E94raving, Goldleafing H. E. Hancock. 28-tf Mrs. Robt. Glanvîlle and child- _______________________ren holidayed with her mother in Toronto. ________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Hancock For leave this week for Trenton, CUTS. BURNSÇ where Marlow is stationed in the Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McPherson BRUMSES are in Toronto. hsmvdt Ajax. Clarence Henry, formerly of Sixth Line, visi ed old friends OLYWPE11here. THÉÂNTisEPTic LINIMENT engaged by O.C.S. schoolbor zý o tachFrenchanLti.Ts _____________________________ the staff of six-five of whom are new. Miss Margaret Wathcn has re- turned to Toronto after visiting hier grandrnother, Mrs. Crane. Miss Shirley Porter visited in Toronto. X Repaîrs and painting are being done to Orono Fire Hall. The Simpson twins and chum, Mr. Bertrand, are spending this week with the former's mother and grandmother at Leigh's cot- tage. Neil Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. A consignment of fish has been received here, Orme Gamsby looking a f t e r the speckled beauties and Dr. McKenzie the brown trout. The fish have been deposited in local streams. Mrs. C. Hamm had a success- fui private sale of the household effects of the late Miss Ida Gamns- by. Robt. Stewart has returned Our F milYfrom Sask. Regulaor isMiss Margaret Roy has gone to Shawinigan Falls where she is on the High School teaching staff. DR. C ASEO. W. Scott is now at Peterboro. Mrs. Caldwell visited in To- KIDN Y Plronto and Hamilton. Her husband LIVE R LE ihas been in Toronto Hospital for some time. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stevenson and d aughter, June Arme, Mont- real, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson. Glen Handcock enjoyed a trip to Cochrane. The Whiting children, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Hand- cock spent a week at Thurstonia Park. Mrs. Noble fell and broke her leg at the home o! her daughter, Mrs. McElroy, Peterboro. Mr. Robinson was guest o! Mrs. E. Evans. The Joncs family held a family picnic. Mr. and Mrs. George Butters attended the wedding in Toronto o! Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. Mr. Stainton has had his home brîcked. Miss Mary Sisson is guest o! her grandmother, Mrs. M. Sisson. Mrs. Peters is guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. L. Luno. Mrs. St. Clair, Detroit, was guest o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones. Mrs. C. Harrison enjoyed a visit from her two nieces. Mrs. J. Moffatt was hostess at a Red Cross quilting. BRIDE AND GROOM HONORED AT ANTIOCH SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Hancock, a recent bride and groom, were the raison d'etre of a most enjoy- able get-together of community friends in Antioch School on Fni- day evening. Jack Moffat acted as chairman and a splendid pro- gram was presented, consisting of: vocal duets by Mesdames Phasey and Cantrell with How- ard Linton at the piano; contest, "Shirtwaist Romance" conducted by Mrs. W. S. Moffat; humorous reading "Your Little Wife" by Victor Warner; sing-song led by Howard Linton; humorous read- ing by Mrs. W. S. Moffat; and mouthorgan and guitar selections by Ted and Neil Martin. An ad- dress was read by Grant Moffat to the ncwlyweds and Bob Coat- hamn and Everett Harness pre- scnted thcm with a combination scwing cabinet and magazine rack. After words o! thanks from the recipients, the guests spent the rest o! the evening in dancing. ORONO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HOLDS TRAVELLING TEA A most enjoyable afternoon was spent Thursday whcn Orono Wo- m e n's Institute sponsored a travelling tea. Proceeds are to purchase honey for overseas ship- ment. Guests were first welcom- cd at the home o! Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, where they had a pleas- ant hour on the lawn and walk- ing among the lovely glads and other flowcrs. Here they were served with delicious soup, crack- ers and iccd water. From here they walked through the pretty village streets to the home o! Mrs. J. D. Brown where they also enjoyed social chat and admired the shrubs and flowers. Here the menu was a iovely salad plate on whiuh was potato and cabbage salad, lettuce, sliced tomato and devilled egg. The next journey was to the home o! Mrs. Frank Hall where tea and cookies xvere served. Here, too, fortunes were told by Mrs. P. Laing and Mrs. M. Smith by reading the tea cups. Music was provided at aIl thre places, the program consisting o! piano solos by Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples and vocal solos by Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Orme Gamsby who sang in fine voice, "Orono," a number o! his own composition. ORONO CONTINUATION SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS Following is a list o! results re- ceived from Department o! Edu- cation. Candidates who have not as yet been in!ormed o! their standing are reminded that if they are qualifying under the pro- visions o! Circular 27 (f arm work or enlistment) they must com- plete and return the form that was given them at the time o! their leaving school. Audrey Billings-A.M. Hist. C, Geom. C. Bruce Chapman-Geom. C. Dan Chmara-Eng. Lit. I, Eng. Comp. I, A.M. Hist. II, Geom. I, Lat. Au. II, Lat. Comp. II, Fr. Au. II, Fr. Comp. Il, Agr. lst yr. I. Bob Cooper-Lat. Au. III, Lat. Comp. III, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Comp. C. Carman Cornish-A.M. Hist. I, Geom. I, Agr. lst yr. I. Clarence Farrow-Eng. Lit. C, Eng. Comp. C, A.M. Hist. C, Lat. Au. C, Lat. Comp. C, Agr. lst yr. IL. Donald Goode - A.M. Hist. C, Agr. Ist yr. III, Geomn. C. June Goode-Eng. Lit. III, Eng. R.C.A.F. WINTER GARB PL 17987. This is the warm pro- tective clothing which will be is- sued next winter to members of the R.C.A.F. Women's Division whose jobs keep themn out in the weather - motor transport drivers, equipment assistants and others who refuel aircraft or work on the airport tarmac. It consists of warm slacks, a lined parka, ski gloves and a ski cap whose metal badge is replaced by a cloth badge. A somewhat similar costume has long been worn by airmen on security guard and tarmac duties. (R.C.A.F. Photo> Wedding ALLEN-FARROW A quiet but pretty wedding took place on August 14, at St. Paul's United Church, Bowman- ville, when Marjorie Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow, Orono, was united in marriage to Clarence William Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Kirby, with Rev. F. H. Joblin officiating. The bride looked charming in a street-length dress of blue. sheer. She wore white accessories and a corsage of roses, sweet peas and bouvardia. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mar- ion Farrow, who wore a street- length dress of pink sheer. She wore white accessories and a cor- sage of roses and bouvardia. The groom was attended by his cousin, Mr. Everett Harness, Orono. A reception, at which the im- mediate relatives of the bride and groom were present, was held at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. Laverne Farrow, Newcastle, after which the happy couple left on their honeymoon to points west and north. They will reside at Kirby. BRIDE AND GROOM PRESENTED CEDAR CHEST Friends fromn Orono and the Sixth Line gathered at Sixth Line School, Tuesday evening, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cowan, a recent bride and groom. Follow- ing an address read by Miss Ruth Lunn the presentation of a cedar chest was made to the couple. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and social chat. Bob and Dick Morton made the presentation. DIMI AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS FROM THE ORONO NEWS August 30, 1928 Former Orono Continuation School students who successfully wrote their Upper School exams at Bowmanville H i gh School were: John Milson, Elsie Rowe, Mary Smith (Latin Comp.), Ethel Winter. During the electric storm Tues- day, lightning struck a tree close to Sheldon Moffat's residence and passing along the wire entered the house putting the telephone out of commission. At Orono Women's Institute meeting Miss Helene Waddell gave a splendid talg on "The In- fluence of Motion Pictures and Modern Magazines." Value of reading in the home was taken by Mrs. H. Rowe. Miss Greta Davey is home from Duluth, Minn., and Two Har- bours, Mich., where she visited her aunts, Miss Mattie Hill and Mrs. Black. At Chicago she was guest of John Maxwell. Bernie Couch, Standard Bank staff, who had his right leg broken on the bail field, returned from the hospital and is getting around on crutches. GOOD NEWS FOR TEA DRINKERS So many people in Canada drink tes, that there will be a genuine feeling of satisfaction that more of it will be available for home rations ai ter September 2nd. The Ration Board lias decided this can be done because the safety of the ses, route froma Ceylon lias so vastiy improved. The millions of 'SALADA' lovera have just cause for rejoicing. NBWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO