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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1943 Starkville The leaves are falling, t' *e trees are almost bare. and there is frost in the air, ail reminding us that Autumn is here. M. Shutka's sale was well at- tended. He is going to work in Oshawa. Visitors: Mrs. Darlington, Ken- dal, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Ajax. called on Mrs. I. Stark... Miss Nellie Shutka and Miss Gib- son, Oshawa, at M. Shutka's... Miss Gwen Cilmer, Bowmanville. at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Trimble and Bill Andree, Oshawa, attended M. Shutka's sale. .. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and fam- ily in Perrytown . . . Mrs. G. Sul- ver, Ajax, at home . .. Mrs. Clar- ence Allun, Toronto, at Mr. Victor Farrow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Os. Cowan, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stapleton. Oshawa. at Mr. Wm. Hallowell's. Newtonville Visitors: Mrs. Harry Russell, Fort William, Mrs. H. S. Powers Peterboro, with Rev. and Mrs. J. McLachlan. .. Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Osborne and family. Wel- come, at Mr. J. T. Pearce's... Keith Burley. R.C.A.F., Toronto, Pte. Harold Burley, Camp Borden. and Mrs. Burley, Toronto. at Mr. Cecil Burley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Ajax, at Mr. S. Glover's. . . Miss Wilma Prouse with ber parents at Osaca... Miss Beryl Downer. St. Cath- arines, Mr. Jack Hudgins. Hast- ings Regt., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dwyer and son, Miss Bernice Bannon and Mr. Colin Deck, Peterboro. at Mr. Deck's. .. Some from here attended Kendal an- niversary, Sunday. and heardj Rev. Thos. Wallace. Greenbank.; Mrs. J. McLachlan entertainedi il oo no no o o no o o t'o Q n o o o i oo no Q i i i o ilo n the Kendal W.A. Wednesday. Teachers of Clarke Township were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hughes, Port Granby, Oct. 2lst. Mrs. Caswell gave a talk on "Book Binding." Mr. W. H. Carlton, I.P.S., and Mr. Gummow, Principal of the Public School, Cobourg, were also present. The hostess served a dainty lunch. Rev. J. McLachlan preached at Courtice Sunday. Twenty boxes were packed and sent overseas to our boys from Newtonville. Mrs. W. N. Stevens entertained her Sunday School Class to tea, Oct. 20. Newtonville WlI. and Newcastle Red Cross shipped 200 lbs. honey and 40 lbs. jam oversoas. On Friday evening. Oct. 22. the Public Speaking Contcst for Clarke Township -,as held in Newtonville United Church. Herb. Scott, Clarke Union. Town- ship Director, ,vas chairman. Five contestants spoke, the winners be- ing Thelma Stapleton. Crooked Creek. and Joyce Martin, Lake Shore. Others .vho spoke were: Ruiby Ford, Port Granby; Helen Morton, Newtonville. and Byron Brunt, No. 9. Judges were: Miss Kate Foster, Orono, and Mr. Rogers and Mr. McColl. New- castle. Winners will compote for county honors in Orono on Nov. 5th. Musical numbers on the program were: Solos by Miss Wilma Prouse and mouth organ and guitar selections by Murray Payne. Mrs. Frank Gilmer was pianist. Rev. J. McLachlan led in prayer. Inspector Carlton gave a talk while the judges were making their decision. Mr. Rogers gave the judges' decision and Mr. Carlton presented the prizes. Sincerity is the indispensable ground of ail conscientiousness, and by consequence of ahl heart- felt religion. - Kent. Brown1s Dogs have attacked and killed sheep belonging to a farmer in this communitv. three times this summer. We read in the Council report that over $1100 have been paid out for sheep killed by dogs. Everyone asks "Why isn't some- thing done about it?" The own- ers of dogs could do a great deal about it themselves if they would. Each of us know whether our dog is at home where he belongs, or running the streets or country, s0 whv don't we owners do some- thing about our dogs that do not stay at home? If we did there wouldn't be so many sheep killed and as a result there would be more warm woollen clothing for our fighting forces. Red Cross met at Mrs. Chas. Bedwin's. Orono News L.T.L. fiet Monday afternoon with 35 members present. Mrs. Wm. Armritrong gave a most in- teresting talk on "The Effect of Alcobol on the Celîs." The child- ren's day school teachers, Misses E. Harnden and Ruth Goode, also spoke to the cbildren. The child- ren provided choruses, recited the L.T.L. prayer and pledge and a Bible Temperance Catechism. Mrs. J. J.- Mellor has her moth- er visiting her. Ed. Grabam is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh and family, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and family, Oshawa, were guests at Mr. Milfred Sherwin 's. Mrs. Clifford Cooper bas re- ceived word that her husband was injuretl in Italy and is in a hos- pital in Sicily with an injured back. This is the third time h bas been hurt since arriving ove- seas, once during a blitz and once while driving a truck of ex- plosives. The letter received from hlm telling of the third accident was posted Sept. 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones, Mrs. Margaret Tamblyn, Miss Kate Colville, Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pat- terson, Newcastle, attended the funeral of Mrs. John D. Carscad- den at Bowmanville on Sunday. Misses Colville entertained friends to dinner on Monday eve- ning in bonor of Mrs. M. L. Bea- combe of Lindsay, who has been their guest. Salem Rev. Gardner delivered a fine discourse here at the afternoon service and made an earnest ap- peal for Bible Society funds. Several of our congregation at- tended the splendid anniversary services at St. Paul's on Sunday, when Rev. A. L. Rogers, B.D., D.D., was the guest speaker. Mr. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, spent the week-end wîth bis par- ents. Mrs. W. Cann is visiting her daughter and family in Toronto. Ebenezer Visitors: Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, Miss Velma Gay, town, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ga.... Mrs. C. C. Washing- ton and Anna, London, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay. . . Mr. Fred TrulI, Toronto, with Mr. J. Truil ..Mr. William Pickell, Kingston, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pickell ...Tpr. Robert Muir, London, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wor- den and Keitb, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Downs. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osborne, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins. .. Pte. WINTER FASHION FAIR a a AT WALKER STORES, LTD. - - THANKS TO THE WHOLE-HEARTED CO-OPERATION 0F TOP-RANK- ING CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS WE HAVE ASSEMBLED A SPLEN- DID ASSORTMENT 0F WINTER FASHION MERCHANDISE. Ladies' Winter C 0 A T S Winter MILLINERY Fine Feit Hats in a wide assortment of attractive styles. Head sizes to fit Matrons or the Junior M1iss. $19.5 to$35IN Black and ail popular colours Our stock includes trim Ches- 24 29 38 terfield Coats, Box Styles, Mani- nish Tweeds and Lux.urious ALSO several smart littie shapes in gay coloured f elt for girls. fur-trinimed models. They are Dressy and very becoming $1*79 well taiored in flattering styles, warmly interlined and have rich heavy rayon linings. Materials a re: Coatings, Tweeds and Melton cloths. Colours are the season 's nxost popular shades, and, of course, black. SIZES 12 TO 221/2 We also have a thrifty "ail sea- , , son" coat, of fine tweed, f ully lined, with an EXTRA detach- able leather lining, faced with satin. A splendid coat at $29,50 GLOVES For Ail Occasions Ladies', fine, dressy, kid type gloves, beautifully trimmed and perfect fit- ting. Black or brown $2.49 - $2.69 SIZES 6 to 8 NATURAL PIGTEX Warm, hardwearing gloves with outsewn seams and heavy hand stitch for trnnnuing. An ideal glove for the car driver $2.69 Sizes 6 to 8 HALF AND HALF GLOVES This type enjcys ever in- creasing popularity. Paims of silky smooth or heavy brushed rayon. Backs cf fine leathers, attractively trimmed. In brown, navy, black and natural. Bizes 6 te 8 ...$1.00 pr. Ladies' Blouses Lovely new styles just arrived. White, self - coloured and smart print- ed patterns. Crepe and spun fabrics. SIZES 14 to 46 $1.98 to $495 New Neckwear We have some lovely ex- clusive one - of - a - kind niodels ini collars and sets for the person who wants something entirely differ- ent. They 're really stuxi- ning and look "like a mil- lion. " $1.98 and $2.69 Lace Collars from 59C "SIlk" Scarves In wide variety from , . 69C to $2.39 COLD DEFYING Snow Suits. $5,95 to $10.95 One and two-piece styles with hats or hehuets to match. Made of tough, weather-resisting blanket cloth, warmly lined. Mostly li 2 tone effects. Sizes 2 to 6x. SHOP EARLY FOR THE1SE ~1>,~ t; /~ H GIRLS' FUR TRIMMED COATS $11095 SIZES 7 fo 14X The value of these smart coats is really outstand- ing! They are cut on beautiful lines, carefuily finished, and have warxn, durable iining and inter- lining. Colour assort- ment is good, and they are trimmed in various types and colours cf fur. We advise prompt shopping te get the best selection. WE HAVE A FEW TODDLER'S COATS Sizes 3 to 6 at $7.95 - $8.95 - $9.95 Gordon Brown, Kingston, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Brown. .. Petty Officer George Short bas return- ed to Halifax after spending sick leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Short. . . Mrs. W. Marsh and Richard are visiting with friends at London. . . Pte. and Mrs. W. J. Brown, Nancy, Vir- ginia, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden. .. Miss E. Hoît, Toronto, witb her sister, Miss A. Hoît... Miss Hazel Rundle, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. G. Balson and Jerry, Hampton, Miss Mary Wilkins, Osbawa Hospital, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay. . . Miss Doris Cryderman, Mrs. W. Brown, Nancy and Virginia with Mr. and Mp. L. Cryderman, Hampton... Mr. Wilfred Brown is stationed in Kingston with the Army. A goodly number gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Annis on Tuesday evening to do bonor to the bride-elect, Miss Ada Annis, and fiance, Mr. Glenn Pickell. Rev. H. Linstead called the meeting to order and in a few well chosen words explained the intrusion and turned the meeting over to the young couple who opened a large and beautiful ar- ray of miscellaneous gifts. Many thanks were extended to their friends fromn Ada and Glenn after which fruit, candy and pop-corn were served. On Friday evening Mrs. Ted Rose, Ajax, was dinner hostess to several girl friends when Ada was presented with a lovely table lamp. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pickell on their marriage on Saturday, at the bride's home. A large number of friends and relatives attended fromn Ebenezer and also London, Toronto, Ajax and Providence. Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. B. Sîm at Mr. C. Bradley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston at Dr. H. Fer- guson's, Bowmanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon, Haydon, at Mr. H. Annis'. .. Mr. H. Johnson and Mrs. A. Stainton with Mrs. E. Soucb wbo bas returned home fromn Toronto. .. NS Gladys Page, Trenton, Mrs. C. Branton, Osh- awa, with Mrs. E. Page. .. L[Cpl. G. H. Stevens, Carlton Place, witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. . . Mr. C. 'Porter, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. C. McCullough, and Ray, Mr. J. Dickinson, Yelverton, witb Mrs. C. Boyd. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Nancy Wood at Mr. E. J. Dickinson's, Oshawa ...Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferguson, Jean and Dorothy, Mr. G. Martin, Oshawa, Spr. Jack Potts, Ham'l- ton, and Mrs. Potts, Mr. andMs B. Montgomery and Jean, Solina, at W. J. Ferguson's. Thanksgiving service was held in the church Sunday when the church was filled to capacity. Rev. R. B. Harrison, Blackstock, was guest speaker and delivered an inspiring message based on "Giv- ing Thanks." Columbus Cburch choir contributed much to the service in the rendition of three anthems. The church was beau- tifully decorated witb autumn fruit .and flowers. ACl Roy D. Trewin, R.C.A.F., Brantford, and Mrs. Trewin, Lorne Park, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tre- win, Blackstock, Mr. Frank Smitb, Enfield, at Mr. Sidney re win's. ithc Bible lesson. Society decided to fill a ditty bag and to make the Indian girl's outfit, as usual. Church calendars were ordered ifor the sick and shut i. Arch- Sdeacon Simpson took the study 1book, "Life and Work of Arcb- bisbop Anderson of Moosonee." Miss Eva Parr was programn con- vener. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin read an extract from tbe "Living iM e ss a g e"; reading, "Two Friends," Mrs. Thos. Smith,- Miss Ethel Tbompson read, "When I Put on Storm Windows." Nex 1meeting at Mrs. Jos. Forder's, Nestleton, witb Mrs. V. M. Arch- er as programn convener. Lunch was served. .Several attended'a bridge party 1at Miss Cora Crozier's, Saturday evening. Tbe prizes were won by Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Bowman- ville, and Mr. Langfelt, Nestleton. I Mrs. Frank Bailey bas scarlet ;fever. L Friends from bere attended Mr. 1and Mrs. Wm. Samelîs' Golden Wedding anniversary at Mr. Her- man Samelîs', on Monday eve- ning. Archdeacon Simpson attended the Deanery meeting at Lindsay, Monday. Rev. J. A. Plant. Ennirskillen, was in charge at United Cburcb service Sunday evening while Rev. B. Harrison took annivers- ary services at Enniskillen. Several from bere attended the funeral of Mrs. John Carscadden (formerly Miss Emma Spinks), Bowmanville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer and Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright were in Oshawa witb Misses Effa and Annie Wright. Clarke Union Home & Sch4ol Club met Tuesday evenîng of last week. A good program was given. Mrs. James Tamblyn, Orono, was guest speaker. Miss Ruth Hutchinson, Bowmanville, gave two readings and Miss Eleanor Wight, also of Bowmanville. favored witb vocal solos. Clarke Union orchestra gave several selections. Lunch was served. Collections whicb amounted to $23.00 were te be used to send boxes to tbe boys overseas. A presentation was held at the scbool for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nixon, wben the newly married couple were given a mantie cdock and tea pot in honor of their mar- niage. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon ex- pressed their thanks for tbe love- VITAMINS FORTIFY VOUR RESISTANCE.. Wampole's Extract $1.00 Scott's Emulsion 59c, 98e Halibut Caps ---59c, 98c Aiphamettes $1, 1.85, 3.50 Vita Vimn Multiple Caps ---- - $1.75, $3.00 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 ------------67c, $1.69 Mead's Cod Liver Oil-- -- 50c, 75c, $1.0 MISERABLE? ( \î QUICKI1 /1 wiréw W 5. VICK'SB BUCKLEY'S Analgesic j Mustard VAPO-RU RUB BALM RUB 43c 30e - 50e 25c - 50c 29e <2. ~Nyal Creophos WILL CHECK THAT COUGH Large bottie ---------$1.00 -Money Beits $1.75, $1.98 Blllfolds --- 75e to $6.50 Shavlng Brushes 49c-$4.25 Men's Travelling Kits 5, 7, and 9 pleces $2.25 to $10.75 300 Kleenex 2 packages ----------25e GROVE'S BROMO QUININE --------------------------24c - 44c NYAL LAXACOLD BREAKS UP COLDS ---- -- ------- 25e PhWone'SDRUGSTOR .. O95GS R G T R Trusses ly gif t, after which the evening Reesor and two sons, Markham, was spent in chat. Lunch was at Mr. Milford Sherwin's. .. Miss served at the close. Mamie Archer, Oshawa, Misses Visitors: Mr. Harry Bailey, To- Cr aly ronto,was home. .. Mr. and Tvîrs. Eileen Souch and Cr aly Alex Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Harmony, spent Thursday eve- Souch and Eileen, Mrs. Harry ning with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bailey and Wayne at Mr. Samuel Souch, it being the occasion of Archer's, Port Hope... Mrs. Chas. their 4Oth wedding anniversary. U Blackstock Ralph Larmer, Grant Ferguson, Howard Forder and Dalton Dor- rell attended a competition at the SO.A.C., Guelph. UMisses Wilma VanCamp and SLois Larmer attended the Bay of Quinte Y.P.U. Convention at Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent, Toronto, with Mrs. Jas. Marlow and Mrs. V. M. Archer. United Cburch W.M.S. met at 0 Mrs. Jabez Wright's witbh 1 mem- 0bers present. Devotional was 0 taken by Mrs. Earl Dorrell. Rol ICaîl was answered .with some- thing for tbe ditty bags. Arrange- ments were made for a Mission- ary Tbank Offering service, Sun- day evening, Oct. 31, witb Mrs. C. W. Smith, Port Perry, as speak-' er. Mrs. A. Johnston read an in- Steresting account of Ronald o Hayes, the Negro singer. Rev. B. iHarrison gave a talk, "God and iTbanksgiving." Mrs. Ja be z IWright favored witb a solo, "He Keeps Me Singing." Loan Quiz Contest > The Fifth Victory Loan School Quiz Contest took place in the Community Hall on Monday eve- >ning, Oct. 18. Alex Gilbert was chairman. Mrs. Frank Stinson was the questioner, and the judges were Arcbdeacon Simp- son, Miss Janet Watson Gmd Mr. Fred Willan. Those competing were: Group "A"-Wilda Steele, June Wbitfield, Jean McLean, Gwen Wilson, Pat Bowles, Billy Fer- guson, Richard VanCamp. Group "B"-Jessie McArthur, Wyone Wilson, Brian Hamilton. Group- "C" - Wilma Toms, Shirley Hamilton, Ruth Hamilton, Ralpb Strong. >Archdeacon Simpson reported Ithe finals - "A"-Gwen Wilson, 1Billy Ferguson and Richard Van Camp; "B" - Jessie McArtbur, Brian Hamilton and Wyone Wil- son; "C" - Rutb Hamilton and Ralph Stronig (tied). Red Cross Red Cross Society met at Rer- *man Hooey's, Oct. 19. The Treas., IWork Convener and Prisoner of War Convener each gave reports. Cadmus ladies packed and sbipped 40 Christmas boxes over- seas. Annual meeting will be held Dec. 7. An invitation is sent to Mrs. Arthur Ellis, Presi- 3dend of *Red Cross, to attend if *possible. Sixty-six dollars was Imade from the "Prisoner of War" Doîl and this amount was made up to $200 for the Prisoner cf War jFood Boxes. One hundred dol- Ilars was also voted for the Greek IFund. 1 St. John's W.A. St. John's W.A. met at Mrs. Levi McGill's, Nestleton, on Oct. 21. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin tecka When W. Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Perfect Satisfaction ln Quality and Price qWALKER STORES, £JMITE L e PAGE SIX ý4m THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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