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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1943, p. 3

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 3th, 1943 WORLD WIDE COMýMUNION A SPECIAL INVITATION Ini these days of war, when there is so much dividing men and - nations, Christians must maintain an unbroken and unbreakable fellowship. On October third, World Wide Communion Sunday, followers of Christ everywhere, in a r mn y camps and naval bases, on ship- board, in churches large and smaîl, in the homeland and over- seas,. will bear witness to this fellowship. The world wide ob- servance of the Lord's Supper will cross frontiers of race, break through barriers of prejudice, and rîse above the clash of nations. In obedience to Hlm Who said, "This do in remembrance of Me, %» love Christ are cafled t -;ýhe about their Lord's table on 'tefirst Sunday in October, 1943, and recommit themselves to the un! inished task of His Eternal Kingdom. This special service will be oh- served in Trinity United Church next Sunday morning with Rev. J. E. Griffith in charge. A special collection will be taken for Orphan Missions. We build our ideals and they * in turn build us. -Le Conte. 1%0~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO b : By Capt.El CANADA IS IN TOUGH SF0I IF ALLIES FALL APART There ks A Strlking Resemiý lance between the avents of lai( 1918 and those o! the presew weeks. The big land battles of 191f were being fought out on thE Western Front. Those of 1943 arE being fought out la Russia. Bi now as in 1918 the German army is in fuli retreat. Now as in 191E that retreat has nowhere yet bE- corne a rout. Considering thE battlefront as a whole, the Ger- man armies are falling back thiE year without cracking wide oper, any more than they did in 1918. In 1918 British, French and American armies were keeping the enemy on the move by a suc- cession of blows which gave him no rest. And many of those who read these lines will recail that i was not till the last six weeks of the war that German prisoners RCj»0 $'p#4P CANADIAN ]FARMERS qeteeBY MAIL' sary to drive to town ro do their banking. They just walk to their own mail-box and back. Have you ever tried banking by mail? It is so easy and convenient.Write for our folder,"How to Bank byMail'.: BANK 0FOP MONTIREAL "AMank Where Small Accounts Ay. Welcome" MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ... the Outcome of 125 Years' Successful Operation Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager à"Here's the New, Easy Way ti Healthful Family Moals" W 7OMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat-to- Work -ta .Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes ail the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practicl... tixne-saving ... easy ta use! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid ta Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your fainily lack proper foods ta build health, stamina, high morale-to help keep tbem fit, on the job! Sa learn the easy way ta "good-to-eat" me ais that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy 1 tu of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win" today!1 IODOMYSponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARJO) U au aid to Vicory. F Rln" are Ion partment of Ottawa. forU MAIL -r- . . . . -NUTRITION FO * BOX 600, TORI *PleaseendmcmyFj * Addrvst - afI *MM M MU styled "Christian" nations stand bless the angel singing for little for in theory and in practice. Annie. No queen ever went to Intheory, for instance, the her grave with a more touching wes tern democracies are supposed ceremony than this Young daugh- S e e Mt Obto believe in law and order as be- ter of poverty and toil, commit- lmore Philpett tween nations-in much the same ted ta the care o! the angels. >T began to be caught in reaîîy large In fact every nation, big and little, 'Comewaysus o eu numbers, day after day. tries to look after itself as best e, weayoulsaore esu * *it can. The result is the anarchy And through the dark, its echoes b- In 1918, As Now, Leaders Were o! power politics and recurring sweetly ringing, t annthpepeta twswar. The music o! the gospel leads us nt likely to be a long, hard war. As*** home. late as September 2, 1918, even The Remnedy ks So Simple That Far, fair awaylk esatv- Sir Douglas Haig himself told his it stares humanity in the very ,lk eî tee 8 closest friends that the war was face. It is to apply exactl the ning pealing, icertain to last into 1919 and likely same principles o! goverînment The voice o! Jesus sounds o'er re t go n ito 120.between the nations as ail nations land and sea, ue t go o ito 1920. .i.a . owdowthn hirow orer And laden sou Is, by thousands weks Atayitwsaloeinaf w n ed knwhow ta eron odrs ind meekly stealing, 'y W~Sanow, in my opinion not and cities. We have couniclîs t Kn Shepherd, turn their weary 18 even Mr. Churchill himself', nor make laws, courts to apply them, steps to Thee. !-President Roosevelt, knows when and policemen to enforce them. Rest comes at length; though life le the Nazi pirates will haul down Sa in the provincial field. So in be long and dreary, rthe black banner of Fascist piracy the realms o! national govern- The day must dawn, and dark- s and run up the white flag of sur- ments.' some nîght ho past; n, render. Yet we aIl still shy away fromn Faith's journey ends in welcome These things seem worth recaîl- the application of the very same to the weary, id ing. Bocause it was about this principles in the international And heaven, the heart's true ig same time in the last war that we field. When it cornes right down home, will corne at last. >began to lose behind secretly the to brass tacks none o! the big Angels, sing on, your faithful r scenes what our powers is yet ready or willing to ace keig io mon were win * hand over the maintenance of law wthskesg nin intheope an orer o atruy iteratinalSing us sweet fragments of the hattlefield. î body. Even in the fifth year o!f iîsng.aoe 7S was at about::.:"",:- the second world war not a single mrng'joshîedte on f h igpweswic anAdnight of weeping, thssarne time:tak* oe opeace bfgrornterswrdis illodesloe mn that B r it a i n:: n life's long shadows break in and France î~~ng to surrender the "right" toa.W aer 8416 were making make war.*** conflicting sec-:' ret deals with!iýý:; That Strange Creature Called various allies man has another name. Scientists Ms id rdr a associates, andl' man "homo sapiens." I seeVe ~ werethe ge th "sp" Vrom non, B.C., Attached even enerny sat- whr b t ey et the ida fo! hm oPci. o m n ellites which setk \s:btInvrgo h dao h'lr aii oiad ' the stage for thi. ens ____ terrible tale For sapiens is supposed to We are reproducing the follow- o! Versailles. M-'i meanthe sapient, or wise, or ing article from the Vernon It 15 worth e * knowing. That can hardly be (B.C.) News as it refers to Miss calling that one * callod an accurate description o! Hilda Cryderman, B.A., daughter of the factors whlch led to Fas- that cussed species-man - the of Mr. Wm. Cryderman, native o! cism in Italy was that the Allies only creature who kilîs himself in Harnpton. It will be recalled that had made secret promises to îtaîy, recurrent waves. Miss Cryderman paid her first which they were unable or un- I n ail stages o! history man has visit to Eastern Canada last willing to fulfill when vxctory sought to appease the wrath o! month when she visited many o! was won. Britaîn had promised whatever gods ho worshipped by the Cryderman clan in Durhamt the Arabs certain thîngs as to the rnaking sacrifices. In ancient County and also addressed Bow-e future of Syria, which were re- tîmes this took the form o! ritual- manvîlle Rotary Club. The article 1 pudiated later. It was that re- istjc killing of some Young virgin, follows:1 pudiation that sent Lawrence o! or youth, while the awe-struck An appointment, unique inv Arabia into his life-long self-im- masses looked on, or waited out- character, and of wide-reaching I posed exile; and which made hlmn side the temple while the dirty possibilities, extending into the refuse the honors which the Brit- work was done. vista of post-war rehabilitation,f ish government proffered ta him. Man's foggy mind cloared bit has been accepted by Miss Hilda r It was about this timo in the by it. A Jew named Abraham Cryderman, B.A., of this city. She t last war that powerful interests got the epoch-making idea that left on Thursday fur Vancouver, t in our part o! the world began to the Divinity would be appoased where she will act as Educational switch this from a war against just as much by the killing o! a Counsellor to Women of the Threei German miîitarist aggression into goat as o! his own beloved son. Services, attached to Pacific Com- f a.war against the Russian sociaîist Nowadays ail that sort o! thing mand. The appointment wasf revolution. appalîs us. We gaze up at the made by Dr. Gordon Shrum, t] It, too, could happen twice peaks o! the pyramids, in Mexico Chairman of the Educational * * ~ or elsewhere, and ask ourselves: Cornmittee for B.C., through the We Are Approaehing The Most "Could human beings have really National Selective Service, and is been sa benighted as to helieve under the auspices o! the Educa- dangerous point of the war. Only that the gods demanded the mur- tional Department o! Canadian one bond has sa fair united the der o! a human being as the price Legion Auxiliary War Services. Big Three Allies-America, Bni- o! welbenoftersUiqeOptutyorCy tain and the Soviet Union. That l-en !ters? nqeOpruiyfrCt bond was the me nace o! conquest TeTril TuhI ht e Fins oM rdemni or defeat by Hitler's Germany. TeTril rt sTa e Fins-o isCyemni Hitler's Germany is approach- modemns sacrifice the pick of ourthscyarexemygaifd ing the point when it wiîî no Young peuple, not singly under that a position of this character longer constitute a sufficient the priest's knife at the peak o! has been offered a Vernon wo- menace to defeat any o! the three the pyramid, but on a total scale. man, who filled a post as girls' big Allies. Hence the link they Generation after generation we counsellor in city schools after a now have in common could either cull out, by hundreds of thous- number o! years as principal o! faîl rîght off, or prove sufficiently ands, the very flower o! our Coldstream School. She is a binding to carry themn through in Young manhood. We send them graduate o! U.B.C. tearn harî'îess during the trying out to give their lives on the altar The program o! providing op- times o! readjustment for peace. of international anarchy, other- P9rtunities for wornen in the ser- Let us Canadians face the plain wise called national sovereignty. vices to be trained according to facts. The time will corne when his- their aptitude or ability that they If stable peace is not achieved torians of the future wiîî write may be able to take their places in after this war the world wilî about these last days o! dying the post-war world, is in its in- break down into two rival blocs. nationalism, with wonder and be- fancy. It has recently heen plan- One o! thoso blocs would he head- wilderment. They will record ned throughout Canada, and sim- ed by the United States with the that this World War II was ilar counisellors have been ap- British Empire as junior partner. brought on by smali gangs in but pointed attached to military dis- The other would ho headed by three nations; and that even those tricts. the Soviet. three nations put together com- Miss Cryderman's headquarters If history ran its course, that prised but a small fraction o! hu- will be at Vancouver, but she would mean World War III. And manity. will cover militaîy areas in Ter- anyone who cares to contemplate They will be appalled because race, Prince George, P r i n c e the nature o! air war in the future even the oldest democracies, like Rupert, Chilliwack, Vancouver, -and who studios the map-can the British, 'Americans, and'their Nanaimo and Vernon, where it is plainly sOO where Canada would neighbors, literally had to ho shot anticipated, members o! the Wo- get off in event o! such a World into beginning the organization o!frnen's Army Corps will presently War III the parliament o! man. ho stationed in greater numbers ThisCanaa ha onî twothan is now the case. neihsonno h, one stouh "It is in reality the firat stop TeihsCa nad oîd beoe Sm&T. nstoward post-war rehahilitation," Thi Cnaa oud ecmethe ain ers & ehir o g said Miss Cryderman, who has battefild o th mos ghstg conflict o! ail time. The Alaska Fred R. Foley just returned from a trip through Highway runs two ways. Eastern Canada. 'There I !ound Happ1y people do îearn some THE PILGRIM'S HYMN a very serious attitude, combined appi Y'with intense planning for the era things by experienco. We do not need to make the same mistakes Hark! hark, my seul! angeîic after hostilities cease," she de- over and over again. songs are sweîîing clared. ,O'er earth's green fields and She met departrnental heads o! DYINGDAYS F WOocean's wave-beat shore: the Canadian Legion in Montreal DYIG AY 0 WRLD How sweot the truth those and Ottawa in connection with LAWLESSNESS blessed strains are telling hon new appointment. "If a girl O! that new life when sin shaîl shows an aptitude or desire for As This War Moves Towards hairdnessîng; or if on the other the end its real cause becomes ho no more. hand a Young woman has aca- even more clear than it was at Angels o! Jesus, angels o! demic training which would make the heginning. light, a background for a course in The real cause o! this World Singing to jvelcome the pil- chemistry, should that ho her am- War II is not prirnarily the grims o! the night! bition, courses and lectures in viciousness o! evil men like Adol! these trades and professions will Hitler, the Nazi gangsters, and The author o! this hymn, F. W. shortly ho made available to them the militarist caste throughout Faber, has given many beautiful as membens o! the forces," said the world. Far more it is due to hymns to the Christian Church. Miss Cryderman in explanation o! the laziness o! well-intentioned Ho began his Ecclesiastical career her new work, which is in reality people; the appalling gap there is as Rector in the Church o! Eng- identical with that carried on by between what the "goodf" or self- land but later becamne a priest ini her among the High School pupils the Church o! Rome, !ollowing in only on a broader scope. FEE5Bcopyaof"Eat-to-Work-to-Wmn"'. mourners, andi sang until the Services in the Pacific Coast aiea. * choirs o! Paradise must have Miss Cryderman and M is s * paused to listen. Nancy Jermyn have just retuîned a The Mother's face was rapt and from a trip to Eastern Canada, I white. Suddenly she knelt at and they each gave an account o! * Parepa's foot, close to the wooden the woîk covered by similar clubs - __ 8__ trestles. Amid tears and sohs she at Winnipeg, Hamilton, Toronto ........- prayed aloud that God would and Ottawa. PAGE THREE ~u.I L 1Iv Calgary, Alberta, Sept. 20, 1943. My Dear George: I arn enclosing $2.00 for another year's subscription to The Can- adian Statesman. While I think of it I had better put in a change of address as we have to give up our furnished place here at the end of this month and as Wally has been posted te, Shilo for his second pip, Canada's Housoldiers know that custards and blanc- Mrs. Breck has decided to spend the next six weeks in Winnipeg . manges, quickly and easily made with pure, bigh quahity with her sister. Will you please, Canada Corn Starch, are a delight with any luncheon therefore, change your records to show her address as: cr0 District or dinner menu. Payrnaster. M.D. No. 13, Trader's At this time when Canadians are urged to "Eat Right Building, Calgary, Alberta. to Feel Right", these delicjous desserts will prove a We are enjoying life here quite welcome addition to the nutrition foods featured by well although the nostalgia of the the National Food for Fitness Carnpaign. Folow east and the old country is stili Canada's Food Rules for Health and Fitness. very strong and attractive to both of us and were it flot for many old friends that I have here, whorn I knew in former days, I arn afraid- we might find it a bit lonely. am aM A CORN I was very much surprised the EM N other day when Floyd Dudley you knew he got a touch of gas A product of the CANADA STARCH COMPANY; Limted while serving with his Regiment and is being hospitalized in Cal-_________________________________ gary on account of the dry air. He was up to the house for a littie while and met Mrs. Breck but we are planning to have another eve- ning when we will run over the gamut of affairs in Durham in general and Darlington in par- ticular. Kindest personal regards. Yours sincerely, MAJOR T. G. BRECK. POSTMASTER ADVISES _____Y SENDING BOXES EARLY The volume of Christmas par- cels for troops overseas handled 2 IGC by the Post Office last year reach- ed the proportions of "a regular G T little Christmas rush" as the dead- E b RT )U E mie for mailing approached, it lias said today by Postmaster C. 3. Kent. In advising relatives and friends of servicemen to get their miail in early and not delay until the last minute (November 1), the Post Office points to the heavy volume of last year that 0 MADE nearly swampèd the mails in the O fial days and to the certainty OJ ANAD that matters will be even tougher this season if people are not care- fu oget their gifts out early. C0O1S LESS THAN le PER AVERAGE BAKINO ----------i The Editor's Mail Cut CombHBoney . a . . . Extracted Honey or Maple Syrup - et Molasses .. .. 1 1LB. NET --12 FLUID DZ. (1 LB. NET) Y2 -LB. NET --20 FLUID OZ. Cern Syrup, Cane Syrup, or any lended Table Syrup---------14FLUID DZ. Canned Frit -a -~ ~ 1 - lFLIJIDOZ- NEW SCHEDULE PRESERVES RATIONING EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 30, 1943 Preserves rationing give 's the consumer a number of chaices bath of products and sizes af containers. Because of the wide range af container sizes and the variation in buying habits across tha country it was necessary ta put the system into opera- tion and then maire adjustments an the basis of exparience. Now that preserves ratianing has been in effect for several weeks, it is passible ta made same increases in coupon values. The new schadule is announced below and s effective September 3Oth. The new daubled ration allowances for molosses, axtracted and comb honey will enabla consumers in areais where consumptian of these products is heavy, ta buy more and stili leave enaugh for districts where the total demand is light. The increased ration allowancas for corn, cane and blendad table syrups and maple syrup are adjustad ta bring coupon values mare closely int lina with the great variety of container sizes naw in use. ONE "D COUPON IS GOOD FOR 901 i Me. là., Jams, Jellies, M4armalades, Mlaple Butter, Apple Butter or Honey Butter . . . 6 FLUID OZ. or Comb Honey (ini Squales) . . . . . One Standard Section SSgar --.-... y LB. NET J NOW DECOME VALID SEPTEMBER 3Oth The validity date of these coupons has been moved forward from the original October 14th ta September 3Oth. This has been don. ta accommodate purchasers of some items which at this season of the year are normally bought in large units. Coupons D-6 and D-7 will become valid on November i lth and the original schedule wilI be continued from thon on, with two coupons becoming valid every four weeks. RATION ADMINISTRATION TH WjTMIPRCS NDT *EBO R PR 2W - - - . - - a - - - - - ---------- - ,9 mm Mm P" Pm ffl P-9 *:yý PAGE THREE "ý, 1

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