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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TÂnUaon-,1) , sJJar .. Zl., ,1943 Mr. Ceo. N. Bull, who broke-bis cousins, witb a few other invited arm while pruning and-,,vas taken friends, beld an enjoyable corn to Oshawa Hospital is back again and wiener roast on the evening at bis sommer home, Newcastle- of August 25 around the old, on-the-Lake. crotchy and nearly indestructible Mr. and Mrs. H J. Toms and locust log in the flats of Silver- daugbters are back from holiday- creek Farm. ing out north. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Mellow, There was a large crowd of Leaside, have again been holiday- visitors and bidders for big and ing at the Mrs. W. H. Pearce farm, little articles at W. H. Andersons with their car and trailer parked auction sale, Saturday afternoon. under the roadside maples. Wbile It was one of those rare occasions bere they also exchanged visits on which Druggist Anderson got with bis brother, Druggist A. E. away from the store for an after- Mellow and family. noon. A numnber of bidders from Fred Adair, Gordon Garrod, outside points were present and Thos. Spencer, Jr., and Thos. these entered into keen competi- Woodlock were among the mar- tion for some of the antique ried men employees, some with pieces. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, families, of the J. Anderson Smith was auctioneer and Reeve C. R. Co., wbo went to Toronto to ap- Carveth sale clerk. ply for admission into the army General Merchant P. R. Lang- or R.C.A.F. man bas sold bis business, corner Army worms have been very of King and Mill Sts., to Wards of destructive this season in some Oshawa, wbo will soon be taking of the grain fields in Shaw's sec- over. Miss Phyllis Langmnan will tion; but from aIl accounts of tbe be remaining for some time as light yields of late sown oats it clerk. would take a big area of grain to give a decent meal to even a United Cburch Y.P.U. is hold- smaîî army of worms. Some farm- ing a corn roast on Friday eve- ers who have tbresbed state that ning on the verdant cedar-clotbed the results, in yield of grain by pasture landi of the president, weight, have not paid for the Ross Allin. time and expense. There are A miscellaneous shower. by a fields of grain sown past the mid- large group of girl friends, fel- dle of June that were harvested low students at Newcastle Higb in a corresponding week in School, and others, was tendered August, or just two months later. the bride-elect, Miss Muriel Ped- The quality of the straw and grain well. at the home of Mrs. George is very poor in comparison with Walton, on Wednesday evening. that from seed sown in April, as Mrs. Glenn Brooks spent the some was in early fields~ this week-end with ber sisters in To- spring, whenit bas four montbs to ronto. root and grow and mature. r Rev. Lorne Thomas, Maberly,s bas been holidaying witb bisi SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. 7 c mother, Mrs. B. Thomas. 1ecsl ulcadHg Amony those giving voluntary Schools will re-open for the fal assistance to Reeve Carveth and term on Tuesday morning, Sept.L Clerk H. C. Bonathan in the dis- 7, witb only one change in the t tribution of the new ration books taching staff. Miss Ruby Thorn-s at the Community Hall were: Mrs. dyke, Wesleyville, who bas been Bonathan, Mrs. Errol Brown, Mrs. teaching at Cameron, succeeds - Fred Adair, Miss Ruth Hancock, Miss M. Bernice Smith as teacher Miss Jean Bonathan. in the junior room of the public - Jim Patterson, Morley Allin, scbool. Miss Thorndyke is a Miss Evelyn Allin and Miss Kath- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor1 leen Toms motored to, Toronto on Tborndyke, Wesleyville. She bas August 25 andi enjoyed a boat had five years teaching experi- trip to Niagara Falls. ence and bas bad over five years A group of Allîn and Pearce of piano study and one year of vocal music. She was the organ- _________________________ist of Wesleyville United Cburcb MM . u ~~ MMUjfor four years before going to ~ uw * Q~Normal Sbool, and since that bas BIRTil WRIGHT-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Thursday, August 19, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wright, Enniskillen, the gift of a daugbter, Doris Coleen. A sister for Gloria and Carol._ IN MEMORIAM EDGER-In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Edger, who passed away Sept. 6, 1934. Deep in the beart lies a picture 0f a loved one gone to rest, In memory's frame we will keep it Because she was one of the best. - Ever remembered by the family. 35-1 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Mabel Madeline, older daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ed. Smith, to Norbert Oscar Prescott, both of Orono, son of Mrs. John Prescott and the late Mr. John, Prescott of Oshawa. The mar- 1 niage will take place late in Sep-î tember. ,35-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Runcile, Argyle St., Bowmanville, an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Marguerite, to Silas Herbert Trewin, R.C.A. M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Trewin, Haydon. The marriage will take place quietly the latter part of September. 35-1* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Orville Milîson, Enniskillen, Ontario, an- nounce the engagement of their second daugbter, Verna Beatrice, of Toronto, to Raymond Gordon Antbes, of Toronto, only son of Mr. Arthur Lorne Anthes, and the late Mrs. Anthes, Port Col- borne, Ontario, the marriage to take place September 25, at Solina, Ontario. 35-1 Help Wanted HELP WANTED - CAPABLE woman for bousework. Steady work. Gooci salary. Apply Mrs. W. V. Peacock, 341 Richmond St. E., Oshawa. 35-2* Obituary Strayed STRAYED - Heifer strayed on my property, mile east of Black- stock. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Fred Middleton, Burketon, R.R. 1. 34-3* For Exehange- FOR EXCHANGE - NEW kID Kangaroo gang plow in ex- change for young cattle. Phone 2523, Otto Freund, Tyrone. 35-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-FARM, about fifty acres, Lot 6, Broken Front, Clarke. Apply S. J. Lancaster, R.R. 2, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3603a, or Mrs. Ivison Munday, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2640. 35-1* Cattie Wintered CATTLE WINTERED - YOUNG cattle wintered. One to 30 head, on good feed, lots of water,' witb best of care. Write Box 236, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 35-tf Work Wanted WORK WANTED - MARRIED man, experienced farmn hand, desires work on farmn with sep- arate bouse. Write Box 237, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-1* For Rent FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS furn- isheci if desired. Housekeeping privileges. Phone 2834. 35-1 FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Kumrite Apartments, Orono, 4 rooms and kitchenette, $18.00 per month. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono. 35-1* Wanted To Buy WANTED-PARROT OR OTHER large bird cage. Box 10 Bow- manville P.O. 35-1* WANTED TO BUY - USED pianos may be excbanged for casb. Telephone Fred Mitchell, 492, Bowmanville. 35-1* WANTED-WOODEN SILO, any size, good condition. Earl Dor- rell, Nestleton, phone Portj Perry 184r2. 35-1* alwavs sung in the churchchoir ----_. WANTED TO BUY - HEIFER Q i Wwherever she has taught. Miss JOHN WADE LANCASTER calves, new born, from heavy Class Certificate and an Elemen- On Sunday morning, August 15, ham, from accredited or grade R U Y A L Itary Certificate in Agriculture. 1943, at Bowmanville Hospital, cows. Phone 2186, Bowman- A u'Ianv - and Horticulture, ville. 33-tf-1* THATRE I ýK During the holidays consider- there passed on to his well earned BO M - E alernoain or asbenrst oh ad anateAN ILdone at the school under the di- lifelong and respected citizen of Personal rection of the Property Commit- Clarke Township. Although beOVRASP CESHUD tee Chairman, Ross Dickinson.hdbeinfiighatfo VRESP CL HO D I Thurs., Fri., Sat., The junior room desks have been hdbe nfiighat o contain Page-Griffiths, Betamin SET 2 4 Iplaned dlown and repolisbed, some time he hiad only been con- (B-Complex) tablets. SP.23,4floors have been oiled and black- fined to bed for two days. Alex McGregor Drugs. 35-1 DOUBLE FEATURE boards re-surfaced. The heating Mr. Lancaster, who was born systen, has, been suibstantially im- on November 5, 1864, was the eld- DREADED HAY FEVER SEA- I scATTERGOOD proved and the whole scbool bas est son of the late Sidney Lan- son is here! Secure immediate been thoroughly house-cleaned by caster and Agnes Symons Wade. relief-enjoy carefree immune SURVIVES A Caretaker Bert Brereton. When a young man hie took over days. Order Salfoin by mail elU DE the old homestead which bis to-day. Salfoin, a famous Brit- MU D RSURPRISE BIRTHDAY PA RTY1 grandfather, Johnathan Lancast- ish remedy used by thousands, IWith 1 er, builded from the virgin forest. is sold on satisfaction or money GU KBBE ndSaturdav a surprise birthday Here bie lived until his passing. back guarantee. Send $2.00 GUYKIBEE ndparty xvas held at the home of In 1901 he married Lizzie Beigh- for patent tube or writte for MARJORIE HAYES Mrs. Harold Wakelin, president of1 ton, daughter of the late Mr. and free bookiet entitled "Hayfev- *the Spitfire Club, for Mrs. Mae Mrs. John Beighton, of Clarke er and How to Overcome It," * ON SAME BILL Edwards of Toronto, an honorary Township. In this home were to John Campbell Company, 331 member of the Club. born four daughters: Mrs. Ivison Bay St., Toronto. 35-11 DR. GILLESPIE'S Mrs. Gordon Montgomery read Munday (Ruby) of Maple Grove Ntc o rdtr IE siT N presented a basket of beautiful of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mrs. Sam ____ Featuring gladioli to Mrs. Edwards. Friends Buttery (Evelyn) of Salem and ALL PERSONS having anyt and relatives present gave her a Mrs. Chas. Welsh (Winnifred) of dlaim against the Estate of the LIOE BARRY'MORE and birthdlay basket of groceries and Bowmanville and one son, Sidney, late Jane E. Martin, who died on IVAN JOHNSTON personal gifts which were pre- of Newtonville. or about the 27tb day of July, * _________________Isented by Mrs. Geo. Summer- 1943, at the Towno omn Mo. usWd, scales and Mrs. Edith Black and Mr. Lancaster was an ardent viliwh ony0f DBohmn M onTe. e. the address was read by Mrs. cburch worker all his life. His vr qie fil the unty ef Duhm Wakelin. boyhood was spent in the îittîe are required of ie the same wit I SEPT. 6, 7, 8 I The evening was spent play- Bible Christian Church at Port prof er ecuo wt arthe nr *ing progressive euchre. The Granby which became a part of Sed e ctor ot,3,ater than i * TALES 0F prizes and winners were: Mrs. the Methodist Church. Later the daetettembr lOth,194, atrihich * MANHATTAN Geo. Surnmerscales - hostes mmerhpofti cu was and all daims of hc the IWithI -glass cream and sugar set and that time he neyer ceased to carry will be barred as against hlm. *Ibutter dish; Mrs. L. Braund- what has seemed at times more DATDltBwavlehi CHARLES BOYER and apron. The booby prize, a glass than his share of responsibility, î6th TD at Bowmanville1th3 s RITA HAYWORTH pickle dish, went to l«S.Fred serving as chairman of the Board darfAgut 93 *Moore of Toronto. for a number of years. Resigning M. G. V. GOULD, lunch-'HO T rs Wakelin served a deliclous that post the year following the Barrister, Etc., ti lnhat the end of a pleasant erection of the new cburch build- Bowmanville, Ontario,a evening. ing in 1931 he has, until his death, Executor. 33-3 S ______________________________________ served as an elder. In this humble7 devotion to bis church hie wasa carrying on a family tradition. 0 0== O Since the turning of the first sod ffor teMethodist Curcb in New- tonville the namne of Lancaster fi.. bas JDeen one of its bul arks. ri Mr. Lancaster served on Port OSAA OT Secetay -_OSe______________Pa _ te THURS., FR . , SAT. h O ndpedet rdr fPorstrsn e pt.011 3,Freeo II YS0e Oyaou 2. arsqubin et :tir i- udGalnVnHfi c w w w D crr ould eyerseau- PEETIGLL A S cleserve lsoScrits ry-misuerndnobtf BiteH rS,FRich ad Carl ruffled in the midst of personal With Il g is convictions were deep and son, Spring Byington, Ilstrong and nothing could daunt Marta Eggertb in ND TILLYER LENSES nfle a tsae.H ee osBobOrchestraM 'A 0 hs faihTommyd ororseyeloandn.bis Crosby and his h are the best. We are licensed W. are glati to .ala fl In bis passing Newtonville United j Orchestra flCI to fit~h Tillyer Lne-h li.T IerLz. » Church bas lost another of its I Sing outetheews. t'sa V Ilvery latest achievement of difeensida loses hra is wife and family Ih Iophthalmie scientists. They 0 dry ten grand children and oneunay Midnite5 Show Il brother, Thomas, of Toronto. Onehershary12.05np.m. will give eys a new andbrother, Charles, of Mitchell, and ~ Cr rn wl ieyour eysane n three sisters, Frances. Annie and In ot Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .o.cabe..f...Fr.~ I ~I Mrs. Mitchell Zealand (Mary) MR. LUCKY io otcal jf fl predeceaued hlm several years IlWitb ai O lke rdnar lese, Tllyr j~%.> ago. Laraine Day, Charles Bick- ILene r cuae h vice at his late home the fuea The top of tbe tops in f lenses~~~~~ arsacraetovi..........e Folwing a shor t m inr-o mGayscoer ti vey dg weteryo lok.' flNewto~nville nRomarc. nce nti veyeg wehryo ok0the ase b o is pastor. Rev. pca oidyAtato v 0 po owi o iJohn McLacblan, Rev. Robert MSp e , Hold Atrtion 0 p r ow, n r ut Wragg of Viking, Alberta, a n.STes., 6ed- Thur . 0 _____________________________ friend of the family, conducted L ept 6oug,- 9 cadSt Ilat the graveside in LakeviewO In1, Iletry nCHINA olir Il n om beautiful floral tributes The greatest picture of flste Jury & Lovel Ce00r C2nieristugi hon e Tet Eys I I. one ropthe casket. Bearers were John You'll ever s ee C oPHONE 778 C..R TCKT inson, Laurie Cole, Albert Wragg less. It will make men fight- nand George Walkey, members of 0Ilgma Church. 0 c- m c Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay bigh- est prices'for Timothy, Clover, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Lost LOST - AUG. 19, LARGE RED Irish Setter dog nameci Don. Kind, no collar, $1000 reward on return to Dr. Temple, Mill- brook, phone 61, charges guar- anteed. 35-2* LOST - B3LACKZ LEATHER wallet, initialled "J.A.V.'", con- taining driver's permit and reg- istration card. Lost between Bowmanville and Caesarea. Reward if returned to Jack Varcoe, Varcoe's Tourist Camp, Oshawa. 35-î* COMING EVENT Harvest Home Services at Ty- rone Church will be held Sunday, Sept. 5, at 2.30, when Rev. George Telford, M.A., B.D., of St. An- drew's United Church, Oshawa, will conduct the service. In the evening at 7.30, the guest speaker1 will be Rev. Tristramn with Colum- bus Choir iri attendance. On Mon- day, Sept. 6, Solina Dramatic Club will present their play <'Aunt Bessie Beats the Band." Admis- sion 25c, 15c. 34-2* Vacuum Cleaners Repaired CUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- S e s s or ies. *Teephone our "C. U. C. Sales andi Service Brancb", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-VIOLIN, will sell at a bargain. phone 2113. 35-1* FOR SALE-1939 DODGE coupe. Apply George White, Duke St.. Bowmanville. 35-1* FOR SALE-HAPPY THOUGHT range, also china cabinet. Write Box 233, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-1* LJNOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa, 46-tf FOR SALE - TOMATOES, sold by small baskets or bushel. Apply Miss Irene. Stackaruk, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, pbone 2668. 3- OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everytbing in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty.j Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buyig visit Bradley's New Furniture Store. 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf AUCTION SALES Farm stock and implements. I have been autborized by Earl Wright, west baîf of Lot 13, Con. 5, Manvers, (3-4 mile east of c Ballyduff) to scîl by public auc- tion on Wed., Sept. 8, at 1 o'clock, aIl bis farm stock, implements, bay, grain, 5 acres potatoes, bar- ness, quantity of wood andi coal and some bouseholci furniture. A number of implements are new. Noreserve. For particulars see bills. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 35-1 The undersigned bas receiveci instructions to sell by public auc- tion in the yard at the rear of Challis ' Garage a bousebold of furniture and furnisbings includ- ng living room, dining room, bed- room andi kitchen furniture, el- ectric wasber, incubator, garden tools, single plow and harrows and many other useful articles. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Sat., Sept. 4. L'erms: Cash. WVm. J. Challis, auctioneer, T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 35-1 Complete housebold sale of furniture. The undersigned bas eceived instructions from Mrs. Adolph Henry to sell by public auction at ber former residence, Park St., Orono, on Saturday, Sept. 4, a complete list of bouse- hold effects including a quantity f antique furniture. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. Trms cash. A. E. MORTON, Clerk TED JACKSON, Auctioneer 34-2* The undersigned bas received ýstructions from the Executor of àe Estate of the late Frank H. lason, to sell by public auction, is entire bousehold effects in- itchen, dngroom, Jhall and Tom !ing dinîng room, lg arod ierandah furniture; electric tove, 2 coal oul stoves, radio, bu- nidifier, wardrobe, Singer sew- ig machine, desks, couches, rugs rîd drapes, odd tables and chairs, ishes, stop ladder and numerous :her articles. Sale at the rear )fChallis' Garage, Wed., Sept. 8, d1.30 p.m. Terms: Cash. Wm. J. 'hallis, auctioneer. 35-1 I bave been authorized by talph Davis to sell by public aoc- in at Lot 29, Con. 6, Darlington, in Friday, Sept. 3, the following aluable stock: 21 milkers and f pringers, many of these witb alves at foot; 10 two-yr.-old Hol- tein heifers due to freshen by ac.; 9 yearling Durham heifers, yearling Durham Steer; 2 year- îg dairy heifers, 2-year-old Hol- tin bull; 2 yearling bulis; 3 sows, nd litter due Oct.; 18 pigs, 8 rks. old; 12 shoats, 100 lb.; 8 !eviot ewes. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Termis, cash. JACK BAKER, Clerk ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer ____ 34-2*%0 0 0 Wanted WANTED - Couple to share home in return for care of girl 3 years. Apply 196 Clarke St., Oshawa, phone 2098-J, evenings. 34-2* Found FOUND-SUM 0F MONEY IN Bowmanvjlle about three weeks ago. By proving loss and pay- ing for this ad. owner may have same by contacting Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Centre St., Bowman- Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - PUREBRED SOW and 9 pigs, 3 weeks old. Apply Ross Cryderman, phone 2265. 35-1 FOR SALE-2 BRINDLE HEIF- ers, one due in a week and one in a week and a month. Pair of beauties. Apply Edgar Horn, Hampton, phone 2144. 35-1* FOR SALE - 7 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply George Moroz, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 35-1* FOR SALE-PIGS AND HORSE; 9 pigs, 6 weeks old, black mare: aged, weighing 1500 lbs., a good worker. Sidney Cornish, En- niskillen, phone 2818. 34-2 FOR SALE-8 PICS, 6 WEEKS old. Apply Elton A. Werry, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, pbone Oshawa, 1615w12. 35* LIVE STOCK FOR SALE-TWO borses, il and 12 years old, good workers. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton, phone 2173. 35-2 FOR SALE - 4-MONTH-OLD light Sussex X Npw Hampshire, Barred Roc k X New Hamp- sbire, Barred Rock and Wbite Wyandott pullets. Apply Wil- fred Richardson, Pontypool. 35-1 FOR SALE-2-YR.-OLD CHOICE Percheron colt; sow, due Sept. S. Kovacs, North of Tyrone. 35-1 FOR SALE-6 PUREBRED York- sbire pigs, 6 weeks old. Also 2 purebred sows due the latter part of September. Apply Harvey Partner, Tyrone, phone 2328. 35-1 FOR SALE - 5 YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 weeks old, real choice bunch, started on Shur Gain. Also Tudhope cook stove with reservoir. Apply T. S. Mount- joy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2503. 35-1 FURNITURE HOGS 'ATTLE Your Cockshutt dealer can stili supply you witb the famous Kid Kangaroo Gang Plows. W . R. Greenaway, Hampton. 35-1 Business Opportunities MEN! IT'S A SELLERS' MAR- ket. Here is your chance to cash in. If you're aggressive, are military exempt and have a car or other means of trans- portation you can make real money as a Watkins dealer. Due to scarcity of materials and containers many established concerns are going out of busi- ness to day but Watkins men are setting all-time bighs in sales and profits. That's be- cause of this Company's inter- national buying power wbich makes it possible for Watkins representatives to offer a wide range of Everyday Home and Farm Necessities and sucb out- standing values as a pound of Prepared Mustard for 10c and Il ounces of Menthol Campbor Liniment for a dime! Don't pass up this big opportunity. Establisheci rural routes avail- able. For full particulars write to-day to The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. "O-B-9," Montreal, Que. 35-2 NOTICE To Farniers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. -Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handie it here. 0. F. JAMNIESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office HONEY Due to Government action no Past orders for honey wiIl be filled. Kindly pick up your con- tainers as soon as possible. Ce ]Re KNOX ORONO - PHONE 42r2 TRUCKS APARTMENTS IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES Notice Weil Established Company Group Insurance and Hospitaliza- tion Plan Pension Plan Legal Holidays With Pay Vacation with pay after one year's service Applicants now on war work not accepted. - APPLY - NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Oshawa File 2670 FEED GRAIN CHICKENS FARMS FUEL PRODUCE COTTAGES EMPLOYMENT 'he Canadian Statesman WITH A READING AUDIENCE ESTIMATED AT OVER 12,000 CUSTOMERS WEEKLY ýCLASSIFICATIONS INCLUDE: Articles For Sale; Articles W~arîted;l ost and Found Real State For Sale or Rent; Maie and Feniale IIelp); Work Wanted. MINIMUM RATE 2c FOR 2S WORDS WHEN CASH AC- COMPANIES THE ORDER Vhen charged min, rate is 50c, so pay cash and save 25c Copy should be in Statesman office not later than 6 p.m. Wednesdays BOATS These are only a few of the many things that you and others may want to buy or sell, rent or trade at any time. Use and Read the Classified Page of - - - - - - - - - - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IrTJTTPý9T)AV glr.Pr 9nr] 10,É-Q Wanted to Rent HOUSE WANTED - SMALL bouse (4 or 5 rooms), by reli- able tenant, no eilîdren. Apply Box 235, Statesman Office. WANTED TO RENT-4 OR 5 roomed apartment for soldier's wife. Wanted by October lst. Write Box 234, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 35-1* HEL P4 WANTED MALE and FEMALE TO WORK IN RUBBER PLANT - ON - BOGIE TIRES FOR TANKS ROSE FOR GOVERNMENT WAR DEPARTMENT - ALSO - CONVEVOR BELTING TRANSMISSION BELTING RUBBER HEELS MOLDED GOODS And

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