THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO DA1~t' O~7W~J Soiland Proa Phone 40rl6 The World's Communion Sun- day was observed at Park St. Church Sunday morning, with the 'qt')£,Preaching an appropriate on the common faith, c~In experience and common service which Christians enjoy. The choir rendered the anthem, "In Faith Adoring," with Mrs. S. Littlewood taking the solo parts. Communion was administered ai the close of the service. The eve- ning service was withdrawn. Gloria Richardson, R. C. A. F_, <W.D) was home. Sgt. Robt. Keane is on furlough, alter which he will report to a centre in Nova Scotia. Miss Beatrice Hamm was home. MISERUES 0F Babys CoId Reimd As Now ... hcre's rellble home- Proved mnedication that works 2 way nt once ta relieve distress of child's col-ev, whUi. ho. imepsi Just rub throat, chest end back with Vlcks VapoRub at bcd- tinie. liqsatntIy Vapoftub starts ta, relleve coughing spasms, case muscular sorenes or tightness, and Invite restful, comforting Blcep. Otten by mornlng, most of the mlscry is gone. For baby's sake, try VapoRub tonlght. It must ho good, because when colds strike, most mothers use Vicks VapoRub. HOW TO COMBAT Rheumatic Pains Rheumaic p"in ae oten caused by unec acid ini the blood. This blood numpurity shouid b.e «tracted by the kidneys. If kid.. neya faâ, and exceua mmc acid remaina, ià britatea the nudes and joins anang excruciating pains Treat rheunatic pains ! b 1 yurkidneya in good ecoditin Vjem1 Dodd'a Kidney Pill-for balla ckàewth favorie kidey remedjr. 109 Dodd's Kidney Puis- ~ffEAD end CN(ST Colot~. T102. «de 7-ç__ j-, Bandsman Harold Allun was a his sisters' and brather's Sunda: Sand helped in St. Saviaur's chai Sunday evening. Mr. R. H. Allen and Mrs. Braga were in town for the Harves Home. Salleating ha been done for thi 1- slvaion rmyappeal. e Rev. J. E. Griffith, Bowman ýeville, will lead, the discussion or 1the next quarter's lessons at th( nSunday School staff meeting which will be held next week a- A. H. Keane's. Mrs. Randaîl andlVIrs. Fowlei 3visited at Herb Murray's. ýt Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sissor *are expected bore this week fora visit with his mother, Mrs. M Sisson. Orono Girl Guides met lasi week, and a special feature waE apresentation o! camp prizes. Anna Staples and Wilda Hoaey secured two eacb, ane for caaking and anc nfor sewing. Marjarie McLaren alsa won a prize for the making af the best canae, fashioned froni bark. The' Gaadwill Bible Class witb their new teacher, Miss E. Sher- win, met Tbursday evening at Miss Bertha Cain's. Mrs. J. Gib- son, president, canducted the war- ship period. It was decided ta give a donation for Red, Cross aver- seas boxes. Lunch and social chat were enjoyed. Mrs. Gauld moved the vote af thanks ta the hostess, secanded by Mrs. W. W. Sberwin. Public Schaol junior room events in the field day were com- pleted Sept. 29. On tptalling the points it was found that Marie Lewis, Doreen White and Douglas Lycett were the champions, each receiving a War Savings Stamp. Champions in other rooms were announced last week. Mrs. Crane and Wm. Barrett spent the week-end at Stayner. Miss Margaret Roy is expected home from Shawinigan Falls ta- day for the holiday week-end. I.O.O.F. held a successful dance in the town hall for war purposes Friday evening, with Russ Creighton and bis orchestra sup- plying music; $50 was cleared. The campaign is still under way at the High School for the Lit. Society officers. Election will be beld tomarrow. Mrs. J. J. Mellar was presented Friday evening with a tray, a sligbt token of appreciatian from the Gaodwill Bible Class whicb she taught since its inception. Lieut. LeRoy Brown was home. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McClaren and family have moved ta their new home, farmcrly tenanted by the Clarkes. Os Cowan bas bought Miss A. Thornton's bouse. Mrs. W. Leamen is visiting in Ottawa. Mrs. S. Littlewood attended the W.M.S. Presbyterial at Whitby, Tbursday. Word bas been received that Rev. W. F. Bannister is now in Sicily. Mrs. F. Peate visited in Toron- ta. Following the election of of- ficers Orono Band onjoyed pie at Payne's lunch raam. Orana Red Cross held a "show- -r tea" Tbursday, which was well ittended. Cookies and raisin b)read were served with the "cup lhat refreshes." Many brought articles suitable for placement in the averseas boxes, alsa sugar,, for making candS' and Christ- mas puddings whicb will be in- cluded in the boxes. The ladies quilted during the afternaon. An inspiring Harvest Home festival service' was held at St. Saviour's Anglican Churcb, Sun- day evening, at which Rev. E. R. James, a former popular rectar naw in Toronto, delivered the ad- dress. The church was beautifully and profusely decarated with flowers, fruits, vegetables and wee sheaves of grain, represent- ing the bounty a! God in nature. Rev. D. R. Dewdney, rector, wel- camed and intraduced Rev. James who delivered a farceful talk on "Faitb," bringing out the faith in Peter wben he walked on the water and also paintîng out the modemn miracle a! the stilling a! the waters at Dunkirk. The church was filled with wor- shippers, a great many being from the United Cburch which service was cancelled in favor o! St. Saviour's Church. The Sales Committee and Can- vassers of the Township af Clarke had their second meeting Thurs- day night ta continue discussion on plans for the Fifth Victory Loari Campaign. The meeting was held at the home of Reeve C. R. Carveth, Newcastle, ancr those in attendance were: C. W. McBride, R. H. Wickott, J. J. Mellar, W. E. Davey, A. Wade, E. R. Woadyard and C. R. Carvetb. National War Finance Committee instructional films were shown and a general discussion was held regarding plans for the canvass in Clarke Township. t Crying Need For irChild Welfare In United Counties st Bishop Fleming Takes as Text "Give Ye Them To Eatp" The 2lst Annual Conference of 1- the Women's Auxiliary ta the inM.S.C.C. for the Deanery of Dur- tebam and Northumberland was ýheld at St. John's Parish Hall, ItPart Hope, an September 2lst. A service o! Haly Communion ýrwas held at eleven o'clock, the celebrant being Rev. J. M. Crisaîl, wben there were 97 communi- ncants: Rigbt Rev. A. L. Fleming,, aBishop of the Arctic, preached 1from the text, "Give ye them ta eat." Ho said that in the word of at ur Lord's time on earth His sym- tpathy went out ta the mon suffer- a ing hunger, bath physical and d spiritual. He used His disciples *ta satisfy this hunger, even the *little lad's gif t o! barley cakes dand f ish. Taday the world is nhungry again, bath pbysically and spiritually. Again Gad calîs upon b is followers ta feed this bunger. At 12.30 the members met in ýthe Parish Hall at a box luncheon and assembled at 1.45 for the bus- iness session. Mrs. Briden, Presi- edent a! the hastess branch o! the W.A. welcamed tbe delegates. lDeanery officer, Miss M. Tuer, ex- Spressed the pleasure she had in emeeting such large number a! %members w b e n transportation difficulties made travel irksome. Roll Caîl sbowed an attendance of 118 out of a membership of 275. Thero were, in addition, a large number of visitors. Reports o! sthe Parochial Secretaries were al interesting and sbowed the lively part the W.A. plays in the mis- sionary work of the Diocese. Mrs. Crosthwaît, who trained tas a social service warker, spake o! the crying needs a! Chîld Wel- fare work in the two caunties. Child delinquency and juvenile crime have increased terribly in the war years and the Children's Aid ,Socîety attempts ta protect the child from moral danger by impraving its home life. Trained workers for this task are avail- able but the work costs money. A tag day will be beld soon ta help raise funds in the chief towns o! the United Counties. The speak- er asked for bier listeners ta pray for the work and the warkers o! the Children's Aid Society, ta study its problems and ta holp in every way tbey could. Mrs. Victor Spencer spoke o! the Bible Reading Fellowsbip of which sho is secretary in Canada. Its abject is ta encourage the study of the Bible by groups of people. Montbly booklets are sup- plied wbicb serve as a guide for this study. There are altogether about a quarter o! a million mem- bers o! the Fellowsbip, of whom 7,000 are in Canada. The Bishop o! the Arctic gave a very instructive and moving ad- dress an the Mission work in the Eastern part o! bis vast diocese, which covers about one-third o! Canada. Ho sbowed a set o! beautifully calared lantern slides, most o! wbicb were products of bis own photography. Ho spoke a! the deeply spiritual natures a! the canverted Eskimo and the Laucheaux Indians. No sacrifice is taa great for them if it will benefit their cburch cammunity. The collection, after the ex- penses were deducted, was vated ta furnishings for the staff raom a! the new government school at Fart George on the western shore o! James Bay. Tea was served by St. John's W.A. Brown1 s Red Cross met at Mrs. Clarence Turner's. Mrs. W. Farrow and Mrs. C. Turner were appainted ta buy material for, and pack the Christmas boxes for the boys averseas. Congratulations ta Miss Doreen Caswell who won the junior championsbip at tbe Newcastle High School Field Day. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Wilson and Sidney Brown at Mr. C. Turner's ..Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Far- row in Lindsay. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham at Mr. Chas. Alldred's, Lake Shore . . Mrs. Joe Hillier with !riends at Bronte. . . Miss Doris Cursan with friends in To- ronto. Nestieton Service Sunday afternoon was taken by Rev. Harding. Mr. Laurance Malcolm gave us a sax- aphone solo. I Visitors: Mrs. Jack Hazoldon MADEIN1 CANADA COSTS LES$ THAN V< PER AVERAGE BAKING ORONO NEWS daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Samelis . ..Mr. George Johns with his mother who is in Port Ferry Hos- pital... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nes- bitt and sons at Mr. C. H. Porteous'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Betty and Donald, Mr. Wm. Hutchinson, Peterboro, with Mrs. John Hooey. .. Mr. and Mrs. fWilbert McKinstry, Oshawa, with Mrs. Herman Sameils. . . Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara with 3friends at Solina. There is no service in the Unit- ed Church next Sunday. Mrs. Fred Hyland who has been quite sick is improving. Tyrone Rev. Gardner preached a fine sermon and administered sacra- ment to a goodly number, Sunday morning.1 Members of the Bible Class held a social evening in the vestry Friday evening and re-arganized. Mrs. Everton White will be teach- er and Mrs. Russell Wright, as- sistant. Women's Institute bas received a number of Navy League Ditty Bags to be filled. Contributions will be gratefully received. People of the community were shocked to hear of the sudden passing of William Worden, who died at his home Friday evening after a severe heart attack. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Woods, Orono, with Mrs. H. Hilîs ..Mr. and Mrs. George Knight and Peggy, Bowmanville, with Mrs. H. Philp. . . Murray and Allyn Hoskin with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Pereman, Columbus. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burton, Oshawa, Miss M. Haig, Shoal Harbour, Newfoundland, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller. Some will remember Miss Haig as a missionary from Japan who addressed the W.M.S. some years ago while home onfurlough... Mr. and Mrs. Horace Searle and family, Columbus, Mr. and IvIs. Glen Hoskin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood and family, Orono, at Mr. Lorne Hoskin's.. LAC Gardon Hilîs, R.C.A.F., Fin- gai, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilîs. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson, Bernice and Gloria, Peterboro, Misses Yvonne Byam and Helen Youngman, Osh- awa, at Mr. F. L. Byam's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin attended a party at the home of Mr. Glen Hoskin, Oshawa, Saturday eve- ning. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Reyn- olds, Mr. Thos. Grigg, Midland, at Mrs. Viola Smith's. .. Mrs. Art Spicer, Eileen, Marilyn and Aud- rey, Mrs. Stan Beckett and Pte. George Watson, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Laura Virtue. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter, Toronto, at Mr. L. Drage's. Jimmie Smith has joined the Army at Kingston and James Buckley has joined and is station- ed at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Mrs. Storie and Mr. C. Awde, Orono, at Mrs. H. Philps'. Red Cross held a sewing bee at Mrs. E. Woodley's. .Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in havîng order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with composure. -Fenelon. Wben one has no design but ta speak plain truth, he may say 4 great deal in a very narrow compass. -Sir Richard Steele. Have something ta say; say it, and stop wben yau've done. EW Newcastle BRILLIANT STUDENT 1,1> ITALY An interesting story appeared in the Peterborough Examiner on Sept. 17, beaded "Son of Man Born Near Naples Is Naw An 0f- ficer Serving Canada in Same Area."1 It is a fascinating stary about Major Alox DeMaio, son o! Ferdinando DeMaio, native of Italy, wha, back araund 1925 was section foremnan on the C.P.R. at Newtonville. The stary centres around the career of bis son, Alex wha attended Newcastle High Schoal for three years and among other accamplishments won a $125 Scholarship and a pen and pencil s et, played basebaîl, was in the mauth argan band and many other things boys did. Lter ho graduated as a mechani- cal engineer framn the University o! Toronto and became assaciated with the C.G.E. at Peterborough where ho was employed when war broke out. Ho went aver- seas three years ago and jained up witb the British Army and is now in Italy, bis father's native land, as a Major with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical En- gineering Corps. Irf brie! sucb is the stary a! a "ýfareigner" who came ta Canada 40 years aga and whose son bocame a loyal Can- adian, joined up witb the Allied Forces and is naw fighting for !reedomn in bis father's native country o! Italy. DIM AND DISTANT PAST From The Newcastle Independent o! 40 Years Ago Mr. J1. W. Bradley, 224 St. George St., Toronto, bas sent your histarical correspandent a copy a! the June 25th issue of The Independent, Val. 2, Na. 13. It cantains a two calumn accaunt o! the deatb and burial o! Mrs. Olive Wilmat Sanford, a daugh- ter o! Samuel Wilmot; an obitu- ary a! Mrs. Wm. Perrin, grand- mather o! Herman Perrin, New- castle, and Mrs. W. Farrow and Miss Jean Perrin, Brawn's; an accaunt a! a .farewell prosenta- tion ta Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Edmi- son a! the Methadist Cburcb; write-ups o! the wedding o! John Poole and Miss Martha Wilsan and the ordination in the Method- ist Churcb a! Rev. E. W. Roland by the President a! the Bay a! Quinte Canference, Rev. T. J. Ed- misan. It is evident from the Editorial Page that The Independ- ont and Orona News are engaged in a wordy and acrimaniaus wrangle aver a number o! things. This page alsa cantains a full calumn accaunt o! a basebal gamne an the drill-shed grounds between Newtonville and New-i castle o! the Clarke League. New- castle players were: Uglaw, Mol« Parker, Al!. Bennett, Sid Hughes, Chas. Henry, "ýToat" Parker, Brault, Lacambe p, E. H.. Jolc; Newtonville: C. Petbick, Burley, general mercflants; Gea. Eilbeck, furniture and undertaking; A. W. Carveth, grain and seeds; Wm. Pickard and W. J. Moore, black- smiths; David Rutherford, fenc- ing and binder twîne; J. J. Uglow, hats and suitings; F. W. Kirken- daîl, machinist; G. W. Joncs, Clarke, talking machines; Wm. Mason, baker; Mrs. Glendenning, confectionery, soft drinks and un- fermented wines; F. B. Lovekin, creamn separatars; J. H. Poole, lumber, contracting and building; D. J. Galbraith, Belmont Mills,, cbopping and electricity; S. Bon- athan, tinsmitb and plumber; Thas. Ellison, wallpapers; Miss Florence Rich, Clarke, music les- sans; J. H. Gibson, painter and You Are Cordially Invited To The Champion-x .hpBlack D Whi"te Show at Orono Agr. Parlk -ON - Saturday, October 9th JUDGING COMMENCES AT 10-30 a.m. Ton Couaties to Compete for Reglonal 'Chainpionshaps Prize-winners at local Black and White Days and County Fairs from the Counties of Ontario, Victoria, Durham, Northumberland, Peterboro, Prince Edward, Hlastings, Lennox and Addington will compete for Regional Championships. JUDGE: J, Durno Innes, Woodstock Durtiam County Hlstein Breed ers Association feel it a distinct honor to have this show in their County and invite ail farmers to corne and inspect the great array of Charnpionship Iloisteins which wilI be shown. ADMI1S SI1ON F R EE The message cf this poster ta war-bound Britain is aise a mes- sue te us here in Canada. Our transpor- lation services are doing' a marvelous lob-and it is up te ali of us tu, help them by voluntory self-ration- lng in travel. If you don't really have te go, you'Il leave that much more room for essential travellers- particularly for ser- vice mon end women coming home on louve. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note 'the new changes o! collection and delivery hi your district. This la made neoeaaary by »w govozumeat regulationa which permit us to cover any one district one day a weck only We wili, thetefore, b. hn Bowmanvilie SATUR DAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO: LIMITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleanig with your laundry PHONE - 419 9 insurance. E. H. (now Judge Mc- Lean) is the local lawyer and Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville, cames ta Newcastle on professional vis- its an Wednesdays, using Dr. Alfred Farncomb's office. There are at least eight advertisements by Bowmanville business and professional men and quite a number from Orono. Tbe steamer Argyle plies be- tween Newcastle and Toronto every Tuesday and Friday; f are for round trip 75c; T. W. Jackson, Agent. Paragraph from a bal g a m e report: Bill Jackson's ancient grey steed was an inter- ested onloaker. The lengtb a! the grass in parts of the grounds could accommodate a dozen such BREWING COMPANY LIMIIED presents with pride another >~/~ of the current series of British War Posters which continue to be a powerful force in sustaining the Briton's high spirit. m -quoi, THURS., OCTOBER 7th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAnr I.;Rvr-m m m 1 m Jones, Smith, E. Hughes, Ovens, Wood, S. Pethick, F. Hughes. The presentatian address ta Rev. and Mrs. Edmisan was sign- ed by A. A. Colwill, W. H. Chap- lin, W. H. Pearce, Wm. Pickard, Thos. Douglas, Jno. Douglas, Gea. P. Rickard, J. J. Uglow and J. W. Bradley. The latter is the only one o! these now living. Rev. Lowery was Presbyterian minister and Rev. J. Scott Ho0w- ard, rector of St. George's. Mrs. Howard attended a festival on the 6tb Line, took sick and bad to stay aîl nigbt and next day when Mr. Howard drave back after ber. Among the advertisers were: S. B. Scohell, druggist; Warming- tan & Joîl, butcbers; Jas. Coulson,