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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1943, p. 12

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--W w,- 4, PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1943 For Sale *MUUmMmUU...~ BIRTHS Wanted to Rent The. Newcastle IndepndIent MARTIN-On Saturday, Oct. 16, WANTeD o r aaENT in-rome FOR SALE - CLARE JEWEL 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon bousie, ornrtm enin ow- cook tovein ceam nd geen honeClare 114 Matinthe gft o a dughtr, 2adadults. te Write, SBoxs enarnel with back and sheif, inDoi Muriel Theresa. 43-1 mnOfc,26 tts good condition. Apply Ross CMl manOffice, owmanvile..43-1m Richards, Qucen St. Phone COBS -I omnil 2565. 43-1 Week-end guests with Mr. and were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. OsborneCO BE -In owavie Mrs. J. Coulson were: Mrs. C. uheG nnd nce Hospital, Monday, October 25, Work Wanted Lovekin and son, James P., Oak-an ogtr wnan nl' 14,oM.adMs Ei ville Convalescent Hospital,' Eric Arthur Rundle, Ebenezer. Mr. Coombes, a baby sister for CARPENTRY and REPAIRS- Rickard, R.C.A.F., Danson, Sask., Chas. Osborne is a cousin of Dr. Gwendolyn, Colleen Mary. 43-1 Jack Leddy, builder, contractor, Peter Coulson, Toronto, Miss Oke, also is Mrs. Hancock. repairs, roofing, etc., Churcb Ruth Coulson. Vancouver. CALLAN-At Bowmanville Hos- St., Bowrnanville, phone 664. pital, on Tbursday, October 21,43* Mrs. Karl Weyrich and son 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. R. R. have returned home afteir a visît UNITED CHURCH Callan, the gift of a son, James with bier mother, in Orillia. ANNIVERSARY AND THANK Ernest George. 43-1 Notice to Creditors Mr. and Mrs. S. Simpson spent OFFERING SERVICES PITN I aiaNSo L ESN aigcam the week-end with ber parents, PITO-n aifxN.intALL ePEsONt a vinfMAgaims Mr. and Mrs. John Caswell. Newcastle United Church was Oct. 9th, 1943, to C.P.O. Donald aantteEtt fMRAE Mm.Jon ouso i agurdatfavored witb fine weather and W. Painton of the R.C.N., and SELENA McINTYRE who died or: Mr.Jonltlon Airpont.d a blessed with powerful preaching Mrs. Painton (nee Helen or about the 2lst day of Septern- Malon irprt.and excellent rnusic by the choir Nanetta Morley of Victoria, ber, 1943, at the Town of Bow- The United Church Young Peo- on the occasion of its anniversary B.C.), a daughter. 43-1' manville, Ontario, must be filed pie's Union met on Monday eve- services Sunday. Rev. A. D. Cor- thheudrin Ectos iigwt ahenTmflo-ntSimcoe St. Church, Oshawa, - on or before November lst, 1943, IFYO ae ben ide- ship convener. in charge. Quiet occupied the pulpit in the mor- DEATHS ater pl ac e d disbuintild IFYUaeasn e- music was played by Betty Allun. ning and preached from the text: wie le adcam o ie Evelyn Allun gave a reading and "When these things become to CARSCADDEN-In Torono, ct. DAED at owanileOn iniel frm ou. jb a a Betty Allun read the Scripture. pass, then look up and lift UP 2,14, maCroine , Crs Kathleen Toms led in prayer. your heads; for redemption draw- cadden, beloved wife of Mr. tno coe 2h 93 lýuy hordye fvoed it a thnigh." His theme was, "The John D. Carscadden, in lier HERBERT COTTINGHAM, resuit of accident, who piano solo and encore and Mar- challenge of these days to t ý3 79th year. 13shAaceSta., garet Hockin contributed a read- Church?" The present war and OshwaOntrio loses? YOU DO! ing, Donald Jose gave a sum- ail the regrettable things that at- NINA E. NEADS, mary of outstanding features of tend it has sureîy corne to pass, NORTHCUTT-Suddenly at To- Bowmanville, Ontario. Bay of Quinte Y.P.U. Convention but this is no reason wby the ronto General Hospital on Oct. Executors for the Estate of You can prevent your at Gananoque and will give a Church should bang its head, 21s t, 1943, George J. Northcutt, Margaret Selena Mclntyre. fuller report in the near future. afraid to look up, and perhaps formerîy of Solina, dear father 41-3F lose of income while un- With Vice-President Evelyn Allun obsessed with a spirit of futility of Ruth, Josephine and Billy. in the chair, plans were made for and pessimisrn. The preacher Interment St. Luke's Cemetery, Notice To Creditors Hallowe'en party Monday eve- sounded a stirring appeal to ail Thomnbill. ____ able to do your work, with ning with members of Orono Churcb people to consecrate IN__THE__________OFGEORGE_ Y.P.U. as guests. Newcastle tbemselves more fully to the ser- WIE aeo teVlaeo an ccdet pliy.Y.P.U. bas accepted an invitation vice of God and rededicate thern- IN MEMORIAM WHliT, ae the Villagep of r anAciet attend a Presbytery Y.P.U. selves to the high purpose of-- lington, in the County of Durham, party at Oshawa, Friday evening. building up His Kingdom on CRAWFORD-In loving mern- Retired Farmer, Deceased, who Ask this agency to tell Lieut. and Mrs. John Burbidge, earth. Look up and lift up your ory of Will Crawford wbo pass- died on the 27th day of Septem- Ancaster, visited ber parents, Mr. beads, you people of the Cburch! cd away October 23, 1921. ber, 1943. you more about it. and Mt . J. H. Smith. The choir of 25 voices, with "October brings back meiories The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937,F insan Brenton Rickard Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the orgazi. 0f a loved one gone to rest. Ch. 165, Sec. 51. \vho bas been home on leave help- sang the anthern, "Bless the Lord, He xiil always be emembered Creditors and others having rIing bis father, W. J. S. Rickard, O My Soul." Mrs. J. T. Brown By those who love bim best?." daims against the above Estate ,Stuartl]R. Jam es barvest bis 1000 bbl. crop, retumn- sang a solo part and a sextette of -Sadly missed by Mother, Sis- are required to send full particu- ed to Cornwall on Tuesday, about girls: Betty Enwrigbt,, Pauline ter and Brother. 43-1* lars and proof of such dlaims to Insurnce ad Rel Estte aweek headof exectaions. Delie andMaritheliundeanoigned ndonigordo before theth Ins.rnc ad RalEsat awee aea 0 epecat~n. eand ettand ri un, soprnansd _______________- 29th day of November, 1943, afterF Successor To J. J. blason & Son The Victory Flag is flying near Margaret Hockin, altos, sang a Card of Thanks wbich date the assets of the Phone 681 the top of the mast, indicating special part. A mixed quartette: egarto ildistriatehav en that the th Victory boan is still H. M. Allin and Wilbur Basker-readt lishthvebn King st. Bowmanville, in progress. Reeve C. R. Carvetb ville and Mesdames H. M. Allun Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, New- received. is pushing the sale of bonds and and J. 'T. Brown, sang "Just As I castle, sincerely tbank friends, Dated at Bowmanville this 26th i "says many people are investing Arn." neighbors and relatives for their day of October, 1943. ~ ' double wbat they did in the 4th Rev. C. Clarke Oke, Welcome, kindness, messages of sympathy Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, VcoyLoan. Bank of Com- race attevnigsvc. and flowers sent during the pass- etc., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solic- Vercory lngmnybnd, prahdtte vngsric ing of their baby girl. 43-1 itor for the Executors. 4- mec ssligmn od.toc- His sbetws TeEeni4- Gordon Garrod, who went to suec wa,"eEtna Kingston, to undergo medical ex- Ministries of God," based on this- U TO SA E MU mination witb the view of en- text: "We know that alI tbings Personal FiTINSA E lsting in the army, was not ac- work together for good to tbemAuto sae fsocran jues os o fngrsbe thinlog o the same w ougt u- - AIL-al Pf s ,er en *f cptdowing te, the hand in- ta oeGd"Teews KERX HASSI feeder cattlc and implementsthe R O Y A L jure a bs oinetionionshs- thing oftesed :ohtidenticaL:mpEERcHEALs, erythAIL- rSe bilîsforArtiuLamer LtF tained in the factory some years ning tbrough both the morning ments. Used by hundreds from rpryoiusinamr o -g.I a i itnino i and evening sermons and both coast to coast for eczema, 16, Con. 2, Cartwright, on Sat., THEATRE rtr og to Toronto to seek preachers, in developing their psoriasis, impetigo, boi îs, Nov. 6, at 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. BOWMAN VILLE admission into a R.C.A.F. ground phrase, free enterprise, a phrase 50c; $1.00; $2.00. (Mediurn and Jackson, Auctioneer. 43-2* A number of Toronto people sorne inspired source and is often Gregor. from aiG L. Sih to instructions- * hr. cr. a. pnt the week-end at their New- being heard from the lips of some - fonG .Siht elb pub- C! Thur. , 29,.Sa30 castle-on-the-Lake properties. speakers these times and seen in Notice to Creditors lic auction at 140 Churcb St., * OT. 8,29,30Mr. Babbs, brothem-in-law of certain sections of the press. Mr. ats1.00,pon Elecric refrigbertor DOUBLE FEATURE Mr. Wmn. Neil, from wbom hie 0k stressed the point that, con- IN TE1E0ATE F FRNK- ectri ergrtr eNTE TTEO RN-eleti rangette, cook stove, 1 ought some land, bas the site sidering présent world conditions, LIN J. GROAT, late of the Village rdo ihsadmn te * STRANGER IN staked out for bis projected new with not a very bright outlook ofHrtn nteTwsi fardicles ers aof sale: Cah. *TOWNI house near the H. R. Pearce farm, for the future, the prospects for Darlington, in the County of Dur- E. J. Pomery, Auctioneer. 43-1 Wilh and excavating for the foundation a better world from a human ham, Retired Scbool Teacher De-____ i.and basement is to begin at once. standpoint were not very promis- ceased, wbo died on the 29th day I have been atoie osî FRANK MORGAN and Miss Mary Chaplin, Toronto, ing. But God and man working o etme,14.b ulc authorizMrts. lfl JEAN ROGERS 1 visited ber mother, Mrs. W. H. B. in love together can accomplisb ofepTteeAc RS19433C. fordpClill Lot f, on r. 4, Da-F * On the same bill *Chaplin. wonders. His efernal ministries T165, se ct 51. lingth. on, 1 mwile Louth of. ,Hap-1 TAoadRoewaZnGaaouenyrNal Creditors and others baving ton), on Tues., Nov. 9, ah hlem TA Z NMlast week-end attending Bay of The choir sang, "O Praise the dlaims against the above Estate farrn stock, implements, hay, * TRIUMPHS Quinte Conférence of the Young Lord, Ail Ye Nations," and as an are rcquired to send full particu- grain, harness, poultry, rootsF *IPeople's Union as delegate from offertory, Mesdames J. T. Brown, lars and proof of sucb dlaims to lumber, potatoes and apples. Thé *ONN FeIStUin Newcastle Y.P.U. C. A. Cowan, H. M. Allin and H. the undersigned on or before the farm will also be offred for sale an JON N ESMULLERD In a preliminary élimination R. Pearce rendered a quartette. 29tb day of November, 1943, after subject to a réserve bid. For par- * n FACE IFOD public speaking contest at New- Rcv. R. E. Morton, who bad whicb date the assets of the Estate ticulars sec bills. No reserve. * I ~~~~~castle Public Scbool, Friday, preacbed in Simcoe wStb.dsriuedbvngrgadTem: ah Sl a 2.0 sap *Helen Asb was awarded first Oshawa, in the mornîng, was to dis thabtedav eng regard. Elers Wih leuautoneehr. 3 IMon., Tues., Wed., place. She will represent New- home for the evening' and con- Locam hthv enrcie.EmrWluacine. 4- NOV. 1, 2, 3 castle School at the county con- ducted the service. The church DaLItBwavil hs2t test in Orono in November. These was fittingly decorated with day of October, 1943. WOOD SALE * DOUBLE FEATURE ar h is tp edn pt ums and fruits of gariden, or- Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, Gordon Moffatt will seli by LAD are J the p foincit stes ean Ptote adan il.Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada, public auction 12 acres beech and I ...cneto nTrnonx There was a genemous Tbank Solicitor for the Executors. 43-3 maple tops of whicb saw logs have *Featuring sp onveto i oononx Offering for the day of $531.00, enrmvdadstdigi- IRN ring. and this will he fumtbem increas- J. J. MELLOR TO MAKE ber over 10 inches, on N.P. Lot 31, * REEDNEMr. and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple cd by subscriptions not yet in. RADIO DEBUT NOV. 3 Con. 9, Clarke ( 21/ miles East of- PATRICK KNOWLES and daugbter, Catharine, Miss Sault Cburch and 2 miles West of[ RALPH BELLAMY Wylma Richards, Bowmanville, On Wednesday, Nov. 3, J. J. Highway 35). Sale at 1.30 p.rn., Li *Aiso were Sunday guests of Mm. and Mellor, Orono, will speak over Sat., October 3th. Terms: Cash.F *IMrs. J. C. Hancock. Mm. and Mrs. SCOUTS AND GUIDES ATTEND station CHEX, Peterboro, from Wood to be removed by June 1, F SUBMARINE R. A. Osborne, Bowmanville, hadl SUNDAY SERVICE 645 to 7 p.m., in bebaîf of the 1944. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. ALERT tea with Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Han- 43-1' Lan Hancock and attended evening Twice a'year the seri-rnilitary. Mr. Mellor is popular as a431 With service in the United Church voluntary, juvenile organizations, speaker througbout the Counties WO AEFc I IHARD ARLEN and wheme they met their nephew, form up on parade and march to of Durham, Northumberland, I Whae Dben AoEdwtin WENDY BARRIE Rev. Dr. C. Clame Oke of Welcome Church, sometirnes to bear a Peterboro and Victoria. In f act, structio n fromStan. Jo nLo *jand heard hirn preacb. Also at spécial sermon, sometimes not. the Durhamn County Victory Loan srcin rmSa.Jns o L ~the evening anniversary service Sunday tbey marched to St. Commnittee bas to speak earîy 33, Con. 4, Hope Township, 2 __________________________________________John's Chumcb of England and the these days to engage him as lie i miles nortb of Harness' Black- - turnout was splendid, but the very mucb in demand in adjacent srnith Sbop, 1-2 mile west, to sel FC weather was just about as cold, Counties. On the Fifth Victory b y public auction, 10 acres, more 1 raw and cutting as the week Loan, Mr. Mellor bas gone as far or less, standing timber, on Sat., previous when they turned out in afield as Lanark, s0 bis fame is Oct. 30, comnlencing at 2 o'clock. înform for the Victory Loan spreadîng. His loyalty to Durhamn Beech, maple, elm and birch. To- Ev r th n f r BA Ydedication. Before 10.30 a.m. the tbougb isto be commended as he be sold in quarter-acre lots. Pur- FC Ever thin for BA BY a a un its formed up on the public neyer accepts an engagement out- chaser bas two years to take tbe 9 scbool grounds to await the Town side the County if Durham necds saine off. Cars and trucks can May we again remind you that we stock a Band wbich arrivcd one baîf boum him first. drive rigbt into the woods. Terms: ýlater te, lead the mamcb. Be sure to have a date with Cash. Harold Caswell, Clerk- wide range of quality products for baby's Meantime the cbildren stood radio station CHEX, Nov. 3. Jack Reid, Auctioncer. 43-1" FC and cofort, few f whic are îst- sivering and the tbree civilian ______ __ ___________________ health an o fra e fwi r it adults présent found out througb ed below -j enquiry that there was no otherF place available and adéquate to F flag made -a particularl'y smart oit stove and oven, dishes, glassware and china, eooking utensil?, appeamance and were a credit to table linon, sheets and blankets, quilts, pillows, cushions, sllverware, Ju r L o elitheir leaders and to Col. L. T. FC J u y ov llMcLaughlin, G.M.C., D.S.O., wbo eloctrie table and f loor lamps, lawn mower, garden tools and many Wlhen We Test Eyes It ls Done Properly took such an active part in getting other articles. atroop started. It was a grand THE R XALL TOREparade of sturdy cbildren and TEILMS CASH - Positively no reserve as this sale is to settie estate PHONE 778 - - C.N.R. TICKETS mated sorne 16 adults showed upCHRELAB utoerLida along the route to cheer the clearCARELABAutnerLida grit and neat marching of these __________________________________ town and country chiîdren.c Articles For Sale FOR SALE-FIFTY YEAR-OLD Leghorn hens. Apply Lewis Wood, Orono. 43-1* FOR SALE-PEARS and apples. Bring your containers. Oscar Andrus. Phone 2114. 42-2 FOR SALE-1934 DODGE. Apply C. Goodman, corner George and Wcllington Sts., Bowmanville. 43-1 * FOR SALE - GUELýr± GAS and coal stove, 2 gas and coal oven. Apply L. A. Parker, Plumber, Bowmanville. 43-1* FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F spy apples. Apply S. J. Trewin, phone 2351. 43-1 FOR SALE-HEATER, large size, burns coal or wood, in good condition. Apply Edgar Pres- cott, phone 2261. 43-1 FOR SALE-MAN'S BICYCLE; also coal oul stove. Apply Mrs. C. Wilson, corner King and Liberty Sts. 43-1* FOR SALE-1929 FORD COACH, Model A, in wonderful condi- tion, A-i tires. Write Jim Pickard, P.O. Box 113, Bow- manville. 43-1 FO1ý SALE - McCLARY COOK stove in good condition. Apply Mrs. Clifford Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phone Clàrke 2531. 43-1* FOR SALE-PIANOS, at $55, $75, $85 and up. Wartime Prices and Trade Board regulations. Telcpbone Fred Mitchell, 492 Bowmanville. 43-1' FOR SALE - I STILL HAVE some more carrots, 70 cents per bushel, right from field (red core) excellent quality. Bring your containers. Mrs. R. Olesen, Burketon. 43>- F'OR SALE-CAR TRAILER with good tires. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton. Phone 2173, Bow- manville. 43-1 FOR SALE - 1930 CHRYSLER coupe in good condition, 4 good tires, heater. Will fill with Preston to stand 25 below. Ap- ply Francis Williams, Manvers Road, Bowmanville. 43-l* FOR SALE - McCLARY COOK stove, top oven, reservoir, coal and wood grates in splendid condition, also 24 Yorkshire sboats. Oliver McCullocb, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington. 43-1* FOR SALE-BABY'S GO-CART. Apply Apt. 5, Cowan Block.' 43-1 * >SHAWA*S NEW FURNITURE Store * Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at corn- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - GIRL'S WINTER coat with coon collar, size 12. Phone 2414. 43-1 OOL THE FUEL SHORTAGE- Sleep under warm quilts-wool, alpine cloth, feather flannel, velvet patches rnixed, 3 pounds $1. Postpaid - money back guarantee. (Limited quantity). Buttonshop, Wbitby. 42-tf ITNOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours frorn over 300 patterns actually in stock.* You are învited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articlesj OR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. W. G. Werry, phone 2253. 43-1, OR SALE-Quantity of mixed Hay .- timothy and alf alfa, timothy and clover, about 20 tons. Phone 2186, Bowmanville. 43-1 OR SAL-15 eegistered Suf- folk Ewes ,2 years old, $30 each. Apply McLaughlin Farrns, Ty- rone, phone 241 6. 43-1 ýOR SALE-Registered Leicester ewc lambs. Apply A. L. Blan- chard, Hampton. Phone 2231 or 2544. 43-1 ýOR SALE-Tboroughbred Fer- rets. Apply Fred Adair, New- castle. 42-2' FOR SALE - 2 JERSEY COWS and 1 Jersey-Durhamn 'heifer to renew in November, December and early part of January. Mrs. Fred Battle, R.R. 6, Bowman- ville, phone 2647. 43-1 OR SALE - POULTRY-Hy- brids and Rocks. Apply Geo. C. Alîchin, Manvers Road, phone 2475. 42-3 OR SALE-PUREBRED Lèices- ter -ram, Yorkshire sow. Also DeLaval Junior separator in good working condition. Ap- ply O. J. Hyland, Burketon. 43-1' FOR SALE-GýOOD LEICESTER ewe and ram, ram 10 months old. Apply John Jacks, Hamp- ton. 43-1* ýOR SALE - A JERSEY-DUR- hamn cow, 4 years old, just freshened, a heifer caîf at foot, 1 week old. Apply to Keith Johnston, Burketon, R.R. 1, or phone Port Perry 172r12. 43-1* POR SALE-20 HEAD 0F DUR- ham steers and heifers weigh- ing from 600 to 900 lbs. Also veal calves wanted. Phone 2818. 43-1 POR SALE-TWO GOOD Polled Angus veal calves. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskillen, phone 2824. 43-1' 7R SALE-PUREBRED Suffolkç ramn la 'mbs. Priced reasonably. Apply Charles Fothergill, on Highway No. 2, one mile west of Whitby. 43-2 Found FOUND - SMALL, TAN, Persian kitten. Phone evenings 847. 43-1 * Lost LOST-RED and WHITE spotted fox hound. Finder please notify jGeorge Reid, Enniskillen. 43-1* LOST-SMALL BLUE CHANGE purse containing sum of money. Statesman Office, Bowmanvillc. 43-1* For Rent FOR RENT- 2 NICE ROOMS, partly furnished, private en- trance, bath. Apply T. Lymer, P.O. Box 51, or phone 379. 43-1 FOR RENT-HOUSE, immediate possession. Six rooms. Opposite Internment Camp on outskirts of Bowrnanville. Phone Bow- manville 2456. 42-2 FOR RENT - 25-ACRE FARM, good buildings, hydro, good land, not far from town. Write Box 258, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 43-1* FOR RENT-6-ROOMED bouse with Hydro, newly dccorated,, orchard, garage, ben bouse, additional land if wanted. Near Hampton on county road, close to Highway. Possession Nov. 1. W. Craig, phone 2365. 43-2 COMINO EVENTS Reserve Wcd., Thurs., Fni., Nov. 24, 25, 26, High School Com- mencement. 42-6 Watch for St. Joseph's Church bazaar. on Dec. 3, in A. Darch's store. Particulars later. 43-1 Dance at tbe Bowmanville Armouries, Fni., Nov. 5, under auspices of tbe Women's War Auxiliary. Dancing commences at 9 p.rn. 43-1 Newtonville United Church Thank Offering services, Sunday, Nov. 7th, at 2.30 p.m., and 7.30 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. George Telford, M.A., B.D., of Oshawa. Monday, Nov. 8th, Illustrated Lecture on Africa by Rev. Walter Tristram (200 slides). Admission 25c and 15c. 43-1' Durham County Public Speak-, ing Contest will be beld in the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, Nov. 5th, at 7.30 p.m. Good pro- gram. Corne and encourage the children and their teachers. Silver collection. Mr. Alf Coulter, Mill- brook, President Trustees' and ýRatepayers' Assoc.; Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Sec.-Treas. 43-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANI2EED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustrnents, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factory, rebuilt vacuumns and ac- S e ss o ri es. Te&ephone our «"C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowrnanville,' 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay higli- est prices for Timothy, Clover, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-SOLID Brick House centrally located, garage and garden. For particulars phone 461. 41-tf Real Esta-te For Sale FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE on Ontario Street, horne of Harry and Fred Grigg. Ten roorns and ail modern conveniences, bldg. suitable for garage, 1--8 of an acre of land. Apply at the bouse during the day* v<ie 369. 42-2' Wanted To Buy W.ANTED TO BUY - GIRL'S coat, size 10, also boy's winter coat, size 36 or 37. Phone 2154. 43-1* WANTED - CORNET, B Flat (long), suitable for boy to use as practise instrument. Write F. V. Ott, Batawa, Ont. 43-1' WANTED - WOOD FIBER for flower making. Lena Holmes, 3624, 22 Ave., S.W. Seattle, Washington. 43-8' WANTED TO PURCHASE - From 1 to 50 acres, at or near Bowmanvillc, on one of the paved higbways-buildings flot necessary. Write Box 257, Statesman Office, Stating price, location, fertility and statq of cultivation; amount of bush; water supply. Replies in strict confidence. - 143-1' AUCTION SALE SHORTHORN SALE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10 In Blaekstock Skating Rink (on the fair grounds) 37 Registered T.B. and blood tcsted Shorthorns - 2 herd bulls; 8 bull calves; 27 fernales-breed- ing cows, bred heifers and heifer calves. SHOW CALIBRE SHORTHORNS Conslgned by A. W. Wrlght,.W. G. Bowles, Nestieton, and Baker Farms, Hampton. For catalogue write or phone J. Baker, Hampton, phone 2180. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer 42-2 ]RELEASED Tires now retreaded for pas- senger cars without permit. We are in a 'position Wo handie ail sizes of tires for retreading. Three tread dle- signs Wo choose from. GF. JAMESON TIRE SHOP ýâ 1 block west of postgjîffice Open from 8 a.m. W 6 ',m. Phone 467 4 1 DAYS FOR. COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery in your district. This is made necessary by new Eoverament regulations which permit as to cover any one district one day a week only We wili, therefore, beI Bowmanville SATUR DAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning with your laundry PHONE - 419 Help Wanted Maie and Vernale TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Hose, Belting, and Packing -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holidays with pay -Pension Plan -Group Insuranee and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation with pay after one year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applicants now on War Work not accepted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 unammumo THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1943 AO m 4 a

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