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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1943, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. 2lst, 1943 ONTARIO'S SANTA TO CHEER1 w a r time nurseries scattered CHTLDREN IN WAR'S SHADOW throughout Bitain. A recent case history survey o! a groupo! Orphaned Victims o! Blitz To nurseries in Hampstead revecaled Have Christmas Brightened that only 59 per cent o! the boys By Auxiliary Gifts and girls had any reasonable prospect o! being re-united with For thousands o! British boys their parents after the war. and girls, Santa C]aus wiîî once t is to help brighten the lives o! British child blitz victims that again travel all the way !romn On- subscriptions are being accepted tario cities, towns and villages for Christmas Cheer for British this Christmas. Children. Gifts for this purpose The figurative trip this special may be forwarded either through Ontario Santa will take was first this paper or through The Eve- made two yeams ago with the ning Telegram British War Vie- opening o! Christmas Cheer For tims' Fund, Toronto. mIn either British Children, a seasonal case they should be eanmarked special effort of The Evening "Christmas Cheer." Tehegram British War Victims' Fund. Cash donations alone can be aceepted and in the hast two ROTARY FORUM DATE festive seasons nearly $200000 in ADVANCED gifts bas been forwarded through____ the British War Victims' Fond, Bi District Meeting To Be Held earmarked as Christmas Cheer. mn In Cobourg on Wednes- Britain, through agencies associ- dy c.2 ated with the Lord Mayor's Em- dy c.2 pire Air Raid Distress Fond these The Forum o! Rotary Clubs, cash gifts were transhatcd into modest Yuhetide presents and scheduled to be held in Cobourg parties for the thousands o! this month, has been advanced childmen who have been su!!erers one day to Wednesday, October through enemy air raids. 27, it was announced by President Still In War Zone A. M. Hardy o! the local club Desiteth brghtr ortneso!at the regular meeting on Friday Despte he rigterforune ofat the Balmoral. The carlien date war on the Alied side, the. pros- is necessary 50 that the *Forum pect o! another deary Christmas may hear a special speaker !rom young Britons must spend under Rotary International, and the Uic shadow o! war has prompted change bas been made at the e- the launcbing o! the third Christ- quest o! District Governor H. E. mas Cheer auxiliary. In common Rice o! Huntsville. with other gi!ts to The Telegram Clubs are expected to attend fund, every cent is forwarded to from the entire lakeshore area the parents Lord Mayor's Fund, stretching from Pickering to there bcing no deductions for ad- Belleville, and as far north as ministrations or other expenses. Peterboro and Lindsay. Support bas been general Sessions will begin at 9.30 a.m., throughout the province in the and luncheon will be held at 12.30, past two years, although one with eoncluding sessions in the group o! contibutors in Toronto afternoon. bas made substantial gi!ts. The _______________ Toronto Police War Veterans' As- sociation, thmough its annua] dance and lucky draw, raised C asid A ae $55.900 for Christmas Cheer for lsiedA Ra s British Chihdren ast ycar, and the police veterans have set out One cent a word cash, each Wo better this magnificent gi!t Insertion (minimum charge this November. 25c). Charge of 25e extra is 109,458 Casualties made when advertlsement is Sînc the!îrs bom feh on not pald same week as inser- Brinthinoferthan 48 on tion. Extra charge of 10e Britin o feekihedand48,277 when replies are directed to civiians have been kle n 61,- a Statesman box number. 181 injured in air raids. Especial- Blrths, deaths and marriages ly difficoît is the problemn posed 50e each. In Memoriams, 50o -- for notice plus 10e per Une ------ - for verse. Classified adver- U***....UUMM UU~~ tisements accepted up untii Q ~UNE ~6 p.m. Wdedy DT BEAT E ATUR I BOWAN0FLTE TRIC 21 THUBE FWOULD ACONNCE IENT PRISCILLA LANE I Cartoon F Mon., Tues., Wed., OCT. 25, 26, 27 REUNION IN * FRANCE * With *JOAN CRAWFORD L PHILLIF DORN JOHN WAYNE NEWS - SHORT ROYAL THEATRE PROGRANg FOR NOVEMBER November 1, 2, 3 - LADY IN A JAM SUBMARINE ALERT November 4, 5, 6 - SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES November 8, 9, 10 - HITLER'S CHILDREN November 11, 12, 13 - DjIXIE DUGAN GET HEP TO LOVE November 15, 16, 17 - SHADOW 0F A DOUBT Noveinbem 18, 19, 20 - PRESENTING LILY MARS November 22, 23, 24- ONCE UPON A HONEYMOON November 25, 26, 27- HARRIGAN'S KID HI BUDDY! November 29, 30, Dec. 1 - ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY SHOF Nowa FOR OVERSEASPARCELS Suggestions for your selection - Razor Blades, Maited Milk Tabiets, Handker- chiefs, Shaving Soap, Tooth Powder, Soap, Pad and Envelopes, Snack Tablets, Vita- mins, Money Beits, Brushes, Bill Foids, Pens and Pencils, Noveis and many others. Msason's 49------------ 40c, Pertussin - -------59c, $1 Coid Capsules --------- Nose & Throat Relief -- 75e ;1.39 25e 50C Cherry Bark ------------ 35e Bronchial Syrup --- --- 50e Chase's L. & T. --35c, 75e Buckley's ...----- 40c, 75e White Pine & Tar --25c, 5Oc VITAMINS Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, N.C.F. Liq.---------- 1.15,: N.C.F. Caps.-1.25,: Multiple Vitamins 1.50,1 10D Cod Liver 011----- ---. ------ 67c, Puretest Halibut 011 Caps.- ----------- 1.00, Oleum Percornorph 75c,: A.B.D.&G. Caps. - Beminal Tabs.---- 100 VI-MI-Caps -- -- Becol - 100------- Jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778 - » » C.N.R. TICKETS When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly BIRTI-S BIRD-Born to Mr. and Mrs. John James Bird, the gift of a son, Lawrence John James, at Bow- manville Hospital, on Thurs- day, October 14, 1943. 42-1* McDONALD - At Bowmanville, October l4th, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald (nee Elva Gay) the gift of a daugh- ter (Marilyn Isabel). 42-1* DEATi-S COL WILL-In Darlington, Oct. 18, 1943, Clifford William Col- will, aged 56 years. BRAGG -In Bowmanville, Oct. 16, 1943, Elizabeth Ward Bragg, widow of the late Richard A. Bragg, aged 82 years. Cards of Thanks 1 wish to express my very sin- cere thanks to you, the box- holder on my mail route, for your generous gift. Gratefully yours, Russell Griffin. 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron and family sincerely thank their rela- tives, friends and Dr. C. W. Slem- on for kindness and sympathy ex- tended to them on the loss of a loving mother and grandmother. 42-1 The family of the late Edward E. Virtue wish to thank ahl friends and neighbors for their kindness and messages of sympathy and the beautiful expressions con- tained in the lovely flowers sent during the passing of our dear father. 42-1* The f amily of the late Wm. T. Worden, Tyrone, wish to express their thanks to their friends, neighbors, relatives and Lodge imembers, for their.kindness and lovely floral contributions, during their recent bereavement. 42-1 IN MEMORIAM TODGHAM-In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grand- mother who passed away October 21, 1941. None knew her but to love her, None named her but to praise. -Maude and family. 42-1* SHORT-In loving memory of my dear Mother, Mrs. Ida Short, who passed away, October 21, 1942 "Today recalîs sad memories 0f a dear mother gone to rest, And the ones who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best." -Sadly missed by son, Fred, and daughter-in-law, Elva. 42-1* HUGHES-In loving memory of "Dad" Richard Hughes who passed away ten years ago, Oct. 20th, 1933. Also of my darling mother, Amelia (Russell) Hughes who passed away four months ago, June 30th, 1943. "At the going down o! the sun, and in the morning we remema- ber them." -Daughter, Vera, son-in-law, Francis, and children, Teddy, Ross and Audurie Baines. 42-1 SOMERSCALES - In fond re- membrance of Mr. Geo. Somer- scales who passed away Octo- ber 14, 1941. "Not now, but in the coming years, It may be in the better land, We'll read the meaning of our tears, And there some time wc'll understand?" -Sadly missed by wife and family. 42-1 TODGHAM - In ever precious memory of our dearest Great Grandma and Grandma, Mrs. W. Todgham, who passed away October 21, 1941. With tears I watched you sink- ing, I watched you pass away, I tended you with loving care, But could not make you stay, I watched beside your bedside, As the lonely hours passed, And how my heart was broken When I saw you breathe your last. -Too dearly lovcd ever to be forgotten, Grand - daughter Elsie Murphy and Great Grand- children. 42-1 AUCTION SALES Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of the late Wesley Campbell, Lot 21, Con. 10, Cartwright, on Saturday, Oct. 23. 1943. Sale 2t 1 o'clock. Jack Reid, A uction -eer.--' 42-l* I I have been authorized to sel for George Metropolyt (known as Geo. Moroz) Lot 21, B.F., Darling- ton, (l 1-4 miles south o! Sheil Service Station, Maple Grove), on Tuesday, October 26, 1943, ail his horses, cattle, pigs, hay, grain, poultry, including 400 rock pul- lets, 130 yearlings which are start- ing to lay. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. For particulars sec bills. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 41-2 TusaOctober 28, 1943-1 John Murdoch, Lot 26, Con. 7, Darlington, his farm stock, im- plements, hay, corn and harness. Also on the same day will scîl 8 acres, more or less, of standing hardwood to be sold in quarter acre lots, more or less. For par- ticulars sec bills. Sale at 1 o'clock. (This sale includes 9 cows, 4 of which are Ayrshire springers.) Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 42-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-HOUSE, on Main St. South, Orono. Good location. Apply Ahbert Harris, Orono, phone 73r4. 42-tf-l* FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE on Ontario Street, home o! Harry and Fred Grigg. Ten rooms and ahl modemn conveniences, bldg. suitable for garage, 1-8 o! an acre of land. Apply at the house during the day or phone 369. 42-2* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-8 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Phone 2342. '% 421 FOR SALE-Thoroughbred Fer- rets. Apply Fred Adair, New- castle. 42-2'* FOR SALE-Excellent Veal Cal!. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskihlen, phone 2824. 42-1 FOR SALE - 9 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 wecks old. Apply Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, phone Port Perry 225-11. 42-1* FOR SALE -YOUNG Yorkshire s0w with 7 pigs, 4 weeks old. Charles Frank, Bowmanville R.R. 5. Phone 2403. 42-1* FOR SALE - POULTRY-Hy- brids and Rocks. Apply Geo. C. Alîchin, Manvers Road, phone 2475. 42-3 FOR SALE-8 YORKSHIRE Pigs, 7 weeks old. Apphy Kenneth Gilbank, R. R. 3, Burketon, phone Port Ferry 78-11. 42-1* FOR SALE - LEICESTER RAM lambs for sale. Apply N. R. Andrews, phone 15r13, Orono. 42-1 * FOR SALE-2 Yearling Percher- on colts, also one six-months- old, all sired by Monarch. For particulars phone Bowmnanville 2208, bètween 8 and 9 p.m. 41-2 FOR SALE-BL;ACK HORSE, .6 yrs. old, sound and quiet t~o work or drive single or double. Sec at Fred Ayling Farm, Maple Grove. 42-1 FOR SALE - Number o! choice light Sussex and New Hamp- shire cockerels for breeding purposes. Apply J. C. Alldread, phone 800 Bowmanville. 42-1 FOR SALE-LEICESTER RAM lambs, grade or registered. Also 12 Leicester ewe lambs. Apply Austin Beacock, Nestîcton, phone Port Ferry 172r23. 41-2* FOR SALE - BRINDLE COW, Jersey and Guernsey, 6 years old, due to freshen-extra good cream cow. Apply Archie Thompson, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville. 42-1 FOR SALE - A GOOD reliable road horse, black mare, 5 yrs. old, sound, quiet. Apply to Keith Johnston, Burketon, R.R. 1, or phone Port Ferry 172r12. 42-1* COMING EVENTS Reserve Wed., Thurs., Fni., Nov. 24, 25, 26, High Schooh Com- mencement. 42-6 Dance at the Hall, Solina, Sat- urday, Oct. 23. Admission 35c. Proceeds for Soldiers' boxes. 42-1 Women's nstitute Tea and Sale o! aprons, children's clothing, needlework, home cooking, etc., wilh be held in the Parish Hall on Thurs., Oct. 28, !rom 3 to 5.30. 42-1 Enniskilhcn United Church Thank Offering service is to be held on Sunday the 24th, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. R. B. Harrison of Blackstock is to be the preacher and Columbus choir to lead in the service o! song. 42-1* Boy Scouts' Chins Up Concert, Trinity United Church, Friday, October 22nd, 8 p.m. Salvation Army Band from Oshawa, with local artists. Silver collection. The Chinns Up Fund takes care o! the distress among Scouts in England and enemy occupicd countries. Each Scout in Canada aims to raise $1.00 toward this !und. Already Ontario Scouts have raised over $30,000. 42-1 The opening meeting o! the Women's Canadian Club will be hcld in St. John's Parish Hall, at 3.45 p.m. on the fourth Monday- October 25-instead o! the usual third Monday. The change was* made to take advantage o! the opportunity o! having for a speak- er Mr. Louis Blake Duf!, noted author and historian and one of the most brilliant speakers o! to- day. This will be an open meet- ing with the usual charge of 25e for non-members. 42-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY. RE- PAIRS, adjustmcnts, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ahl other makes. New and !actory rebuilt vacuums and ac- S e s so r ies. Te'cphone our "C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices for Timothy, CIovr, etc. Stcwart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Lost LOST-BLACK FOUNTAIN Pen, between Scugog St. and Post Office. Finder please leave with Jamieson's Tire Shop. 42-1* LOST-BLACK LEATHER Bill- fohd containing sum o! money and cheque, lost in business section, Saturday aftcmnoon, Oct. 15, 1943. Liberal reward if returned to Mrs. H. J. Bab- cock, Ontario Street, phone 2492. 42-l* Nothîng m o re complctely baffles one who is full o! trick and duphicity, than straightf or- ward and simple integrity in an- other. - Colton. It's a fact that. ..'One electrie iron will yield enough metal for two army helmets . .. Make the one you have do. The tclling o! a falsehood is like the eut o! a sabre; for though the wound may heal, the scar o! it will remain. - Saadi. Auction Sale REGISTERED R.O.P. HOLSTEIN RERD 0F NOBLE METCALF Two Miles West of Bowmanville 40 Head, Fully Accredited, Federally Listed Wed., Oct. 27 Herd Sire CEDAR DALE MONTVIC DICTATOR Born January, 1942. Grandson o! the 964-lb. 5 per cent testing, Montvic Bonheur Tietje B. and from a daughter o! Man-O-War Dictator, whose two, four and !ive year old records average 15,112 lbs. o! mihk and 533 lbs. o! fat. The hast two records in 305 days. First prize at Orono Black and White Day, 1943. Eighteen females in cal.! to bis service. 10 Cows, fresh or in full flow o! milk; 6 cows due to freshen in November; 4 cows due to freshen in December; 5 two-year-old heifers, bred; 8 vaccinated heifers around a year old; 1 bull born March llth from a 3.71 per cent dam; 4 bull calves, two sired by present herd sire; 2 heifer calves. Incloded in this herd are a number o! cows graded, excellent, very good, and good plus, in Selective Registration and aiso First Prize Graded Herd, Fîrst Prize Junior Herd, First Prize Junior Year- ling Heifer, First Prize Junior Yearling Bull, First Prize and Junior Champion Heifer Cal!, at Orono Black and White Day, 1943. -ALSO SELLING - h Grade Jersey, 5-year-old, freshened in August; 1 Black Mare, 9 years old; 1 Bay Gehding, 12 years; Universal Milking Machine, 2 units; Wood's Electric Milk Cooler, 6 dans. FOR CATALOGUE WRITE OR PHONE Noble I. Metcalf, Owner, R.R. 2, Bowmanville TERMS: CASH L. E. Franklin Auctioneer, Toronto - -.SALE AT 1P.M. J. D. H4ogarth Clerk Notice To Creditors In the Estate o! John Lane, deceased. A 1h persnns having dlaims against the estate o! John Lane, late o! the Town o! Bowmanvihle, in the County of Durham, de- ceascd, who died on or about the 6th day o! May, 1943, are hereby notified to send in to W. R. Strike, Solicitor for the Executors, Bow- manville, Ontario, on or before the lst day o! November, 1943, full particulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said lst day of November, 1943, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the said Solicitor, for the Executors shaîl then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this' Sth day of October, 1943. W. R. STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executors, Bowmanville, Ontario. 40-3 For Rent FOR RENT-3 HEATED with ligbt. Phone 733. rooms, 42-1 FOR RENT-5 ROOM COTTAGE in Hampton, newly decorated. Clifford Allin, Bowmanville, R.R. 3. 42-1* FOR RENT-TWO FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. Apply Walter Murphy, Scugog St. 42-1* FOR RENT-HOUSE, immediate possession. Six rooms. Opposite nternment Camp on outskirts of Bowmanvihle. Phone Bow- manville 2456. 42-2 TO RENT - FOUR-ROOMED apartment, hcated, suitable for adult couple. Central location. Write Box 253, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 42-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-BOY'S good wintcr overcoat, size 12 yrs. Phone 2418. 42-11 FOR SAL-PEARS and apples. Bring your containers. Oscar Andrus. Phone 2114. 42-2 FOR SALE-Combînation Quebcç Heater. Apphy J. Yeo, or phone 2393. 42-1* FOR SALE - 1929 Oldsmobile sedan, good tires. Phone 517 a!ter 6 p.m. 42-1-1 FOR SALE - QUEBEC Cook stove, waterfront. Nearly new. Good condition. Phone 2588. ;0 42-l* FOR SALE-PURE WOOL polo coat, size 14. Price reasonable. Write Box 255, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 42-1 FOR SALE - 1934 PONTIAC coach in good condition. Tires good. Apply Walter Murphy, Scugog St. 42-1* FOR SAL-One Addressograph,I with electric motor, in good condition, will scîl for fraction o! original cost. Sce it at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store. 42-1 FOR SALE-CHEVROLET, 1935 coach, will seIl at hargain as owncr has enlisted. Apply eve- nings to Arthur Ives, Duke St. Phone 632. 42-1* FOR SALE - Washing Machine (almost new), sewing machine, 50 chiekens, coal stove, gas stove, 4 single steel beds. Ap- ply E. Jacobs, Argyle St. 42.1* FOR SALE - WE STILL HAVE some bluc grapes he!t, good for eating and excellent for pre- serves, jam, jelhies and grape juice; 35c a 6-qt. basket. H. R. Pearce, Newcastle. 42-1! OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a spccialty. Qualty merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before boying visit Brad]ey's New Fomniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-t! FOOL THE FEUL SHORTAGE- Sleep under warm auilts-wool. alpine cloth, feather flannel, velvet patches mixed, 3 pounds $1. Postpaid- money back puarantee. (Limited quantity). Buttonshop, Whitby. 42-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours !rom over 300 patterns actually in stock You are invited to view these at BRAT)LEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoc South, Osh- awa. 46-tf AUCTION SALE SHORTHORN SALE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10 in Blackstock Skating Rink <on the fair grounds) 37 Registcred T.B. and blood tested Shorthomns - 2 berd bulîs; 8 bull calves; 27 femnales-breed- ing 'cows, bred heifers and heifer calves. SHOW C4LIBRE SHORTHORNS Consigned by A. W. Wright, W. G. Bowles, Nestleton, and Baker Farms, Hampton. For catalogue write or phone J. Baker, Hampton, phone 2180. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer 42-21 Help Wanted HELP WANTED-GIRL for gen- eral housework from 9 until 2. No evenings. Sleep out. Phone 436 or 854. 42-1 HELP WANTED - ELDERLY person for light duties in good home. Apply R. Roberts, R.R. 3, Borketon. 42-1* Notice to treditors ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of MARGARET SELENA McINTYRE who died on or about the 2lst day of Septem- ber, 1943, at the Town o! Bow- manville, Ontario, must be !iled with the undersîgned Executors, on or before November lst, 1943, a!ter which date distribution wîll take place and dlaims flot filcd will be barred. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tario, October l2th, 1943. HERBERT COTTING1HAM, 133 Alice St., Oshawa, Ontario. NINA E. NEADS, Bowmanville, Ontario. Executors for the Estate o! Margaret Selena McIntyre. 41-3 Notice To Creditors CREDITORS and others having dlaims against the Estate of WESLEY RICHARD CAMP- BELL, late of the Township of Cartwright in the County o! Dur- hamFaofcru who died on the 28th da f uy, A.D., 1943, are hcrcby notified pursuant to R.S.O. Chapter 65, Section 51, to send their statements of account to the undersigned solicitors on or be- fore the Tht day of November, 1943, after which date the Execu- tor wilI distribute the assets hav- ing regard only to the dlaims of which it shall then have notice. DATED at LINDSAY this 27th day of September, A.D., 1943. FROST & FROST, Temple Building, Lindsay, Ontario, Solici- tors for The Victoria Trust and Savings Company, the Executor. 39-4 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE or apartment, in Bowmanville, central location. Phone 2889. 1 42-1 WANTED TO RENT-50 ACRE farm. Apply R. Bottrell, R.R. 4, Bowmanville (Marchment Farm). 42-1* WANTED TO RENT - $10 Re- ward for house or apartment to rent. Wanted by Flying 0f- ficer with best ref erences. Phone 2854. 42-1 WANTED TO RENT-5-roomed house in Bowmanville, modemn conveniences, 2 adults. Write Box 256, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 42-1 Real Estate For4*e FOR SALE-SOLID Brick House centrally located, garage and garden. For particulars phone 461. 41-tf RELEAmED Tires now retreaded for pas- senger cars without permit We are i a position to handie ail sizes of tires for retreading. Three tread de- signs to choose from. TIRE SHOP 1 block west of post office Open from 8 a.m. to 6 -pm. Phone 467 PLAN TO ATTEND DURHAM COUNTY PLOWING MATCH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th ON THE FARM 0F NORMAN RICKARD Lot 35, Con. 2 Clarke (just north of Kurv Inn on No. 2 High- way). Enter throughe James T. Brown's Farm immcdiately east o! the chccker board. TRACTOR AND HORSE PLOWING Those wishing prizc list please write the secretary, or E. A. Summers, Agr. Rep., Bowmanvihle Town and country folk are cordially invited. BAng the ladies Meals served in close proximity to. grounds by Shaw's Home and School Club Howard Henry, President, John Rickard, Secretary, Campbellcroft Newcastle Tracteor Owners. . Save money, time, motors and vocabulary FRAM OIL FILTER CAN BE ATTACHED TO ANY MAKE 0F TRACTOR FILTERS - CLEANSES - RECIRCULATES OJL Local tests have provedi ts amazing worth - Written Guarantee of refund if flot satlsfied - ABSOLUTE MONEY BAVER - Phone, Write or Cail Telephone U, 2610 W eB O NBoRYsà Autorieddeaerfor FRAM OIEL FILTER, J. I. Casem maehinery, Warco Grease and*011 4 Li mi. e m j' COUGH AND COLD REMEDIES -b A nnouncement Oshawa Engineering & Welding Co. Ltd., Ha ve MOVED to the Trick Company Building - AT - 25 ALBERT STREET, OSHAWA PHONE 764 HelpWantéd Maie and Peinai. TO WORÉ IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Hose, Beiting, and Paeking -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holidays wlth pay -Penffion Plan. -Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation with pay after one year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applicants now on Wjjr Work net aeeepted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 PAGE TWELVVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO li 1 THURSDAY, OCT. 21st, 1943 I 1

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