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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1943, p. 3

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-WC. -. -. -.--. - . THURSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATI~SMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO A greater proportion of Can- Order to Major-Ger adian Arrny officers now corne Simonds, leader of t] from candidates with Overseas adian Division, says service, some of whom will be is an inspiring exa trained in England, some in Can- Division by his freqi ada. the forward areas, 1 The citation covering the award bomb, sheil and ro of the Dstinguished Service carnies out his recor Childri awa. Miss Sophia Shutka return- a serious and painful accident Stark illeed home with them. .. Mrs. Silver, when his teamn ran away with a Ajax, at home .. . Mr. Art McKay bean thresher and upsetting it on him. He is now in Port Hope Visitons: Mrs. Athur Dunn and in Port Hope. . . Mr and Mrs. Hospital. little girl in Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mac Stapleton, Newtonville, at __________ Mrs. Austin Turner and daughter, Mr. Win. Hallowell's. 1 Farmers are harvesting their The wisdorn of the wise and Newcastle, at Lew Hallowell's... turnips between showers. theý experience of ages may be Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka in Osh- Ralph Bougon happened with preserved by quotation. ienal Guy G. JOINS B.T.S. STAFF the First Can- odes L ter in part: 'He ampie ta bis Received by Lions Club uhet visis t Major Frank Banister, whereunderHdq. Il Canadian Corps, ortar fire, ho 'inaissances." Canadian Army Overseas. Many thanks for another thous- and cigarettes. I have had an account of your doings from Lion Nelson Osborne, that Valentine of the Insurance world! Heanty con- fl A WEEK Y EDTORgratulations ta Lion Andy on his en A W EKLY FFORelevation to the presidency ofa great club. The Luftwaffe raid- LOOKS AT ed us a littie while aoadkle o tta W afive of our boys. I arn sorry ta say that Alec Birks has left us O ttaw afor bigger things. He is a fine e chap, just like his mother! The Sother night I dreamed that J. J. Wrnl ff.nspdialy Brown was in gaol. Is hie out (or th w..My of Canode et B60607 Tpr. H. L. Gatcheli, BY JIM GREENBLAT îlth C.T.R. (Ont. Regt.), Only a couple of local color CnrlMdtraen iterns from the nation's capital. Canadian Army Overseas thisweek Oneconernsthe actReceived your cigarettes, was thi wek:Oneconers te fctDouglas Bryant very pleased to get themn as they that at a local liaison officers' Wohsbe oa ersna are short over here. The oniy omeeting (for the Consurner tWbeobashe en plocanlirepresnta thing they have plenty of in Branh, artrne Pnies nd ive f te Mtroolian iteforSicily is fruit and it is very good Branh, artie Pices andthe past two years and eight after not having any for soine Trade Board. like you have in months, bas resigned to accept the time. youn own town) the ladies sent in office of Replacement Officer, I was taîking to one of the boys a resolution to fhe Prices Board fornerly held by Jarnes Burns from Bowmanville who just came asking that boys' pants be manu- who is now a member of the'Pub- over and he tells me the town has factured with double seats; and lic School teaching staff at Peter- changed quite a bit. I arn hopîng that certainly sounds like an boro. Mr. Bryant assumed his this is ahl over soon sa I can watch economny idea, because boys don't new duties on Monday. It will the town grow insteadobin wear 'em out on the cuffs. . .Af ter be weicome news to know hoe wili told about it. do en two rnonths' absence frorn an in- remain in town and will continue ____ 439 ternrnent carnp a young Luft- as a Scoutmaster. R69994 LAC King, waffe Nazi was caught by an alert________________ 1664 C.U., R.C.A.F. Overseas. _______ detective in the Ottawa Union Thanks a million for the cigar- station. Asked what hoe thought just multiply the length by depth ettes, it is very good to tbink that of Hitler now, ho replied: "What and divide by 450.. .A study of the someone back home is stili re-c do you tbink of Churchili now? apple maggot has shown that cul- membering the bome-town boys. That's what I stili think of tivation tends to increase the Have just returned from a leave Hitler." number of aduits which emerge in London. It is a real city. Wec * * * from the soil, but frequent rains used ta find the money systern The R.C.A.F. is quite distrubed during thoernmergent period get very difficuit but now we al about sarne farmers, huntens and about the saine resuits. . . Bost know it like our own although wo * O gun-toting youngsters taking pot tîrne to cut, haul and prepare were outdone in one or two in- shots at racing pigeons in flight. wood for fuel for use in the fol- stances. Please think twice before doing it lowing year is the winter months. On1hn e idrte again. They are eitber on the fly Wood shouid be dried weflho- strange yet is driving on the op- carryîng rnessages, photographs, cause when green it contains 25 posite side of the road. It seems etc., for the arrned services or be- Per cent water. Much of the heat funny to be where you should beC ing tnained by civilian pigeon is used in evaporating this and is and where you'ne not, if you fol- fanciers for a war job. Right now lost. .. A ton of tirnothy hay has low me. ~ '~'e~M the R.C.A.F. Signais (Pigeon Di- 16 lbs. nitrogen, 6 idyuhd orana fair vision) is out to recruit 1,000 new phoric acid, about 30 lbs. potasb. this year or have you stopped for birds. Incidentally, since April, it That Is mroe than is returned ta the duration? I rernernber once I is against the law ta keep or fly the land by a ton of ondinary won two shirts and a pair of pigeons without autbority. green farrnyand rnanune. If no pyjamas at bingo at your fair and . ** *fertilizer is applied, continuous hope to do it again sornetime. Bot rnany employens wonder tirnotby depletes the soil. About Thanks for hearing fnorn you. wbere ahl the Unernployrnent In- the sarne condition exists witb ____ sunance rnoney paid in bas wound othen grasses. Lieut. W. J. Brown, up at. Well, a necent report by2 Anm'd Regt. (L. & S.H.), the comrnission shows they have Hene's co-openation. The Can- Canadian Arny Overseas. abalance in the coffens of $143,- adian Motion Picture War ger- t 857,000. Benefits paid out since vices cornmittebas inforrned the 0Again little J. J. is veny pleased Janay 1942, wben they first be- Department of Munitions and t say that hoe is the rocipient of carne payable, total $1,150,714. Supply of the voîuntary decision havtebeentokngoftoiarlotes.loalI *o f 1100 theatres acnoss Canada to hebs lal-Bn Wealsho Joal A knotty pnobiern bas come up effect a 30 per cent reduction in Pos ankecy Cam enBhTait, f or the National Research Courpcil the use of coal this wintor. That Tak ed and J c Sean, ndTyail, perhaps, on any person with an answened an appeal to Canadianstolmhwrncthyareit onquining mind . It was unearth- for help in the conservation and th acl o ed ed by none other than the Houso distribution of our fuel suppiy. th aclyosed f Conrnos brberwbo ondrs ** *I understand your carnivai was a big success. Congratulations. I whene red-headed rnales bave Nearly eveny Canadian famiiy onîy wisb I couîd have been there. gono. Twenty years ago they bas saine one noan and dean in However, one day ahl the familiar Pi clairn one in ton was red-headed; the armed fonces overseas. Thus faces will be seen again and life lie Jiu today tbey've dwîndled. Only tbe appeal of the Post Office De- will go on as before. cereal ned head arnong tbe 245 partrnent should bo heedod about ____ nernbers of the House of Corn- the deadline for mnailing Christ- C21711 Pte. H. W. Potter, 1tiýernons is said to ho Robt. McCub- rnas panceis by November lst. 7tb Cdn. Army Fld. Regt., foi bin, Libenal of West Middlesex. Last yean tbey handied 8 1-2 mil- 81 Cdn. Antilleny Coy., ýerNow you take a guess. lion, pounds of Christmas parce Is, R.C.A.S.C., * * and expect a lot rnore this yoar. Cnda nyOesa In these days of nationing wben You are aslçod to pack well, wrap Received another 300 cigarettes0 we speak of the "privileged" weil, addness properly and keep fnom you and tbey were as wel-0 class, nine tirnos out of ton we'ne out inflamrnable stuff. corne as pound notes frorn heaven. roforning to the-infant population. ***A ercietenfonCnd Whe swetsreas wro atin- Cash incomne from the sale Of they are divided among the ed Moins were permitted to ex- farn products in Canada for the platoon to keep the boys satis- change the baby's sugar coupons first six rnonths of 1940 rockoted fied. Sînce July 28, I have re- ~~~V for thoso of corn syrup; using both up to over $538 millions as against ceived 1200 cigs but have only ecanhaed and "D" coupons, baby $248 millions in the samne period 50 let sa you can see bow we0 can hve 7ibs. of corn syrup a of 1942, and $356 millions in 1941. share, as brothers, among our own0 rnonth. Now cornes "G" coupon This increase was common in ail small platoon of mon.0 n by by which tbey can get evaporatod provinces except Ontario, witb Thene is no news as tbings are miik, through thein own Local the Prairie Provinces tops be- kept very quiet. No rnishaps are Ration Board. W've got to pro- cause of the sale of 1942 grains. to take place though due to tbe teto0 0uueciies Greatest porcentage was sbown in fac't we ail want to get back soon the marketings of oats and barley. as possible and victory sure looks ~nv1e A littie barn talk: How ta figure Hogs bit $106 rnillions, dairy pni- prornising. anile nurnber of tons of bay in rnmow, ducts $110 millions. In the sarne Tbank you a rillion and one 0 period, however, the dornestic tirnes for the smokes and thata consurnption of fluid miik, but- cornes frorn ail the boys of my C> ton, cheese,,ice cneam, etc., show- platoon. ed quite a decrease, rnost of it nesulting frorn butter nationing. C32195 Tpr. J. Large, 1 No. 3, C.A.C.R.U., M _____Here's another interesting itern Canadian Arrny Ovenseas. * u.for folks in agricultural spots. I receîved your 300 cigs and Ein nîne of the principal Canadian person back there is doing their Mcîties on Octoben lst totaiied 50,- share for the wan cause because 930412 lbs., an increase of 17 1-2 there are a lot of boys over in0 million lbs. oven the amount at the figbting zone who are doing the samnedate last year. However their best by giving their lives to it must be rernembered Octoben help keep this world a botter Although they'11 continue to tell you lst is taken as a peak date. There place for these peace loving peo- was a decline shown in cheese and pie to live in. Hene is an oxample quite frankly that variety isn't monts to the United Kingdorn. country around where we are. The ased or£2000 and goto Ladies, the war is pushed back £16.214, i.e. £14,214 more than0 what it once was, our coat depart- from your drossing-table slowly they asked for so you see the peo- f but suroiy, as the military situa- pie bore are doing their bit. I I tion siowly but surely improvos. thank you for ail the things you I ment continues to be a temptation M. & S. bas passed an order, have done for ius and with thi,- ]>shack season in agriculture. . . Simpson, Cold Springs, Miss I C Canada's favorite rnunching pas- Kathleen Simpson, Caesanea, at I tirne is saved as the Pnices Board their borne . . . Mrs. A. Perrin, f bas nevoked its former orden nurse at Bowmanville Hospital, which would bave pnohibited the is hoiidaying at bon home, Mn. T.0 C A D E anufatureof bot dog nouls. . . J. Sirnpson's. . . Miss Dorothy ONTRIOCoal minons on R.C.A.F. ground Simpson is in Oshawa and To- ONTARIO ~cnews can get beave without pay nonto. .. Miss Ruth DixsonBw to work in the coal mines until manville Hospital, at Mr. T. J. Manch 31. Sirnpson's. 'Io a o n o Qo g oo i g o o n o O g M g 11. g O n o i Reprinted at the request of the National War Finance Comrnittee, Durham County ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Office of the Agicultural Representative November 4, 1943 To the Farmers of Durham County The Victory Loan Salesmen teni me that the principal argument that they are encountering in the canvass, Us that people are having to buy feed for their stock. 1 appreciate the crop situation and know that.many people are having to do this, but 1 stili feel that perhaps there are one or two points in this connection which are not completely under-' stood. Let us take the case of the man who has $500 in the bank, he says he is going to use the $500 to buy feed and cannot buy Victory Bonds. There are, however, two ways open where this man could stili purchase his bond. ln the first instance ho could -buy a $500 bond for cash and then use the $500 bond as collateral for a loan at the bank in order that he could buy his feed. ln this connection, there would be no charge to him as the interest on the bond at 3 per cent would pay for the interest on his loan, which also is 3 per cent for the first six months, then when the stock is sold in the near future, he could use the proceeds to pay off his bank boan, and he would stili have the $500 bond. An alternate way of handling this situation would be to use the deferred payment method by which he would sign an application for $500 bond and make an initial pay- ment of 10 per cent. There would thon b. no payments due for six months and in the above case, there would be no charges as tho rate of interest on the boan is 3 per cent which is the same rate as the bond pays. Some people'may say that they would rather not buy now but wiII invost in the next Victory Loan when it cornes along. They should keap in mind, however, that the coat of the war must be met as we go along. Yours truly, E. A. SUMMERS, This space donated to Vitory Loan Campaign F. F. MOIRRIS Cg Funeral Directors Bowma LA THE AR BOWMANVILLER i i i i g Y g a o g G g o o g o o g a o g o o g a o i g o, o g Q o g G i g Q o g j" -j ÂM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLÈ, ONTARIO DArIv mlmvv_ a

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