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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI THURSDAY. SEPT. 23rd, 1943 IBuy War Saving Staanps YOUR STAMPS BUY SULPHA DRUGS AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES TOILET SOAP SOAP FLAKES 2 for lc 23c large size PAMOLIVE. LIFEBUOY, PICSRN6 CAMAY, LUX, CASHMERE PICSRNO ROQUET. ODEX AND LUX, OXYDOL MANY FLOWERS SUPER SUDS COLOGNES - BEAUTY CREAMS Blue Grass ----- $1.50 Pond's ------------34e, 59c Evnn n Prs 6c Arden Velva ----- -- $1.25 Heaven Sent -- $1.00, $1.50 Lady Esther --- 29c, 55c, 98e Apple Blossom -- 85c, $1.25 Adrienne ---------------60c Chanel ------- 82.00, $4.00 Helena Rubenstien -- $1.25 Pink Clover ---- $1.10, $1.75 D. & R. Cleansing Cream 79c Adrienne -------- 60c, $1.10 Special HOLIDAY SNAPSHOTS ENLARGED IN STUDIO FOLDER - 2 for 29c Jury (& Lovel When W. Test Eyes t s Don. Properly THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS F ARSIGHTED householders are seeing the urgent need of preparing their homes now against this winter's coal shortage. They are acting now! - HEATING SYSTEMS MUST BE - EFFICIENT: HOMES SHOULD BE ADEQUATELY INSULATED. - Hors are some jobs you should b. doing NOW 1 IHave your entire heating system £inspected. Order necessary repairs. .' : 2Have your furnace thoroughly cleaned by a competent man. Insu- - late furnace and pipes where necessary. 3 Be sure that you have sufficient storm * z windows and that ail windows and i doors fit tightly. Have cracks in walis -~ ~ repaimed. Weatherstrip whemever it is necessary. Consider seiously the insula. tion of ceiling and walls. Many homes waste as much as 60%1 of their fuel through ineffi- dient heating equipment, inadequate insulation and other heat losses. Winter is just around the corner. Prepare NOW!1 Sa.<eoe ~ ~~'us f12W THEDEA.. NTOF UNTIN AD Ui L HO.C D OE , iese BIRTIl BALSON-Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Balson, Cataraqui, announce the birth of their daughter, Judith Anne, at Kingston Gen- eral Hospital, P'riday, Septem. ber 17, 1943. 38-1 ALDRIDGE - Major and Mrs. Gordon J. Aldridge (nee Gladys Chapman, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman) announce the birth of a son, Sept. 16, 1943, at the Private Patients' Pavilion, To ro n to Western Hospital. 38-1 DEATIl CORNISH - In Cartwright, on Sept. 16, 1943, Ruth Emma Cor- nish, beloved wife of William George Cornish, aged 73 years. McINTYRE - In Bowmanville, Sept. 21,' 1943, Margaret S. Me- Intrye, beloved wife of John McIntyre, aged 82 years. The funeral will take place from her late residence, Church St., Bowmanville, Thurs., Sept. 23. Service at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. COMING EVENT Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed., Sept. 29, at 9 p.m. Admission 35c. 38-1 Dance at Bowmaxýville Arm- ourles Fr1., Oct. 1, sponsored by Women's War Auxiliary. T. Langley's orchestra. Admission 50c each. Dancing from 9 to 1 a.m. 38-1* Eldad Harvest Home services will be held at Solina, Sun. Sept. 26 at 2 and 7.30 p.m. with Rev. S. Littlewood, guest speaker. Mon., Sept. 27 at 8.30 p.m. entertain- ment will be provided by Kedron Minstrel Show. 38-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ail other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- c e s so ries. Teephone ou «'C. U. C. Sales and Servilce Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware.* Room and Board FOR RENT-2 ROOMS, Board if desired. Business girls' pre- ferred. Phone 2834. 38-1 ROOiM AND BOARD-IN GOOD home in the Village of New- castle. Apply P.O. Box 116. Newcastle, Ont. 38-2* S.S. No. 9, Clarke Your correspondent is very sorry that she has neglected to report No. 9 news for several weeks, more so since our boys are writing home from overseas that they miss our contribution. Will try to do better from now on and ask for co-operation from the community. Our school is getting down to work under the capable guidance of our new teacher, Mrs. Robbins. Miss Foley, Bowmanville, Gwen Gibson, Ross and Morley Allin visited Morley's sister at Ida. Miss Mary Gibson, Toronto, at home. Sympathy o! No. 9 friends is ex- tended to Stanley Bowen and family, Newcastle, in the loss of a loving wife and mother. Farmers are busy apple har- vesting. The problem is to get pickers. Mrs. Kaiser, Oshawa, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Taunton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lineham and Mrs. Barlow called at F. Bowen's. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ketcho have moved in with her mother, Mrs. Alden Gibson. Mrs.' Clinton Farrow, Miss Margaret Bowen and their aunt, Mrs. Found, spent the day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen whom we regret ta say are not in the best of health. STUDIO LOUNGES SIMMONS, GOLD MED&L and other well known manufacturers have oo-op- erated by these fali shipments to give MORRIS 00. the largest selection of spring-fiiled studio lou.nges that you will find in a day 's travel. Â1l are well built in good covers - wine, blue and rust are the popular colours. These values caniiot be duplicated for the duration. Last 1943 shipments just arrived, sciec your studio couch NOW whlle sprin construction is available! et ng FALL SHOWING 0F - Bed Davenports, Continental Beds SNYDER 'S FAMOUS 'DUAL' BED-CHESTERFIELDS REAL COMFORT AND EOONOMY FOR WARTIME Spning Filied Chesterfield Suites Are STILL AVAILABLE 'AT Fe F, MORRIS CO. Bowmanvllle Phone 480 n Wr WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW- w - "f HeIp Wanted HELP WANTED - Housekeeper for elderly couple in modern country home. Apply Mr. Henry Bowen, Orono. 38-l* HELP WANTED - MAID for Bowmanville Hospital. Ful time duties. Room and board provided. Apply Superintend- ent, Bowmanville Hospital. 38-1 Strayed STRAYED from my premises- Yearling steer, light brown and white, tag in ear with my name and address. Anyone having in- formation about this animal please phone J. A. Paterson, R.R. 1, Orono, and receive re- ward. 38-1* Lost LOST - BLACK, TAN HOUND, maie. Reward ta finder for me- turn of dog to owner, James L. Welsh, Bowmanville. 38-1* LOST - GAS TANK TOP. Find- er please leave at Jamieson's shop. Lost between Subway, Manvers Road, and Concession St., on Sunday, 38-le LOST - SCOTCH BROOCH, round, yellow gold, lost in New- castle, Friday night. Finder leave at Statesman Office and receive $2.00 reward. 38-1 Wanted WANTED TO BUY - 50 ROLLS snow fence, must be in good condition. Phone 574. 38-1* CALVES WANTED-Bul1 Calves for vealing and heifer calves for raising. Phone 2818, Sidney Cornish, Enniskillen. 38-1 WANTED-PIANOS. If you have a piano you are not using and wish to sell for cash, telephone Fred Mitchell, 492 Bowman- WANTED TO RENT OR BUY- 5- or 6-room house in Bowman- ville with modemn conveni- ences. Write Box 244, States- man Office, Bowmanville. Articl-es For Sale FOR SALE - 1-4 H.P. MOTOR and jig-saw. Phone 2460. 38-1 FOR SALE - TOMATOES and apples by basket or bushel. Phone Bowmanville 2208 at9 p.m. 37-2 FOR SALE - NEW WILLIAMS sewing machine. Apply Mms. Russell Griffin, Enniskillen. 38-1 FOR SALE - BED OUTFIT complete, and dresser, spring mattress, pacticaiiy new. Also walnut Victrola and records. Phone 2343. 38-l* FOR SALE - HEATER, Coal or wvood, $12 cash. Apply Mrs. Roy Hooper, 22 Carlisle Ave. any time a!ter 6 p.m. or phone 404. 38-tf FOR SALE-ABOUT 75 LARGE Leghorn hens. Also smaii quantity snow appies cheap. Phone 2647, Mrs. Fred Battie, R.R. 6 , Bowmanviile. 38-1 FOR SALE - CAR, 1934 Chev. Master Coupe, heater, tires and general condition A-i. Private- ]y awned. Apply Fred Short,1 Wellington St., after 6.30 p.m. and Sat. p.m.. 38-l* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actualiy in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoc South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-REMNANT Bundies for qults, cushions, fancywar< gifts. Rayons, crepes, satins, dress goods, 25 pieces, total 5 yards, $1.50, postpaid. Money back guarantee. Buttonshop, Whitby. 38-8a OSHAWA«S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in mcsdern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and st.udios. Bedding andý floor coverings a specialty.1 Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bmadley's New Fumniture Store. 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-8 PIGS, 8 weeks aid. Appiy Harold Evans, R.R. 3, Bawmanville. 38-1* FOR SALE - YOUNG EWE and ram lamb. Apply John Jacks, Hampton, Ont. 38-1* FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SOW- due ta farrow soan. Apply Green Bras., R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, phone 2161. 38-1* FOR SALE-WOOD STAVE Silo 20x12 ft., in good repair; $5000; P. F. LeGresley, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1102. 38-1 FOR SALE-GOOD Work Horse, 12 years aid. Apply Taylor and Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 38-1 FOR SALE-4 XXX Registered Shropshire ram lambs. Maurice Baker, Enniskillen, phone 2262. 38-1 FOR SALE - 26 YORKSHIRE pigs 6 wecks aid. Apply ta J. A. Jahnstan, Burketan, R.R. 1, or phone Part Perry 172-12. 38-1* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F good barnyard manure. George Aluin, Bowmanville, L ak e Share. 38-l* FOR SALE-TWO FURROW Mc- Carmlck Deering piaw in gaod condition. Jahn Reiner, R.R. 1, Hampton.Î8*1 FOR SALE - il YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks aid, and purebred Holstein Man O War year aid bull (blood tested). Fred R. Stevens. 38-lu' Cattie Wintered AUCTUON SALES CATTLE WINTERED - YOUNG Saturday, September 25th - cattle wintered. One ta 30 head, Auction sale o! househald furni- on good f eed, lots of water, turc, the property of the Estate with best o! came. Write Box o! the late T. E. Hardy, 110 St. 236, Statesman Office, Bow- John Street, Whitby. No reserve. manvilie. 35-tf Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 o'clock. ________________________William Maw, auctioneer. 38-1 Repairs Wed.. Oct. 6, the undersigned will seli by public auction for ELECTROLUX REPAIRS & sup- Meredith English, Lot 17, Con. 3, plies. Only Electrolux Factory Cartwright, ail his farm stock, Branches have genuine Electro- implements, hay, grain, poultry, lux parts. For your protection etc. For particulars sec bis. request service through Elec- Sale at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. trolux Canada Ltd., 686 Water Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 38-2 St., Peterboro, Ont., phone 4547. ____ 38-1 Tues., Oct. 5, the undersigned Noticewill sdil by public auction for Mr. ________Notice ______ Hutton, Lot 25, Con. 1, Darling- ton, his herd o! purebred accred- Would the boy who retumned ited Jerseys, milking machine, Ronny Moffatt's purse late Mon- pigs, some implements, etc. Sec day afternoon, pleace cali at Mrs bis. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms:Cash. Moffatt's, Church Street, for re-* Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 38-2 ward. ,. 38-1 Fmi., Oct. 1, the undersigned GIRL GUIDE ANNOUNCEMENT will seli by public auction for Mr. McMahon, in the Village o! Girl Guides wîll commence Pontypool, ail his household e!- their weekly meetings on Mon- fects including piano, chesterfield. day night, September 27th, at suite, new linoleums and mnany 7:00 p.m., in the Public School other articles. Sec bis. Sale t gym. Any girls over 10 years o! 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmeýr Wil-I age are invited ta join Guides._ bur, Auctioneer. 38-2 8 * Tues., Sept. 28, the undersigned A number o! fellow employees will seli by public auction for o! Mr. Norman Allison wish ta Dave McMullen, Lot 5, Con. 7, express their confidence in hlm, Manvers, ail his farm stock, im- as a candidate in the coming dcec- plements, hay, grain, sheep, pigs tion for councillor. Norman has and some household effects. For always been a faithful and de- particulars sec bis. Sale at 1 pendable worker for aur interests, p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wil- and we sincerely feel that he is bur, Clarke Williams, Auction- entitled ta your influence. Sa cers. 38-1 get out ta the poils on Monclay ____ and support the man who sup- Sat., Oct. 2, the undersiglied ports you. will sdil by public auction for This item is inserted and paid Beverley Jaynes, Lot 14, B.F., for by hîs fellow workers. 38-1 Clarke, 3 horses, 19 cattle, 3 pigs, - sheep, some implements, quanti- Real Estate For Sale ty o! hay and straw. For par- _________________________ticulars sec bis. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, Auctioneer. 38-2 309 Gilbert Street, Whitby. This poperty must be sold at The undersigned has eceived once ta close the estate o! the instructions from Mr. William late T. E. Hardy. Apply A. M. Hallowell, Clarke Twp., Lot 8, Hardy, Bowmanville. 38-1 Con. 4 (3 1-2 miles N. o! New- tonville), ta seli by public auction FOR SALE,-FRAME HOUSE, 6 his farm stock and implements, rooms, with ahl conveniences-.hay, grain, and some fumniture, Some furnishings if desired. on Mon., Sept. 27, at 1 o'clock. Garden and fruit trees. For Terms: Cash. Jack Reid, Auc- f urt h er particulars appiy tianeer; Westol Stringer, -Cierk. Charles R. Bickie, Liberty St., 37-2* Bowmanviile. 38-1 ____ FOR SALE- 100 ACRES 0F Farm, harses, cattie, swine, im- gaod land, ail workabie, on 3rd plements-Sat., Oct. 2, the under- Concession o! Clarke, 2 miles s.îgned wiil seli by public auction from Newcastle, 12 acres o! for R. S. Cochrane, Lot 34, Con. new seeds, 25 acres pioughed, 9 Darlington, 5 horses, 40 head o! 10 acres o! orchard, weîî at cattle, 40 pigs, implements, quan- bam, srig i patue. easn-tity o! hay. Farm wili be sold, bar, srin inpasrClRaene subject ta eserved bul. Giving able price. Apply Caec pfrig aea ..Trs Turner, 1 1-2 miles east a! New- uC a.rmg. a e a .m. erms: castle.________ 37-_____ purchase o! farm. Ted Jackson, FARM FOR SALE - IN DUR- Alictioneer. 38-2* ham 'Caunty, twa miles east o! Biackstock on gravel road, 100 Thurs., Oct. 7, the undersigned acres, 75 under cultivation, 25 wiii seli by public auction for in cedar bush and pasture with George Milîson, 3-4 mile East o! a rented trout stream. Large Whitby town on No. 2 Highway, brick house with good autbuiid- ail his farm stock, implements, ings, ail in good condition, new- grain, hamness, rmots, household ly oo!ed. Situated close ta fumniture. This is an exception- public and h ig h schaol, aliy good lot o! stock, impie- churches, stores, miii, etc. ments and furniture. For par- Hydro at the door. Appiy ta J. t*tclr ecb1.Slea 23 A. Johnstan, Burketon, R.R.i1: p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wil-C 1 3-1 bur, Auctioneer. 38-2 Property For Sale TENDERS wiil be received by the undersigned up tili Septem- ber 3Oth, for the purchase o! the part lot and dwelling lacated on north Miii Street, Omono, the pro- perty o! the late Ida D. Gamsby. D WE L L ING includes floor caverings, window blinds, elcc- tric light fixtures, storm doors and windows and there is a good concrete cistemn. Immediate pos- session can be given. TENDERS shauld state price offered and terms that would be satisfactory ta the tenderer. At least 40 per cent of purchase price must be cash and balance may be carried on mortgage over five years with four per cent interest. HIGHEST or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Frances M. Hamm, Executrix, Fort Frances, Ont. 37-2* 1 1 ___ __ ROYALI Thurs., Fni., Sat., DOUBLE FEATURE ISTAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY In AIR RAID WARDENS * Also BLUES UN THE NUGHT I Featuring PRISCILLA LANE BETTY FIELD MnLLOYD:: LA ISEPT. 27, 28, 29 THE MALTESEI H FALCON HUMPHREY BOGART MARY ASTOR LEWS -SHORT jAUCTUON SALE I have been authorlzed to seil by Public Auction for PERCY PORTER Lot 18, Con. 3, Clarke, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 1943, at 1.30 p.m. the following stock, implements, poultry and household furniture: Durham heifer, 4 yrs. old, due April 3; 2 pigs, 180 pounds; 92 Leghorn pullets, 4 1-2 months old; Viking separator, 650 lbs. (new); wagon; hay rack; seed drill (M.H.); set sleighs; set har- rows; single and double plow; scales, 2000 lbs. (new); pig box; oat box; set harness; 2 collars; bridles; double trees; neckyokes; forks; hoes; shovels; mail box; bags; churn and butter bowl and other articles too numerous ta mention. Furniture - couch; 3- pce. parlour suite; bed, spring and mattress; dresser; 2 chests drawers; highchair; washstand; baby carniage; 4 dining room chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; table; Findlay cookstove (new). TERMS: CASH ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE I Have Been Authorlzed te, Seil For MWRS. ELIAS STRUTT LOT 9, CON. 9 DARLINGTON (2 1-2 miles north of Tyrone> SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 1943. at 1.30 p.m. Thec Followlng:- Dining room table and 4 chairs; extension table and 6 chairs; kit- chen table and 4 chairs, parlour table; sideboard; cupboard; buf- fet; pictures; jack-knife leaf table; rocking chair; 3 arm chairs; small oil stove; Singer sewing machine;, McClary cook stove, A-i shape; box stove and pipes, washing machine, bolIer, tub and board; 5 beds; 1 dresser and stand; cabi- net gramaphone and records; fernery, settee, Coleman gas lamp; ail lamps; crokinole board; 3 dozen pillow cases; 1 dozen feather pillows; 1 doz. quilts; 3 pair blankets; tablecloths; towels; curtains, blinds and rods; cush- ions; ironing board and flat irons; set o! white and red granite; silverware; dishes; pots and pans; axe; shovel; ladders; 5 doz. fruit jars; bread mixer; lawn mower; screen doors; mason's outfit, quantity o! wood and coal; 1927 Chevrolet sedan. TERMS: CASH. THERON MOUNTJOY. Clerk CLIFFORD PETHICK, Auctioneer 38-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-100 Acres, Lot 16, Concession 1, Cart- wright. Buildings and land in good condition, spring water, close to schaol, railway and highway. Property of late Frank Harris. Apply to Ed- mund Harris, Burketon, On- tario. 37-2 FOR RENT - 75 ACRES, ALL workable; new hip-roof barn and other necessary buildings; 7-room brick house, wood-shed attached; unlimited supply of water at buildings; water in both house and barn; creek; 2 1-2 ac. orchard, bearing; sehool 3-4 mi.; church. 1 mi.; situated 1 mile west of Enfield. This is one of the better small- er farms of Darlington. Terms: Reasonable. Possession: Mar. 1, 1944. Apply M. J. Hobbs, En- niskillen Village. 37-2 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-TWO OR three furnished rooms wanted immediately. write Box 245, Statesman Office, Bowman- Caille Sale The 'Property of E. A. W.rry Wili be soid by Public Auction on Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Dar- lington Twp., anc mile north o! Enniskilien, one-haif mile off paved road, on Sat., Sept. 25 25 Real Good Feeder Cows 50 Choice Stockers Above cattie ahl good bec! breeds Sale at 9.00 in the morning Terms Cash TED JACKSON, Auctioneer Will ail those people who left honey containers, please eall for sanie. Space Îs at a pre- C. R. KNOX O1RONO NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you mnust make application to the War- tume Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. -Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handie it here. GF. JAMIESON. TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office WANTED Apples wanted for processing. - APPLY - Canadian Canners Bowmanville- Phone 782 Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay higis- est prices for Timothy, Crover, etc. Stewamt's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of Margaret Jane McLaughlin, who died on or about the 25th day of August, at the Town of Bowmanville, must be filed with the undersigned Executrix, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, on or before October 4th, 1943, after which date distribution wil take place and dlaims not filed will be barred.t:§ DATED at Bowmanvil. Ont., September l6th, 1943. Nina E. Neads, Bowmanville, Ont., Executrix. 37-3 WANTED CAPABLE GIRL For general housework and cooking; family 3 aduits; mod- ern home; we are United Church. MES. HOWARD L. BRADLEY 651 Simeoe St. North Phone 420 Oshawa Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOIJLD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor. Notaxy Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan . Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVIITT Assistant: Dm. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubflee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House! phone 325 X-Ray Equipment. in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DULECTis Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modemn Motor Equipment, Arn- bulance and Invalid Car. Teler phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniakilien Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Fumnitume Sales. Consult me for terms and dates. 50-tf Monuments The Rutter Granite Comnpany Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 8t Veterinaries' DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD Veterinary Surgeons Office - Main St. - Orajia Phone 56r7, Orono Help Wanted ITO Maie and Vernale WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Hose. Belting, and Packing -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holldays wlth pay -Pension Plan -Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation wlth pay after one year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applicants now on War Work not accepted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 h. L~. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943 di PMO% m ~1P m %W 0" jbýý .1 1 1

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