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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1943 Newtonville Visit ors: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton and family. Orono. at Mr. Wmr. Stapletons. .. Bud Cald- well, R.C.O.C., Hamilton. and Mrs. Caldwell at Mr. Lanson Mill- son's and Mr. George Stapleton's ... Miss Ruth Merkley, RN., and Ordinary Seaman Murray Phillip- son, Toronto, at Mr. Loftus Bellamy's. . . Lloyd Skinner, Ty- rone. at Mr. Alfred Brown s... Mrs. Wm. Lake with her daugh- fer, Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone *... Mr. Frank McMullen in To- ronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Tyrone, with Mrs J. A. Barrie. .. Mr. Arthur Bell. Bow- manville, at Mr. George Staple- ton's. . . Mr. Clem. Hancock and sister, Mrs. Carr, at Mr. Wilbert Hancock's. .. Mr. Frank Nesbitt. Saskatoon. Mr. Jim Nesbiti. New Orleans, and Miss Allie Nesbitt. Toronto. at Miss Annie Nesbitt's 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dix and Mrs. Ruckwood in Toronto... Blake Moore. Castieton. with his sister. Mrs. Jas. Stark. . . Mrs. Chas. Watters in Belleville where her uncle, Mr. Smith, was injured ... Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap in Hamilton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lowe and David, Port Hope. at Mr. Robt. Morton's... Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family. Welcome, at Mr. J. T. Pearce's. . . Keith Burley, R.C. A.F.. Pte. Harold Burley, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Burley at Mr. Cecil Burley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Leona, and Mr. and Mrs. Onvon, Coîborne, at Mr. W. C. La ne's, it being Mr. Lane's birthday. . . Mr. Kennedy and daughter, Mrs. Graham, Peter- boro. at Mr. S. R. Jones'. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock aftended the Golden Wedding celebration in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Squires, Peterboro. Miss Wilma Prouse xvas threat- ened with appendicitis and re- ceivedi medîcal treatment in Port Hope Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock attended the wedding of Mr. Cliff Hancock's daughter. Jean, at RICHER a a. Tastes good, doesn't it? 0f course - it's Bowmanville D a i r y milk! It's much rich- er than ordinary milk! TRY A QUART TO- DAY AND YOU'LL IN SIST ON IT FROM NOW ON! Bowm a nville Daîry PHONE 446 George St. United Church. Peter- bore, and the reception at her brother's. Mr. Gordon Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Wade at- tended the Brown-Wade .vedding at St. John's Church. Toronto. The bride is daughfer of Mr. George Wade and a niece of Mr. Harry Wade. Miss Evelyn Bellamy, R.N.. has returned to her duties at the Isolation Hospital, Toronto. after a month's holiday at home. Alfred Brown had a narrow es- cape during a thunderstorm when he was knocked f0 the ground by lightning but nof injured. W.A. met in the church with Vice President Mrs. J. Gili in the chair. Roll Caîl was answered with verses of Scripture. Much of the business was left over until next meeting. Mrs. Cyrus Ash- ton donated a quilt top which will be quilted an-d tickets sold for British War Victims' Fund. Red Cross war work will commence Sept. lth and be carried on eaclh week. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gill's group. Congratulations to Wallace Breck, who received his commis- sion as a lieutenant, at Brock- ville. Affer a short leave he goes to Manitoba where he has been sfationed. Miss Lois Davey has receiveci her Silver Cup, presenfed by the Lions Club at the Junior Hobby Show. Visitors: Mr. Wm. Hoskin with friends at Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. . . Mr. C. Hoskin at Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage and Billy, Mrs. L. Gage, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Avery, Litt le Brittain, with Mr. W. H. Rahm. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair, Oshawa, Mr. H. Barber and family, Toronto, with Mrs. F. Caughill. . . Trooper Harold Gatchell, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, A. Dean, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. Gatchel. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Hughes and family in Toronto.. Mrs. A. Wilson with Mr. ani Mrs. R. Wilson, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordon and Ileen, Cambray, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jordon and Carl, Misses Bernice, Ruth and Audry Jordon, Lorneville, Miss Saddie Land and Mr. Fred Cook, Peterboro,, Miss Marion Stephenson, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. Cooke's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton and Roy at Mr. J. Carfer's ...Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clarkson, Litfle Brittain, Mr. and Mrs. Eg- bert Alldred and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. D. McTaggart, at Mrs. A. Alldred's... Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryant and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wamsley, Vida and Yvonne, Mrs. B. Brittain, Mr. Merle Hub- bard, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, Enniskillen, at Mr. B. Hub- bard's... Mr. and Mrs. H. Abbott Murray and Gerald. Tyrone, at Mr. J. Gatchel's... Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair, Oshawa, with Mrs. F. Caughill. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean and family, Oshawa, at Mr. L. Gatchel's. .. Miss Hilda Kay, To- ronto, with Mrs. C. Sanderson.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ecclestone, Sudbury, with Mrs. J. Archer, calling on Mrs. C. Sanderson on their way home... Mr. A. Alldred was home for the week-end... Miss Dorothy Cook is holidaying af Lorneville. We welcome Miss Thelma Free- man. Bowmanville, as our new teacher. Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams and Bruce, Mrs. E. Patterson and Sgt. and Mrs. V. Lethangue and Marie with friends at Newcastle, Robert Carter and Harold Avery lef t for Winnipeg f0 assîst ifi harvesting. Word has been received that PO Roy Carter, PO Arnold Johns- ton and LAC Norman Avery have arrived in England safely. Mr. James McLaughlin is on the sick lîst. Sorry Mrs. Parsons is unable f0 continue feaching music here owing f0 gas rationing. THE Re-CaAu.Fa NE ED S URGENTLY so a man May fty! Woman-power as well as man- power is required to wln this war. That's why you are needed NOW i the R.C.A.F. - to Jet eager, grounded airmen fly and fight! Yes, it takes courage. But, there'JJ be no shirking when you once a-.4ake to the URGENT need! One of 40 vital, interesting jobs awaits you In the R.C.A.F. Fi11 il -flot next month, but NOW - apPlY: R.C.A.F. MOBILE RECRUJTING UNIT Town Hall, Dowmanville Tomorrow, Sept. l7th HOURS: 1 p.m. to 9 P.m. Haydon School opened Sept. 7 with our teacher, Mrs. Elma Hend- ricks, in charge and 11i pupils on the roll includiing fwo new pupils, Helen Hall. Grade 6, Bill Hall, Grade 3, and four beginners, Vaughn Stephenson, Ray Ashton, Bernice Hall and Ross Hall. A heavy white frosf on Safur- day night followed by a lighten frost on Sunday night affected some of the gardens. W.A. met af Mrs. Henry Ash- ton's on Thursday. Bible reading was read by Mrs. W. Martin and devotionai by Mrs. A. Read. Pro- gram was in charge cf Mrs. E. Stephenson. Readings were given by Miss Met a Degeer, Mrs. H. Ashton and Mrs. F. Osmond. Mrs. Don Carr played an instrumental and all joined in communify sing- ing. During the Sunday Schooi ses- sion at Il p.m. a short missionary program was given. Readings were given by Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs. H. Ashton. Visîtors: Mr. L. A. Garrard, Mr. A. Aiken. Toronto, Mrs. J. O. Jackson, Mr. Lloyd Jackson. Miss Ruth Jackson, South Monaghan, Misses Evelyn and Fern Gainer, Bailieboro, Bruce Garrard, Columbus,' Miss Lillian Bowen, Taunton, Miss Marion Oleson, Burketon, at Mr. C. Gar- ard's. . . Mrs. E. C. Wright, Cal- gary, Mrs. L. V. Disney, Mrs. E. White, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Mc- GETS PROMOTION Gordon Osborne Well. known citizen of Whitby for the past five years and for- merly of Bowmanville, who has been promoted by the Empire Life Insurance Company to the post of branch manager, with headquarters at Windsor. - Neil's. . . Mr. anad Mrs. . A very eat Mr. Roy Cochrane's, McRae's Orono Prize Winners y..Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon. Mil- nton and Lloyd Slemon, at Mr. H. (Continued front pages 6 and 7) dBrooking's, Wesleyville. . . Mr. HORSES "and Mrs. L. Ashton and family, Clydesdale-Gelding Mare-T. "Mrs. H. J. Werry at Mr. W. Stain- R al .Bet aeadFa fon's, Orono, and Mr. R. Ormis- R alGM Bet Mr ndFa ton's, Enniskillen. .. Mr. and Mrs. 1-H dmaT. R. Hall, P arw olc eC. Rahm, Union, Mr. and Mrs. A. 14-.Cyemn .R al Beec an Llod a Mr.DonA. McKay; Colt, 1 yr. old-Percy BeCr dLly's.M. o Farrow; Fiiiy or Gelding, 2 yrs. r ______________ old-T. R. Hall, H. Down; Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs. old-H. Down, N. R. Andrews; Span in harness Maple Grove with wagon-T. R. Hall, H. Down; Mare and 2 cf her projeny under Visiors Mr.andMrs.Albrt3 yrs.-P. Farrow. BrownTorontorwahdber.pAlret, AgricuIturai-Mare and Foal- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden.. R.n; Half A.4McT.yR.H. Cryder Miss Jean Stevens with Mrs. Roy manro; Fl cf 943T. . ldn , P. McIntyre, Toronto. . . Mr. and od Farrow ca; FillyorGdig y. nMrs. Fred Stevens, Miss Doris and odP arw .MKy il MatrHrh tees tM.H or Gelding, 3 yrs. old-T. R. Hall, Hackey'aol tees, Bowmnvire . H. H. Down, Os Cowan; Span in Daey'sandoEunice, M. andMrs. harness with wagon-J. M. Read, Thomas San Missee rlynd'hea, H. Down, T. R. Hall. n hmrs raSatis erMi s Lara Belgian, Percheron and Punch Beiluz, ornto, af ,Mrss L.C. - Gelding Mare - J. Galloway; S BllzToono,_____ L C Mare and Foal-A. B. Mann; Foal SCHOOL NEWS of 1943-A. B. Mann; Colt, 1 yr. _______old-H. Coatham & Sons, A. B. (Ruth Snowden & Ruth Preston Mann-, Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs. old Grade 7)-A. B. Mann; Fiily or Gelding, 3 1 t Grde 7)yrs. old-W. Reid, M. Cornish; We are back again f0 sehool, Span in harness with wagon - ready for another good year's J. Galioway. work, with an attendance of 21 , Specials - Andrew Eider Me- in the Junior room under Miss moriai Cup- T. R. Hall; Wmn. Helen Williams, and 38 in Senior Robinson Special-J. W. Boyd & troom under Mr. W. Lycett. Sons, H. Coatham & Sons; Percy tJohnnie Bothwell says, 'Back in Farrow Special-H. Cryderman, the Jail House again." The 12 P. Farrow, A. McKay; os Cowan pupils that passed Entrance are Special-W. H. Lindsay, A. B. now attending Bowmanville High Mann; Lloyd Kennedy Speciai - School. We wish them every suc- W. H. Lindsay, R. Saddler, I. cess. We hope thaf under new Cochrane; Henry Memoriai Cup management our schooi news will -J. M. Read. stili be fit te pýrint. Might we Carriage.-Mare and Foal-O. again thank Editor James for al-JLxnRG.ofatFalf lowing us this fine opportunity. 1943-O. J. Luxton, R. G. Moffatt; cPupils are busy these evenings Filly or Gelding, 1 yr. oid-O. J. .gathering milk weed leaves. The Luxton; Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs. ggirls' fiower committee has done old-O. J. Luxton; Single Horse a good job so far by keeping the in harness, 15 1-2 or over-lst I. school well decorated. This year Cochrane, 2nd & 3rd A. B. Mann;, the teachers report at the end of Single Horse in harness, under each monfh, the number of pupils 15 1-2 hands-I. Cochrane; Pair buying War Saving Stamps and in harness-I. Cochrane, A. B. the amount. Our aimi at Maple Mànn. eGrove is thaf every pupil tries f0 Roadster - Mare and Foal-J. buy at least one sfamp a month. W. Boyd & Sons; Foal of 1943 - dEvery Friday is War Saving J. W. Boyd & Sons; Fiiiy or Geld- ;Stamp Day. We welcome Phyllis, ing, i yr. old-W. H. Lindsay; Barbara and Billy Clapperton f0 Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs.-old-R. ,our school. Saddler; Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs. old-W. H. Lindsay, W. S. Mof- e1 faff, I. Cochrane; Single Horse in Solinahf,.rness, 15 1-2 or over-lst I. noin Cochrane, 2nd &3rd W. H.Lid 0 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan der 15 1-2 hands-W. H. Lindsay, eWalter and Bob, Miss Jean Wal- I. Cochrane, E. B. Shea; Pair in fer, Owen Sound; Mrs. Samn Me- harness-I. Cochrane, W. H. Lind- Elroy. Mr. James Walter, Peter- say, E. B. Shea; Besf Turnouf boro; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cham- I. Cochrane, E. B. Shea, W. H. bers and Gayle, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lindsay; Single Pony in harness Little, Bowmanville, af Mr. J. R. -j. Wilson & Son, J. Curson; Kivell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Pony under saddle-J. Wilson & Brown with relatives at Toront o Son; Lady driver-A. B. Mann, ...Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron W. H. Lindsay; Saddle Horse - and Janeen, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. E. Hancock & Sons. D. Hegarth, Hampton; Miss Jean General Purpose - Mare and Hogarth, Mr. Frank Blunt, Bow- Foal-J. W. Boyd & Sons, H. manville, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. .. Coatham & Sons; Foal of 1943- Miss Nora Werry, Kedron; Mr. J. W. Boyd & Sons, H. Coafham & and Mrs. Russell Thompsen, To- Sens; Filly or Gelding, 1 yr. old- ronto, af Mr. S. E. Werry's. Mrs. W. S. Moffatf, H. Coatham & S. Thompson, who has spent the Sens, Ed. Harris; Filly or Gelding, summer with Mrs. McKessock 2 yrs. old-lst & 3rd J. W. Boyd and Mrs. Werry, returned f0 To- & Sons, 2nd F. Ross; Filly or ronfo wifh lher son. .. LAC Don- Gelding, 3 yrs. old-L. Cochrane; ald Yellowlees, Newfoundiand, is Single Horse in harness wifh spending furlough wifh bis par- vehicle-Ideal Dairy, L. Coch- ents. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoar, rane, C. Wilson; Span in harness Miss M. Taylor, Orono, at Mr. E. wifh vehicle-Ideal Dairy, C.Wii- R. Taylor's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Neil son, Ed. Harris; Best Horse, any Yellowlees, Bowmanville; Mrs. age, on rein-T. R. Hall, J. M. Minnie Walker, Chicago; Mr . and Read, J. Galloway. IMrs. Ed. Davis, Mrs. Nesbît t, CATTLE Kedron, at Ralph Davis'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charlton McBride and Shorthorns-Buil, 2 yrs.-W. F. Mary, Peterboro; AC2 Burton Riekard & Son, M. H. Pimmctf & McBride, Toronto, with Mr. Geo. Sons; Bull, 1 yr.-i & 2 Pimmett White who is confined te bed.. & Sens; Bull Calf-Rickard & Mr. WaltEýr Cryderman, who is Sons, 1 & 3, Pimmett & Sons, 2; visiting his daughter, Mrs. Harold Milch Cow-Pimmett & Sons, 1 Pascoe, has pleurisy. . . Mr. and & 3, W. F. Rickard, 2; Heifer 2 M rs. A. L. Pascoe, Rev. Walter yrs.-W. F. Rickard 1, Pimmeft & rRackham, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sons 2 & 3; Heifer, 1 yr.-Pim- Stainton represented Hampton mett & Sens, Rickard & Son; Circuit af Brooklin Church when Heifer Caif, Jr.-Pimmett & Sons, "The Student Missionary" was Rickard & Son; Heifer Caîf, Sr. grapbically depicted by movies -Rickard & Son; Herd, bull 4 ...Mr. Thos. Brookham and female-Rickard & Son, Pimmetf Irene, Mrs. Russell Balson and & Sons. Carolyn, Mr. Syd Fowler, Bow- Aberdeen Angus - Malcolm manville, at A. J. Balson's. Bailey won aIl prizes. Many atfended Orono Fair and Herefords-Bull, 2 yrs.-Miss the boys in the Holstein Clf Club E. Whifson; Bull, 1 yr.-M. Cor- received their share of prizes. nish, E. A. Rosewear; Bull Caf- Y.P.U. reopened Wed. night E. A. Rosevear, D. Gibsen; Milch with a cern and wiener roast at Cow-E. Whifsen, M. Cornish, E. the church shed. A. Rosevear; Heifer, 2 yrs. oid- Sympathy is extended f0 Mrs. M. Cornish, E. Whifson; Heifer, 1 James Smales on the sudden yr. old-E. Whitsen, M. Cornish, death of her brotiber, Mr. Tom D. Gibson; Heifer Caîf, Jr.-E. Annan, Dunbarten. Whitson, E. A. Rosevear, M. Cor- _________________ nish; Heifer Caîf, Sr.-E. Whit- son, M. Cornish; Herd, bull and 4 From 100 pounds of milkweed females-E. Whitson, M. Cornish, seeds, 21 pounds of oil may be E. Rosevear. extracted: the ail, chemically sim- Market Cattie-Heifer or Steer, ilar f0 soybean eil can be made 2 yrs. - M. Cornish; Heifer or edible. Steer, 1 yr.-M. Cornish 1 & 2; Major-General Guy G. Sim- Baby Beef-M. Bailey. onds, C.B.E., in command of Can- Holsteins-Prize winners will adian froops in Sicily, is a per- be published next week. manent force officer with 18 Jerseys-M. W. Staples won al years service in the Canadian prizes. fer donated by Milton Cornish in inemory of D. Lancely Cornish- M. Cornish, W. F. Rickard & Son. SHEEP Leicesters-Ram, shearling - N. R. Andrews 1 & 2; Ram Lamb -N. R. Andrews 1, G. Trevail 2 & 3; Ewc, aged-N. R. Andrews 1, G. Trevail 2 & 3; Ewe, shear- ling-G. Trevail 1 & 2; Ewe Lamb -G. Trevail 1 & 3, N. R. Andrews 2. Cotsvold - Ram, aged-J. M. Murray & Son 1 & 3, T. C. Glas- peil 2; Ram, shearling - T. C. Glaspeil 1 & 3; Murray & Son 2; Rp m Lamb-T. C. GlaspelI 1 & 2, Murray & Son 3; Ewe, aged - Murray & Son 1 & 3; T. C. Glas- peli 2: Ewe, shearling - T. C. Glaspeli 1 & 3, Murray & Son 2; Ewe Lamb - T. C. Glaspeli 1, Murray & Son 2 & 3. Southdovins-A. Ayre & Sons won ahl prizes exccpting Ewe, aged-A. Ayre & Sons 1 &3, R. McLaughlin 2. Oxford and Shropshire Downs - Ram, aged - H. Skinner, F. Snowden; Ram, shearling - H. Skinner 1 & 3. F. Snowden 2; Ram Lamb-H. Skinner 1 & 2, F. Snowden 3; Ewe, aged-H. Skin- ner 1 & 2, F. Snowden 3; Ewe, shearling-H. Skinner, F. Snow- den; Ewe Lamb-H. Skinner 1 & 2, F. Snowden 3. SWINE Yorkshires-Boar, aged-H. E. Hancock & Sons, Garnet Rickard; Sow (brood), aged-H. E. Han- cock & Sons 1 & 3, G. Rickard 2; Boar, 6 f0 12 mos-H. E. Han- cock & S on s 1 & 2, W. R. Bail 3; Sow, 6 to 12 mos.- Hancock & Sons 1 & 3, G. Rick- ard 2; Boar, 3 f0 6 mos-G. Rick- ard 1 & 2, Hancock & Sons 3; Sow, 3 to 6 mos-G. Rickard 1 & 3, Hancock & Sons 2. ZMon Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and family, Mrs. Jas. Stainton af Bernard McEwen's, Dunbàrton. . . Miss Ann Mozdrr, Miss Marguerite Martin, Toronto, at Thos. Mantin's. . . Miss Doris Day, Toronto, at Clifford Martin's ... Mn. and Mrs. Jaîk Leach and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. George, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Carr and family, Cedan Grove, at Mcl. Mongan's... Miss Betty Balson, Caledon .East, at Fred Cameron's. .. Mn. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. Ansan Balson, Miss Doneen Balson, Caledon Est, at R. IrBall's. . . L!Cpl. Jas. Mc- Mas r Long Branch, Mrs. Mc- Master, Miss Jean McMaster, To- ronto, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's... Mrs. E. Allin, Bowmanville, at Russell Rabbins'. . . Mn. Lloyd Stainfon, Miss Margaret Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Toronto, af A. T. Stainton's. . . Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Ayre and Boyd af Orono Fair. . . Mrs. Crampton has re- turned f0 Oshawa affer visiting at Russell Perkins'. . . Mrs. Harvey Webster and baby, Ai- fred, has rcturned to Port Perryl ...Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry, Oshawa, at Alf. Ayre's. Hampton Visîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bate, Elmvale, called on friends here Thursday.'. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billeft and sons, Scarboro Bluffs, at A. E. Billett's. . . Mrs. Harvey Balson and baby, Glen, Oshawa, at J. Macnab's . . . Mrs. Geo. Gilberf in Toronfo . . . Mr. a~nd Mrs. W. R. Greenaway at Brockville and Montreal. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson. Oshawa, at G. Farncomb's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson and son, Caledon East, with relatives. .. Mrs. Kip- pen, Neepawa, Man., with her aunt, Mrs. Edna Ruse. . . Pte. Gladys Chapman, Kitchener, at Mr. Wm. Chapman's. . . Pte. Ted Kersey, Kingston, and AC2 Keith Billett, Toronto, at home. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Darlington Council met Sept. 4, with the members all present and Reeve W. A. Pickell presid- ing. C. Dean made complaint re cuivert. This was left in the hands of A. Milîson and Thos. Richards. Considerable argu- ment took place regarding assess- ment of certain properties in the township. Morley Gilroy address- ed the council re grain run over by gravel trucks fhrough his farm. The council agreed not fo pay Mr. Gilroy any damages. T. H. Richards presented his report and vouchers for August. Accounts ordered paid. Council gave the usual grant f0 the Plow- men's Association., These accounts were passed: Bell Phone Co., service chgs., $2.99; T. M. Siemon & Son, relief, $8.00; F. L. Byam, relief, $4.00; Miss E. A. Holt, relief, $2.3lý. Counties Treasurer, hospitaliza- tion, $54.25; Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $30.00; D. D. Barton, sheep damages, $11.00; N. J. Woodley, sheep inspection, $2.00; Wm. J . McCaîg, election expenses, $179.40; Prov. Treasurer, insulin, $3.59; Whillier & Co., assessment notices, $7.84; J. D. Hogarfh, sai- ary for Aug., $100,00; J. D. Ho- garth, excise & ,postage, $3.00; Nina E. Neads, prem., park booth, $4.00; Dr. W. H. Stanley, pneumo thorax refilis, $18:00; Edmund Haggith, school deb. no. 20, S.S. 19, $289.45; Raymond Clapp, sheep damages, $20.00; N. J. Woodley, sheep inspection, $1.30. Council adjourned to meet Oct. 2nd. The only trouble about the average privat e opinion is that folks are f00 public with them. LBS. Se We Test'Eyes and Fit Trusses - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - VITAMINS - Wampole's Extraet $1.00 Cod Liver 011 Caps. ---98e VI Mi Caps.- -----$1.85, $3.25 Scott's Emulsion 59c, 98e Ayerst 10D Cod LiVer 011............-------67c, $1.69 Mead's Oléum Percomorph ---75c, $3,00 money Beits -- $1.75, $1.98 Pens --- $1.25, $3.51, $4.16 Bill Folds --,-- 75e to $4.25 Utility Kits --- $3.75, $8.95 Colgate's Kit Bag ------98e SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE 35C COMING SOON - NYAL 9c SPECIAL SALE REPLACING THE 2 FOR 1 SALE FULL PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK PINEX PINKHAM'S1 NOXZEMA ALKA For Coughs COMP. 19C SELTZER 32e 87e 39C - 59C 29c - 57e Films Developed FREE 695 COWLI NG'S DRUG STORETwusset ~1 OSHAWA TIMES SCORES "WHOLE ROTTEN SYSTEM" 0F BEVERAGE ROOMS From time f0 time in recent years efforts have been made f0 start a movement f0 have bever- age roims estabiished in the Local Option Town of Bowman- ville. If may therefore bie of in- terest f0 read whaf The Oshawa Times said recently in an edi- tonial on beverage roems, in which is discussed the disgraceful conditions on the streets (if Osh- awa in the neighborhood cf the be'ý>erage roims. In the article if compared the contrast found in Orillia, where there are no bever- age roims, and where if is a rarity f0 see a drunken man on the street. The Times said: "In City Council on Tuesday night, Alderman B. J. Brown drew attention f0 conditions on downfown streefs in Oshawa and which he described in very sfrong termis. He expressed the opinion that local beverage rooms were largely te blame for these. dis- graceful conditions. "Thaf such conditions do exist cannot be denied. We are quite sure anyone who has occasion ta be about during the evening in the downtown area, particuiarly on pay nights, will be equally dis- gusted, unless their sense of morality and decency is complet e- ly paralyzed. "Just how much the beverage rooms are te blameË may be a matter of opinion, but if is surely not unfair to surmise that they are a fairly important contribu- ting factor. Oshawa is perhaps littie worse in this regard than other places having beverage rooms. For example, on a recent Saturday afternoon in Graven- hurst we saw plenty. of evidence cf intoxication on the main street. Quite a contrast to Bracebridge and Orillia, which are dry towns and where if is a rarity f0 see a drunken man on the street. The fact is the whoie rotten beverage room system, on which the pro- vince leans sa heavily for ifs revenue, is f0 blame for the con- ditions of which Alderman Brown quite preperly complains." A woman is an animE4 who fells everything first but the sfory she first starfs ouf f0 relate. i VALUES EFFECTIVE TUr SAYC;trRIDALtA&SATURDAY I BRAESIDE BRAND BUTTER SPANISH2 ONIONS ............. GREEN CELERY............. BCHS19C BIG, JUICY LEMONS, Dozen 39e lk* ---------MMM M= M M We Reserve the Rfght To1 RICI4MELLO COFFEE FIRST GRADE 1 -lb 35C Print I SWEET POTATOES...... db-9c LBS. 19C WHITE, PICKLING29 ONIONS, pound......... Grapes and Peaches AT MARKET PRICES SUGARE SUGA OR8 . OWN5 iis. 38 C VIEGRWHITE OR 39 c VIREGAR BENDED G11llon3 QUICK OR PLAIN ]ROLLED QATS 56bs.25~ R24-1b. MONARCH FLOU BC84c FRESHLY DOMESTIC GRUN Lb 5c SHOIRnNG0 "FRESH-PAK" I -ox.READY CUT ÇTOMATO 1-o.U HERRIN Ti 19cIVMACARONI 3 lbs. 14C RATION COUPONS YOU MAY USE NOW TEA-COFFEE-Nos. 1 ta 15 SUGAR-Nos. 1 to 16 BUTTER-Nos. 24 to 29 MEAT-Nos. 13 ta 17 PRESERVES-DI - D2 - D3 Ali Canning Sugar Coupons Limit Purchases Âccording To Supplies Available -Imff ]mff-lmK-ý lm lm a& ý AMOLAM PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,h ie ýd h )r ýd ýe h S. ,e n d ý -1 -ý --j 1 - --1.- 1 - qu-dr 1 ,- *,.Àw#Amyê4bà, - ., _ - , 't , Burketon

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