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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAJUO THURSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1943 Ebenezer Vsitors: Miss Hazel Rundie, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rundie. . . Robert Rundle, recently transferred to R.C.A.F, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundie. . . Mrs. Gerald Balson and Jerry, Hamp- If your business property is destroyed by fire the after-the-fire loss on top of the property loss may put you out of business. Insurance is available to cover both aspects of the problem. Ask this you how to1 sured. agency to tel be soundly in- Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Successor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King st. Bowmnanville Ranci ton, with Mrý. W. Brown... Mrs. .10e McKenzie and Jimmy, To- ronto, with Mrs. T. Adams... Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gay. .. Miss Doris Cryderman with her par- 'ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman, Hampton... Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osborne and Linda, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins. .. Miss Florence Courtice with friends in Brantford. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gay wih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. McQuade, Cadmus... M iss Edith White, Bethesda, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Down. Mission Circle girls held a suc- cessful Hallowe'en party Friday evening at the home of Miss Eve- lyn Wadc. Games and fortune telling were enJoyed. Mrs. Harry Gay, Miss Beth Gay and Miss Margaret Adams won prizes for costumes; Mrs. Kenneth Courtice won the lucky fortune. Hampton Visitors: Mr. W. T. Perrett, Malton, with Mrs. Perrett and family. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adam- son and Dorothy with relatives in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burtt with their daughter at Markham and son in Toronto... Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John wîth Toronto fricnds. .. Mrs. H. J. Mullett, To- rontoe. guest of Mrs. A. E. Billctt . .. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder- man and daughter, Joan, Oshawa, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman. . . Mrs. R. Pascoe, Scarboro, with Miss Lulu Reyn- olds. . . Pte. Ted Kcrsey, Kings- ton, at home. .. Ptes. Cecile Petit, Ncwmarket, and Gladys Chap- man, Kitchener, at W. Chapman's. The Sunday norning congrega- tion enjoyed a %real treat as they listened to the vcry intercsting, inspiring and helpful addrcss given by Mrs. H. J. Mullett, a re- tired missionary from West China, home on furlough. She spoke for one hour, more particu- larly on the leaders of old and new China and scldomn have we listened to sucb a splendid mis- sionary speaker. t was the W.M.S. faîl Thank Offcring ser- vice. C.G.I.T. girls and Mission Band occupied the choir loft and sang nicely an appropriate selec- tion. Our pastor was present and This space contributed by A. E. McGregor & Co. [ware Bowmanvile CONSUMERS RATION COUPON NOVEMBER CALENDAR Three Generations ln Munitions Plant 1 assisted in the service. At the Sunday School session she again held the attention of the scholars and had on display a number of pieces of necdle-work donc by the Chinese, and other articles in which ail were intcrestcd. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milîson (nee Helen Knox) on their marriage. The Hallowe'cn masqucrade on Friday evening was wcll attendcd and a goodly number came in costume which added to the fun and enjoymcnt. A short program was given by the following: read- ings by Mary Niddery and Mrs. A. E. Billctt; piano duet by Mar- jonce Rundle and Audrey Kersey; vocal duet by Annabelle Adcock and Jean Kerscy; vocal duet by Marion Macnab and Jean Balson, and a piano solo by N. Horn. A lively sing-song was led by L. Clemens. Apples, popcorn and candy wcrc served. Judgcs for the costumes werc J. R. Reyn- olds, Mrs. G. Farncomb and Mrs. A. E. Billett. Haydon Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garrard (nec Lillian Bow- mns) on their marriage. A goodly number gatbered at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mar- tin on Saturday cvening in aid of the Soldiers' Fund. A social evening was enjoyed. Richard Hoskin was winner of a lucky draw. Lunch was served. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trcwin, Blackstock, at Mr. W. Trewin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mr. W. Brownlee's. Mrs. Richard Ashton who is very iii is resting a little casier. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono, at Mr. E. Bradley'q... Mrs. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, Wren Eleanor Stainton, Halifax, Mr. Walter Smith, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, Enficld, at Mr. Don Carr's... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Mil- ton and Lloyd Slemon at Mr. H. Brooking's, Weslcyvillc. . . Miss Mabel Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Slcmon, Toronto, Mrs. M. Moore, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. A. E. Mc- Neil's... Spr. Jack Potts, Hamil- ton, at home, Mrs. Potts and Linda wcnt to Hamilton with him ...Mrs. B. Ashton and Bradley at Mn. Fred Ashton's, Toronto.. Mrs. A. Read and Ina Beryl at Mr. Louis Ashton's, Toronto... Mrs. W. Tbompson, Connie Os- mond, with relatives in Bowman- ville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gar- rard, Columbus, at Mr. C. Gar- rard's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ash- ton and Mary Lou, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's... AC2 Roy Gra- ham, R.C.A.F., Toronto, witb bis parents. . . Mrs. H. J. Wenry at Dr. H. Ferguson's, Bowmanvslle ...Mrs. Wallace Stainton, To- ronto, Wren Elcanor Stainton, Halifax, Mr. and Mns, Fred Samis, Union, Mr. and Mns. C. Garrard at Mr. A. Beech's... Mr. and Mns. D. Carr at Mr. Cecil Rabm's, Union. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself; notbing can bring you peace but triumph of pin- ciples.-Emerson. t matters not what be tby lot, So Love doth guide; For stonma or shine, purc peace is thine, Wbate'er betide. Peace and fricndsbip with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish wc may be pcnmitted to pursue it.-Thomas Jefferson. COUPON SUGAR TE^ COFE SUTTR VALUES 1 pound 2 ounces "1 Pound "~ pound SUN MOPI TUES WED THUÉSDAY FR1 SAT 2 3 > 4 Ca::os 0,21 VldA îMeut Coupons 24 45 ~ g I S1eur Coupons 19, 20 Fserves Coupons D6, Dr 70 1 O 5 butter Coupons 36, 37 vl 2 1 Meut Coupons 25 _____ 14 15 16 17 18 Meut Coupens 26 Volld 19 201 o.cCoffee Coupons 22, 23 24 Sumer Coupons 38, 39 Valici2 21 22 2324125Mt Coupons 27 62 'l 2 3 Butter Coupons 34, 35, 36, 37 Expire À2 qS 2 9 30Meut Coupons 22, 23, 24, 25 Expire P IE V S 6fluid ounces Jam, Joly, Marmelade, Apple Butter, Mopi Butter or H ney Sumer; orHoe COUPON or Maple Syrup; or 1 standard section or 1 pound net) of cut Coimb Hon.>'; or 14 fluld ounces Corn VALUE S Syrup, Can* Syrup or Blended Table Syrup; or 20 fluid ounces (I pint> Molasses; or '/à pound Suger, ICUT THIS CALENDAR OUT AND PIN IT UP IN YOUR KITCHEN, WITH THE OPI it MENTS 0F HARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 367 BOWMANVILLE Salem Rev. Gardner's sermon Sunday contained many worthwhilc thoughts on why we should bclp the temperance cause, and how. Y.P.U. beld a Hallowe'cn social cvcning whcn a number appeancd in costume. Mrs. W. G. Werry, Mr. G. Barrie and Mr. W. Taylor werc judges and pnizes wcrc awarded as follows: Bcst Couple -F. Blackburn and M. March- ment; Group-Mrs. Winter, Mrs. McClure and Dorothy Wýintcr; Boy-Paul Cowel; Girl-Dorothy Wintcr; Lady - F. Blackburn, Gentleman-Mn. McClure; Child, boy-Don Richards; Child, girl- Janie McClure. A pnogram of rcadings and music followcd: violin solo-Mr. W. Taylor; read- ings--Mrs. H. Gaud; piano solo-1 Miss M. Collacutt; vocal duet- Ronald and John Coombes. This was followcd by a contest and the guessing of a pumpkin's wcight. A bountiful luncheon was scrvcd whicb concluded a vcry enjoyable evcning. Friday evening our Y.P.U. was invited to join in Hallowe'en celc- brations at Sbaw's, when a nlum- ber of our folk appeared in cos- tume and some wcre awarded prizes and all enjoycd the splen- did program ,and delicious lunch and also the privilege to be pres- cnt when the Shaw's Home &f Sehool Club pnescntcd Mr. and1 Mrs. Ross Lane, necent bride andf groom, with an occasional chair.1 Sec furtber particulars on another1 page. Mn. J. Cator and son, Mrs. Hobbs and son and daugbtcr, To- ronto, at Mr. and Mns. F. Cator's. On Satunday Mr. and Mrs. Cator had a narrow escape from having thein bouse burned whcn the chimney took f ire and only by the timcly aid of a neighbor, Mr. R. Frances, was it averted. Mr. and Mrs. Samis and Miss Samis, Enfield, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Collacutt's. Orono News Murray Paterson was operated on for appendicitis Monday at Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. K. Fralick and family, Toronto, wcrc gucsts of bis mother, Mrs. L. Fralick, and aunt, Miss M. Davy. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Armour, Nellie and Bertha, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. Park St. Union werc guests of Newcastle Union Monday eve- ning. Orono put on the program which consisted of wonship per- i, in which Evelyn Harnden gave a rcading and Glen Hancock read the Scripture; piano solo by Dawn Moffat. Games and lunch of pic with wbippcd cream, apples and coffee filled in the nemainder of a pleasant cvening. Rev. Little- wood assisted Rcv. Morton and Miss Sallows in judging the cos- tumes. Mr. Luxon was intcrrcd in Onono Cemetery Tuesday aftcn- noon. Park St. W.M.S. met Tuesday. Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Mellor were appointed a nominating committce. Treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. Logan. The W.A. president was asked to cohduct their business pcriod since there would be no meeting of the W.A. this month. Flowers were arranged for Sun- days. Mrs. Staples thcn took charge again and the W.M.S. pro- gram continued. The worship period was conducted by Mrs. Staples who gave a brief talk on responsibility. Scripture was rcad by Mrs. H. Walsh, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mrs. Milton Tamblyn and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Mrs. Staples explaincd the next instalîment of Bible rcading the W.M.S. mem- bers are to do-Acts. Rev. Little- wood, a wclcome guest, led in prayen. Miss Davy led in study of first chapter of new study book, 'For Ahl of Life." Following the meeting the executive met to compîcte plans for the Presby- terial to be held here next week. Lake Shore, Clarke Red Cross met at Mns. Bey. Jaynes' when 24 hospital towels were bemmed. Lake Shore Home & School Club Hallowe'en masquerade wais hcld October 29th. ýA number from No. 9 wcre guests. The prize winners wene: Best Dressed Girls - Margaret and Marie Brown; Boy-Russell Powell; Comic Girl Boy-Ken Gibson; Comie Couple -Ken Gibson and Lloyd Martin. Adult winners were Hazel Powell, Mrs. Robt. Hendry and Mrs. Cbas. Niece, mother, sister are the re- on Cap and Det. Line at the muni- lationships of these people to a tions plant of the Defence In- soldier overseas. They're ]Betty dustries Limited at Ajax. The Welsh., Mrs. Mary Cartwright and above picture originally appeared Mrs. Anne Welsh, of Bowman- in the splendid houle organ called ville, ail Governmcnt Inspectors1 "Commando" of the D.I.L. A MIAN'S FARM 01F TH' COUNTY' .-"IT's A PA.r 0F HlIS COUNTRY! Bowm a ovile Dairy PHONE 446 Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nicholîs, Alfred and Carroll Nicholîs, Wesleyville, at Sid Lan- caster's. . . Peter Graham, R.C. A.F., Birchcliffe, with Mrs. Ham- mond Brown. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bebee, Orono, at Mr. Lan- son Millson's. .. Mr. Arthur Bell, Bowmanville, at Mr. George Stapleton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hughes at Mr. Clinton Far- row's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and family, Tyrone, at Mr. Alfred Brown's... Mrs. Jessie Wannan and daughter, Mrs. Tom- linson and little son, Oshawa, at Mr. Loftus Bellamy's... Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton at Mr. L. D. Bell's, Kendal. .. Mrs. Foster and daughter, Mrs. Hibbard and Joyce, Mrs; Sam Fudge and June, Toronto, and Sam Fudge, R.C. A.F., Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Staple- ton's. . . Pte. Edgar Millson, Woodstock, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap in Oshawa ..Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer and famîly and Mrs. W. Smith at Mr. Mult. Kimball's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Denny, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce at Mr. W. N. Stevens'. Rev. J. McLachlan attended the Alumni at Queen's University, Kingston. Wm. Stapleton has bought Mrs. Jas. Laing's farm. Dorothy Stapleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, won the silver medal for the girls in the W.C.T.U. medal contest in Orono Friday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap (formerly Deane Slceman) who were married in Oshawa, Oct. 23rd. Sid. Lancaster is improving his dwelling with a sun porch. Hallowe'en Party The churcb basement was fit- tingly decorated with orange and black cats, witches and streamers in keeping with the Hallowe'en' party Friday night, given by the scbool children. After ail those in costume bad participated in the grand march, the judges, Mrs. McLacblan and Mr. McMullen, announced their decisions, and the following received prizes: Mrs. Harry Burley, an Indian wo- man leading Indian boy by hand, and papoose on her back; Fred Rowe, a clown; Donald Elliott, a devil; Mrs. McMurray, an old beggar woman; Florence and Eddie Rowe, bride and groom, the bride complete, even to the orange blossoms. The children then pre- sented this program with Edrie Deck acting as chairman: piano solo, Fac Joncs; 'Jinny, the Bad Monkey," a story told by Jim Gil- mer; piano solo, Philp Gilmer; recitation, Fred Rowe; piano solo, Margaret Ovens; reading, Ruth Gordon; p i a n o solo, Shirley Payne; recitation, Bruce Rollings. Games were enjoyed by the younger members after which lunch was scrvcd. Women's Association W.A. met at Mrs, S. Smitb's on Tuesday evening. Sccretary's and Treasurer's reports werc heard. Conveners reported on articles promiscd for the bazaar on Dcc. lst. Twenty boxes for soldiers overseas were reported packcd and mailcd. There is a satisfac- tory balance to take care of the boxes to be sent those in Canada. Mrs. C. Burley and Mrs. Lan- caster werc appointed to look after these in co-operation with the W.I. committce. Roll Cal was a suggestion to hclp along our coming bazaar. Mr. McMullen gave an intcrest- ing description of his motorcycle trip to New Brunswick last sum- mer, and following a social chat, the meeting was dismissed. Next month's committce: Mrs. Geo. Kimbaîl, Mrs. Daynard. Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ail- drcd and Barbara Ann in Simcoe ...Mr. and Mrs, Roy Burlcy, Port Granby, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson, Brown's, at Mr. C. Brown's. . . Mrs. R. Branch, Pauline and Betty, Lockhart's, at Mrs. Robt. Hcndry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Crago, Darlington, Mr. T. McNcil, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. G. Martin's. Mr. Robt. Martin attcndcd Clarke Anniversary. ISES Me~ Woodley at the piano. After sing- lowed. In the guessing contest ing a couple of numbers the ones the number of beans in the jar in costume were asked to parade was 805. Apples and popcorn and prizes were given. Mr. Craig, was passed around after which ail Hampton, Mrs. H. Rundle, Hamp- sang "God Save the King."« ton, and Mr. H. Macklin acted as judges. Through the generosity America has hit her stride. of Mr. Macklin every child in cos- More people have turned Up their turne was remembered. A pro- sîceves than those with upturned gram of fun and foolishness fol- noses. DAYS FOR COLLECTION, Note the new changes of collection and dellvery in your district. This is made necessary by new goverammmt regulations which permit us te caver any oeeistrict one day a week only We wili, therefore, bc Iu Bowmanville SATURDAT ONLYr HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITED FOR ECONOMY Seul yeur cleaulug with yeur Iauudry PHONE - 419 Nestieton Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Samelîs celc brated their 5th wedding anni- versary October 25, at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelîs. A goose supper wa: served in thein honon and during the evcning about 75 friendE gathered to express fond wisbeE and present thcm witb a beautiful studio couch. A short progranr was given including piano solo: by Mrs. George Samelîs, Mrs Lorne Thompson, Gwcn anc Eunice Wilson, vocal solos by Miss K. Simpson and Lconarc Joblin, vocal duet by Jean anc Donna Samelîs. Dressed as bridE and groom, little Jean Samellç and Douglas Pascoe sang, "Put On Your Old Gray Bonnett." AI] joined in singing "For Tbey Are Jolly Good Fellows." Miss Kay Simpson spent the week-end at home. Tbe Hallowe'cn Party held ir Caesarea School was a wondcrful succçss. The Jackson family carrying off a number of prizes. Proceeds $6.00. Duck suppers are the order'o: the day at Fred Frayer's. About 150 wcre entertained one evenini last week. Bradley's Bnadley's Community Clul hcld its opcning meeting for 1943- 44 Oct. 22. President E: Vice anc Sec'y Mrs. C. Naylor conducteÈ the business after which a goot program was given, prcpared b3 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowmar Mrs. Jabez Wright, Blackstoc4 played a lively piano solo anÈ with Mrs. John Slemnon two plan( duets which wene much enjoyeci Miss Yeo favored with an appro. priate reading. Speaker of th( evening was Mrs. Frank Stinsor Blackstock, who vcry capabI3 gave an interesting and educa tional talk on "China-Our Ally.' Mrs. Al Prescott and Mrs. Jas Parrn'conducted two stunts aftei which lunch was served an. social time enjoyed. Oct. 29th Miss Yeo and pupil of the school hcld a Hallowe'er party. Those in costume march cd to lively music playcd by Mrs Jas. Parr. Wben the judges hac made their decision prizes wcri given and they alI unmasked t( reveal their truc identity. A gooc program followcd consisting c recitations, choruses, piano solo! and two humorous dialogues. Al numbers were well given and« credit to the teacher. At the con. clusion of the program Donnu Vice presented Janice Baker witl a token from the teacller an( pupils. Mns. Clifford Naylor reac an address to Maurice and Evelyr Baker expressing regrets tha tbey were leaving oun Club. Mrs Alf Prescott. on behaîf of thý Club, presented a small remem brance to each. Aftcr this Misý Yeo conducted some contests fo: young and old which put ail ii good spirits. Apples, popcorn an( peanuts wcre passed around an( a pîcasant evcning was brough to a close with the Nationa Anthem. Tyrone Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Anthu Moore and son, Eniniskillen, Mi Fred Moore, Bowmanville, witl Mrs. Byron Moore. .. Mn. Ronal Scott and Mrs. Willis Stewarta Mn. Charles Bnown's, Peterbori ..Mn. and Mrs. George Brooks lef t Satunday to spend the winte with thein son, Mn. Arthur Brook, St. Catharines. . . Miss Yvonn Byam, Oshawa, witb Mrs. Walte Park.. . Mrs. Wmn. Macdonald an( Mrs. Ronald Scott with thein aunl Miss C. McKexszie who is quite il in Toronto. .'. Mns. A. W. AnniE Bowmanvillc, with Mrs. L. Hoop er... Mns. A. B. Stephens, Antbu and Beverly, Toronto, at Mn. 19 Burgess. .Mn. and Mrs. Russe] Hannab and Donald, BaltimonE with Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Macdor aid. . . Mrs. R. Hatbcnly bas re turncd home aften visiting in To ronto and Dixie. . . LAC Aldoi Hoar, R.C.A.F., Brantford, an, Mrs. Hoar, Toronto, at Mn. S. 1 Hoar's, and Mn. F. Werry's.. LAC Gordon Hill, Fingal, wit] bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Aiber Hills. Friday aftennoon the pupilsc tbe school held a Hallowcee panty whcn sevenal ladiès wer invited. A splendid pnognam Wa gîven by the childrcn. Afte which Mns. Pbilp and the pupil served sandwiches, tea and cand; On Satunday evening a mas qucrade and Hallowe'en pari was bcld in the community Hal for the benefit of the Win Or Class. Mns. A. Gardner acted a Ien tj aèt THURSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1943 TRE CANADIAÙ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR CXet Ready Now ýd Isu ifor Cold y S. 0 )fWeather )SO 10 af 1- ham Although new goods aren ýdf hard to get, we have been atD fortunate la receiving 0 ieD several shipments of - 0 ,r In B Ladies' Fail al0 n Winter ot llSome are plain while others have fur collars, but ail are very at- n tractive in the newest styles and0 Id 0 very reasonably priced. at f Cs * IN OUR ýs, MEN'S DEPARTMVENT ... I 0 ~ Men'S New Suits sP_ Br and O'coats a 0 aIN TWEEDS and WORSTED.0 e- 0 ed 't gtOrfull quota of 0-)nSuits for Fail and Winter - but we T have just reccived a shipment that will th ~satisfy the most particular customer0 nr who wants to be well dressed and at a I ofl 1f moderato price. eI THIS STORE CLOSES AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT f ty- couch, Johnston& Cryderman .lnPhone 836 King stfl n Ls 9 s ýs il n d y d d e e e n il y 9 b 1- d ýd d y 1. k, d Lo

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