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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1943 0=0===0=0=o=m 1 nt n~ fl OSHAWA, ONTARIO I Phone 1011 - Free Parking1 FRI., SAT., il 0Sept. 10 - il O S Two Great Features f Il Laurel and Hardy o il AIR RAID WARDENS W ith Jacqueline White, Horaceo MealEdgar Kennedy Their gayest film glorifies 0 our home front heroes 0 And il THE OAATRAIL 0 IJames Craig, Pamela Blake, i Il Dean Jagger A screenful of thrills 0 MON, TUS.. WD., O fl Sept. 13, 14, 15 f S STORMY WEATHER IlStarring0 flLena Horne, Bill Robinson I'lsend you into a song, into a dance, into gales of 0 laughter n - On the same prngram -o n THE MARCH 0F TIME USHOW-BUSINESS AT WARo Over 75 top-flight enter- f tainers. Jolson, Berlin, Benny and Livingstone, Ber- I gen & McCathy, Benchley, I O etc. I nIn a riot of spontaneousfu Fas they do their part in can-O teen and front line outposts. COMING THURS. f 1 Cadn-ius Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Fallis and Joan, who have been holidaying at their cottage. returned to To- ronto Sunday. Miss Inez Hickling resumed her duties at Mahood School. Her father, Mm. W. C. Hickling of Allenwood, brought her down and visited at Mrs. J. E. Elliott's. The shack in which Bill Thompson lived while cutting poles and posts for Lowell Fallis, was 1-jurned Friday noon. An overheated coal oil stove xvas said to be the cause. The shack and contents were an entire loss. Mr. and Mms. G. Prosses at- tended the funeral of her mother. Mrs. Hutton of Toronto. Mrs. Prosses' father and sister ac- companied them on their return. Mr. Lathangue has sold bis farm to William Fee. Enfield Visitors: Miss Grace Stark, To- ronto, at home. . . Miss Bessie Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton and Ian, Oshawa. at Mrs. L. Pas- coe's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prescott and family and Mr. Alymer Pres- cott at Mr. E. Prescott's. Solina ...F0 E. V. Bowman, W.S.F.S., No. 4, Butch. at the Bowman home. . . Mrs. A Prescott and Mrs. Vddyvean at Mrs. C. Pres- cott's. Hampton. . . Miss Verna Ommiston. Toronto, at H. Smith's Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson, Prescott homes. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Mary Helen and Mr. aindl Mrs. W. Pnin-,and fi EdGE OFDARKNSS i ucêat T oxwan s, or fr«sprpet Studa fter 0Errol Flynn. Ann Sheridanli Shool bas opened witb Missnoou n d Helptcame fmom ie s RutasLiboundOsnawkeptstheafhre.confin- Ëf T.ihv, shaa, eacer.ed to the one building. Much W.A. met at Mms. H. Smith's, credit is due to Capt. Milt Oster TeCNDSTARCH COMPANY, Limitog _____________________with a good attendance. TeCND Edgar Pescott has pucbased of the Oshawa Fire Dept., wbo' A dollar in a Wam Bond is better the pmopety of the late L. C. Mms. BlîlTaylhs or. nMr n thantwo~ i yor bnd.Pasoe.Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Oakley witb Mrs. David Johns. . . Mr. Caley, Cavan, at Mr. C. Mar- and Mms. Percy Malcolm, Toron- _____________________ iVaple Grove low's. .. Miss Kathleen Wright to, with friends. . . Miss Nora _____________________ as gn to Toronto to attend Porteous, Ajax, wîtb ber parents Normal School and Miss Pearl . . . Mm. and Mrs. Harold Nes- m Visitors: Miss Lorraine Hopps. Wright bas returned to business bât, Garmy and Ross, Bowman- * Toronto, with Miss Doris Stevens college. . . Misses Ruth Marlow, ville, with Mrs. C. H. Porteous. .* .Mm. and Mrs. Cecil'Jeffemy Florence McLaughlin and Phemna Sympathy is extended to Mrs. v and Doreen witb Rev. and Mrs. Hooey have eturned to teach in Jas. Williamson in the passing of iW1 E N. SÏmith, Port Perry. . . Mr. Toronto. . . Miss Vivian Sadler, hiem sister, Mrs. Byers, Janetville. and Mrs. Marks, Toronto, visited Toronto, witb Mm. and Mrs. Robt. Mm. Frank Emerson is home with Mm. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp Sadlem. .. Mrs. Butler, Coldwater, from Bowmanville Hospital after M.adMrs. J. L. Rooke, To- bas joined the bigb scbool staff bis appendicitis operation. ronoat r.F. Swallow's. .. Mm. and Miss Peters. Port Pérry, the Mrs. George Cornisb bas suf- andto 3 2 Evemett Hall, Audrey public school. .. Miss Irene Frost fered a stroke at the home of bier IL7 t 32 nd MrielHall, Mm. Orlan Hall, and Miss Edith Wright, Toronto, daughter, Mrs. Wilmer Fitze. Lonon Ms.Eva Bartlett, To- at Mm. O. Wight's. .. Miss Mabel Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, ronto, Miss Louise Foley and girl Van Camp. B.A., bas gone to Melville and Anna, and Mm. and fiend, Oshawa Hospital, at Mm. Nomwood to teach. . . Wallace Mrs. Leonard Joblin attended the Howard Foley's. . . Messrs. Law- Holmes, R.C.A.F., Kingston, and laying of the Cornerstone at rence Wagg. Henry Shoji. Fumio Mms. Holmes, Ottawa, at Mrs. Scugog Churcb. Taimoto, McMaster University, Jos. Forde's. .. Misses Lorna Nestleton W.I. met at Mrs. Ram- Hamilton. at Mrs. L. C. Snow- Tewin and Marion Beacock, To- old Wheeler's, Sept. 1, with pro- den's. . . Miss Marlon Snowden ronto, wîth their parents. . iss ram in charge of Miss Ethel with hiem sister, Mms. Albert Helen VanCamp eturned hoe hopon on Agriculture. Rol Brown. Toronto. . . Mrs. Rov V- Saturday. Ciall was answered with a namne pond, Tommy and Bobby Vipond, Miss Nomma Hooey is teacbing of a flower. Ladies decided to Miss V. Watt. Toronto. Mrs. H. this yeam on the Enniskillen pack a bale for the Russians and Vickery, town. at Mm. R. L. Wor- School staff. send some ditty bags. There weme den's. Miss Kathleen Taylor has gone 14 ladies present. Mrs. Henry Perkins. Moore- to Epsom to teach. _______ f ield, who bas been visiting bier St. John's A.Y.P.A. met at brother, Mm. R. L. Worden. bas e- Reeve Creigbton Devitt's. Sept. 2. N w tn il turned to hiem home. Chief business was discussing e tn il Scbool reopened Tuesday witb arrangements for their booth on Mm. William Lycett and Miss Faim Day. Letters from the Visitors: Misses Ruth and Lois TH R AFNE DS Helen Williams again in charge. Branch weme sent to alI members Chambers, Belleville, at Mm. Robt. TRE CAF EEDS Miss Susie Laird bas resumed overseas. Mrs. V. M. Archer and Morton's. . . Miss Helen Morton YOUFo AICli em duties as teacher of Whitby Jack Smith were in charge of a witb Mms. Lloyd McGahey, Peter- _______ IEW ownship Scbool, ad Ms uia rgan Jack Smith box'o. . . Mrs. Cecil Burley and 1 Thelma Freeman bas taken over opened witb an instrumental; a Miss Margaret Denault with Today your most essential duties at Bumketon Scbool. vocal sola by Mms. W. W. Van Ronald Burley, R.C.A.F., at Scou- job Is manning a bomber. Camp: two instrumental selec- douc, N.B. .. Mm. and MLs. Chas. Answer Canada's e all! ~ tions by Miss Joyce Edgerton. Dix in Toronto... Mrs. Ro'bt. Mor- Planes and sehoels are HIayaon Jack Smith conducted a contest ton and Bill, Mrs. Russell Lowe ready to train y _____ and gave prizes. Mrs. Florence and David, Misses Ruth and Lois QUICKLY. High Sehool Silas Trewin, R.C.A.M.C., bas Crawford got fimst and received a Chambers at Niagara Falls... Eduatin n logera br t ben romtedto anc Coporl.fancy dish. Tom Hardy got the Mrs. Norman Samis, Newcastle; Eductinno longeaybar-o Cbengrtutomne to L .an CMoa. men 's prize and received a fancy Mm. and Mrs. Reg. Woodham and enlitmen. Dn't ela - Cngrtulaion to m. nd Ms .. Lunch was semved. Marie, Toronto, witb relatives... ApyFred Tewin (nee JeanWrgt Mm. and Mrs. Holiday, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Jack Nalîs and fam- R. C. A. F. MOBILE on their mamiage. a ev eits lWs il tM.Wn tpe RECRUITING UNIT Visitors: Pte. Douglas Fon- at Reve evit's.iv MiWst Hl t m.Wm.itapWle- taine, Prince Rupert, on furlough, o'...Ms ee htWl T OW HA L accompanied by bis wife, at Mm.r. come with Miss Jean Campbell.. T W HA L A. McNeil's. .. Mm. and Mms. C. L»urfeton Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson and BOWMANVILLE Avery. Mm. and Mrs. Nelson Gage ____Mm. and Mms. Wm. Milligan at and Mrs. E. Gage at Mm. Clarence World Day of Prayer was ob- RArgyll and rsawElme Avery's, Burketon. . . Mrs. Harry served at our Church, wbich was r. Randa ndJohn, s a nwt S P I . jMihîs and Patsy bavemreturned to decomated with glads. -lMrso.n daToronto, Mrs. Frankowe S IEP e 17 Montreal after visiting at Mm. T. RalIy Day services Sunday, Otemoa, wT ro m . rRoe Hours: 1 p.m. to 9 P.m. Mountjoy's. .. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Sept. 19, at 10.30 a.m. Rttawa, with thermoaned Mrs.J King and family, Mrs. Pearl Congratulations to Mm. and RanJstrw. . .Mm. and Mrs . J. Davidson, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold Gilî on the arrival Lancsteith .M. and Ms. Jos.n Frank Ivison, Lornville, at Mm. A. of their son, Donald James. Mrs. Soesih... m and Mrs. Irwibone L ~Beech's. . . Mm. Alvin Boyd, En- Gill came home fmom Bowman- Gobee and babeHo amborone;n niskillen, Miss Jean McLean, Ux- ville Hospital on Sunday. babe, Port Hope; Mm. and Mrs. ( D bridge, at Mm. Don Carr's. , . Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. E. Douglas Ogden and Ruth, Osh- Mm. and Mms. Fred Cowling and Adams and Albert at Toronto awa, at Mm. George Kimball's... and Barrie. .. Miss Verna Brock, Mm. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl and Colborne. with bier sister, Mrs. H. Mm. Arnold Wade at the double- C 0 C 0 C0 0 9 1 Gill. .. Rev. and Mrs. W. Sander- beader games in Maple Leaf Gar- Cental C nadls Ladig CentyExhibition ronto after holidaying with bis D. Merrill, Warkworth, with bis __________________0 mother, Mrs. C. Sanderson. While cousin, Bud Jones. .. Mm. and Mrs. o 3 BIC DAY ~ l ere hie painted bis mother's Lanson Mîhîson and Doreen at Mm. - - ouse. . . Pte. R. Aldred, Kings- Hilton Avery's, Cobourg. . . Mr. 0 0 S H A W ,& __3_-_BIG_______-__3_ ton, at home. . . Mm. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mac. Irwin, Moorish, at 11 Wannamaker, J. and W. Byers Mm. Frank Gilmer's. . . Mm. and and rs.Sanersn wth r.R. r,.Wmn. Henderson, Moorish, at Mlon, Tues., W ed. 11Bes mnil. Mrs. D.. George ines'... Mmu rno...Mm. and Mrs. J. Cator Watson, Oshawa, at Mm. Jas. 0 anto. .ailli rtuRRwn',ed i- To- e o re Stne a r icp Set-3 1 ,1 iln . . Pte. John Porter, Man- Payne and Douglas, and Mm. and Se t 1 ,14 5 ridfA.Mlyat R.Ran 'sml, Enns- oes . ay mon r. . ndan D~~Mai Wensdar d tntt, s hawaed atneru s.olacut Cadhmlinete TuesdynWnesday afternoonsat 2.00 p.m. tan o$375.OO. the. ho stal . t . ilm a Pueayne D.Ga n oM.and ~ v n d r s ario Bre ucn d o eshoo.atMort 0 TA.eeedily, 2ndd 8ap.. TuNsdycantlewcobnsastdBrh, S aroay QlW rs ormst amrayfPcrfo macs st H Aars!.. isss V eithuley bais es aintereh 0 is 0aerMda hosat idsi prain ons ManydamB is ith Mrs. G. and i Pr oeoital. ri dail frm, oonunti miCogcrane. . . Ms and Ms.Fred AC2, MilnMoTeosndonton BabyShow BaCrawf, ordoonto, at r ho e alnsandwith irnts, m.andg fiath Nes liton beth Mm Pand rso. JaS.. TRobt.Mronvlle tonwhe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d EXStrutdiy9amtGan lwes eeaie, ,Pyi~adDny Toffredantro at ciuebisCtahiin a Motel TRAL gF nEEDlework andndon taking.r' wIl O kn c. amd he whl be at 0f invueste. at f a ly, Cobor e, ithMf iss nie BAB S OW ANDS - PARADESANC o J eanMas. m .MmAndMs.C uh t 7.0 m., her endan Twice dailFred Tod8dpand Ross, Canamkenat HNowRast l e u nveiletud. O _______________MIDWAY___________0_____ HMs L. obns . Mr. dMms. Gergeph bs. HnryRonaes iscricthe 1 O'TSh S reTH iwyA' OOSL GSHos ie n O W ! tion Em0sohnsT n to, with Mrs. M. i nmesofrt He osiandgil IlEmrswo oonntoMiss Ehe Thome- who are inthe s arednfrsrmn GATEin s open daily 9 am Grifoes tab le s o ane and Ms.Fank y f ono, t n t in itraiThenguet speaer liesoc, rt nlOc or-and bkiTMot. s od s . . Miss uy Veead Ownl OcRe. WatereTristraa Je5 MCascl.. FsTr-ntoatMms. frhd of 30Rev . McLa hwen he Mrso A . . Vel's. . .M. Ms and Mm s. s nortRe l e st.v risdtham 0 O' IS HSY ' C:oO LOSSL IGSO EeJohnHaTeront, BwhmanvileM. saneeaof lthe.bhast randl Fred, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. C. Soper, Harmony. Pte. and Mms. D. Fontaine, Toronto, Mrs. A. E. McNeil at Mr. R. McNeil's. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay and family, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Garrard's... Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chaters, Mr. a nd Mrs. Roland Thompson, Glenn Thompson. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and babe. Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thompson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bradley's. . . LICpI. Silas Trewin, R.C.A.M.C., Simcoe, Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, at Mr. W. Tmewin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewin and Miss Verna Trewin attended the Trewin-Wrigbt wed- ding. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Gra- ham. Osbawa, Mms. Stan Byam. Mm. and Mrs. B. Sheppard and daughtem, Goodwood, at Mms. n'. Crossman's and Mr. Leslie Gra- bam's . . . Mrs. Fred Adams, Hampton, atMr. E. Stephenson's ..Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, June and Boyd. Mimico, Mr. W. Brownlee, Leaside. at Mm. Lloyd Ashton's. . . Marie and Ronald Ashton at Mr. A. Hill's. Salem Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cator, Bruce and Betty. Windsor, Mr. and Mms. Jack Cator and son, Ralph, Mr. Albert Cator, Toronto, with their parents, Mm. and Mms. Fuller Cator. They also visited Mr. E. Cain at Orono. Blackstock Fire destroyed the blacksmith FoIIow Canada's Food Rulos for Health and Fitness FREE! A V .b.Recipe Book-"Economy eisfo Canada's Housoldiers" contain- în ayrecipes suited to today's"requirements. Send a postcard with your name and address wit ht he words "Economy Recipes". Address Dept. 4K, The Canada Starch Home Service Department, 49 Wellington St. E., Toronto. fý Hampton Visitors: Miss Madeline Truil, Toronto, at home. .. Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, who spent the summer witb her mother, Mrs. A. C. TrulI, has returned to Toronto. . . Mr. and Mms. Bert Miller, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walls, Har- mony, Rev. and Mrs. Walter Smart, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron and Janeen, Mrs. Rus- sell Stainton and Grace, Zion, Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, at J. W. Balson's. .. Mr. Owen Reader and Miss O. Dowson,'Scugog, at Mr. C. E. Horn's. . . Miss Marlon Johnston, Toronto, witb Mrs. H. E. Cole. . . Miss Gwen Caverly with friends in Toronto. . . Mr. Geo. Dobbin, Toronto, at W. E. Stevens'. . . Mrs. W. W. Horn with friends in Port Hope... L Cpl. Fmeddie Payne, Brampton, and' Miss Isabel Thompson, Bow- manville, at W. Greenaway's... Mm. and Mms. Wilbemt R. Bailey and daughtems, Cominne and Patsy, Kitchenem, LAC Donald Bailey, Sky Hambour, Godemich, and Mrs. D. Bailey, Kitchener, with the Horn family. . . Mms. A. J. Reynolds, Montreal. with Miss L. Reynolds. .. Mm. and Mms. C. Nelson, Mt. Dennis, Mrs. E. Wood and Domeen, Bowmanville, Mrs. L. Williams, Glen and Grant, Janetville, at Mm. S. Williams'... Mrs. Ettie Ruse and Miss Cassie Ruse, Toronto, called on a num- ber of relatives and fiends. Mrs. S. Fossey, Tomonto, with Mm.* and Mms. Hilton Peters. .. Mm. and Mrs. S. Nash and daughter, Mrs. Perkins and littie son, Detroit, Mich., at Mm. Wm. Chapman's.. Miss Jessie Hogarth, R.N., Bow- manville, withbhem parents, Mm. and Mms. J. D. Hogath... Mm. and Mms. Nelson Gage and Mms. E. Gage, Toronto, Mrs. A. Trimble and Jimmie, Base Line, Mm. and Mms. J. Niddemy and baby, Bow- manville, at Mms. L. Niddery's . . . Mm. and Mrs. Morley Me- Dougal, Calgary, at Mm. W. W. Horn's. Mr. McDougall is son of the illustmious pioneer missionamy to the Indians in Westemn Canada, Rev. John MeDougaîl, who was one of the fimst white men to settle in Alberta. .. Mm. and Mrs. Waltem MeClellan, Mm. and Mms. George McClellan, Tomonto, at Mms. R. Avery's. Women's Institute met in base- ment of cburch on Sept. 2, with President Miss L. Reynolds in the chaim. Institute Cmeed was ead is at present on duty with the ammed forces at the Internment Camp, Bowmanville. Rev. and Mms. J. McLachlan have etumned fmom a pleasant holiday and Mm. McLachlan oc- cupied the pulpit Sunday eve- ning. He preached a stirming ser- mon on "The Sacmedness of Human Personality."1 centred aound the poem, "The Man With a Hoe," by Edwin Mamkhamn. Mm. George Campbell sang the solo Part in the anthem and Miss Jean Campbel endered a beautiful solo, "The Soul at Heaven's Gate." Films Developed FREE SPECIAL OFFER CLEANUNG FLUID Your Negatives Enlarged and ln a Foider 2 for -------------- 29e by Mrs. G. Adcock. Owing to fuel shortage it was decided to hold the meetings in the homes during the winter months with October meeting at Mrs. A. E. Billett's, when the money for sugar and Christmas cheer is to be paid. A letter was read from Russian Re- lief, showing that 26 carloads of clothing had been sent, valued at $170,000. Program was given by the West Group who presented interesting accounts of the Churchill family. Mrs. H. Salter gave a reading, "One Day With Mr. Churchill." Ralph Peters rendered a piano solo; Mrs., W. Craig gave a reading, "'Mrs. Churchill;" Mrs. P. Dewell fav- ored with a piano solo, and Mrs. H. Peters gave a reading, "Mary Churchill." Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson at- tended a birthday party at Court- ice for Mrs. Blake Oke; a pienie supper, cards and music were en- joyed. Word has been received from Pte. Harvey Balson who was. in a motor cycle accident in Eng- land, that he is in Alton Con- valescent Hospital, and has met bis former scbool teacher of Zion, Thos. Alton, who is in charge of the bospital. Harvey is improv- ing slowly from a badly injured leg and four broken rîbs. A wiener roast was held at B. Pingle's in honor of Bud Pingle and Lewis TrulI. For al types of abrie, wi not expiode G allon -------------- -60C rSoft as a fleocy cloud! f 12 pads 25C in b«s NEW MORLIN RAZOR BLADE SHARPENER PEPSODENT LISTERINE LAVORIS HIYGEOL ANTISEPTIC 29C 29e ANTISEPTIC 25c, 49c, 89c 49c - 89e 59e - 89e 35e - 60e FIRST AID'- S1.00 size D. & R. Cream 79e Adhesives ---l----c0 to 60e 25c size Noxzema ------ 19e Bandages ------ -- c0 to 35e Pinex ----- -- -------32e Elasto Piast Dressings --- -- 15e - 25e Lactogen ----- 69e - $1.59 Band Aid -------- 10e - 25e 4 cakes Woodburys Soap 24e EYES TESTED - -- GLASSES FITTED Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone C flII~C fl~ We fit 69.5 C lLING' DUUU TOIUE TIL se aqui. . . Scbools reopened Tues- day with these teachers in charge:. Miss Annie Yeo, Orono, at Bmad- ley's; Miss Margaret Flintff, Orono, at Baker's; Mrs. Frank Gilbert at Solina. Ebenezer Courtice girls, in charge of the Overseas Tobacco Fund, beld a1 bingo Thursday evening. Tickets on a quilt had been sold and the lucky winner was Miss Elsie Vet- zel. Proceeds about $35.00. Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Gay are holidaying in Western Ontario. . . Misses Lorraine Mac- Donald and Catherine Flintof f. Oshawa, with their aunt, Mms. Jack Wilkins. .. Miss Doris Cry- derman is boidaying wîth hem parents in Hampton. . . Miss Marie Silliphant, Oshawa, witb Mm. and Mrs. Sid. Worden... Lois Armstrong, Maple Grove, with Mms. E. Waltems. .. Mrs. Wil- fred Knight and baby, Whitby, with Mm. and Mrs. L. Courtice ..Tpm. Bob Muir, Camp Borden, with Mm. and Mrs. A. Muir, Sm. ..L!Cpl. Bob Rundle, Camp Bor- den, with Mm. and Mrs. Walter Rundle. .. Pte. Bill Marsh, Kings- ton, witb Mms. Marsh and child- ren. . . Miss Pat. Husband, To- onto, with Mm. and Mms. W. Hus- band. . . Pte. Gordon Brown, Kingston, is spending bis fur- lougb with Mm. and Mrs. James Brown. A tbîng is neyer too often me- peated which is neyer sufficiently learned. -Seneca. Because of a shortage of metals the Canadian Army bas cancelled the collar badges as an article of issue for warrant of ficers, N.C.O's and men. Plan to Meet* Your Frienis at un.uIIu[i Under auspices of Durham Central Agricultural Society FRI.I S.AT.9 SEPT. 10m1 Soute of This Year's Features: EXPANDED PRIZE LIST* REARRANGED INDOOR DISPLAY With inereased money for carrnage and roadster horses With the usuai group of exhibits by the surroundjng JUNIOR FARMERS' FOAL CLUB Publie Sehools FIELDDAYBIG DISPLAY BEEF CATTLE FIEL DA POULTRY JUDGING CONTEST SPECIAL BLACK & WHITE EXHIBIT OPEN TO L Speciýal Features Before the Granistani HORSERACES TWO BICYCLE RACES HORS . R CESFOR GIRLS AND BOYS UNDER 16 YEARS Russ Creighton and Ris Entertainers FROM 3 TO 5 P.M. ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS ...25e----------DANCE......*. Soc CONCERT-----------ADULTS.. ... 35c » CHILDREN ... 25c r ir-l GRAND DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER lOth NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL RUSS. CREIGHTON'S ORCHESTRA CONCERT IN ORONO TOWN HALL SATURDAY NIGHT - Featuring - RUSS. CREIGHTON'S VERSATILE ENTERTAINERS PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1943 FOR HAY FEVER Nyal Nose Drops --------35e Raz Mah Caps, 50 ----- $1.00 Ailergitabs, 100 ------- $2.50 Estivin ---------$1.23 Haytone.........--- -50e, $1.00' Respirin -------- ------50e Felsol Powd..........------$1.25 VITAMINS One-A-Day -44c, 98c, $1.77 $1,00 Cod Liver Oil Caps. 98e Nyal Cod Liver Oil --- $1.25 Wampole's Extraet--- $1.00 Alphamettes $1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Solina Visîtors: .Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Holden and son, Oshawa; Miss Millicent Luke, Winnipeg; Mm. W. D. Dyem, Columbus, at Mm. Frank Gilbemt's. .. Mm. Alex Potter and Jim with relatives at Toronto.. Mm. and Mms. Dan Wotten, To- ronto. at Mm. N. Wotten's. .. Mr. and Mms. Alan White, Forest Hill; Mm. and Mms. Jim White, Agin- court; Mm. 'Whitney Lang, To- ronto; Mm. John Jacks, Hampton; Mm. and Mms. Chas. White, Maple Grove, at Mm. Geo. White's... Mm. and Mms. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland, with Mms. S. Bush. Mrs. Bush is at Toronto Genemal Hospital for treatment ...Mms. J. J. Smith with hem daughter, Mms. Evemett Hoar, Bowmanville.. . Mm. and Mms. Edwin Ommiston, Maple Grove; Mms. Palmer, Toronto, at Mm. Tomn Baker's, Jr. . . Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbum, Hampton; Mrs. Leslie Snowden and Bob, Maple Grove, at Mm. Thos. Baker's... Mm. and Mms. Ralph Davis and Patricia at Mm. Lorne Hoskin's j Tymone. . . Mm. and Mms. Henry Staînton and Douglas, Bowman- ville, at Neil Yellowlees'. Misses Fanny Smales and Býar- bama Sterling, Toronto, at Mm. Jas. Smales'. .. Miss Ella Milîson, To- ronto, at home. . . Miss Velma Gilbert commenced duties on the Genemal Teaching Staff at To- onto, Tuesday. . . Mrs. John Baker with hem sister, Mms. Harmy Waters, Highland Cmeek. .. Miss Annie Potter, Toronto, home for the week-end. . . Mms. Evemett Cryderman, Mrs. A. J. Balson and Harold, at Allan Balson's, Catar- 1

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