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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 3th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFE Mrs. E. J. Gale, Belleville, is guest of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mrs. W. A. Clarke and son, Bill, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Roacb, Toronto. Miss C. G. Freeman bas been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Free- man, St. Catharines. LAC Charles Hoar, London, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and MrS. E. V. Hoar. kand Mrs. E. Gingeil and SToronto, spent Sunday wi.JF'ý parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pearn. Miss Grace A. Hall, Hamilton, is spending a week with her sis- ter, Mrs. R. M. Cale, Manvers' Road. Have you started to gather up old papers, rags, tires, tubes and House te House Canvass, RE Radio Licences To eomply witb government regulations regarding the purchase of radio licences, a bouse to house canvass will be made of ail residences and places of business in the Corporation of the Town of Bawnianville. MR. C. W. TAIT has been appointed as yen- dor of licences and ivili make the canvass com- mencing FRIDAY, OCT. Ist Thé ceanvass has been de- layed because of our late ap- polntment as issuer of radio licences and difficulty in securing a vendor. Aliex. McGregor Issuer of Radio Licences for Bowmanville Revival Meetings CONTINUE IN THE E VA NG E LIS T1C TABERNACLE With LtangeIist L. H. MacPherson and Mrs. MacPherson 0f U. S. A. Services Tues. through Friday 8.00 P.M. Sunday - Bible Sehool 10 ar. Worshlp il a.m. Evangelistie 7.30 p.rn. Hearty sInging - Interestlng preachlng Strangers Are Invlted metal for the Salvage Drive on Oct. 14 and 15? Mrs. K. E. Cox and Helen, Mrs. M. Jeweîî and Miss Mabel Jewell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wylie, Toronto. Rotary Club drive for old Vic- trola records for the armed forces is receiving a generous response. Have you brought yours in yet? ACl Donald Allin, Calgary, Alta., sbent furlougb with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Carlyle Ave. Pte. Ewart Bragg, Aldershot, N.S., is spending three weeks' sick leave with bis wife and daugh- ters, Scugog St. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pointen bave neturned fnom a visit witb Mr. and Mrs. Popp, Buffalo. Mrs. Popp is now bolidaying witb Mrs. Pointen. Mrs. George Jackson (nee Mar- garet Ine]and), Toronto, bas re- ceived a cable from ber busband announcing bis safe arrivaI over- seas. The 151 Boy Scout Troop will meet Oct. 5, at 8 p.m. at the Pub- lic Scbool. A full turnout is ex- pected and new boys are invited to join. Mr. Cranston Scott, Betbesda, received a cable from Pte. Harold Martyn, London, England, saying that lie was receiving mail and was well and happy. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McTaggart, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hord, Rutb, John, Hugli and Marilyn, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mc- Taggart. AC2 Ken Hooper, R.C.A.F., To- ronto, and Miss Betty Ling, Belle- ville, spent the week-end witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hooper, Car- lisle Ave. Mr. M. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Yeo, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rainer and daugbter, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. Clarence Yeo. Miss Ruth James, after tbree weeks bolidays witb bier parents, returned Monday to bier duties as nurse-in-training at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. J. A. Gunn, veteran Canadian National Express agent, is on vacation and W. A. Ferry, Lind- s Y, is in charge of the express ofice during Jack's absence. Cpl. Frances Clarke, Cpl. K. Tutt, C.W.A.C., formerly of Cal- gpary, and now training at Ottawa, enjoyed the week-end witb the former's mother, Mrs. F. Clarke. At the annual meeting of the Eastern Ontario Municipal Elc- trical Association, beld at Kings- ton last week, W. R. Strikewa elected President and Geo.Ej Chase, Secretary, for the third consecutive year. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Soucb, Clarke Union; Mr. Joe Rickaby, Hamilton; 'Mr. and Mns. Herb. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fraser, Mr. Géo. Miller, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Scott, Betbesda. Mr. L. M. Souch bas been ap- pointed a member of' Oshawa Board of Education to fîli the un- expired termi of the late Trustee W. E. Babe. Mr. Soucb is son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Soucb, Bowmanville. WO2 Donald Cameron, R.C. A.F., Halifax, N.S., is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Cam- eron. Don told us lie saw Pilot Officen Ralpb Ainslîe, formerly of the B.H.S. teacbing staff, re- cently, wbo bas since arrived overseas. The Statesman staff is indebted to F. W. Bowen, ex-M.P. and «Crell-known orcbardist, for a bas- ket of luscious Mclntosh Red apples. If Ibis is a fair sample oîf the apples grown in Ibis dis- trict this year, Durham County apples will be in great demand. Tom Carter, of The Carter Family, who enlisted in the Lan- ark and Renfrew Regiment, and saw service on the Atlantic coast, has now been appointed Sergeant on outpost duty under the Pacific Command on Vancouver Island, according to word just received by his wife, formerly Georgina Somerscales. Citizens are invited to the of- ficial opening of the new Navy League Headquarters in the store formerly occupied by Jobnsîon's Book Store, on Tuesday, Oct. 5, Enomn 2 10 5 p.m. The local Navy League committee is doing a TOWARD A BETTER WORLD GIVE VOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT TO- THE SALVATION ARMY HOME FRONT APPEAL WHICH CAMPAIGN STARTS IN BOWMANVILLE AND WEST DURHAM SEPTEMBER 25 FOR THE STAFF 0F LIFE T O BUILD HEALTHY BODIES WE RECOMMEND YOU SERVE DAILY Carter' s Bread HE CATh £« 1L 'I splendid work for a worthwbilc war effort and deserve the gener- ous co-operation of every citizen. Records show that many citi- zens have failed to secure their radio license for 1943. There's going to be no excuse from now on as Alex MeGregor, issuer of iradio licenses, has secured C. W. Tait, vendor of licenses, to make a bouse to house canvass in Bow- manville, commencing Oct. lst. So have your $2.50 ready when Bill calîs or else produce your license. Many local citizens will be in- terested in the following marriage announcement which appeared in Saturday's Oshawa 'rimes - Gazette as the groom and his par- ents were former residents of Bowmanville: Hall-Beresford - Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hall an- nounce the marriage of their son, R. Clifford Hall, to Lady Diana Beresford, o n 1 y daughter of Major General Stewart Rankin. The wedding took place quietly in London, England, on Septem- ber 9, 1943. Sergt. Alex Lyle, who was with the Canadian - American Troop Commandos at Kiska in the Aleutian Islands, visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lyle, while on his way back to his camp in Vermont. Alex said the Japs walked out on them owing to a dense fog which lasted for five days. However, the Japs left considerable ammunition, Ameni- can and British rifles, (aIl cap- tured equipment), as well as some booby traps in the hope of fooling the attackers. Mr. Ed. M. Down, Detroit, IMicb., is paying his annual visit to his home town as guest of bis sister, Miss Lola Down. Ed. bas been away from Bowmanville 51 years and has missed only one year that he hasn't been back home. He bas been a subseriberý to The Statesman all these years and mentioned particularly bow he enjoyed Whistling Jim's reminiscent articles, but couldn't understand why be bad flot re- ferred to the oId AIma Hotel in bis recent article about the Mar- ket Square. GIRL GUIDE NEWS The lst and 2nd Comnpany, Girl Guides met Monday night witb a good attendance includingseveral new members. Mrs. A. Baker, who was Commissioner of Girl Guides in Bowmanville.last year, formally resigned to Mrs. A. J. Frank, wbo will take over ber new duties as Commissioner. Leaders this years are Miss Eileen Coucb and Mrs. H. Lewis. Guides will help Salvation Army with their Tag Day on Saturday. Burketon Mrs. C. Sanderson celebrated ber birthday at ber daughter's. Mrs. A. Sharpe's, Enniskillen. Visitors: Miss Thelma Free- man in Bowmanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall at Mr. J. Carter's ..Mr. J. W. Glenney, Newcastle, Mrs. H. Hilis, Mn. and Mrs. Al- bert His and family, Tyrone, Miss Kathleen Cameron, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and fam- ily, Enniskillen, Mn. Bert Hoskin, Harmony, at Mr. W. Hoskin's... Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn and family, Onono, at Mr. C. Dean's ... Mr. and Mrs. James McLaugh- lin with Mr. Robert Dickey, Janetville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Doreen, Joyce and Donald, Blackstock, at Mr. E. Adams'. .. Mrs. W. Stevenson, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hughes. .. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Abbott, Murray and Jerry at Mr. J. Gatchell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm and Betty, To- ronto, at Mr. H. Rahm's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ferguson, Mr. W. 1 Adams, Blackstock, Mr. Lloyd Cochrane, Oshawa, witb Mr. H. Adams'. . . Mr. Merle Hubbard, Oshawa, at home ... Mrs. A. Wil- son in Oshawa . . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and Bruce with Mrs. V. Lethangue, Bowmanville ...Mr. Norman Williams, R.C.t A.F., Hamilton, witb Miss Ruby Bailey. . . Mr. and Mrs. K. Hull and family, Bowmanville, at Mr.t H. Gill's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Art Moffatt and family, Oshawa, at Mn. S. Moffatt's. . . Miss Bettyr Moffatt in Toronto. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ed.c Courtney, Toronto, at Ray Cam-1 eron's... Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fish-r er, George, Alvin and Forbes at1 Miss Vera Leach's, Ashburn, and Harold Bray's, Myrtle. . . AC1 John Arnott, St. Thomas, Missi Bernice Arnott, Barrie, at Jesse 1 Arnott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Richard1 Day, Balsam, at Clifford Martin 's1 P LAC Bob Bradford and Miss li Doriý Beaughpit, Toronto, Tpr. A'rthur Wright, Camp Borden, n M'iss Lillian Travis, Allendale, s, M'rs. J. Larmer and Mrs. Jabez WVrigbt, Blackstock, with Mr. and s VIrs. Norman Wright. s Co w'0"DE mmilb

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