r:. -~~~~.---- -. I. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 23nd, 1943 Eyesight Educatio And Efficient By C. B. Tut Opternetrk Specsalizt Disney Bld Phone151 -275 - CONICAL CORNEA AND TE CONTACT LENS The concave lens uscd f Myopia doca not lend itacîf to b ing the type of correction that cý bc made into the adhesive Co rection without this tbicker( edge causing irritation. This the firat thought that comes mind, but the excessive curveE the Conical Cornea creates a di fenent value to, the cunve farti away fnom the extreme fr0r This is the point of which ti erron is more highly syopic an part of the ides away fnom th point wîll bave littie if any secir value and this is the anea thi can be made to compensate f( what would be the thick endE area of th.e concave lens. When you examine the curv turc in any meidian away fnci this centre it is found to becorr lesa myopic and in some cases la found to change to the opposi: curvitune as you come fanthE away from this centre making convex correction neceasary. Th: then will explain wbat would ar pear to be a mechanical on phys: cal impossibility. (To Be Continued) A determinate purpose in hif and a steady adbeaion to.: througb alh disadvantages, anc in disputable conditions of successm -W. M. Punsho '00 HOSOLI w.lo nEdward "Dad" Worth Chatham, Receives 50-Year Masonic Jewel Cey (Fromn C.P.R. Staff Bulletin) ,rk Known from coast to coasi as ch'Dad" by nailwaymen, lodgemen and bandamen, Edward Worth, of last Chatham. Ont., 75 years of age, netired freight agent for the com- pany nt Chatham. was pnesented [dg. with the 50-year veteran Masonic jewel on Wednesday, July 21. in Toronto, at the 36th annual meet- ing of the Grand Lodge. A.F.& e16 A.M., by His Woshipful Grand Master Johin McRae of Kitchener. J. W. Worth. brother of "Dad,"' retired C.P.R locomotive en- 'E gineer, noceived a similan jewel at the same tinie. 'Dad" Woth. bis fathen the for late E. B. Worth, bis two brothens, be- Bill, 83, and Sam. 77, and bis five an to on er )nt. ind his n led ne it iite en Sa hia fe it - Edward Worth sons, the late Eddie J., Will J., Jack, Harold and Roy, ahl wonked Iwith the company or its prede- *ceason in Ontario, the Toronto IGrey and Bruce; their aggregate *service to date being 331 yeans. Mn. Worth is the only Mason, west« of London, wbo was ever bononed witb the tbnee district offices of Deputy Grand Master, Grand Supeintendent, R.A.M., and Provincial Grand Prior, .Knigbt Templan. " Dad" is a life member of SRameses Temple Shrine, Toronto. SAs an bonorany memben of the Shrinens Hospital, be was necent- 'l y presented by Rameses Temple, « Toronto, witb a paid-up framed certîficate. His f ather, E. B. Worth, joined the Toronto Grey and Bruce on its i naugunated in Toronto. Pre- vîously witb tbe Grand Tnunk, "E.B." served 21 yeans witb the company. "Dad's" two brothena, Bill and Sam, served 47 years and 57 yeans, and ended up as loco- Smotive engineen, Bruce division, and superintendent, Algoma Central, respectively. They are botb bale and heanty. "Dad" was caîl boy, operator Sand car cbecken at Toronto until S1890 when he opened up Bridge Station in the Windsor subdivi- sion, and was agent there for 25 yeans. On tbe opening of the New Lake Shore line in 1914, he be- N, came agent at Cobourg and went Sto Chatham as agent in 1927, ne- Stirng on pension in 1935. He bad 53 yeana' service. At the time of the deatb of bis Ison, Eddie, wbo bad been witb the company 37 yeans, Eddie was assistant supeintendent at Re- gina; "Dad's" second son, Will J., 36 years' service, is now agent at Moncton; and Jack is an operaton eat Bowmanville depot, and bas had 29 yeans' service. Harold, the founth son, aften 26 yeans, is chief train deapatchen at Toronto, witb the youngeat son, Roy, an openaton at White River, Tyrone Visitons: Mrs. George Arnold, Toronto, wtb ber mother, Mns. Mina Hughson. Mns. Hugbaon ne- turned to Toronto witb Mrs. Arn- old. . . Mns. Victor Fneeman and son, David, Belleville, witb Mns. H. Pbilip and Miss Jean Pbilp.. Mn. and Mns. Roht. McConnell, Hooper, Orono, witb Mn. and Mns. Robt. Hodgaon. Mrs. Stonie ne- turned to Orono with Mn. and Mns. Hooper. . . Mr. and Ms 'Douga t tenàdd te wedding-of bis brother, Jack Barr, and Miss Alice Jean McBain in the Pnesby- terian Chunch at Harniston on Sept. lhth. Before we caîl the government in Ottawa confused, remembe- we are the government. Service Arthur MacNamara says Dehydrated Foods that sooner or later an order will be issued requirjng employers to Given Special Care il satisfy themselves that ail male ____0 employees in age and marital Canada is rapidly building up a 0Ii classes designated under Mobili- name for the high quality de-f zation regulations have papers to hydrated products exported to the 0 show that they have been rejected allied nations. 'This is not due toaI or discharged from the Forces, or a happy chance but is the resuit MIg otherw:se that they have coin- of careful planning and co-opera- 0r~ Salut e D plied with the Regulations. Which tion. In Canada there are now f seest put it up to employers. dehydration plants in every pro-o * * *vince. Owing to the necessity for tose interested... where cull ap- ration plant much care is devoted H EA LT ! A WEEKLY EDITOR A xeietlfr i o boueceniesi ey plscan be secured at 10w cost to sanitary conditions. In view of( GLEN R.AE MILK is in LOOKS ATconversion of the fruit into en- the growing importance of de-I LOOKS ~~~~~~silage is an economical method of hydrated exports, the Division of teanytO-i' h supplying succulent foods for the Bacteriology and Dairy Research,~team oo-i' h ~ "I f routieoshoage mandfarersfinAtDohrmiiion sarnes outAgi "In WUrtiWWUand vwarhm th present time with an acute culture, in co-operation with 0Oakoe o elhu wWns«u my family neeodi difficult ta grow either roots o vestigations to guard against con-etig ! Have you had ~o ekg fjie hyfonatcsb net cuisHV at h I corn, the two chief sources of tamination, while the ever-pres-~n fur" weekl Ineife InsuofaCc-&succulence for winter use. To ent danger ta dehydrated stock your pr ttoday ?Try 11 BY 31M GREENBLAT should have an absorbent such the attention of the Plant Pro- 0 THE 0W -ram protection!m as alfaifa or grass hay. tection Division, in co-operationn With the tag end of summer wt the Division of Entomology GLEN RAE flavor in a bottie of GLEN I vactins te rie instr n «In our monthly family budget, life The Army has just got off the and Fruit and Vegetables, Per- the move between Quebec, Wash- entatîe gso osuradohrDELIVEREDO intnadOtwteeh"For your information, please," fcosaecekdb h i been dog days for news in Ot- to the representative of The Mutual visino' hmsr.lrl n o'lb au usua, wthougovernmentsnde- as Lfeiomenaateveneeialedingo Roie's Bibe" with much pentinToeliminate the possibility of TO YOUR HOME aladyo'leslu- f tawa.althogh is busness anLie ftanadae I ve een abnle ig third evise"eitio f a so fCeity fomtinscha "o wer sect infestation, careful cîeaning EVERY MORNING ing heaith! partmnental and bureaux activi- contining protection formy family your socks if they need darning" and scrubbing of premises are 0 ties continue apace. There was and retirement income for myseifI" t h rpr r t areovatiostoan ts ar neesmade. even a little flurry of excitement In these uncertain urnes, he roer ocdueat crîe o tstaan s when adear0f ovr hePics orddefunetralsYNEDSLFEINU . A close check is maîntained, as is cut out the hot dog "roll;"' it was A the case in the handling of food,0 even press-rumoured that public ANCE PROTECTION! Only by when factonies are idle to ensure inigaton ws auin te life insurance can tbe average man je itn that recommended measures of0 Board ta reconsider its decision, create at once suficient additional sanitation a n d reconstruction but that was promptly denied by security.. there is no other way Nestleton W.A. met at the home whe been mtand a cteuln the Board-one of the few times that you can add 50 muci, so quickly f Mrs. John Williams Sept. 16 PrtcisnmDivinta tevPnt n it has come out publicly to bother to your estate today! with meeting in charge of Mrs. sect outbreaks. Check-ups are O denying vague rumours. The Mutual Life of Canada pro. George Bowers' group. A supper also made when the drying plantsD A Y Amng th as, pawin ides the utrnost protection at was discussed but voted down. of dehydrated fruit and vege-0 temporary buildings whîch the minimnum cost. For facts and figuxres diThere nhwe5adises reeant . Atables are in operation, and P wM NEÉ ÀB W A war has brought to Ottawa onei cal! or write your nearest Mutual dintluas n hwae rediandhrs. samples from shipments and 0 finds that Munitions & Supply Life office today. Wlim n h gopi hredebnis are sent to the Dominion r wr ie a eryvt ofFumigation Station at Montreal_________________________________ touis as bsiy aengad ithsTHE thanks. for rigid examination and further thuad uiy nae nti Visitons: Mr. John Armstrong incubation, to test the possibility __________________ ________ important activity. M. & S. as E II A with his daughter, Mns. W. Camp- of nset ifetatof cur gi it is known here sounds hum- ~lt bell. .. Mrs. Jas. Williamson with osec ens aon qccure n AinP TE RUS hsparoim treme nous ob.Takebust t heahrnpeM.LvreMgl overseas. In a similar manner the "I'm trying to do my bit, pat- prchedof fdj or. aejtheredEabihd19 Janetville. . . Mrs. Weldon Neal qality of shipments is protected Farmens may now keep steel riotic-like," said the farmer, who purhas offod fr te rme Esabisbd 169Victoria Road, at Nestieton.. by the other Divisions of Science drums containing gasoline, oil or had sworn that he and his family forces alone-one item. I am told Head Office Waterloo, Ont Pte. and Mrs. Hamley Hoskin and Service, Dominion Department of grease on their farms so long as would abide by sugar rationing that for the first five months of Insuronce in Force family, Toronto, Mr. and MIS. R. Agriculture. hyaerqidtasoehi eglinbuI'mrid av 1943 this department negotiated M. Hoskin at Mrs. Harold Wheel- contents, S. Gdry, Administra eîght children, and I'nu derned, if the purchase of 22,000 tons of Over $638,000,000 er's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craw- tro sdGode nucs.Icnafodt ep naby meat, 41,000 tons vegetables; 16,- Branch Office - 43 Gore tretfard, Toronto, at their home at H w -o-etonu Pevoulfaed oos, annorues. I cta affr okepo -b n 000 tons bread; 3,200 tons butter; Peterboro - - Ontario Nestleton. . . Mrs. Jas. Malcolm How o i* Vaue P eviufrmrs weredruwet i ha ua 7,250,000 dozen eggs; 800 tons_______________ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter anlà Fromi Farm Woodlo t c d er n suhei dss owe________ coffee and tea; 4,000 tons evapor- Jamie, Port Perry, with Mr. and_____tehabeniterhndoe Silence neyer shows itself ta, car il.e th 2000tns gowi mea ki taat tr ko Mrs. L. Joblin.. . Mr. and Mrs. The farnm woodlot has ýeen month. sa great an advantage as when cate tikhe2,h0 onts gowing, ackitaat tr oko Melville Tracey and son George, proved over and over again to ti aeterpyt aun for 5 months as against the total September 13. The spade work Uniovleit is sse, r.b aRTOIN II addfmathe rpytu-Addison. of 32,500 for aIl of the yean 1941. is done by sub-committees and ivle ihhr itn r.b good investment, and AIN GLMTan demti. -dds . in the past two years has already H. Wheeler. wherever possible eveny farmer DnvleCric)Theisa eoqntiec: tundi oesacigrprts Sympathy is extended to Mrs. should have bis own re-foresta- (DnvleCoiceThr isa eoqetiec: Piced p hre nd her: Cn-on many phases of the war effort. Wilmer Fitze in the passing of her tion' or conservation plan, in ad- A North Carolina rationing1 It serves something to approve, adian soldiers at Kiska wone the I talked with the Chairman ne- mother, Mrs. George Cornish. dition to any provincial scheme, board reports that one of the sometimes to condemn; there is bucket-type United States army cently, Hughes Cleaver (Lîbenal, Mr. and Mns. C. H. Porteous urges the Dominion Forest Ser- mountain farmens living neanoy a mocking silence; there is a ne- helmets. . . The new National Halton) and hie feels the commit- at Jackson's Point, holîdaying vice. Most farms have an area has just about found a limit to spectful silence. Coal Conservation Committee has tee has a tremendously imot and fishing. Mns. Harold Nesbitt of rough on strong land that_________________________________ representing the small consumer, ant function, and he likes te way helped to carry on while tbey would produce more revenue as a a woman, Mrs. W. E. West, Di- members of all political affilia- wene away. woodlot if properly caned for than nector of Women's Voluntary Sen- tions get togethen anound the Maurice Nesbitt has been sick as a rough pasture. It is on record vices, whose job it will be ta pass committee table and dig into a with tonsilitis. that one farmer who has follow- on to Canadian women findings job. He is a devotee of canoeing, A number of the friends from ed good woodlot practice, and UP i of the committee on such things lots of sunshine and his tanned, Nestleton attended the reception who has kept records of every- for cold weather, funnace firing to up lots of energy for the wonk and Mrs. Lewis Stinson who were the land in bush was producing 1 ____________________________ get best results, etc. . . In war in- abead. There are 24 Members mannied. Mn. and Mns. Jas. more revenue than the rent of the dustry women are now penfonm- of Panliament onx the Committee. Dickey nemained for a visit. farm. ing 70 per cent of the openations* * In the management of a wood- in manufacture of machine guns, T lot, it is important to observe one comprise more than 80 per cent The Bureau of Statistics here ~o w hns atesol o of those employed in instrument sae Cnd coe is1424 e loedt raei tebs factonies, are oven 27 per cent of cnop ycan with a canry-oven of _____becausoedtey deitro he tuhe the86,00 ircaftworens 601500000buselsof hea - W.A. and W.M.S, met at the young growth which protects the 15,000 tons of wheat go oýt 'tý 121 million bushels greater than home of Mns. O. McQuade, Sept. noots of the trees from dnying Greece eveny month as a gift of the pnevious record carry-oven 4hwt eodatnac. u.We utn od fr' theCandia peple upto uly31,194. Yu kowMn s. H. A. Galbraith very ably fuel, it is advisab]e to nemove ahl ***an unusual feature this past cnop took charge of tedvtos u-da readi re afn Mn. hurhil's nfernceto yean was the fact that aîmost a .tedvtos u-da readi ne ofn tMi.d was carried oven on the ess period was taken up making the dead trees easily in the win- Russia in his recent Canadian fanms. An sadinove l op arneetsfrte Gldnthetisago ln omr radio talk prompts me to gather frs nottnig eeo Jbrneet frteGle ei i odpa amr a few items of intenest. 0f the ment was the use of wheat for Jubilee Celebration and Roast them during the aummer. It la &OME ##R àECONOMICAL anial ee an b ditileres orGo ose Suppen. Pnogrnm consist- also good practice to nemove un- billion dollar gif t to Bitain iast anmal e n ydsilre o ed of neading by Mrs. Manwood desirable species of trees, such as yean, supplies to the value of 61 . dustnial alcohol. It is intenest- McKee on "Honesty"; piano solo ironwood wbicb does not produceM milo olaswr rned ing to know that in the past crop by.-4 6111 tion usi.Caadl ass retalsosfentya, ,te epeofCnd Miss Thelma Sweet and a a tnunk satisfactory for making Russia more than 1400 Canadian consumed only about haîf asnednbyMsW.wetAco-iolu e.Thsaeapeso tans,200 Uivesa Carirsmuch wbeat as went into animal test followed, "The Romance of cnooked and mis-shapen trees tnvlkus, B00UnregusantiCarri~e edansacoolprdu tio. a Durbam Orchard," which was wbicb occupy space that could be Prolong the life of your car, and help Canada win weapons. small arma, machine was estimated that nearly 8 mi,_ much enjoyed. A delicious lunch utilized for gnowing straight trees the war Our special "Car Conservation Plan" will tools, clothing, etc., to a tremend- lion bushels of wbeat wene used was served by the genial hostess, Oua figure; also a ten million dol- for alcohol production, making 14 Mns. McQuade, for wbicb the Ian credit for wheat and floun, million gallons . thanka was gladly given. "AMR EIE epyu rsrtcrscyutruh hspa and the pople connibuted ml- * * *Mn. Bill Brown and family,"FRE"DFNDepyorrsntcreeouhog.Tisla andth pope ontibte ml-Omemee, spent Sunday at Russell BY PRICES BOARD was designed to keep your car fit for active service lions to the Red Cross fund for Russell Smart, real pnopenty Brown's. b epn twl evcd odtoignwwl Russian Relief and the Canadian administraton hene, has warned Mn. and Mrs. T. Samelîs, Misa What is a farmen? b epn twl evcd odtoignwwl Aid to Russia Fund. Our friend- that if the pressure continues on Annie Mountjoy and Mr.' J. E. Firat definition of a farmer to aeyucsl ear ltro epyut ship for Soviet Ruasia bas been areas wbene thene is a shontage Elîiott visited Mn. and Mrs. Cecil appear in any Wartime Prices andsae>ucstyraisaero . .hep ouo translated into deeds. of bousing it may be necessany to Sîemon's at Haydon. . Trade Board onder has been in- conserve gas, oi1, metal and rubber for Canada's ***considen regulations nestricting Congratulations to Lydia Ginn cluded unden new regulations Faîl fains will have a new kind movement of families to these and Lewis Stinson wbo were man- governing slaughtering of beef, war machine. Corne in today for full details of our of exhibit this yean, a wantime aneas. 0f course you ail know ied on Sept. lStb at the home pork, veal, lamb and mutton. ."a osrainPa. feature as educative as colonful, "deficiency housing areas" exiat of the bride's parents, Mn. and Under this order a farmen is original "a osrainPa. they tell me at the Wantime in such places as Halifax, Ottawa, Mns. Clarence Ginn, by Rev. defined as: "A persan who de- Prîces & Trade Board informa- Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria. Bruce Harrison in the presence of rives the major portion of bis tion office bere. Anranged by the This is an appeal which could be the immediate relatives a n d livelibood fnom agicultural pur- og eu m ' Conumers brancb, the display well heeded all aven Canada, fnienda. Fifty guesta sat down to suits cannîed on by him on a GA 8R 8O 11S GARAGE wil bedomnatd y acolr mch s t i reretedthat fam- a aumptuous wedding aupper farm." chant sbowing comparative pnices ilies bave to be sepanated due to senved by four girl frienda of________________ in this war and World War I. An war exigencies. In Ottawa for the bride. A number of the young Phone 2666, Bowmanville enlanged Gulliver poster portrays instance, the bousing registny bas people came in for the evening the McGill farm, east of Cadmus. the part women are playing in 1850 applications for units and wbich was spent in dancing. Mn. The good wishes of the Cadmus_________________________________ price control. Rationing and con- only 25 vacancies. 0f the new ap- and Mrs. Stinson will reside on people will follow tbem. servation will be deacribed pic- plications it was sbown that 309 torially mn a table display. are fnom heada of families in the Wheneven a Prices Board booth, anmed fonces and 227 in civilian thene will be an officen of the occupations. The tales one bears Consumer bnanch from that comn- of "bouse chasing" in Ottawa (asA munity prepaned to answer ques- well as in other centres) areI freal-rqd .VV o.1 tions. iy tragic. I bave seen aa. n 1he- M>ju,.r Re lAér-, ours, wecome ouritotendoclrati n bhoards the stations at any time and ob- UR4 5?oronlclrto ors serve how the proiecta suitable «0 4ND WE TAKE CARE These boards are doing a to thein own districts are pro- gnessing. Up at my home Sta 0 TE ALW/ Tg/ wonderful job. Support themn. Dg Id tion in Swift Cunrent, Sask. it is k:' OH an? at UicUannual fied dayN- L .1 T ..MITED ia pIeing unusual to have 2000 peo-odn Cnd Director of National Selective PAGE SIX THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943