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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1943, p. 3

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THURSDAY, OCT. 21st, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PA(1E TWR1tR *MUM UM=-rU municipal aid and larger govern- ment grants. "Mlusie of Autumn" FeNatures Singers & Their Song s W tOhr a ospai t r ratme and or BY FRD R. OLEYta admit any persan in need of Home & School Clubta tretmeProgdrame Ho e&Sho lCu Po rm SILVER THREADS AMONG . m m... Unfortunately quite a number of THE GOLD NURSES SHARE IN BATTLE people seern ta think they are (Contrlbuted) Mrs. Reta Dudley and Mrs. Owen HAZARDS under no obligation ta pay their "Music of Autumn,", was the Nicholas and one could hear the Darling, I arn grawing aid, hsia hre n hnsc theme of a Most inspiring and steady and- regular beat of the Silver threads among the gold, (Montreal Gazette) unpaid bis are turned over to entertaining program presented paddles, and 'see' the diamand Shine upon my braw to-day; Inclusion of a dozen nursing cu the municipal audgnt cids- by Mrs. J. Albert Cole at the spray drip off in the moonlight, Life is fading fast away. sisters of the Army Medical aimts thepniili cnpods- Home & School Association meet- once again in their ghost canoe. But, my darling, you will be, Corps in the latest casualty list csiby dos andthe hopit alios inig, Oct. 13. The gymnasium was And again we could visualize the Always Young and fair ta me. frorn the battie af Sicily, as.Vic lftdodi, ng the ag. -l i artistically decorated w it~h scenes as they sang sa delightfully Yes, my darling you will be tims of injuries fram bomb splin- ft odithe Gaeoet o autuimn leaves, flowers, fruits and "By the Waters of the Minne- Always Young and fair ta me. ters during an enemy air raid, f te Gvrmn ol vegetables. tonka." Cou shines a bright spotlight on the amend the Hospital Act making Mrs.Col naratd ler tor of To mny utun mansSad Chrusvaliant and vital service of staut- admission of patients condîtional Mr.ClAartdhrsay0 omn utumn massd Darling, I arn growing, grawing heartedwae inbtezos upan a written guarantee af pay- Auun during which hier ness and death and as Shake- ad, ment eing ivenby sae re thoughts were interspersed with speare has said,' "It is that time Silver threads amang the goîd, ars hewrdspansible persan or municipal of- a variety of musical numbers of of year when yelaow leaves or Sieua yba ady Perhaps more than any af the ficial, ]osses in badi debts could be. a vryhig clibe."Musicians none do hang upan those boughs Life is fading fast away. laei uiirycrsatced for the most part eiiminated. asIt is harthedutmta"taieshaa aanet tand"d. to the fighting farces, the nursing Thunouatfincaps- aswl S meslaete any"O tht sakPat"gais te cd bn detachments are nat only essen- t. nin whh mnhsiti snaw she bg "fa ther arernany"Octoer'sParty was eady These were the last words written Ùal units of active battie fom- on wc ay ps 'dbeautiful comnpositions and poerns Miss Muriel Stevens whase sand ra find themselves should have the ~written which are distînctly in- gown was appropriately arrayed by' the composer af this immortal tians but share in the hardships early attention af both Govern- spired by its beauty." with brightly colored Maple Song. They were found an *a and the hazards of thase engagedmetad uncpluhries "To many artists autumn with leaves, hier necklaces were af scrap of paper in a Philadeiphia directiy in the job af fighting the mentadmuncipal________es its golden leaves is the most beau- chestnuts, pumpkin seeds, bark rooming house where the writer war on sea and land and in the tîful period af the year. As aur and parcupine quilîs. Her was living. Befare hie could comarn ,M s ilsB te f thaughts turn ta the- sea we brooches were af red bernies and plete the sentence hie feulo to a The speed and mability of Most i Bttr.COAff picture two vayagers in their sail small fruits and acorns, and a sleep that knew na waking. moadern warfare make it especial- rlnanciallin ..A boat, haping that the wind will bonnet of Maple leaves adarned Seventy years ago Hart Pearselyesniltamecauis fil thir ais t carytheovr lerblod cri. Se asoDanks wa Yesnilttmdcluis fil thir ais t cary he. oer er lad crgsaS e alsogae . as making a madest liv- with their nursing staffs shauld Persanal finance is a subject the rolling waves ino the great vialnslcin FagesDne nga igradmme famv with fighting establish- peaple like ta keep ta thernselves. beodlninmui switn in eulsweet manies ner " w e11- k naowngquaartett eand acom- mentes as they advance inta battie However, the questian af personal ta oudn l i babbhn an olter sau wetmnni easo poser of sacred and secular songs. zanes. Their stations of succar finance and pay af airwomen is to sond lke th babling of Twanderfu auty whsa eanai In those days there were no are set up at paints often danger- a topic the R.C.A. F. proudly dis- water. The silver ripples of the O odru euywe l gramaphanes or radias ta hasten ausly close ta the front lines cusses openly. Their pay can be lonely narthern lakes, it is tald, Nature is a riat of color and in- the popularity of sangs, as in aur where the enemy is being en- best described as adequate, being maurn above the graves in the duces in us an enthusiasm for day, sa the process was slow and gaged. They must often work at neither skimpy or luxuriaus. Ex- days of the Indian and the winds iife's many beauties and jays. The the remuneration srnall. risk of fiying builets, shelîfire and penses classified as "that's-where- bear the cry afar." beauty of the trees at this tirne of Danks had discovered a little bornbing. the-rnaney-goes" type are elirnin- "The Voyagera" was sung by year is past ail power ta tell. She poem in a farm magazine, writ- While honoring the sailors, the ated far these girls. Wlth detailed ______________________quated "Autumn Leaves," after ten by the editor, E. E. Rexford. soldiers and the airmen who efficiency, the Air Force looks which Miss Arlene Northcutt sang He purchased the right ta use it swept through Sicily and on ino after clathing, food, shelter, medi- very sweetly, "The Leaves and for a sang for the sum of $3.00, Itaiy itseif, let us add a salute ta cal care, dental treatment and hos- the Wind," accompanied by Mrs. and the editar was sa pleased the women whase courage and pitalizatian; further, airwomen R. Dudley. At this particular with his unexpected incarne that skill played such an essential part pay no taxes. They enjoy re- season of the year we stow away hie sent Mr. .Danks a few mare in the carnpaign - and saved duced railway fare, and in some provisions for the winter. The poerns at the saine price. Among countless wounded warriars ta centres cheaper carfare which w. flowers, poultry and rnaybe some very strongîy ta the musician who FINANCIAL POSITION 0F wThe of$.05p ay for nir- old-fashioned gingerbread. Mrs. was very devoted ta his wife. wOPTLSnaand 105perday, includinge B w a ile J. J. Richards of Oshawa, grac- There was a corforting thought HOPTLSSays cevand hoiay.Also, shet iously sang, "The Market." The in the littie poemn that, althaugh (TeBrimxmnr ay preceive t rade pay t2 cns famripriual aP tlf a aigfs wy hr hre hours and higher re- based an efficiency, and o h Ithis s or wnh i attie. Arn odeoion0fasfaith u lovr. îmuneration for nurses were 45 trades open ta airwamen, rnost Dair -Mik! itaur dfareorehs careautusig was underfsuchai spiovra tnamang the recommendations of them have an "A" grouping. is aseaon f geat riup n that Dnkersuwtch angtpiatnmade by the Canadian Hospitals This means it is passible ta earn ourfarer reahesa geatsig tht Dnkswroe te sng hatAssociation which met in Ottawa up ta another 75 cents per day. You tale ay e sortof f relief especially this autumn. has reached the hearts of un- .hsrot. Mc shsia hn hr sarn a;acr Yourtabe my besh ofThen you think about Thanksgiv- cutdmilos H ad his ot.M has opilTenteri aakpy;ac- ing henhe pple hae ben snta a pulis.He in Phil'sl boards might wish ta comply wîth parai earns more than a leading certain food Items because gathered and the 'taters are aIl in. phia and its popularity has tn-ilsiteomenation th e sftuinn-airafs tw orie asren Thanksgiving Day which arig- creased aver the years until t iistaio nteeistttosdaw tl oe of ratloning, but you can inated on this continent in 1621 million copies were sold. ît is makes it very difficult ta do so. Let's look at the case of Mar- was kept by the Pilgrim Fathers StiR hurnred, whistied and sung Operating casts in hospitais have janie Clark. Marjorie was a stena- have plenty of high quality after the gathering of the first across the continent. increased steadiiy in recent years grapher in a Toronto lawyer's of- harvest. If there is one country The latter years of «Danks' life and the revenue has not showed fice. She wanted ta help speed mllkfro Bomanvlje in he arldwhih hs evry eredisppoitin an un appya osresponding growth. the victory. Discussing the matter reasan ta be thankful for material an eset by poverty. He died Today, most haspitals,unes itthRcrtigCtr'I- camfort and security, that country alone in a boarding house. heavily endawed, are aperating at terviewing officer of the Women's Dafry. is Canada! Her people at home ___________ a loss-în nurnerous cases running Divisian, the offîcer suggested are not oniy enjoying a high into thousands of dollars. This that she might become an R.C. Vitamins for body building, average of pnosperity but are THE STATESMAN cannot go on indefinitely. Unless A.F. Stenographer-an Air Force free and have been fnorn all.those NOW SOLD AT sorne relief can be given ta their Clerk. Marjorie went through calcium for energy, this tenrors of actual invasion and de- financial distrss, a number of hos- hier basic training in four weeks at struction fnorn which so many TrHESE STrORES pitais may have ta close their Rockciiffe. Now she is respon- millions of people elsewhere have doors or be tunned over ta the sibie far. the accaunting of fiying milk helps you keep ni> suffèred during the war. Another Newcastle: Mellow's Drug. rnunicipality. time at one of the largest flying nuriin aue.Thanksgiving day found hen still Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Public ward patients, which stations in Ontaria. ntiinvle.untouched b the invader. Enniskillen: T. M. Siemon & Son constitute a very considerable Leading Aircnaftwaman Clark, Ail thase present joined in i- Burketon: Harold Gi. percentage of those adrnitted, are as she is naw calied, wasn't think- ing-Cme e hasingPepl," Biackstock: Alex Gilbert. ail treated at a loss. It is nat ing about the pay side of service which was given ta the Church Nestleton: J. G. Thompson. fair that the haspitais shouid be if e when she enlisted. But now, * just 1011 years ago. ît was written Pontypool: Post Master. carnpelled ta rneet this loss by she realizes that she is much bet- viller Alord Dean o Canter- Onono: Tynnell's Drug Store. placing ail the additianal burden ter off than before. In civilian- bur. MssMuriel Stevens very Newtonviiie: W. C. Lane & Co. upon the occupants of private life, she paid out $7.00 weekly for UowIII e pieasingly read rnost appropriate- Tyrane: F. I.. Byam. roorns. If the hospitais are ta board, and a weekly average of bi ly "Hanvest Home." Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. carry on the very necessary and $2.50 for ciothes, $2.50 for lunches '.i W. Jeweli, Jury & LovelI, W. J. valuabie service they are giving and carfare, and 50e for dental $2 D"Hailowe'en, part of auturnn, Bagneli, Statesman Office. there wiil have ta be increased and medicai care. That coin- Tc 43 airoccasion is usualiy given over ta fnolics and mischief of a hilariaus PHONE 446 nature, the namne iitenally means hallowed evening, which la the ________________________eve of the Church festival of Al _________________________Saints Day which occurs an Nov. lat. Hailowe'en decorations are symbols fram colored paper of black and orange and we have black cats, moons, goblins, bats and witches taking their flight on bnoorns. The wizardry of "The Witches Flight" was portrayed by Mrs. Reta Dudley and lier son, Ray, as a piano duet. Dear aid duil November! They don't speak weil of you, They say your winds are chilling, Your skies are neyer blue. They tell us how you go sighing Arnong the ieafless trees, You have no warmth nor bright- ness, Ail kinds of things like this.- November il, Remembrance Day, is the day when hostilities ceased in the Worid War. The day we remember with love and gratitude, the men who sa wiliing- ly fought and particuiarly those heroes who made the suprerne sacrifice for our safety and hap- 22 Ye pincss. She paid tribute ta these d with the words, "In Fianders' Fields." The sad ending of summer.............. passing an to autumn was par-....... trayed beautifuily by Mrs. J. J.*To Richards of Oshawa, when she got to hav Ha efavored by singing,"TeLs the Canadi Rose of Summer." Mrs. Dudleywreai He rv OO and Ray again entertained with .h...O................. "Good-Bye Summer." Mrs. Cale 1ii~ M AS S EY-H AR RIW COMPANY, LIMITED bicd with Incarne Tax, left he $13 6' weekly, and it's aill dean Marjonie is now wonking fan hen $ih2 eshn0.00-pe-w e anfrohe because everything is "found," carponal's "hooks" which wiil add 20.0-pr-weklaw office job. 'aday, she draws $1.95 daiiy, or and she has no incarne taxtapy another $1.05 a week ta her pay. A Fighting Member of the Team. Captaiz Pete Luzi, former Goodyear Salesman, wrtes Jrm Sîcily: ". .. the terucks an0d lires take a terri/ic beat- Io ing but tbere's practically ne tire/aiare excep:/rom enemy 10action. Good odGoodyears they're do/eogaswell job." IYJOB ON THE TEAM BEGAN 99143 GOODYEARS AGO"9 ors With Goodyer-a family nmon with a son ln the. Army- Stevens is a SoIid Citizen, Typicai of the. Goodyear Croftsnien .who are building Tires for Overseais Use. win a war," said "Red" Stevens, "you've ave real teampiay. Probably tbat's why ,ans have donc so well in action. They cd on sports-know the meaning af :-gosh £earnplay. to think of our Goodyear gang as one rabat teams ini this biggest struggle of Sof us fight-some of us take care of the int-some of us pass the ammunition- eail members of a big Goodycar team. ie fighting front, many hundreds of my xbuddies are in the thick of things--in 1They're the ail-stars on our team. îe home front, thousands of Goodyear xe doing their bit by keeping your tires ,pairing, retreading, servicing-saving that the lads overseas won't go without. abig part ai the team, too. cere at the plant, the rest of us are going 1build the thinga the team needs. )b on the teama began 9,143 Goodycars A3 is the number of tires I personally tfor the Armed Forces since war broke I'm just one tire bwlder in hundreds. ~ç&~TEST NAME IN ~UBBER IFAMID IUI AINIMET f-o Igo euaUn" M ' > A Home Front Member of the Team. Your Goodyear dealer says... 'Bring your tire troubles tb us, -l/ikeep Yom gui,,g. Aniymr eiil rne ie..p/ease bepaten... these days it seemi as :7et'ery. one tv/tb a permit wanti Goodyears. Were getting 'em out as/ast as ove Ca».," Ifmoneg go beforje,ý cil Wyou$ lie open. ShIespeâi'e OU FIGHTING FORCES are now definitely on their wa oRome, Berlin and Tokyo. True it is that the roacis they nmust travel may be long and tortuous with death and danger hirking at cvery turn. The going may be slow and tough but, with steady though heavy step, our men will trudge every mile witb grim determination, yet with inspired en- thusiasm-for Victory is in sigbt. To mnaltecasier and shorter the way for these, our e- gaffant fighting men, is the part and privilege granted those who remain behind. That we may encourage them and lighten their task by our unstinted efforts to specd the necdcd equipment. That we may by our self- /1/ denial malte available the monies necded to assure their superiority in air, sca and land. Thus sdall we malte smoother the ways, and shorten the days, towards the triumpbal entry of our fighting nmen into Rome, Berlin and Tokyo. "Speeci the Victor y" Buy Victory Bonds "Perhaps, because y ou sec 50 many Goodyears around, you think they are mass produced by machines, or something. ,"Actuaily, each anc is built by hand-by fdlows like me who lcarned the game from the ground up. And building tires for planes and Suas and trucks is a persanal matter btwen us and the boys who use 'cm. Sometimes we Set letters from aur boys overseas, teiling us they've accu made-in-Canada Goodyears churning into action in places whose names we can't even pronaunce. We get as big a kick out of that as they do. "Geting back ta this idea of teamplay, it seems to me that you motorists and truck rivers are members of our team too. The way you have dug in ta conserve rubber bas hcelped put us on the road ta victory. "*Sa keep on babying those tires of yours a whiie langer. It's our innîngs now-and pretty soon we'll scw up the oid bail game. "Then jost watch aur smoke. We'il swing right into the job of building tires for you-and believe me, we've learned lots about tires in building thera ta win battle honours." N59C THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE

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