PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 23nd, 1943 Salem 75th Church Anniversary Ideal weather favored th e Thank-Offering service here on Sunday which commemorated the building of the church at Salenm 75 years aga. Ebenezer Young People's Choir rendered excellent music at bath services. Rev. F. H. Joblin, St. Paul's, Bowman- ville, in the afternoon, de]ivered a splendid message. He was ac- companied by his father, Rev. F. Joblin, who also spake. regar4ing his attendance here as a boy some 60 years ago. In the evening Dr. A. S. Rogers of N.B. deiighted the con- gregation with bis wonderful dis- course on "The Marks of a Man," pertaining ta the Cburcb. He Musieý SPECIAL EDITIONS Sacred and Secular 10c each POPULAR MUSIC We stock Conserva- tory Piano Books For Alil Grades Dictation Books and Manuscript Pap.r J. WN. JEWELL "BIG 20" 'PHONE 556 RICHER.. Tastes good, doesn't it? 0f course - it's Bowmanville D a i r y milk! It's much rich. er than ordinary milk! TRY A QUART TO- DAY AND YOU'LL INSIST ON IT FROM NOW ON!'" Bowm a nville Dairy 'PHONE 446 DFor Donate« oOur Art also spoke af former days in the life of aur Church when bis wife's mother, then Miss Pollard, was a faithful worker bere and who married Rev. Rice and stili con- tinued in faithful service in ber husband's fields of labor. Our pastor, Rev. J. Gardner, at- tended bath services and con- ducted the apening exercises, in- troducing the speakers. He read an interesting clipping frani the "Bible Christian Record," of 75 yeans ago describing the first Thank-Offering service in the newly buit cburch, and a picnic gathering tbat followed on the Monday. Annivensanv Visitons: Dr. A.' S. Rogers and Mns. Rogers, N.B., Mrs. J. Squain. Toronto, Mn. and Mns. W. Moffatt, Alex and Grant Moffatt, Onono. Mn. Kyle Squain, Miss I. Stephens, tawn, at the Squain home . . . The Misses Pearce, Ebenezen, Mn. and Mrs. F. Wenny. Betbesda, Mn. and Mns. L. Hoopen. Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis and daughtens at Mn. W. Cann's. . . Miss I. Pickell, Miss H. Rundie, Mn. R. Rundît. Mn. L. Doxvn, Ebenezer. Mn. and Mrs. A. Rundle. Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. H. Rundie and Miss Florence, Hampton. at Mn. P. Cann's... Mn. and Mrs. S. Wonden, Mrs. A. Dawn, Miss E. Oke, Mn. C. Down, Ebenezer. Mn. and Mrs. K. Wenry, Newcastle, at Mn. W. G. Wenny's ..Miss Margaret and Miss Betty Henry, Ehenezer, at Mn. S. Buttery's. . . Mn. and Mrs. W. Rundle, Ebenezer, at Mn. L. 'Buttery'. .. Mn. R. Hall. Miss E. Clint. Ajax, at Mn. J. Hall's... Mn. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn, Providence, at Mn. C. Collacutt's ...Mn. and Mns. Lane, Mn. R.i Lane, Providence, at Mn. L. Rich-I ards'. .. Miss A. Annis ,the Misses( Down. and Mn. Pickell at Mn. C.1 Cannuthens'. .. Mn. and Mns. Sher-1 win and childnen, Orono, Mn. andI Mns. G. Brent and Gloria, Tynane, Mn. and Mns. L. Saveny and sans, Oshawa, at L. Welsh's. . . Mn.0 and Mrs. Goodman, Tynone, withî Mns. E. Silver. .. Mn. and Mrs. L. Snowden and cbildnen, Maple Grave, Mn. and Mns. L. Smith, Salem, Mns. K. Tennant, town, at Mn. J. Cowling's... Mn. and Mns. L. Richards and Ray Wilkens, town, Mn. and Mns. G. Richards and daughter, Toronto, at Mn. A. Richards'. . . Mn. and Mns. T. H. Knight, town, Mns. H. Bannie, Providence, at Mn. E. Doidge's. Mrs. H. Cowling and baby ne- tunned ta ber home at Shel- boumne, aften visiting ber mothen and family. Mns. Darch netunned witb ber for a visit.a Mrs. F. Blackburn and baby ne- J turned ta bier home on MondayC evening fnom Bowmanville Hos-S pital.e Deepest sympathy is extendedn ta tht family of Mrs. Gea. Con- I nish whose funeral service wasa held at tht Morris' Funenal Pan-E loun an Saturday. Many Salem friends will nememben Mrs. Cor- 1 nish as a kind friend and neigbbon I who lived in Salem fan many 1 yeans previaus ta going ta live atv Janetville with ber daughten, Mns. I Fitze.C Hamipton Visitons: Mn. and Mr! and Harold, Hope HownE and Mns. Menwin Lane, Mrs. Wm. Lane, Oshawa, Mrs. Stanley Plougbr daughtens, Luella and El Penny, at Mr. S. Williams and Mns. L. J. Warren, I Corners, at Mn. Chas. . Dr. and 'Mrs. R. D. Neepawa, Man., left f home on Satunday afte: ber aunt, Mns. Edna Rus( and Mns. L. Gray, Oshawi Gea. Fanncomb's... -Mn. Milton Wilcox, Bowman Mr. IH. Wilcox's. .-. M Cale, Toronto, Mns. Cleme4is, Oshawa, at Mr Cole's. . . Mrs. Leta Sh; ronta, at F. J. Gnoat's. Alfned Challener, Tornr Mns. Jno. Colwill at Mrx Taylor's... Pte. Cecile Pet market, at Mn. W. Chapn Mns. G. Adcock and Aý with relatives in Oshawa. bey Hastings, Toronto,E Gnoat's. .. Mn. and Mrs.E Burns and Barbara, Oshai Kersty's..-. Mn. and Mns, Jing and cbildren, Bown at Jno. Cowling's. . -Mr. Doidge and Miss N. Ho Mn. and Mns. N. E. Doidi awa. Cbuncb service at 10. next Sunday instead of on account of special ser Eldad. PH ONOGRAP H ECORDS irANTED Our Fighting Met Those OId Records To Provadl med Forces With New One More than anythlng tise eut fighting men and women e recorded music - whenever thty can get it. Now, roi contain shelse, and sheilac is scarce, and Canada can su the troops with new records they want only if'YOU do your olti cnes. Tht more yeu turn in, the more new roi wlll be sent free te oun forces both bore anti overseas. WM YOU HELP? Records in any condition will be used, may be tumnet inh at the following stores: Harry Aluin,S man Bres., Len Eillott, Statesman Office, Bowmanvlls Tyrreli's Drug Store, Orono. Sponsored by ROTARY CLUB 0F 110WMAN VII Li [s. Soden ship, Mn. !Mn. and aMn. and man and ýýlien, Pont ns'. .. Mn. 'hornton's Warren's Kippen, for thein r visiting se. . Mn. wa, at Mn. and Mns. iville, at Irs. F. A. L C'ionn nrs. H. E. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. îanp, To- Dix and Marilyn; Mn. and Mns. ;.. Mn. Kiennan and family, Toronto; ito, with Mrs. Wm. Smith, Port Hope; Mns. rs. Mabel Jack Pawson, Cochrane, at Mn. etit, New- Chas. Dix's. . . Mr. Colin Deck, )man's...- Peterboro, at home... -Mns. J. H. Annabelle Hallowell, Bowmanville, witb a.. Mon- Mrs. John Stapleton at Mn. Wm. at F. J. Stapleton's. . . Mn. Francis Hall, Raymnond Toronto, at Mn. Cecil Robinson's awa, at S. . . . Mrs. Walter Grayson, Don- ;.F. Cow- old and Bnian, Montreai, witb ber* ;manville, parents, Mn. and Mns. J. T. Peance Irs W. G -. . . Mrs. Will Cowle, Mn. and Mns. nn with Gardon Cowle and famîly, Bow- Ige, Osb- manville, at Mn. Roy Staceý's.. Tom Philpott witb Sidney Stacey 0.30 a.m. . . . LAC Raymond Gilmer bas fevening finisbed bis course at Oshawa and nvices at is home on beave aften wbich be gots ta an advanced training school at Brantford... AC2 Ver- non Stacey, Mountain View, at home. . . Mrs. Fannie Lennox netunned ta ber home at St. Cath- armnes after vîsiting ber niece, IMrs. Deck. nr. and Mrs. George McCul- iougb and Mrs. Luxon attended 0 On Sunday Mn. and Mrs. iHarvey Osborne, Welcome, and IMiss Laurna Peance, Toronto, Ijoined Mn. and Mns. Peance and flMns. Grayson in celebrating Mrs. uEarl Walkey's birtbday witb ber. 0Mrs. Fred Gibbs bas a position gIin Bowmanville. IAbout 25 guests ententained Mn. and Mns. Raymond Gibbs, Bow- Imanville, on their 4tb wedding annivensary and pnesented them i witb a coffet table and an electnie le~ table lamp. MsCitnetn in tht loss of ber mothen, Mns. LI Stanley Bowen, Newcastle. W.M.S. met Sept. 14, with Pres- enjoy ident Mns. J. McLacblan in tht sortis tertaining mothens and babies on ipply Oct. 12. Prognani was in change 1of Mrs. Cecil Robinson who gave lnate the Scriptune reading. Mrs. Mon- eortis o ris gave a splendid papen on 0 "Praying witb Effect" followed )N'T by tht introduction of tht new and study book by Mrs. McLachlan. 'Sted- Rev. J. McLachlan canducted iannivensany services at Leskand lor Sunday. Mn. J. J. Mellon, Onono, 00 supplied hene. Il Another neason Junior likes thte ILLE o vacation days is that be doesn't Shave ta take as mnucb time in part-j MW ing bis bain.i Brown' s Han. H. Staines, Ministen of Education, Regina, Sask., and Mns. Staines visited tht teacher and pupils of tht school tht lat- ter having attended tht schooi some years ago. We extend deepest sympathy ta the family of tht late Mns. Moses Heard. Bnown's Home & Sehool Asso- ciation met fan election of officers witb Mrs. Chas. Alidred and Bob Hendny, Lake Short, pnesiding. Officers are: President-Clanence Turner; Convenens - Sidney Brown, Miss B. Cain, Wyima Fan- i now, Mns. A. Brown; Rtc. Sec.- Joan Cunson; Cor. Sec.-Mns. C. Turner; Tneas.-Mns. G. Stephen- son; Auditors-Mrs. H. Reichnath and Bill Morley; Sick Com.-Jean Perrin, Mrs. F. Clarke and Mrs. J. Curson; Pianist - Miss B. Cain; Paper Editon-Mrs. H. Reichrath; Chair. Com.-Sidney Brown, Bill Morley, J. Curson. Mns. Gea. Stephenson, Mrs. H. Reichrath, Mrs. C. Turner and Bill Morley wene appainted ta have charge of tht New Year's Eve dance. Mrs. Gea. Stephenson was appainted ta huy new blinds for tht school and ta send cigarettes ta tht boys averseas. Mns. Tam Wilson had charge of this prognam: Piano solo by Mrs. A. Brown; readings hy Doreen Caswell and Anchie Brown; tht paper was nead by Mns. H. Reichrath. Visitons: Mn. and Mns. T. Wil- son, Mn. and Mns. C. Turner and Sam, Miss Jean Perrin, Mns. H. Reichrath, Miss Wylma Farrow, Sidney Brown, Bill Morley, Mel- vin Graham, Gea. Honey, Mn. and Mns. T. Clarke and Eric and Bert Clarke attended Lindsay Fair. .- Mns. E. Caswell, Newtonvilie, Mns. E. Legge, Oshawa, Mns. Mc- Leod, Toronto, at Mrs. C. Bnown's ... Mn. and Mns. Wellington Far- row and Wylma at Mn. Lawrence Jamieson's, Cold Springs. . . Mn. and Mns. Sinclair and Jobnny, Toronto, at Mn. J. Cunson's. Zion Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Arthur Moore and Keith, Enniskillen, at Frank Pascoe's. . . Mr. and Mns. E. Samson, Owen Sound, Mn. and Samson. Ross and Jean, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Stanley Panisb and sons,- Oshawa, at Russell Penkins' ... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin at A. Cooke's, Chenrywood. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Hilliard Simpson's, Onono... -Mn. and Mrs. Christian Stan, Toronto, at Hans Geissbeng- er's. . . Miss Ruby Martin, Han- many, with Joyce Gifford. . Mn. and Mns. H. Down, Columbus, at Fred Rabbins'... Mn. and Mrs. Hans Geissbengen at K. Sidler's, Tbornton's Corners.. . Mns. J. W. McMasten and Alex, LiCpl. Jas. McMaster ' Long Brancb, Mns. J. McMaster, Toronto, at Orange- ville. . . Misses Betty and Man- lent Cochrane, Courtice, at Wes. Camenon's..-. Mn. and Mrs. Clif - fard Martin and family at 'Ernest Strickland's, Columbus. . . Mn. and Mns. Sam Lee and Roy, To- ronto, at Robt. Killen's. . . Mr. and Mns. W. Martin, Velma, Neil and Stanley. . . Mr. and Mns. E. Martin and family, Orona, at Thos. Mantin's. . . Mr. and Mns. Fred Rabbins and Isabel at Clif- fard Naylor's, Sauina. . -Mn. and Mrs. Hansen Richards, Oshawa, at A. T. Stainton's..-. Mn. and Mns. Bernard McEwen and Faye, Dun- banton, Mn. and Mns. Herbent Cameron, Mns. Albert Wood and Audrey, Tyrone, at Russell Stain- ton's. .. Steve Sobil and Camenon Stainton bave ganeto Toronto in the R.C.A.F. Newtonville R. Best was unable ta be present. OronoNews Plans were started for the Tem- ________perance cantest in the S.S. and in Mr. and Mns. James Eagleson the sehool, tht first for answering and cousin, Miss M. Eagieson, questions and the ather for post- Millbrook, toak in tht morning ers. Mrs. Rowe reported an service and visited friends in L.T.L. wark, after whicb Mrs. F. Kendal Sunday. On Monday they Kelly gave a reading on "Peace." attended the funeral of thei r Plans were made for tht silver cousin, Mrs. Thomas W 0 o d, medal contest and committees ap- Bailieboro. pointed. J. Eagleson and C. Evans at- Bacon Hog Contest tended Lindsay Fair. Winners in the T. Eaton Bacon O. W. Rolph has had his store Hog Special Contest held at redecorated. Orono Fair were judged on tht Mrs.Jackon hs reurne tocarcass basis and placed as fol- Mrs.Jacsonhasretnne tafows: lst-M. H. Staples; 2nd- ber home after visiting friends. M. H . Staples; 3rd-Sbeldon Mof- Mrs. C. Wood visited in To- fat; 4th-W. S. Moffatt; 5th- roto rlladsnDu Garnet Rickard; 6th-L. .Hooey. Mors.toLamce TrupadsnDuGrand Champion Carcass-M. H. Tornto pikedupOrme Gamsby Staples. Friday and left for Rice Lake on _________ a fishing trip, catching three nice pickerel and ont lunge. Tht first woman ta deliver B reo bread in this district is Mrs._____ Htsper Dean, whose husband runs Rally Day service was well at- the bakery. She nobly stepped tended. Rev. J. Plant preached a inta tht breach when ont of their fine address, "Giving Our Best," men quit ta join the services. with the leaders, teachers, boys Sunday Scbool staff bas pur- and girls taking part. cbased a lovely new Bible for use L!CpI. G. R. Carter and PO R. in tht S.S. rooni. E. Carter, Engiand. spent leave Union met Manday evening together with their aunt and with Rev. Littiewood in charge, uncle in Tonquay, Devon, Eng- w h o conducted t h e worship land. period and gave a brief talk on Miss Dorothy Hoskin had ber "Tht World In Need." Election of tonsils removed in Oshawa Hospi- officens followed, but as not aIl tal. wbo were elected were present ta Visitons: Spr. C. L. Slingerland, give thein consent only a partial Long Bnancb, and Mns. Slingen- list can be pubiished. Margaret land, Niagara-on-the-Lake, witb Milison is tht new president, Mrs. F. Caughiil. .. Mn. and Mrs. Shirley Ponter, secretary, Elsie J. Smith and Orvis, Pontypool, at Rowe, treasunen, Audrey Billings, Mn. J. Cunran's. . . Mn. and Mrs. pianist, and Kathleen Green, Ed. Cochrane, Joan, Glenda and usher. Tht names of tht dept. George, Oshawa, with Mn. E. heads and thein assistants will be Adams. .. Mn. and Mns. R. Davey pubiished later. and Lois with friends in Bow- Mn. John Loniman is visiting manville. . . Mns. George Carter, in Toronto. Peterbono, Mrs. R. Rowan and Mr. and Mrs. Alidnead and fam- Jimmy, Enniskillen, with Mn. J. iiy have moved into tht Mrs. J. Carter. . . Mn. and Mns. Edgar Wannan bouse. Wilson, Oshawa, Mns. Lueny, Mrs. H. Lycett is on holidays. M 'te, at Mrs. A. Wilson's... W.C.T.U. met Tuesday, open- Mn.r.tand Mrs. G. Curtis, Mn. and ing with worship peniod conduct- Mns. Glen Hoskin, Mns. M. Mc- ed by Mrs. Littlewood. Mrs. R. Master and Derryl, Miss Ella A. Delve was secnetany as Mrs. Hoskin, Osbawa, Mn. Walter On- mistan, R.C.A.F., Malton, Mn. and Mns. Frank Hoskin, Joan, Patsy and Ronnie, Toronto, Murray and Allyn Hoskin, Tyrone, at Mn. W. Hoskin's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland and Linda, Oshawa, at Mn. B. Hubbard's. .. Miss Helen Rice, Mr. Oland Bailey, Toronto, at Mr. T. Bailey's. .. Mn. Walter Cochrane, Bowmanvilie, Mr. 'and Mrs. James Adams, New Park, with Mn. H. Adams... Mns. Wes- ley Hoskin witb Mrs. A. Guliy, Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mrs. Tom Newton in 'ononto. . . Mns. E. Paterson witb ber brother, Mn. James Adams, New Park. .. Tpr. Harold Gatcheli, Pte. Ross Aldred at their homes. Solina Friends of Mn. Frank Vice, Osh- awa, are sonny ta leann of bis seriaus accident at tht Generai Motors. While helping ta nrepair a large metal baler bis right foot was cnusbed, necessitating ampu- tation above tht ankît. Frank is a former Sauina boy, being tht sonl of tht late Mn. and Mns. James Vice. Visitons: Mns. Harvey Hardy, Bowmanville, at Mn. Gea. Wbite's ...Mns. E. M. Leeson, Toronto, witb Miss Vena Baker. .. Mn. and Mns. Wesley Wenny at Mn. N. I. Metcalf's, Maple Grave. . . Mn. and Mns. W. L. McKee, Toronto, at Bryce Brown's. . . Mns. S. E. Wenry with Mns. T. H. Penfound and Miss Bimacombe, Bowman- ville,. Mns. Jack Baker witb ber daugbten, Nursing Sister Muriel Baker, Kingston. .. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Lamne at Mn. W. Ormiston's, Columbus... Mn. and Mrs. Joe Cbapman, Hampton, witb Mns. R. J. McKessock.. .9 Dvr. Hil'unn Eliiott, Camp Bon- den, at Mr. Evenett Eiliott's... Mn. and Mns. Bryce Brown witb relatives at Lindsay and Hantley ..Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, at Mn. Fred White's, Oshawa. A double minded man is un- stable in al bis ways.-James 1:8. It's because we've cut so many corners that we've got things out of shape. The cure? Go straight. Keep on the square. OSHAWA, ONTARIOD Phne 1011 - Free Parkig~ THURS., FR1., SA T., i U Sept. 23, 24, 25 o Cary Grant, Laraine Day MR. LUCKY O n With IlCharles Bickford, Gladys Il Coopero IlCary at his grandest in the Ostory he chose himself, plus Slovely Laraine in the role that makes hrget MNAV. TUESDAY o Two Great Features f Robert Donat n THE In TEYOUNG MR. PITT U RobertWith o br Morley, Phyllis Calvert0 IlThe thrilling story of yes- 0l iterday that tells of today. 0 Il Alsa IQUIET PLEASE MURDER [j Gorge StarringO GereSanders, Gail Patric, Richard Denning, Lynne o n t's excitement ail the wayn Idanger every thrilling second IlWED., THURS., FR1., SAT., Il SEPT. 29 - OCT. 2nd In glorious technicolor o 0 CONEY ISLAND Starring Betty Grable, George Mont- igomery, C e s a r Romero,n fCharles Winninger, Phil 0 Il Silvers f Il Sizzling, Sensational < UThe sang and dance, star- i Sfifled carnival of the ~~ce ntury. ' Strangers Are lInvited Pastor C~. W. Lynn We can't help the past. But we dan't have ta repeat it. Il u NYAL VITIEMPO TABLET l u Sget more outtf.. Botdof 100 Tabita AL Regular Prnce $1.25 PRIVE89 NYAL MINERAL OIL A heavy, tasteleas and adarlesa 011 that lubricates teIntestines, aide in overcoming Constipation and Bowel irregularity. [ 96 Ounce Siz. 32 Ounce Six. Regular Price. 0e9c ~'Regular Price. , 79c MILK 0F MAGNESIA Brihtes ad plisesthe Teeth, hardais the Gums Conteact Acd Muthand Sweetmna the Breath. SmaIi Six. SALE l Large Siz. SALE Reg. 29c PR1CEA1CREg. 44c PRICE 2c 16 Oz. Botde SALE 29C 32 O. SALE A Reg. Pric. 89e PRICE RLEg. 6le PRICE 9 NYAL COD LIVER OIL A reeognized Pood-Tonic and Body-Builder. SAide ln Developing Bane Structure and Helps Prevent Ricketa. asy ta Take. U I 16 OUNCE BOTFLE SALE Reaulat Price. 1.13 PRICE 79 THEM WOVEW--EC9O#4 YO r CL.. ULrAR RC 10 RC Y A V I) IANTACID POWDER TODA&Y-your good LeaIth and that of Neutralires Exceas Acid and Sweetens Stomach 70wr faiis a vital contribution te he Scurnesa. Makes Eating a Pleasure. War Effort. Have Every Day Drus Very Pleasant to Take and Mildly Laxative. Neetis on band when needed - BUY 12 OUNCE JAR SALE 79 (~N~ MURIEL ASTOR S FACE POWDER M.. Pesses the malt particular FACU pSaC and ha8 a most sppeaiing odor. Four Shades. ID REGULAR PRICE 59c Sale Price. 39e BRILLIANTINE A Liquld Preparatlon. Keeps the Hait Glosay. Regular Price 59c SALE PRICE-------------39e HAND LOTION' A Qulck-drying, Healing Application for chapped hande and face. Regular Price 59c SALE PRICE 39c WITCH HAZEL CREAM Soothea and Heala Irritated and Sun- burned Skin. Regular Price 59c SALE PRICE 39e CAMPHOR ICE SKIN CREAM Excellent for Generai Use. Very Effective for Chapped SkIn. Regular Pdg. 59c SALE PRICE 39c IVANISHING CREAM u A Greaseless, Disappesr. ý ing Crqm whice à __ proteetive and healing to the Skia. M Regular Price 59c SALE PRICE 39c CLEANSING CREAM Lîquiflea Readily et Body Temperature and Penetrates th. Pores.. Regular Price 59e SALE PRICE 39C COLD CREAM A Cream of exeeptionaily fine quality. Regular Pries 59c SALE PRICE 39e TISSUE CREAM One of the Most Important Creama in Beauty Treatment. Pffllar Price 59c SALE PRICE 39e E AU DE COLOGNE Perfumed. Most del ightful and Pieaslng Regular Prie. 90c SALE PRICE 69e PERFUME A Perfect Biend of Perfunme Fragrances. Very Lastlng. ,Rsgular Price 59C SALE PRICE 39e TASTY EXTRACT 0F COD LIVER A Pleaaant, all Yesr round tonle. Rapeilly uaeful in Pulmonary Troubles and Nervous, Run-down Conditions. Regular Price 81.00 Sale Price - 79e NY-AQUA NOSE DROPS Shrlnk the Nasal Membranes, Heip clear J1f the Ait Passage & thus J-Iii make breathlng essier. Regular Price.50c L. Se Prie. . 39e '.15,5-es' Lie-.I ~cs..sI ts.ies. CORN REMOVER One Application Stops the. Pain, Two or thre. Applications peei off the. Cailoused Corn Layera. 25e SALE e Botule PRIVE19 33c SALE SALVE PRtIVE &7C j NYAL BEEF, IRON & WINE AZPalatable, Bracing T nrfrTin0. Who are Weak end Rue-- down. Exellent during Convaleseence. ReguwarPrie 89e Sale Prie . 79e THIRTY-FIVE SPECIALS SHAVING CREAM SHAVING LOTION MEN'S TALCUM BRILLIANIMNE Regular Prie 39c SaePrie *29e TONIC A piensant Tone W.E1 and Building Aid f-l ren & ycu ng fPe. Contains Vitamin Bi Reguiar Prie 75c Sale Pre 59C "- NYAL (' ULTRA LOTION 1111Soothes end Softens li--lthe Skie. Reileves and Elr.eNProtffti frons Rougi- nsand Radotsa. e "uSpedal Pile39e HOUSEHOLD DRUGS NEW LOW PRICES Powdered Aluni, 2 ozr-----------..5c Aromatic Cascara, 3 or---------...25c Aromatie Cascara, 6 or. ---------- 45c Nyai Bay Runi, 4 or ----------- 29c Nyal Bay Rum, 8cr ------------- 49c Boracie Acid, 4cr --------------- 10c Boracle Acid, 8cr --------------- 15c Boric Acid Ointment, B. P------25c Powdered Borax 4 oz-------------0eC Camphorated 011, 2 or---------...20c Camphorated Oul, 4cr -----------j5c Carron OiOintment----------- 25c Tastelesa Castor 011, 2 or.--------- 15c Tasteles Castor 011, 4 oz -------25c Compound Licornce Powder, 4 oz.- -25c Cream cof Tartan, 2 or ------------ 25c Nyal Creside, 4 oz -------------- 25c Nyal Creside, 8 ozx------------.40c Essence Peppermint, 10*r--------- 2k EXTRA SPECIAL Nyal Epsom Sait, BL P., 19%----9ge Nyai Mercurochrome, 1/ ox. ... 15e Kh.r.a.hed Inhaler----------9ge Nyal Flaxseed, Whole, 16 oz......19e Nyai Frlarts Balsam, I Oz --------- 20c NYal FrIar's Balaam, 2 or --------- 35c Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 oz ..........15e Hydrogen Perozide, 16 o9---------- 39c Nyai LIDseed Meal, 16 oz---------9ge Nyai 011 Eucalyptus, 10or----------.20e Nyal Saltpetre, 2 or------------...10e Senna Leavea, B. P., 1 oz .-------.1Io Sodium Bicarbonate, 4 oz .......lo Sodium Bicarbonate, 8 ns---------j5c Spirite Camphor, B. P., 2 09---25c Spirite Turpentine, 4 oz..-----------15e Nyal Suiphur, 4 oz-----------------..10e Tincture Iodlas, 2%~%, 1 oz ...1j5c Tincture lodine, 5%. 1 oz ..........20c Dlstled Ext. Wltch Hazel, 4 ns---25c SUNDRY SPECIALS Nyseptol Tooth Brueh, Reg. 39c --29c Bicycle PlayiDg Carde----------...E6C Clarldge Playing Cardes---------..Soc Caravan PlayiDg Carde---------..SOc Claridge Playlng Carda Double Deck Bridge Set.---- $1.10 Nyceet Lend Pencil, Reg. Sc ---- 3, Hospital Cotton, Large Roli---59c Nursing Pettle, 8 oz. zLe ...........Sc Knltted Waeh Clotho ------------ . RIICWI. fIroP1wD I-- - - .-- V mR51A P /r 5,VN e, jMmu KIDNEY PILIS KIDNEY A Trieti endi Proves Diu. PILLS retie Treatsncnt for certain X Kdney Discrdes and ,,y. Painful Urination. REGUEýARPRICE $1.60 Sale Price 79e Thurs., Fni., Sat., Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2 COWLING'S DRUG STORE BO0WM AN V 1LL E HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES Prepsred From HALIBUT LIVER OIL FresiLý ' Livers BOX OF 30 CAPSULES SALE 5 9C REGULAR PRICE 89c PRICE . BOX 0F 1e0 CAPSULES SALCE 9 gr REGULAR PRICE $1.5 PO C VITAMIN Bi TABLETS Each Tablet Containsot les@ than 333 Inter- national Unit* cf Vitamin ai Bottie. of 1e0 Tablete AL R.gulsr Prie 69C RC 9 A and D Vitamin Tablets Eseh Tablet Containe a Concentrate of Vish Liver 011. with Actlvated Ergosterci. Botties cf 83 Tablets SALE Reg.lar Prie 81.00 PRICE 79eC NyaI VITA-VIM Capsules -A- colmm^u»cmvucm Concentrated SUAtgO - Cod Liver On jA...ciL. without the. Fattening Properties BOX OF 25 CAPSULES SRALE RECULAR PRICE 89ce IE 69e BOX OF 100 CAPSULES SALE REGULAR PRICE 82.50 PRtICE $1.89 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Wlth Added Naturel Vitainin D cbtalned by the. extraction cf Cod Liver 011 & other fiah isezvu OU Box cf 23 Capsule.s PSALE s59 Regular Prie75SALEIC Box cf 100 CapMea PSACE si. Regular Prie 82.00 PSALE .9 NyaI VITAMIN capsules Containlng0 N YA L Vitamine A, BiandD1) r with Ribofiavin BOX OF 25 CAPSULES SAL E RECULAR PRICE $1.10 iux "9ec RCLRPICE 3.50 uct$2.29 COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES "Ceh Capsulle Contains Twenty M linmofa ct11g Grade Cod Liver 051. Box cf le@ capsules SALE Regular Prie 95e. PICI 79e NYAL NYEAST TABLETS Conditins rh lg rois »edeleney cf 's'itamln Bj9ei and Rlboflavin. RECULAi PRICESale Price 59e HOME REMEDIES AT REDUCED PRICES Analgesle Baim, 50c sme--------- 39c Baby Cough Syrup, 50Ce mixe----39c Blaud'e Laxative Tablete, 50c size-.39e Nyal Biood Purifier, $1. 00 sie - ---79c Ca rbo. Witch Haxel Salve, 25c size- -.29e Nyal Catarrhal Balm, 39c sire--29e Nyal Ceiery Nervine, $31. 00 sire ---79c Nyai Charcoal Lozenges, 25c sire - - 19c Nyal Croup Syrup, 50celsie ----39c NysI Dyspepsia Tabletis, 50e sire. - - - 9c Nyai Eezema Lotion, 50c aire ---39c Ephedrine Cough Syrup, 50c sire - .39c Nyai Eye Drops, 50c size--------- 39e Nyal Fîrx Salt, 31.00aire ---------- 79c Headache Neuralgia Tablete. 25e - - 19C Nyai Heal ing Salve, 25c sire---19c H & H Gough Syrup, 25c sire ---19c H & H Cough Syrup, 50c sire ---39c lodized Throat Tablets, 35c sire - .-29c lodired Throat Gargie, 25ceixe.--- l9e Iron and Yeast Tablets, 69c aixe --- 59e Nyai Kleer-a-Hed, 50c sire------39C Nyai Laxacold Tablets. 25c ixe - --- 19C Nyai Little Liver Pilla, 69cesire---59c Nyai Liver Stimulator. 50celsie ----39C Milk cf Magnesia Tableta, 69c sire 59C NutritiveH1ypophosphites, i. ixe 79e Neuro-Tonie Taàblets, 50cesire--39c Nyalyptue Cough Syrup,.35cesire--29c Nyalyptus Cougli Syrup, 75c se. ---59c Nyseptol Antiseptic, 79cixe ---59c Ny-cet-AI Tablete, 25celsie ----19e Ny-cet-Ai Tabiets, 49e sire ----39C Ny-cet-Ai Comp. Tablets, 35c size- 29c Nykaline Antiseptie. 79ce sire---59c Nyaigeeie Liniment, 50ceize ---39c Nyreme Skia Creani, 69e size ---59c Pinol Couglo Syrup. 50ie-z ....39c Nyal Pilo Ointment, 50c sire---39c Nyai Rheuinatoge, $1.00 ixe ---79c Stoniach and Liver Pilla, 25c size.- 19C Stoneropt Compound, 31.00 size -9 Strengthening Tonic, 31.00 sire -7.9c White Broncititis Mixture, 50c size. 39c Syrup White Pin. & Tar, 50c sire- --39c STATIONERY SPECAL UINEN ANDD lID FINISH Saintelaire Papeteries----------- 29c Warnclifle Papeteries ----------- 59c Gienalda Envelopes-------------- 9c Glenalda Pad, Note Six. --------- 9c Glenalda Pad, Ladies' Louter Size. - 17c Glenalda Pad, Letter Sixe----- 19c Glenaida Portfolio ------------- 19c Patriotie Portfolio-------------...19e Blue Lined Envelopes ------------ 7e ]RYAL TOILETRIES Brilliant Lilac Hair 011---------- 39c Nyseptol Tooth Paete, 44c six.--29C PAR Shavial Lotion , 59c ixe ---39C PAR Shaving Cream, 45ce mixe---39c PAR Shaving Talcum, 30c six. ---- l9c PAR Styptie Pencil, 25e ixe---19c Almond and CueumberCream--39c 'io y i. il- --- -------------------- YÇ 1% PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943 TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO q» Revival Meetings ARE BEING HELD NIGHTLY At 8.00 P.m. Exctpt Monday andi Saturtiay SUNDAY Il a.m. & 7.30 p.m. At E VA NGE LIS TIC TABERNACLE Wlth Evangelist L. H. MacPherson and Radio Gospel SoIoist Mrs. MacPherson Of U. S.A. ,