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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1943, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1943 Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 88 Years' Continuous Service To The Town of Bowmanville and Durham County. Member <e Audit Bureau s of Circulations Canadian e Weekly Newspaper. Association Class A Weeklies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly in advance. $2.50 a Year In the United States. GEO. W. JAMES. Editor. Saving Fuel In Churches Citizens greneraliy do iof realize flic fuel shortaize Canadians are ý,oiuîg to face this iter. A glance at flie stack of unifiiled orders for fuel in local coal dealers offices ifipresses oie of the serlous situation. If further proof is needed Nve are to](1 Cana- dian coal productionî is short 1,375,000 tonts w'hile the United States coal production is doivii *29,000.000 touts. Aý plan f0 curtail services ini sottie hurches fuis wiufter. as one ineans of saving- fuel is being advocafed by Russell T .Kelley, Harnil- toiN w-o lias beeu apîîoinfcd to assist the fuel coutroller. if is lîoped that churches will find it possible to conserve fuel to flie exfent of 20) per cent. Towards fuis end flie following suggestions have beeil inade: Hold union services wherever p)osible, have heating equipmleîît in first class order, be sure flic right fuel is used, flie maximum hieat for -inter should be 60 degrees, liold choir liraetises iu flie sehool rooln or privafe residences inistead of in fli chclîrl, hold the week-dav services on Monday, Tuesday and Wediiesdav anîd hold as mnany mieetmg.s as possible ini lrivate homes. (Ohurelies, as a whole, are great. users of fuel, and too Qfteii w-e have foumîd fhiaf flere is a big- wasfe. Large roomis are kepf lieafed tlirouglhout the week for mneetings of small groups. Ver' iffle fhoughit is taken to tlie sehieduling of meetings and ftilsnakes thein sprea(1 outf hroughionf the whole ýeekç. The g-overinintifs requesi is onîe vhieli should coniineud ifself f0 al churelies, and fliroughi co-operation a greaf deal of fuel eau lie saved. Ilu Bownianivîlle, for instance, wvhy eau- not a iiinmber of ebtirclies get fogethier? Several ('lireles ighlýlt carry~ on ail their- individual activifies in one buildliiîgý, holding their Sunday services at different liours of thec day, tliey might hiold union services. If appears fo us fiat flic ciirchi boards shiould be busy sfuidyýiing fliccoining -winfer's fuel situation nom- and sfarf sotte co-opera- tive as soon as possible fliaf will substaifi- ally help flic fuel sliorfage. - V- Praise For The Smaller Hospitals As a furtlier boost fo the drive f0 raise $30,000 f0 build a new wing on thfliIow- inanville Hospifal, w-e camie across the fol- lowiiig inipressive coninient lu The Colling- -ood 'Enterplrise,-1Bullýetin hby a lospitai au- fhorit 'v, w-lcli w-e pass on f0 oui- icaders: ..lii the (-ourse of a very fille aniinsjiig address af flec graduafioii exereises of St. Aîidrew 5 Hospil ailu Midlauid, Mis. 0. W'. Rli - ias. president of tlîe IHospital Aids As- sociafiimn, is reporfed by The Free Press to have givehi a hlli place aind warin praise for' fthe siialler liospital . We quiof& '"I flîink f00 nianv beîievolenf people talce vert aini phases cf liospital work for gî'aîted. Every persori should aîialy~ze ftie valuei of thie hos- pifaIl ntheiî' cotinnuuiiity bY-ponderiîig xvlat if wnouid be like if flhospital slîould (lis- appear fronti fliceoniimuiîity uver niglîf. .usf how soecure -would you feel vour loved one would be? If I were to gîive a baniier.' said Mrs. Rhynas vigorouslv, '"I w'ould "ive it fo ftie s'nall liospital. The atinos- phere perineafing a sinall liospital canuot possibly bîe achieved iii a larger listitufion. The srnall hospifal îîowvadlays is wili equip- pied, and is a real lbouse of lîealiiîg. biats off f0 al Who lieul) f0 iîiake if s." The stand- ards of a lioslifal are as higlu as fli cUeizen- Sliil) of theîe onniunifv provides." -V Prepare Youth To Face Danger if aiîcwv. - Tlat is why w-e must not s0 pro- feef our youing people that thîey ]ose fhe (le- sire for adventure, fhe desire f0 go ouf and face flic dangers of life to bring, us a bef- fer life. Wv sonietirnes inake the mistake of saying "Ttiings are going f0 be easicr for our childrêti tian fhey were for us. Wc 'Il sec fo tliat.ýý If is a nice gesture, but a dan- geronus onec if carnied f00 fan. Rafhuen slîouîld w-e say of our voufli flat wve will beffer lire- parc euuî fio figluf flic baffles of life. thaîî f0 saiý w-cw-dl sec tijaf fley uîcver have aiiy battles f0 figlit. President Roosevelt fouglif a coii'ag.eous hattle agaiiisf infanîtile paralysis. I-ad lie ]et if couiquier hlm lle w-ould iiev'er have been l)resideuut of flic United States. Prime Miui- isteî' Churchîill fouiglifagainsf flic paî'alysis cf Euîgrlisli fhiinkinc w-liich could sec only flic present and nof flic fuiture. Had lie given up fhat figlî w-heu lie w-as called a wvar- mig'er and a troub)le inakei', Great Britiain foday îighf-li have beeil enemy oceuipied fer- rifcry. Ail g-reaf mcniinlu hisfory faccd danîger. Ail greaf men of fhe fuifuire will face if foo. Ouîr task is f0 prepare oui' youifli o face dangers foo - mof fo avoid Now - uîruî o page 6 and read Mn. Stiles' a(1(ress oui "Our Commoui Task." -V Are You On The Sueker List? IHave you îîoticed in receuit mouifsli owx '-curi ail is being luîftered uîp aliîîost daily Nvifli liferafuiie from mnushrooin stock brok- crs, ininiiug pî'oiiofeî's or ofhîcu gef-'iclî- quiiek scieiies? WYe have. Thîis liigh pres- suure literaturue alinost requires aiîofhîer wasteuaper basket li ouîu' office f0 hoid if ail. Y<iu reval liow-fhiese fîy--by-iif i vuures apl)eai'd alinost li droves affer flic lasf war. Weilifîs is jusf a reîîiîîder f0 bec0o1 yoîîr guard. Thîcre arc a lot of folks tliese davs uvlo have accuinuihafed saving-s li War Saviig.s (Cîrtificafes anîd Viefcry Bonds w-ho have ieven befoî'e lad so maNi negotiabl-e secui- î'ifies liflîci' possessionî af mie flîne. These sccuiiies have beeiî earuied bv lionest toil anîd strict saviuîgs and offemi deuilal cfiiauîy of the fbiuîgs liaf w'e'e iuof only desired but offen necded. Before flic war enîds anîd mauîv of flic now- scarce goods arc nitide available ,af reason- able prices, flîcre will be fenîptiuug offers f0 greater refirns and opportuuîifies offered for doubling your nioncv by grouîps ou' mdi- viduals w'ho have never cariicd auîyfhing by fliit productioni cf goods, but have lived oni sclieiig aînd fickery. \Vîîen fliese mn or uvomien coine alouîg aîîd endeavor fo have youî fu'aîsfeî' vouir Gcveu'niiieuuf laeked secumities lito flic pro- posals fliey have, if 's a preffy good plani fo coiisult \-oui»' local liaukei' w-li is anoung yo ni' uusfed advisors w-len if comnes fo fi- auîial affaii's. -Hbe ill tel vouufhieî'e is uîofhîiîg bcfteu' tlauî Cauiadian bonds baeked Y- ailflicherescuî'ces cf youir 0w-n coifry. ])cuî't be foclcd ouf cf your savings îînow or affeî' flieuvîiu. Good stocks and securifies loi 't, as a ridîe. require muuli peddlîng. - V i This Is Democracy ln Action Wlieuî flicmn aayour gas station tells you le eau l]et y-ouî have "a hîffle extra," w-lat (Io you say? Wlieni a fricnd onr rea- five asks you f0 "talk fo flaf fellow- Von kuiow- ou ielic aff board,"' or w-len you'rc offered a rationed produie wifh no couponîs asked, -liai's -cuir answer? Deniocu'aey is a responsibiîity as well as a ri"-lif. If reaclies deep info your evei'y- day expericuices, your most ifnnate flicuglîfs auud feelinîgs. F'or deniocracv - vour cwi lcctcd represenfativ-es, have de- cided fiaf a great niany inpleasanf fhîiugs are neeessarv foday if w-c are f0 uvîiin hs Nafuîrallý-. -e do uîof agree withi ail fhiose devrees - with tfle uecessify for sonie cf theni, uitli Ie adminiistrationî of ofhers. Auîd w-e're temîîîfc( maui3 fiimes a day fto set omrselves up as suiperior juîdges of fliese ne- sftrictfions. Butfthe ueal test cf flic democrafie w-av eouîîes at a finie like this, wbheuu ecd ii zenl is asked f0 shoulder (iuerouus dluifies. Youuprove youiî'faif iniiidemocracy ecdi fine y'.ii al)i(e b flic will cf fhe majoi'it. Aîîd mîîst cf aill hin you don 't agree withî if. -V The Little Red Schoolhouse lin thiese days w-heui juvcuîilc delinquicncy is aîariiiiiio-ly oui the iuîrease and parental directicionaf a low- ebb li unauiy sections the voire cf aiithicuity is lîcard proclaiiuiiig flic uiced for~ beffeu' :.nd g-reafer eduicafiuuial facilifies fouthie vouilf thfeficlanîd. In flue i iglicu luuackcfs >State aid is reconineuided for vouiflsNwifhiouf nîeauîs w-hosc falents Nwar- mut [iii versitv traiiuîgi,. If is fine fliat in flic past flîouîsauids of'-,ouuig p eopfle have port ing wou'k. Th'le shiowiuig ini salarie's paid is somewliaf bttf'r liOntario as conilarcd witîi Ilie ne- inîiiicmafion in fle ic uall s('lools ini fle ofluer seven proviuiccs'buîf is rcaliy nothîing- f0 boasf about. This situation is a preseuit day problem fliat calîs for nedress and w-cnfly fo take precedence over posfwar ne- habilitation so much iniitflicpublic view fo- day. BY CaPt. Elh SOME BACK-TO-EARTH FLANS IN ONTARIO The Most Hopeful Thlng 1 Have noticed on this trip f0 eastern Canada has nofhing f0 do with polifics, in the accepfed sense. If is a tendency towards both con' servafism and radicalism, in the besf meanings of both those v$ords. For an expert commission is sfudying what happened f0 one wafershed. That sounds like a hum-drum and nof-very-imporf- ant buisines. Yet if gets righf down fo bedrock as f0 ways of preserving or restoring what is the basis of ail our prosperity- pasf, presenf and future in Can- ada-thaf is the soul itseif. Specifically, this commission is studying the effecfs of the total deforestafion of a comparatively iitf le river, called the Ganaraska. If runs into Lake Ontario at Port Hope. The investigation itseif is a many-sided affair. financed by the Dominion and Onfario gov- ernmenfs. If deais of course with the mosf obvious effects of cufting down of fhe trees near the head- waters of this river. That is the now chronic condition of floods. With no natural barniers the spring fhaws change the snows f0 wafer in a figurative twinkling of an eye. The waters rush down the hilisides-not oniy f0 cause dangerous floods. But they carry xith fhem the most fertile top- soul. Each year the degree' of change is hardly noticeable. But if people like my own ancestors could corne back f0 whaf was once the virgin forest they would rub their eyes wifh unbeiief at the comparative poverty of a land which once iiteraiiy feemed with wild life of ail kinds. For, wifh the trees went nof oniy the top-soil. There later went the animal life. There later stili went the best of human life. This Little Survey In Ontario wouid have giaddened the heart of a great but unhonored Can ' - adian crusader, the late Frank B a rn jum Twenfy years or so ago he was a terrible pain in the neck f0 us harassed news p a p e r men whose job if was f0 handie "let- fers f0 the edi- for." For week affer w e ek, m onfth affer month, year, f fer yean r < poured ouf his own flood of protests f0 the Can- adian people. Hd warned us thaf our fonesf policy was not oniy criminally selfish, but natîonally suicidai. He hd reamns of figures f0 prove what was happening f0 oun forests from coasf f0 coasf- not just that we were runnîng them by fuilure f0 assure new growth equal f0 the annual cut, but also about fire losses, and in- sect devastation. The trouble wus there was no- thing new about what hie said. That of course, was pnecisely his point. For hie traced the prosper-1 ity of nations-from China f0 Arabia-f o the earth. He showed the vital connection befween moisture and soil ferfilify, and how trees fitfed info that picture in Canada. For decades now other experts (like the lafe Chief Forester Man- ning of B.C.) have been telling the samne sfory. So far nobody has done enough about if. Yet here and there are encouraging signs. This local Ontario survey is one. Another is the imposing reforestation projecf undertaken 20 years ago by the DrVîry gov- ennment near what is now the greaf military Camp Borden. This is now a magnificent sight. It seems To Me That Oniy A genuine national plan can deal with this mat fer on the scope which is necessary. Meanwhiie if is encouraging f0 nofe signs of a national awakening everywhere across Canada. In B.C. the policy of cuf-burn- and-fo-hell-with - our - grand- chiidren is being quesfioned where those questions will soon get resoîfs. In Saskatchewan fthe great droughf of the 30's has made evenyone ask: "Shouid this soul even have been piowed Up af ahl or kepf in grass f0 feed live stock. as if did from time immemorial?" In Onfario they have got down f0 Hundreds of Good Smnall homes also have been built in Hamilfon, and othen Ontario in- dusfnial towns, by private build- ers. These are permanent brick buildings of four, five and six rooms. One fine pnoject in Ham- ilton is on the site of a long dead millionaine's home. This was one of those castie-like structures, bulf like the counfry seat of some Engiish aristocrat. You ecould fînd one or more of fhem in almost every Canadian city in the early years of this century. They long since became white telephants. The heirs of the ultra- rich folk of the late nineteenth century eithen had iess money or more common sense than the builders of these castie-like od- dities. In the case of this one in Hamilton nothing remains of the once grand pile of finished stone texcepf the wrought-inon fence. fDozens of families live in neat siittle brick houses on whaf were -the grounds of the once haughfy -mansion. I . Can Find No Traces of Any 1pending farmers' polifical revoit in Ontario. This is what seems f0 me f0 be the most striking dif- tference today between East and sWest in Canada. In the West there is probably flot a single rural riding in al four provinces which does nof show the impact of what we might caîl sociaiisf or af leasf fowards sociaiist C.C.F. thinking. But unless I misread ail the signs, the fundamental politicai change which has taken place in Ontario is aimosf enfireiy industriai. Coaxed and coerced into mass production industries, scores of thousands of new workers have got a first-hand lesson in the need for frade unions. What fhey have seen with their own eyes, and heard with their own ears, has soon taughf them thaf if is impos- sible even f0onganize info frade unions, uniess those unions have polifical frîends f0 help bring fhem f0o pass and to keep them alive affer they are creafed. Not Even The Rural Mail Men have gof down f0 brass facks f0, organize to get a square deai for themselves. Yet these h ave go about the dinfiest deal of aIl war- fime servants. They bid for their routes on a four'year confnacf basis. We ahl know whaf that means in times of depression like 'the thinties. But ail that is an old sfony. The new sfory is even worse. If the,. munitions manufacturers had made a confracf with the govenn- ment before fhe war-and then the whole basis of their figuring had been knocked cock-eyed by the war-hey would gef together overnight. They would unite f0 demand a revision of terms from the governmenf in the iighf of fainplay and common sense. But ini Ontario af ieasf, the rural mail delivery men just take if. Gasoline w-as 23 cents when most of them made their con- tracts. If is 33 cents now. But there is no adjusfmenf-and no effective kick. Which is why my guess is thaf rural Ontario is stili asleep polifi- caliy-sfill miles behind the western districts bath rural and urban. VITAL GROUND JOBS OPEN TO OLDER MEN Men who are tao old f0 f ake to the air but stili anxious f0 help bring the enemy fo his knees, can now do so. The R.C.A.F. has urgent need of Draftsmen, Electricians, Diesel Fiffers, Pumpmen, Telephone Men (f011, cable, construction, J.. Jgo1ve ... that 1 wil subscribe for Victory Bonds when they are offcred, and wil hold on to them until the war is over. J ejoIv... that 1 will buy War Savings Certificates and Stamps regularly, and keep them invested for the durution. 3 ee.4oIve ... that my ife insurance, which aids each Victoqy Loan and wil help to furtber the measu4res for etc.), Stationeny Engineens, Ser- ditions,. reinsunance acquired, j annuities, group and wholesale vice Police, Firemen, Finefighf- pension bonds without insurance, business. ers, Tuilons, Shoe-Makens, and_________________________________ Labonatony Assistants. Trained nmen up to the age of 50 une eiig- ibie for most of these trades. Men up f0 the age of 35 years, f A aalso inei eanics, rainff W NT D . U G N Y Complete information relative f0 requirements and rates of pay may be had, without obligation, af the R.C.A.F. Mobile Recnuiting Unit which wiil visit here Friday, Wome September 17th, ut the Town Hall. _________ from Bowmanvillo LIFE INSURANCE SALES REAUR $51,228,000 IN JULY New ondinary sales of life in- sunance in Canada and New- foundland duning the mnonth of July iotalled $51,228,000 accord- ing fo figures compiled by the Life Insunance Sales Research Bureau and reieased by the Can- adian Life Insunance Officens' As- sociation. Ontario led with $21,- 579,000 and Quebec was second wifh $13,241,000. These sales, which are based upon the expenience of 18 com- punies nepresenfing 86 per cent of the new ondinary life insunance in Canada and Newfoundland, are for new settied-for ordinany in- surance, revivals, dividend ad- and volume of credit are matters of Iiigh national monetary policy. Canada's Chartered Banks exist to perform two main services: 1. They receive the savings and other funds of the- public, who thus build up bank balances in the form of savings and current accounts. 2. They advance short term loans to persons or enterprises needing money and able to repay within a stated period. Along with these main functions the banks, through more than 3,000 branches and sub-agencies, render a large number of other important services related to local and national needs -services which have greatly increased as a result of the war. But the quantity of money in existence in the country at any given time, and the volume of credit, are matters of high national monetary policy. The nation's own central bank, the Bank of Canada, determines them. The Bank of Canada makes ex- tensive use of the Chartered Banks' facilities in giving effect to these policies. The Chortered Banks' responsibility, clearly established and regulated by the Bankc Act,, is in the. realm of commercial banking-fhat is, to receive deposits and ta serve the needs oFf trade and industry. Your bonds, your war savings, and your life insurance are tbree safeguards for the future whicl, sbould l'e maintained out of present income, even at the cost of personal sacrifice. Eacb bas its protective value. Eacb means future delivery of< money to you or yours. E.ach is as sa/e as the Dominion of Canada itself. Every dollar saved today is a down paymeuuî on securiîy and peace of mind. THIS MESSAGE I5 SPONSORED DY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L-443X Womafl-power as weil as man- power is requlred to, wln this war. A. That's why you are needed NQ i the R.C.A.F. - M.) let e grouncl&l airmenfifly and f igh¶W Yes, It takes courage. But, there'Il be no shirking when you once awake to the URGENT need! One of 40 vital int.eresting jobs awaits you in the R.C.A.F. F111 It -flot next month, but NOW - R.C.A.F. MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. llth Hours: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. J,-- THE CHARTERED BANKS, OF CA N'ADA PAGE TWO THURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO #e ý 1

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