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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Weddings ANTHES-M]ILLSON Eldad United Church, Solina, was the scene of a charming after- noon wedding on Saturday, Sep- tember 25, when Verna Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward 0. Millson, Enniskillen, be- carne the bride of Raymond Gar- don Anthes, Toronto, son of Mr. Arthur L. Anthes and the late Mrs. Anthes, Port Colborne. The church was beautifully decorated with tail standards of vari-colared gladiali, palms and ferns. Rev. Walter Rackham performed the ceremony. The wedding music was played by A. C. King and Hugh Martin s a ng Melotte's "Lord's Prayer," and "Because." The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of blush ivory satin, fash- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARIO 1 Canada Drives to Victor FREEDOM of MO MENT - that 's they forgot to adg the Four Froodomc you have a car, you sess a priceless free of movemont w you owe it to you and your family to tect. It 's a priviloj a duty-and it can pleasure! E N GIN E - -i Life - are bi worth saving YOUR CAR IS We are oquipped to help you A Pbersonal both - and a safety inspection give you new confidence and s and faction! Comimunity BRAKES have a lot to do wîth ASSET. Let's mature tire woar. Faulty brake KEEP UTU ustment leads to irrogular woai "r UP the treads, shorten tire life - to VICTORY ondangers yours. Our brake ser STANDARD! is complote and one right. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanviile I NW HI KNOW A THING ORTOATOR TWO ABOUT 6000 BREAD/ -OR T01)O AOT! ianed with fitted tocso heart neckline. bracelel sleeves and bouffant ski !loor-length veil o! hi was beld in place witha o! satin. She carried a bouquet o! ced cases ai gladiali. Miss Ella Mill ter o! the bride, was honor and woce tucquoi Miss Doris Milîson, also and Miss Danelda Robert! bridesmaids. They woi pink satin. The at gowns wece street-leni fasbioned like the bride' wore matching coconets ried cascade bouquets ai petals. Mr. Gardon Ta) gcoornsman for bis cousin Eber Milîson, brother o! t' and Mc. Norman Weedmz ushers. Following the cecemc bride and groom greet friends before leaving thE D Lean walked aroun h a tn e d-LI I al, composing as he went. h S result was aur Processional Hymn that has also been used for a IL hundred years: a 'Forward be aur watcbword MM Steps and voices joined" Atthis Thanksgiving season, P N Dean Alfocd's Harvest Hymn wîll TtA iiTcLwwm ~, be sung througbout the length de and breadth o! the land. 1flURS.., OILBRnLI' Lii1943. 0, sweet 1 The reception afterwards was - O O===O O Co., Toronto; Lech Sons, Peter- 1. 4 ýt length held at the home of the bride's bora; Jerusalern Lodge, A.F. & SIier's'Lietter irt. Her parents. Mrs. Milison received 0 AM_________e neghor ria e nablack triple sheer gown with a.dM Bowmnle ; eghos ____ idal net blcndnd hanyacesothers.- .-From LICpl. A. H. (Bud) Living. cornet~ nd hie acesores s-Those fromn a distance were: West Nova Scotia Regt., M acd iss ng as the groom's auIit, < OSHAWA, ONTARJ Mr. Shirley White, Mr. and Mrs. Central Mediterranean nd white Miss blu sAnher i ato Phone 1011 - FreePain Harold King, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Forces, Ilso, si ble sher own ithBell, Miss Mary Watson, Mr. and Canadian Army Overseas, maid of ahigacsoe. They wore Ms lfodPtrMs rn ohsprns r n r.J ise satin, corsages of pink roses. THURS., FRI., SAT., aMrs Jffor .Peers, Mrs. rA oLis rntsr.adMr.J a sister, For travelling the bride donned 0 M OCT. 7, 8, 9 aw, Mrs. Jas. Saiht, r. A. Living.943 son were a Scotch tweed suit with mink M FRIEND FLICKA fLawo oono r il ht, DrFls ýr ea cr n acigbonac- Sarn gncourt; Mr. Bert White, It was qulte a sports day we had ttendants' cessories. f Roddy McDowall, Preston Autrora; Mr. Joseph White, Mr. as you can see by this programn igth and They will reside at 506 Don- I Foster, Rita Johnson adMs o asn r n n yaddcmet. h s. They lands Ave., Toronto. f A heart-stirring story of n Mrs. Joes Watson, r and a d ryade co ens Th and car- Ibo' fierce dreams, a rnan's Ms hs aso n ihr, next time it rolîs around I hop@ ta fgladioli TREWIN-RUNDLE ight's crafg, andra wO- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Law, Mrs. up vlor was A Filmed in gîorious 0 Thos. Law and Mrs. W. H. Bray, ut iise washiig rny khaki 1and Mr. A quiet but pretty wedding wasntehcorU Pickering; and mahy others frornsot nm hr lsafwod he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- brds-rnie et 0 ttehon o Bwranville, Oshawa and other and ends. It is quite easy ta, keep îark were of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundle, Special Holiday Attraction places. clothes dlean here as it is not Argyle St., Bowmanville, when Sunday afti, Midnite, 12.05 < The sarrawing widow and fam- such a dirty place as Africa. Be- any, the their anly daughter, Helen Mar- I The million-thrill mnusical * ily have the heartfelt syrnpathy cause of the suni and the breeze ted their guerite, was united in marriage b it jiof the community in their be- we get up here on aur hili it takes e church. to Mr. Silas Herbert Trewin u reavement. no time at ail for a washing to R.C.A.M.C., Simcoe, son of Mr:. DUBARRY WAS A LADY dry. and Mrs. William Trewin, Hay- StarringO MRS. MOSES HEARD 1 neyer dreamed a mess tin don. Rev. J. E. Griffith of Trinity Red Skelton, Ludille Balil, could be used for so many things United Church officiated at the Gene Kelly - There passed away at ber home, -a fellow eats out of them; iceremony under an arch with Tommy Dorsey and bis Port Hope, on Sept. 16tb, Mrs. shaves in them; coaks with them; background of gladioli and del- orchestra jJ Moses Heard in hier 77th year. bouls and fries eggs and now I arn ÉV phiniums. [jPotograped in technicolor Her maiden naine was Emma using thern for a desk, all of eI The bride, given in marriage Join the jamboree of jy .. Webb. She was born at Glems- which adds t the flavr of the )v:E- j by hier father, was lovely in a It's the year's giant ford, Suffolk, England. She came tea I sometirnes make after sup- floor-length gown of white sheer entertainment D with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. per. one over silk, with sweetheart neck- i Loge seats reserved O Joshua Webb, ta Canada at the Ta date I have nat received any [d. to0 line, fitted pearl-trimmed bodice flage of two. They settled first at mail sInce arriving on the island. L os- length embroidered net v e i 1 WED., THURS., f ing in Pickering Township. On tering through so ry opes are ~dm which hung from a crown of OCT. il - 14 June 18, 1890, she became the high. eot orange blossoms. Her only orna- DIXIE I wife of Moses Heard. Later they Rumors hereabouts are, as rhich ment was a pearl necklace, theo With [fmaved ta, a farm near Newcastle, usual, rnany and varied, but I Lrself gift of the groom. She carried an Bing Crosby, Dorothy La- where tbey lived till their retire- have neyer seen sa many guys pro- arm bouquet of pink roses and il mour, Marjorie Reynolds, ment a few years aga. Three who say England is a swell place rnaiden hair f ern. Miss Grace Billy DeWolfe years ago they moved to. Port and the motner out o! this bat ,go- Trewin, Toronto, sister of the I With Bing as the wandering fl Hope and just previaus ta this clime the better. I quite agree on bo a groom, was bridesmaid, wearing f minstrel who wrate "Dixi" 0 they' celebrated their Golden that myself! floor-length dress of sea blue net I between wornen's kissesf: edn.tth oeo hi They have just told us that over taffeta, with embroideredD And does Dotty help ..< daughter, Mrs. Clint Brown, there is ta be a picture show for *nid bodice and full-lepgth skirt. She 0 M-M-M Mrs. Heard was a member of us tonight. The Auxiliary Ser- carried a shower bouquet o! roses In technicolor the Methodist, later the United vices certainly are daing a good oth and bouvardia. The groom was cJ Churcb. She taok an active part job. attended by Mr. Lewis Rundle, _______________ in the Ladies' Aid and Red Cross. The letter 1 wrote the ather 1 brother of the bride. The bride's She was a good neighbor and ever evéning on the reverse side a! our mother received in black silk ready to assist in any good cause. sports programi still isn't posted save and wore a corsage o! yellow LJDtuaries After the service at the home, so I'1l dasb off a few mnore lines to mums. She was assisted by the ____ they proceeded ta the church at swell the envelape. will groom's mother who wore pow- MRS. JOHN MeINTYRE Newcastle for public service and This time I have news of a gala atis- der blue crepe with black acces- then ta Bowmanville CerneterY evening. We were most fortunate sories and a corsage of mauve Margaret S. Mclntyre, one a! for burial. in being entertained by the band mumis. Bowmanville's beloved citizens, She leaves to rnourn her loss, of the Royal Tank Corps.. They IAfter the ceremony a little passed away at her residence bler husband, four sons and two played for us for over an bour pro- niece of the bride, Lynda Dianne Church Street,, on Sept. 21, in bier daughters: Herbert o! Dale, and then. as the players shifted ad- ude a bitnd 83rd year. She had been in il, Leonard a! Cobourg, Wesley of araund, England's tap-natch band Lr on Tbe happy couple left arnid bealth since February but was Bowmanville, Norman of Port leader, Nat Gonela, was introduc- showers of confetti by motor to able to be up and about ber home Hope; Mrs. W. C. Dean (Bertha), ed and we had a bal! hour of solid and eastern points. The bride chose until the last six weeks. Toronto; Mrs. C. Brawn (Gladys), swing. featuring Nat ai-d bis for ravllig, liv gren ith ornin rovdene, aunestNewcastle; also three sisters, Mrs. trurnpet. The reason for ail this blackfr tacessigorie en t or nPoiene one T. Drury, Toronto; Mrs. W. F. enthusiasmn is that this fellow blac accssores.child o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Bays, Wbitby, and Mrs. Chas. Gonela is ta England wbat Artie Among the guests were two William Cornisb, ,bler.- parents Green, Victoria, B.C.; three bro- Shaw is ta Arnerica. After al frîendis, one frorn the Atlantic came ta Bawmanville when she thers, Wilbur Webb, Toronto; H. this music the War Services gave coast and the other the Pacific. was three years o! age. She re- K. Webb, Doncrest, Sask.; Wil- a sbowing of the picture, "«How 1 Mrs. John Porrir (nee Kaye ceived ber education at the local liamn Webb, Calgary, Alta. One Green Was My Valley." Laphen) from Sydney, N.S., and schoals. She was a member o! daughter and two sons predeceas- Just took time out for dinner IMr. Bill Taylor, R.C.A.F., frorn St. Andrew's Presbyte r i a n ed ber some years ago. wbicb wasn't too bad-vegetable Vancouver.' Church and the Women's Associa- Palîbearers were four sans, stew, stewed apricots and pears, Previous ta bier marriage the tion and ber chie! hobbies were HerberLoad ely o-tawt uabsutbte Ibride was presented with silver ber home and flowers. Nine other man erdt, Leonsley, N-Cela wthdga, icuts ute relisb disb frorn the "Sunshine" children of the farnily predeceas- Dean and Clint Brown. The Got a nice new shirt this morn class. Miscellaneous sbowers ed ber, including Lewis Cornisb, flower-bearers were four grand- and two pairs a! socks. Last were given the bride by Mrs. a well-known jeweller o! Baw- sons, Merwin Heard, Gordon nigbt we got aur N.A.F.F.I. issue Earl Thompson at the home o! manville for rnany years. Heard, Jack Dean and Kemnetb whicb cansisted of 50 cigs, 4 ozs. Miss Spargo, and one by Mrs. She is survived by bier busband joy. o! bard fruit draps and this writ- Grant Bennett, Base Line, assist- and ber daughter, Ella G. McIn- ng pad. ed by Mrs. Hilton Tink. tyre, at borne. The effort made for the bap- I'rn off for a swir.n ncw. Cheeria. _______________The funeral service frorn the piness o! others lifts us above our- Love, residence on Sept. 23rd was con- selves. -L. M. Child. BUD. Sducted by ber pastor, Rev. W. G. ____________________________ Blake. Beautiful floral tributes Sing rs Th ir o gs ankd the casket. Bearers were BY FRED R. FOLEY Hubert Cottingham and W. J. Or- The barvest is the end o! the miston. Interment was in Bow- world, and the reapers are the manville Cernetery. j angels. Relatives and friends attending the funeral were: Mrs. Keeler, o i Came, ye thankful people, corne, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Adamns, Mrs. Raise the sang of harvest-bome: James Dookes, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs.I I' f All is safely gathered in, James Hough, Mr. Wylie, Mrs. ETTM Ere the winter storms begin: Harry Baskerville, Mr. Arthur ,w \N the smaoth, Cornish and Misses Ada and Alicee God, aur Maker, doth provide Silver, Toronto; Mr. James Mc- ycJu'll sing its pi, For our wants ta be supplied: Intrye, Mr. Jack Mclntyre, Klein-Fowaim Came ta God's own temple, carne, burg; Mr. James McDougall,Fo atm Raise the sang o! barvest-borne. Chatham, and Mr. ax*l Mrs. Mi Purpose Grin, All the world is God's own field, Hbc otnbrObw.~. This new grit <Fruit unto His praise to yield; GOG HT ecltro l 'Wbeat and tares together sown, GOG HT Ut oorsro rw;Tbere passed away at bis home may prefer to brè jFicst tbe blade, and then the ear,in oiaonSp.2,Grg > Then the full corn shahl appear: White, aged 83 years. He had So Many PeopleJ Lord.of barvest, grant that we been ailing for sorne months but 1 tbeddfa Wholesome grain and pure may bad been confined to bus bed for 1.ady aaededmorem be. only thcee weeks. bd n oeml For the Lord aur God shahl corne, He was born at Malton, York 2. Roasted by a spe And shall take His harvest home; County, in 1860, son o! Win. and C extra goodness of ti Frorn His field shaîl in that day Elizabeth White, and in 1896 hie All offences purge away; married Miriam Law, daugbtec Give His angels charge at last o! Wi. and Ann Law. A!ter "G"' TI In the fire the tares ta cast, farrning five years at Newton- But the !ruitful ears ta store brook he rnaved ta, Darlington Mx In His garner evermore. and purchased the Law farmiM ex where tbey lived for 35 years Even sa, Lord, quickly corne then retired to Solina in 1929. To Thy final harvest-bome:: He was a kind friend and1 good Gather Thou Thy people in, neighbor and ever ready to belp Free from sorrow, free fram sin; in time o! need. He loved bis MH263 Thece, for ever purified, family and bis ten grandchild- In Thy presence to abide: ren. In religion he was an Ang- Corne, with ahl Thine angels, lican and was a member o! Sons corne, o! England Lodge and served for Ras h lrosharvest-bome. several yeacs on the school board Ras h lrosAmen. at Hampton. iSPÀVIr i55' N5Wff q édUjrFW H. Alford, 1810-1871. 14Hke is uil vdyis sorrowiing No. 18 EDISON MAZDA SUPPLIES MANY SPECIALIZED LAMPS TO MEET THE NEEDS 0F THE FIGHTING SERVICES F ORhad ruing war service, :any types of Typical of these tough, dependable Iamps are the "marker ights" used on the life jackets ond rafts of sailors, airmen and others foi-ced into the sea. Designed for efficiency, buit ta "stand up", Edison Mazda Lamps give dependlable service in every ighting job. Sin9 ifs Praiçes you buy coffee, get Maxwell House. Once you've tasted fu 1I.bodied goodness of this deliciaus hlend of coffees oraises. ereasons Maxwell House is now packed in bags-in an id only and at a lower cost to yau. ind is suitable for ail ways of making coffee-coffee pot, lass coffe iaker. If using a glass coffee maker, you réw the coflee a little longer. Prefer Merxwell House-Here's Why: mrare, extra.flavor coffees, selected for fuller llow smoothness. pecial process that captures completely the-- bis fine blend.m , RUEMAR neIl House COFFIE lots of fol/ks want'Crown Stald' .or ,but I NEED iWf!" MoeCrown Brand Syrpp is being made than ever before, but, in these days of shortages, Crown Brand is doing a big war-time job in Canadian homes. 0f course, when ho has stock, your grocer will first supply bis customers who bave tiny babies - and then wiII do bis best to provide Crown Brand for other needs. Please try and help the available supply go around. Don't buy more than you need when you find it at your grocer's. Remember-the wee babies need it most. -qqqlpw A Product of General foods 'rWTMCZ n(lrnl:zvp 7th IGAIZ 1 ý 4 .8,11 l'i'v,

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