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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1943, p. 8

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PA GE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT] 6h,14 The Newcastle Independent Phone Cl r e 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. W~alter Haigh and dauighters. London, hiave been visiting her mother, Mrs. Jno. Garrod. The eider daughter. Joyce. is staying with hem grand- mother and going to sehool here. Three carloads of Western grain and two cars et ceai have been received and unioaded at the C.N.R. station this past week. Robt Ruck, Jr., R.C.A.F., Belle- ville, was home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bai clard and daughter were down from Toron- ton fer the Rickard-Pedweli wed- ding and had tea at Mrs. H. C. Alin 's. Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes and other members of the houschold are stili feasting on the 17-pound lake trout which John caught in Cicar Lake, forth of Haliburton when he and Mrs, Hoimes, in GR AN D DANCEi - Under Auspices of- Durham Jr. Farmers' Assoc. COMMUNITY HALL NEWCASTLE FR1, SEPT. 24 COMMENCING AT 9.00 p.m. Music by Russ Creighton and His Variety Band Admission ------50 per person Everybody Corne E'verybody Welcome Garnet Rickard Allan Beer Secretary President j BOWMANVILLE DUBLEA E AT R RENIE ý SONJA JAC OAIE JOHN PAYNE ON THE SAME BILL HENRY ALDRICH EDITORI JMYLYDON MnCHARLES SMIITII MnTues., Wed., SEPT. 20, 21, 22 HUMAN COMEDY MIKYStarringI MIKYROONEY and FRANK MORGAN es& Cartoon LNez - ýJ icompany witb a few othei icouples, went north on a fishing trip. Usually the lamgest tmoul caught by any et the pamty or these trips weighs around. six pounds. 1 Rev. H. L. Pamtridge, B.A.. Coi- borne, occupied the United Cburch pulpit Sunday morning and preached on Temperance, as a representative et the Ontario Temperance Federation. Rcv. R. E. Menton conducted the service and intreduccd bis eld triend jr the ministry. Donald Jose, accempanied by Donald Staples, Orono, metored back to the Morton cottage, Meuntain Lake, atter Oreno Fair and visited Laurence Morton and Glenn Tamblyn. The tour return- cd home togethen. Archdcacon and Mrs. Balfour, Ft. William; Mrs. C. C. Grubbc and Miss Grubbe. Weston, and AC2 J. Hoskin, Manning Pool, Toronto, were guests et Mm. and Mms. P. F. LeGresicy. There were ligbt frosts bere on Sunday and Mondas' mornings, but ne appreciable damage xvas donc even te the tendcrest foliage. Cpi. Wm. Ross et the R.A.F., and Mrs. Ross, Switt Current, Sask., visited hem sister, Mrs. Mor- ley Sailows, Newcastle. Mm. and Mrs. J. E. Rinch and Miss Irene had a visit frorm Hon. Hugh Staines, Minister et Educa- tien in the Saskatchewan Govern- mena. and Mrs. Staines. Mrs. Staines was the former Lillian Dale, daugbter of Mm. Dale who was toreman for Mm. Johnston, Toronto, when he owned the pres- cnt Wellington Farrow tarm. Mr. an Mrs. Dale and family aise lived for some time in the Chap- uin bouse west side et Mill St. when Mr. Dale was cmpioyed with the late W. H. B. Chaplin. Mr. and Mrs. Dale and family have ail donc exceptionaliy well in the west, the members accu- pying rèsponsible. positions of honor and trust. A former Newcastle resident, Sam Steen, who died in Toronto in bis 89th year, was buried in Bond Head Cemetery last week. Accompanyirîg the cortege to Newcastle were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steen, Mm. and Mrs. Tay- lor (nec Gertie Steen), Mr. and Mrs. Bacon and ber sister, Miss Lily Brown, Toronto, and Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Steen, South River, Parry Sound District. Among other eld frîends. they called on H. R. Pearce, resident et the old Steen farm. and received somne past memeries. Ed. Steen, one et the nephews et deccased, is stili carrying on as an cvangeiist preacher and tract distributor and Beok Ruum tracts with bis New- castle triends. Michael Gogerty bad bis tensils eut at Bowmanville Hospital and has been off duty trom bhis work at Ajax whiie recovering from the operatien. Little Carolyn Friediander, grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deline, Who had been in Toronto, went te school Friday as a beginner in Miss Ruby Thorn- dyke's room. Mr. Arthur Toms, Toronto, vis- itcd bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H-erb Toms. He is xvith a firm of :mipumt and expert brokers. Mrs. Matt. Alldread and Mrs. Bruce Cotter and daughters and ether Newcastle ladies attended the showcr for Mrs. John Ail- dread, formerly Miss Gladys-Fer- gusen, at the home et the bride's Parents, Mm. and Mms. Fred Fer- guson, Bewmanviile, Sept. 8th. Mm. Fred Graham, employed at tbe internment camp at Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Graham, are now occupying Mm. Wm. Henry's bouse on North St. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wicks, for- mcrly et Toronto, are tcmporarily occupying the haît et Mrs. John Scott's duplex, vacated by Mr. Thos. Brown. It is reperted that there is te be a change in the constabulary in this district and Constable Ber- nard Kitney is te take another position. Mm. and Mrs. Henry Adams and ýr 9 it n x I- d 9 s 0 ri BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS NOW - YOUR STAMPS BUY MEDICINE AND SURGICAL DRJESSINGS CARE 0F THE TEETH- Listerine Tooth Paste .......25c, 40e Squibb's Dental Cream.......43e Pepsodent Tooth Paste ........ 29c, 45c Colgate's Tooth Paste.......... 25c, 40c Tek Tooth Brushes........... 2 for 49c Ipana Tooth Paste.......29c, 4 7c Kolynos Tooth Paste....... .... 29ci. 47c Cue Liquid Dentifrice....19c, 33c, 49c Klenzo Tooth Paste............ 30c, 45c Forhan's Tooth Paste......29c, 49e Elizabeth Arden Tooth Paste......... 40c HAY FEVER VITAMINS REMEDIES Ha!1libut Aps 90c, $1.50 Raz-Mah----- 50c, $1.00 Plenamins $1.75 Nose and Throat Relief 50e Multiple Asthma and Hay Fever Tabs - -- - --- 50e Vitamins $1.50, $2.50 Ailergi Tabs. $1.00, $2.50 Vitamin A. B. D. $1.25 Jury C& Lovel When We Test Eyes t 1s Done Properly THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sellars, Bowxiiaiville,. announice the en- gagemewnt oft tutu daughiter, Lii- lian Dorothy, to Frederick Sayer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sayer. Scarboro. The marriage \viii takc place in St. Paui's Unit- ed Church, on October 2nd. 37-1 BIRTH BLACKBURN-At Bowmanviiie Hospital on Monday, Sept. 13, 1943. to Mr. and Mrs. Farewel Blackburn, a son, R o b ert James. 37-1 WISEMAN--Marion and Melville Wiseman (nee Battie) a re happy te announce the gift of a son on their fourth wedding an- niversary, September 2, 1943, at Bowmanville Hospital. 37-i* MeFEETERS - Cpl. W. C. Me- Feeters, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Mc- Feeters, announce the arrivai of their daughter, Sandra Lynne, at Oshawa Hospital on Sunday, September 12, 1943. MARRIAGE LINTON-BOYACK-On Monday, Sept. 6th, 1943, in Cobourg, by Rev. S. J. Coffey, Kathleen Ilene (Kit) Boyack, Washing- ton, D.C., daughter of the late George and Mrs. Boyack, to George Meredith L in t on, Orono, Ontario. 37-i DEATH BOWEN-In Newcastle, Sept. il, 1943, Emma Theresa Bowen, belovcd witc of Mm. Stanley Bowen, aged 53 years. Cards of Thanks Mm. Stanley Bowen and family wish to thank the kind friends, neighbors and palîbearers for their many acts ot kindness, ex- pressions of sympatby and for their beautiful floral remem- brances at the time et their recent bereavement. 37-1 Mrs. Jos. H. Forder and tamily wisb te express their sincere thanks and appreciation te rela- tives, tricnds and ncighbors for their many acts et love and kind- ness extendcd during the recent dcath of a very dear husband and father. Aise for the many beauti- ful f loral remembrances and cards. 37-1 AUCTION SALE I have been authorized te sdil by Public Auction for PERCY PORTER Lot 18, Con. 3, Clarke, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 1943, ai 1.30 p.m. the toiiowing stock, implements, peultry and household furniture: Durham heifer, 4 vms. old. due April 3; 2 pigs, 180 pounds; 92 Leghorn pullets, 4 1-2 months old; Viking separater, 650 lbs. (new): wagon; hay rack; sced drill (M.H.); set sleigbs; set bar- roxvs; single and double plow; scales, 2000 ibs. (new); pig box: oat box; set harness; 2 collars; bridies: double trees: neckyokes; torks; boes; shovels; mail box: bags; churn and butter bowl and other articles tee numerous to mention. Furniture - ceuch; 3- pce. parlour suite; bcd, spring and mattmess; dresser;- 2 chests drawers; highchair; washstand; baby carniage; 4 dining roem chairs: 6 kitchen chairs; table; Findiay cookstove (new). TERMS: CASH ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 37-2 Bruce and Mrs. Gea. Patterson, Burketon, and Sgt. and Mrs. Lethangue and Marie, Bowman- ville, visited Mm. and Mrs. David Gray and Mm. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. Glenn Brooks jeined ber husband at the R.C.A.F. Field Day at Treintun Airpert Manday week. Roy Foster, Rob't Gray and Lionel Rogerson were home from their training camps and attend- cd the faim at Orono. Newcastle Red Cross, in com- pany wîth Orono and Bowman- ville, had a fine display et work at Durham Central Faim, Orono. Ncwcastle's display was in charge et Miss B. Mclntosh, president. We saw our old tiend, Ed. Neilson, at Orono, and notcd that he is no longer the Coppersmith, at least for the time being, the exigencies of wam havîng forced him from metalsis m woodwork- ing. Any faim or exhibition is sup- posed te be educational as wel as competitive but. visitors at Orono Faim cao sec littie of the orchard and vineyard fruits or learn nothing about the exhibits, placed as they are on a high sheit in the gloom of the west side of the hall, aieng the windowless wall, and shut off by a bigh tence. W.A. of United Cburcb met Sept. 9th with Mrs. Harold Toms in the chair. Mrs. Percy Brown s group bad charge ut the devotionis and pnogmam. Mrs. Brown read bbe Bible lesson and Mrs. Wallace Holmes read a paper on Citizen- sbip. Mrs. C. A. Cowan con- tributcd a vocal solo and Mrs. Harold Allun a reading. Cake and ice cream were served. The Statesman is new on sale each wcek at Mcilow's Drug For Sale FOR SALE - 40 PUREBRED Rock pullets. Apply R. Besb, 5irlO, Orono. 37-1 AUCTION SALES Livestock and Articles Under instruction from RobI. FOR SALE - ROCK PULLETS, G. MottaI. Orono, Lot 27, Con. 5, stanted te lay. A. S. Haiiowell, Clarke, I will seli 55 caIlle, 4 Omono, phone 7r16. 37-1* herses. pigs and grain, on Sal. Sept. 25, 1943, at 1.30 p.m. Terms: FOR SALE-8 YORKSHIRE pigs, Cash. No reserve. Ted Jackson, 6 weeks old. Appiy C. H. Auctioneer, A. E. MorIon, Clcrk. Snowden, phone 2380. 37-l* 37-1* m ,& ' nAnr Keith Bradley, Pontypeol (i mile east of McCrea's Churchi) will sell by auction, bis farm stock and implements, on Tuesday, Sept. 21, at i p.m. Terms: Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer; Ed. Youngman, Clerk. 36-2 I have been authorized by Mrs. E. Strutt te seil by public auction on Lot 9, Con. 9, Darlington (2 1-2 miles north of Tyrone) on Satur- day, Sept. 25, at 1.30 p.m., al ber household furniture. Camplete list of articles wili appear in next week's Statesman. Clifford Petb- ick, Auctioneer. . 37-1 Mon., Sept. 20, the undersigned will seil by public auctian for E. S. Trimm, Lot 14, Con. 7, Dar- lington (1-2 mile west of Tyrone) 4 herses, fulli une of implements, harness. hay. petatoes, wood, ap- pies and a quantity of housebold articles. Sec bis. Sale at i o'clock. Terms: Cash. Elime r Wilbur, auctiorîeer. 37-i The undersigned bas reccived instructions from Mr. William Hailowell, Clarke Twp., Lot 8, Con. 4 (3 1-2 miles N. et New- tenville), to seli by public auction bis farm stock and impiements, bay, grain, and some furniture, on Mon., Sept. 27, at 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. Jack Reid, Auc- tioneer; Westol Stringer, Clerk. 37-2* On Thursday, Sept. 23, 1943, Albert Farrow, Lot 10, Cen. 5, Manvers, (2 miles N. of Ponty- pool) wiil seil by public auction aIl bis farm stock, implements, bay, grain, poultry and some housebold effects. This is an extra good lot of Durham cattie. Sec bis. Sale at anc o'clock. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 37-1 Wood sale : 1 have been au- thorizeci te sdi by public auction for Don Gibson, Lot 34, Con. 3, Clarke, (2 miles north et Kurv Inn, No. 2 Highway) on Sat., Sept. 18, at 1.30 p.m.. 300 stand- ing appie trees, more or iess, comprising trees 35 and 50 years oId. Trees will be sold in smali lots. Buycr to have tii April 1, 1944, ta remove weod. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 36-2 Cattie Wintered CATTLE WINTERED - YOUNG cattie wintercd. One ta 30 head, on good feed, lots et water, with best of care. Write Box 236, Statesman Office, Baw- manville. 35-tf Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - 4 TO 6 roomcd bouse, preferably on one floor, in Bowmanvillc. Wil pay cash. Apply E. S. Trimm, R.R. 6, Bowmanille, phone 2498. 36-2* Change of Dates Dlackstock FAIR WILL BE HELD THURS. and FR1. Sept. 23-24 INSTEAD 0F SEPT. 21 and 22 AS PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED 10 =0=M7Ei OSHAWA. ONTARIO jPhone 1011 Free Parkng THURS., FR1.. SAT. SETu6 DERROL FLYNN n ANN SHERIDAN In EDGE 0FO DARKNESS 0 Wlth i0 WALTER HUSTON 0 NANCY COLEMAN1 Sid b sdeinacio ad in1 love, lu their hearts an un- 0 onquerabie devotion... Ou ftheir lips a battie-cry. 0 MON., TUES., WED., 0 il SEPT. 20, 21, 22 ASSUGNMENT UN 0 BRITTANY r Starring PIERRE AUMONT i IInvasion forecast . .. thrli- f D g drama. Right out of to- TRURS., FR1., SAT., U SEPT. 23, 24, 25 f MOÏ. LUCKY CARY GRANT 0 LAAINEDAY pullels, 4 months old. Apply Wilfrcd Richardson, Pontypool. FOR SALE-GOOD Work Horse, 12 years oid. Apply Taylor and Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 37-1 FOR SALE - 4 Regisl.ered Suf- folk ram Iambs. Appiy J. W. Bowman, Enniskiilen, phone 2512. 37-1 FOR SALE - 8 EXTRA GOOD Yorkshire pigs 7 weeks old. Ap- piy A. E. Biiiett, Hampton, phone 2557. 37-1* FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE Boar, 5 months old; aise Shropshire ram iambs. N. C. Wotten, Hampton, phone 2447. 37-1* FOR SALE - 20 YORKSHIRE pige, 6 weeks old. Apply Peter Host, 1-2 mile east of Hamp- ton. 37-1* FOR SALE - 30 PUREBRED Shropshire ewes and a ram, aise one three-year-eid Perch- eron colt, .well broken. Appiy FOR SALE-IRON PUMP 20 fI. long, i 1-2"1 pipe, 3 1-2" by 18" ail brass cylinder, iran handie, ail compiele and in good shape. Aise two-wheel trailer with eak box and oak stock rack, "Goodyear tires," almost new, 5' by 20". Aise Iwo-furrow M.H. riding plow. Appiy Nor- man Mounîjoy, Burketon, Ont., R.R. 3, phone, Port Perry 78n13. 37-1 Notice Dr. Rundie's office will be closed from Sept. 12 te Oct. 3, in- clusive. 36-2* Accommodation and goed home for cbildren et war workers. Write Box 243, Statesman Office, Bewmanville. 37-1 HUNTING & FISHING LICENCES A. L. Darcb, Bowmanviile, bas been appointed issuer of these licences. 37-1 By motion et Town Council rel- atives and triends ot members of the armed forces who are casual- tics are rcquested to noîity the undersigned Town Clerk. A. J. LYLE. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-PORTABLE Phono- graph and records. Phone Bow- manville 2233. 37-1 FOR SALE-2 APPLE Ladders, 24' and 22' lengtb. Phone 2113, Bowmanville. 37-1* FOR SALE - BLACK Leather slickcr, in good condition. Bar- gain for quick sale. Phone 403. a 37-i FOR SALE - TOMATOES and aPplcs by basket or bushel. Phone Bewmanyiile 2208 at 9 p.m. 37-2 FOR SALE-CAR, 1935 CHEV. Master DeLuxe coupe. Tires and general condition A-i. Privateiy ewned. Phone Baw- manville 2420. 37-i LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yaurs fram over 300 Pabterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-QUILTING Patches, Plain colors, coîton, 5 lbs. $1. Cotton prints 3 lbs. $1. Mixed prints and plain, 4 lbs. $1. Post- paid. Money back guaranîce. Butîonsbop, Witby. 37-8a OSHAWA-S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesberfield,' bedraam, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floar caverings a specialîy. Quality' merchandise at cern- petitive prices. Before buying Visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf COMINO EVENT The 75th anniver'sary et the building et the Salem United Church is being held on Sunday, September i9tb. At 2.30 Rev. Fred Joblin of St. Paul's, Bow- manville, will be the guest speak- er. At 7.30 Rev. A. F. Rogers, St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, wili be the guest speaker. The Eben- ezer Young Peplc's Choir wil supply the music at bath services. 37-i Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tien, etc. ta Premier, Royal, Gablin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ail other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- S e ss or ie s. Te'epbone aur "C. U. C. Sales and Service Brancb", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware.* FOR SALE - 100 ACRES 0F good land, ail workable, on 3rd Concession of Clarke, 2 miles frem Newcastle, 12 acres of new seeds, 25 "acres ploughed, 10 acres of orchard, weli at barn, spring in pasture. Reason- able price. Appiy Clarence Turner, i 1-2 miles east of New- castle. 37-2* For Sale or Rent FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS furn- ished if desired. Housckceping FOR SALE-ONE GOOD USED Gurney furance, $25.00. Reason for seliing, put in hot water system. Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Newcastle. 37-1* FOR SALE-ABOUT 10 Busheis of Flemish Beauty Pears, good for canning. Aiso quantity of good ceeking petatoes. W. G. Werry, phone 2253, Bowman- ville. 37-1 POULTRY FOR SALE-DUE TO war werk, will seil cockereis, puilets, hens, 8 te 16 weeks oid; also laying cages. Appiy eve- nings only, Alîchin, Manvers Rd. 37-1* SEED WANTED - We pay higb- est prices far Timothy, Claver, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf P-W Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of Margaret Jane McLaughlin, xvho died on or about the 25th day of August, at the Town of Bowmanville, must be filed with the undersigned Executrix, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before October 4th, 1943, after which date distribution will take place and dlaims net filed will be barred. DATED at Bowmanville, Ont., Septemober l6th, 1943. Nina E. Neads, Bowmanville, Ont., Executrix. 37-3 Foir Sale FOR SALE-O VER 100 bushels oats, about 65 bushels barley, 10 cattie, i 1-2 years old, weighing from 70011te 750 lbs. Apply John Koritko, R.R. 1, Hamp- ton, phone 2612. 36-2* FOR SALE-GRIST MILL, cern- plete, with 35 H.P. Diesel en-i gine, double head McLachian1 grinder and oat roll. Apply Willis H. Jones, Newtonvilie. 37-1* H ON EY Wili ail those people who ieft honey containers, please cali for saine. Space is at a pre- mium. Ce Re KNOX OIRONO NOTICE To Farmers and MunltiVis Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application ta the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. ..lVhy drive to Oshawa. We are able to handie It here. G.F. JAMIIESONV TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office WANTED Apples wanted for processing. - APPLY - Canadian Cannes Bowmanville - Phone 782 Notice of Poil Tax Ail maie inhabitants of the Town et. Bowmanville, who are twenty-one years and under sixty years of age and who are not otherwise assessed or pay tax or taxes elsewhere in Ontario, are required to pay an annual Pol Tax ef $5.00. Exemption - Every person in Bis Majesty's naval or military service is exempted. This tax will be received by the Collecter of Taxes until Oct. 15th next, after which time col- lection will be made as the Law provides, without further notice. Persans coming under the pro- visions of this By-Law will gev- ern themnselves accordingly. Town Hall, Fred Pattinson, Sept 15, 1943. Tax Collecter. Property For Sale TENDERS wiil be received by the undersigned Up tili Septem- ber 3th, for the purchase of the part lot and dweliing iocated on north Miii Street, Orono, the pro- perty ef the late Ida D. Gamsby. D WE L L ING includes 1floor coverings, window 'blinds, elec- tric light fixtures, storm doors and windows and there is a good concrete cistern. Immediate pos- session can be given. TENDERS shouid state price offered and terms that would be satisfactory to the tenderer. At ieast 40 per cent et purchase price must be cash and balance may be carried on mertgage over five years with four per cent interest. HIGHEST or any tender not necessariiy accepted. Mrs. Frances M. Hamm,1 Executrix, Fort Frances, Ont. 37-2*« CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskiilen Phone Bowxnanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. Monuments The Rutter Granite Compani Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goidleafing 28-tf Veterinaries DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD Veterinary Surgeons Office - Main St. - Orno Phone 56r7, Orona SOLDIEIRSI A% ATTENTION I ISTAND YOUR FEET AT HASE _ lu& 4wd MalA RD'S LINIMENT FOR RENT - 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, ail cenveniences, cen- traily iocated. Possession Oc- tober lst. Write Box 241, Statesman Of fice, Bowman- FOR RENT-6-ROOMED frame house witb Hydre, hen house, garage, large garden and orch- ard, extra land if desired. Close te Hampton, on good road near Highway. Possession October 1. Phone Bowmanviiie 2365. 37-1* FOR SALE OR-RENT-100 Acres, Lot 16, Concession 1, Cart- wright. Buildings and land in good condition, spring watcr, close te school, railway and highway. Property of late Frank Harris. Appiy te Ed- mund Harris, Burketon, On- tario. 37-2 FARM FOR SALE - IN DUI- hamn County, two miles east of Blackstock on gravel road, 100 acres, 75 under cuitivation, 25 in cedar bush and pasture witb a rented trout stream. Large jbrick house with good outbuild- ings, aIl in geod condition, new- ly roofed. Situatcd close te public and h i gh schooi, churches, stores, Miii, etc. Hdoat the door. Appiy te J. A.Johnston, Burketon, R.R. 1. 37-1* FOR RENT - 75 ACRES, ALL workabie; new hip-roof barn and other necessary buildings; 7-room brick bouse, weod-shed attached; unlimitcd supply of water at buildings; water in both bouse and barn; creek; 2 1-2 ac. orchard, bearing; scbeoi 3-4 mi.; church* 1 mi.; situated 1 mile west of Enfieid. This is one of the better smali- er farms ef Darlington. Termns: Reasonable. Possession: Mar. 1, 1944-. Apply M. J. Hobbs, En- niskillen Village. 37-2 Personal _ BABY'S SKIN AILMENTS, EC- zema, cuts, etc., respond quick- IY to Kieerex-"1A Quick Heai ing Salve." Also heals psoriasis, Impetigo, chaps, erythema, etc. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. (Medium and strong). Sold by Alex Mc- Gregor. 37-1 Lost LOST - SCOTCH BROOCH, round, yellow gold, lest in New- castle, Friday night. Finder leave at Statesman Office and receive $2.00 reward. 37-1* LOST - SILVER FOX FUR ON Labor Day afternoon on King St., between Liberty St. and the cemctery. Finder please icavel at Statesman Office and receive reward. 37-1 LOST - MAN'S GOLD WRIST watch with link bracelet, lest at Bowmanville Beach about 3 weeks ago. Reward if returned ta Betty Betties, phone Bow- manville 2683, between 6 and 7 p.m. 37-1* Wanted WANTED - SET (4) Townsend and Clark or Dunlop lawn bowls, prcfcrably 4 7-8". Phone Bowmanviile 408. 37-1* WANTED-BY THREE Adults, a sclf-contained, heated apart- ment ef 3 or 4 reoms. Phone 2405, Bowmanvilie. 37-1* WANTED TO BUY - TWO OR three apple picking ladders, must be light and strong and not lcss than 22 feet long. Phone 2198, S. Chas. Aluin. 37-1* WANTED TO BUY OR RENT -- House in the Village of New- castle te reliable buyer. Please state particulars. Write Box 242, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 37-i Seed Wanted Help Wanted Male and Vernale TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RURBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Rose, Belting, and Packing -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holidays wlth pay -Pension Plan -Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation with pay after one Year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applicants now Ou War Work not accepted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 ON F. 4 e 1 Am Business DirectoryJ Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. LJM. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bidg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanviiie, Ontario LAWRENCE C.* MASON.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. L. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee BIdg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. APPLE PICKERS NEEDED Apple pickers urgentiy needed. Last week lni September and. ffrst two weeks ln October. Particuiarly in Bowmanville and Newcastle districts. It is the duty of everyone who can spare any tiine for this work to help save this perishable crop. Where there is more t han one fai'm hand on a farm It ls hoped one will volunteer. Make up a carioad ln your district. - GOOD WAGES WILL BE FAJID - Applications wlll be recelved by undersigned E. A. SUMMERS, Bowmaxvillie Secretary-Treasurer, Northumberland & Durham Apple Growers' Association

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