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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1943, p. 9

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THURSDAY, OCT. 2lst, 1943 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Dominion Contest which met on Tuesday accepted an invitation to attend Crooked For Beys and Girls Creek Hallowe'en party. Mrs. H. Calf lob M mbers Bill Morley will arrange the pro- gram. Jim Curson, Sidney Brown Holstein -Friesia n Association of and Freeman Eddy wpre appoint- Canada will again sponsor a ýpec- ed to have' charge of our ial Judging Contest amongst Caîf Hallowe'en party to which Lake (D R in N NE WSClub members throughout the Shore H. & S. Association.will be Dominion in connection with the invited. All-Canadian Selections of Hol- Visitors: Mrs. Geo. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H RN WOMEN'S 19STITUTE Newtonville Stein cattle. Priegarnutiflg to and Betty in Toronto. . . Mrs. C. lamily, Toronto, visited his par- Mercer. ENTERTAINS TEACHERS $0 nWrSvnsSap r rw tMs .Buts ok -ent, M. ad Ms. C F.Awd. Ms. . R.Cooer ttededbeing offered . Contest is open to hart's. . . Miss Wlyma Farrow at Citizens are now receiving Roseneath Fair where she was a The staff of Orono Public and, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney ahl boys -and girls who are this Mr. G. Martin's, Lake Shore... Christmnas boxes in advance - judge. High Schools were guests ut the Lancaster with Mr. and Mrs. H-. year showing Holstein calves in Martin Farrow and family, Osh- Tex Bills. The Guides enjoyed a tramp Orono Women's Institute meeting, Boughen, Dale. . . Mrs. J. W. their Clubs. awa, Mrs. Clysdale, Crooked Mis M.Undrwod isied log cunty lne Tusda, Fidy. rinipa MGinis e-Lancaster with hier cousin in From amongst t he animals Creek, at Mr. Walter Farrow's... fins her. Udrwmuvst lngcontrypples ste wakerd ay rinpa cGnis Montreal. . .Mr. and Mrs. Lionel nominated for Al-Canadien con- Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, Oshawa, rns Mrshll Trotonvsiedalng On e a the eurn o Or n g guest speaker. Hughes with friends at Elizabeth- sideratin, a committee of judges Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam, hier father, Mr. Geo. Cooper. they did full justice to a supper Business period was conducted ville. . . Mrs. George Runnals, i1slcuptsxineccas.M.FemnEd et r.eo Mr. unFaanviitd erpa-which they had in their Guide by President Mrs. W. W. Sher- Zion, Hope Twp., with Mrs. J. A. A committee consisting of the Stepher'sor"s. etMr. n an rs F O.Coer.roo- nteS.SvorsCuc.wi.Tesrrsrpr n i-Barrie... Miss Sybil Ho-kin, Port judges at the major shows .ets r. KendGaMsbyF andooer.-ooNexnthwek t.saioweren! Bt- utewenreasre rad pyorst cad- Hope, with Miss Wilma Prouse... throughout the Dominion will àgsKe asyaddaugh- etwe sHloee!Bt tswr edb r.Rcad Mrs. Bannon and daugl3ter, Nor- choose an All-Canadian and a Burketon âfKathleen, we&e in Colborne, te r tie up your gates! son; donations given to Bowman- wood, Mr. Parker and Colin Deck, Reserve Ail-Canadien in each where they helped celebrate the J. J. Mellor is a very busy man ville Hospital drive and the Pub- Peterboro, at Mr. Deck's. . . Mrs. cless. 44th wedding anniversary of bier these days. Lest week he spoke lic Speaking contest in connection Vance Cooper and babe, Orono, From the published photo- The Thank Offering service on parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore. on behaîf of the Victory Loan 'ut witb the Clarke schools, an- at Mr. W. McKay's. .. Elwin and graphs, the competing boys and S unday ',as well attended. The Christmas is coming soon. Why Smiths Falls, Carleton Plaçe, nouncement made o! the conven- Roberta Hoskin, Port Hope, with girls must designate their choice church was beeutifully decoreteld flot give thafrfriend a subscription Peterboro, Port Hope and Perth. tion to be beld in Toronto, and Donna Stark. . . Miss Betty for Ail-Canadien and Reserve with flowers and fruit. Rev. W. to The Statesman?. This week his date book lista plans completed to make an auto- Stapleton and Mr. Bert Stapleton Al-Canadien in each class. Points Rackham, Hampton, delivered a Mr. George Cowan, prominent Bowmanville, Sunday, Port Hope, graph quilt. Roll Caîl followed with Miss Phyllis Gilmer, Stark- will be ewarded for each decision fine Thenksgiving message. Spec- Orangeman, passed away Satur- Monday, Bowmanville, Tuesday, with each member responding ville. .. Miss Mary Lune and Mr. thet agrees with the officiel ver- lal music was given by the choir day in bis 90th year. The funeral Newcastle, Wednesday, a nd with a thought from. prose or Melville Jones et Mr. Jack Glov- sion and the prizes will be award- with Mrs. F. Caughill, organist. from the bouse, Monday, was Peterboro on Thursday and Fni- poetry. er's, Ajax. .. LAC Raymond Gil- ed on the basis o! the total points W.A. met et the church with 'conducted by Rev. S. Littlewood day.* Mrs. E. J. Hamm took charge o! mer, Brantford, et home. .. rs. scored. Presîdent Mrs. Plant leading in and was under Orange auspices. LAC Don Graham bas bad his this program: Two readings by Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Throop and prayer. Mrs. D. McTeggart read Hle la survived by one daugbter, tonsils out. Mrs. Hamm; piano solo by Dawn Miss Pringle, Peterboro, ut Mr. the Bible reading and Mrs. J.' Louise. Several from here attended the Moffat; sing-song with Mrs. M. George Henderson's. Carterck gave the missionary topic. Mrs. Adams, wbo bas spent banquet and degree work ut H. Staples ut the piano; a most C.J.Mthell bas sold the place lc so kIwa decided to hold a pot-luck some months witb ber sister, Miss Pontypool in connection with the interesting talk on "Peace" b .. c ____ supper and bazaur in November, F. obledck ba rturedhom. O..F Frda evnig.Mr. McGinnis, who urged ail to opposite S. Rowe's to Mrs. Ren- Pa rcpos ih to peck boxes for the boys over- MF. W brldckass r and m. Io F nfantdagbte of M. adMrsupport the coming Victory Loan, nick, Tornto. and t Puray The st recep- as, to fill two ditty begs for the Mr.W rsM.adMs o-not to be over-optimistic as to the rsS. .Bare a 4h nue League and send e box of 4o, is M Couch, Marilyn Ann Coucb, early ceasing o! the war and not attended the funeral o! Mrs. R.A. tors' Night o! R.B.P. No. 398 was clotbing to the Selvation Army. W-teheadMisM.Agat ronat, vis who passed away Oct. l2tb, ut to. crab about rations. He dis- Bragg, Bowmanville, Monday. held in Blackstock, Oct. 16th, with Lnhwssre y Ms Ms. rturSaudes. c 'sle was interred in Orono cussed the question, when pouce Jack Hudgins, Hastings and a odatnance o! local Sir Kts. Florence Caughill's group. Bruce Mercer and friend visit- eeey rdy would be declared, referring to Prince Edward Regimenti wbo bas advstr rm Mlbok Visitors: Mrs. R. Rowan and Rev. Milton Sanderson, Toron- unemployment problems and tbe been oversees 3 1-2 years, arrived Pontypool, Kirby, Oshawa, Whit- Jimmy, Enniskillen, et ber motb- to, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. reactions o! the various countries here Sundey on a visit with bis by and St. Catharines. Activities ExctvJo akS. Sundayon involved in the struggle. The sister, Mrs. Deck. started witb the usuel meeting in Mrs. J. Smith and Orvis, Ponty- Echl etoutPa.k H. SKeae's, ed byo! the ladies was express- Sympathy 15 extended to Mr. the Orange Hall, the chuir being pool, ut Mr. J. Curran's. . . Mr. thanke tA.H eaes e ys.Hm.Fe ulyadf iyPr occupied by these Past Precep- and Mrs. Herb Hicherds, Mr. Reg. Thurday venng, hen25 a aiMrs.hny am m. ed r o f rHoe Burtey a n f ail o rt tors: W.P. Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. C.P. Harding, Mr. Edward Harding, ]Business Dix ectory edtbursyeveningf when 25avanil- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn, drew wife and mother. Mrs. Burley Heidon Johnstof n,.Chat .P r adMs .Ho r n oers, R Percy Hmilton, lt Lect. Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bowmanvile, lead in the dis- band painted by Miss Agnes Wad- Newtonville for years, alwys s Leslie Brooks, 2nd Lect. Leslie Legal cussion of this quarter's Sunday dell and donated by Mr. Neilson jolly, and so willing to lend a Thrnsnlt eno D.Mc Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. s. C.. Jesonesejoe. vsto! Metallic Arts. Lucky winner band where needed. We extend 2hmsnd s Censor Der. MoeyBennett, Oshawa, ut Mr. H. Gill's Mrs C. Joes njoed viitwas Mrs. Harry Morris, Newton- sympatby also to ber brother, AsthS.ur. enb'n 2nd St. ! twood, ut, .. Mr. F. r.Cri mt n M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.LB. !rom bher sister, Hazel. ville. Mrs. Sherwin expressd the Wm. Hale.tS. Br. eb wan JPur. C *î HSt. amily, Fleetod M.F BarseSlctr oay Mr. taldwell was bere. wish for a pleasant three months' RnlBrre. ...Fu toher wpnPu5rstecil il Cook's. .. Mrs. A. Wilson in Peter- Aarriser, Soicitor Not&yattended Rnl uly RCAFGa woohrPP reen.T w oH Phone 351 Anme rmhr holiday to Mrs. M. Smith, a great Scoudouc NB. fell and broke e Thompson and N.Gen. wer H boro. .. Mrs. G. Niddery, Hamp-- McCrea's anniversary services, worker in the Institute wbo n. plcain frmmbrhp teeon, at Mr. H. Rabm's. . . Mr.- Bank of Commerce Bldg. Sunday, when Kirby choir pro- gigtrsedtewitrmn b n rdapepinlOc.i2 6rciondfotr temesi e strHsi nTrno Bowmanville vided the music and Rev. S ut ig osera F e. onh hstrHsini oono Littlewood was guest preachèr. Re!resbmenta and social chat contestants will compete for first ness were trunsacted in o!aus- r. nr.B lneln n W. R. S'wRIKE Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, brougbt a pleasant a!ternoon to a place in the public speaking con- efficient manner by the boys of Linda, Mr. Merle Hubbard with Barrister, Solicitor, Noty Dorotby and Clarence, Mr. and close, test for the Township. This will the old brigade. Many o! the Mr. B. Hubbard's... Mr. and Mrs. Solciorfo BnkofMotrea rs orne Lamb and family, Mr. ____ take place in the basement o! the visiting Sir Kts. gave eloquent H. McDonald and daughter, Bow- Money te or oank ofPhonte 71JonTmby ndMrlevsie UTM USCL UiedCLcbu pmddresses, especially Wor. Sir Kt. manville, ut Mr. T. Bailey's... Mony t, Lan Phrl_791Joh___blyTomsytleSeniorAUTMNPastCALPreceptorch t 8o! Mr.s, enBi.ll Hoskinr o MrMr.l Grant M. G Car-ar Bowmanville, Ontario ut Mr. W. Stainton's. ____Wmn. Stapleton and Bert Semisnchn sbwuterho s. ________________ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fowler Pupils o! Mrs. W. C. Lynch, were called to Cobourg on the Oshawa, and Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. ncaOhwa hi oe. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., bave moved into. Miss Eva Patter- under cbairmansbip o! Rev. S. Jury this week. Brooks, Past Grand Chaplain o! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and son's_______ Sask., now living in St. Cath- Bruce ut Mr. S. Ferguson's and Barrister, Solicitor, Netery Public. son'sbouse Littlewood, presented a musical aie.Atrtebsns a r .Ccrns lcsok King Street W., Bowmenville O. W. Rolpb's windowdipy program in Park St. Church, Sut- NEWTONVILLE SCHOOL NEWS uinse.Af the bu K siessemlwan s . . orane'sCooBlact eo Phone: Office 688 Residence 55 for the Victory Loan drive is the urday a!ternoen, wbich* was ut- the Community Hall when the Falls. . . Mr. Fred Hudson, Osh- complete costume for a C.W.A.C. tended by parents and interested (By Edrie Deck, Grade VU) -the cost o! wbich is $120. It l5 friends. Those wbo played piano Our Public* Speaking Contest ladies o! the L.O.B.A., witb the awa, ut Mr. T. Trick's. .. Misses D nitattracting much attention, solos were: Patay Moffat, Carolyn was held Oct. 14. Program in- veteran, Mr. S. Jef!rey, as their Elle and Dorothy Hoskin, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lageer, Jones, Carol Cornish, Joyce Cor- cluded piano solo by Margaret bauet ain peda o n utwa Mr. WlHrorsn's Ml Orono, Miss Jean Lageer, Toron-. nish, Jean Mo!!et, Shirley Quan- Ovens; speech by Jimmy Gilmer baqeti ccordunce with war- tn M . W okns r DR. J. C. DEVITT to, accompunied by Mr. and Mrs. trill, Marjorie White, Joanne Cor- on "My Trip to«Niagara"; greup o! iersrcin.adMr.Sa oft n et Dr.E. . sfl Herb Stainton, Hampton, visited nsBnyLnb eaM-grssn w ubr;Dre After everyone had fiiled tbem- ut Mr. J. Rabm's, Blackstock. Assistant: Col at Mr. Clarence English's, Kenna, Jean Wilson, Jean Reiney, Milîson spoke on "Summer Holi- sle ocpctteetat isDre okbsrtre Ge. ToreotoyaffienuryCJu.iCe bor. ad .N okn Harry Lynch, Joyce Sutten, Ar- days"; Shirley Payne and Jean were much enjoyed: The King, from Omnemee, Lindsay and Fleet- lege Toont, Ofic: Juy Jbile M. ad Mr. W N.Hosinvilla Brunt, Denny Lynch, Shir- Stacey played a piano duet; Fue bY' the Toustmaster, C. P. Devitt;i wood. a . m t ep.m.Officey, WBukoo's. e a M. R. H. ley Brunt, and Mrs. Lynch ber- Jones' speech was on "The Blue- The Royal Black Institution, by The many friends o! Mrs. C. sel, wompayettw seectons.brd lub; Ene eneit layd Percy Stinson, Millbrook, re- Sanderson and Mrs. L. Newton except Sunday slwopae w eetos idCu" daDnutpae Joyce Cornish wes in charge o! "Scbon Rsai"ad"ibs in oo ee otns ponded to by Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. are glad to know they are im- Phone 790 - Bouse phone 325 the Union meeting Monday eve- freud." speech was on "Back Home inBrosPG.Cplno!Ss.pvig0ncey X-Ray Equipment in Ofic ning. The program consisted of: InadtoMr.Lchpye TisW". etenudaîy and Sir Kt. Coombes o! No. 380, l __________________Topic which took the !orm o! a duets with both Harry and Denny named "Thorn Rosa". Margaret Wnpo eg; Puo.Stirect. a.or, Mapl Grove 4~FnrlDirectors d1àe dsur sion ng?"W hat Lynch, and with Dawn Moffet, Ovens wes Thorn Rosa and Rus- pilose vor.sodd o Sir K.Js hre FnrlteCuc on? ith Joyce and Shirley and Arvillu Brunt sell Elliett was the prince. Edna Mibok epne eb i C o r n i s , N e l l e W ri g t , A u d e Y a l s f a v o r d w i t h t w o d e t s . T e D e nK t . wT o m s , wO s b awCa l o sSKr T ots, OFha w ,i si rV i s i t o r s:, VM r s.r sW .r sM c LeM e n ,a , M is s Colnish, Dnaliesigt, Kaudey aise feore i wasmc oduet. TeSDnmt asoetnhep aiesMillbrook, Leslie Thompson, No. Flore McLean, Toronto, with the FUNERA DIRETORS illins, Done Wet, Kahleenafternon wa muchenjoyd by8mithlpokesntoKepingn98,SBrcksto., un Sir t. fomer's brothr, .MrRR.DD SUer, ey huxanyda Green and Betty Cbupmuan taking all-especiuliy the children, who Squirrels". Spelling match fol- Brown, Oshawa; the visitors, pro- Trimble... Miss Marguerite Sevcayhuaydy part; telk by Rev. Lîttlewood on liked the idea o! holding the con- lowed with Fred Rewe, Arthur psdb a.Bes epne eWibS.Ctaiewt e "Orphen'Missions," in which lie cert, the proceeds o! which wiil Nolund and Bruce Rollings on Podby art.el Ler, epond ty o W prenhts, S.CahneMs.Nora F. . orrs o. expuiedtha te nios adgo te some worthy ceuse. one side and Dorothy Stapieten, Sir Kt. Middleton, Sunderland, Wrigt. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Modern Metor Equipment.' Am- assumed $1000 as their objective JyeWlim n et c i t liMlbok n i olctPaladLnrwt buience and Invalid Car. Tele, te aid in this work; and games. Muryc nWhems andKe.tb Mc- SKt. BliMlbokanSrCoactPrindLnewh phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573 The worship period wus conduct- INurrey onND the otheron side. Dore- Kt. Toms, Oshawa; the ladies, ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 9citrassed by EvJyoDSTNcPeT Dek pkeon"Biish Coiued heM- proposed by Henry Thompson, re- Westleke, Solina... Mr. and Mrs. Scritur, asised y Evlyn DIS ANT PAS Dek spke n "ritsh olu sponded te by Sister Whit!ield, Chas. Greenham, Audrey and Hand____gae____hs n bia". Mr. MeMulien gave a taik W.M. Pride o! Cartwrigbt, Sister Elgin, with relatives ut Weston Licensed Auctioneers tha enwh gav theught FROM THE ORONO NEWS and told a story.. W. Han- Johnston, Dep. G. Treus. o! L.O. and Torento... Mr. and Mrs. Mii- CL~FORD PETHICK Oree W.C.T.U. met Tuesay Oct. l3th, 1921judges, gave their decision as fol- Jeffrey. udM.Sme r.L .Sodn r n CLFODPTIK afterneon. Plans were cempleted iews: Helen Morton lst, Edrie ton BaLd . win, VillaMNova, ndt Auctioneer - Enniskillen fer the medal contest. Leskard fleur miii bus cbanged Deck 2nd, Doreen Milîson 3rd, hetiyenoyed cme eve lose Wbîtby utaMr NoblM etcuaLa'sw, Phone Bowmunville 2536 hadM.Ncosno ou, Fue Jones 4th. We closed with with "God Save The King." WMm. ,Arnord Voblee, N.S. ut Mr Specializing in Famm, Livestock, PARK ST. ANNIVERSARY Manvers Township being the pur- the National Antbemn with Mr -rArnldVlett,________Mr Implements and Furniture Sales PakS.Cuc aniesr chaser. D. N. Lockwood took garet Ovens us accompanist. For Robt. Jamvie's . . . Miss Grace Ccnsult meak for temms und dates ypossession o! this preperty (fer- pie r culni aigal~Fraser, Toronto, with ber cousin, 5so-ti services were lurgely attendd on meriy Curveth's) about 10 vea-s those whe entered the contest te Miss Jean Jarvie. Sunduy. The church was pro- ugo and has conducted a live and Toronto te the Museum on Oct. The many friends o! Mrs. Nor- M nm nsfusely and artisticelly decorated profitable business. We under- l6th. Edrie Deck wes'the chair- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer ut man Wright will be pleused te M n mnswith !lowers, * trailing vines, stand the sale price wus $4000. lady. Mr. R. Alidred's, Lake Shore. know she is progressing nicely ______________________apples, gourds and pumpkins, Burgiars !orced an entrance te _________ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, a!ter ber operation in Bowmun- wbich brougbt a message o! the Omono Creumery, night o! Sept. Newtenville, et Mr. Andrew ville Hospital. The Rutter Granite Company bounties of nature in whet the 3th, and carried of! about $100 Lk ho e Clarke Bandy's.A ubrfo he atnd Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 peet bas celled "the saddest time worth o! butter. Thisis the$10 h iore Friends in this neighborhoed o!fAt nubervic hee att e ndedn of al te yar? Rèi Mlto or ourh tme he reaeryhasMms. Fred Burley were shocked te day merning te heur Mrs. W. C. MoumHent, rnvearkrs Sanderson, N or th Parkdele been burglurized but littie atten- Red Cross met ut Mrs. W. heur o! her sudden deuth in Port Smith, Port Permy, speak, while Monuent, Gavearkrs, Chumcb, Toronto, delivered two tien is paid by the Provincial Baskerville's, when 24 hospitel Hope Hospital on Monday. others attended the services ut Engmuvîng, Goldlea!îng masterly addmesses. authorîties. towels were bemmed. The pre- Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Burley Trinity United Church Bowman- 28-tf The choir sang Maunder's C. J. Themnton bas been ap- vieus meeting was beld ut Mms. attended Roseneath Fuir, ville te heur Rev. J. M. Finlay o! "Preise the Lord, O Jerusalem" peinted returning officer for Dur- Chas. Alldred's. Mm. and Mrs. Wes Stringer hud Toronto. in the morning, with Mrs. A. A. hum for the Dominion election, Hazel Powell is much impmoved tee with Mr. and Mrs. Les Ail- Veterinaries Drummond taking the solo part. Dec. 6tb.. after ber recent illness. dred, nortb o! Orono, on Monduy. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS In the evening they chose Semp- Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown accom -_________ er's "O Lord, How Manifold." R. panied Mr. M. Hourd home te Rt nwen rd U DR. W. W. SHERWIN E. Logan favored with a vocal Port Hope. Brown s (RaethSowen, Gasreo adevin and, solo ut the morning service and Starkville C. J. Mitchell has sold bis New- Whetavelingleasre o! havsîng DR. J~. T. SHEPPARD Mrs. A. A. Drummond ut the eve- tenville farmm te Mrs. Rennick, Red Cross met atMs rmntrmnte veling eib Seynitorus orm ning. Toronto.themnts ThSnirRm Veterinamians Over $300,00 wus realized ut Twe fine congregations attend- Mr- und Mrs. John Hendry and CHoe & Scoo.sscitin snon aTrees"intrScien esTh esn and soreness this time-testedseothes irritation, quiets ceughing utm.. .1uiwesI iks waythat lase successfull and loosens tightnessundcongestlon. Thresbing bas !inished in thîsI Put a good spoonful of Vicks At bedtime rub Vicks VapoRub on section. They thresbed us many *M S Va=Ru into a bowl throat, chest ,ndbck as two and tbree barns in one L efbligwter. hn hapuic-vepor action day wbich doesn't look tee bright Iaosojsa fewn- .- yeu added comfort wliile causing some sales. THE AuNTsmpTc Liwmibi ti uts it ahbreath yeu sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell ut- tended Roseneath Fair. I Lt [i To Our~ poleceo/nmrs. Your Confederution Life Insurance Policy carrnes with it Four Freedoms for you and your beneficiaries. Fmeedomn from want for your fumily Freedom from wunt in your own old age Freedom from want of money te meet emergencies Fmeedom from want of monoy te carry out future plans Peace of mind is secured by these four freedoms. C onfecderation Life Association Il HED F2C TROT L END NOW..t0supply THE FINISHING TOUCH! Send ouf troops stornxing to crush the tottering Nazis. Armed to the teeth by your 5th Victory Loan purchases, the'l swepail before them; move the Victory heur ahadrTen,, the home coming! Can't you picture kt? Tbat's what youtre asked to, invest in: a speecly Victoi'y, a speedy, triumphnt return. Lend now te bring the boys home. SPEED THE VICTORY . .. BUY BONDS THIS ADVERTISEIMNT CONTRIBUTED BY CAWKER'S Meat and Grocery Stores girls had their regular qewing1 boys are stili getting along wel lesson Friday. They decided to 1 with their Club Room. They have pack a box of fruit for June Smith appointed Kay Lycett president who is in the hospital. The Senior1 and Philp Finney secretary. For wartime reasons Maxwell Bouse is now packed in bags- in an AU Purpose Grind only ..,. <.and at a lower cost t0 you. This new grind is suitable -~ for ail ways of making coffée jp~\ (-coffee pot, percolator or glas ..-....-coffee maker. If using a glass coaLe maker, you may prefer to ,of brew the coffee a little longer. IýJ>E '<COTee A Product of GnstFood m Ný

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