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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT ____________________THU1RSAY, SEPT. 9th, 1943 After a long lapse of timie Mrs. W. J. Hockin lias received word from hier son, Harold Hockin, with the Canadian Forces in Eng- land, that hie has been hospitaliz- ed for some time. Sgnmn. Donald E. Lownie, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H.I Tebble and nephem- of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rodger. Newcastle, is BOWLING ALLEY -UNDER - New Management This is to advise the public that I have leased the bowl- ing alley conducted by the late W. J. (Casey) Martyn. I have put the alleys ine first class condition and solicit your patronage. I will be pleased to ar- range team or league match- es and arrange schedules ac- cordingly. j I 0. P. McGregor King St. Bowmanville listed among the Canadian so. iers who went ta Kiska Island. Mr. Wiimot Thorne, an c Newcastle boy. now of New Yor bas been visiting bis sister, Mi D. B. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Stoney, in coi pany with Mr. and Mns. Flyi and cbildnen.' Tononto, spent tl week-end et Newcastle-on-tn Lake and visited Mrs. Alex Adai Miss Reita Cooke wvent to Pc Cnrdit Monday to begin -h 1duties on the teacbing staff of t] 1public school. 1 Miss Eleanon Anderson, w] 1spent the summen with ber fatbc Mr. W. H. Andenson. bas returi ed ta Windsor wherc she bas position on the cityvs public scbo( teaching staff. She took ber fatb( witb ber ta Toronto for a res The future of bis drug store bus ness is uncentain. The corner gnocery and di goo ds busi ness, carried on fc some years bY P. R. Langman, owunder new. management. Mr.1 Russell Walton, Tarant( visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grz ham., Corp. Wilbur Graham, Ond nance Acc't, Ottawa, bas bee holidaying witb bis parents, Mi and Mrs. Fred Gnaham, and visit ed relatives et Windsor. Mn. Edwin Hancock and bridE wbo were married Sept. 1, visite, bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. i Hancock, on their boneymooi trip. The bride was the forme, Miss Jean McCalium of the teach ing staff of the public school a McTier wbere Mr. Hancock wa: principal. Mr. Hancock bas beer supplying the United Cburch pul pif at Roblin, north of Napanee and other preaching places on th( circuit, during the summer houi days, but will be attendini Queen's University, Kingstor when the faîl term begins. Master Larry Pearce was an( year of age an Wednesday anc ceiebrated the occasion by invit. .ng a number of bis neighbring contemporaries and their mothers in for a birthday party. Mr. Bennington, Toronto, a for- mer employee on the Allin Bras F'arm, bas been visitîng Misse: Ada and Elizabeth Aluin and get- ting in a littie wonk et the samE time. Rev. Cecil Aluin, Mount Zion, SLEEP ITEMS STRESS EXTRA VALUE AND ECONOMY FOR WAR- TIME HOMES - F. F. MORRIS CO. FEATURE STUDIO COUCHES, DAVENPORTS, CONTINENTAL BEDS, MATTRESSES For Double Duty Continental beds, head or foot ends optional Marshall Floor Samples Several sprrng filled MA.RSHALL mattresses in .~,full si.ze only $39.50 ~ Ded Springs Ail si.zes ini Sagless Cable Springs. Box Springs to match many of the better mattresses. Cotton FeIt bMattresses Full range of conifortable cotton felt mattresses in stock . $7.95 to $32.50 Studio Lounges SIMVMON'S lounges with tresses and back cusM.ons. F., Bow manville spring filled %ac etMnW.R m'.Rnlac Isabelle Rabm returned home witb themn after spending their summer bolidays. .. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Neill, Peterbono, et Mn. D. Lewis'. . . Mrs. Verna Wood and daughter, Nancy, Toronto, et Mn. S. Pethick's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Herod, Westan, Mn. M. Griffin, Blackstock, wkh Mrs. M. Gniffin ... Mn. and Mrs. D. Whitney and family, Lyndonville, N.Y., et Rev. J. A. Plent's. . . Pte. John W. Oke, Newfoundland, Mn. and Mrs. Wili Martin, Haydon, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Cartwright, at Walter Oke's. Durham Apple Crop Shows 35 Per Cent ,Over Last Year's Crop During the past montb the weather was ideai for grawth, witb epples sizing rapidly after a lete blossom period. Considen. able scab bas deveioped on fruit in many orchards from severe foliage infection due ta the cx- tremely wet weatben whicb pre- vailcd up ta the first caver spray. Insect injury is higber than lest season xitb the exception of Leef Rouler and Bud Motb wbene a dorment spray was nat epplied. Considerable fine bligbt injury is sbowing on susceptible venieties. Most growers bave put on et least tbreecocver sprays for contrai of sceb, codling motb and epple meggot, witb quite a number of grawcrs epplying a late caver spray for scab cantrol. The crop ~n Durham County will show aincrease of 35 per cent over lest season, while in Northumberland, Hastings, Prince Edward and the St. Lawrence Valley districts there will be a decrease of et leest 20 per cent, reports the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The percentage of dlean apples will be lower due ta scab development on fruit. A man docsn't have ta be a live wirc in arder ta give enother a sbock. Ill., visited bis sister-in-law. Mrs. BR I SH. C. Allun. ______________ Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kerr and sons, and Mr. Wcsley Kerr, JAMIESON - At Bowmanvilic Toronto, were week-end guests Hospital, Sept. 4, to Mr. and of Mrs. Harold C. Allin. Miss Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, a son, Ethel Webber, wbo spent part of Robert Franklin. 36-1* Stbe summer witb bier sister, Mrs. d- H. C. Allin, bas returned to ber GILL-Mr. and Mrs. Harold G, scbool at Coatsworth. Gili, (nee Beatrice Brack) are ld Newcastle Public and High happy to announce the birth of rk, Scbools reopened on Tuesday their son, Donald James, at Irs. morning with an average attend- Bowmanville Hospital, on Wed- ance in the bigb school and an nesday, August 25, 1943. m-initial enrolment of 92 in the fnpublic scbool. 36 in Miss Ruby PICKARD - In Bowmanville ffeTborndyke's room. 32 in Miss H. HopaonTusy, ep l-A. Mason's room and 24 in Prin- tember 2, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. ir. cipal Rodger's room. Tbese il J. D* Pickard, a son, a brotber beginners enrolled intbe Junior for Mary. Gary and Wayne. iîrt r o om witb Miss Tborndyke: 36-11 ier James Adair, Shirley Grace Alun, ,h Rutb Garrod, Doris Gobeen, Ken- SMITH-Mr. and Mrs. Colin J. netb Gray. Wanda Hagerman, Smith are bappy to announce ho Melin Madill, Calvin Murray, tbe arrivai of a baby brother r, Jackie Noden, Joan Stoneberg, for Rosemary at Bowmanville 'n- Douglas Woodlock. One or two Hospital on Wednesday, Sep- a more are expected. Tbe wbole tember 8, 1943. 36-i )01 school looked spick and span after________________ ,er aIl the summer renovating and D A I t. house-cleaning and every room, __________________ i- upstairs and down, was furtber brigbtened by a basket Of. flow- GAY-Entered into rest at Court- ry ers, dahlias, gladioli and zinnias, ice, Ont., Tues., Sept. 7, 1943, br grown and piaced in the roomns Elsie B. Grills, beloved wif e is by Mrs. M. Brown of Glenwood 1 of Milton G. Gay, in ber 58th Cottage. It is possible that there Year. Funeral from famiiv to, migbt be an adjournment for two residence, C o ur t ice, Ont., ,a weeks of tbe upper grades of tbe Thurs., Sept. 9. Service 2.30 high school. p.m. Interment Bowmanville d- Miss Laura Allin, Orono, and Cemetery. 36-1* n Mrs. H. C. Allun and Ruth enjoyed r. a trip to Niagara Falls. PEARN-In Toronto, on Wednes- ýt- Mr. H. S. Britton and brother- day, Sept. 8, 1943, Reid Pearn. in 1a ad Master Neil Britton býeloved son of Mr. and Mrs. e, took a boliday trip to Niagara Harold L. Pearn, Bowmanville, ýd Falls. in bis 37tb year. Resting at E. Misses Minnie and Patricia the Funeral Chapel of F. F. )n Pearce spent part of their boli- Morris Co.. for service on Fni- r days at Midland witb Mr. and day at 2.30 p.m. Interment - Mrs. Kenneth Pearce w ho Bowmanville Cemetery. t brought them home on Sunday. _______________ s Mr. Thos. Baker, Solina, was ýn in Newcastle Saturday in Com- IN MEMORIAM - pany with Misses Vera and Helen eBaker who were among the many OE-I o Le visitors at the United Church to OE-I oing memory of a - witness the Rickard-Pedwell nup- dear father, Wesley Oke, who ýg tials. died Sept. 10, 1942. i Dr Llod C.Bowe andMrs Nothing can even take away Bower, Elizabeth M. Martin andi The love a heart holds dean; ýe Mr. Martin, Oshawa, visited Mr. Fond memories linger every d1 and Mrs. P. F. Hare. day, t- Miss Aresta Martin spent the Remembrance keeps hlm near. g holiday with ber father , Mr. -Family. 36-1* -s Pannaby Martin. Mr. Geo. Bonathan, Toronto, a ieWn rd -visited bis mother, Mrs. S. R. Ca leW tre s.Bonathan. ýs Miss Dorothy Trenwith and CATTLE WINTERED - YOUNG -friend, Toronto, were visitors at cattle wintered. One ta 30 head, e"Cloverlea" xith Miss E. L. Tren- on good feed, lots of water, witb. witb best of care. Write Box 1, Miss Jean Rickard was home 236, Statesman Office, Bow- Sfrom Toronto. manville. 35-tf Miss Lida Lake, Toronto, visit- ed ber mother, Mrs. Frank Gib- son. tae Thos. Woodlock, Wm. BruntSrae and Gordon Garrod have been away undergoing further tests STRAYED - Heifer strayed on and examinations for admission my property, mile east of Black- into the R.C.A.F. stock. Owner may have samne Rev. W. J. Byers, Toronto, and by proving property and pay- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walton-Ball ing expenses. Fred Middleton, and children spent the week-end Burketon, R.R. 1. 34-3* at "Harris Lodge" with Dr. and ________________ Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball. Mrs. Burbridge, Ancaster, wife solo, 'The Churcb Belîs of Eng- of Lieut. John Burbidge, spent land," was rendered by Miss Ruth the week-end wvith ber pareýnts, Honey, Mrs. Honey accompany-« Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith. Lieut. ing. Burbidge, wbo was badly hurt in The study was conducted by tank manoeuvre s in England and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. It dèalt was in bospital for a long time with our relationship, as Chris- and is not vet fully recovered, is tian women, to those in our midst' expected home on leave. of other creeds and nationalities. Laurence Monton and Glenn A number of incidenlÉs were cited, Tamblyn are bolidaying at the eacb ending with tbe cballenging Morton Cottage, Mountain Lake, question, "What wouid you do?" Haliburton. Answers were given by those as- - signed to assist, a iively discussion UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. resulting, whicb brought out the higb esteem in wbicb many of W.M.S. met Sept. 2. The trea- aur so-called "foreign" neigbbors surer, Mrs. Beman, gave an en- are held. Ail feit that more earn- I ouraging report, a new life mem- est study would bring about a bership having been received in better understanding between August. Community Friendsbip men and nations, thus belping ta reported 33 calîs. A committee usher in a new and better day. was appointed to arrange for the Autumn Tbank-offering. A mes- sage bnought by Mrs. Hoar fromErns9li- the Presbyteriai Secretary of n ik le Christian Stewardship contained ____ beartsearching questions on aur Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Gil- responsibiiity. Scripture was read son, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ivison, by variaus members. Worship Woodville, Mr. and Mrs. F. King period consisted of Bible reading and famiiy, Miss Pearl Gilson,À by Mrs. H. R. Pearce and prayer Oshawa, with Mrs. Ella Smith.. by Mrs. N. Rickard. A pleasing 1 Mr._ and _Mrs. J. Griffin. Weston. COMINO EVENT Dance et Tyrane Hall, Tues., Sept. 14, at 9 p.m . Admission 35c. Proceeds for Overseas Soldiers' Boxes. 36-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrîca- tian, etc. ta Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eunica, Apex, Hoover and al ather makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- S e s saonie s. Te7ephone aur "«C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanviile, 774, at Articles For Sale AUCTION SALES le id n, )f it 1- le f T. e ýr e WANTED - $3800 ON FIRST mortgage for farm, gaod secur- ity. Write Box 240, Statesman Office. 36-1* WANTED - 200 HARD MAPLE trees wanted for pianting next spring. Would cail for and dig same. State quaiity and pnice. Wailace McKnigbt, Bowman- ville, R.R. 2. 36-1 WANTED - 5 OR 6 ROOMED hause for family of four. Pos- session ta suit canvenience. References if required. Mrs. Wonnacott, Bowmanvilie. IThurs., Fri., Sat., * SEPT. 9, 10, Il DOUBLE FEATURE THREE HEARTS FOR JULIA Featuring ANN SOTHERNDOGA ITOUGH AS THEY HELEN PARRISH PAUL KELLY ITHE DEAD END KIDS IMon., Tues., Wed., DOUBLE FEATURE 13110STREET IFeaturing HENRY FONDA and LCLEBL Alsoc ITHE GLASS KEY Withr * ~ONICA LAKE and1 ALNLAD NEWSt ALAN LAD Keith Bradley, Pontypool (l mile east of McCrea's Church) will seil by auctian, bis fanm stock and implements, an Tuesday, Sept. 21, et 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Sec next week's Statesmen for complete list. Ted Jackson, auc- tioneer; Ed. Yaungman, clerk. 36-2 Saturdey, Sept. 11, 1943, the undersigned wiil seli by public auction for Clarence English, 1-2 mile nartb of the Village of Hampton, bis ferm stock includ- ing cattie, pigs and paultry, im- piements and furniture. Sale et 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wiibur, auctianeer. 36-1* I have been authonîzed ta seli by public auction for Elwaod Wii- bur, in the Village of Taunton, on Fni., Sept. 10, et 1.30 p.m., 16 head of cattie, pigs, poultry, Fordson tractor, 2-fun'ow M. H. tractar plow, 2 calany bouses, 5 1-2 acres of corn and ather articles. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 36-1 Wood sale :1I have been au- thonized ta seli by public auctian for Don Gibson, Lot 34, Con. 3, Clarke, (2 miles narth of Kurv Inn, No. 2 Highway) an Set., Sept. 18, et 1.30 p.m., 300 stand- ing apple trees, mare or iess, campnîsing trees 35 and 50 years old. Trees will be sold in small lots. Buyer ta have tili Apnil 1, 1944, to remove wood. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 36-2 I have rcceivcd instructions ta sdil by public auctian the entire bousehold of furniture and furn- ishings of the late Mrs. F. G. Byam, et ber late residence, Cbunch St., Bowmanvilie- op- posite Tninity Churcb. This sale includes furniture for kitchen, bedroam, dining room and living room, aiso e combinatian coal and ciectric range, chestenfieid, garden tools, lawn mower and many othen useful articles. Salel at 1.00 p.m., Wed., Sept. 15 . Terms: Cash. T. S. Mountjay, Clenk; Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. de: ;tomAucti inSale A1~L MONDAY, SEPT. l3th Elizabeth Arden's ARDENA CLEANSING CREAM for dry or normal skin, 1.25 and 3.50) ARDENA SKIN TONIC for refreshing, 1.25 and 2.40 ARDeNA FLUFFY CLEANSING CREAM for olly skln, 1.,25 ond 3.50 JURY &LOVEL When we test eyes It Is donc properly. C.N.Ut.icket Agency. Phone 778, Bowmanvllle Estate of the late A. 1. McBrien At lot 21, concession 7, Whitby Township The f o11o w ing REGISTERED SHORTHORN CATTLE: 14 hei- fers, 4 cows, 2 calves and 1 two- year-old bull. Also 2 grade cows, team of horses, 2 sows and il shoats. 18 ton of tomothy hay, im- plements and miscellaneous ar- ticles. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms - Cash Ted Jackson, Auctioneer 36-1 Personal FOR LOW VITALITY, LACK 0F pep, use Page-Griffiths, Beta- min (B-Complex) tablets once a day. Alex McGregor Drugs. 36-1 lousle To Let HOUSE TO LET-FREE HOUSE in exchange for 2 hours work daily. Would prefer sumreone witb farm experience who would care for 10 yearling heifers. House consists oj 7 rooms on the outskirts of Bow- manville. Apply Fergus E. Morrill, Willow Acres, phone 2456. 36-1* Lost LOST - AUG. 19, LARGE RED Irish Setter dag namcd Don. Kind, no coller, $10.00 rewerd an return ta Dr. Temple, Mili- 0 brook, phone 61, charges guer- anteed. 35-2* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - GIRL'S bicycle. in good condition. Phone Capt. Hardyman, 880. 36-1 WANTED TO BUY - 4 TO 6 roomed bouse, preferably on one floor, in Bowmanville. Will pay cash. Apply E. S. Trimm, R.R. 6, Bowmanille, phone 2498. 36-2* HeIp Wanted HELP WANTED - CAPABLE woman for housework. Steady work. Good salary. Apply Mrs. W. V. Peacock, 341 Richmond St. E., Oshawa. 35-2* HELP WANTED - RELIABLE woman or girl for housework. Good wages, if satisfactory.* Write Box 239, Statesman Of- Sam e fur.n -is1ngs if esi red. Charles R. Bickle, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 36-1* FOR SALE-2 ACRES, MORE or less, on the East side of Main St. North, in the Village af Onono, on which is an 8-room brick hause in goad repair, with large verandeh and sun parcb. Garage, hen hause, several other buildings, good well and electricity. Apply on premises ta R. H. Brown, Orono. 36-1* Business Opportunities MEN! IT'S A SELLERS' MAR- ket. Here is yaur chance ta cash in. If yau're aggressivc, are military exempt and have a car or other means of trans- portation yau cen make neal maney as a Watkins dealer. Due ta scarcity f mateniais and containers many established cancerns are gaing ut f busi- ness ta day but Watkins men are sctting ali-time bigbs in sales and profits. That's be- cause of this.Compeny's inter- national buyîng Power whichb makes it passible for Watkins representatives ta affer e wideP range of Everyday Hame and Farm Neces-sitics and such out-j standing values as a pound of Prepared Musterd for 10c and il ounces of Menthol Camphor Liniment for a dîme! Don't pass up this big appartunity.S Established rural routes avel- Il able. For full PerticularsC write to-day ta The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. "O-B-9," 1- Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices fan Timothy, Claver, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- Help Wanted Maie and Vernale TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBRER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Hose, Belting, and Paeking -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holidays with pay -Pension Plan --Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation with pay after one year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Flouse Wanted HOUSE WANTED - SMALL house (4 or 5 roams), by reli- able tenant, no children. Appiy Box 235, Statesman Office. Notice Dr. Rundie's office will be closed fram Sept. 12 ta Oct. 3, in- clusive. 36-2* Brownies will hold their first meeting. Septemben l7th in the Publis School Gym. Ail girls 8 years and aver are welcome. 36.1* Ail persans having furniture storcd in the basement of the Martyn Bowling Alley building are hereby notified that storage must be paid and goods removed by Oct. 1. After this date stored articles lef t on the premises wili be sold ta caver charges against same. Owners phone 461 or see Jack Martyn, Division St., Bow- manville. 36-1 Wanted Applicants now on War Work flot accepted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-6 PIGS, 7 WEEKS aid. C. W. Downey, phone 2590. 36-1 FOR SALE-4 COLLIE PUPS. Apply Wilbur Blackburn, R.R. 2, Bawmanville. 36-1 FOR SALE-8 GOOD YOUNG Yorkshire pigs, just weaned. Apply A. E. Biliett, Hampton, phone 2557. 36-1 FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F chaice tomatoes. Apply James T. Brown, phone Clarke 1230. 36-1* FOR SALE - GOOD WORK horse, 12 years aId. Apply Taylor & Hall, R.R. 5, Bow- manville, phone 2402. 36-1* FOR SALE - EIGHT PIGS, 6 weeks aid; also one sow due to farrow Sept. 14. H. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 301* FOR* SALE-APPLES, 75c per barrel on the tree. Apply Hosken Smit, Enfield, phne 2154. 361* FOR SALE-MARE, 12 YEARS aid, 1400 lbs. Guaranteed in every way. Apply William Barrett, Queen t., Bowman- ville. 36-1* FOR SALE-GRADE DURHAM heifer, renew soon, appearance of good milker. Seli at beef price. Bruce Metcalf, phone 2469. 36-1 FOR SALE - GOOD DURHAM cow, to renew this month; aiso some seed fail wheat for sale. Herbert W. J. Goad, R.R. 6, Bawmanvilie. 361* FOR SALE POTATOES, about 75 bags good cooking patatoes. Also wanted ta buy gaod used bicycle. Apply Wesley G. Werry, phone 223. 361* LIVE STOCK FOR SALE-TWO horses, il and 12 years aid, good workers. Appiy Victor Szold, Hampton, phone 2173. 35-2 FOR SALE-6 PUREBRED Yrk- sbire pigs, 7 weeks aid, 2 pure- bred saws, due the latter part of September, also young York- sbire boar fit for service. Apply Harvey Partner, Tyrone, phone 2328. 36-1 Real Estate For Sale F'OR SALE-FRAMV HOUSE, 6 naoms, with ail canvernences. FOR SALE-VIOLIN, will seli at a bargain. Phone 2113. 36-1 FOR SALE - PIANO BENCH, good condition. No. 13 Car- lysie, Mrs. D. Brown. 36.1* FOR SALE-GOOD PLAY PEN. Also misses tweed coat, size 16. Phone 2862. 36-1 FOR SALE-1934 CHEVROLET Standard coupe; 1935 Pontiac sedan. Bath in A-i condition, good tires. Apply Bill Fair- bead, phone 2831., 36-1 FOR SALE-HAPPY THOUGHT range with goad large copper tank, antique wooden double bcd and springs, bamboo setee, and whatnot. Apply W. J. Henry, Newcastle. 36-1* FOR SALE-WALNUT bairciath sofa; McClary coak stave, reser- voir and top aven, fully enamelled, in splendid shape. Wanted ta buy, Buick six with mator in goad shape. Oliver McCulacb, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 36-1* LINOLEUM AND CO)NGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from aven 300 patterns actuaily in stock. You are invited ta view these et BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - OIL HEATER in gaod condition, two burners, witb pipes and attacbments.i Thinty dollars, cash. Write Box 238, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 36-1* OSHAWA-S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. cbesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floar . cavenings a specialty. Quality merchandise at cam- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furnitune Stare, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf F. Morris Co. - - - - - - - Phone 480 www - www - - Wr SFOR SALE OR RENT-100 Acres on 6th Concession of Clarke, 1 Kendal, Ont., opposite School, $3,500. Apply.S. Thomas, Ajax . P.O., Ajax, Ont. Will be on 1. property Sept. 13tb to l7th. 1 36-1 For Rent 1FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS furn- ished if desired. Housekeeping F privileges. Phone 2834. 36-1* FOR RENT-2 OR 3 Furnished rooms. Phone 2213 or write P.O. Box 502, Bowmanville. 36-1 * NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or rRETREADED tires you must make application to, the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. -.Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handle fi here. TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office WANTED Apples wanted for processing. - APPLY - Canadian Canners Bowmanville - Phone 782 Business Dii ectoryj Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. LI.B Barrîster, Solicitor. Nota-y Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. S'rRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Mvoney to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. CJ. DEVITT' Assistant: Dr. E.' W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee ýBldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Direetors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. M'odern Motor Equipment, Amn- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele, Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Ennisklllen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consult me for terms and dates. 50-tf Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO For Sale or Rent fIl ' b-.M 4

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