THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STAT~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Miss Pauline Gaskin is visiting ber parents at Moncton, NB. Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Oshawa, is guest of Mrs. A. E. Devitt. Mrs. F. E. Walden, Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives bere. Miss Ruby Turp, Toronto, was guest of ber cousin, Miss Alne Nartbcutt. TOO LITTLE? TOO LATE?j When you hear the fire en- gifles clanging toward your home it will be too late to increase the amount of your fire insurance! Give your insurance the attention it deserves NOW. Ask us to help you check - just cali Stuart R. James Phone 681 Ring St. Bowmanville *Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard spent the week-end at Niagara and Queenstan. Miss C. G. Freeman bas been visiting Mrs. Bertha Bailey and Mrs. E. H. Maitan, Toranto. Mns. L. Sharpe, Toronto, Mrs. Harry Bnust, Rochester, a r e guests of Mn. and Mns. Alex Ed- mondstone. Mrs. Bertha Bailey is ieaving taday by airliner for Victoria, B.C., whene she intends ta make ber home with ber four sistens. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and Doreen visited friends at Lindsay and Oakwoad and at- tended Lindsay Fair. Mn. and Mrs. Alex Cox, To- ronto, have returned home aften a week's vacation witb Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett, Scugog St. Rev. W. P. Ragers is in Toronto this week attending the annual conference of Emmanuel College Alumni Associatian. Mrs. W. P. Rogers is spending a week visiting in the borne of hen son Dr. R. R. Rogers in Wallace- burg. Mn. and Mns. Alex. Haddy and Donald, Mn. and Mns. Falconer, Clinton, wene week-end guests of Mn. and Mns. L. W. Dippeil. Mrs. Art Freeman, Waodstack, was guest of ber aunts, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinsan and Miss Laura D. Beath. The valuable silven fox fur which was adventised in the Lost Coiumn of The Statesman was neturned ta the ownen wba paid a handsame rewand ta tbe finder. Mn. and Mrs." Wilbent Teeple attended the Fitch Band Wagoný broadcast witb Guy Lornbardo's orchestra at Mapie Leaf Gardens, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Charles Rablin and Frederick, Hamiltan; Mn. M. L. Raenigk, Stratfond, were wcek- end visitons with Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Maffatt and famiiy, tawn, Mn. and Mrs. G. Moffatt and family, Orano, spent Sunday with AC2 R. Moffatt, R.C. A.F., Manning Depat, and Mns. V. E. Milîsan, Toronto. TOWARD A BETTER WORLD GIVE VOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT TO- THE SALVATION ARMY HOME FRONT APPEAL WHICH CAMiPAIGN STARTS IN BOWMANVILLE AND WEST DURHAM SEPTEMBER 25 FOR THE STAFF 0F LIFE 'JO BUILD HEALTHY BODIIES WE'RECOMMEND YOU SERVE DAILY Carter' s Bread FAML 0-~EL Mns. Wallace Millen, Tyrane, brought severai branches of rasp- bernies, heavily i a d e n witb bernies, into The Statesman office on Friday, which is not ton bad for a second cnop in one seasan. 1 Mrs. Dan DeLury, Waiker, Minnesota, Mrs. Neilie Jackson, Vancouver, and Mn. and Mrs. Wrn. Wilson, Port Penny, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mns. W. R. Hawkins, Carlisle Ave. Mn. and Mrs. Alf. Pennington and daughter, Lois, and Miss Ruth Cryderman, Toronto, wcre guests of Mns. Fred Cryderman. They alsa came daw*n ta sec Mrs. And- rew Penningtan wbo is in very paon beaitb.0 Mn. and Mrs. M. A. Neal and sans, Fred and Junior, wha bave been summering at their cottage near Minden bave been spending a few days in tcfwn renewing acquaintances before returning ta tbe United States. Mrs. T. A. Brown, 529 Gilmoun St., Ottawa, writes: "Enclosed is $2.00 for my Statesman for an- other yean. While a great many are foneign ta me I stili like ta receive the aid home town paper which I think is improving ah tbhe time. Miss Isabelle Nayiar, younger daughter of Mn. and Mrs. E. S. Nayian, bas joined tbe Woman's Division of the R.C.A.F. and is now at Rockcliffe for ber basic training. Pnion ta leaving, ber ciassmates met at ber borne fan a fareweli party. They presented Isabelle with a handsame ring bearing the R.C.A.F. insignia and wished ber good luck in tbe wark she. bas chasen. Trinity Women's Association met in the schoai naorn on Sept. l4th with Mrs. K. Squain presid- ing. Mrs. Fred Haar and circle were in charge of the devational service and program. Meeting opened with a hymn with Mns. H. W. Foster at the piano. Miss Leta Jackson offencd prayen. A mast intenesting and instructive deman- stration on haw to take cane of aur clothes in wartime was given by Miss Hackett, Toronta. Delegates attending tbe Grand Chapter Sessions of the Order af the Eastern Star for Ontario, held at the Rayai Yark Hatel iast week were Mrs. Edna Janes, W.M., Sun- bearn Chapter, Oshawa; Mrs. Florence Murdoff, W.M., Lindsay Chapter; Mns. Hazel Gibbs, A.M., ad Mrs. Eleanor Chambers, W.M., Durham Chapter, Bawman- ville. Others wba attended were. Mns. Cana Rice, Mrs. Florence Northcutt, Mns. Ruby Cax, Mrs. Ada Found, ahl Past Matrons and Mr. Wrn. Faund, Past Patron. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Bennett, Base Line, ententained about 50 guests Sept. l7th, at a miscel- laneous sbower in hanor af Miss Helen Rundie, bride-ta-be. The home was beautifully decanated with beils, streamers and a pro- fusian of flawers. Aftcr the pan- cels had been apened and ad- mircd, Helen very suitably tbank- ed ail for the lovely gifts. The nernainder af the evening was spent in singing and cards. A dainty lunithcon was served by Mns. Bennett, assisted by Mrs. Hilton Tink and Mns. Ray Van Camp. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mns. Herbent Layman, Sept. 2lst. President Mrs. W. H. Carnuthers opened the meeting with prayen fallowed by a hyrn nead by Mns. Layman. Mrs. Robent Hetherîngton read the dedication service when sevenai members nead selectians. Mrs. Kenneth Wenry, wha had charge of the remainden of the meeting, gave an intenesting review of the bigh lights of the School for Leaders heid at Whitlby,. Mrs. F. H. Jablin, Mrs. Reta Dudley and Mrs. H. Fenguson dramatized "They Are Finding A Way." Mrs. Alex. Colvilie sang veny effective- ly, "It Was Fan Me." First meeting of 2nd Traap Bawmanviile Scouts apened Thursday night witb a goad turn- out of bays. Mns. Alex Colville attended the meeting and present- ANNOUNC EDIE N T -The Caverly Grocery CARRIED ON FOR THE PAST 16 YEARS BY W. C. CAVERLY RAS DBEEN PURCHASED DY George W! Cawker AND IN FUTURE WILL BE KNOWN AS Cawker's Grocery We have already stocked our shelves with a complete line of new groceries delivered this week direct from the wholesalers. These include a complete line of rationed goods as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. WE ALSO HAVE THE AGENCIES FOR - Drown's Bread and Christie's Cakes WE SOLICIT A $HARE 07 YOUR PATRONAGE AND IN 80 DOING ASSURE YOU 0F BEST QUALITY GROGERIES AT PAIR PRICES AND COURTEOU~S SERVICE CAWKER'S GROCIERY (Fornerly W. C. Caverly 's Grocery) Next to Cawker 's Butcher Shop Phone 677, Bowmanville fil! ed the patrol with tbe rnost points for last year with a silver cup. Bud Hooper's patrol won the cup. Tbe Christian Feilowsbip con- vener, Thelma Scblievert. con- ducted the meeting of Trinity Young Peopie's Union on Monday evening. Tbe tapic and tbe wor- sbip service were on tbe tbeme, "What Is God Like?" To present tbe tapic, tbe convener divided the Union into groups and each group discovered the personality of one propbet in tbe Old Testament and stated bow that prophet pictured God in bis time. Dorotby Bed- ford assisted with the wanship service. Doris Dudley presided for the business period and aiso canducted a lively sing-song. MANY SHOWERS FOR BRIDE Previaus ta ber marniage Mrs. Harny Souch, (nee Eva Welsb) was honored by friînds at a num- ber of events. A ng tbose wba entertained for ber were Mrs. Maurice Tamblyn and members of the Rebecca Lodge, a kitcben shower; Miss Lilianne Naylor and girls fniends presented the bride with a walnut table and larnp; Misses Vivian NichaIs, Patrica Clarke and Arlene North- cutt, a pyrex shower; Mrs. Wil- liam Welsb, Oshawa, a miscel- laneous shower, and St. Paul's Choir entertained ber and, pre- sented ber witb a beautiful eiec- triec dock. Mrs. Welsb entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of ber daughter. Tbe groom's motber assisted in receiving and in tbe variaus rooms were Misses Ber- nice Welsh, Jeanne Weish, Pat Clarke, Vivian Nicbols, Lurana Sieep and tileen Gibsan. Mrs. Prout and Mrs. Close presided at tbe tea table assisted by Misses Ariene Northcutt, Margaret Mc- Donald, Muriel Smith and Mrs. Sidney Murdock. WeIl K nown Poet And Entertainer Passes In Toronto Many Statesman readers wili regret ta learn tbat Ralpb Gar- don, whase poetry bas appeared at variaus times in tbîs paper for many years, passed away on Sept. 18, at bis borne, 628 Crawford St., Toronto, in bis 8Otb year. Ralph Gardon was tbe stage name be used, bis propen name being Fred B. Utley. He was a native of Oxford County and was emplay- ed in Waodstack for some years. He later becarne a professianal entertainer and tnaveiled exten- sively tbroughout tbe United States and Canada on tbe Cbau- tauqua circuit. In mare recent years be bad put an a one-man entertainment in nurnerous places in Durham County witb consider- able acceptance, often receiving return engagements. He wrote a great deal of poetny whicb was published in many Canadian newspapers. Tbe last time the editar of Tbe Statesman was talk- ing with Mr. Gardon was iast manth at tbe annuai convention Lof the Canadian Weekly News- papers Association beld at the Royal York, Toronto, wben be ap- peared as keen and aiert as usuaI., He is survived by bis widow and one son, KanI, af New York. Courtice Courtice W.A. met at tbe bome of Mrs. J. Gearing on Sept 16. Tbe tapic was taken by President Mrs. C. Adams. Plans were made for sending Cbristmas boxes ta aur Courtice boys averseas, alsa plans for the annuai bazaar. Refresh- ments were served by tbe hostess. Next meeting at tbe home of Mrs. R. Dean on Thursday eve- ning, Oct. 14tb. Soldier's Letter Pte. Irene Casbounn, 43rd Coy., Canadian Women's Arrny Corps, C.A. (A.F.), Canadian Army Overseas. Dean Matber and Dad: Had a lovely week-end. Tbe bahl team was invited ta Wincbes- ter, about 60 miles from London. We ieft London Sunday morning at 9.30 and arrived at aur desti- nation at 1 p.m. We were treated ta a laveiy cbicken dinner and did it ever go down with a bang! Ta tell you the trutb, Motber, it bas been tbe best meai since I an- rived in tbis country. The Auxil- evenings. Next Sunday is aur big inspec- tion with Princess Rayai. Just wish you cauld be here ta see us. They sure have been putting the girls tbrough drill, in a way they wili be glad whcn it is aven. I guess I have taid you ail the news. Hope ta, hear framn you soon, remember me toalal. Love ta you and Dad, IRENE. Mns. F. W. Cowan had her four sons with ber last week-end: Rd. Cowan, Smith's Falls; Fred Cow- an, St. Catharines; Fiight-Sgt. Sam Cowan, Montreal, and, Nor- ton Cowan, Toronta. Sgt. Harold Hoar, R.C.A.F., an- rived home Saturday from Mani- toba on furiaugb. Frank Hoar, also of the R.C.A.F., was home from Toronto, with bis mother, Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Lieut. Jack Hane, M.D., Camp Bonden, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. P. F. Hane. Mrs. Jack Hare is at pres- cnt with hen fathen, Dr. Munno, Cleveland, Ohio. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gienney and Mn. Howard Glenney visited Lindsay Fair. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hogg and Douglas, Leaside, were guests of Mn. W. F. Rickard, M.P., and Mrs. Rickand. Miss Jean Rickard was also home frorn Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Ellworthy, Ottawa, visited Mns. A. N. Me-- Evoy and daughter, Mrs. Selby Spencer. Mn. Benj. Moise received word iast week of the death of bis sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. W. E. Moise, To- ronto. Mn. Chas. Moise represent- cd the family at the funeral. Mn. and Mns. Henry Harnilton, with whorn their daughter, Mrs. Horace Walton-Baih, and their grandson, David, have b e e n spending the summer, have ne- tunned ta Toronto; but wili be down for Thanksgiving. Unity Group of United Chuncb W.M.S., Mrs. Floyd Butler, Lead- er, held a weiner roast in S.S. hall on Thunsday evcning, at which the husbands of the mcm- bers were invited. A deligbtfuh social tirne was enjoyed. Miss Evelyn Aluin, Bank of Commence staff, is on vacation and iast week visited Miss Helen Hooper at Ajax. POST-NUPTIAL EVENT A n enjoyable post-nuptiai event, in the way af an aftenmath of the Stanley Rickand-Murieh Pedweli wedding, taok place on Wednesday evening, Sept. lSth, in the forrn of an indoor corn-raast at Meadowlark Farm, borne of the gnoam's parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickand. Among thase entertained were the pnesiding minister, Rev. R. E. Morton, and family; the sextan, J. E. Allen, and famiiy; the church decora- tors, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. A. Cow- an; the onganist, Mns. L. M. Fish- er, and the members of the choir. A few attacbed husbands and ather friends were aiso present. Besides the eats there wene games and contests as well as a iivehy scavenger hunt for the young people, entailing a good deal of autdoor searcb a n d unning about. LOWEST PRICES MACLEA LARGEST SELLING TOCIN PASTE IN GREAT BRIAIN, KOLYNOS D~ena rm Listerine Antlseptic 29c, 49e Wampole's Hygeol 35è, 60e BUY RADIO LICENCES IIERE We have been appointed sole is- suer of radio licences for the Town of Bowmanvllle. ANOTHER WATER RESERIVOIR~ IJVIA I£I~ The Municipal Councii's Public Wanks and Fine -Depantments have started excavating on the south side of the street between Mrs. Howard's and the schooi and in front of Mrs. Fred Cowan's, pneparatony ta the building of an- other large underground concrete water resenvoir. It is designed ta conserve, in case of fine in this area, a supply of water for the Fine Depantment's pumopen. This wili make at least nine of such underground reservoirs strategic- aliy placed throughout the vil- lage. Wedding MORTON-HOLLINGSWORTH Edward Robent Morton, s'on of Mn. and Mrs. George R. Morton, Kendal, and Donothy Inene Hol- lingsworth, daughten of Mn. and Mns. R. H. Hollingsworth, Cow- anvilie, wene married at the Unit- ed Chunch parsonage, Newcastle, by Rev. R. E. Morton, Sept. 18. The bride was attended by Miss Muriel Morton, sister of the groom, and the bridegroomn by Mn. Armand Hollingsworth, bro- ther of the bride. The loveiy and cbanming bride bas been cm- pioyed with the J. Anderson Smith Ca., and through tbe week she boanded in Newcastle where she made many friends who wish ber and ben husband ahi success and haî,iiness. MUS. MOSES HEARI)'S FUNERAL A funeral service fan the late Mrs. Moses Heard, who died in Pont Hope at the home of one of ber sans, was beid in Newcastle United Church Satunday after- noon, Sept. 18th. The contege was accompanied by some 35 maurn- ens, relatives of deceased. Rev. R. E. Morton, ber pastan for three years, conducted the service and spake in warrn terms of deceased's long Christian life, of ber woman- ly vîrtues and neligiaus instincts and of how she had ahways ne- lated hersehf ta the Churcb and taken a keen and active part in the Women's Associations of bath Newcastle and Clarke United Churches. Interment was in Bow- manville Cemetery. Aithough thene were a number of New- castle, Brown's and Lake Shore friends in attendance, besides the maunners, it bas since transpired that a great many local friends were not aware at the time of Mrs. Heand's death and funeral, else the attendance would have been rnuch greaten. Mrs. L. M. Fisher pnesided at the organ for the service and played for the hymns. One son, Wesley, and family live in Bawmanville. With the large and attractive assortment of new de- signa in Silverware we have just received it makes shopping a real pleasure, whether you are buy- ing for your own use or f or gifts. Here are a f ew suggestions ~ ~ SALT AND PEPPERS .. $1.00 RELISH DISHES ... $1.50 up PIE PLATES.... $2.50 up PICKLE bISHES $1.25 up CASSEROLES ..$3.95 up BREAD TRAYS $2.50 up (Prices are subject to Government Purchase Tax> You will find OUR STORE an ideal place to shop for gifts for Overseas as well as Wedding Gifts and for presentations. Mdari's Jewellery AND GIFT SHOP Phoie 463 Bowmanville1 CHURCH TO CONSERVE FUEL Newcastle Higb Scbooi, Miss _______Eileen Farrow, Starkville, wbo Newcastle United Church, in its completed ber Junior Matricula- wartime plans ta conserve fuel, tion in June and also won a Mon- bas decided ta hold ail services tague schoiarsbip of $125.00, bas in the Sunday Scbooi bail after been granted a state hcolarship Nov. i. Sunday Scbooi is bolding of $100.00 ta take urTer scbool its Rally Day services in the work at Bowmanville. Tbese for- church auditorium next Sunrday, mer Newcastle Higb Scbooi stu- Sept.26, t 11a.m.dents received twc of tbe four Sep. 6, t l an.scboiarsbips allotted Durham County. It pays ta attend New- castle High Schooi. Provisions STUDENTS WIN for these state scbolarsbips for SCHOLARSHIPS worthy and prornising students was made iast year by tbe former Laurence Morton is planning 'Liberal governrnent in accordance ta attend Victoria University, with plans worked out by the late Toronto, he bas been awarded Hon. Duncan McArtbur, Minister a state scboiarsbip for higher of Education. The comrnitrnents education. He also won a of the former governrnent are be- M on ta g ue scbolarsbip of ing honored by Premier Drew, $125.00 when he compieted bis flow Minister of Education, and Junior Matriculation at Newcastle bis Progressive -Conservative gov- High Scbool. Another student at ernment. L A LLE NBU RYS" *HALIBORANGE ___The miceet way of 1 ]taking Halibut Livoe Ofi -85c-1.50-2.75 Alka-Seltzer ----------- 29c, 57c Bile Beans ----------- .---- 47e Bromo-Seltzer ---------25c, 49e Chase's Nerve Food -- 60c, $1.50 w MMMmo ,..os Wuàiy Feenamint ----------19e, 33c, 69e Frultatives ----------------22c, 39c Lysai ------------- 35e, 65e, $1.25 Dettol Antiseptie -----49c, $1.49 CUE 19e - 33e ODEXne ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAP Odex is made with ti-tree oil, an exclusive, odour-free antiseptic il times more effective than carbolie as a germicide, yet xnild and pleasant to your akin. 2 CAKES j110 CE B e.R % ?-M Scatt's Emulsion----- One-A-Day Tablets Wampole's Extract PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY AIE EMcOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Smm ..... ..-. .- - - - -m .... - -m .. - - -.. - ------- , 59e, 98e 44c, 98c, $1.79 -- -- -- -- -- -- --- $ 1.00 1Soft as a fIeecy clou!1 I25C lnbox -The Newcastle Independent SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY 0F - Phone Clarke 1114 ..........i ...........P9. r9 1 -- - -.. .-..-.. -.-..-.- 0000 HEALTH - FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY - Dad, Mother, Daughtcr, son - everyane needs and wants the bcst of health these days. To keep fit and do yaur bit TAKE VITAMINS DAILY. Don't dehay. Start now ta build resistance against winter ihînesses. Your 1. D. A. Druggist specializes in these essentials ta better bealth. Idafer, Iron & Vit. B. Tonic AS Capsules 5$1.15, Liquid ........5$1.25 N S NoChcal Food ~ 5.5 50 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 S 4 oz. and 16 oz. .. ... ... 67c, $1.69 Abdol Capsules, Improved P.D........1.15, $2.00, 53.45 LR Sm darnait, Malt & Cod Liver m 011...........59c, 98c' 51.69 $1.00,5$1.85,5$3.50, $15 I.D.A. Cod Liver 01, 8 and 16 oz.......69c, $1.19 Betamin Tablets ------ $1.00, $1.75, $3.00 Ayerst Cad Liver 011, plain ---55e, $1.29 Kepler Malt and Cod Liver Oil 75c, $1.25 Meads Cod Liver 011 ----- 50c, 75c, $1.0 Mead's Oleum Pereomorphum - 75c, $3.0 Neo-Chemical Food, liquid- $1.15, $2.45 RMM»- vlimr- THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE