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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1943, p. 1

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en tteeiman With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, TheNewcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 89 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1943 TMFAf DURHA COUNY OBEICTIVE 1$ SET AT $1 3425qO f~~~~~~~~~~~ à"!III~I loin. 0.. m~...jiA na Die o wu * au m-- 1- - -i l"- 1- - wva auxwrmeana nççicens spial us 1iKeai War Ionilhetin Inviihble________ nartl of Oshawa. Chief Venton las circularized Ontario and has lapes of early recovery. Previaus ta thc tlieft a prawler was dis- covcred trying ta break inta, Wil- kins' bootl, King St. W., next to lis fuel yard. Sam dliased him over the C.P.R. tracks and he and thc Chief scoured the vicinity witliout result. It is assumed le circled thc pond and made off in Mrs. Jurx's car. Early Tuesday morning Chief Venton got a caîl tlat a break-in lad been attcmpted at Newcastle. Chef S. Ventan las been kept busy at alI hours lately respand- ing to calîs on tIc teleplone whicl summoned him ta acci- dents, break-mns, thefts and what flot. These things seem ta run in cycles. Some weeks tlere's nothing doing and thc Chef gets timne ta read tlie ror-ning paper and lis waistîine gets back ta customnary patrolman's propor- tions. The next week le is run ragged and loses all lis gains. Last week's blotter records these happenings: IMsslng ing on 't ight igt wed and ied ced ige, ves en al Éa vay at lhe ite cid [M- ite ect Na aen ons *st fte c- ta )er .st ia st re- ru- ict xc àe1- n- ul s- -L ov to b r a 1 d ' s. is c William Waîker, Duke St. re- jimmied. Mr. belinie flashed ported missing by his landlord, the lights, saw license No. 50 A Norris White. Went duck hunting on a car that whizzed away. at the lake, Tuesday evening, was stolen in Toronto the nîj Sept. 28. His car was found on before. The Chief and Nig the road near the lake. The Constable Walter Hall cover Chief, accompanied by White and this district from 2 a.m. to 5 p.: Stuart Young traced his steps to while Constables Thompson ai the second marsh.. Tom Lymer Duncan headed for Orono, figu came along with his hunting dog. ing the back roads would be us The dog led them rîght ta the in the getaway. They were t spot where Waiker was îying un- iate. The first car was abandoni conscious and in serious condition and a 1941 Ford, license 987 i after a night's exposure. The was stolen from Merce's garaî chief rushed hlm ta hospitai Orono. The marauders got awa; *here Dr. W. H. Birks attended It is evident that th~e thiev him. He is recovering slowîy. are part of a gang that has be( stealing safes fromn creanrieries Accidents over Ontario. To date about hundred have been carrîed awî Wednesday, Sept. 29, little and -jimmied. The car left Johnnie Burnside, four-yeprold 0Orôno had the crosspieces of tl son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude i ril- rear buniper removed to facilita side, was struck by a car opposite loadirug the safes. It was assum( the Richelieu Hotei, King St. W. they planned entry to the Oror He received a broken leg and Creamery which had been victin several bruises. Dr. Birks at- ized before. They can opera tended hlm in hospital where hie without car keys, simply conne is doing fine. The little lad tried igiinwrs n wy ta ~assthe tretot meet his trace of them lias as yet beE father who was caming home faund. from Dominion Stores of which lie is manager. The car was driven* Warnlng by A. L. Lark, Toronto, who ap- plied his brakes whlch were in Chief Ventan asks pedestria: perfect condition but couidn't ta watch their steps at the P* avaid the accident. He rushed Office corner. He said: "In spil Jolinnie ta the hospital. of the lights there have been a( * * *cidents in the iast year owing1 A Smith Transport ioaded with pedestrians flot taking prapE 10 ton of brass, heading east, taakprecautians or crossing againi anase dive just across Stanley's the signai. For instance, when bridge ,.n Friday. The arrakes Persan is crossifig from the Po failedl'tnd 72 feet of the fence Office going souti, lhe must r. was ripped off as the truck nase- !nember that a car may be conr dive,* into the gully. It roiled ing fromn the north and turnir over severai times and was totally west or a car coming from th wrecked. James Menton was the south and turning west. Thes driver, aperating out of Toronto. are bath in order but the pedes He escaped with bruises. train should consider this. Jus * * *because the liglit is green doesn' Tuesday, at 5.30 p.m. a truck rule out danger." operated by Direct - Winters Transport, 'heading west, crossed Mlschjf At The Towni the road a few rods west of Court- Hl etRo ice and smashed headlong into a Hl etR o big maple tree. No ane was hurt. The truck needs a face-lift. The ladies' rest roam in thý Lawrnce * *Town Hall has been closed, tem LarneTurner, 34, of' i:. Porarily, for repairs. Wilfu Ritsn Rad out, Ohaw,4a damage ta fittings has been caus empoye o era o tSut, Oswasned by' a persan or persons un. employee of Genera Mtrs as known at the moment but in- admitted ta the Oshawa Gna vestigations are under way. Thi5 Hospital late Sept. 29, suffering sort of vandalism is an affront tc from a broken right leg, facial the Bowmanville Women's Insti- and ather injuries as the result tt hc isudrae of being struck by an automobile tkep h ce nat ndean fa. on No. 2 Highway, near Harmony, the benefit of women and child- while hie was walking east ta- rno h hl itit ward Oshwa.Niglit Constable -Walter Hall Turner was taken ta the hospi- has been vigilant in lis super- tai by Mercel Papuette, R.C.A.F., vso tteTw aibtwe Toronto, the driver of the auto von lis roundsopportl unt occn and another airman who was a forhseortds po reat onus passenger in Paquette's car. Dr. frteesrso erdtos John H. McKinney of Brooklin Culprits wlien iocated wiii be gavehimmedcalattntin. ro-dealt witli severely. This warn- gavehimmedcalattntin. ro-ing sliould be lieeded in the in- vincial Constable T. Harding in- terests of the convenience of wa- vestigated. Mr. Turner formerly lived in men and their daugliters and as Bowmanville and is a brother of recognition of the voluntary ser- Mrs.Artur rank SegogSt. vices of such an outstanding or- Mrs.Artur rank ScgogSt. ganization as the Women's Insti- Crime tute. Parents would do well ta Mrs.J. H ýH.Jurys ca, aquestion children in this regard. Chevrolet coupe, license 1-L-504, was stolen from hier garage on Lieut A. E. Boustead, Prince Silver St., thc niglit of Sept 23. Rupert, B.C., is spending lis fur- It has fat yet been found but the lougli witli his wifg and two license plates were discovered dhildren. Seed Survey for Durham Cope. With Serious geProblemt Ed. A. Summers, Agriculturai of 1943 have praduced grain that Representative, lias laundlied a will make seed. cambaign ta cape witli the very Iý is very important that al grain including mixed grain, seriaus seed grain. situation. He cither from the 1942 or 1943 crops has sent out widely a warning that will make seed, should be - accmpanied by forms ta kept for this purpse. Even witli friled in which shauld give an ahl this made available there will linventory of seed supplies caver- nat be nearly enougl seed grain ing the whole County. He asks ta meet the needs of aur farmers. that full information be returned It is* a tcertainty that several car- by Nov. i. Those wlo have not loads of seed oats and barley will threshed can estimate yields. An- have ta be shipped into the other column asks for estimated County. requirements of seed and infor- It is, therefore, very important mnation is desired rega.rding acre- that we knaw the total requ1$ýe age going out of production due ta ments of seed at an early date. auctionsales. His ietter states: With this in mind we have pre- The lack of seed grain for 1944 pared a Seed Survey form for is one of the most seriaus prob- each school section. We hope the lems that has canfronted the reporter in ecdl section will lie farmers in this and most otler able ta contact every farmer. counties in Ontario for many Thase wlo cao obtain their sup- years. ply of seed if the district should Many farmers in Durham be encouraged ta do s0 at an early County will have ta purchase ail date. Also those who have graini thieir seed grain witli some others fit for seed that would atherwise requirifg ta obtain possibly only lie fed slauld lie influiericed ta barley. A few are fortunate purchase westérn feed grain and cnough ta have leld some 1942 hld ail home grown grain for seed and a few early sown fields seed. $706.70 $15082 TOTAL $901.52 THE GIRL GUIDES COLLECT FAT FOR WAR SALVAGE Thc Girl Guides will begin ag4ýn thc collection of fat for War'sa.lvagc, next Saturday mar- nong, Oct. 9th, -Those wisling thcm ta caîl may teleplone Mrs. Percy Cowan 870, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury 752, or mare direct still, thc Commissioner, Mrs. A. Ji. Frank 2834. Thc best time ta get your message tîrough is at noon or supper time. Last scason aver 6000 lis. of fat was collected and sent ta tIc Swift Ca. of Toronto. AltIaugI we can lardly expect as mudli under present conditions we will ccrtainly lie glad'0f al we cao collect. 40-1* - - - . . & w-n-&w World of Ideas And Ideals Keeps Local Police Busy e T h e Women's Hospital Auxiliary are having their annual drive for funds for necessary supplies for the Hospital, the wcek of Octo- ber lt. It lias been a very busy year at the Hospital and some supplies need re- plenishing. Kindly re'eive the members of the Auxiliary and give wliat yau can for this wortly cause. Are You Ready For Fail Salvage Drive? How' are you getting along, folks, for the local Salvage Drive whicl takes place Thursday and Friday, Oct. 14t1 and 15tI? Don't put it off tili thc last minute as it takes time and care ta tic up the old papers as tley must lie tied this time. Bundie up aid maga- zines, toa, as tliey wililibe pickcd up for the Navy League. Then there's rags, rublier tires and tubes (no otler forms of rub- ber), and metals of ahl kinds. Tîrougli tIc ingenuity of war- time developments, paper is naw being converted into acroplane parts, plastic, bomb bands, prac- tice bombs, sheil protectors and containers, and numerous other paper products for other essentiai military and civilian needs. Paper containers for dehydrated food stuff are being used in large quantities in addition ta millions of paper board containers being sent overseas. Tlursday, Oct. 14 thc collection will be made north of King St. Friday, Oct. 15 thc collection will lie King St. and south. Have your bundles on the .curb flot later than 6.30 p.m. 1 Sale of the salvage goes ta the local Red Cross Society fund. Championship Black And White Show At Orono Saturday The Holstein Friesian Associa- tion 0f Canada is just* about tops in enterprise, arganization and aggressiveness of ahl farmer or- ganizations. We direct attention ta a thrce column arinouncement in this issue which tells of the Black and White Clampionshils Show ta be leld in Orano Agri- cultural Park, Saturday, Oct. 9. Four sud slows, sponsared by thc Association are being held in different sections of Ontario this fall: at Kempville, which was held Sept. 28; Ingersoll Oct. 7; Oakville Oct. 8; and at Orono this Saturday. Prize winners will lie elgble for the mudli coveted AIl- Canadian awards made by the Holstein-Friesian Journal. Shorthorns Seil Weil Forty-seven pure bred Short- orns brougît $40,000 at Union- 'ille, Ont., Tuesday, at thc farm )f W. J. Russell, wlcn over 1000 idders from ail acrass Canada ind western and mid-western U.S.A. campcted for awnership )f these aristocratic beef cattle ýontributed by Mr. Russell, K. C. 'ray, Gormley and Stanley Doug- as, Caledonia. The sale was opcned by Senator uncan Marshall and Hon. T. L. :enncdy, Minister of Agriculture or Ontario, addresscd the gatlier- g. Top anim4ls averaged $2,500 ýa. A classy female, "Brae- ýoon Broadhaoks" was purclased Y Capt. Cyril Mumford, Hamp- n, wlo las developed a Short- orn lerd of classic Scottish trains that compares favorably ritl any in Canada. alvation Army Red hield Drive Now )ver $900 Mark Canvassers have been busy the st wcek ini the drive for the lvation Army Red Slield Home ont Appeal. Rcturns arc incom- ýetc but thc results ta date arc ifollows: Bowmanvile a Dy --------------------- $133.42 oderCa....-----.....----137.75 undry Ca --------------- 9.50) sidential.............--------334.28 siness Section ------------ 71.75 itfire Club -------------l.0o TOTAL Newcastle Courtice and Maple. Grave--- A full turnout of Rotarians at the earth. A conflict among the Friday's luncheon was treated ta "haves" and "lave fats" and thc a dnamc adres b Roarin 'ave-not" complex developed Rev. A. c D Crnctt, M.oA., BD.,among Germany. Italy and Japan, Rev A.D. ornttM.A, BD.,Poor in natural resources. The pastor of Simcoe St. United speaker toak exception ta this Churdli, Oshawa, and veteran of purely economic interpretation of Warldr War I, who took as lis histary as unsaund, but wîth some subject, "The Real War." Intro- truth in it and scored thc use of ducd b Ros Srik asa mnisersudh terms as "free enterprise" duce byRos Stike s aminste andi "private initiative" as prop- who lad held important pastor- gni ates in Ontario, as an atîlete, an too thareIn thc realm of lalior, ortran teewas a feeling of laving oratr ad anex-oldir, ey.been unjustly deait witl and the Cornett developed lis subject in a manner that leld absorbed at- incidence of war led tlcm ta de- tention. manci a better deal. The speaker picturcd tIc. term war"fimal point in "tIc real wa"was political, a canflict lie- war" as capable of two interpre- tween authoritarian and demo- tations; as a global war at pres- cntragng etwen Ic xispow cratic concepts of government. At ers and thc United Nations, whiclh first thc present canflict seemed John Lyle, J.P. was real and actuai and visible ta, based upan just that. Thc dic- all in the figlting services, and on tatorships of Poland and Russia Who n Friday, October st, tIc ot er li nd as a on li t n Ic haci been attack cd yd ic a o bserv cd is 95th birthday at is t h e t h e h a n a s a c o fli t i n t h eb y d ct a o r s h o m e o n Q u c e n S t . A h tI e m c m - invisible world of ideas and and now tlcy were ranged withbeso ifalywrpeen ideals, of which thc visible war the democracies. Victory of the bo eofls famîly were present wa notadepeso. allies, whicl is naw certain, wiîîfrtcclbatolhc nld waIn t ar exipressn. hr not salve thie prablcm but it wilî Mrs. Robecrt Elliatt, Mrs. H. Hoops were tîrcephases, racial, econ- swing the balance sMrongly i R.aM.dt chiel,BTorovit, and . omic and political. There was anfavar of thc ideal -of dcmocracy. R .MthlBleiladA invisible conflict among races. The speaker leld ta, the vicw J. Lyle, Town Clerk, Bowman- Human. naturela decpe that unless these causes of "the vil.Mr. Lyle also recciveci a dep-seated antagonisms, race vs. real war" can e amliorated orcaeofonrtlin from is race. Four racial groups are re- solved, there will le other con- grandson, Lieut. Murray Mitchell, cognized by ethnologists, Cau- flicts. Sa thc need was for a Caf aian ith a Tank Regt. ini thc casian, Mongoloid, Negroid and wrld-wide brotherhood, and ___________________________ Australoid, generally bascd upo therein Rotary can serve a higl differences of skuli formations, purpose. Pointedly le asked if What Council Did hair and skin color. Tîroughi anyane knew whethe.r any these divergencies came race pre- Rotary Clubs in thc U.S.A. admit- Monday's Proceedings in Coun- judices. Anather difference based ted negroes ta membership. Just- cil were mostly routine. Newly on language and culture campli- ification for analyzing and dif- elected Councillor E. J. Gibbis, in- cated the fundimental basic class- ferentiating betwcen actuai and troduced by the Mayor, reccive ifications and became emplasizeci real wars, was, in Rev. Cornett's a welcome as hie took lis seat. H in the termis "Aryian," "Semitic," words: "A conviction that Rotary was appointed ta these commit- etc. if, andi anly if it is truc to its tees: Fire, Public Propcrty, Court These divisions tcnded ta racial mottO, 'Service Above Self' and of Revisian and Finance. pride, suspicion and distrust of 'He profits most who serves best' Roads and Streets committee those who are "1different" from can make a very real contribution was instructed ta look into re- ourseives. Ahl types have it ta, thc solution of 'real conflict'." qucsts for new frontage side- black,. yeilow and white. It A pleasant interlude at Rotary walks formally asked for by Mrs. manifestations may le noted in club luncheon was the presenta- Betties andi Gus Annis andi with Hitler's idea of Nardic superior- tion af a mahogany tray-tahle ta power ta act. ity, of a master race and lis anti- Rotarian Meredith Linton, super- Reeve Morris introduced a mo- Semnitism. The Japanese super- intendent of the Provincial For- tion re holding Municipal elcc- race phobia evolves from tîcir estry Station, Orono. Rev. J. E. tions. Autîarized were $100 ta belief that their rulers are de- Griffith in a very felicitous speech fix Town Hall furnace, $16 ta fi scendents of gods. Among Anglo- cxtcnded congratulations on thc in sunken graves at the Cemetery. Saxons a "supcriarity" caste i . recipients' r c c e n t marriage. Ontario's Dept. of Higlways manfes inblak v. witein IcThougli taken complctely ly sur- was asked ta meet Council comn- U.S.A. and in thc British miîitary prise Mr. Linton voiced cloquent mittee re bearing part of costs of vs. thc Hindu. thanks. repair and upkeep of roaci at west In tIc econamic spîcre, "thc end of town and opposite Bart- ieal war" is the conflict among The noblest mind the best con- lett's garage. nations and graups for contrai of tentment las. - Spenser. Thc Statesman was authorized ta carry an "ad" regarding tIc fuel problcm . It appears in this issue. Ministerial Association Hears Dr. R. P. Bowles EC West Durham Mnisterial As-2 S sociatian held its first meeting for a NAMES AND ADDRESSES 0F.A.LL BOW- thc faîl season on Oct. 4 wîen the 1 members werc guests of thc Presi- t MANiVILLE AND DURHAM COUNTY MEN dent, Rev. W. P. Rogers, and Mrs. t ANDWOMN Ii TE ERVOESABRADRogers. There was a large attend-v AND OMENIN TE SRVICS ABOADance at whidli twa new members ti AN NCNAAADOUTPOSTS. were welcomed, Rev. F. G. Job-r ANDIN ANAA AI3lin, Bowmanville, and Rev. R. B. $ Harrison, Blackstock. ji The speaker was Rev. Dr. R. P. Relatives and frlends are urged ta complett- the form below Bowles. In a very interesting and- and send ta Bert Parker, Bowmianvilie, as soon as possible. stimulating paper, Dr. Bowles Addltional addressest'may be sent on separate sheet with ail deait witl thc in terpretatian of a passage ini II Corinthians 12, in particulars. Many communities have put on similar drives whicl Paul refers ta lis "tlorn and have completelilsts. The Statesman As pleased ta Ca- in the flcsl." The speaker reject- operate wlth the Lions Club An this endeavor which s de- cd traditional interpretations of slged o epedte arciscoveynew, ecouageleter thc passage which regard thce sign d t ex edie p rces, onve ne s, nco rag leter "thorn" as some plysical disabil- writlng and ta facilitate publication of promotions, distlngulsh- ity. By relating this reference ed services and casualty lists and ta generally do public honor more closely ta the carlier part of ta, each and everyone now servlng Canada wberever they tIc chapter, Dr. Bowles maintain- fc may c. hethr o no naies avebeensen inprevousy, d tlat it could only refer ta some a. maybe.Wheheror ot ame hae ben entAn rcvousy, interruption in the apostîc's cx- ec it Is necessary they be sent in again as new, tabuiated, per- perience of visions and revela- manent records are being compiied. tions. By lis thorough and pain- as staking treatment of lis subjectsu Dr. Bowles placed thc mea-ibers Ci Reg't Na - ----- --- -a-------------------- ------------- ------ f thc association greatly in lis H ddbt. p Rank-.--------------------------------------------------------------- Initiative Rewarded Di Full Namne--------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Suggestions Offered ir By Two Local Men D Two Bowmanville men have ovi U ni - ----------- - ------------------ -------r---c--ntly----w---n--r--cagnitionn eco nii an a d Uni---------------------------- ----------- prizes for suggestions offereci in un confection wîtî wartimc produc- pr, Company ----. ------------------------------------------------- -----tin. Some of the industrialists ain conccived the scîeme of giving ta Present Mail Address -------------------- ------------- ---------employees valuable prizes if they flo could devise ways of saving a( materials or specding up work Ne Wherc Born --------- ---------- ------------------------------------- and saving time. Thc gavern- trc ment followed thc idea mn some of ter Pa e ts ar e ------ ------- ------------------- ----------------- its w artim e plants. sai Parnts Nae-------------------------------General M ot o r s, Oshawa, ing awarded Stanley E. Blair $750.00 rai Parents' Address -------------- -ý---------------------------------------------- in Victory Bonds for lis sugges- tion whidli resulteci in a saving of Ma Date and Plae E lised -------------------------thousan-------s---f--dollarsho sanwaortolar w ofh mim Dat an Plce niitcd-----------------------lumber and labor in a year in gisi crating military vehicles for slip- Mii If Overseas, When -------------------------------------------------ment. Stan is well knowf in Baw- on! manville. He was a fisherman lai If parents fat living, closest next of kmn and address: with Depews and solci fish arnong for: Bowmanville families before join- fa' ing General Mators. . aipr ------------- - -------------------------------------------Ice Commando, a pàper pub- the lished by the Defence Industries He Limiteci, Ajax, prinits a picture of le ----------------------..-------H a rr-------H ughes------of----tIc----Cap. ----and1- Pan--c e Reception Given Premier And Local Cabinet Member Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian, M *P.P I speaker of the evening, Col. fr Durham Caunty and Minister Drew, was then introduced by Dr. f Health for Ontario was accord- Vivian, who stated that he knew .the Premier intended to carry out d a civic reception and enthusi- every one of the 22 points. He istic welcome by his friends and said that Drew was an almost ;pporters from ail parts of the ideal leader. ounty in his home town, Port The Premier commenced by ope, Friday evening. Aýccom- saying he was simply tl4ere to anying him and jointly sharing share the pleasure f those pres- he honors was Hon. George ent in paying respect to the Min- rew, Premier of Ontaro. His ister f Health. He thanked the resence was taken as apprecia- people f Durham for sending the ve of his high regard for the Government such a man. He con- iew Minister of Health and that tinued by speaking f the health urham County had returned its f the people and education which rst member of Cabinet rank in was such as to make life worth er 60 years. living. He stated that he was glad The town band and military that the people here had allowed unts headed a procession that the Province to share the abilities oceeded to Dr. Vivian's home of Dr. Vivian. Though he wouid id escorted the honored guests be missed as a doctor in the com- the Town Hall which was ovet- munity such men as he were lwing and the streets lined with needed in the cabinet. cheering crowd. Irwin Colwill, Col. Drew spoke f the excel- ýewcastle, was chairman and in- lent value of the training and duced Mayor Stevenson who discipline received in the armed mdered an officiai welcome, and forces, and hoped that the benefit id the town was proud in hav- of such training might continue ig a citizen elevated to Cabinet after the war. There would be nk. fewer institutions needed in the After prolonged applause Ex- country if every young man and layor Ross Strike, Bowmanville, woman learned what it meant to ïde an appreciative and eulo- be physically strong and weli stic introduction of the new drilled. nister. Dr. Vivian recalled that The Premier stressed the im- ly three years previously he portance f aviation ta Canada ad spoken from the same plat- after the war, and stated that we 'rm to only 18 lonely souls and must keep in mid the full import w he wças at a loss to find words f our partnership in the British )propriate to this occasion when Empire for peace in. the world. ehall was packed to the doors. In conclusion he, expressed his ewas highly applauded when pleasure that Dr. and Mrs. Vivian !stressed the point that fn- had undertaken the arduous work iial profit was not all, that of a public life. fit lay in doing a job well Musical entertainment was ac- ich would benefit our fellow corded by Mrs. Leo Buckle, Mrs. n. 'Without the prosperity of Bryant and Melville Dale. After esmall community, he declar- refreshments were served there ý"there cala be na prosperity for was a crush f congratulations ecountry." He was warmly and handshaking with the llauded when he sat down. Premier and Minister in truly Gordon Fraser, Peterbqro, and demncratic manner. 2i1 Frost, Lindsay, both spake The huge gathering included rmly f Dr. Vivian's abilities many citizens from Bowmanviîîe id high character. The chief and West Durham. 1 1 Durham Being Organized For 5th VictoryLoan. Oct. 18 Durham County's objective for er tha the Minimum Objective. the Fufth Victory Loan has been The objectives for the districts in set at $1,425,000. This objective Durham County are: shows an increase of $25,000 over Minimum Honor the objective set for the Fourth Objective Objective Loan last spring. At first glance Port Hope $ 435,000 $ 478,500 this figure looks higli, but when Bawmanville 270,000 297,000 we consider the wealth and re- Cavan 115,000 126,500 sources of Durham County, w e Clarke. 205,000 225,500 realize that the objective cauld Crwih 70,000 77,000 and should be very substantially Dalngo 150,000 165,000 exceeded. Manvers 70,000 77,000 While the Dominion Objective Hope 11o,000 121,000 has been sot at $1,200,000,000, it_____ ____ should be em phasized that this is$14 50 0 1,6 5 0 a very definite minimum amaunt$i4500$,750 and that the Goveroment is look- VIICTORY LOAN SALESMEN ing for at least $ ,400,000, 00, G V N I S R C I N therefore, the objective set for GVNISRCIN Durham County slould be consid- Joint meeting was held in ered the sam e w ay, and that the H a p o , M n y v i g f th County should produce at îeast Hamton, onday evning, 0nfor TheFifhoVotrooo.nca V icoyLonOgsiaio o TheFifh Vctoy Lan anvssCartwright and Darlington Town- in Durham County will be con- ships. ducted in three groups. First J. Forbes Heyland, Chairman Special Names group, whidli is for Darlington, presided and in a limited ta Companies and Insti- short address told thie salesmen tutions investing $25,000 or more, the vital need for the success of and on which no commissions are the Fifth Victory Loan. Sales- paid. Secondly the Emplayees men were given instructions on Canvass, which is conducted if the plans for the campaign by C. the plants througlout the County W. McBride and R. H. Wickett. by Plant Personnel, and lastly the Those in attendance were: J. F. Generai or door ta door canvass, Heyland,- J. D. Hogarth, T. M. which is canducted by the Can- Chant, A. L. Pascac, E.- E. Stapies, vassers. F. L . Walter, W. W. Horn, Walter The objective for Durham Runçile, Alex Gilbert, Norman County wililiec split up among the Green, Henry Thompson, Rupert ciglit Canvassing Districts, whicl Byers, C. W. McBride and R. H. are made up of the six townships Wickett. and the towns of Bowmanville and Part Hope. These objectives LOCAL SALESMEN FOR have not as yet been §et, but will FIFTH VICTORY LOAN be announced next week. ORGANIZE FOR CANVASS When we cansider that the ob- jective for the Caunty of Northi- Salesmen for the Fifth Victory umberland has been raised by Loan in Bowmanville met if the over $100,000, the increase for Hydro Office Friday afternoon. Durham County seems small and The same men wlo have perform- is fat flattering, but if everyone cd sa ably in thc past will again lends ta the limit of their ability, act in the coming campaigo. Tliey there is no doulit that the ob- are T. H. Knight Hubert Smaie, jective will be far surpassed. The Albert H. Moore and J. H. Bate- men of Canada's Armed Forces man. overseas are being now called on Ross Strike, Chairman of the ta give their best, and it is not for County of Durham, spoke briefiy those at home ta do less. and again emphasized the need for total coverage in the Fifth OBJECTIVES SET FOR Victory Loan. George Chase, MUNICIPALITIES Chairman for Bowmanvilie, alsa discussed a plan of canvass for Township Cliairman of Durham the town and a National War County National War Finance Finance Committee instructianal Cammittee met Tuesday ta dis- film was slown. Also in at- cuss objectives for the variaus tendance were W. E. Henderson, districts in thc coming Fifth Vic- Vice-Chairman, R. H. Wickett, tory Loan Campaign. Chairman General Sales, and C. While the Dominion objective W. McBride, Organizer of Dur- has been set at $1,200,000,000, it is ham County. very essential that this amaunt be substantially oversubscribed in Red Cross Society has been* order ta make the Loan a success. very fortunate in securing Lever As this applies ta the country as Brothers' 'Lifebuoy Fallies"-a a whole, Durham County and breezy riotaus fun-fest - whicli Bowmanville will have ta share will present their show in Opera the burden. The objeètives, House, Bowmanville, Oct. 20. therefore, have been set in two WatchÏ for particulars next week. sways. Firstly a Minimum Objec- tive for each district, which would The 136th Bn. Reunian will be raise the County's Objective of held at the Winchiester Hotel, To- $1,425,000, and then an Honar Oh- ronto, Nov. i3th, and not in Port

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