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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1943, p. 9

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é Talking is like Playing on the harp; there is as much in laying the hands on the strings to stop their vibration as in twanging themn to bring out their music. -Oliver Wendell Hiolmes. Eyesight Education And Elficiency S- Optemetrist Spec:algst .'Disney BIdg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 -280- It is not definitely known when spectacles were first worn. Glass, however, was in use more than 3,000 years B.C., glass beads bav- ing been found in Egyptfan tombs of that period. It was also re- ported tbat certain lens shaped pieces of glass were also found at the same time. Who first tbought of themn and used tbemn to advantage? Some credit is given to a Monk named Di Spina, wbo died in Pisa in 1313 and by others, to a Monk called Amati wbo died at Florence in 1317. An Arab writ- er called Alhazen, who flourished in the eleventb century and also Sir Roger Bacon referred from time to time to spectacles. (To Be Continued) OFFICIAL RULING WARTIME PRICES and TRADE BOARD 3 'D' COUPONS Entitie you to buy the 31/2 IL b.OTTLE of CROWN DRAND SYRUP BUT BONDS I Social and Personal S Phone 40r16 Miss Enid Cobbledick vislted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cobbledick, Franklin Tamblyn was home on leave. Miss Hoskin, Harmony, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wood. A number from here attended the publie speaking competition at Newtonvjlle Friday evening. Two interments were made in Orono Cemetery, Saturday - James Crowe of Leskard and Wil- liam Thomas Little of Kirby. Orono Chamber of Commerce met Thursday. It was reported that 51 names had so far been received and cigarettes had been sent to the boys. If any have been missed give in their names and they will be sent cigarettes the next time. Plans were also made to sponsor a poultry market this year. The last twice there have been either not enough fowl or enough buyers. This time it is hoped things will be even. Mrs. A. Chapman bas been on the sick list. Mrs. W. S. Roy visited in To- ronto. R. Caldwell has been discharg- ed from the armed services be- cause of iii health. Mrs. M. Watson was guest of Mrs. W. S. Roy. Dick Morton bas returned from the West. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKenzie visited bis brother, Dr. McKenzie. Mrs. J. Armstrong has returned from a visit with her daughter-in- law and grandcbild. Clarke Union Home and Scbool Club beld a social evening to allow the sending of Christmas parcels to local boys. St. Saviour's Anglican Churcb are sending boxes to members of their congregation in the armed services. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, Mrs. E. Seymour and Joan, Mr. Stanley Seymour, Mrs. G. Suggett and Nancy visited at Wm. Sey- mour's. Power was off for a time Sun- day. At. S.S., Sunday, Mrs. Drum- mond told the story in the paint- ing of "The Rich Young Ruler." Junior boys won the banner with 100 per cent attendance. To allow the members of the Union wbo train Monday eve- nings to comne to the Hallowe'en party the night of meeting was cb'anged from Monday to Wed- nesday this week. To m a ny Hallowe'en just mean the cry of "Sheil Out." Tc Mrs. Harry Barabail, well-known Clarke resident, it means ber 92nd birtbday. Her many friends will wisb her a happy and memorable birthday.' This week is full of parties and fun. Tuesday the Guides were scbeduled to have a Hallowe'en party, Wednesday was the Union's, Thursday and Friday will see frolic at the Higb and Public schools, Saturday is THE night, anid Monday the Union 1-.'rs will be entertained by he Newcastle Union at a party. Tncidentally Union members were invited to the Presbytery party at Oshawa, Friday. but it is not known as yet if any can attend. Misses Rutb Goode and Evelyn Harnden picked the ten best speeches from 23 at the Public School last week and on Thurs- day Miss French of the High Tanks and more tanks! That's the only talk the Nazis understand. Su let them have it with both barrels. Buy 5th Victory Loan Bonds and speed the tanks ahead - driving to Victory. Every dollar counts. Every bond brings Victory that mauch nearer. Go al-out for Victory. Scbool judged these ten. Beverley Payne was cbosen for first place and will try for tbe Durbam pnize. Mrs. R. Moffatt is entertaining the Goodwill Bible Class tonigbt. Red Cross ladies packed 40 boxes for local boys overseas, Tbursday, containing envelopes, paper, deck of cards, gum, choco- late bars, toffee, razor blades, Christmas cake, cookies, socks, pencil, Christmas card witb a pressed Maple Leaf, soup and chocolate powders, etc., ail o! whicb will be welcomed by the boys in the varlous services. Two quilts were also quilted. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley are mov- ing from Orono sbortly and tbeir apartment in Kumrite Inn will1 be occupied by Mrs. John Lowery1 and babe. Mrs. A. Henry is now in a nurs- ing home in Oshawa. Douglas Carleton visited bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Carleton. Gordon Winter was home on leave. Collecting is being done for the Bible Society. The Green residence bas bad the verandab tomn down.j Orme Gamsby bas been invited to the Durham Club meeting to-i nigbt, at wbicb Judge Mott will speak. SLIDES SHOWN AT CHURCH Two very interesting services were held at Park St. Cburcb, Sunday. In the morning tbe pas- ton spoke on the last of a series of three on "The Bible in the School," "Tbe Bible in tbe Home" and "The Bible in Business." His sermon, Sunday on "Tbe Bible in Business," empbasized the fact that the golden rulei should be followed by business men, and also pointed out bow people's characters were shown by their complying with or cheat- ing over the rationing system. In the evening bie gave an il- lustrated lecture on "Tbe Burma Road," as Manley Littlewood put tbe pictures on tbe screen. These pictures showed the building o! tbe road, the work o! nurses and missionaries among the natives, the work o! Dr. Robt. McClure and a story about hlm, a bombed city, pictures o! General and Madame Chiang Kai-shek, etc. Counting the duplex envelopes received Oct. 17, over $40000 has come in during the past week. I.O.O.F. OPEN INSTALLATION Orono Town Hall was the scene of an interesting event Wed- nesday of last week when Raiph Henry, D.D.G.M. of I.O.O.F., Co- bourg, and his staff conducted the installation of newly elected of- ficers of Orono I.O.O.F. as fol- lows: N.G. - Gordon Watson; V.G.-Howard Challis; Rec. Sec. -William Riddell; Fin. Sec. - Howard Walsh; Treas. - Ervin Rainey; Warden-Robert Chaters; Conductor - Charles Stapleton; Chaplain-Glenn Hancock; R.S.S. -Everett Brown; L.S.S.- Ken- neth Tubman; R.S.N.G. - Jack Chapman; L.S.N.G.-Harold Cob- bledick; R.S.V.G.-Harold Hooey; L.S.V.G.-Ftred Yeo; I.G.-Stan Bail; O.G.-Clarence Martin. J. J. Mellor addressed the gath- ering on bebalf of tbe Victory Loan and showed pictures on "A Night of Bombing." Tberemain- der of tbe evening was spent in dancing. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST FROM THE ORONO NEWS October 2th, 1921 Elias Plain, an old resident of Orono for over 70 years, passed away in Toronto, in his 87th year. The Provincial Deputy Fire Marshall came down fromn Toron- to to investigate the cause of fires in the district wbere farmn buildings have been destroyed. At tbe Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesday, Dr. G. R. Patterson had bis rigbt leg amputated above the knee. Tbe doctor bas been handicapped tbrougbh lfe by tbis crippled limb but the accident of a few montbs ago wben bis horse fell over on it, made tbe opera- tion necessary. Armstrong-In Orono, Oct. 15, Mary Jane Miller, beloved wife of William Armstrong, aged 66 years. MAXIMUM PRIVES FOR ONIONS FIXED Maximum prices at wbicb onions may be sold by growers, sbippers, wbolesalers and retail- ers bave been establisbed by the Prices Board. The sbipping-point prices fixed for Canadian-grown onions Ère uniform for all parts of the Dominion ,varied only by transportation costs from produc- tion areas, and percentage mark- ups are listed for sales by whole- salers and retailers. Specified price adjustments are permitted on sales between December 1 and June 30 to cover storage costs and to promote uniformity of supply throughout the year. Green onions with tops attached and baving a diameter of one and three-eightbs inches or less are not affected. Wbat we do upon miome great occasion will probably depend on wbat we already are; and wbat we are will be the resuit of pre- vious years of self-discipline. -P. H. Liddon. IlIW:1;mm With a record of 50 yeam5 au a most natie- fatory treatment for pilea or hemorrhoida. you eau positively deped on Dr. Chas.'. Ointment Wedding TAYLOR-HAMBLY Bails o! bright yellow mums and lacy green fern made a lovely setting in Norfolk United Cburch, Guelph, for the marriage at 2.30 o'clock o! Isobel Jean, only daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Myles R. Hambly to LAC Ralph Taylor, R.C.A.F., Oshawa, son o! Mrs. Byron R. Taylor and the late Mr. Taylor o! Oshawa. Dr. C. Elmer Kenny officiated at the ceremony and Miss Anna Pond, cburcb organist, presided at tbe organ. "Because," was beau- tifully sung during the signing o! tbe register by Mrs. F. G. Clark o! Fergus. Given in marriage by her fatber, the pretty little bride was lovely in sweeping wbite' satin bridai gown over wbicb fel ber veil o! illusion net from a bead- dress of orange blossoms. 4 Miss Jessie Estelle Huby, the bride's only attendant, was pretty in a pink gown witb full net skirt and bodice of lace over crisp pink taffeta. The best man was LAC Frank Pettis, R.C.A.F., o! Toronto, and the ushers were LAC Robert Mc- Coîl, Montreal, and LAC Kennetb Pallett, R.C.A.F., Ottawa. The neception was beld at the Royal Hotel where the bride's motber received in an ensemble o! Chaucer blue witb black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink roses, and tbe bridegroom's moth- er wore delphinium blue witb navy accessories and a corsage o! pink and white roses and beather. For the wedding trip the bridai couple motored to Toronto and points east. For this the bride cbanged into a coral wool dress with brown accessories and a cor- sage o! white roses and heather. On their return tbey will resîde in town. Out o! town guests were pres- ent from Oshawa, Hamilton, Buf- falo, Drayton, St. Mary's, Kitch- ener, Preston, Fergus and To- ronto. The groom is a grandson of Mrs. A. C. Trull, Hampton. Canadian troops on Kiska Island are building roads, instal- lations and living quarters. ®RONO The Low Down Cleif on the C. C. F. (Contributed by Manitoba Subscriber) Most any election needs thoughtful reflection On whom you should vote for, and why; God bless this Dominion, where each one's opinion Is voiced without f ear fromn a spy. Yes-sounding audacious and even pugnaclous While venting my spleen in the figbt, Ail cards on the taofle-who swallows the fable That C. C. F. candidates write? Did they figbt inflation, thus aid our salvation? TiÉe answer is certainly, "NO" While reading their rabble anýd hearing their babble Class hatred is stirred to a glow. Witb Coldwell as leader, remember Dear Reader Your Vict'ry Loan interest is shot By boans tbrougb compulsion: you'll dodge a convulsion By spiking that C. C. F. Plot. Today's weirdest comic-"JUST AID ECONOMIC". That's Coldwell's own '39 cry; Ail uniormed forces were granted divorces From overseas service to try. There's nothing in reason, in logic or season Supporting their policiet' crust They're no longer farmers-they've turned labor charmera And labor they'll fool or go bust. The farmer would pay more but neyer could say more In protest, while getting much less, When labor is handed mucb less than demanded They'l1 work overtime for redress. With axes they polish they soon would abolish Responsible Government modes; The "pressure group" traffic, with voice phonographic Would pave, through those "cbore-boys," their roads. With force a la Prussian on lines a la Russian Agriculture producers they'll nail, Wealth production macbinery tbey'll fold up like scenery Social Ownersbîp then must prevail. Big Business they'll tbrottle and seal in a bottle Private enterprise quickly they'll choke; While living costs rocket tbey'll fi their own pocket And let their electors go broke. Paradexical taîkers and paranoid squawkers They threaten monopolies' spleens Witb much repetition but no definition 0f what a monopoly means. Then ail the Jack Horners can sit in their corners Just minus their Cbristmas-tide pie; With thumbs to their noses-all thorns and no roses When Coldwell says, "DO-or else-DIE." So, Hi-diddle-diddle-unemployment's a riddle Just now on a bright boneymoon; They'll have no solution except elocution Wben up goes the Axis Balloon. It's plain and emphatic tbey're not Democratic Their price-ceiling skyward will stay; With tbings newly fashioned tbey ougbt to be rationed And sold on a 'black' market day. So, let's not be suckers like aIl Tommy Tuokers In days when for supper we sang Let ballots be bullets to slay Coldwell's pullets And Blitzkrieg his C. C. F. gang. Alternate Stanzas With tongs and with hammer for power tbey clamor To slaugbter the strong and the weak; With temper tbey tamper and progress they~ hamper Their platform is naugbt l'ut a freak. The good "old line" parties got rid of these smarties Which made tbem as sore as a boil; They died of infection from ancient elections Wbile drilling witbout striking oul. In ways quite Germanic and bydrocyanic They poison the mind-not astute; While quoting the Bible tbey'll deal you a libel And serve up the truth most dilute. Beware o! the danger of dogs in a manger, You may get a tooth in the nose, Free speech tbey will strangle and otherwise mangle And mortgage your life-then foreclose. Your senses olfactive should make you quite active In ferreting C. C. F. mice; Your "X" as you stick it on your voting ticket Should read, "'Mr. Coldwell-NO DICE." N Ews Obituary MRS. JOHN D. CARSCADDEN Tbere passed peacefully to rest on October 22nd, Emma Caroline Carscadden, wife o! John D. Cars- cadden, Beecb Ave., Bowman- ville, at the residence of ber daugbter, Hazel Carscadden, 477 Bayview Avenue, Toronto. She was in ber 79tb year. Mrs. Cars- cadden bad borne tbree years o! invalidismn witb patience and serenity. Although sbe bad suf- fered two strokes making walking impossible, Mrs. Carscadden al-j ways enjoyed reading and the1 visits from relatives and friends. Emma Carolina Spinks, daugb- ter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. R. B.« Spinks, was born in Cartwright and received ber education there. When a young girl sbe became a member of St. John's Anglican Churcb, Blackstock, but in later years was an adberent o! Trinity United Cburcb, Bowmanville, and was a member o! Trinity W.M.S. She bad resided in Bowmanville for the past 17 years. Mrs. Cars- cadden's chie! interest was ber home and family. She was a lov- er o! nature and greatly interest- ed in fine needlework. There are left to mourn her passing, ber busband and two daugbters, Miss Hazel Carscadden of the Riverdale Collegiate Staff, Toronto, gnd Mrs. Garnet Ma- hood, Bowmanville. The funeral service from tbe family residence, Beecb Avenue, was conducted by Ex-Chancellor Dr. R. P. Bowles, Nestleton, and Rev. Albert Carscadden, Toronto. Many beautiful floral tributes, in- cluding a wreath from the River- dale Colleguate Staff, banked the casket and sbowed tbe esteem in wbicb deceased was beld. Paîl- bearers were two nepbews, Alan Mabood and Gordon Byers, and Dr. J. C. Devitt. Oscar LaBlle, A. H. Moore, and E. W. Crawford. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. Relatives and friends from To- ronto, Orono and Blackstock, at- tended the funeral. MORE BLOOD DONORS VISIT OSHAWA CLINIC Wed., Oct. 20 - Roger Bird, Bowmanvilîe, 6th donation. Nor- man Bothwell, Bowmanville, 5tb donation. Mrs. N. A. Hinds, Mrs. Roger Crook, Courtice, 4tb 'dona- tion. Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Court- ice, 3rd donation. Fni., Oct. 22-Lewis Kilgannon, Charles Archer, Bowmanville; Roger Crook, Courtice, 7tb dona- tion. Francis A. Boyd, Enniskil- len, 3rd donation. Bertha Armour, Editb Rackbam, Hampton, lst do- nation. Mon., Oct. 25 - George Vine, NATIONAL Howard W. Jeffrey, Bowmanville, 7tb donation. Donald Boe, Bow- manvîlle, 6th donation. VICTORY LOAN STUNT Ted Reeve, now overseas, wno used to be a star "sports* and commentary" writer on the To- ronto Telegram would bave been in bis element in Bowmanville last week. A startling message was found on tbe doorstep of nearly every bouse, under the milk bottle, early in the morning. It was printed on yellow paper, boldface, and said: "Bittie, Kaufen Sie nicht ein Band for Sieg," and it was signed, Adolph Hitler. Police and reporters were caîl- ed to solve the mystery but not one could determine the ian- guage let alone decipher tbe message. It was assumed a Hun agent was loose in the district. when someone decided Hitler really signed it. There was a frantic scurrying for rusty mnus- kets and blood bounds to track down the nocturnal sneak. A gang gathered, work was neglected, and tbe time lost would have bought tbree Victory Bonds. Tben someone thougbt o! Prin- cipal Lou Dippeli and he trans- lated over tbe phone: 'Please do not boy a Victory Bond" and furtber enquiry revealed that some brigbt young tbing at Loan Headquarters bad tbought up tbe stunt and the milk delivery man was asked to qistribute the guf!. So tbe mysterjý was solved. Ted Reeve wrote a book once called "Uncle Nutzy," about a sort o! simpleton off his trolly. So after a bal! day of your reporter's time tracking down the genesis o! this stunt it appears there is roomn for another story o! the Uncle Nutzy variety. Public re- action generally was divided. Haîf the people were mildly amused or downrigbt impatient. The re- mainder were distinctly angereçi that their tax money sbould be 50 squandered. Sucb tbings are the bysterics o! wartime. SELECTIVE having been mamcid before tbat date, is a widower with chldren, must ho prepared 10 furniali evidence, sucb as a marriage certificate or birth certificat. of a chuld, 10 show that lie was marri&I before July 15th, 1940, and that h. in now either xnarried or is a widowee with cbildren. (e) A man wio lias reported for enrolment in the Army under an Order-Military Training issued under the Moblization Regulations and wliolias been rejected sliould have a certificate showing lie was rejected Ilirougli medical unfituesa. If a man entitled to sucb certificate dues not possess it, lie sliould apply te the District Officer Commanding the Military District i whicb lie was rejected. (f) (i) A man wbo is flot subject t. the Mobuization Regulations hecaus. lie in an enemy alien wio lias nul; made application for naturalization may obtain a. certificate from a registrar of bis Divisional Mlobilization Board indi- cating that the Mlobilization Regula- lions do not apply to him and such certifica tes must ho obtained by a&U such enemy aliens: (ii) A man who is an alien snd neithler a national of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, The Netberlands, Norway, Poland, the Uni ted States nor Yugoslavia and lia flot applied for naturaUization may ho relieved of bis duty under Mobilization Regulations, but lic gives up bis riglit to future Canadian citizcnahip after the war; wliere such men have applied for such relief and been granted sncob statua, certificates will ho lsaued h7 registrars in appropriatc cases. This caution la issu.d to facilitate campliance with th. ardu which 15 prapased. A rosanabi. Inter-val wiiI b. allawed ta permit mon ta pravide themsolves with whatever documient. es ref.rr.d ta abave, they mnay b. .ntitled ta hold. Employers are requested to give notice of this proposai to their maie employees, tofacilitate th.e operation of the order when issued. HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MacNAMARA Minister of Labour Director, National Selective Service A basic principle in tbe train- ing of youtbs of the Royal Can- adian Army Cadets is to teacb the value of good citizensbip. .1There are more than 13,000 wo- Smen in the Canadian Women's iArmy Corps, now in its third year. Your Estate -An Asset or a Liability ? AMMbbý CHANGES in* Succession Duties and Income Taxes have created some real pr oblems in the administration of estates. Arevision of your will may be advisable. By naming The Sterling Trusts Corpora- tion as executor, you have the personal attention of a seniort estate officer' assisted by a staff familiar with current legisiation and the rulings o! the varlous taxing authorities. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 32 yeors In Business rn I THURS.,. OCTOBER 28th, 1943 PAGE NINE SERVICE A WORD 0F CAUTION TO MEN 0F MULITARY AGE AND TO THEIR EMPLOYERS National Selective Service Civilian Regulations authorize the Minister of Labour to require that male employee furnish their employers with evidence that they have flot failed to comply with National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations (L.e., the Miitary Call-Up). It is intended that an order will be issued shortly, requiring employers to carry out the nccessary check on their maie employeca, and to report any men who do flot produce the requircd evidenoe of compliance. The check Up wiIi cuver every maie employee. who has reached the age of 18 years and six months and bas flot reached his 38th birthday. The man will have to show evidence in one of the foliowing form:- (a) A man discharged from the Armed Forces following service during the present war should have bis discharge certificate. A discbarged man who bas not a certificate should apply for one in the following manner- Army-District Officer Commanding, Military District mn which discharge took place. Air-Records Office, R.C.A.F. Héad- quarters, No. 5 Temporary Building, Ottawa, Ont. Navy-Secretary of Naval Board, Ottawa, Ont. (h) A man who bas responded to a direction from a Registrar of a Divisional Mobili- zation Board, 10 report for medical examination under Mobilization Regu- lations, should have either a certificat. of unfitness or an order for postpone- ment of military training from the Divisional Registrar. <A man entitled to either document who lias lost bie copies should immediately apply 10 the Divisional Registrar who ssued the original, for a duplicate.> Cc) A man wio has been rejected on appli- cation for voluntary enlistinent in the Army ince the bcginning of the war, should bave a certificat. showing that Le was rejected through medical unfit- imesa. (If a man entitled to such. a certificate doea not possess it, ho should apply to the District Military Head- qua ters of the District in which lie applied for enlUatment, lu order to pro- cure the necessary form.) Cd) A man in the designatçd classes who lias flot reached bis 38tli birthday, who was married as at July lSth, 1940, or who, CARTON'S GARAGE Phone 26669 BowmanVllle THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS, OCTOBER 28th, 1943 , PAGE NINE

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